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Mainstream Propaganda Machine’s Laughable Meltdown Over Putin Interview

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Mainstream Propaganda Machine's Laughable Meltdown Over Putin Interview

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

As expected, Tucker Carlson is getting a lot of flak for conducting his interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin. He’s not merely being accused of “spreading Russian propaganda” (he’s long been accustomed to that, as well as the mainstream propaganda machine’s obsession with all sorts of deranged “Russia, Russia, Russia” conspiracy theories), but there’s an actual push in the European Union to sanction Carlson. It seems journalists doing journalism is considered “heresy” by most other mainstream “journalists”. The Guardian’s Adam Gabbatt is unhappy that the interview was “neither a talk show nor a real conversation”, so he went on to parrot every propaganda trope in the book. Al Jazeera’s Mansur Mirovalev insists that Putin is “obsessed”, concluding his remarks by quoting a certain Valentin, the Kiev regime’s drone operator who allegedly complained that both Putin and Carlson are “conspiracy theorists” and that “Ukraine is real and it will prevail“.

In a piece published by Politico, a German-owned publication infamous for attempts to whitewash Nazism, Sergey Goryashko claimed that Putin supposedly “lied”. Among several propaganda claims he used to, as he says, “debunk” Putin’s points was that the Neo-Nazi junta frontman Volodymyr Zelensky “only signed a decree banning negotiations specifically with Putin, not Russia as a country”. Such ludicrous claims aren’t only false, but are even childish. Pushed by the United States, United Kingdom and NATO, the Kiev regime certainly broke the March 2022 peace deal that could have ended the special military operation (SMO) in less than a month. What’s more, it even publicly promotes its so-called “10-point peace plan” that boils down to Russia’s unconditional capitulation, a fantasy that the political West wholeheartedly supports and even promotes through some sort of absurd unilateral “peace talks”. In doing so, the Neo-Nazi junta effectively codified the impossibility of a peaceful settlement.

So much for Putin “lying”. However, that’s only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to frenzied attacks by the mainstream propaganda machine. In a piece for The New Yorker, Masha Gessen, the infamous “woke” ideologue obsessed with Putin, called the interview “boring”. She (although Gessen insists her pronouns are “they/them”, a request I earnestly refuse to comply with) obviously loathes historical facts, so the trouble she has with going through the entire interview, a problem most likely exacerbated by her two-second attention span (tends to happen to a lot of people staring at reels all day), perfectly explains her rather poor judgment of Putin’s points. Then came the “fact-checkers” such as Charlie Hancock of the Amsterdam-based Moscow Times who essentially repeated several of Goryashko’s long-debunked claims and added a few of his own. After all, what would the mainstream propaganda machine ever do without “fact-checkers“?

Of course, Hancock wasn’t the only one. The UK’s state-run BBC also published its own version, “fact-checking Putin’s nonsense history“. It would seem Masha Gessen isn’t the only one who skipped history classes in primary school, as the BBC’s Ido Vock quoted several self-styled “experts” and “pundits” to supposedly “debunk Putin’s rambling”, as he called it, clearly implying that he was also bored by the interview, which further indicates just how much he actually knows about the topic he covered for the UK’s state-run news agency. And of course, there’s also the Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), claiming that Carlson’s Putin interview supposedly serves as a “propaganda platform”, which is quite rich coming from a literal CIA front formed to spread Washington DC’s state-sponsored propaganda. The Economist insists that “Russia’s president is not a man to be trusted, still less to emulate or admire”, because, luckily, they “know Putin’s real message” better than he himself does.

Newsweek’s Brendan Cole quoted Oleksandra Matviichuk, the Kiev regime’s “human rights activist”, who also slammed Carlson. Comically enough, Cole insists that Matviichuk’s opinion “matters” because she’s a Nobel Peace Prize winner. Is it even necessary to explain just how politicized that vaunted “peace prize” is when laureates include people like Barrack Obama and Al Gore? The Obama administration came to power criticizing the previous government run by George W. Bush for its aggression across the Middle East. Obama promised to end these wars, which is why he got the once-prestigious award in the first place. However, as soon as Bush left the White House, Obama expanded his aggression from two countries (Iraq and Afghanistan) to another five (Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan), seven in total. Worse yet, during Obama’s presidency (2009-2017), Washington DC launched ten times more airstrikes than under Bush, killing millions of innocent civilians in the process.

While the DNC-dominated media always try to whitewash Obama by shifting blame solely on Bush, it should be noted that the former personally authorized at least 6,000 drone strikes (approximately 2 per day during 8 years of his presidency), although the actual number may be orders of magnitude higher. So much for Obama’s contribution to “peace”. As for Al Gore, his active role in the Clinton administration’s war crimes and aggression on Serbia/former Yugoslavia requires an entirely separate analysis. However, as previously mentioned, this isn’t the end of the mainstream propaganda machine’s attempts to denigrate Putin’s interview with Carlson. The Associated Press (AP) insists that Russia’s president “missed the bigger picture”, so they felt the urge to “fill the gaps” with five points, composed largely of debunked propaganda tropes. And yet, these were expanded to nine in another piece by Politico, signed by Eva Hartog and, once again, Sergey Goryashko.

The key takeaway is that the mainstream propaganda machine is in meltdown over the interview, seen by hundreds of millions (if not billions at this point) on TV and across numerous Internet platforms. The political West is genuinely terrified of Putin’s global popularity, so the goal is to try and tarnish his reputation by twisting his remarks or simply telling outright lies about him. And while the interview may seem lengthy (by today’s standards), Putin simply had to get a lot of propaganda out of the way, as NATO and its Neo-Nazi puppets have been falsifying historical facts about Ukraine quite intensively, particularly in recent times, all in an attempt to show that the country supposedly has “nothing to do with Russia“. In that sense, websites such as Wikipedia have experienced an unprecedented number of edits with the goal of promoting these historically baseless claims. Putin is certainly aware of that, which is why he had to explain the complex history of the Ukrainian conflict.

Putin’s intellect and encyclopedic knowledge of history, law, intelligence and several other key fields are a massive boost to Russia’s already world-class diplomacy. This stands in stark contrast to the US and its current administration. Could anyone imagine Joe Biden giving an unscripted, two-hour-long interview to a foreign journalist, much less one conducted with near-scholarly precision? Regardless of whether one adores or loathes President Putin, the fact is that the increasingly unpopular and impotent leaders of the political West are simply no match for him, which is why we never see any of them giving remotely similar interviews to journalists of Tucker Carlson’s caliber. And while he might be among the most prominent journalists to ever interview Putin, Russia’s president is well-known for hours-long discussions with hundreds (if not thousands) of journalists from all over the world, without any papers, cliff notes or scripted questions. He simply doesn’t need them.


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actually, the entire world is even more laughing at putin after the interview. he showed his admiration for hitler and the nazis and showed that he knows absolutely nothing about history. you can’t even access x in russia 🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆


what a sad fkn clown u are, u sound like a hysterical zionist freak, complete with obvious genetic disposition to severe paranoia…

Last edited 1 year ago by Dstroj
_Tom Sawyer_

dont insult my nazis reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

stephan williams

you’re a pathetic excuse for a human, tom, and to add to your misfortunes, you’re a bat shite cwazy serial liar too.

it’s gotta be hell being u.

_Tom Sawyer_

no i am not, i support nazism so i am on the right side of history!


feeding a troll….


if entire world laughing at putin what are they doing with demented old joe biden? 😄😆😝💤💤💤💤 gooooo putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺

Last edited 1 year ago by FOAB

tomsawyer needs to make his rounds at the local ukrainian troll farm or he won’t make his few dollars to feed himself while he hides in his basement far away from the battlefield.


does he have a gofundme page we don’t want him eating bugs or do we??

Last edited 1 year ago by FOAB

amazed americlowns are not tired of hearing about bush, clinton, obama, gore and the rest of their perverted puppets of the past…


why should they ? as long as world accept their 20trillion usd deficits per year they would be fools to change anything.


the world is excepting dollars in trade less and less


mainstream already spammed internet with “comments” on that 2h interview so nobody in the west is able to find the link to that interview anymore.


nothing will change in the west. the only thing that was new to me is how super-turbo-naive is putin, lavrov and advisors. west deceived them 100 times. normal man would do that one or two times but they are repeating the same mistake until now. btw how many ceasefires lavrov brokered in syria during liberating of allepo ? 50 times and all of them were broken? russia must crush ukraine to the last soldier and nato advisor, no peace talks with west at all.


the west loves p because he’s weak, and afraid of annoying yoosa. history lessons don’t endear him to anyone, he’s a president not a lecturer! the west must fear rus but (after 2 yrs floundering smo and failure to protect dnbs, syr or plst) they don’t.

thanks to tckr’s cia approved therapy session the west now knows for sure p’s frit, so expect nto escalation against rus within weeks.

the bbc also psychologically probed gaddafi only 2 weeks before uk bombing. coincidence???

Last edited 1 year ago by B.F.Finlayson

never stop derping. the us is the most powerful empire in world history. the rulers were never going to “fear rus”. they know that the russian state is an obstacle to total control in europe. it has been since 1999, and remains so.


yoosa is busted flush technologically, economically and militarily. like an ever expanding dying star, it reaches out to steal resources and appropriate land – but this only weakens it further.

alas, p is eu/yoosa fanboy, and won’t apply the coup de grace to a weak murika no matter how many 000s are being slaughtered to support the yankee mic. instead he turns his head and looks backwards, thus abrogating his responsibility to push back; whether in ukr, syr or plstn.


putin knows what needs to be done to avoid a nuke war with a decaying desperate empire. he treads carefully and precisely.


‘he treads carefully and precisely’

in other words he’s afraid of murika’s empty threats. as a result countless 000s in ukr, donbs, plst, ymn and the levant are falling victim to murikan munitions in the hands of ukranzis, zionzis and terrornzis like isis.

if rus (superpower, allegedly) had stood up in 2014 or earlier, murika would have backed off. now neocons sense the big prize is possible.

p needs to read politics not history.


what coup de grace, derpster? the dollar still rules. it rules in russia and it rules in china.


the dollar still rules with $33trn (declared!) debt and falling market share it can never recover, with a world recession around the corner?? it can’t afford wars, but peace will decimate its economy.

murika was kicked out of afghnstn, humiliated yet rus failed to take back dnbs, kiev and odessa in spring 2022 (or kick thieving us-gangsters out of syr in 10 yrs). should have been easy for a superpower, ask the taliban.

no-one quite does fear of useless yankees like rus does.


the murica empire is now a woke laughingstock and treated very suspiciously by people all around the world. it doesn’t have the same reputation it once did. less and less people trust the u.s.


no one but imbeciles ever trusted the us. they are not broke because they can have a negative balance of payments and still operate, which no other country can do. the global finance system is dollar-based, and that has not changed. their army is a paper tiger, but they have advanced coms and a cloud economy that nobody else can touch. the woke business is just part of divide and rule.


‘the global finance system is dollar-based, and that has not changed.’

are you quite sure? the dollar trade share has plunged drastically since 2019 and particularly 2022, even in world oil. brics trade share is now greater than g7. in commodities yuan increasingly rules etc etc.

murika is f*c*ed. it can’t keep printing $$s when nobody wants $$s except half witted argentine presidents!

Edgar Zetar

russia is not lybia you moron, even my five year old son is more intelligent. you definitely are a western raised bot.

Edgar Zetar

putin and lavrorv are not stupid and not naive either, russia is in weak position against usa empire, if you don’t get that usa empire is a military empire mostly, and that russia is not the urss, so they are in disadvantage, they had to acept any proposal coming from the ‘supreme hegemon’ of the usa empire. ukraine is the first time that russia decided to go against the usa empire rules directly.

_Tom Sawyer_

even i as a staunch nazi am laughing at our american government. but i am taking them seriously, as i have to pay my taxes.



“journalists of carlson’s caliber”? the man is literally a second-generation propaganda asset of us intelligence. the ukraine fiasco is beyond redemption, so you get spin like this. it’s on a par with deep, deep, deep state asset ellsberg leaking the pentagon papers, or assange leaking shit that was not secret to the major outlets of the us intelligence-owned mainstream press.


it tooks balls to interview putin. putin isn’t a fool that much was clear. i loved his put down: are we here to do a talk show or a serious interview.the problem putin has is that western politicians dont have a clue about history and the eastern european political class are playing them for the fools they are. and tge us neocons who are mostly east european descent are clearly intent on sticking it to russia for the wrongs perpetrated against their forebears.


putin’s performance was virtuoso. tucker’s was not. he was completely unprepared. he should have geared up like a lawyer preparing for a deposition. instead he was woefully unprepared to ask any tough questions. his own knowledge of history was abysmal. he was all giggles and cute. unfortunately that’s the common state of our middle class “intelligentsia”: clueless. putin wasn’t hurt a bit but tucker descended several rungs of the ladder in the estimation of any objective observer.


great interview, i thought both of them were extremely good and it was very interesting throughout. it lays the groundwork for a potential trump victory and change of direction for the us, if that happens.


it’s not that much what he said and who he said it to it is the fact that the west has gotten used that every important news outlet is owned by someone who has similar interests then them and so wont say something that goes against those interests. tucker interviewing putin is not the problem someone beeing able to do this without having to go threw the usual approval channels is.


lol 50 more years with comedy material for hollywood, watching a president acting like an ignorat trying to fake the history, more icecream with the forehead, russian specialty

Edgar Zetar

it’s so sad what the masters of western world are doing with their own childrens, the children’s of the doomed empire. they will modify everything according to the master convenience, change wikipedia page its just the tip of the iceberg, they are erasing cultural memory and religion with propoganda, they are very advance at this point. four generations after wwii show us the real fact that you can do whatever you wanted with the childrens of the occupied countries after full capitulation

Edgar Zetar

about putin interview, my critic and applause to mister putin because he was extremely apologetic, putin had chosen every word very carefully. the only true part was when tucker carlson say to putin to win the propaganda war against the west… the laugh of mister putin was sincere, the rest was very apologetic, and mister putin is a master as beign apologetic and used dialect and rethoric with the children of propaganda tucker carlson.

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