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MARCH 2025

Manhunter’s Lot. Shockingly Blunt Interview With A Ukrainian Border Guard

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Manhunter’s Lot. Shockingly Blunt Interview With A Ukrainian Border Guard

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European countries are covertly occupying the western territory of Ukraine. Military personnel pay bribes to avoid going to the front. Ukrainian border guards are being replaced by their Polish and Romanians colleagues.

The military telegram channel Northern Wind has published a video interview with Sergey Valchuk, a Ukrainian border guard. This senior warrant officer with more than 20 years of military service, who voluntarily surrendered to Russians, gave a large number of shocking details about the policy pursued by Kiev towards the servicemen guarding the Ukrainian state border, and the population living in the western part of the country.

Manhunter’s Lot. Shockingly Blunt Interview With A Ukrainian Border Guard

Sergey Valchuk

According to Sergey Valchuk, the Ukrainian command is redeploying to the Kursk Region border guards who used to catch draft evaders on Ukraine’s borders. The formation of assault detachments made up of border guards serving in the western regions is not an exceptional case, but a common practice. It is possible to buy off a one-way trip to the front for a bribe of 10 thousand dollars, which is taken by the deputy commanders of the detachments. There is a huge demand for such a service among regular officers (border guards), who at the same time are trying to go abroad en masse.

However, this is becoming increasingly difficult even for experienced and well-connected Ukrainian border guards. The problem is that border checkpoints with Poland and Romania are now effectively controlled by foreign personnel, who are gradually shifting the frontier. At the moment, the Polish and Romanians have moved up to 2 kilometers deep into Ukrainian territory in many sections of the border.

At the same time, Polish citizens are actively entering Ukraine. Most of them are teachers who give lessons in schools of the Lviv and Volyn Regions or who work in scouting organizations.According to Sergey Valchuk, the population of the mentioned regions dreams of joining Poland, and the Polish President Andrzej Duda is considered by them to be almost a national hero.

In Transcarpathia, a huge number of Hungarian citizens live there. In this region people use mainly Hungarian language in their everyday life. With this in mind, officers of Ukrainian security services were allegedly forbidden to send their children to Hungarian schools (Polish and Romanian ones are not forbidden).

An interview with a former Ukrainian border guard turned out to be a strong argument in favor of the radical point of view that Volodymyr Zelensky and Oleksandr Syrskyi have decided to “fight to the last Ukrainian”. Currently, as it appears, the command of the Ukrainian army is already throwing its so-called “privileged” military class – border guards who detain evaders at the border – into assaults. The notorious border checkpoints, which are so often talked about in Kiev, are already guarded by the Polish and Romanians officers, who occupy Ukrainian territory with enviable regularity. Only it happens not militarily, but through “soft power”, although this term is hardly suitable for describing such dishonorable actions.

After three years of hostilities, it turns out that Russia has nothing to fear from western Ukraine, just as western Ukraine has nothing to fear from Russia. Most likely, the lands of the Lviv, Volyn, and Transcarpathian Regions will soon simply be partitioned to other countries. The conditions of this division have probably already been agreed upon.


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Mr. Gerome Nugnte, Africa

coon tether uk foreign secretary david lammy (code name: the king’s gorilla) would be beaten to death by the ukranian white supremacists of the following ukranian organizations: wehrmacht aidar, ss kraken, wolfsangel (aka azov), waffen ss nachtigall (who are now in kursk killing civilians), leibstandarte adolf hitler, right sektor – all of them hate untermensch apes niggas like him, and all of them are leading the ukrainian government and military. all of them funded by the uk tax payers


alte surse ca s a mutat granita 2 km in interior sunt? de arnele lor ajunse in gaza nu spune nimic? isi spala pielea. dimpotriva. se inchid biserici si scoli in lb romana. ursoaica le da petrol. la viata buna orice populatie achieseaza.


asociaza vremurile cand era o s c e ul pe granita lor si imbraca totul in prezent


ursoaica ar trebui sa tina coada sus. nu. nu răspunde la telefon. nu tratate de pauza de inarmare gen angelica 1 angelica 2. prosteala pe fata.


good. it’s time to send ukraine back to its pre-1991 borders.

Boris Orlov

it’s time to send zelenskiy and syrsky to hell and to give the peoples who inhabitate the lands of this artificial state ukraine a new home of their choice, be it poland, romania, hungary or whatnot, and peace! oh, and i forgot, budanov, you too go to hell you piece of shit!


how bout back to pre 1917 borders.

For Whom the Bell Tolls

how about back to the stone age for alley upchuk and his tribe of merry nazichuks?

Dragon of Bosnia

this is fucking sad.

Last edited 1 month ago by Dragon of Bosnia
For Whom the Bell Tolls

that’s what happens when gangs of psychopathic serial killers seek to turn ukraine with western help into a mono-ethnic fascist state per bandera’s wishes, instead of a democratic federation of states with equal rights for all.

Last edited 1 month ago by For Whom the Bell Tolls
piloto trainer inc

a good solution for nation 404

War of the Worlds

how many times can lwow change its name in the magical ukrainian wonderland of musical chairs?

time to bring back the austro-hungarian empire, two countries who currently understand diplomacy’s role in great power machinations.


that’s an absurd claim about the austrians and hungarians.

War of the Worlds

i see sarcasm isn’t in your vocabulary.

but do you deny that austria and hungary are two holdouts from the eu’s russia derangement syndrome?


lvov twinned with rochdale.

For Whom the Bell Tolls

roachdale, you mean? a perfect match.


there’s even a “lvov bridge” in the town.


the 1945 political settlement is being tossed into the dustbin. the polacks, hungarians, romanians, slovaks all want their lost territory back. maybe the germans will want silesia, pomerania and danzig back. break out the popcorn and watch all the fun.


are you saying that the anglo imperialists didn’t do a good job of carving up the earth after 1917?


those volksdeutsches in poland would rather chop off their own balls than take lwów even if the banderites would want to give it back of their own will…..

their only task in life is servin their reichsdeutsch masters, only konfederacja in poland is against the banderites and the eu.

Polish Kielbasa

i wouldn’t want to be eating any.


a kövektező utan dobozlva kapod meg belat…

gneus stupo

as a inferior germ in amerikunt colony i am envious ofd superior russian


putin let this happen right on russias door step…they destroyed ukraine infront of him and he did nothing. putin is a under cover trotsky’s the little bitch.

Polish Kielbasa

the neocons were once trotsky’s little bitches but fiddled with their manifesto to get western support for their full-spectrum dominance of the planet.


these hapless ukie schmucks are deserting faster than zelensky’s goon squads can kidnap them off the street.

For Whom the Bell Tolls

much faster, much much faster. it’s a joy to behold.

the narrative

he got out and will live with regrets for many years.

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