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MARCH 2025

Managing Russia’s dissolution: Truth or Desire?

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Managing Russia's dissolution: Truth or Desire?

At the start of the year, on January 9, The Hill, a leading US political newspaper, as if setting the year agenda put out an article entitled “Managing Russia’s dissolution”. The article reviews the measures needed to dismantle Russia and instigate civil conflicts on the territory of Eurasia. The author describes Russia as “a declining state that disguises its internal infirmities with external offensives”. He further claims that “Russia is heading toward fragmentation” under “rising social, ethnic and regional pressures” and simultaneously blamed the federal government of both failing “to develop into a nation state with a strong ethnic or civic identity” and working to centralize control over regions.

The text below is a quote from the aforementioned article (emphasis added):

“In reality, Russia is a declining state that disguises its internal infirmities with external offensives. Russia’s economy is stagnating. According to World Bank statistics for 2017, Russia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita ranks 62nd in the world.

Even the defense budget is shrinking and barely reaches a tenth of the U.S. Through a combination of low fossil fuel prices, infrastructural decay, pervasive corruption and Western financial sanctions, state revenues are declining, living standards are falling, social conflicts are intensifying and regional disquiet is mounting.

Although economic performance alone is insufficient to measure susceptibility to collapse, rising social, ethnic and regional pressures indicate that Russia is heading toward fragmentation.

Russia has failed to develop into a nation state with a strong ethnic or civic identity. It remains an imperial construct due to its Tsarist and Soviet heritage.

The unwieldy Russian Federation consists of 85 “federal subjects,” of which 22 are republics representing non-Russian ethnicities, including the North Caucasus and Middle Volga, and numerous regions with distinct identities that feel increasingly estranged from Moscow.

Instead of pursuing decentralization to accommodate regional aspirations, the Kremlin is downgrading their autonomy. This is evident in the new language law designed to promote “Russification” and plans to merge and eliminate several regions.

Pressure is mounting across the country, with growing anger at local governors appointed by the Kremlin and resentment that Moscow appropriates their resources. Indeed, regions such as Sakha and Magadan in the far east, with their substantial mineral wealth, could be successful states without Moscow’s exploitation.

Emerging states will benefit from forging closer economic and political contacts with neighboring countries rather than depending on Moscow, whose federal budget is drastically shrinking. Collapsing infrastructure means that residents of Siberia and Russia’s far east will become even more separated from the center, thus encouraging demands for secession and sovereignty.

Given Russia’s ailments, an assertive Western approach would be more effective than reactive defense. Washington needs to return to core principles that accompanied the collapse of the Soviet Union by supporting democratization, pluralism, minority rights, genuine federalism, decentralization and regional self-determination among Russia’s disparate regions and ethnic groups.

While Moscow seeks to divide the West and fracture the EU and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) by backing nationalist and separatist parties in Europe, Washington should promote regional and ethnic self-determination inside the Russian Federation. This would send a strong signal that the West is fully capable of reacting to Moscow’s subversion.

The rationale for dissolution should be logically framed: In order to survive, Russia needs a federal democracy and a robust economy; with no democratization on the horizon and economic conditions deteriorating, the federal structure will become increasingly ungovernable.

To manage the process of dissolution and lessen the likelihood of conflict that spills over state borders, the West needs to establish links with Russia’s diverse regions and promote their peaceful transition toward statehood.

NATO should prepare contingencies for both the dangers and the opportunities that Russia’s fragmentation will present. In particular, Moscow’s European neighbors must be provided with sufficient security to shield themselves from the most destabilizing scenarios while preparations are made for engaging with emerging post-Russia entities.

Some regions could join countries such as Finland, Ukraine, China and Japan, from whom Moscow has forcefully appropriated territories in the past. Other republics in the North Caucasus, Middle Volga, Siberia and the far east could become fully independent states and forge relations with China, Japan, the U.S. and Europe.

Neglecting Russia’s dissolution may prove more damaging to Western interests than making preparations to manage its international repercussions. To avoid sudden geopolitical jolts and possible military confrontations, Washington needs to monitor and encourage a peaceful rupture and establish links with emerging entities.

The sudden collapse of the Soviet Union should serve as a lesson that far-reaching transformations occur regardless of the Kremlin’s disinformation campaigns or the West’s shortsighted adherence to a transient status quo.”

Bugajski’s ideas are not new at all. Globalist think tanks have been advancing the same for decades.

Mud-slinging in order to undermine Russian statehood aims at fueling radicalism, nationalism and regionalism. It has the wave-like behavior. The previous wave top targeted pretty much the same regions: the North Caucasus, Middle Volga, Siberia and the Far East. Tricks and methods employed are not divers. The only difference between them is geographical location and names of the influenced ethnic groups.

These approaches could be provisionally marked as the “Polish style”. This term has no links to modern Poland. We employ it only because the approaches provided below, except for the first point, Poland really has a great written history, are quite similar to the ones that were first used to fuel Polish nationalism in the 19th and 20th centuries and applied to the same geopolitical area.

The main ideas of this model are:

  • Creation of a pseudo-history of a nation or ethnic group. Usually this pseudo-history is dated back to the ancient world and legendary times. This “history” is based on pseudo-historical works and research papers composed by authors unknown to the world academic community.
  • Promotion of ideas of exceptionalism among members of the nation or ethnic group. These ideas argue that the nation or ethnic group is superior to neighbors and instigate a grotesque sense of national identity (exceptionalism based on ethnicity).
  • Creation of the myth of a historical archenemy, who has been oppressing the nation or ethnic group, often attempting to eliminate its “exceptional” culture. This historical archenemy is described as the reason for the group’s undoing and thus its poor state in the modern world. The historical archenemy can be constructed from various states existing in different periods of history but, through which a historical succession or links can be traced. For example, the Golden Horde, the  Moscow state, the Russian Empire, the USSR and the Russian Federation. The myth is actively fueled by speculation regarding historical events, which can neither be confirmed nor denied using factual data.
  • Creation and promotion of the idea of the nation as once great but now defective, where this position of greatness had been stolen from it.
  • Instigation of religious or intra-religious tensions, if the nation or ethnic group has a similar religion to that of its neighbors. The main approaches employed are:
    • Promotion and creation of religious cults, including heathen customs, which are allegedly linked to the “ancient history” of the nation or ethnic group;
    • Promotion of discords or sectarianism within the main religion of the nation. For example, for Orthodox Christianity: the Old Believers or Schismatical cults; for Islam: Sunni sects or Shia branches;
    • Instigation of religions tensions between the religion of the ethnic group and other religions of the state. For example: Islam/Christianity or Orthodox Christianity/Catholicism.
  • Promotion of myths about rich natural resources in the territory, where the ethnic group lives. Therefore, if this ethnic group were to rule this area “independently”, its wealth would grow and grow. A part of this effort is propaganda against government actions concerning the use of natural resources from the territory, where this ethnic group lives. The negative impact on the ecological situation is nightmarized by dissemination of myths about the barbaric exploitation of nature. A vivid example is the disseminated information about the alleged irreparable damage to Lake Baikal that is harmed by the plant producing bottled mineral water.
  • Instigation of territorial and intraregional economic disputes between the neighboring nations or ethnic groups.
  • Discredit of everything linked with the dominating state culture, language and history. For example, bashing everything “Russian”, the creation and promotion of offensive language and terms (Russian – Vatnik), a wide spread of derogatory language and the mutilation of words, terms and names.

The previous wave of information onslaught on nations and ethnic groups of Russia was aimed at the following targets:

The Northern Caucasus. The influence was mostly aimed at the Kabardians living in the Kabardino-Balkar Republic, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Stavropol Krai and the Republic of Adygea. The Ossetians in the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania were also targeted. Recently the Ingushs living in the Republic of Ingushetia, Moscow and St. Petersburg were again considered as a priority goal in “the Northern Caucasus target list”.

The Southern Federal District. The main effort was to instigate nationalism, regionalism and separatism among the Cossacks, mostly in Rostov Oblast. The Cossacks are not an ethnic group. However, they are a large social group, which makes them a likely target.

The Northwestern Federal District. The goal was to instigate regional nationalism among Finno-Ugric ethnic groups. Another point of pressure was to create nationalism tendencies among ethnic Russian population in the Republic of Karelia and Arkhangelsk Oblast in order to form a new large ethnosocial group. For example, in April, the city of Arkhangelsk experienced a series of rallies held in breach of law. This situation happened under the passive eye of regional authorities. Furthermore, initial reactions and attitude of the regional authorities played a notable role in fueling the protest moods. These protests, caused by a project of landfill site in the nearby area, is being actively exploited by the so-called non-system opposition and “liberal media” to fuel tensions between the different groups of local population as well as the regional government.

Separate efforts were contributed to influence the population of Saint Petersburg, which in terms of culture is one of the most westernized city of Russia alongside with Kaliningrad. There was also an attempt to instigate local separatism using the concept of Ingermanland.

The Volga region. Ethnic nationalism and religious radicalism were instigated among the Kalmyks, Bashkirs and Tatars. Small ethnic groups and nations, often described as Russians: the Mokshas and Erzyas also became the target of foreign influence. Among small ethnic groups and nations, local nationalism can take ugly forms.

Western Siberia. The goal was to create a separate ethnic-social group describing itself as the citizens of Siberia and separating itself from the rest of Russian citizens. The main targets were the Altai Republic, Novosibirsk Oblast and the city of Novosibirsk (the capital of the Siberian Federal District). The foreign influence achieved notable successes in these areas.

Eastern Siberia. The campaign in this region was aimed mostly at Buryats and Tuvans. Yakuts were also a target.

The Far East. Local regionalism and separatism were actively fueled in Khabarovsk Krai and Primorsky Krai, especially in the cities of Khabarovsk and Vladivostok. Besides this, the foreign influence is actively exploiting simultaneously both pro-Chinese intentions and the myth of the Chinese threat.

It should be noted that the article “Managing Russia’s dissolution” published by The Hill points to the same regions for further operations designed to dismantle Russia. These operations will be more dangerous than the previous ones because they will exploit the successes already achieved in some fields. For example:

  • The nationalism and religion issues in the North Caucasus;
  • the nationalism of ethnic groups in the Volga region – Bashkirs, Tatars, Erzyas, Moshkas;
  • the nationalism and regionalism of Buryats in eastern Siberia.
  • the creation of a new separate pro-western identity by a good part of the people living in the cities of Saint Petersburg and Kaliningrad, that distance itself from the rest of Russia;
  • the creation of a separate ethnic-social identity in Western Siberia:

The regions have been targeted by multiple campaigns undermining and discrediting nationwide traditions and behaviors, for example the New Year traditional family holidays, social events of Soviet or Old Russian origin as well as common history of Russia.  Individualism, neoliberal attitudes and values are successfully promoted in Saint Petersburg, Kaliningrad and Western Siberia. Education is simplified and westernized. Meanwhile stakeholders describe these tendencies as ugly and hostile examples to residents of the North Caucasus, southern Russia and other regions, promoted ultra-hardline or far right ideology. Local regionalism and ideology tensions are being successfully fueled.

In large, this situation has become possible due to a de-facto inaction of or even unofficial ideological protection from authorities. If one takes a detailed look at the Russian elite, he will find that a significant part of it consists of westernized adherers to “liberal democratic order” while another consists of representatives of national family clans. Many of these persons do not associate themselves with the ordinary population and consider the territory of Russia only as a source to increase their personal wealth. The term “new aristocracy”, which has recently got spread in Russian media, has initially appeared as a proud self-designation among Russian elite families emphasizing exceptionality of their members.

Nonetheless, supporters of Bugajski ideas do not consider the aforementioned tendencies as sufficient for dismantling Russian statehood without additional strivings. While on the regional level they have achieved some results, the identified nationwide goals have not been accomplished. The system of Russia has not yet come close to an imbalance, that is, to the condition where destructive trends are already beginning to grow on their own, without additional artificial influence. The negative tendencies so far set in motion could still be stopped and reversed. In this situation, we may expect a new wave of information onslaught toward Russia, traditionally backed by Western funds.

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Neo Onh

Maybe “native americans”, “african americans” , Latinos, Texans, Californians and others want a state of their own??

Promitheas Apollonious

slaves can only celebrate when their master sell them to another master. But you are right this world will see peace only when the colony is dissolved and new 52 nations are created out of it.

You can call me Al

Have a look at this – https://www.cheatsheet.com/culture/states-that-could-not-survive-secession.html/

Promitheas Apollonious

do you know that texas has is own embassies in london and paris? They call it a fantasy but then fantasies some times come true if people are pushed to the breaking point. https://www.thedailybeast.com/why-are-there-texas-embassies-in-london-and-paris

You can call me Al

Keeping on the US theme, I have tried and tried on Breibart, but I can no longer do it…. Fucking stupid people (less a few)…….look at the below.


Promitheas Apollonious

absolute bullshits.

Evil Sooty

Wow. Didn’t get too far, but it turns out Venezuela’s troubles are all due to the evils of socialism and nothing at all to do with the world’s most powerful country trying to strangle them economically.

What a bunch of fucking idiots.

They don’t have any problems with ‘socialism’ when it comes to funding the military though.

You can call me Al

Yep.blame socialism and add MAGA = job done.

Concrete Mike

Holy fuck you werent joking Al!!!

I did not scroll.down far enough to not see a morron, or to be nice, a smart person that has been deviously mislead.

You can call me Al

Good for Texas.

John Hanson

I think it would be great if “White Americans” had a Nation of their own.

Zionism = EVIL

Yes in Canada.

John Hanson

Right about now I would settle for a Reservation like the indians fought for.

chris chuba

Such arrogance. As Saker puts it, Russia has buildings that are older than the United States. When has Russia every not been a confederation of different ethnic groups. I think they have it worked out better than most.

Harry Smith

Russia never was a confederation until bolsheviks divided it on ethno-territorial principals. Before coup d’etat in 1917 every citizen of Russian empire had equal rights except Jews.

Zionism = EVIL

Putin and his Jew masters are now destroying Russia for his Americunt “partners”. Putin spends more time sitting on Nutter Yahoo’s lap than he even did on his Jew mom’s.


Harry Smith

Russian language is complicated even for other slavs. Шелом is for a type of old helmet. His mother was not шАломова, but шЕломова.

If you can read Russian: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Шелом

The Tale of Igor’s Campaign (12th century):

И рече Игорь къ дружинѣ своеи: «Братіе и дружино! …съ вами, Русици, хощу главу свою приложити, а любо испити шеломомь Дону»


get lost

viktor ziv

How to known better your enemy but to get into its structure?Look at Rudolf Ivanovich Abel, he infiltrated Abwehr, later on infiltrated Sichercheit Dienst. Don’t worry Zionism will be defeated. Justice is slow but it is reachable.


Bugajsk – Polish emigre based in Washington – and contributor to the NeoCon think-tank Russophobe echo chamber.

Harry Smith

For centuries, the main problem for simple Poles was their szlachta. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Szlachta

Peter Williams

It should be remembered that in most Federal subjects (including Republics) ethnic Russians are the largest percentage of the population. Where they aren’t. the subject has no economic viability outside of the Russian Federation.

The CIA/US Government has been trying to create Idel Ural for decades with no success.

Jens Holm

For me it common knowledge, that people dont prefare pest or cholera but none of them.

True USA try some play there, but You also have to add China and Turkey as well as it mainly is about getting minerals for trade.

Swedes by the big very advanced Erison company has burned their fingers too by accepting local corruption as normal faire.

We see the same for northern Afghanistan. The people there are devided by Russians and Britts by the river to Aral, because that was possible to see on a map. It made no sense and still dont.

But today both sides of the river, which be the way is very fertile, also are producing fuel. So the importance is economic devellopment in a border and state enciroment, which today is a quackmire, which only made sence, when 2 Empires met.

One like me is tempted to say the many fightings in that region(mainly Afghanistan, Pakistan and maybee Kashmir) actually should let Afghanistan split up. Adding the northern parts of Afghanistan to the new states and more then half of Afghanistan joining af Greater Pakistan, which in that should be divided in about 3 states, which make sence.

Its very oneeyed just to look from some Moscow perspective. All is taken by the zars by wara in hard figtings and by well descriebed militry lines with castles and bunkers.

USA never was in making those conditions, which now is so bealdered, You seemes not be allowed to undertstand.

Of course You can compare like spmeone did with Alamo and Houston Texas, but USA became many states in steps as states and not in Regions. Not many of them are dirty as such even You could question some where the Mexican where a main part as well as Cuba made its independency. Russia did sell Alaska. Its about trade and devellopment.

The United states are and remain very different. Its no etnic thing they exist een dominated by europeans.,

Let me remind You that Mexicans as well as the rest of South America also are dominated by Europeans, where the biggest group are from Spain and Braziles speak Portugese.

The contrast are seen in Venzuela well today. A feudal semi democrasy just selling and buying as affuiíliated to American capitalists doing kind of not very welkl was taken over by the unprductive socialist just taking the cows, which gave them at leqast some milk, and slaugtering them.

None of those systems are any solution for Venezuala and they have none third way. Its not even socialisme.

Sure, I would blame USA, but mainly others are the responsible ones.

Brian Dippenaar

This article out of the The Hill website reads like a Deep State / Neocon wet dream that has no real basis in reality.

This is your classic psychological projection that’s going on, whereby the author is projecting the US / UK intelligence agencies hopes and wishes as fact into his fake world view.

The work of science-fiction written by the author sounds a lot like a long held plan of the above mentioned agencies to splinter Russia into 3 separate regions: “European Russia, Central Asian Russia and Far East Russia”.

They will never succeed.

You can call me Al

I jolly well hope not, but that does not stop the Yankers for causing problems and turmoil.

Promitheas Apollonious

wet dreaming only can cause problems to the ones who fantasize them and end up believing their own fantasies.

You can call me Al

hmmmm, I am good with the fantasising bit. No further comments needed. LOL


Same problem here with some of the Vesti news readers like the woman in yellow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEaSqx11b6M&t=66s

You can call me Al

Cannot get it mate, tried Youtube as well. I can guess well enough – cheers.

Black Waters

The U.S will explode long before Russia will ever cease to exist. The U.S immigration it’s completely unstable, the’ll have to shot their own civilians in order to keep them controlled, which will lead to chaos and a possible civil war.

You can call me Al

Hope so.

Do me a favour and go on BREITBART – a US “alt media ??, site and put your views on that.

See what you get and then you will understand that the citizens, even the so called patriots know sweet FA.


Don’t underestimate the US, it has a lot of internal strength and global influence. The only real threat to US is from China and US will contain that. American culture and social values still dominates the world as it is appealing. USSR collapsed as it had nothing to offer. Russia is the same on a much weaker and smaller scale.


The Chinese already have a very strong influence in Far East Russia.


Russia and China are very strong allies. Even if they were not, there is no way anyone can overcome Russian nuclear military might and anex any Russian land…….

Rhodium 10

It is more reliable that many states end up joining Russia ( like Belarus or East Ukraine due to lose gas transit when NORDSTM2 and TURKSTM be operational)…than parts of Russia are going to separate….by the way..can you imagine an Oblast inside Russia be independent and fenced in its entirety by Russian land borders and airspace?…


Terrible stuff to be publishing.

But The Hill is not a particularly highly-regarded publication.

I don’t look at it often, but by what I’ve seen, it is just one more of many American Right-wing publications, always in defense of “the American way” and the empire which serves to impose that on people who are not Americans.

The only useful purpose served here, it seems to me, is to remind Russians of how much hatred there is for their country in Washington.

And it doesn’t matter whether it’s the Right, as here or with someone like the late John McCain or Lindsey Graham, or America’s so-called Left, as with Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden or Chuck Schumer.

America’s establishment – the total political spectrum in two parties who actually differ not a jot when it comes to major foreign affairs – just hates having competitors or rivals in anything. And they cannot stand the idea that there is one nation on earth literally capable of making American civilisation disappear.

Especially now that they are working so fiercely towards the goal of literally dominating the planet, as they once did in the 1950s. Russia represents a stumbling block, “a threat,” regardless of how peaceful and open and reasonable its policies have been.

The Neocons, an informal “party” of highly influential government people, drive this strongly, always with an eye to the idea of Israel’s security being best served by an aggressive United States. I’m sure Israel’s government shares that view in private, despite the fact that Russia and Israel maintain good relations with each other.

So, there is an unresolvable problem that goes to the heart of all this hatred for Russia, from Russia-gate to this article in The Hill, and that is, Russia, by its mere existence, is seen as a force hostile to major American interests.

I say “unresolvable” because this problem lies in the realm of the irrational. Normal diplomatic efforts, and Putin and his team are superb at them, just cannot solve problems of paranoia and narcissism. America’s ruling class – its establishment or Dark State, as some call it – is convinced that it is entitled to dominate. It completely accepts the idea of its own exceptionalism. It’s much resembles the Old Testament notion of “God’s chosen people.” Try as you might, you cannot convince otherwise someone believing in such intellectual rubbish.

So, I do believe there is a fairly long and difficult road ahead. Eventually, conditions will change, and the new forces arising internationally which embrace multi-polar and respectful relationships will come to dominate, simply because they represent so many rising nations.

In the meantime, Putin’s approach is the right one. Display your reasonableness and willingness to cooperate but make it clear that there are boundaries which must be respected. All while pursuing the other opportunities for partnership which become available.

The United States, through its present extremes, is literally weakening the foundations of many international relationships it has long taken for granted. It is assisting in the birth of a new world order without intending at all to do so.

And just a last thought for Russians. I see a good deal of Russian publications, and I think there is far too much faith in the unsound idea that Trump is reasonable and is working in the best interests of the two states. No, Trump is a coward who was frightened out of his mind about losing his job. He threw all his energy into placating the forces that opposed him.

He has become a Neocon’s Neocon and a flag-hugging supporter of the establishment’s goals. He is actually very dangerous because he has a combination of bullying and weakness and immense ego and no principles. Be very careful about regarding him as the least friendly to Russia. He is only friendly to himself and is ready to serve energetically the forces which appeared to threaten him. A contemptable man, really.

Brigitte Meier

This article reads like a fusion and confusion of tactics used by the US during Soviet Russia and the various schemes to splinter Russia by Brezinski. Reading on what is going on in Russia now, none of these schemes seem to particularly interest the Russians of the various regions. All regions in Russia have the freedom to live their ethnic ways all the while being truly Russian. It is what has kept Russia under Putin unified and as prosperous as can be given all the sanctions. But when it comes down to everyday life, people appear to understand full well that Putin is their greatest benefactor who does produce the jobs that are their livelihood by genuine development of the regions.

Concerned Citizen

If you change some names. The whole article could be the US. Most of the worlds empires are failing. Just close social media and look at the decay. Its every where. Even our food air and water are contaminated and infrastructure crumbling. People need to wake up before its too late.

Promitheas Apollonious

hard to awaken people who pretend they are asleep, with the exception of course of the ones who grown up on prescription behavior modification drugs and are less aware than a zombie. Those are not pretending, just brain dead.

George King

The American writer, Samuel Langhorne Clemens, known by his pen name Mark Twain, was an American writer, humorist, entrepreneur, publisher, and lecturer. He captured this pretentious sleep:

“Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing tactics, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception.” — Mark Twain


Ha ha! Great minds think alike! Just did that in a piece I posted! I wish I could post it to the comments section of the article as posted at “The Hill,” but it’s not loading for me…

Zionism = EVIL

It is time some real native Russians like Shoigu took charge from the Jew shill Putin or Russia will be Balkanized. Yugoslavia was template for the division of Russia and control of its immense natural wealth.


Yes, he is a good man, I am thinking he is not strictly Russian by ethnicity though. Also, Putin’s mother’s family name is Mordovian, i.e., of the Finno-Urgaic group like Estonian, and Putin’s facial appearance seems to me also of this group (includes Finns and Ests).

Harry Smith

Putin’s mother’s family name is pure Russian. Shoigu’s father is tuvan, while his mother is Russian.

In accordance to the chronicles, Russians are the union of 5 tribes: 2 Slavs, 2 Finno-Ugric and 1 Varangians.

That’s why some Nazi ideologists separated Russians from Slavs. In after war plans Russians should be germanized, while other Slavs had to be reduced into slaves. BTW, 80% of Poles had to be exterminated because of Germans hate of them.


Russia has historically been coveted by the west. The Soviet revolution was an anomaly and now vested western and Jewish interests are taking over a confused Russia, lacking a political or economic center of gravity. Russia also has demographic challenges as Slavic population is aging, dying of alcohol abuse, poverty and low quality of health and life. If Russia is to survive, it needs a strong nationalist government with a socialist outlook that looks after its people and interests and not pander to corrupt oligarchs and ex-KGB crooks like Putin. If the current dismal state of Russia persists, the west may finally succeed in carving up Russia like it did in ex-Yugoslavia.


Just watch your own alcohol intake, Musketeer!


Let’s try a little rewording and see what we can make of Mr. Buggy’s piece:

“In reality, The US is a declining state that disguises its internal infirmities with external offensives. The US’s economy is stagnating. According to the Corruptions Perception Index, in 2018 the United States for the first time since 2011 fell out of the top 20 countries on the CPI, after dropping four points since 2017. The United States came in 19th place in the World Happiness Report, dropping one spot since last year and a total of five spots since 2017.

The defense budget is a black hole swallowing almost sixty percent of US GDP, turning the US into a modern-day Sparta, with education, health care, and infrastructure maintenance low priorities. Through a combination of low fossil fuel prices, infrastructural decay, pervasive corruption and the rise of the Chinese-Russian One Belt One Road, state revenues are declining, living standards are falling, social conflicts are intensifying and regional disquiet is mounting.

Although economic performance alone is insufficient to measure susceptibility to collapse, rising social, ethnic and regional pressures indicate that the US is heading toward fragmentation.

The US has failed to develop into a non-imperialist nation state with an ethic beyond exceptionalism. It remains an imperial construct due to its dependency on “might makes right.”

The unwieldy US empire consists of some 1000 military bases scattered like latent cancers across the globe, with special forces conducting unlawful terrorist operations in over 75 nations and over 20 satrapies, including the Five Eyes, the countries of NATO, and most of the countries of Latin America, whose governments have been overthrown by US directed neoliberal coups. All of these numerous regions have distinct identities that feel increasingly estranged from Washington.

Instead of pursuing decentralization to accommodate national aspirations, within the various regions of its empire, Washington is downgrading their autonomy. This is evident in the new tariffs on allies and demands that they increase their military spending, designed to promote allegiance to Washington and the deconstruction of the EU and other regional organizations that are not centered on Washington’s interests.

Pressure is mounting across the country, with growing anger at elected officials and resentment that Washington lowers taxes on the rich while increasing the costs of living on the lower and middle classes. Indeed, regions such as California, Oregon, and Washington, with their substantial resources, could be successful states without Washington’s exploitation.

Emerging states will benefit from forging closer economic and political contacts with neighboring countries rather than depending on Washington, whose federal budget is drastically hemorrhaging, due to massive deficit spending. Collapsing infrastructure means that residents of Cleveland, Indianapolis, and the rust belt, will become even more separated from the center, thus encouraging demands for secession and sovereignty.

Given the US’s ailments, an assertive East Asian approach would be more effective than reactive defense. Moscow and Beijing need to return to core principles that accompanied the collapse of the monarchies of Europe by supporting democratization, pluralism, minority rights, genuine federalism, decentralization and regional self-determination among the US’s disparate regions, ethnic groups, and foreign satrapies.

While Washington seeks to incorporate the world and fracture the EAEU and Shanghai Treaty Organization (STO) by backing nationalist and separatist parties in Xinjiang, Taiwan, and Korea, Moscow should promote regional and ethnic self-determination inside the US and among its allies. This would send a strong signal that Moscow is fully capable of reacting to Washington’s subversion.

The rationale for dissolution should be logically framed: In order to survive, the US needs a federal democracy and a robust economy; with only more plutocracy on the horizon and economic conditions deteriorating, the federal structure will become increasingly ungovernable.

To manage the process of dissolution and lessen the likelihood of conflict that spills over state borders, Russia needs to establish links with the US’s diverse regions and its allies and promote their peaceful transition toward independence.

The STO should prepare contingencies for both the dangers and the opportunities that the US’s fragmentation will present. In particular, Washington’s European, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand allies must be provided with sufficient security to shield themselves from the most destabilizing scenarios while preparations are made for engaging with emerging post-US entities.

Some regions could join countries such as Mexico, Hawaii, Canada, and the Philippines, from whom Moscow has forcefully appropriated territories in the past. Other republics in the US South, including Florida, the Midwest, the southwest, and the far west could become fully independent states and forge relations with China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and Syria.

Neglecting the US’s dissolution may prove more damaging to Russian interests than making preparations to manage its international repercussions. To avoid sudden geopolitical jolts and possible military confrontations, Moscow needs to monitor and encourage a peaceful rupture and establish links with emerging entities.

The sudden collapse of the US should serve as a lesson that far-reaching transformations occur regardless of the Washington’s disinformation campaigns or the West’s shortsighted adherence to a transient status quo.” There. All better now.


Thi s is a case when west believes its own propaganda. Janusz Bugajski is using false assumptions to support his own (and global oligarchy) wish to destroy Russia. In Soviet times Russian did not really believe that the west wants to destroy them despite the soviet state propaganda. Curently Russians are very aware of the fact that the west wants to kill them all. Russia will not fall.

Tommy Jensen

As I and later Putin have said: “An informed people cant not be manipulated”, and I was right!

peter mcloughlin

Russia almost faced dissolution in 1991, to the apprehension of many. That direction of events was reversed, but there is still anxiety that Western intentions are to disassemble what is now the Russian Federation. Dissolution can be seen as annihilation. And annihilation is the fall-back position of nuclear deterrence doctrine. When there is an existential threat there will be nuclear war. Blindly, humanity is moving closer and closer. https://www.ghostsofhistory.wordpress.com/

cechas vodobenikov

american wishful thinking–it is the USA that is fragmenting as Putnam demonstrated…Koestler compared americans to 5th century Romans: “a similarly contactless society populated by automatons…a similarly soulless, politically corrupt, everybody for them selves society”


after scoping out J.B.’s websites (CEPA etal) and some of his other verbal wetdreams, i’ve decided to wrap the fish with the above opus.

Tudor Miron

Those rats are dreaming about it for many hundreds of years. It’s not about vast territory and natural resources even. It’s about them knowing that Russia is an exsitential threat to their world order.

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