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MARCH 2025

‘Major Terrorist Attack Foiled’ In Netherlands, 7 Suspects Arrested

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On September 27th, Police in the Netherlands arrested seven individuals, allegedly involved in plans to commit a terrorist attack, according to a police report. Police claimed that the plan was at an “advanced” stage.

Dutch Justice and Security Minister Ferdinand Graphherhaus said: “The group was not so far away yet that it was almost too late, but they were quite late in the preparations.”

The plot involved detonating explosives at a big event, then opening fire with AK-47s, following all of this with a car bomb being detonated.

Police claimed that the detained men were attempting to procure rifles, along with smaller sidearms, car bomb material, bombs and grenades.

Five of the arrested men were armed at the time of detainment. Authorities said that the arrests were made in Arnhem and Weert on the afternoon of September 27th.

Three of the men are from Arnhem, two are from Rotterdam, one from Huissen and the last one from Vlaardingen. Arraignment hearings will take place on September 28th.

One of the men is a 34-year-old previously convicted of trying to travel to a warzone connected to ISIS. AIVD, the Dutch intelligence services said that it uncovered information that he wished for a group of people to carry out an attack “at a large event in the Netherlands and wanted there to be many victims.”

The ages of the men are between 21 and 34, two other individuals were also convicted of attempting to travel to ISIS battle sites.

Grapperhaus spoke regarding the 34-year-old individual. “The services received signals in April this year that a person had been in IS territory. A large criminal investigation network has been set up around that man and this has led to the police being able to arrest these people with special interventions.” The Netherlands terror threat level will remain at four, one below the highest level added the minister. “That means that the chance of an attack is real,” Graphheraus said.

Late on September 27th, Dutch police released a 28 second video footage showing the arrests of the seven individuals. The video shows special forces teams raiding a white van in a parking lot and entering a home.

The Daily Star reported that the arrest took place one month after an Afghan man was shot by police in Amsterdam’s central station after stabbing two American tourists.

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Gemma Tell

Lol, and the authorities will say there’s nothing to worry about, its not muslim related, don’t be racist, and all tha rubbish. The Dutch deserve every Allah screaming migrant they can get.


Well they’re fighting ‘war’ on terror so since a war naturally there will be civilian collateral damage both on their enemy country and their own. You’re at risk for the hubristic nature of your nice Democratic government.

You can call me Al

Shut it gimp. I am form the UK, living in ARNHEM in The Netherlands and I can categorically tell you that they will tell you more things here, than any other Country in Europe or the US.

This is a left wing translation of what happened -https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2018/09/police-round-off-terror-raids-more-details-emerge-about-suspects/ ……. it is everywhere on the news, a lot more specific and direct than this link.

So get some knowledge about something before spouting bollocks.

Gemma Tell

He he he, I don’t give a flying f where you are and where you live. I’ve lived in your sodom and gomorrah of drugs, sex, snuff movies and allochtoon rubbish.

The Dutch deserve every allah screaming, machete wielding muslim they can get.


Hey…Hasbara…you will soon be Swimming in the Mediterranean….and your Master Rothschild Loves Snuff-Movies….now go get your $hekels…and Buzz off…we the Dutch are not Impressed by Your Wahhabi Headchoppers

Gemma Tell

Ja ja, ….says the moron from Mokum. I don’t live in Eurabia. The dutch financed the terrorists that killed and maimed 100’s of innocent civilians in my country. I’m stocking up on popcorn and beer to enjoy the destruction of the pays bas. As its is, it is already below sea level, so not too far to fall into the sea then, lol.

“We the Dutch…” you don’t even know your own history munchkin.


That was my Government Cunt….the Fuckers never told anyone…I got my information Elsewhere…But this Fucking Government Operated like Lying Fucking Cockroaches….and their lies came out…2 oktober we will have Hearings…I’m very very curious what these Rats are going to say about this Sponsoring Of Wahhabi Cutthroats

Gemma Tell

And you dumb cockroaches all voted for them, so you are guilty of putting them into that position. GFY or get it free from the allochtoon gangs.


Get the fuck out of here Hasbara Whore.. ZioNazi Filth..I am the Minority….Democracy is Majority Rule Cunt! Only Fucking Hasbaras talk shit like that! You want War right? You will get your Fucking War…..promised….

Gemma Tell

Democracy hey? Or is it demockeracy? Sticks and stones, I’m not a fakebook snowflake. In any case, I’m a Christian. Try getting your facts first, before you throw the accusations around.

And the Dutch deserve every allah screaming, machete and axe wielding, acid throwing muslim they can get.

War is coming, all Christians know that, preach that to your dumb countrymen.


Yeah you Zio-Christian…go suck Satanyahoo…The second cummin’ of Christ..I hope for you the Lord Jesus will come to pick up you & your ZioNazi Buddies real soon… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b78cf7b2ca2053cd1ac99c08eb1207d5f39f5712890627a08951ec995e822ba6.jpg

You will all be very surprised to notice that your Lord “Jesus” will have a Tail & is holding a Pitchfork….

Gemma Tell

Lol – projection Ver. 6.66.


How’s the weather in Hell Aviv?

Concrete Mike

You can only.vote for whoemever wae appointed by politial parties, with all the strings attached.

The common dutch man has no say in this.

Your position is flawed.

Gemma Tell

But you morons call that democracy and expect sane people to believe ya’ll lies, lol. You are all insane. They always have so much to say about the low IQ of sub-Saharan Africa – but you morons are even more stupid.

Concrete Mike

Your assumptions are making you look stupid.

I know we aint got democracy, its more like corporate authoritarianism. Most of us know that, evidence to that is low voter turnout.

You can judge whoever you want, i dont give a flying fuck, you know why?

Because i know that i know nothing, thats true wisdom. Your here pretending to be smart and calling other people names and bla bla, you can play your identity politics with others, your simple tricks wont work on this old dog.

And if we are all insane…mister sane (apparently), please provide some advice wisdom or solutions?

Any dickhead can point out problems left and right. A wise man has solutions.

Your at bat boy.

Gemma Tell

The Dutch are just as evil and corrupt as those who are invading and killing them. I’m enjoying watching the show.

Concrete Mike

Good job staying on the script.

Once again painting everyone with the same brush shows, either an ideologically blind perspective, a pompous affirmation that you and your kind are better than us( dare i say fascist??), a lack of experience in how the world really works, or your following a script.

Take your script and shove it up your ass you fascists pompous troll.

Gemma Tell

Blah, blah, blah, you can punt your leftist drivel all you want, I’ve got thick skin and your rubbish and lies does not affect me. So go and tell the stupid dutch about how wonderful sharia law is and explain that the veil is to hide the acid scars. Maybe you can get a free pass to the pedo club around the corner.


Your folks are the Kiddiefuckers…and suck Baby-Blood

Gemma Tell

That’s why there are pedo support groups all over in NL hey?


You should cut off a Paedo’s balls & penis and force’m to eat them…let him Bleed to Death….that is my support…

Gemma Tell

You dutchies love that stuff – remember Epe? And let’s not forget the snuff movies, yeah – NL is a muslim hellhole.


Just get the fuck out of here Hasbara Whore….you love sucking Satanyahoo’s Dick right..? I bet you are a Shemale…workin’ for sum extra $hekels to pay for your New Boobs

Gemma Tell

Lol – triggggggeerred.

mike saunders

That’s funny considering the corrupt midget Putin is blatantly queer. That’s why there’s never been any GF rumors. Women are grossed out by his greasy shirtless act on horseback. But he thinks it impresses little boys. He’s about as creepy as it gets. A skin crawling perv.


Hasbara go suck Satanyahoo….Filthy Cockroach….jerking off behind your computer…you like it right boy?… you are nothing….a low life little Fucking parasite

mike saunders

Hahaha!! Try being even more frustrated and angry. See if that improves your condition.


It has certainly not improved you Mike. Perhaps you should lie down for a while and ease your frustrations :)


No it is good for whenever the war starts dickface….I learned a lot from USraeli Cocksuckers like you….a lot… I know who is my Enemy Cocksucker…. and you can Laugh…Laugh as much as you want little parasite….but you will pay…you will pay…

mike saunders

When the war starts??

And which war is that,Slingblade? You hot to to do some shootin’? Join the army. ‘Ceptin’ for the fact azzclowns like you are all narcissistic talk, no action. The only one you’re making war on is….. ……..you. Look in the bathroom mirror

Meet the real enemy. Well, him and ”Daddy Dearest”. I’ll bet he’s a real work of art…


You are nothing but a parasite…eat Shit & Die Faggot…keep jerkin’ off behind your computer…rat…

mike saunders

Too funny. Unlike yiu I earned mine. All you’re doing here is advertising the fact your daddy did a real number on you.


You just show what a Cockroach your “parents” produced… but hey Nits make Lice…go suck your sugardaddy Satanyahoo…if you swallow he’ll tip you some extra $hekels..

mike saunders

You have obvious issues. Good luck navigating the rest of your brief, brutish existance with all that narcissistic rage.

Promitheas Apollonious

unlike the one who was trying to jerk off and accidental like seeded the whore who given birth to you. Now whose the moron, again?


Two articles why I still think Syria won’t be partitioned on the long term…it won’t be over soon…slowly but surely…



Gemma Tell

Oooooh, yet another projectionist. Enjoy the acid, axes and machetes. Keep a look out for mentally unstables driving cars and trucks. Oh, and don’t mind when they rape your women, your all gelded anyway.

You can call me Al

Good lad.


If you’re saying that you’re having Democratic government then yes you deserved them.

You can call me Al

Well at least I was right; you are a total twat.

Gemma Tell

Lol, projection Ver .0000001. Enjoy your allah screaming muslims, the axes, machetes, acid, bomb and car attacks. The Dutch deserve every single one of them.


Meh he’s jews troll. All troll that only looking for attention should just insta blocked.

You can call me Al

Blocked it, 10 mins ago, before I was forced to hit my screen. But thanks.


How do you find the Dutch Government compared to the UK, Al?


No Worries Mister Minister Ferdinand Graphherhaus…Your Colleague Stef Blok Sponsored those Fellas in Syria…they are Moderate Headchoppers…




Sounds like a bullshit story, which they couldn’t even tell right. The plan was well advanced. Yeah Right! They were caught trying to procure the ordnance to carry out the attack. We all know if the headchopping fraternity wanted to murder and maim, their bombs, guns and balaclavas would have been shipped direct from Tel Aviv in a diplomatic container.

You can call me Al

You are wrong on all respects. They already had the ordinance and all shit broke out in Arnhem. This is not a false flag.


Well according to all the reports I had read at time of posting including the above, para 4; “The police claimed the detained men were attempting to procure………” While the Mail online stated. “They were also trying to obtain AK 47s, hand guns, bomb vests…… and were looking for opportunities to train with the weapons”…..et cetera so forth and so on. In all honesty Al, these wanna be murdering scum were marked from the get go. 3 of the 7 had been arrested for extremist/jihadi activity. Unfortunately, FF attacks are way more serious because the terror cell is well prepared and ruthless. The above Yobs were no doubt raising Red flags day after day, imagine their purchase of 4 bags of fertilised sealed their fate.


It was ‘A Bridge Too Far ‘ for the terrorists Al :)


You know, it’s small little victories like this that prevent most terror attacks from happening, they just get overlooked because all that happened was some plotting and some arrests.

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