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UPDATED: Major Attack Of Ukrainian & US Drones On Russian Black Sea Fleet In Sevastopol, Crimea

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UPDATED: Major Attack Of Ukrainian & US Drones On Russian Black Sea Fleet In Sevastopol, Crimea

Russian soldiers guard a pier where two Ukrainian naval ships are moored, in Sevastopol, Ukraine, on Wednesday, March 5, 2014.


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UPDATED: Major Attack Of Ukrainian & US Drones On Russian Black Sea Fleet In Sevastopol, Crimea

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UPDATED: Major Attack Of Ukrainian & US Drones On Russian Black Sea Fleet In Sevastopol, Crimea
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UPDATED: Major Attack Of Ukrainian & US Drones On Russian Black Sea Fleet In Sevastopol, Crimea

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On the morning of October 29th, the city of Sevastopol in Crimea was subjected to the major attack by Ukrainian, British and US UAVs. This was the largest attack on the Russian city since the beginning of the Russian military operations in Ukraine. This is the first coordinated attack on Crimea by a swarm of drones in three dimensions.

The attack began at about 4:30 am local time. The air defense systems in Sevastopol repelled drone attacks for several hours. The ships of the Black Sea Fleet three times repelled the attacks by the enemy UAVs and the coastal air defenses repelled two more attacks off the coast of the city. The Armed Forces of Ukraine attempted to hit the Russian fuel terminal in Sevastopol. At the same time, the swarm of UAVs targeted the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

The Russian Ministry of Defence clarified that in total 9 UAVs and 7 unmanned surface vehicle (USV) were involved in the attack on ships of the Black Sea Fleet and civilian vessels in Sevastopol.

All air targets were destroyed. 4 USVs were destroyed on the outer roadstead of Sevastopol, 3 more vehicles were destroyed on the inner roadstead.

According to the locals, a semi-submersible drone was destroyed this morning near Omega Bay in Sevastopol. Probably it was similar to what was discovered off the coast of Soldier’s Beach in September. LINK According to unconfirmed reports, underwater UAVs were also involved in the attack.

UPDATE: Ukrainian media published video of the USVs attempting to attack ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in the bay of Sevastopol:



The Defence Ministry confirmed that the sea minesweeper Ivan Golubets and net boom in Yuzhnaya Bay received minor damage.

According to Ukrainian media, 4 ships received various damage, including the flagship of the fleet – the frigate Admiral Makarov. The local sources in Sevastopol clarified that the Admiral Makarov frigate also received minimal surface damage from shrapnel as a result of the detonation of the naval drone ammunition destroyed on the inner roadstead of Sevastopol Bay.

UPDATE: The hull of the minesweeper Ivan Golubets was pierced, but it is afloat. In addition to shrapnel damage to the hull of the frigate Admiral Makarov, its radar system was disabled.

The Russian Ministry of Defence claimed that the preparation of this attack was coordinated by British specialists deployed in the city of Ochakov, Mykolaiv region in Ukraine.

“The preparation of the terrorist act in Sevastopol and the training of servicemen of the Ukrainian 73rd special Center for naval operations were carried out under the guidance of British specialists.”

“The specialists of the British Navy who were preparing the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the terrorist attack in Sevastopol are involved in the undermining of the Nord Stream gas pipelines.” the Russian Defence Ministry claimed.

The US RQ-4B Global Hawk reconnaissance UAV, which took off from Sicily, has been circling over the neutral waters of the Black Sea near Crimea for several hours, according to Flightradar data. According to open sources, the reconnaissance flight of the US UAV took place at an altitude of 17 kilometers above the neutral waters.

UPDATED: Major Attack Of Ukrainian & US Drones On Russian Black Sea Fleet In Sevastopol, Crimea

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UPDATED: Major Attack Of Ukrainian & US Drones On Russian Black Sea Fleet In Sevastopol, Crimea

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According to the governor of Sevastopol Mikhail Razvozhaev, the facilities in Sevastopol were not affected, and the situation is under control.

Some media shared photos of the smoke seen on the coast near Sevastopol claiming the fire broke out as a result of the drone attack on the city. Some sources clarified that the fire was seen on a training ground for mobilized Marines where burning tires were used for training.

UPDATED: Major Attack Of Ukrainian & US Drones On Russian Black Sea Fleet In Sevastopol, Crimea

Click to see full-size image

The Russian military recalled that the ships of the Black Sea Fleet that were subjected to the attack are involved in ensuring the security of the corridor used for export of Ukrainian grain. The attack on the Black Sea Fleet as well as the possible use of the maritime corridors for transfer of explosives for terrorist attacks on the Russian territory pose the threat to the further extension of the grain deal.


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Sencillamente hay que destruir toda la cadena de mando ucraniana, donde quiera que se encuentre.


hay que ir por toda la costa ucraniana, convertirla en Rusia de una vez por todas

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

If the UAVs took off from Sicily, the the RF has to hit Sicily. What are you waiting for? Are you a coward?

The Outsider

That would be a attack on NATO country, hell would break loose. Shoot that shit over neutral waters instead.


NATO has the right to attack Russia, and Russia should response and deffend itself.


Way wrong buddy, NATO has no rights at all to attack Russia or give any support to Ukraine like they are doing now. Ukraine is not a part of the NATO’s allegiance nor is it a member of and Russia is not attacking Europe in any way, shape or form nor plan to. The only reason NATO, EU and stolen election not POTUS Biden and gang are. Is because they are puppets of the deep state who sold out their counties and are protecting the deep state who run Ukraine crooked government and operates a lot of their illegal crap out of there. Your just a dumb ass troll parroting what the deep state want. America and Russia to fight each other. Taking the heat off them which is not going to happen. Russia has won already. Its only a matter of time. WWG1WGA

V for victory

All true, BUT USA properly WANT this happens. And it will be no good for anyone else.

AM Hants

NATO and the US are trying everything and more to make Russia kick off. The US is bankrupt and in desperate need of a major war. Russia, knows that is what they want, before the Mid-Term Elections. However, more than one way to skin a cat.

As you say, Ukraine is not part of NATO and neither is it part of the EU. UK, US and EU keep committing declarations of war and when Russia is ready, they will get justice.




The question is how will they serve righteousness? Do you have any ideas on this????


According to international law, If a country is invaded other countries have the right to assist that country. I don’t know what source you have that claims NATO-countries “have no right” to give support to Ukraine.


Putin claimed he was not planning to invade Ukraine, see how that played out!


So the rules are a Nato Country can attack Russia but they can’t hit the bastard back,Russia could start by incinerating those US bases in Syria and take it from there.


Were you unaware of the rules till now?


Gorbatschov and or Yelzin probably signed those rules perhaps even Lenin back then after the Moneygoods funded his “revolution”.

Putin has slowly tried to undo some of these laws but the west made it probably impossible to remove them without braking the russian constitution the cololialist regime has put on it.

And since Putin wants to play by the rules he cant truly win just minimise the losses. Perhaps someone after him will just say f. it And write a new constitution and start from scrach.

If only we would have a romanov left to be the figurehead (not real ruler) of a patriotic revolution but agend Lenin took care that this cant happen.

I dislike everything the moneygoods do but you cant deny they are very successfull and the real 4D chess players of the world.


I have always known the rules.

Banderastan is doomed

Nope. The situation is such Russia can’t provoke directly the JUSA shithole. By vary motifs. But can do it indirectly. So, Russia can do a very big step in it’s favor practically KO’s the murican imperialism in ME and in the meantime to secure the turkish inside JNATO vital support. That means a joint turkish-russian-syrian offensive in ameriscum kurd lead stolen zones. Just simply as that. Legally, syrians can do this.

wie du mir so ich dir

So what, NATO can’t win against Russia. They can’t stop hypersonic nukes. On the other way around – Russia can stop NATO conventional (she only has conventional nukes) nukes as the RF has a multilayered defence system which includes S-500, S550, among other defence systems – also includes satellite killers, etc. The “everybody will die” copenism is a myth, at least for now.

Last edited 1 year ago by wie du mir so ich dir

In your dreams.

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

which technically can come ture



Walter White

this is your mother


I am sorry russia could have a Spaceship that could obliterate all of nato in one second. If they don’t use it it’s like not having it.

And for some reason the US seems pretty sure that the russians will not use any of their big toys against the US and that’s all that matters to them.

If Japan, South-Korea, Taiwan or Europe get deleted from this world is none of their concern. If destroying china and russia has this as a pricetag the US will see it as a good deal concidering the price/ value proposition.

Banderastan is doomed

You clearly suggest a nuclear game which will annihilate the world. And Russia clearly don’t want that. Stop this nonsense. Also, Russia can’t beat NATO in a conventional war; neither viceversa. Not without a treaty with China. And even that, I highly not see how the russians will march inside Washington and London boots on the ground. A such confrontation will be the actual ukro-banderist war at a much larger scale: a war of attrition more or less with huge infrastructure damages all around in both sides.


I am not sugesting anything. But i have listened self proclaimed pro russians that have been telling us for years how powerfull which weapon is.

At the same time we do not see anything.

Look the US can only accept a world that they rule. A world that they do not rule has no appeal to them so nukes will be on the table when they lose in any way control of the planet.

At the same time we hear russia not beeing ready to destroy the world if they do not win.

That means the only outcome of this conflict that does not destroy the world ist a world ruled by the us and russia beeing some isolated exception.

If russians were not ready to burn the world to win they perhaps should have voted for navalny who would have slowly suffocated them like the bolshevics before him.

There is no happy end in this.

If Russia falls Poles and other eastern european will learn that they were played. Their survival is not planned. The only problem the us ever had with the nazis was that a german lead them and the capital was german.

Besides that and the jew hate everything else nazi has been adopted into nato ideology.

AM Hants

Agree with what you say, apart from the fact that you do not believe that Russia can win against NATO.

They can and with ease. Check out the Russian toy box and then check out the NATO toy box. NATO has nothing that can come close to Russia’s major toys and defences, in any form whatsoever.

What is happening in Ukraine, is Russia is actually fighting NATO, but, NATO refuses to admit it. Especially NATO losses.


THAT was a direct attack on Russia!!!


who cares nato nazi ? nato nazi already did attack.

Last edited 1 year ago by aes
Israel is a Terrorist Colony

How about just occupy the whole of Ukraine. There won’t be any Ukraine for NATO to support then.

Peppe il Sicario

Hey, I live 110 kms from Sigonella, go slow there!!!!! All right then, let it be a limited Kaliber conventional warhead attack on the Americunts, but I’ll highlight that Russia is saying this was a BRITISH slimey limey coordinated attack….in that case, bomb Sandhurst or London Bridge first!!!!

The Russians love to play by the rule… And that doesn’t work against the global maffia..


Yeah… russians played by the rules since massacre of Polish officers in Katyn by kgb…

Why start WW3 over a failed nuisance attack? Getting all your high tech toys shot up while the whole mess is supervised by a $220 million USD drone is punishment enough. This on the back getting all your fancy radars and air defences shot up by Russian drones that are cheaper than an Italian bicycle. All we need now is to see a $4B Patriot missile battery destroyed by a $10,000 drone to make the humiliation complete.

Last edited 1 year ago by HB_Norica

Russia need to do something about British Ukraine trainers,these people are helping Ukraine for massive damage to Russia black sea military fleet.


Bomb the crap out of Pirate Rock…or just watch it collapse as the colonials plunder the last scraps of that wasteland.


Everything will become clearer by January 2023.


So if the Admiral Makarov frigate‘s radars are damaged that means no more air defence.

Sitting duck.


Es una sola fragata y un solo radar de muchos que hay alli


lol you moron. and the other 30 black fleet ships dont have any radars? and the coast batterys and air defence systems have no radars?


LMFAO Ukrainian journalism is as trustworthy as joe bidens bicycle skills. lets see how many the banderites can manage to shoot down in response shall we.

Nazi trash

Attack the US terrorist in Irak ,Syria ,Kuwait where these scums have a large presece thats not Nato territory .

Banderastan is doomed

Finally, a person who real have a horizon of the events and a good sense of reality.


GRIND THEM DOWN BOYS…..in the long run the righteous Russian deployment will be successful.


Russia has resorted to attacking unarmed, elderly men, women and children, since they are having so much difficulty facing Ukrainian soldiers.


I’ll say it again. Russia will lose if they don’t start attacking their real enemy.


Russians go home and conduct a big military drill. That’s the only thing you are good at!

Last edited 1 year ago by Russian

it is time to take all the ukrainian coastline

Gerry Bell

17k! – some serious altitude….


Russia needs to make USSA gangster forces pay the price in Syria. Supply the proper tools to all who have an axe to grind with the drug-addled not so great Satan. Dead Pentacon thugs concentrates the minds of the LGBTGMBK retards in the Washing town sewer. As for Pirate Rock, it is collapsing in poverty as the colonials plunder the last scraps remaining. All in all things are looking good for the all new and improved NWO sans the angloZionaZi empire of shit.

Meanwhile Odessa calls for liberation and return to the Russian fold.



Asad is finished. Putin is finished


With your mother.


For every failure Russia has to blame USA. Russians are weak losers!




I read that many of you are legitimately angry at what the West is doing to Russia, and would like to see an immediate, decisive, and resolutive response; but you must be patient; Putin knows well that as the response toward NATO begins, the U.S. will also be directly involved, and he is preparing for that. Time is needed to deploy a War Force to counter the West; many factorys now working above ground must be moved inside protected locations so that they can continue to produce even if bombed; evacuation plans from major cities must be set up; submerged strategic weapons must be placed but first they must escape detection, and time is needed. Information must be gathered about the adversary’s real strategic objectives, which many times are not what are declared. In short, many things have to be done for which time is needed. Russia, and not only Russia, are preparing for a momentous confrontation with the West (not all Western nations are with the West, but many); a very different World will emerge.


Russia cant defeat the entire western world alone. And as of now i only see support from Iran which is probably the reason for the recent protests being launched there once again. Seems the US loves sequels.

While the entire extended US/ EU/ Nato sphere is bankrolling the Ukrainian nation and handing them over arms to be payed later (never).

How is russia supposed to outproduce the entire western military complex? How is russia supposed to send more soldiers than this planet can muster up mercenarys and east europe and the caucasus voluntarys.

China is watching russia burn and just thinks well after this war you will have no problem submitting to me as the sole leader of the SCO and forget about wanting to be treated as equal to me.

Well china if the US can put down russia they will easyly destroy you. Who lost a war against an expeditionary force of the british east india company and had to sign a permit to them to sell drugs to your people and hand over hong kong to them for 99 years.

I see the same arrogance that made you burn your fleet centurys ago and in the end made you a victim of the very savages that you deemed not worthy to busy your time with.

I hope russia gets out of this intact and i prey to god that they watch you burn when the US takes Taiwan and you send your fleet and planes and they all fall to the ground. That is if russia does not deactivate them cause it is their technology who u use to pretend to be a super power.


Thank you for your comment. I think it’s useless to dialogue about a future we don’t know and strategies to get there. China has already decided which side it is on the moment it re-elected Xi and re-elected him so as not to have the problem of a new leader in this critical international situation. China knows and sees that one hegemonic country (U.S.) is no good, better two, friends and neighbors protecting each other’s backs. China has already made up its mind, it does not say so, just as it does not say to use the “Covid problem” to curb exports without agitating the people who would see it as a betrayal of the five-year development program. Meanwhile, always in the present, there are exchanges of technology and industrial protocols, with Russia, that serve to standardize war production processes and more. There is a “world of undergrowth” going on that is not being reported about; For example: many (many thousands or even tens of thousands) trained and specialized soldiers have been sent all over Europe by passing them off as fugitives from military service; Russians who have crossed borders without difficulty with the (evidently secret) tasks of serving Russia as cartographers; destroyers, signalmen, etc. What is happening now is not told by newspaper reports or news reports; books will tell in many years.


China is ok with sharing the World with USA as they did for last 20 years. What China need from russia is Siberia and far east…

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Nobody elects anything, Xi managed to impose himself, he has more power that’s all.

Banderastan is doomed

Absolutely correct. Peoples are commenting here without any real assesment of reality. Nowaday Russia isn’t former SSSR with its Warsaw Pact countries anymore. The fall of the Warsaw pact was the biggest damage for Russia from the military perspective against a supposed war with NATO. In such case, the east european countries would have acted like a healthy buffer zone between core Russia/SSSR and the JUSA west european countries. In such a scenario, SSSR would have a SAME unreachable status as the muricans and much more considering its vast SSSR manpower and military equipment advantage. Only in such scenario, Russia would have the biggest chances to defeat west Europe. But that’s not the case now.


Win with better strategies.




Seems they have launched the plan. On Saker they wrote that an attack on the fleet in Sevastopol would be used as an diversion to busy the russian air defence so that they could send they airborne troops they are massing in romania to moldova. The attack on Tiraspol could be imminent. Romanian and Modovan Troops would then perhaps join into the war and attack the cherson region after securing odessa.

You can only congratulate the US. Everything they do is within the world rules. Neither crimea nor Transnitrija are recognised by anyone as russian (the last not even by russia). So the US can attack Tiraspol and Crimea and if russia retaliates then they are the ones who attacked by UN law which for now china abides to.

Russia should have learned from the US. They totaly control everything which once was called yugolavia but officially non of these are under US ocupation. But ok it is much easier to bribe every local polititian if you can print infinite money.

That is and will stay the main problem for everyone who wants to challenge the US. As long as the Dollar is a world currency the worlds economy and many of the worlds nations are bound to the US and fill support them with whatever they can.

Banderastan is doomed

The attack of russian Transnistria is an imminent event as the ukronazi will go out of options to beat russians on the ground. That will allow them to do a strong PR damage to Russia as we are already used. Mark my word. In fact that’s the real reason of the murican 101 airborne deployment in Ro. To prevent russians get a corridor to TransNistria

AM Hants

No doubt Russia is ready and fully aware of the Ukrainian attempt of a feint. Interesting days ahead and not forgetting the NATO exercise, that normally ends the day of the real event, ends today. Was yesterday their finale episode or have they got something else planned for today. A Major False Flag, or has Russia left them out of stock, in order to attempt to pull it off?


Russia is ridiculous. NATO can do absolutely whatever it wants without Russia being able to respond


No point in crying. Just burn it with stealth incinerator, the LASER zapping machine or else be brave like the iranians who captured the yankee spy drone.


Ruskies got banged hard in their arse. Thats what happens when you declare a war against a nation with more than 40 million population.

Stephan Williams

I’ve known Armenians who were intelligent and perceptive people.

What happened to you?


everyone starts to hate ruskies after the invasion of Ukraine.

Nicole rolfe

Not all of us Americans feel the way you do. So no, not everyone hates Russia.


What can the world say about the British Elite. The Emperor has no closes.

Duc Tho

Nato is run by a gang of satanic war criminals. Jesus was the Prince of Peace. Be careful what you wish for.

Banderastan is doomed

From the beginning I was strongly against any deals with the anglo-zionazi Kiev junta specifying that this will only aggravate the situation against russians, because the ukroshits will never keep any agreements whatever. Back then I directly said the bandera garbage will use this to ‘import’ heavy military equipment on empty returning ships from romanian murican shithole colony, as well as using this screen front to damage russians. Now that’s evident. The MoD state that today: ”On October 29, the Ukrainian armed forces, under the cover of a humanitarian corridor created as part of the implementation of the “Black Sea Initiative” to export Ukrainian agricultural products, launched massive air and sea strikes using unmanned aerial vehicles against the ships and infrastructure of the Russian Black Sea Fleet at the naval base in Sevastopol.”

Igor Matelko

Plan for peace & prosperity of Europe 1, Draw back NATO’s armed forces behind 1991 line 2, all foreign military must leave European continent (can stay in Britain) 3, dissolve NATO 4, Euro-Asian security agreement 5, free trade zone from Lisabon to Vladivostok 6, reformation of EU to EFTA format 7, abolition of ECB


Russia must respond by flattening all JEWKRAINIAN military admin facilities in ALL cities and as a signal, also level Jewensky offices and residences


Highest time to hit a US carrier and sink it as warning. Meanwhile, send commandos to kill Zelensky and his inner circle wherever they are. Hit Brussels and Mons simultaneously. Eradicate London as toteach Washingtom about his net choice. Use all other weapons. Do not shake, just mix.

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