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Mainstream Propaganda Machine Fuming As ‘Putin’s Isolation’ Myth Crumbles

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Mainstream Propaganda Machine Fuming As 'Putin's Isolation' Myth Crumbles

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

For two and a half years, we’ve been told that Russia is an “international pariah”, while its president, the “evil dictator” and “bloodthirsty madman” Vladimir Putin, is “isolated” and “hated by everyone”. An endless stream of absurd lies was constantly fed to hundreds of millions, with certifiably insane claims, including that Putin ordered the shelling of his own soldiers (in nuclear power plants, no less), the destruction of Russian dams, bridges and pipelines, and even a drone strike on himself.

If we didn’t know anything about the Russian president before the mainstream propaganda machine launched its massive smear campaign, we’d think Putin is truly some kind of an “infernal monster out to get us all”. However, considering just how “cartoonishly evil” he seems in Western media, this prompts people to question the ludicrous narrative, as it’s devoid of any logic.

It should be noted that President Vladimir Putin never really cared much about what sort of image of him the mainstream propaganda machine is painting. He was perfectly aware of the fact that the sovereigntist policies put forward during his presidency would make him universally hated in the political West, as its plans for Russia included anything but sovereignty.

As Atlanticist imperialists themselves admitted, their idea was to “decolonize Russia” (the prefix “de” is redundant in this case), or in other words, to destroy it and take hold of its endless resources. The “evil dictator” (who keeps organizing elections for “some reason”) not only prevented this, but also ensured Russia’s resurgence to superpower status. However, Putin’s “greatest sin” is not even this, but the fact that he’s one of the architects of the multipolar world order that’s slowly dismantling the “rules-based” one.

As one of the “founding fathers” of BRICS (as well as its current “plus” format), Vladimir Putin enjoys unprecedented authority and respect in the actual world, where sovereign leaders are not compelled to either follow anyone or to do anything that’s not in line with their national interests. The multipolar world stands in stark contrast to the political West, where only a handful of countries can call themselves allies of the United States, with everyone else being in tiers of vassals and satellite states. To the warmongering oligarchies in Washington DC and Brussels, the BRICS Summit in Kazan is a “grotesque gathering of dictators”. However, what’s most interesting is the fuming of the mainstream propaganda machine, as the summit completely destroys years of their smear campaign aimed at presenting Russia as a “universally hated pariah”.

The Guardian argues that “Putin returned to the world stage by hosting 36 leaders at the BRICS Summit”. However, this “return” exists only in the “parallel reality” of the political West’s microcosm. In our actual timeline, the Russian president never left the stage. He was always there, meticulously (re)building Moscow’s connections with the actual world (also known as the “jungle” in the European Union). And while the political West keeps blaming Putin for everything, its warmongering oligarchies fail to realize that, by escalating the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict, they only accelerated multipolarity. With the US-led power pole’s almost universal aggression against the entire world, much of that same world realizes that BRICS, SCO and similar organizations offer not only a viable alternative, but a truly different, sovereigntist future devoid of (neo)colonialism.

This is precisely why the mainstream propaganda machine is so desperate to denigrate the BRICS Summit, as well as those who participate in it. Even the Western-controlled United Nations is under fire, as its Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is attending the summit. Bloomberg, Time and CNN all had no choice but to admit that Putin is “far from isolated” and that Russia is “not a pariah”. And while the mainstream propaganda machine is busy with damage control, the whole world sees the power of multipolar unity in Kazan. Namely, Moscow successfully mediated between Beijing and Delhi, bringing an official end to the conflict in the Himalayas, one of the most persistent obstacles to the cohesion and growth of the multipolar world. With India and China finally reaching a peace agreement, both Asian giants are on the path to resolving their long-standing border disputes.

This agreement also resulted in a bilateral meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the first since October 2019. The document includes the regulation of border patrols, which will pull back from the LAC (line of actual control) and disengage to avoid clashes. Instead, the two militaries will patrol contested points along the border according to an agreed-upon schedule.

This is a rather disturbing development for the US-led political West, as it hoped to continue exploiting the Sino-Indian border crisis to not only slow down the advent of multipolarity, but to also extend the so-called “China containment” area all the way to the Himalayas. Washington DC thought it could get Delhi on its side, but the latter’s multivectored foreign policy framework is too robust to allow such a downgrade of Indian sovereignty.

Thus, the plot to divide the multipolar world suffered yet another humiliating defeat, once again confirming the commitment of BRICS to ensure global peace. And to make matters even worse for the US and NATO, for the umpteenth time, Russian President Vladimir Putin proved that he’s not only able to keep the political West at bay, successfully fighting off its crawling aggression, but to also continue expanding Russia’s geopolitical reach and global influence without having an empire maintained by hundreds of military bases and without engaging in threats, sanctions, arm-twisting, etc.

This makes the Russian president not only an asset to his country (a fact confirmed by almost universal support he enjoys from his electorate), but also to the entire actual world, as he’s able to compartmentalize global issues without forcing anything on anyone like the political West does.


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snow den

hmm. i can object to this with the list of (former) russian allies. yugoslavia. lost due to russian inaction. libya, iraq – the same. syria-russia has shown limited action, so the country is in limbo for 20 years, at the mercy of israel. armenia. – the same and they lost karabakh to the azerbaijanis. moldova – a few days ago, they were lost the referendum. donbass/luhansk – torn by the war, abandoned by russia in 2014, now russia finally defendthem, but it is long too late.

snow den 2

to summarize, russia has lost manyformer allies, including countries with russian enclaves. the only exceptions are belarus, crimea, abkhazia, kazakhstan…. but of course, they have lucky “winners”. turkey – waging their own war against russia in syria. north korea. criminal regime with atomic bomb and crazy dictator. india. a sworn enemy of china and a treacherous state, on the level of turkey. china -a brutal country that has so far taken out its aggression on its own population.

snow den 3

apparently, putin despises his friends and entire slavic nations that have had ties to russia for millennia, but he is all excited for new adventures with the worst whores, when he is running into troubles. when he received the most amazing sanctions in the world from the west, he turned into the arms of china, whose trade is 90 percent about west. and guess what trump will do. he will slap 60 percent tariffs on them.. so good luck, china and russia.

Last edited 5 months ago by snow den 3

36% of everything that is produced in the world is made in china. the united snakes makes 6 million tons of steel a month. china 100 million. 80% of the world’s electric vehicles. 50% of the electric batteries. and most of everything else. good luck with the tariffs, donny boy.


“and most of everything else”

including pants of hillbillies and mattress flags. more tariffs – less pants for people with low wage (majority in every country apart qatar or brunei).

AM Hants

as president putin has stated, he did not turn his back on the west, but, they turned their backs on him. who was behind splitting up yugoslavia? who want to do the same to russia? at the end of the day, the east is on the rise and the west, through the stupidity of wef graduate politicians, have lost their way and on the demise.


isn’t talmudistan the criminal regime with atomic bomb and crazy dictator?

AM Hants

1917, the bolsheviks overthrew the russian empire, which led to the creation of the bolshevik soviet union. it fell in 1991. why did so many of the former soviet union members, gallop with their begging bowls to the bolshevik european union, if they experienced so much pain whilst members of the bolshevik soviet union. meanwhile, russia, free from the shackles of her ungrateful neighbours moved forward, with fingers up to the city of london created bolsheviks and all their envy and greed.


in 1917 liberals and military overthrew monarchy in russia. head of the stuff general alexeev arrested the emperor and gave authority to the provisional government of kerenskiy. it was in february. in october lenin and his russian social-democratic labor party overthrew liberals. bolshevik is majorist. majorists and minorists are fractions of rsdlp. learn history better.

Florian Geyer

very well said, ‘am’. you are in top form as always.


nobody asked nerd

Edgar Zetar

when you learn some basics about geopolitics you can comment again. not even a k7 kid would believe your comments. the propaganda machine only creates bots without even common sense.

Conan M

to russian leadership that will see putin announcing the russian federation’s jettisoning or complete detachment from the world bank/imf and last but not least the death star itself the un/unsc with or without the endorsement of the prc and india and the rest of the briics. say “when”?… like it was 2014!… or for that matter 2001!!!… so much damage already done… “so little time”!…

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M
AM Hants

it will also see the end of the eu and nato. peace to all.

MAGA Moses

when i’m elected, i shall part russia and china like i did the red sea.

Gerry Francis

russian energy sector is in deep trouble when renewables and electricity growth are replacing fossile energy to more clean and effectivity systems.gazprom is already hanging on the ropes.


yes, sure. lol. just ask germany how it is going with much higher gas prices. there is a reason why renewables didn’t take over fossil fuels on their own, without governement mandates. it’s because they are way less effective.

Last edited 5 months ago by MacZ

let him read about black calm, when dark clouds cover the skies and no wind. it’s not very rare weather in germany. heavy industry need permanent source of generation. steel production can’t wait for sun and wind or their martens will stop forever, if liquid steel inside get cool. recycling of electric accumulators is expensive, they contain poisonous materials such as mercury. solar panels and wind generators produce expensive kilowatts. more expensive energy = less competitive industry.


tree hugger bedtime stories

Jonas Strandval

electricity in europe is now more expensive than ever before and renewable energies have not decimated the fossil energy sector in any way. this is a big strategic step that makes the eu weaker. now the eu is desperately trying to buy pipeline gas from russia, via the china – india – turkey – belgium detour. only china is ahead of the times and is seriously relying on renewable energies.

AM Hants

eu and nato won’t be around for much longer, thanks to russia.


+ germany closed all their npp. china is not relying on alternative sources. they just see profitable market in the eu and ready to sell any crap to fools, if they are ready to pay. in the same time they are building new nuclear stations and modernizing coal ones with impressive modern technologies (super-critical steam pressure, more effective filters), which make coal attractive even for such countries as uae. arabs want to build several coal blocks (1 gigawatt each) using chinese technology.


dont watch too much mainstream media lol


why do u still think posting stupidities changes reality? why do u enjoy showing us how ignorant u are ? because of people like u we are being defeated in front of the whole world….

AM Hants

you do realise that fossile fuels are only a small part of russian exports, don’t you? plus, don’t you need fossil fuels to create electricity? not gazprom hanging on the ropes, but, can see many wef graduate politicians hanging from them, in the not to distant future.


“gasprom” is not hanging. in 2022 western sodomites shot their own leg — -100 billion cubic meters of gas consumption led to economy stagnation. prices abroad at least 3 times higher than inside russia, so it was significant loss, but not critical. 500 out of 700 bln m3 of gas are consumed inside, it’s more than in eu or in china (400-450 bln each). china buys more, so gp will restore their profit, because ‘green’ = death to industry, and china want to have living production.


sniffing that green shirt cocaine there eh???

Vlad The Put Put

putin’s military is lacking more cannon fodder and that’s why russia had to ask northkoreans and african negroes for help. just how pathetic russian military really is.

Potemkin Village

putin has been another disaster to russia. it’s not hard to make conclusions that russia is marching to another chaos.

Jürgen Grabowski

no matter how pathetic russia’s military is, it’s enough for the shithole ukraine ⚡💥

in germany, ukrainians steal toilets, as they allegedly do not know what this is 🚽

in ukraine they shit on the streets, these dirty pigs 🐖

AM Hants

you will also find san francisco streets full of human faeces. funny how the dems running san francisco and controlling events in ukraine so love their people to live in shit. meanwhile, russian streets are known for their cleanliness.


drug addicted and alcoholics will shit up everything. small dogs too. there are no big fines against their owners, so they keep shitting and our streets not so clean as wished to be. though in big cities in russia no such amounts of addicted and homeless people and trash after them like in la. it looks like 90’s in russia, but with skyscrapers.


putin is smarter than all g7 idiot iq’s combined. try again. seriously, all this constant bitching and whining about putin for over 20 years is all because putin stopped the west from plundering russian resources. i know it hurts. but its time to move on from your sore losses. you have gender bending to be doing and recruiting 18 year old ukrainians to die for jewish nazi pigs. back to work

Last edited 5 months ago by hasbarats

it’s not hard when all the seven has one brain of joe or kamala. rest are servants of this mighty brain. lackeys must be even more stupid than master or they will decide to rule by own will, it’s unacceptable for real democracy.

AM Hants

go back to 31 december 1999 and what state was russia in? now it has the 4th largest economy, over $630 billion in currency/gold reserves. minimal debt (17% gdp debt). free healthcare, free education (including university level), flat rate tax that even oligarchs have to pay, and full control of it’s vast wealth of natural resources. if that is chaos, i wish the uk was marching the same way.


university education is partly free, you should have very high score to get it free, so just ~15-20% of all students have such possibility. tax rate is not flat now. gov-t added 2-4% for people with high and very high wage. not a big difference though.


will the north koreans only have shovels to fight with, like the russians? and, more importantly, are they going to eat all our dogs?


okay expert, then why does ukraine have foreigners helping them since 2014. see how your argument doesn’t make sense? troll

AM Hants

really? is there any ukrainian gene pool left? 20% of the nation has returned home to russia and they are having to conscript the pensioners and kids to feed the ‘meat grinder’. not forgetting, russia has not only become stronger, but, now has the 4th largest economy.

AM Hants

ukraine, are having to conscript the pensioners and kids to feed the ‘meat grinder’.


god creates them, they come together…the walk of the sad , drago the propaganda machine of the dictarships , kremlinn well behave sheep


desperate putin hosts most of the world’s leaders in russia to try to pretend he isn’t isolated.

fog in channel: europe cut off.

AM Hants

you contradict yourself. if he was isolated, why would his brics partners, and would be brics applicants bother going to the summit? brics, with over half the world’s population, control of the majority of natural resources, $60 trillion currency assets and major administration and industrial centres. what has the west got to offer? wef graduate politicians, controlling nato and the eu, which are on their last legs.


ah but he must be isolated because starmer and the daily torygraph says he is. he only has good relations with tiny, insignificant countries like china, india, and a paltry 100 or so other countries. so you see, he’s totally isolated. fog in channel, europe cut off.


what the fog is going on in the channel?! turn it off or switch to another channel.


it was sarcasm and parody on western msm. gordon chang from “bloomberg” love to say how china is dying every day, because economy is in stagnation and growth is lower than predicted. in reality growth is not lower than predicted and much bigger than almost everywhere. percents of growth get lower from year to year, but this is still +1 trillion (if count in dollars) to gdp annually. and it’s not playing with statistics, but real industrial growth, but gordon keep on lying.


wakey wakey they always cover both sides so they don’t give a toss which side seems to win or lose. grow up.


that’s their defintion of being neutral.

Salvatore Adamo

judging by a washington post article, it is obvious they already know trump-vance will win. they’re talking about how the few days left of biden’s lame duck presidency can create the most chaos in the ukraine war. too bad for them the us,israel are in a self inflicted quagmire thanks to their unconditional obedience to aipac and war criminal netanyahu, the us weapons that could defend ukraine are going to israel so they can keep their slaughter of tiny gaza and lebanon

AM Hants

weren’t they hoping that israel would hit iran and cancel out brics publicity? only a whistle blower prevented it from happening. has anybody seen the unleashed news video on ‘kamala funds nazis’?


nothing is more satisfying than watching zionists and western fake media squirm. putin is good at trolling the moronocracy

Last edited 5 months ago by hasbarats

media and governments in the west trying to spin the narrative they created in the first place. lying about their own lies.

AM Hants

starmer and his special adviser, morgan mcsweeney who is now his chief of staff, went over to visit harris. promising to show her how to win the starmer way???? the same mcsweeney who is trying to take down musk and x-twitter, by cancelling ‘free speech’ in the eu, uk and us. reminds me of boris, back in 2016, when he was foreign secretary and working with clinton to take out trump, courtesy ‘steele dossier/russia gate’.

Edgar Zetar

that’s the norm, you must expect the liers will lie till the end, not the opossite.


nations representing about 45 percent of the worlds population were in attendance and even more nations want to be there. definitely not isolated. only the racist “west”, who has sanctions on many of these same “global south” nations, only the west says russia is isolated in their propaganda media.

AM Hants

it is the west that are finding themselves isolated. i look forward to nations hoping to join the eu, walking away and joining the brics applicants, especially serbia.


the dogs bark (nazi nafo nazostanis) while the caravan (the majority of the world) marches on.


america bombs things. china builds things. most people prefer building things to bombing things.

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