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MARCH 2025

Major General From Ukrainian SBU Detained For Being Alleged Russian Spy

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Major General From Ukrainian SBU Detained For Being Alleged Russian Spy

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On April 14th, a Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) Major General was arrested in an operation by the service itself.

He is accused of working for the Russian security service – the FSB, RIA reported, citing a press release by SBU.

“The counterintelligence of the Security Service of Ukraine carried out a resonant special operation to expose a senior FSB agent in the highest echelons of power. So, today SBU Major General Valery Shaitanov, who is suspected of treason and terrorist acts, was detained,” the statement said.

According to the head of the SBU, Ivan Bakanov, judging by the materials of the case, Valery Shaitanov, who is one of the former heads of the Special Operations Center “A” of the SBU, was in fact under secret communication under the pseudonym “Bobyl” with FSB Colonel Igor Egorov.

“We conducted a complex, lengthy, multi-level special operation. This is the most important exposure of the Security Service in the entire history of independence,” said Ivan Bakanov, head of the Security Council of Ukraine.

Shaitanov allegedly passed on to the Russian side information about Ukrainian operations in Eastern Ukraine, and also selected and recruited officers from special and intelligence agencies to work for the FSB.

The agency claimed that it has gathered sufficient evidence that Shaitanov is an agent of the FSB, including allegedly confirmed by audio and video recordings.

The Major General of SBU, additionally, allegedly planned to carry out terrorist acts in Ukraine. For the organization of the attacks, Shaitanov was allegedly promised $200,000 and to receive a Russian passport.

In particular, he allegedly planned the liquidation of Adam Osmayev. The question remains open – why such a high-ranking intelligence officer was entrusted with the organization of the murder of Adam Osmayev, a far from important figure, moreover, who had long disappeared from public space.

Adam Osmayev was the commander of the Dudayev ‘volunteer battalion’ from 2014, succeeding Isa Munayev. He was twice charged with attempting to kill Vladimir Putin, and he was later released from prison in Odessa after Ukrainian authorities and his wife campaigned to have the charges dropped.

On October 31st 2017, as Osmayev and his wife returned to their house outside Kiev, gunmen with AK-47 assault rifles opened fire on their car, wounding Osmayev and killing his wife.

Since then, he’s been largely absent from public space.

It should be noted that Major General Valery Shaitanov may have become a victim of the internal political struggle of financial conflicts. Since 2014, the current Kiev regime has become used to accuse its opponents of working on the Kremlin, the FSB, and Russian intelligence in general. Such accusations have rapidly become a norm in the every day political and security life of Ukraine. So, now almost every unwanted person, or official/officer that lost the behind-the-scenes struggle for power and money is being accused of working in interests of Russia.


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Neo Onh

All of Novorossiya and Malorossiya will be liberated from the Kiev nazi regime

rob jonson

Let’s look at Ukraine’s disgraced former president, Victor Yanukovych. After he fled to Putin with billions of stolen money the idea that he remained the legitimate head of state, and therefore the manner in which he was replaced was automatically illegitimate, was commonplace. This line of thinking was heavily promulgated by his new host country for reasons that are self-evident. But was it right, or even logical, to claim this?

The legitimacy of the Yanukovych regime indeed began with a fair election, albeit an election in which the Ukrainian people had no good choices. But could that legitimacy go on unquestioned despite the blatant grand scale theft of state resources? No. Of course it could not.

Common hooligans and thugs were brought to Kyiv by the Yanukovych authorities (first recorded on Nov. 29, 2013 when the revolution was just a few days old) to terrorize the residents of the capital. This act was completely in contradiction to Article 3 of the constitution that Yanukovych was elected to uphold. It was right to question Yanukovych’s legitimacy after this.

Can the legitimacy of a ruling authority survive past the blatantly illegal adoption of laws designed to end democracy and create a dictatorship? No. Of course it cannot. Yet, this is what the Yanukovych controlled Party of Regions attempted to do on Jan. 16, 2014. Later analysis of images taken in parliament that while 235 MPs were declared to have voted for these “dictatorship” laws, only about half of this number of MPs were actually in the session hall when the vote was taken (by a show of hands – also illegal.) After such clearly anti-democratic and dishonest actions, can anyone consider that authority to be legitimate? The actions were a breach of Article 5 of Ukraine’s constitution – something that Yanukovych was under oath to protect and uphold. But he failed to keep his word.

There were more violations of the constitution by Yanukovych, its supposed protector.

Article 27 of Ukraine’s constitution says that “Every person shall have the inalienable right to life. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of life.” Yet Yuri Verbitsky, a 42 year old geologist from Lviv, was kidnapped, tortured, and murdered by forces belonging to the Yanukovych regime between Jan. 22 and Jan. 25 of 2014.

That Yanukovych had already lost any legitimacy by this point should be beyond question. Later, of course, came the deaths of many more people on Jan. 18 and then Jan. 20, after which Yanukovych fled to Russia, insisting his authority and position were still legitimate. Define legitimate.

The idea that legitimacy carries on from appointment without further question is a complete fallacy. It is something that we should refuse to accept. An elected leader most certainly can lose their legitimacy through illegal and/or unconstitutional, actions. The most recent public attempt at increasing the fog blurring the distinction between legitimately elected and legitimate comes from Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Bottom line, they are not the same, although it is easy to see why Russia’s ruling clan would seek to pretend that they are.

rob jonson

It is so funny to see, all the Russian internet tolls and the Kremlin work so hard to hold on to Ukraine, inside Russian sphere of control…

How does Russia do this?

Russia does this by telling lies about Ukrainians and Ukraine, like saying Ukraine is a neo nazis , junta, state it is full of corruption, it is a poor nation that has nothing but poor uneducated people, that wants to kill everyone,,,,

Russia says that the NeoUkra nazis (Ukrainians) want to kill every Jews, Russian and black people etc etc etc

Russia says Ukrainians are dishonest they will steal from you if you turn your back to them, they will stab a knife into your back, they are not to be trusted ect ect ect ect …this is the msg. that is coming out of the Kremlin spin doctors of Russian propaganda…

BUT ONE MINUTE … IF ALL OF THIS Russian propaganda BS was true….. The only question must be….

Why is Russia and Putin working so hard to have Ukraine under its wing of control and as a Russian hegemony state ??

Will this not be a massive burden on Russia to have such a nightmare of a country and people under Russia sphere of control and influence ..???

If the propaganda coming out of Moscow is true, why not let Ukraine become Europe’s problem and therefore another burden on the EU.. !

will that not be better for Russia ???

Will that NOT be one less problem for Russia ??

If it what Russia is saying was true about why Ukrainians wanted a visa-free regime with the EU is so, they can easily go to work in low paid, illegal jobs in another country in Europe and that is the real reason they want a visa-free regime with Europe…

Why is Russia not positive to that ??

Why is Russia NOT positive that Ukraine gets a trade agreement and visa-free regime with the EU as this will overburden the EU and help bring down and split up the Union !!! (if like Russia says Ukrainians are low-level uneducated scum )

After all that is really what Putin wants, he wants to bring down the EU and the west … if the EU becomes weaker Russian in turn, becomes effectively stronger and gets a stronger position inside geopolitical politics of the world..

As according to Moscow such an absolute banana republic like Ukraine will become a massive burden on the EU economic and immigrants will start flooding the EU taking jobs from everyone / and this will become a massive problem for the EU ….



So why is all of those claims about Ukraine, that is coming out of Russia nothing but scare tactics and NOT true and why is it evil lies ??

Answer…. Because Russia knows that what he says about Ukraine and what the Kremlin media is PUKEING out about Ukraine on a daily-based is BS they know it is nothing but BS and just made to hurt the nation of Ukraine.


MOVING INTO UKRAINE THE KREMLIN NEED AN EXCUSE TO get the Russian voter and the world to believe It that Russians was under attack from junta-neo-nazis from west Ukraine controlled by the CIA this last excuse from Moscow was to be pushed hard by the Kremlin propaganda machine …and in some places, it even worked!

This excuse fits into them (Russia ) playing the victim of NATO , USA aggression myth … And takes the heat off Russia .

So how do they do this and why do they not want to lose control over Ukraine? Like most politics, it is about deflecting unwelcome attention to the truth and getting a good payday …

1. Putin needs to deflect his people from domestic facts of economic problems of his gangster style corrupted control inside Russia.

2. Russian is stealing the vast iron and coal resources in east Ukraine..

3. Russia is stealing the newly found Oil Deposits in the black sea and Azov sea

4 Russian only invaded after it was proved by geologist that Ukraine, in fact, has the 3rd largest gas fracking reserves this was something they only found out about in 2013 ..(Russia and Putin was afraid if a EU / US friendly government got to power in Kiev the EU and USA will move in start gas production and the EU will start buying its gas from Ukraine and not Russia )

Ukraine has Europe’s 3rd largest shale gas reserves at 42 trillion cubic …read about Russia’s silent shale gas victory in Ukraine (see link under )

The vast shale gas reserves in the separatist-held Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk regions are an important element not to be overlooked when analyzing the Ukraine crisis..


Shale gas by country https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shale_gas_by_country

Ukraine to tap gas on Black, Azov Sea shelf http://www.ogj.com/articles/print/volume-98/issue-48/exploration-development/ukraine-to-tap-gas-on-black-azov-sea-shelf.html

Russia Claims Ukraine’s Black Sea Oil And Gas Bounty http://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Russia-Claims-Ukraines-Black-Sea-Oil-And-Gas-Bounty.html

In Taking Crimea, Putin Gains a Sea of Fuel Reserves http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/18/world/europe/in-taking-crimea-putin-gains-a-sea-of-fuel-reserves.html?_r=0

Natural gas found in Azov Sea http://www.gasandoil.com/news/1998/11/dix84767

Ukraine: From Propaganda to Reality world’s eyes have been on Ukraine as Ukrainians rebelled against rising authoritarianism in their own country and were met in return with a Russian invasion of Ukraine’s southern and eastern provinces. Yale University’s Timothy Snyder is the world’s leading historian of Eastern Europe. His series of articles in the New York Review of Books has been hailed as the definitive analysis of this crisis. Join him as he clarifies the stakes.


rob jonson

Russians have stolen everything all of Russian lands they have also stolen the culture the history the Idea of Russki Mir is fake !!! Truth is THERE IS NO SHUCH THING AS A RUSSIAN OR RUSSIA !!!

What we today call Russians are in-fact descendants of Finnish semi nomadic tribes that was living around the Moscow river basin that assimilated with the Mongolian hoards, back in the day …

Russians don’t like the truth but the truth is the truth like it or not … it is a fact !!!

See link how Russia hijacked Ukrainian history http://www.euromaidanpress.com/2014/05/14/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/

Russians are no more Slavic then the Finnish are ethnic Scandinavian even if Finland is in Scandinavia they are NOT ethnic Scandinavians like Norwegians, Danish and Swedish people… in-fact they are Finno-Ugric and related ethnically to Hungarians and Estonians..

Take a look at this map and you will see even today the Finno-Ugric tribes are 90% in what today is Russia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finno-Ugric_peoples#/media/File:Fenno-Ugrian_people.png

Russians er nothing more then confused descendants of Finno-Ugric tribes that assimilated with Mongolians, back in the day… when the golden horde controlled all of what is todays Russian lands …

Russians must have some sort of dimwit Syndrome thinking they are from Ukrainian Kiev Russ and Slavic background.. According to a 2008 study, the mitochondrial lines of the Hungarians Finno-Ugric tribes are indistinct (meaning NO connection at all ) of neighboring Slavs like Polish and Ukrainians and of Neighboring Scandinavians like Norwegians , Swedes and of Baltic ppl. the Lithuanians and Latvians !!!

German anthropologist J. F. Blumenbach compared Finnish, Sami (the Arctic reindeer herders) and Mongolian skulls and concluded that the Finns were ‘mongoloid’ and not ‘white’ like the Swedes or Finland’s Swedish-speaking aristocracy. This was widely accepted and led to the Turanian theory – that both the Finns and Sami had originally come from the East – as well as strengthening the view, according to Finland-Swede sociologist Nina af Enehjelm, that Finns were somehow ‘other’..

He found that Sami, Estonian, Hungarian were from the same family but so were a series of languages across Siberia such as Komi and Mari. And even languages like Mongolian seemed to have a similar grammatical structure. This led to the ‘Migration Theory,’ the Finno-Ugric peoples arrived in Europe from Mongolia around three thousand years ago and finally got to what today is Finland and northern part of Russia. The more recent discovery of genetics has added further evidence to the ‘Mongol’ claim. Geneticist Richard Kittles found in 1998 that Finns have ‘Dual Origins’ between Finno-Ugric and Mongoloid as measured by their ‘Y Chromosome Haplotype Variation.’ Other geneticists estimated that Finno-Ugric has between 10 percent and quarter mongoloid genes..

And in 2003, Slovenian geneticist Andrej Marusic observed that the Finnish and Russian propensity to alcoholism could be explained by the Mongolian ADH22 gene ‘which is common in Eastern peoples but almost unheard of Europe.’

Vladimir Lenin may have had Mordvin ancestry. There is a belief that President Vladimir Putin of Russia is the potential of Finno-Ugric Vepsian ancestry..

Russians are no more Slavic then the Finnish are ethnic Scandinavian even if Finland is in Scandinavia they are NOT ethnic Scandinavians like Norwegians, Danish and Swedish people… in-fact they are Finno-Ugric and related ethnically to Hungarians and Estonians..

The DNA study of today’s so called Russians shows that the historical facts are that Russians are Mongoloid / Finno-Ugric descendants and NOT Slavic like Ukrainians and Polish people …

The DNA evidence proves that Russians with out a doubt are Mongoloid / Finno-Ugric descendants ..

Studies have found the ethnic Russian frequency of haplogroup N1c to be high with an average of 46.7% of Russians in the “Russia-DNA Project” , The characteristic genetic marker of peoples with Uralic background is haplogroup N1c-Tat (Y-DNA). Samoyedic peoples mainly have more N1b-P43 than N1c. Haplogroup N originated in the northern part of China in 20,000–25,000 years BP and spread to north Eurasia, through Siberia to Northern Europe. Subgroup N1c1 is frequently seen in non-Samoyedic peoples, N1c2 in Samoyedic peoples. In addition, haplogroup Z (mtDNA), found with low frequency in Saami, Finns, and Siberians, is related to the migration of people speaking Uralic languages will also find a small percent of R1a1a1g2.

So this proves Russians are of Asian and Finno Ugric bold NOT Western Europeans..

The DNA evidence proves that Russians with out a doubt are Mongoloid / Finno-Ugric descendants ..


The name ‘Moskovia’ where todays Russia really comes from .. is the key for proper understanding… up until the early 1700s, most maps, government documents and all other records throughout the territory of present-day Russia proclaimed themselves “Moskovia” (Muscovy). All the people considered themselves Moskovites. But Russians like Peter the Great trying to kick-start their country into contemporary Europe, Peter the Great searched for a more imposing pedigree (the word “Moscow” means “swampy or dark waters” in the ancient Finno-Ugric language). (Most of that area around Moscow and even todays St Petersburg was back them swamp lands..

rob jonson

According to a 2008 study, the mitochondrial lines of the Hungarians Finno-Ugric tribes are indistinct (meaning NO connection at all ) of neighboring Slavs like Polish and Ukrainians and of Neighboring Scandinavians like Norwegians , Swedes and of Baltic ppl. the Lithuanians and Latvians !!!

Russians are no more Slavic then the Finnish are ethnic Scandinavian even if Finland is in Scandinavia they are NOT ethnic Scandinavians like Norwegians, Danish and Swedish people… in-fact they are Finno-Ugric and related ethnically to Hungarians and Estonians..

Take a look at this map and you will see even today the Finno-Ugric tribes are 90% in what today is Russia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finno-Ugric_peoples#/media/File:Fenno-Ugrian_people.png

Russians er nothing more than confused descendants of Finno-Ugric tribes that assimilated with Mongolians, back in the day… when the golden horde controlled all of what is today’s Russian lands …Russians must have some sort of dimwit Syndrome thinking they are from Ukrainian Kiev Russ and Slavic background..

The DNA study of today’s so-called Russians shows that the historical facts are that Russians are Mongoloid / Finno-Ugric descendants and NOT Slavic like Ukrainians and Polish people …

The DNA evidence proves that Russians without a doubt are Mongoloid / Finno-Ugric descendants ..

Mongolian blood in Russians see link https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=10&v=VmiYqpT0zrE

THE R1a explanation for dummy’s Russians have is R1a-Z93 and is the main Asian branch of R1a.

Western and Northern European and also western Ukrainians have R1a -Z284 falls under the root R1a1a1* (M417), and Russians have the R1a1q-M458 ( Finno Ugric ) and the Y-DNA (paternal) haplogroup R1a-Z93 (Mongolian )…

So this proves Russians are of Asian and Finno Ugric bold NOT Western Europeans..

A recent study has found that haplogroup NO of the Finno-Ugric peoples and their descendants probably spread to todays Russia from Northern China about 12,000–14,000 years ago.

Take a look at the facts about The exonym “Hungarian” comes from “Ugor”.in 895 The Magyars/Hungarians belonged to the Onogur tribal alliance, and it is possible that they became its ethnic majority The Hungarian people refer to themselves by the demonym “Magyar” rather than “Hungarian”. “Magyar” is Finno-Ugric from the Old Hungarian “mogyër”. “Magyar” possibly derived from the name of the most prominent Hungarian tribe, the “Megyer”. The tribal name “Megyer” became “Magyar” in reference to the Hungarian people as a whole

Anthropologically, the type of Magyars of the conquest phase shows similarity to that of the Andronovo people, in particular of the Sarmatian groups around the southern Urals. The Turanid (South-Siberian) and the Uralid types from the Europo-Mongoloids were dominant among the conquering Hungarians .. And this is the same as you will find in Russians finish today!!!

According to a 2008 study, the mitochondrial lines of the Hungarians are clearly indistinct from that of neighboring Slavs like Ukrainians and Polish people ..

The Hungarians like the Finish are of the same as Magyars what we today call Hungarian. (Magyar” is Finno-Ugric ) Four 10th century skeletons from well-documented cemeteries in Hungary of ancient Magyar individuals were sampled. Two of the four males belonged to Y-DNA Haplogroup N confirming their Finno-Ugric origin that proves and supports the historical claims that todays Finish and Hungarians come from Turanid (South-Siberian) and lived around what we today call northern and eastern part of Russia ..

The Finno-Ugric peoples are any of several peoples of Eurasia who speak languages of the Finno-Ugric group Karelians, Finns, Udmurts, and Komis. The traditional area of the indigenous Sami people is in Northern Finland and the Kola Peninsula in Northwest Russia and is known as Sápmi. Some other Finno-Ugric peoples have autonomous republics in Russia: Karelians (Republic of Karelia), Komi (Komi Republic), Udmurts (Udmurt Republic), Mari (Mari El Republic), and Mordvins (Moksha and Erzya; Republic of Mordovia).

German anthropologist J. F. Blumenbach compared Finnish, Sami (the Arctic reindeer herders) and Mongolian skulls and concluded that the Finns were ‘mongoloid’ and not ‘white’ like the Swedes or Finland’s Swedish-speaking aristocracy. This was widely accepted and led to the Turanian theory – that both the Finns and Sami had originally come from the East – as well as strengthening the view, according to Finland-Swede sociologist Nina af Enehjelm, that Finns were somehow ‘other’..

He found that Sami, Estonian, Hungarian were from the same family but so were a series of languages across Siberia such as Komi and Mari. And even languages like Mongolian seemed to have a similar grammatical structure. This led to the ‘Migration Theory,’ the Finno-Ugric peoples arrived in Europe from Mongolia around three thousand years ago and finally got to what today is Finland and northern part of Russia. The more recent discovery of genetics has added further evidence to the ‘Mongol’ claim. Geneticist Richard Kittles found in 1998 that Finns have ‘Dual Origins’ between Finno-Ugric and Mongoloid as measured by their ‘Y Chromosome Haplotype Variation.’ Other geneticists estimated that Finno-Ugric has between 10 percent and quarter mongoloid genes..

And in 2003, Slovenian geneticist Andrej Marusic observed that the Finnish and Russian propensity to alcoholism could be explained by the Mongolian ADH22 gene ‘which is common in Eastern peoples but almost unheard of Europe.’

Vladimir Lenin may have had Mordvin ancestry. There is a belief that President Vladimir Putin of Russia is the potential of Finno-Ugric Vepsian ancestry..

failures by Russians to never really get out it backward ways I think you can be assigned to being “too Finish Urgic Mogoliish “ – meaning, primitive, backward, culturally un-European.

When Russians attempt to define their own race and assert that they are European it just comes over as false, and as far as today’s scientific research goes, we can now conclude with certainty, Russian are not white Europeans it is a myth !!!

Russians try to claim they are something they are not i!! Russians are NOT Western European (Russians have claim to be for a long time it goes back to Peter the great wish to be a European nation ) but it is nothing but a myth a type of fake nationalistic, myopic, backwardness , and unaccepting of objective truth that Russians are in-fact nothing more than dissidents of Finno-Ugric tribes that assimilated with Mongolians back when the land of Moskal ( northern Russia ) was annexed by the Mongolians and made it a part of the Golden Horde…

(unlike the Real Slavic people the Ukrainians and polish people that never assimilated with Mongolian occupiers )

The Russian DNA is evidence that they are not white Europeans. Testes of today’s Russian males DNA have shown that they, like their ethnic brothers the Finnish people, share most of their chromosomes with the Chinese, and Mongolians (the Mongolian chromosomes ) just like the Finnish people do as well !!

This has proven without a doubt that Russian are NOT European as they share their DNA with the Mongolians and the study also shows that no other Europeans (with the exception of Finno-Ugric people) share that same chromosome structure with the Mongolians as Russians do !! ..And why is this you ask ..

Answer… because Russians are Finno-Ugric people that assimilated with Mongolians and NOT white Europeans like Slavic or Germanic people are..

Why is it so vitally important to find this proof you ask ?

Answer… It shows a systematic falsification by Russia that started with Peter to falsify its history and links to Europe so Moscow can put down the claim to the Kievan Russia history, cultural and lands !!

What conclusion can we take out of all this data ??

1. Russians are NOT Slavic it is a myth !! 2. Russians are closer genetically linked to Finno-Ugric and Mongolians 3. Slavic people like polish and Ukrainians are not genetically linked to Finno-Ugric and Mongolians.. 4. Russians need to reevaluate their own history and except the facts that they are nothing genetically to do with Slavic peoples heritage and therefore have no calm to Slavic lands !!

rob jonson


Let’s look at YAROSLAV THE WISE family history

Yaroslav the Wise mother’s name was ROGNEDA,,(Norwegian Viking name Ragnhild )

ROGNEDA (962–1002) is the Slavic name for Ragnhild, Rogneda Ingeborg Yngling Princess of Norway (Norwegian) Birth: 948 Oslo, Norway Death: 976 (28)

ROGNEDA of Polatsk was the daughter of RAGNVALD a Viking who came from Scandinavia (Norway) and established himself at Polatsk in the mid-10th century.

ROGNEDA belonged to the Ynglings Royal family of Norway. see link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogneda_of_Polotsk


ROGNEDA and VLADIMIR THE GREAT had several children. The four sons were Yaroslav the Wise, Vsevolod, Mstislav of Chernigov, and Izyaslav of Polotsk.

VLADIMIR THE GREAT father (Yaroslav the Wise great grandfather) was IGOR OF KIEV ( Norwegian name Ingvar the Rus) Prince of the Rus’

See link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Igor_of_Kiev

Who was YAROSLAV THE WISE great grandfather it was IGOR OF KIEV …

IGOR OF KIEV…(Ingvar the Rus) was a Varangian (Viking) ruler of Kievan Rus’ Reign 914–945 Coronation 914

IGOR OF KIEV Father name was RURIK (Viking)

(Religion Norse Pagan)

IGOR OF KIEV Mother was Olga ( Saint Olga) (Viking )

(Religion Christian ) Saint Olga

Dynasty Rurik Dynasty

Religion Norse Pagan

IGOR OF KIEV Full name was Ingvar Roriksen (a Viking ) Igor ( Igor’, Ukrainian ) is a given name derived from the Scandinavian name Ingvar that was brought to ancient Kievan Rus’ by the Vikings. Igor, son of Rurik, conquered Kiev.


The name Kievan Rus comes from the word Russ in Old Norwegian and in old Finnish means rowing as the Vikings would row their longships down the rivers and fjords the Finnish tribes call the Vikings Russ that is where the name comes from even today in the Finnish language they call Sweden ( the country ) Ruotsi meaning the land of the Russ in other worlds the land of the Vikings aka Scandinavians..as back in the 800s there was only Scandinavian with different small Viking kingdoms..Not Norway or Sweden as we know it today

ON A SIDE NOTE Vladimir the Great (aka (Saint) Vladimir of Kiev ) the father of Yaroslav the Wise.. WHO WAS HE …?? see under .. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_the_Great

Well Vladimir the Great, father was prince Sviatoslav of the Rurik dynasty was also a Viking, and how do we know this .. .

After the death of Prince Sviatoslav father in 972 (prince Sviatoslav ), who was then just Sviatoslav prince of Novgorod, was forced to flee to his other relatives in Scandinavia he did this in 976 after his brother Yaropolk had murdered his other brother Oleg and conquered Kiev Rus’.

When Vladimir the Great Prince was In Scandinavia ( then only known as Sviatoslav prince of Novgorod ), he with the help from his Norwegian Viking relatives (NOTICE HIS NORWEGIAN RELATIVES ) Ladejarl Håkon Sigurdsson, ruler of Norway, (NOTICE RULER OF NORWAY ) assembled a Varangian (Viking ) army and together with Håkon Sigurdsson, Sviatoslav prince of Novgorod (aka Vladimir the Great father and Vladimir the wise grandfather ) reconquered Novgorod from his brother Yaropolk. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haakon_Sigurdsson

By 980, Sviatoslav (aka Vladimir the Great father and Vladimir the wise grandfather) had consolidated the Kievan realm from modern-day Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine to the Baltic Sea and had solidified the frontiers against incursions of Bulgarian, Baltic tribes and Eastern nomads.

Sviatoslav son named Vladimir the Great, (originally a follower of old northern Slavic/ Viking paganism), converted to Christianity in 988 and Christianized the Kievan Rus and had a son and he named him Yaroslav the Wise.





rob jonson

Kyiv principality. The central principality in Kyivan Rus’. It was formed in the mid-9th century and existed as an independent entity until the mid-12th century, when it became an appanage principality.

Its basic territory consisted of the area of Right-Bank Ukraine inhabited by the Polianians and Derevlianians.

The Prypiat River usually formed the northern boundary, the Dnieper River the eastern, and the Sluch River and Horyn River the western. The southern boundary was the most dynamic; at times it was as far south as the southern Boh River and Ros River, while at other times (end of the 11th century) it stopped at the Stuhna River. Kyiv, the capital of the principality, lay on the crossroads of the trade routes from north to south and east to west that joined Asia to Europe. This favorable location fostered the development of trade and the prosperity of the principality. The oldest cities were Kyiv, Vyshhorod, Ovruch, and Bilhorod.

Kyiv principality in the 10th–12th centuries was the political center of Kyivan Rus’. At first, the senior member of the Riurykide dynasty inhabited its throne with the title grand prince. Beginning in the mid-11th century, however, a combination of factors initiated a long period of decline. The Cumans, who settled on the steppes south of Kyiv at this time, disrupted the flow of trade to the south and east and began a series of devastating attacks on Kyiv that lasted for over a century and a half. Moreover, the shift in international economic patterns, which accompanied the decline of Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire, saw new trade routes opened that bypassed Kyiv entirely. Finally, the long period of internecine war for control over Kyiv between the various branches of the Riurykide dynasty who had established themselves in the other principalities of Rus’ destroyed the political stability in Kyiv and precipitated further economic decline. Kyiv principality lost its leading position and the political center of Kyivan Rus’ moved west to the Principality of Galicia-Volhynia.

The Mongol invasion in 1240 caused enormous destruction throughout Kyiv principality, but it continued to exist. In 1362 it fell under the rule of Lithuania and became a principality in the Lithuanian-Ruthenian state. In 1440, Kyiv principality was restored, but in 1471 it was finally transformed into Kyiv voivodeship.

But lets go back before the time of the The Mongol invasion before the time of Yaroslav the Wise of Kyivan Rus’.

At first, Kyiv principality was ruled by the direct descendants of the Riurykide dynasty: Prince Oleh (882–912), Prince Ihor (912–45), Princess Olha (945–62), Sviatoslav I Ihorovych (962–72), Yaropolk I Sviatoslavych (972–80), and Volodymyr the Great(980–1015). Those pepole was vinkings and dependents of VIkings they had nothing to do with what we today think is Russia or TODAYS Russians as Moscow and Russia back them had not seen the light of day in history at that time ..

After Volodymyr’s death began the struggle between the various brothers and cousins that characterized the rest of the history of the principality. Although Yaroslav the Wise’s reign as the undisputed prince of Kyiv (1036–54) (todays Ukraine and Ukrainians )briefly stopped these conflicts, his plan to divide political power between his sons and to re-establish the rotational system of rule, where the senior heir of the entire dynasty would rule in Kyiv, greatly fostered political instability. The Liubech congress of princes in 1097 formally recognized the independent patrimonies of the branches of the family, specifying, however, that each would recognize the primacy of Kyiv. Unfortunately, this proved to be unenforceable, and the struggle for control over Kyiv continued.

Under Volodymyr Monomakh (1113–25) (He was the last prince of Rus’ to preside over a unified state. He is buried in the Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv ) .some stability in Kyiv was re-established, but after his death the Romanovych house of Galicia-Volhynia, the Olhovych house of Chernihiv. (NOTICE Volodymyr Monomakh he is buried in Kyiv as all of the land including Novgorod ( Holmgard (norrønt: Holmgarðr was made by vikings just like Kyiv was ) was part of KYVAN RUSSIA and therefor also should be part of Ukraine today as back in the day of Volofumyr there was no such thing as what we today to understand as Russia or Russians )

So her we can see that KievRus and Ukraine are one and the same !!! and the Moscovian aka the Finnish /Mongolian scum that are todays Russians, have tried to steal the history of Ukraine and Ukrainians and call it there own… Todays Russian are guilty of nothing more nothing and nothing less than cultural and historical theft in other words cultural appropriation of the true Slavic Ukrainian Kiyvan Rus people that is todays Ukrainians !!

Lets take a look at some more evidence Ivan the Terrible a true Mongolian tartar Finno-Ugric

Ivan the Terrible was the first son of Vasili III and his second wife, Elena Glinskaya, who was of half Serbian and half Tatar Mongolian descent,the Glinski clan (nobles based in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania) claiming descent from the Mongol ruler Mamai (1335-1380.

Ivan the Terrible mother was Elena Glinskaya, Elena was a daughter of Prince Vasili Lvovich Glinsky, belonging to a Tatar clan and direct descent from the Mongol ruler Mamai (1335-1380), and Serb Princess Ana Jakšić. who was the mother of Elena Glinskaya and grandmother of Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

The Lipka Tatar origins the clan Ivan the Terrible comes from, can traced back to the descendant states of the Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan They initially served as a noble military caste of Moscovia Aka. Russia !!

Elena Glinskaya Ivan the Terrible mother is today buried at Archangel Cathedral, at the Kremlin in Moscow

rob jonson

A shared long and common history” implies Ukraine and Russia are somehow like Siamese twins – in their origins, historical development, and in their current values and outlooks. These assumptions are often repeated by the media, but closer examination reveals crucial substantive differences.

1. Common origins? For more than 300 years, ‘Moskovia’ was… ‘Moskovia’ This is key for proper understanding… up until the early 1700s, most maps, government documents and all other records throughout the territory of present-day Russia proclaimed themselves “Moskovia” (Muscovy). All the people considered themselves Moskovites. But in trying to kick-start his country into contemporary Europe, Peter the Great searched for a more imposing pedigree (the word “Moscow” means “swampy or dark waters” in the ancient Finno-Ugric language). “Third Rome” was a failed attempt to connect Russia’s royal genealogy through Byzantium to ancient Rome (the title ‘Tsar’ was derived from ‘Caesar’) . Other spurious “ancestors” were considered. Finally, Peter looked at his neighboring country Ukraine, direct descendants of the Empire ‘Rus’ with its glorious history. Peter purloined the title that rightfully should have belonged to Kyiv and, over his own citizens’ stubborn objections, renamed his country ‘Rus-sia’. In 1721, the ‘Tsardom of Moskovia’ became officially the “Empire of Russia.”

2. ‘Rus or Russia… who cares?’ – big significance of one small letter “s”

1570 map showing Rus and showing Moscovia This crucial distinction between ‘Rus’ and ‘Russia’ may not seem like a big deal to many westerners, and their unfamiliarity hinders media from appreciating current developments. Few here might know of the majestic Kyiv-based “Rus” Empire, the largest country in Europe and dating back to the 10th century. The Kings of Rus in Kyiv had already established a codex of laws to apply to citizens of every level, and their princesses were being married to Kings in France, Sweden and other nations. Princes Anna of Kyiv could read and write five languages at a time when the entire French court was illiterate and her husband Henry I signed all documents with an “x.” After Henry’s death in 1060, Anna became the first French queen to serve as regent. This Empire of ‘Rus’ (with one “s”) is the direct ancestor of present day Ukrainians. At the same time, the area later to be called Moscow was a minor trading outpost on the borders of Rus. The indigenous Finno-Ugric tribes were pagans and lived in primitive Eskimo-like underground homes. Kyiv sent priests, laborers and settlers in an attempt to civilize the people living there. In contemporary histories written by scribes, it was merely called “the Land beyond the Forests.” Present day ‘Russians’ (with two “s”) are in reality former Moskovites who interbred with colonists sent there from Kyiv,and later were ruled for 250 years by the Mongols.

3. Russian genetic studies have demonstrated very close ties of northern Russian DNA with the Finno-Ugric tribes and with Mongolians. A 2013 study supported by grants from the Russian Academy of Sciences (A.V. Khrunin et al.) revealed a “new pole of genetic diversity” in northern Europe, reasserting that northern Russians exhibit a substantial presence of Finno-Ugric genotypes. Starting in the mid 13th century Moskovia submitted to Mongolian rule for the next three hundred years. By 1350 the Tatar language had become fashionable in the court of the Grand Prince of Moscow. Look at the names of cities and rivers in most of today’s Russia and you will hardly recognize any Slavic roots, but rather a mixture of Finno-Ugric and Mongolian names.

4. Common outlook? Russia’s orientation was to Asia, Ukraine’s was to Europe. Peter the Great waged many wars to get a “window to Europe” after centuries of being cut off from Europe during subservience to the Golden Horde. Once Ukraine was annexed by Russia in the 17th century, Europeans became more commonplace in Petersburg. Ukraine’s Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, one of Eastern Europe’s preeminent academies, which had been teaching students from Poland, Belarus, Moldavia, Bulgaria and Greece, now began to teach Russians for more than a century. In Ukraine, economic life and trade, universities, science, the arts and cultural life thrived from cross-pollination with European countries. Foreign diplomats and correspondents like Guillaume de Beauplan, Johannes Korb and many others left memoirs, noting the differences crossing over the the border from Russia to encounter the Ukrainians’ culture, friendliness and generosity, love of land, pride and fierce independence. In 1481, Yury Drohobych from western Ukraine was voted the first Rector at the Bologna University, Italy. Ukrainian Count Andriy Razumovsky commissioned a cycle of wonderful string quartets from Beethoven.The first printing press was founded in Lviv, Ukraine in 1573 by Ivan Fedorov, but only after he had been chased out of Moscow after his shop and books were burned by people who considered them the work of the devil.

5. Common languages? Kyivan colonizers and priests introduced Slavonic to the Finno-Ugric residents of Moskovia. The centuries long Mongolian Yoke period (Boris Godunov was of Asian Tatar stock), added a significant imprint on the Moskovian language. Due to their isolation, the Russians retained numerous archaic structures from old Church Slavonic, later adding German verb structure and many German words and phrases. By contrast, Ukrainian very quickly dropped all the archaisms, and in their free and open European atmosphere underwent an unrivaled development. Today, for example, you can easily hear many phonetics, grammar and roots common with Italian. In fact, many foreigners consider the Ukrainian language and songs as the rival of Italian. Linguistically, Ukrainian is more closely tied to Bulgarian, Polish and Slovak than it is to Russian.

6. It is not Russian language that needs protecting, but Ukrainian. Russian history reveals systemic marginalization and attempts at elimination of the Ukrainian language and culture. The Valuev and Emsky Decrees for the 19th century said there “never was, is not, nor will be a Ukrainian language” and banned Ukrainian books. The Soviet Union instituted the primacy of the Russian language and brutally squashed Ukrainian cultural revivals by decreeing many artificial linguistic changes in an attempt to increase “similarities between the two brotherly languages.” Contrary to claims of “persecution of Russian language and culture” in Ukraine, the overwhelming majority of books, newspapers, magazines, and TV programs are in Russian. 1,700 Russian schools officially operate throughout Ukraine, including many in western sectors. The Ukrainian Constitution specifically singles out Russian for “free development, use and protection” and in areas like Crimea Russian language, culture, churches and schools (fully funded by the state) approach near unanimity. (In contrast, there are merely a dozen schools with Ukrainian as an optional study language throughout all regions of Russia where over three million Ukrainians reside. Petitions to authorities remain unanswered. There are no Ukrainian-language newspapers nor radio nor TV broadcasting in the entire Russian Federation.)

7. Common history? The Soviet Union tried to establish the myth of two “brotherly nations”. But Putin’s 2014 invasion of Crimea is merely the latest chapter in centuries-old efforts by Russia to subjugate or eliminate Ukrainians as a nation and as a culture. In 1169, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky of Suzdal (Moskovia) brutally sacked and plundered Kyiv, preparing the way for its 1240 destruction by the Mongols. And only now we are beginning to realize the full extent of the Soviet era ‘Holodomor’ – the artificial famine in the 1930s, calculated to wipe out Ukrainians and succeeding to the count of six to eight million deaths.

8. Russia was responsible for Demographic Catastrophe in Ukraine Throughout the Tsarist and Soviet eras, millions of Ukrainians were either executed or forcibly relocated to all corners of the Russia, and Russians were brought into their place. (In Crimea, Stalin also relocated all Tatars and replaced them with ethnic Russians.) Most recently, on 3/3/2014 the Russian Minister of the Far East, Aleksandr Galushka, unveiled a disturbing initiative to move residents of Ukraine to the Russian Far East as labor. By Adrian Bryttan, New York March 6, 2014 http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/03/07/ukraine-and-russia-share-a-long-and-common-history-faq/

rob jonson


Evidence that Russia is lying about history !!

In 12th century the land is first mentioned as Ukraine. Russia does not exist.. Nobody heard about Moscow and Russia at that time. Learn more impressive historical facts.

The Chronicle includes several components: Lavrentian Chronicle, the Tale of Bygone Years, Chernihiv, Kyiv, Galician–Volhynian Chronicles which described the events from 860’s to 1292’s. Sources of the chronicles are diverse: Palatine chroniclers, palatine letters, ambassadors’ reports, military tales, stories of bystanders, the Greek chronicles and so on.

Ukraine is mentioned for the first time in the Tale of Igor’s Campaign against Polovtsy in 1185.

Many sources identify Kyivan Rus with Ukraine. In some versions, such as Ermolaevsky list (1189-1213 years), Ukraine is called Krajina (country), in Kyiv chronicles – Galich Ukraina.

Also, the name ‘Ukraine’ is mentioned in connection with the death of Pereyaslav Knyaz Volodymyr Glebovich, later in the description of events during Galician-Volyn Knyaz Danylo Romanovych regiment. Something like that.

What historical data will help to clarify Ukraine and Russia backgrounds.

Higher education institutions: the Russian Academy of Sciences was founded in 1724, Moscow University in 1755. Ostroh Academy was founded in 1576 in Ukraine, the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy was established in 1615 and Lviv University in 1661.

First printed ABC book in Ukraine was published in 1574 in Lviv, and in the Tsardom of Russia it happened 60 years later in 1634.

Religion: Kyiv Metropolia was founded in the year 988, and Moscow Patriarchate only in 1458. Kyiv Metropolia is 460 years older than Moscow ones.

Capitals: Kyiv is one among the oldest cities in Europe and was founded in 482, while Moscow was founded in 1147 by Yuriy Dolgoruky, the son of Volodymyr Monomakh. So, Kyiv is older than Moscow by 665 years.

The first monarch who was crowned in the Tsardom of Russia was Ivan the Terrible in 1547, and in Ukrainian lands it was the first king of Rus’ Daniel of Galicia in 1253.

Mongol yoke: Kyiv lost the Mongolian yoke in 1363 after the Battle of Blue Waters; Moscow lost yoke in 1480 after great standoff on the Ugra river, and Muscovy paid tribute to the Crimean khan till 1700, including the first years of Peter the Great reign.

Name: For the first time, the term ‘Ukraine’ was found in the chronicles in the year 1187. Term ‘Russia’ was found only during the reign of Ivan the Terrible 400 years later.

Last, but not the least, famous Ukrainian Pylyp Orlyk is the author of one of the first constitutions in the world. On April 5th, 1710 he was elected as a hetman. On the same day he announced a ‘Pacts and Constitutions of Rights and Freedoms of the Zaporizhian Host’. Worth mention, that the U.S. constitution was adopted in 1787. In France and Poland it was adopted in 1791.

What historical facts you should know on Ukraine and Russia origins.

1. A state called Muscovy Peter the Great renamed in Russia in the 18th century, in 1721. (so todays Russia did not show its ugly head before 1721 before that it was muscoviya )

2. The tribe called Mokshas named their river Moskva, and the translation of the title from the Moksha language sounds like ‘dirty water’. In any other languages of the world there is no translation for the word ‘Moscow’. The word ‘Kremlin’ has Tatar roots and stands for fortifications on the hill.

3. In the Middle Ages all European cartographers wrote and marked the frontier of Europe along the borders of Rus (Rus is a territory of present-day Ukraine). Muscovy is Ulus, with its Finnish people, has always been a part of the Horde, and was referred to Asia by Europe.

4. Muscovy (Russia) paid tribute to the Crimean Khan, its sovereign ruler and master, who was the legal successor of the Golden Horde, until 1700. Tsar of Muscovy met Crimean ambassador on Poklonnaya Hill, put him onto the horseback, walked on foot himself leading the horse with the Crimean ambassador to the Kremlin, put him on his throne, and stood up in front of him on his knees.

5. In 1610, in Muscovy Borys Godunov (Murza Gudun) ended the Genghisids dynasty (Genghis Khan’s relative), and Olexiy Koshka from the Finnish family of Kobyliny was enthroned, and the church gave him the surname Romanov, who allegedly came from Rome to rule Muscovy.

6. Catherine the Great, after the occupation of Grand Duchy of Lithuania (territory of Belarus), the last free state of Kyiv Rus’, in 1795, ordered to name Finno-Ugric tribes of Muscovy Great Russians, and Ukrainians (true Rus citizens)– Little Russians.

7. No one has ever seen the original agreement on the reunification between Muscovy and Ukraine, allegedly signed by B. Khmelnitsky and Tzar A. Romanov.

8. For several centuries, archaeologists have been looking for artifacts, confirming the authenticity of the Battle of Kulikovo, but so far without success. But they pitch a yarn about the victory of Dmitry Donskoi over Mamai until now.

9. Pskov, Novgorod, Smolensk regions of Russia are former Slavo-Ruthenian Principalities, and Finno-Ugric Muscovy had nothing to do with this, until Muscovy-Horde occupied them in 1462, in 1478 and in the 1654. And in other areas of Russia (Muscovy) Slavic tribes and peoples have never lived.

10. Golden Horde and her daughter Muscovy are the only countries in the world that enslaved their own people. This explains why rich in natural resources Muscovy falls behind the European countries with lack in natural resources. After all, the effectiveness of the free people is much higher than the slaves.

The myths of the Russian national consciousness suffered a new blow! First, the study of the gene pool of the Russian people, conducted by Russian scientists in 2000-2006 showed that genetically Russian are not Slavs, but true-born Finns, that have no difference from Mordovians.

According to the information from the Moscow-based Center of Lev Gumilyov, Russian scientists for the first time in history conducted Russian gene pool research and were shocked by the results!

These studies also fully confirmed that the Russians are not Slavs, but only Russian-speaking Finns.

Results of the mitochondrial DNA analysis showed that another Russian nearest relatives, except the Finns from Finland are Tatars: Russians are on the same genetic distance of 30 conventional units from the Tartars, which separate them from the Finns!

Russian scientists ended the issue concerning myth of the ‘Slavic roots of Russians’: there is nothing from Slavs in Russians! There is only Slavic Russian language, but it has 60-70% of non-Slavic language, so Russian people are not able to understand the language of the Slavs, although the true Slav understands any language because of the similarity of Slavic languages (except Russian).

There are Russians in Russia, but not Rus. There always was and will be only Kievan Rus !


rob jonson

A growing number of Russian analysts, in Russia and abroad, have taken to calling Vladimir Putin’s regime “fascist.” And they don’t use the term casually or as a form of opprobrium. They mean that Putin’s Russia genuinely resembles Mussolini’s Italy or Hitler’s Germany.

One of the most recent examples was Mikhail Iampolski. According to the Russian-born NYU professor, “the appeal of quasi-fascist discourse was predictable” as the Russian economy tanked. Moscow rejects “[a]nything that could be seen as a sign of weakness or femininity,” including liberalism and homosexuality, and then projects these qualities onto the enemy. Consequently, “Ukrainians are systematically accused of fascism, while Russian fascism is displaced by a false idealization of one’s own image.”

In March, Moscow commentator Yevgeni Ikhlov charged Putin with introducing a “left fascism” that, while “anti-market and quasi-collectivist,” is “fascism because it is a form of a militant and most primitive philistinism.” In January 2015, Andrei Zubov, fired from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations for opposing Putin’s Ukraine policies, argued that Russia’s President was building “a corporate state of a fascist type packaged in Soviet ideology, the ideology of Stalinism,” resulting in a Russia that closely resembles Italian fascism with its “nationalism and union with the church.” Moscow-based analyst Aleksei Shiropaiev claimed that Russia was moving toward fascism “at a galloping pace.” Russian fascism “has become a FACT,” “mass Russian consciousness remains absolutely imperialist and chauvinist,” and most Russians have “ACCEPTED fascination and are ready to agree to even massive political repressions.”

But are the analysts right? The evidence is compelling. Fascist regimes have charismatic dictators with hyper-masculine personality cults. These regimes generally evince a hyper-nationalist ethos, a cult of violence, mass mobilization of youth, high levels of repression, powerful propaganda machines, and imperialist projects. Fascist regimes are hugely popular—usually because the charismatic leader appeals to broad sectors of the population. Putin and his Russia fit the bill perfectly.

In calling Putin’s Russia fascist, Russian critics have proven to be far bolder than their non-Russian counterparts in the West, who remain wary about the F-word. Some Westerners genuinely believe that Putin’s brand of dictatorship differs from past fascist regimes. They often locate the differences in the historical conditions that gave rise to Hitler, Mussolini, and Putin, and not in the actual characteristics of their regimes. But doing so confuses the origins of similar things with their essential features. No one would say that America is not democratic because the origins of American democracy lay in revolution and not, as with Britain, in historical evolution.

But many Westerners fear the implications of calling a spade a spade. If Putin’s Russia is fascist, then it is comparable to Hitler’s Germany and Mussolini’s Italy and, thus, certifiably evil. And that means that calls for understanding Putin amount to calls for understanding evil. So it’s better to pretend that Russia isn’t fascist. Hence the popularity of abstruse designations like managed democracy and sovereign democracy or terms—such as Putinism—that only state the obvious.

A similar conceptual change is likely to take place with fascism. As the chorus of Russian voices using the F-word grows, Western policymakers who insist that we should listen to Putin and understand his point of view will have no choice but to listen to and understand his critics.

Calling Putin’s system fascist will mark a conceptual breakthrough in Western attitudes—and perhaps policies—toward Russia. Viewing his state as evil does not necessitate rattling sabers.

Soft power and diplomacy will remain no less important than hard power.

But the conceptual shift would recognize that Putin and his regime are the problem, and that the problem will go away only when he and his regime go away. In a word, there are no quick fixes to the Putin problem. The West is in for a long, hard slog involving economic and military support for Ukraine and its neighbors, the containment of Russian imperialism, and support for anti-fascist elements within Russia. The good news is that, now as then, democracy will win.

According to the famous historian Norman Davies, fascism, like communism, Putinisem, Nazissem , fascist ect ect can be defined by the following features:

* A pseudo-scientific conceptual basis (the believe of Russian 3rd Rom )

* A utopian goal (the Russiki Mir and Russians domains of a new Russian world )

* A structure of a party-state (the restructure of the USSR borders )

* An autocratic leadership that demands complete devotion (Putinisem )

* Pervasive use of terror to prevent and eradicate dissent (East Ukraine , SyrIa Chechnya, Moldova , Georgia, ect ect )

* Extensive and complex bureaucracy ( Using tax office to take out composition )

* State propaganda and censorship (RT-News ect ect )

* Martial culture and aesthetics of force (The state and Russian belief in Russian superiority of Russian historical culture)

* Purposely induced fear of the ever-present external enemy (use state service like FSB, GRU to intimidate )

* Mentality of hate and intolerance (Anti other ethnic groups likeUkrainians, Muslims, Tatars , Kazakhstanis and others ect ect )

* Economic and mental collectivism (Putin has vast control over the gas and oil sectors and uses it as a political tool )

* Militarism (Rebuilding and promoting and using Military to attack and subdue the people like in the caucasus Chechnya ect ect )

* Messianism (Putin the half naked hours reading and bear wrestling superman is definitely believed by Russians to be a type of messiah, who acts as a savior, redeemer or liberator of a group of people.

* Contempt for liberal democracy and values (Putins regime is anti LGBT anti democracy Anti free press Anti free expression of art just look at-PussyRiot-and- Anna Politkovskaya ect ect )

* Moral nihilism ( is the meta-ethical view that nothing is intrinsically moral or immoral take a look how Russia lies about invading other nations and killing civilians and support of terrorism, and then turn AROUND and say that it was to defend a grates good of Russia )

Clearly all of those are also characteristics of the Putin regime. Today in Russia, President Putin has the unquestionable control over Parliament, Government, courts, media and the most profitable sectors of the country’s economy. So, we have every reason to declare that modern Russia is in fact, an authoritarian fascist state with the genuine fascist elements, most prominently – the oppressive nature, the militarization of society, strict control over the mass media and complete disregard to human life

Daniel Martin

Seems like the General came at odds with Arsen Avakov over something, or have something very compromising on him …


The ‘ Blame Russia ‘ meme is a tired tactic of ignorant morons throughout the US/Israel controlled ‘intelligence communities’ ( comic book hero’s ), who have zero imagination and expertise about anything except pornography and child abuse.

rob jonson


What is Phobia ???

A Phobia is an irrational fear of something or someone will hurt you … !!

And in the case of Russian and Polish nationalism and other evil ideologies like islam, everyone is justified in having fear as evil acts of terrorism involved with their ideology ..,

Lets us take Russia as an exs. why there is no such thing as a phobia ..

Today in Ukraine, shooting down airlines MH17, supporting terrorists in east Ukraine and terrorists gov. in parts of Moldova , Terrorists Russian puppets gov. in parts Georgia and supporting both left and right wing extremist groups all of the world to disable other nations all committed by Russia are EVIL acts to their core !! http://www.healthline.com/health/phobia-simple-specific

So to feel disgusted and fear for their actions and feel disgusted and fear for RuSSians evil fanatic actions of war crimes and acts of terrorism TO ENFORCE Russefactaon of Ukraine (just like in history Poland has also been doing in east Ukraine for centuries) IS NOT an irrational fear or a phobia BUT a rational justified fear for the EVIL they do !!!


If Moscow and Warsaw is genuinely innocent of all the misdeeds attributed to it, why does it always seem to get the blame?

But The Kremlin attributes every new allegation to Russophobia. (Just like Warsaw dose when doing out historical facts that Poland dose not like .. them the Polish and Warsaw called it lies and attributes it to Poloophobia )

This excuse has proven ideally (for Russia and Poland ) suited to the varied terrain, serving as a one-size-fits-all explanation for virtually any charge.

Whether the claims relate to Russian soldiers in Ukraine, or Polish historical clams of how bad Ukraine is and how Poland is a victim Russian and Polish trolls on social media, dismisses it all as the work of desperate and irrational Russophobes and Poloophobias whose obvious prejudice renders their conclusions null and void.

The term Russophobia and Poloophobias or even Slavaphobia itself is nothing new and first appeared in the nineteenth century, but references to this Phobia accusations have skyrocketed since 2014. It has become one of the buzzwords of the fake news era and a significant information warfare weapon in its own right.

Just look at the accusations of Russophobia form Russian media and official Kremlin parlance. (and it is no distant when it comes to Poland and Warsaw ) According to the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab, Russian Foreign Ministry statements mentioned Russophobia just three times in 2013. By 2017, the figure had climbed to 56.


rob jonson

a spade is a spade and nazi subhumans are nazi subhumans and Russian scum is Russian scum !!!

RuSSians have for years been coming to Ukraine, with bad evil things like Genocide , warcrimes, corruption, hegemony control, stealing, cheating and enforcing a practice of nepotism policy for their own ethnic Russians, so Russia can subduing Ukrainian culture and language and commit other evil acts and deeds like forcing Russian language and forcing a Russification policy on the Ukrainian peoples children against the Ukrainian people own will ..

RuSSians think they have some sort of god given right to subdue Ukraine and its people and therefor they claim that the land that is Ukraine, is not just a part of Russia but is in-fact Russia proper and therefor they don’t see their evil actions in East Ukraine or in Crimea as an evil act or see that the annexed part of Ukrainian territory as wrong, as they truly believe it belongs to them anyway; RuSSians therefor continue to kill any Ukrainians that resist Moscow hegemony control of Ukraine and call Ukrainians traitors, while at the same time saying: “Why do you not love us ? we are your brothers and sisters ! ”

Lets look at some truth her ……

it is not Putin who made modern Russia or Russians, it is Russia and Russians who made Putin.

LET ME QUOTE James Monroe 5th US President in his First Inaugural Address, 1817 he said A Government is a reflection of the people

“It is only when the people become ignorant and corrupt, when they degenerate into a populace, that they are incapable of exercising their sovereignty. Usurpation is then an easy attainment, and an usurper soon found.The people themselves become the willing instruments of their own debasement and ruin.”

Ensuring the Voices of Government Reflect the People They Represent and the endorsement that the Russian people give the evil of Putin’s regime is without parallel any other place on earth 89% support him in his evil and have voted for him time after time after time….

SO the RuSSian scum no longer have an excuse they are responsible for the actions that the evil regime they support dose in their name and they must take responsibility for it…

The government is just a reflection of its people. If we start being active and informed, we will get a better government. If we’re lazy and don’t care about each other, expect the same in return.

Russians makes a despot like Stalin a folk hero and Putin’s Russia with the blessing of the Russian people rewrites history books and glorifies the USSR and Stalin to schoolchildren and do this after they have already made Stalin the 3rd greatest Russian in Russian history…


EVIL TO THE CORE !! So NO it is not Putin that is the prob. here…..

Putin is just like all politician a political animal, and like all politicians he acts and says what he thinks will give him the most changes to stay in power and he makes sure that he stays popular to get the vote..In other words Putin is just a reflection of the people if you like…!

But I will even go further than that and say, Putin is just a symptom of the diseased psychotic Russian mentality of the sick nation that is Russia.. his voice in government is just a reflection of the Peoples needs for hard line rhetoric..

Putin the politician has become a black-belt of 12 dan the kung fu panda master at hitting the-erogenous-zone.of the Russian nations mentality hot spot, he has his finger-on-the-Russian-g-spot and gives them-multiple-Political-orgasms…

Putin understands very well what the Russian people want and this is why the Russians love the hard line of Putins regime because it is evil hard line they want like and respect ….

Putin hard line gives them a political-vaginal-G-spot-orgasm and sends them into outer-space of bolshevik nostalgia and Putinism time after time after time….

And in return for the massive-multiple-orgasms…

The Russians reworded him by give him the power of the presidency and vote for him time after time after time … The endorsement that the Russian people give the evil of Putin’s regime is without parallel any other place on earth 89% support him in his evil and have voted for him time after time after time….

So the Russian people NO longer have an excuse, THEY ARE responsible for the actions that the evil regime they support dose in their name and they must take responsibility for it…


The government is just a reflection of its people. If we start being active and informed, we will get a better government. If we’re lazy and don’t care about each other, expect the same in return.

CONCLUSION Russia is full of Russians with a Psychological projection disorder …

Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others. For example, a person who is habitually rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. It incorporates blame shifting.

AM Hants

So who has he upset? Team $oro$Punchuk or team Kolomoisky/avakov?

AM Hants

Talking of Ukraine, like some parts of this article, but, seriously loses me when describing Crimea as being annexed. First time I have questioned a Stalker Zone article.

Crimea Was a Demonstration of Russia’s “Hybrid War” April 14, 2020Stalker Zone… https://www.stalkerzone.org/crimea-was-a-demonstration-of-russias-hybrid-war/

Do like this video, of what Crimea March 2014 was all about. Especially, around 1:24:00, when the USS Donald Cook meets Bastion.

EXCLUSIVE: The famous Russian documentary on Crimea with Putin FINALLY with SUBS…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Mw4Y9jRwCQ


Why were NATO measuring up the curtains and carpets over in Sevastopol?



So what else is going on in Ukraine?

Deadly Viruses of Ukrainian Laboratories April 12, 2020Stalker Zone…https://www.stalkerzone.org/deadly-viruses-of-ukrainian-laboratories/

AM Hants


Territories annexed to Ukraine from 1654

rob jonson



Russian officials continue to allege that the Ukrainian parliament and government are dominated by «neonazis» and «fascists.» However, in the parliamentary elections, the parties whom Russia labelled as «fascists» fell far short of the threshold of 5% needed to enter parliament. Ukraine’s electorate clearly voted for unity and moderation, not separatism or extremism, and the composition of the parliament reflects that.

So if not Nazis then what did Russia invade East Ukraine and Crimea for ??

1. Putin needs to deflect his people from domestic facts of economic problems of his gangster style corrupted control inside Russia..

2. Russian is stealing the vast iron and coal resources in east Ukraine..

3. Russia is stealing the newly found Oil deposits in the black sea and Azov sea

4 Russian only invaded after it was proved by geologist that Ukraine in fact has the 3rd largest gas fracking reserves this was something they only found out about in 2013 ..(Russia and Putin was afraid if a EU / US friendly government came to power in Kiev the EU and USA will move in start gas production and the EU will start buying its gas from Ukraine and not Russia )

Ukraine has Europe’s 3rd largest shale gas reserves at 42 trillion cubic …Russia’s silent shale gas victory in Ukraine The vast shale gas reserves in the separatist-held Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Lugansk regions are an important element not to be overlooked when analyzing the Ukraine crisis, writes Szilvia Batkov. https://www.euractiv.com/section/europe-s-east/opinion/russia-s-silent-shale-gas-victory-in-ukraine/

Shale gas by country https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shale_gas_by_country Ukraine to tap gas on Black, Azov Sea shelf http://www.ogj.com/articles/print/volume-98/issue-48/exploration-development/ukraine-to-tap-gas-on-black-azov-sea-shelf.html

Russia Claims Ukraine’s Black Sea Oil And Gas Bounty http://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Russia-Claims-Ukraines-Black-Sea-Oil-And-Gas-Bounty.html

In Taking Crimea, Putin Gains a Sea of Fuel Reserves http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/18/world/europe/in-taking-crimea-putin-gains-a-sea-of-fuel-reserves.html?_r=0

Natural gas found in Azov Sea http://www.gasandoil.com/news/1998/11/dix84767

Claim: The Ukrainian authorities are illegitimate

Fact: Ukraine’s President Poroshenko was elected on 25 May with a clear majority in a vote which the OSCE characterized (report here http://www.osce.org/odihr/elections/ukraine/119078?download=true ) as showing the «clear resolve of the authorities to hold what was a genuine election largely in line with international commitments and with a respect for fundamental freedoms.» The only areas where serious restrictions were reported were those controlled by separatists, who undertook «increasing attempts to derail the process.» The current parliament was elected on 26 October in a vote which the OSCE characterized (report here http://www.osce.org/odihr/elections/ukraine/126043 ) as «an amply contested election that offered voters real choice, and a general respect for fundamental freedoms». It again pointed out that «Electoral authorities made resolute efforts to organize elections throughout the country, but they could not be held in parts of the regions (oblasts) of Donetsk and Luhansk or on the Crimean peninsula».

Finally, Russian officials continue to allege that the Ukrainian parliament and government are dominated by «neonazis» and «fascists.» However, in the parliamentary elections, the parties whom Russia labelled as «fascists» fell far short of the threshold of 5% needed to enter parliament. Ukraine’s electorate clearly voted for unity and moderation, not separatism or extremism, and the composition of the parliament reflects that. In short, the President and parliament are legitimate, the actions of the separatists were not.

Claim: NATO provoked the «Maidan» protests in Ukraine

Fact: The demonstrations which began in Kiev in November 2013 were born out of Ukrainians’ desire for a closer relationship with the European Union, and their frustration when former President Yanukovych halted progress toward that goal as a result of Russian pressure. The protesters’ demands included constitutional reform, see here http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26289318 and a stronger role for the parliament, the formation of a government of national unity, an end to the pervasive and endemic corruption, early presidential elections and an end to violence. There was no mention of NATO.

Ukraine began discussing the idea of abandoning its non-bloc status in September 2014, six months after the illegal and illegitimate Russian «annexation» of Crimea and the start of Russia’s aggressive actions in Eastern Ukraine. The final decision by Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada to abandon the non bloc status was taken in December 2014, over a year after the pro-EU demonstrations began.

Claim: NATO tried to «drag» Ukraine into the Alliance

Fact: When the administrations of President Kuchma and President Yushchenko made clear their aspiration to NATO membership, the Alliance worked with them to encourage the reforms which would be needed to make that aspiration a reality.

When the administration of President Yanukovych opted for a non-bloc status, NATO respected that decision and continued to work with Ukraine on reforms, at the government’s request. NATO respects the right of every country to choose its own security arrangements. In fact, Article 13 of the Washington Treaty specifically gives Allies the right to leave.

Over the past 65 years, 28 countries have chosen freely, and in accordance with their domestic democratic processes, to join NATO. Not one has asked to leave. This is their sovereign choice.

rob jonson

Russian controlled Soviet Unions former satellite states like Poland, Romania,Czech Republic and The Baltic states, Slovakia ect ect ect …couldn’t wait to join NATO and the EU to get as far away from Russian hegemony control as fast as they possibly could at the time.

If the Russians weren’t such malignant, belligerent a**holes, they wouldn’t have to worry about, former satellite states like Poland,Romania,Czech Republic and The Baltic states, Slovakia ect ect running to and knocking at the front door of EU and NATO begging to come inn .

Her is a thought if every one thinks you are a bunch of malignant, belligerent a**holes and you think you are the the greatest thing since sliced bread and you are the only one that thinks that maybe you need a reality check and just maybe just maybe you are a bunch of malignant, belligerent a**holes and not the greatest thing since sliced bread The Ukrainians are living all over Ukraine the myth that there is just Russians living in east Ukraine is a myth and that’s all it is….

To day in Ukraine the population of ethnic Russias is only 17,3% that to day live in Ukraine, Russians are only 17,3% of the nations population BUT THEY ARE SHOUTING like they are 96%

(In the 2001 Ukrainian census, only 17,3% of people identified themselves as ethnic Russians. 17.3% of all the population of Ukraine)

Ukraine Demographics

Ukrainians make up almost 77.8% of the total population, while Russians take the second spot with almost 17% of the population.(if we include crimea ) Other minorities include Bella Russians 0.6%, Bulgarians 0.4%, Hungarians 0.3%, Crimean Tatars 0.5%, while Romanians and Poles both are 0.3% and Jewish residents make up 0.2% of the total population. Other minorities present are 1.8%.

The major language is Ukrainian, spoken by 67% of the population, while the second most common language is Russian, spoken ONLY by 24% of the total population. The remaining 9% is comprised of various other languages.

Just look at the population of Russians LIVING in that nations in East Europe it does not need to be that big to get problems .

Look at some facts Ukraine only 17,3% ethnic Russian Latvia only 26% ethnic Russian Lithuania only 2,5% ethnic Russian Estonia only 25,2 % ethnic Russian Moldova only 5.8% ethnic Russian Georgia only 1,5 % ethnic Russian

The % is not big in most of the nation’s above but when it comes to how much this Russian scum demand of influence and how much they are screaming if you did not know the facts you will think they are almost the majority of the populations.

Take Lithuania as an good exs. in that country ethnic RuSSians are ONLY 2,5% that represents ONLY 50,460 people that are ethnic Russians and Russians are NOT the biggest ethnic group in-fact after Lithuanians it is Jews that take 2nd place as the biggest ethnic group in Lithuania with 7,6% of the population that represents 153,743 that is 3 times bigger than Russians and we don’t see the jews shouting out that their language (Hebrew) must have a special status in education, schools and that gov. documents must be written in Hebrew and TV and Radio must also be in Hebrew, street signs must be written Hebrew and that Hebrew must have special protected statues rights within Lithuania like Russians are shouting about that they demand and want in Lithuania for their Russian language now do we …?? NO WE DONT !! becouse the Jewish population in Lithuania understand and respect that Lithuanians are the rightful owners and ppl. of Lithuania and they respect that fact..

SO THE QUESTION must be: Why is there always a problem with ethnic Russians all the time and why do they think they can demand special status for themselves and special status for Russian language who do they think they are ???

It has been said that it is hard for a foreigner to capture the Russian soul. The Russian melancholy is a collective feeling of loss and heavy burdens. (Maybe it will have been possible for a foreigner to capture the Russian soul if the fuckers had one !)

Everyone seems to be wondering why Russians and their evil twines the Pro Russian Terrorists scum are so quick to commit acts of evil and why they are so unhappy ..

Lets have a look at the evidence: In Russia and Russian controlled lands you in practice have …

– No Freedom of speech – No propaganda free television / press -No right to criticizes the church or the gov. -No right to demand that officials of the police protect your human rights – No money – -You never know when the next knock on the door comes as night – Most of them have Rags for clothes – Constant wailing from some idiot thug in the Kremlin to get re elected

The gov. will tell them that “when you die, a patriotic death its all gets better and you will be loved “?? Well no shit Sherlock! it will get better anything it better than Russia !!…. It’s not like it could get much worse


They’re not happy in Russia .. They’re not happy in Ukraine .. They’re not happy in Georgia .. They’re not happy in Estonia .. They’re not happy in Latvia .. They’re not happy in Lithuania .. They’re not happy in Moldova .. They’re not happy in Crimea They’re not happy in even in Russia or Belarus

SO, WHERE ARE THEY HAPPY? They’re happy in Australia . They’re happy in Canada …. They’re happy in England … They’re happy in France ….. They’re happy in Italy .. They’re happy in Germany ….. They’re happy in Sweden .. They’re happy in the USA ….. They’re happy in Norway .. They’re happy in Holland …. They’re happy in Denmark . They’re happy in Spain …

They’re happy in basically, in every country that has never been under control of the kremlin scum … in other words never been controlled by Russia or Russians !!

AND WHO DO THEY BLAME FOR BEEING THIS UNHAPPY ? Not Putin . Not their leadership. Not themselves. Not Mother Russia

THEY BLAME THE COUNTRIES THEY ARE HAPPY IN! AND THEN; They want to change those countries to be like….


Excuse me, but I can’t help wondering… How damn dumb can you get?

rob jonson

Ukraine is now forced to FIGHT AND IS WORKING HARD to fix a historical injustice to its linguistic and cultural heritage and at the same time fight the sovieticus mentality of corruption left over by the Russian controlled USSR and if that was not enough, it is also being forced to defend the land from Moskali Russian evil underhand war/attack and annexation of the lands of the Ukrainian nations..

In Ukraine, they don’t have bilingualism — it’s diglossia,”.

(Diglossia is a term that describes when two or more languages are used under different conditions within a community, often by the same speakers.)

One language is termed “high,” and the second “low” referring to their status or prestige in society. in Kyiv, the Russian Sovieticus idea of Russian being the “high,” still shows among the older generation is still to some part considered to be prestigious but this is getting slowly rubbed out…

In Ukraine, Russian language and its status are both consequences of the genocide done to the people of Ukraine and an imperialistic of the Soviet Union in Ukraine . Due to its post-colonial status, the Ukrainian language was pushed to the margins of all areas of life.

In Tsarist Russia, the Ukrainian language suffered from numerous prohibitions. For instance, in 1863 Valuyev Circular, a decree suspending the publication of many religious and educational texts in Ukrainian, or as the Russians called it, Little Russian, denied its existence.

The younger Ukrainian generation is now taking back their culture and finding their way back to Ukraine’s own roots and they are staring to be proud of their own true history (without Kremlins propaganda and myths ) and are now asserting their national identity and own language as it is their god-given the right to do so .

According to polls by the Razumkov Center, in 2017 some 68 percent of Ukrainians said Ukrainian was their native language. Only 14 percent consider Russian to be their native language, while 17 percent said they were native speakers of both Ukrainian and Russian.

Russian propaganda likes to misrepresent Ukraine as a country sharply divided geographically, ethnically and politically along linguistic lines for Kremlins agenda and propaganda needs: there are ethnic Russians in the east and south and in Ukraine’s Crimea who speak Russian, and ethnic Ukrainians in the west who speak Ukrainian, the story goes. But at same time Kremlin propaganda will pump out the Russian propaganda MYTH that Ukrainians and Russians are at the same time “one people,” (meaning Ukrainians are Russians as there is acceding to the Kremlin no such thing as Ukrainians ) the Kremlin’s incoherent and false narrative continues. It is a narrative that is sometimes picked up and lazily repeated by Western media.

The real situation is much more complicated than the Kremlin’s propaganda, of course. Many people in the east speak Ukrainian as their native language (mainly in rural areas), and many people in the west speak Russian as their native language (mainly in urban areas).

Some speak a blend of the two languages, called “surzhyk” combining elements of the vocabulary and grammar of the two languages in a variety of mixes, depending on the locality.

Surzhyk is most prevalent in east-central Ukraine but can be heard in all parts of the country, especially in areas adjacent to big Russian-speaking cities.

This complex linguistic landscape has been shaped, mainly, by centuries of Russian imperialism — first under the Russian Tsardom and Empire, and later under the Russian dominated Soviet Union.

The Russian government has in the history and are still today underhandedly and covertly promoting the spread of the Russian language and Russian dominance over Ukraine.

Russia even promotes this idea of a justifiable and rightful dominance over Ukraine not just to its own Russians and the world in general but among the native Ukrainian population as well…

They do this by actively refusing to acknowledge the historical facts and the existence of the Ukrainian language and take every opportunity to belittle Ukrainian history by calling it a myth; this way Moscow is indirectly saying that Ukrainian history never existed and Ukrainian people are just nothing more than confused little Russians..

If we look back in time this is nothing new, the Russian Minister of Internal Affairs Pyotr Valuev in 1863 issued a secret decree that banned the publication of religious texts and educational texts written in the Ukrainian language Emperor Alexander II expanded this ban by issuing the Ems Ukaz in 1876 (which lapsed in 1905). The Ukaz banned all Ukrainian language books and song lyrics, as well as the importation of such works. Furthermore, Ukrainian-language public performances, plays, and lectures were forbidden

During the Soviet times, the attitude to Ukrainian language and culture went through periods of suppression (during the period of Stalinism) While officially there was no state language in the Soviet Union until 1989, Russian in practice had an implicitly privileged position as the only language widely spoken across the country From around the 1960s nearly all dissertations were required to be written in Russian That caused most scientific works to be written exclusively in Russian. Studying Russian in all schools was not optional, but the requirement.

SO DO NOT COME SCREENING about Russian language rights in UKRAINE Mr Putin after Russia has forcefully been running a linguistic genocide on the Ukrainian language for years.

Language is the soul of a nation and this is why Russians are pushing Russian in Ukraine to destroy the soul of the Ukrainian nation … The Russian language is a sign of a “low-born” person a sovieticus dimwit that directly or indirectly is by using Russian in Ukraine supporting the linguistic genocide The Kremlin has been running a linguistic genocide on the Ukrainian language for years.. Russian should not be taught in Ukrainian kindergartens and schools “not to spoil child’s speech.” and the future sole of the Ukrainian nation and that is what Russian is really trying to do by attacking the Ukrainian language ..

rob jonson

Fake equalitarianism, Multiculturalism, feminism, and Marxism that we now are seeing in the west shouldn’t come as a surprise at all ..

The Kremlin has used this as a destabilizing tool for years infiltrating educational institutions with leftist propaganda by promoting these Marxist ideas into the western intelligentsia thinking and in the community with the help of labor unions.. The Kremlin has infected this into western society for generations and now we are seeing the effect of it !! The Russian call this form of attack for Active measures…SEE LINK https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_measures

(“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” Vladimir Lenin “Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.” Vladimir Lenin “The goal of Socialism is Communism.” Vladimir Lenin” )

The point of this is not to make you believe in anything but to create enough doubt, distrust, and confusion within the populous of the western nations that the Kremlin is attacking that the people will start to distrust their own government and media, it is, in other words, the good old game of divide and conquer Kremlin style ..

Also now that they fare liberal left has gong totally bonkers and the West’s educational institutions are all full of liberal professors (so job done ) the Kremlin is now shifting its focus so it can maximize the effect of their divide and conquer evil game of the Active measures strategies, by supporting right-wing element’s all over the EU, UK , and the USA and every one from internet bloggers to political parties, Milos Zeman, Viktor Orbán and Le Pen in France and other useful dimwits like Pablo Iglesias Turrión from Spain’s Podemos political party and Matteo Renzi Prime Minister of Italy and others in high offices in all EU nations; All of them and their political party are receiving indirectly and directly financial and funding from the Kremlin and have close business deals with Russian state companies… and they are all well known to bang the kremlin drums in the EU JUST LIKE Pro-Kremlin Czech president Milos Zeman..

What those guys don’t really understand is this all of this comes from the KGBs disinformation handbook from back in the day of the cold war and the Kremlin back then and today uses these conspiracies to discredit the US, and the west to the rest of the world and their own populous …

Take a look her at the link (Russian: активные мероприятия / Aktivnyye Meropriyatiya) SEE LINK https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_measures

Active measure is a Soviet term for the actions of political warfare conducted by the Soviet security services ( KGB )and now used by the Russian security services ( FSB) to influence the course of world events, in the Russian Kremlins favor, this includes but not limited to collecting intelligence and producing “politically correct” assessment of it,, and Active measures range “from media manipulations to special actions involving various degrees of violence”.

They included disinformation, propaganda, counterfeiting official documents, assassinations, and political repression, such as penetration into churches, Active measures included the establishment and support of international front organizations (e.g. the World Peace Council); foreign communist, socialist and opposition parties; wars of national liberation in the Third World; and underground, revolutionary, insurgency, criminal, and terrorist groups subversion: active measures to weaken the West, to drive wedges in the Western community alliances of all sorts, particularly NATO, to sow discord among allies, to weaken the United States in the eyes of the people of Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin…

Active measures is also close to the idea and tactic of deception what the Kremlin called maskirovka .. This is typical Russian military deception and propaganda tactics it is called “maskirovka” Russian military deception is broadly equated with maskirovka!!!! The 1978 Soviet Military Encyclopedia defines deception similarly, placing additional stress on strategic levels, and explicitly including political, economic and diplomatic measures besides the military ones. It largely repeats the 1944 Encyclopedia’s concept, but adds that Russian military deception, sometimes known as maskirovka (Russian: маскировка, is a military doctrine developed from the start of the twentieth century. The doctrine covers a broad range of measures for military deception, from camouflage to denial and deception.

The tactic Russia uses today and has always used is a not limited to only use of propaganda but also deceptive measures they include concealment, imitation with decoys and dummies, maneuvers intended to deceive, denial, and disinformation on all levels, the strategic “maskirovka “ is carried out at national and theater levels to mislead the enemy as to political and military capabilities, intentions and timing of actions. In these spheres, as war is but an extension of politics, it includes political, economic and diplomatic measures as well as military SEE LINK https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_military_deception

And how do we know that this trickery and underhanded lies and deception is and was run by the Russian Kremlin ???

We know this because we know who Vasili Mitrokhin was …..

And who was he you ask …

He was a KGB cold war agent that became a defector to the west that took with him KGB files regarding the Active measures programs see link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasili_Mitrokhin

Some of the active measures by the USSR against the United States were exposed in the Mitrokhin Archive: Well known Kremlin Active measures conspiracy theories put into the western minds …

Starting rumors that the Jewish “Control” of the Federal Reserve for the new word order and anti-Semitic propaganda has demonized the Jew as a conspiratorial, manipulative outsider, often with powers and designs of world domination helped along by the USA government and the American banks run and owned by the Rothschild jews.

Starting rumors that fluoridated drinking water was, in fact, a plot by the US government to effect population control.]

Starting rumors that the moon landings were hoaxes and the money ostensibly used by NASA was in actuality used by the CIA.

Starting rumors that US, government at the top level let Pearl Harbor happen so the American industrial complex and Banks got the US public to join in and take part in ww2 . Use of sympathetic elements in the press to label the strategic defense initiative as an impractical “star wars” scheme.

Fabrication of the story that AIDS virus was manufactured by US scientists at Fort Detrick; the story was spread by Russian-born biologist Jakob Segal.

Discrediting of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), using historian Philip Agee (codenamed PONT).

Attempts to discredit Martin Luther King, Jr. by placing publications portraying him as an “Uncle Tom” who was secretly receiving government subsidies…..

Stirring up racial tensions in the United States by mailing bogus letters from the Ku Klux Klan, placing an explosive package in “the Negro section of New York” (operation PANDORA), and spreading conspiracy theories that Martin Luther King, Jr.’s assassination had been planned by the US government

Russian Black propaganda is a form of propaganda intended to create the impression that it was created by those it is supposed to discredit. Black propaganda contrasts with grey propaganda, which does not identify its source, and white propaganda, which does not disguise its origins at all. It is typically used to vilify, embarrass, or misrepresent the enemy.

One of the first exs. of Russian Black Propaganda is The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Russian: Протоколы сионских мудрецов) ..SEE LINK https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_propaganda

The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion is a fabricated antisemitic text purporting to describe a Jewish plan for global domination. The hoax, which was shown to be plagiarized from several earlier sources, some not antisemitic in nature, was first published in Russia by the Kremlin to created and saw distrust between Ukrainian and jews in Ukriane they way dived and conquer the populations making it easy for Moscow to take over controll .

The book was published and circulated in the Russian Empire during the 1903–06 period as a tool for scapegoating Jews, blamed by the monarchists for the defeat in the Russo-Japanese War and the Revolution of 1905. Common to all three texts is the idea that Jews aim for world domination.

The Protocols emphasizes recurring themes of conspiratorial antisemitism: “Jews always scheme”, “Jews are everywhere”, “Jews are behind every institution”, “Jews obey a central authority, the shadowy ‘Elders'”, and “Jews are close to success.

The Nazis sometimes used The Russian book “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” as propaganda against Jews; it was assigned by some German teachers, as factual, reading. SEE LINK https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Protocols_of_the_Elders_of_Zion


YURI BEZMENOV WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!!!Yuri Bezmenov ex KGB : Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society (full lecture) SEE LINK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-cWbq1PoSw

Yuri Bezmenov ex KGB : Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society (Complete) SEE LINK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gnpCqsXE8g&app=desktop

Yuri Bezmenov: Deception Was My Job (Complete) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3qkf3bajd4&t=385s

Yuri Bezmenov: KGB Psychological Warfare and Subversion Strategy Part 1 SEE LINK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAYQ-rfj1CI

Socialism: A Warning from the Dead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69XHTgLEJq4

Communism and Feminism SEE LINK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXn_wdveMg0

Parents Fighting Back Against Gender Identity Doctrine SEE LINK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Usa1wt-36xk

rob jonson

A TRUE ’trojan horse’ in EU right now is Putin’s own trojan horses better know as putin’s friends inside the EU nations government people like like Milos Zeman, Viktor Orbán and La Pen in France and other useful dimwits like Pablo Iglesias Turrión from Spain’s Podemos political party and Matteo Renzi Prime Minister of Italy and others in high offices in all EU nations PUTIN HAS HIS TROJAN HORSES and they and their families get well taken care of by Kremlin contacts and network insiders and business connections..

All of them and their political party are receiving indirectly and directly financial and funding from the kremlin and have close business deals with Russian state companies… and they are all well known to bang the kremlin drums in the EU JUST LIKE Pro-Kremlin Czech president Milos Zeman..

And the twisted thing about all of this is that when Putin is promoting himself as a supporter of the fare right Putin is using the Syrian refugees as an hybrid war tool to bring down Europe (not the EU ) but European society and La Pen and other are being used as useful idiots in this geopolitical chess game run by the Kremlin’s FSB on the orders of KGB Putin

I AM NOT SAYING THAT what they are saying about immigration is not correct as IT IS !! and i support their policies regarding immigration and refugees we must close down Europe for immigration and refugees influx also we must deport any illegal refugee asap .. What i am saying is that they are being used by Putin as useful idiots in the Kremlins propaganda war for Russia own political agenda… If anyone thinks that Putin and the Kremlin is a friend of the west then they really need their head tested !!!

Also there is evidence that Putin’s FSB is involved with Russian gangsters in the massive smuggling of refugees into the EU and into Norway to make it Europe unstable.. (when we say Europe it is NOT the EU Putin is really attacking but the European society the west at large to make it unstable and weaken it )

While Russia did not start the refugee crisis they may have found a way to exploit it to further their hybrid war against Europe. While the direct benefits of intervention in Syria are valuable to the anti-West coalition that Russia is forming, the far greater benefit could be a devastating flank attack on European unity.

Organized by the FSB Putin is dumping Muslim ”refugees” on Norway as Norway is a Schengen and NATO country Only 35 have come to Finland, even though Finland has a much longer border with Russia than Norway. But Finland is not a NATO country Norway is NATO and Schengen..

The practical arrangements of the refugee traffic to the Russian-Norwegian border is by the FSB in Murmansk, in partnership with organized criminal groups, the website /www. aldrimer. no/ writes and citing Norwegian intelligence sources who say that it is well known that the FSB, which is also responsible for Russian espionage against Norway, has close ties to the Russian mafia and other criminal groups.

In Russia, a very organized transport and support operation is established. In addition to human smuggling, there is also a very professional and extensive sale of bicycles to “refugees”, given that it is not allowed to walk across the border. Norwegian or Russian citizens who drive refugees across the border could be punished.

The route to the Norwegian-Russian border is also being actively promoted on social media, writes the outlet.

And while Russian border guards require a Schengen visa to be let into Russia, there is no such requirement at the border to Norway – to seek asylum.

More supporting facts see under

1. Exposing Terrorism: The Russian-Islamic Terror Connection (2009) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jw-ca2qQWCw

2. Putin admits that Russia’s goal in Syria is to support Assad and not to bomb ISIS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wvoQFE62WI&index=2&list=PL27DM3-wKkzR391_SYAbSm3aDDD0smfqT

3. Why Are Russian Engineers Working at an Islamic State-Controlled Gas Plant in Syria? Moscow says it’s at war with the jihadist group — but both sides aren’t opposed to cutting economic deals amid the bloodshed.


4. Russia has killed more civilians in Syria than Islamic State, according to a monitoring group Syrian Network for Human Rights. http://sn4hr.org/blog/2016/08/18/25798/

5. Former KGB Officer Konstantin Preobrazhensky Said Russia has been using and funding Islamic Terrorism to attack the west for years How the Russian KGB run Islamic Terrorism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AqMCLqTRFo&list=PLF37A04E836694EF6&index=110

6. Ex-Russian FSB spy exposes Kremlin’s operation of terror, help to Islamic State Revelations by a former Russian agent, implicating the Kremlin’s involvement in terrorist activities in Europe and the Middle East. The account about to be heard bears the hallmarks of a real spy scandal – undercover operations, fake documents and financial donations.

The ex-spy codenamed Yevgeniy specialized in terrorist organizations and counter-terrorism activities. The man firstly claimed that radical Islamist groups are staffed with Russian agents – and that Moscow has a real impact on their activity. This is what he told journalist Andriy Tsaplienko


7. Defector: Putin’s KGB trained top al-Qaeda terrorists https://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/europe/item/15162-defector-putin-s-kgb-trained-top-al-qaeda-terrorists

8 WikiLeaks Evidence: Russia Sponsoring Islamic Terror https://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/europe/item/8637-wikileaks-evidence-russia-sponsoring-islamic-terror

9 . Russian and their crimes Putin bombing children’s schools to create refugees sub.. in English


10 Anton Shekhovtsov: Russia and the Western Far Right,,

The lecture discusses relations between various Russian actors (activists, politicians, organizations, media, officials, etc.) and the Western far right. It provides a historical perspective, discussing the pro-Soviet or pro-Russian views of particular Western far-right activists, but its major focus is contemporary Russia. As Moscow has become more anti-Western, contacts with the Western far right have become more intense and have operated at a high level. The lecture shows that the Russian establishment was first interested in using the Western far right to legitimize Moscow’s politics and actions both domestically and internationally, but more recently Moscow has begun to support particular far-right political forces to gain leverage on European politics and undermine the liberal-democratic consensus in the West.

Anton Shekhovtsov is a Fellow at the Legatum Institute in London. Currently, he is a Visiting Fellow of the program Ukraine in European Dialogue at the IWM.


rob jonson

PUTINS 1990s Manifesto outlining Russia’s plans is starting to come true..

EVER wondered what Vladimir Putin is up to inferences into the US elections? Surprisingly, there is an answer to that.

(that told Trump did not work together with PUTIN he just happened to benefit from PUTINS inferences the US elections)

In 1997, a Russian political scientist named Aleksandr Dugin and a serving Russian General named Nikolai Klokotov sat down and wrote a text that would become the foundation of Russian geopolitical strategy over the next 20 years. It was called “Foundations of Geopolitics” and it was all about how Russia could reassert itself in the world.

Chillingly, the book now reads like a to-do list for Putin’s behavior on the world stage. Perhaps surprisingly, the document is not a secret. It has long been known to observers of Russian foreign policy, and has served as a text book among a generation of military strategists. But with the scandal over Russian influence in the US elections, growing by the day, it’s surprising how little coverage this important text has been given.

The book starts out by saying that the shrewd thing for Russia to do is to steer clear of direct military confrontation. Instead, the book counsels Russian leaders to favor political stealth. It emphasizes the need for the infiltration of Western institutions, and the use of soft power to shape the world in Russia’s favor. Sound familiar yet? We haven’t even got to the good stuff.

The text then goes into a very specific list of to-dos, about Russia’s posture towards almost every nation on earth.

Let’s start close to Russia. The book argues that Ukraine should – surprise, surprise – be annexed by Russia. “Ukraine as a state has no geopolitical meaning, no particular cultural import or universal significance, no geographic uniqueness, no ethnic exclusiveness, its certain territorial ambitions represents an enormous danger for all of Eurasia and, without resolving the Ukrainian problem, it is in general senseless to speak about continental politics.” It goes on to argue that the only use for an independent Ukraine would be to provide a barrier to Europe, but that it’s not necessary.

Next, it turns to Britain. The book’s authors say Russia should encourage Britain to leave the European Union, and thus weaken it. That’s right. Russian strategists were openly arguing in favor of Brexit in 1997, when it was still just a glimmer in Nigel Farage’s eyes.

Score so far, Putin: 2, Rest of World: 0.

How about the rest of the world? It identifies Iran as a key ally for Russia, and recommends that Turkey should receive a series of “geopolitics shocks” using Kurds and Armenians to keep it off-balance. I’d give that Putin: 4, Rest of World: 0.

The document even mentions Australia, if only in its relation to China.

It says that China should be encouraged to have its geopolitical posture aligned to its south – Indo-China (except Vietnam), the Philippines, Indonesia, Australia – so that Russia can remain predominant on the “Eurasian” mainland. It also talks about making Germany and France the predominant powers in the European Union, in order to unbalance that alliance, and encourage an anti-Atlantic sentiment on the continent. Score so far is

Putin: 6, Rest of World: 0.

But perhaps most amazing part of the book is when it calls for Russia to “introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S.

It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics.” If that reads like an accurate description of Trump’s inner-circle, again remember that this text was written twenty years ago.

Like Putin, Dugin and Klokotov saw the collapse of the Soviet state as humiliating. They believed that the West had hacked infiltrated their institutions in the late-1980s, and weakened the Soviet state from within.

They therefore sought revenge in kind – influencing the institutions of other countries, to return Russia to what they considered its rightful place as a superpower.

It’s now clear to everyone r that Trump’s campaign was in communication with the Russians that have connections with the Kremlin . The revelation about Jeff Sessions means that this is the story that will dominate Trump’s first term and has created POLITICAL destabilization and public distrust within the US. Putin: 7, Rest of World: 0.

Of course, every nation has influential strategic thinkers who help leaders shape their thinking, but the Foundations of Geopolitics has had an outsized influence since it’s publication 20 years ago. By some accounts, the book has been used to teach a generation of military officers in Russia, while Dugin himself continues to be considered a member of Putin’s inner circle.

There are many factors that go into geopolitics — and it can be easy to overstate Putin’s influence in what are tendencies that may have arisen anyway. But reading through the document, it is hard to escape the conclusion that much of Russia’s foreign policy has been shaped by Dugin and Klokotov’s thinking – and that that is in turn, shaping the way the world is heading.

And that should be a concern to us all. They’re thinking breaks with many of the central tenets that underpin our politics. It rejects democracy, and places nationalism at the heart of how geopolitics should operate. It is essentially a wholesale rejection of the globalization that Western economies have engaged in during the past four decades.

The question for the US intelligence community, and the Congress leaders who are looking into Russian influence in the US election, now becomes, what will Putin do next? Or is it to simply weaken the US, so that his own Eurasian Union — a hierarchical, anti-democratic alliance of countries with Russia at its head — can become a superpower?


Russian Hypocrites spend their lives cheating, betraying, conning, and deceiving. But despite this disgusting pattern of behavior, RuSSians still feel entitled to point out (or invent) the most minor mistakes in others—and they’ll point them out repeatedly, to negate & excuse all of their own horrible actions.

Russians have been working for the Russkiy Mir since Peter the great and have used everything to try to get to that goal even Marxism and communism the USSR was not a collaboration of communist states in the eyes of Russians it was a bigger Russia and a stepping stone for the Russkiy Mir !! (Russian world ) and they used Marxism and even supporting jihadist terrorist, leftist extremism, feminism, and anything else for their own agenda of building the Russian word a one world with one center called Moscow in the Russkiy Mir …

After communism did not work they abandoned it for crony capitalism and after that did not work they have gone back to Russian fascism and dictatorial style of governance with PUTIN backing up every nut job in the west making/ plating discontent into everything and everyone they can, putting everyone up against one another, at the same time Putin east up against west north against south , man against woman old against young black against white left against right ect ect ect ect ect making problems and supporting friction anywhere and any way they can..to weaken their foe and make it easier to export the idea of Putinism (Russiky Mir ) and RUSSIANISM to look like a good alternative way of life …

There should not surprise Russia and Russians are immune to breaking whatever is needed to achieve their Machiavellian ends of global expansionism of the Russkiy Mir also know as the Russian world. READ ALSO about Putin’s Eurasian Union the real Russkiy Mir

Putin’s grand vision: a new Eurasian bloc with old Soviet neighbors..

Putin proposes the formation of a “Eurasian union”, a bloc that could boost Russia’s influence on the global stage. The proposal – from the man who once dubbed the Soviet Union’s collapse “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century” – raises the specter of the Russian prime minister’s imperial designs.

Putin says: “We received a big legacy from the Soviet Union – infrastructure, current industrial specialization, and a common linguistic, scientific and cultural space. To use this resource together for our development is in our common interest.”

Putin has formed countless Moscow-led groupings aiming to maintain the power that Russia lost with the collapse of the Soviet Union. In recent years he has focused on economic integration and has pushed for former Soviet states to adopt the rouble as a regional currency.


The Russian World: a Flexible Tool

Russia wanted an ideological tool of its own to counter the Western narrative of democracy promotion.

Thus the concept of the Russian World became an operational matrix for building up

Russian legitimacy and influence in the region, and a key framework for its proxy groups.

The current narrative of the Russian World encompasses language, culture, history, shared heritage, economic links, religion and conservative values.

In its late-20th-century sense, the Russian World was understood to refer only to a core of Russian-speakers in the post-Soviet region and the wider Russian diaspora. More recently, the concept has expanded to include all those who feel an affinity with what Russia stands for. As defined by Putin in 2014, the Russian World is a civilization that includes people who feel culturally close to Russia, while Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, has stated that it also includes the non-Slavic world, where people have internalized its cultural and spiritual components.

The Russian World thus has a fluid geography for its advocates. The Russian World is put forward in opposition to Western values of liberalism and individual human rights. Similarly, the proponents of Eurasianism are bonded together not so much by a shared affinity with Russia as by the rejection of US hegemony and of globalization as promoted by the United States.

This is confirmed by arch-Eurasianist Aleksandr Dugin: ‘what we are against will unite us, while what we are for divides us. Therefore, we should emphasize what we oppose’.

Such figures argue that liberalism is dangerous and foreign to Russia and to the Russian World because of its capacity to liberate the individual from all forms of collective identity. Government officials and Orthodox Church leaders reject the idea that individual human rights prevail over the interests of society. This view has become the paradigm for Russia to position itself as a defender of traditional values at home and abroad.

Russian fascist and far right nationalist Alexander Dugin consolidated many of the ideas informing today’s Russian World. His vision encompasses traditionalism anchored in Orthodoxy, occult theories, Eurasianism and geopolitics. He champions the creation of a Eurasian state comprising the former Soviet republics and former Warsaw Pact countries of Eastern Europe, and even advocates a Russian protectorate over the whole of the European continent, including Western Europe. In Asia, this state would annex Manchuria, Xinjiang, Mongolia and Tibet. The Russian World, in this thinking, extends far beyond the post-Soviet space, reflecting the importance of the Mongol period in the formation of Russian identity.


Neo Onh

So much BS! Not worth reading….

Neo Onh

Some interesting facts: Thera is no “ukraine”, just russian, polish and austrian-hungarian territories put together. Novorossiya and Malorossiya, 2/3 of “ukraine” are russian lands for over 300 years. The very word is russian and means “borderlands”, inhabited mostly by russians since 1500. The Kiev nazi regime brought several 1000 Galician nazis to Kiev for the coup in 2014. Forensic reports show that the Maidan coup-makers were shooting at demonstrators as well as at the police to blame the legal government of Yanukovich. USA paid 5 bil dollar to make the coup. The Kiev nazi regime cut down the trees of Maidan square because the bullet-holes revealed the sots came from the “peaceful protesters”. The Kiev regime is illegal/illegitimate – so called “elections” were held after all opposition leaders were banned/jailed/killed. I could go on for another 20 pages or so…..

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