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MARCH 2025

“Major Breakthrough”: Israel To Sell Gas To Palestinians That Was Originally Theirs

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"Major Breakthrough": Israel To Sell Gas To Palestinians That Was Originally Theirs

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In a major breakthrough, Israel may soon be able to provide the Palestinian city of Gaza with gas.

Gas that was originally Palestinian.

This relates to an agreement to provide Israeli natural gas to Gaza in an attempt to solve the coastal enclave’s electricity crisis is likely to be approved within the next six months, Qatari envoy Mohammad al-Emadi said on February 14th.

Gaza’s 1.8 million population suffers from a chronic electricity crisis.

The coastal enclave has only one power plant and experiences daily blackouts of between eight and 12 hours. The power plant runs on imported diesel fuel.

Transitioning Gaza from diesel fuel to natural gas is widely viewed as an important solution to the enclave’s electricity crisis.

The natural gas in question is expected to come from the Leviathan field off the coast of Israel, according to a Delek spokesperson. Delek will also take charge of laying a transmission system for the pipeline.

It was not clear whether Delek would be paid out of the Qatari treasury, as Qatar does not have formal relations with Israel, and no comment was provided.

Al-Emadi, who regularly travels between Israel, Qatar, and Gaza, bearing cash and messages from Doha, has since served as an unofficial broker between the three sides.

Qatar is one of the Palestinians’ biggest supporters, and Israel has allowed it to provide regular aid since 2018.

According to al-Emadi, the use of natural gas, rather than relatively more expensive diesel fuel, will dramatically reduce the cost that the Palestinian Authority and Qatar pay in fuel subsidies to the coastal enclave.

“The pipeline will reduce the [annual] cost of electricity from $22 million to less than $10 million,” al-Emadi said.

The European Union has allocated $5 million to pay for part of the pipeline, although it has yet to be finalized.

Qatar will pay to set up the pipeline within Israeli territory, al-Emadi said.

“The importance of this project is not just that it will to a large extent allow catering to the energy demands of the Gaza Strip. It will also help power the Gaza desalination plant, ensuring access to clean water for many Gazans,” said Sven Kühn von Burgsdorff, the European Union’s envoy to the Palestinians.

No agreement has yet been officially signed between Israel, Qatar, the European Union, and the Palestinian Authority to provide natural gas to Gaza, Kühn von Burgsdorff said.

He said he hoped the agreements would be finalized “within the next few months.”

“All these parties want to move forward on this,” Kühn von Burgsdorff said in a phone call.

In a statement, Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz said the anticipated agreement would “reduce regional air pollution.”

“Any agreement made to provide natural gas from Israel to the Gaza power plant is being done with our full coordination,” Steinitz said in a statement.

Al-Emadi concluded that he expected everything for the pipeline to be concluded in approximately 2.5 years.

“Everything needs to fall into place in the next few months,” he said. “We’re looking forward to formalizing the interests and undertakings of the four parties. We expect progress, because it’s in the interest of everyone.”

Israel simply agrees for pipes to run through its territory, allowing it yet another way to pressure the Palestinians living in Gaza.

It will not provide any natural gas, or any service free of charge. It simply agrees to indirectly sell gas that was originally owned by the Palestinians back to them.


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Frankly, Jews have been stealing from others for centuries. Just read Shakespeare even. They are disgusting criminals , land theives and child killers.


I’m keeping score … eh?

Whose winning so far?

It’s a rhetorical question … eh?


Hezbollah is winning so far. Iran is winning so far. Israel only wins in the Fake news. Israel bombs Syria 2000 times.But Iran has more troops and missiles and missile factories in Syria than EVER before. See what I mean. IDF is a Holloywood army. NuttyYahood bombs for Israeli Sheeple consumption and you beileve the BullSh!t


Boy … you’re gonna be really upset when your Shia Iran dream comes crashing down …. eh?

Suicide is an option … eh?

Hasbara Hunter

Sabbatean Khazarian ZioNazis to be more specific…they are Imposters…Fake-Jews…

Saso Mange

Zionists say that Shakespeare’s merchant was anti semetic book ?


True history is a bitch :)

johnny rotten

In addition to killing them and stealing their land and lives, Jews like to take the piss out of Palestinians, such uncivilized behavior of Jews that calling it barbarian is a compliment by comparison.


Whatcha gonna do about it?

Free man

Jihadists are likely to have problem firing rockets at those who supply them gas in the future. Smart move towards peace.


Whats wrong with palestine getting better gas deals?or must we just stay dumbed as sht for who? The thing about cowards,they can’t spake truths unless it only suits their satanic masters eh! Keep mocking divine authoritys unto redemptions watch what happens,yes we know the obvious,drr


I’m confused JJ … WTF are you saying? lol

Hasbara Hunter

Stealing Goyim Properties & Resources is the way the Khazarian Mafia always operated and accumulated their immense fortunes throughout the Centuries… why would Parasites all of a sudden change their behaviour?


Why is the gas ‘goyim property’? lol


No, its Fake Joo property, everything is.




you are right of course but since 98 pct of mankind is non-jewish you should expect that 98 pct to say enough is enough off with their heads.

Hasbara Hunter

I have been waiting for that moment for quite some time now…awareness finally seems to grow amongst the flock…let’s see where it ends…


Israel is sovereign … those attempting to harm the Jews will feel the wrath of the IDF

Pay Attention …. ????

Hasbara Hunter

Can you translate this movie for me please? I can hear what they are screaming….thanks in advance



9 Shia slugs were killed yesterday … eh?

When the IDF wants to inflict ‘pain’ on y’all … it’ll be 100’s of 1000’s of casualties … hello?

IED’s are child’s toys … punk

Hasbara Hunter

The IDF are Kid-Killers….in the Gulags you Folks murdered millions….you seem to love killing Goys


Yeah, like in 2006. Pissed in your panties, didnt ya?


Nasrallah was crying for a ceasefire … not Israel

Nasrallah after the fighting said he would never have started the war if he knew the fury of the Israelis response


Jews are only 0.2% of world population and therefore 99.8% is non-Jews, In the US, they are 2% and the rest 98%.


Turkey agreed to back palestine,maybe they decided its best to develop and collaborate rather than end with more enemys?

Hasbara Hunter

Dönmeh Sultan ErDOGan is a Treacherous Shapeshifting Backstabbing Snake…always speaking with Forked tongue…selling his corrupted soul to the highest bidder over & over again…as a real Crypto-Jew should…With ErDOGan as a Friend you don’t need Enemies….


Parasites never change their ‘behaviour’ until they die :)


We should encourage SJW culture and transgender propaganda in Israel. I mean, jews have NO problem destroying our children here with that frankenstein garbage, why shouldnt we give them the same attention in Israel?

James Adams

Giving terrorists electricity? while the EU leftists/globalists pay for it. Annex Palestine already and deport the Muslims.




Shoa 2 coming for You…the REAL Shoa, not the fake BS


Israel can take care of their own business … they’re sovereign

I live in the moment … eh?

Whose winning so far? lol


nah it’s enough if the world or the non-jewish part of mankind get its act together and kill off the criminal jews in palstine – they’ve been criminals for more than 2000 years and should have no mercy shewn to them

Arch Bungle

Very soon, the jooish terrorists will be shipped back to Europe where they came from, with the rest of the trash.


there will be no place for jews in europe but if they can have the american morons open their hearts and receive them, that’s where they can go – and if not, extinction is a fair guess. and they will be missed by no one.

Arch Bungle

I heard they’re setting up places to flee to in Argentina

The Buenos Aires Jewish community was established in 1862 and held its first traditional Jewish wedding in 1868. The first synagogue was inaugurated in 1875. The Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe who settled in Argentina were called rusos (Russians) by the local population.

See? Even the natives saw them for what they were on first site, no mistaking them for fake Hebrews!


It is so strange for the Ashkenazi who are totally European to claim to return!



I’ve said it before andI’ll keep repeating till they are all gone – the jews in palestine are thieves and murderers and perpetrators of the most heinous crimes the world has seen for the last 175 years, starting with the ethnical cleansing of palestinians, genocide of palestinians, operating deathcamp gaza (a la treblinka, which was a mere picnic in comparison), landtheft a la hitler’s lebensraum program, and in general murder and torture and rape of civiians, palestinian women and children to which can be added war crimes against all neigbouring countries and so on. to which now seems to be added the theft of palestina’s natural gas and which the thieveing murdering jews now attempt to sell to deathcamp Gaza.

where is the european union while this disgraceful occurence plays out in broad daylight – yes mumbling about anti-semitism and and and. anti-semitism is the response to the criminal jews in palestine which are treating the indigenous palestinians as dirt and kill them with impunity and steal their land and their goods and so on – and no european union in sight. what you can expect of the spineless neo-fascists in brussels.



Repetitious nazi slug …



Fog of War

Hitler was either a massive psyop operation or a naïve, well intentioned fool, that was duped into a trap. Take your pick.

Arch Bungle

The mistake we’re making is to fall for the distraction of ‘Hitler’.

Hitler was just a face on a puppet manipulated by a deep evil.

That evil is not one man, but many … who are they?

That is the question …

chris chuba

I was wondering if SF was exaggerating but you speaketh the truth. Looking at a map of the Levian natural gas fields, the part they would be shipping to the Palestinians would clearly be within Gaza’s 200 mile EEZ zone. I doubt very much that Israel would direct any of those precious fields that are 500 miles way to those stinking Gazans.

There is enough NG in those fields for the Gazans to export but I’m certain the Israelis will never allow that. This way the Israelis can turn off the taps to inflict collective punishment anytime they want.


Israel isn’t using the gas that could be part of Gaza’s EEZ … hello?

You’re just pulling sh Xt out of your mouth …

BESIDES … the EEZ off Gaza needs to be exploited … ??? invested and the Hamas thugs don’t invest … except in weapons/missiles et al

BUT … certainly as easy as it is to pump … it can be turned off just as easily … eh?

Crime and Punishment … lol


Piece of jewish terrorist shit like you can know nuttin..


looking at a map of say palestine in 1948, you can see that the jews had certain limited areas to inhabit. any extension of areas thereafter have happened without a legally correct background, the expansion of the areas inhabited by the jews thereafter are in no way legal since they have not been sold by the palestinians and they have been appropriated by the jews without cause i.e. without a proper legal background and no compensation has been offered. thus the main part of the areas occupied by the jews don’t provide any rights to the exclusive economic zone since the founding areas were stolen or appropriated without legal cause by the jews.

and that is why the jews have no right, no right whatsoever to the gas in the palestine exclusive economic zone. it ain’t far fetched, it’s sound reasonable interpretation of the law and international law and a transfer of something based on illegality, say forged document or no documents at all, can never be made complete even after say 100 years.

stop the thieving and murdering jews’ sale of palestine’s as, be it to the eu or to the palestinians.

the most pressing matter is to stop the jews gaining permission to build a pipeline across lebanon’s seabed, without which there won’t be a pipeline to europe and please it’s the disunited states of A that is trying to force lebanon to accept the jews’ pipeline and hezbollah are omitted from these negotiations since the jews know and the disjointed states of A knows that with Hezbollah there will be no access to lebanon’s seabed. and you can further assume that delivery of gaz to deathcamp Gaza (an integrated part of the jews’ ethnic cleansing program) is just a ruse to cover the threats levied on lebanon


no, correction -the most pressing and urgent issue is to terminate the jews, once and for all. and then palestine can do whatever with the gaz. have a larf.


Hilarious commentary from the SF faithful …

Thanks for ‘coming through’ … your collective exasperation … ‘made my Monday’ special



You’ve earned your shekels my good goy! Keep up the degenerate work!


You’re the goy … look in the mirror

Or your dick … pmsl

Peter Jennings

It’s so good of the isreali apartheid regime to take care of their Palestinian slaves.:) However, the regime will ensure the Palestinians pay through the nose for it. More money spent on essentials is less money to spend on protecting themselves from robbers and thieves.

The regime also know that their Palestinian customer base will likely diminish over time, but can be replaced with Syrian customers instead! It’s all a matter of everything falling into place.

So it’s not all bad news for the isreali apartheid regime.

Fog of War

This is rich as the pipeline will just be another leash to keep the Palestinians dependent and down. Only a Khazar would try to sell back the oil he stole from you in the first place. No shame or morality with that crowd.


Modern Jews descended from the Herbraon, south Mediterranean desert nomads who from get-go considered themselves a ‘gods’ favorite and dealt in smuggling, espionage and all forms of chicanery. Orange trees don’t bear apples its natural law.

Arch Bungle


‘Modern Jews’ are a fiction. They are trailer trash from the Russian steppes.

The Hebraon are extinct since the Roman empire cleaned out that trash.


The Hebraon had found themselves in almost every region on then world, I suppose you are familiar with term ‘commingling’. My history goes back a tad further than thine and its quite unlikely that peculiar bloodline could have completely exterminated by Any one future empire such as the roman, its called redundancy. The red-haired ones from Russian steppes you refer to were also descendant tribe of original S.Mediterranean Hebraon, yes they were

Hezbollah Gestapo

Do you have any books or things to read to learn more about these parasites?

Arch Bungle

Oh come on! We’ve debunked all this b.s multiple times on this site before I’m not going over it yet again.


https://i.imgur.com/VrDryTX.png?w=300 Yea, but somehow they wound up having ZERO Middle Eastern genes?

Arch Bungle

What will the Palestinians pay with? The joooos have stolen their money too.

Arch Bungle

There is no stereotype more accurate than the jewish stereotype. I can predict everything the jew will do based on stereotype alone.

Hezbollah Gestapo

“Its just coincidences my goy” “109 countries is not a lot” “6 gorillion “


LMAO – Fake Joos selling the Pals their own Gas back! What a bunch of cheap thugs

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