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MARCH 2025

Map: Range Of Taiwan’s Surface-To-Surface Missile Systems

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Map: Range Of Taiwan's Surface-To-Surface Missile Systems

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Defense News shared a map of operational range of missile systems of the Armed Forces of Taiwan and military targets in China they can reach.


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And just how long will it take China to flatten Taiwan if Taiwan sends those missiles towards China –5 minutes ??

Captain Hohol

Things would get out of control really fast if China were to take a heavy handed approach.

Viewing this map, I now see that Taiwan is in a very good position to sink half of China’s navy if it were to attempt an encirclement or a troop landing on the island.

If Taiwan has good air defenses, then it would just be a terrible error on behalf of China to even try.

This is going to require more finesse than threats on the behalf of China.


You are forgetting that this map doesn’t show any of China’s air defense systems – China has the best air defense systems in the world that they got from Russia and their own systems.

Before any troop landing – they make sure to destroy all of Taiwan’s missile and military bases which is the easiest thing in the world. Trust me, Taiwan’s “armies” would be worse than ISIL, Zion-IDF, or Neo-Nazis in UA.

“Taiwan is known to operate Patriot missile defense systems and is in the process of acquiring more, according to news reports earlier this year. Yet, Patriot missile interceptors are not equipped to counter fighter jets.”

Taiwan doesn’t have good air defense systems at all, if they were to get some there wouldn’t be an island called Taiwan.

“China has built a new long-range, early-warning radar that can be used to detect ballistic missiles from thousands of miles away, likely giving it coverage of all of Japan.”

China also looking to get the new S-500 system: “The world’s second-largest military power may export its next-generation version of mobile S-500 air defense system to India and China in the future, said Dmitry Shugaev, who heads the Russian Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSMTC).”

But remember that China might have a different way to retake Taiwan.


They might be selling the s500 to Iran as well but under the table like the rest of their interactions. The patriot system can’t stop houthis attacks, so maybe the patriot system is just a cover up for another air defence Taiwan has.


“The UN arms embargo on Iran expired on 18 October 2020, as agreed in Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal, allowing Iran to import foreign military equipment.”

Russia doesn’t need to sell weapons under the table to Iran anymore, matter of fact, I remember reading that Iran was going to buy Russian Su-35E ‘Super Flanker’ – but an update to that story – it was likely a guess from people. Why because Algeria and Egypt were going to buy those jets but they cancel their orders and people make shit up again and say Iran can buy those bla bla bla.

Comparing Taiwanese to Wahhabis is not fair, the US patriot system work but you need other shit with it. The US Military–industrial complex loves to loot everyone.

Also, you can’t just make an air defense system in a few years, Taiwan can’t nor does it have the time to do so. Even if we say they copy or make a different version of the air defense system how good will it be? If they were never used in a real war.

If Taiwan had a chance to fight back against China, 1. the West would push them to do so, 2. China would have taken over before they could fight back against them.

Taiwan is just another Afghanistan, or Ukraine… do you even remember HK?


Taiwan-China conflict is an excellent opportunity for US to weaken China or test their actual millitary capabilities through this proxy war. US oligarchy see it as a great opportunity.


No, but the fact wouldn’t change that Taiwan comes under China – how long no one knows yet and that is up to China, not us.


Taiwan, Crimea, and Cyprus. Those island countries/islands are very important, Crimea is important for Russia. Taiwan is important for China and Cyprus is important for Syria, NATO, Zion-stan, Lebanon, Turkey, etc.

Back in 2014, Russia could never let Crimea be under NATO, and trust me NATO got so fuking pissed as well. Why? have good look at Taiwan now and what Western countries doing…

Taiwan is part of China and Crimea is part of Russia. They wouldn’t let Western countries build up military bases on those lands – you can see and understand why.

Side note, Bahrain is part of Iran and I will wait to see them join together again.

“Iran had a historic claim to Bahrain until March 1970 when Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi abandoned the claim as a result of secret Anglo-Iranian negotiations. Following this realignment of policy, the two countries signed a demarcation agreement in 1970.”

To those Anglo-Zion pigs who saw one picture of Tehran during the ruling of the last Shah of Iran – that claim he was “good”… He was a good dog of Anglo-Zion like you cuck suckers.


Cyprus needs to hit for allowing Israel to do mock invasions of Lebanon


KSA, UAE, Qatar, Jordan, Egypt, and Turkey are far worse than Cyprus my dude. Also, Cyprus is fuked don’t worry about them.


“Is part of”… historically, those are rather weak claims. Taiwan has its own culture, history, languages. It came relatively late into the Chinese sphere. Crimea: dito. It was, of course, violently occupied by Russia. It should properly belong to the Tatars. Bahrain was part of Persia at some point but also of many other entities. Being the ancient Dilmun, it once was considered paradise on earth.


Kaliningrad was a part of Germany. Russia became biggest country on Earth thanks to Imperial conquest, Haghia Sophia is now Turkish mosque thanks to Imperial conquest etc.


I deal with people like you before and I copy-paste this every time.

Critics of libertarianism occasionally claim that, if libertarians are correct, the entirety of America rightfully belongs to the Indians. After all, we stole it from them, didn’t we?

Unfortunately, the preceding question is missing a lot of scare quotes. Yes, “we” stole it from “them.” (And much much worse). But both the “we” and the “them” have been dead for centuries. Many of “us” aren’t even descended from either side. In any case, the last time I checked, both libertarians and virtually all of our modern critics reject the doctrine of inherited guilt. So barring abundant scare quotes, we stole nothing from them.

If you did get the point, you CAN’T go back that far to the past. If you do we get to Zionists BS.

“But both the “we” and the “them” have been dead for centuries. Many of “us” aren’t even descended from either side.”

Thanks for the info tho.

Assad Defeated Zionists

Since China will be the one to choose the time of the invasion, they will saturate Taiwan with all kinds of ordnance, Taiwan will not be able to mount any retaliatory attacks and Biden won’t do a dam thing either.


I wonder how long it will take China to secure the ground invasion part once they declare war, invading an island is tricky

Last edited 2 years ago by Jnoub

You never take out everything in the bombing and missile preparation attacks. Taiwan is the ultimate defensive position; a large mountainous island. For even as powerful military force, it is a very big, difficult and high casualties mission.

Peaceful diplomatic integration like Hong Kong and Macau is far more likely. So China is focused on removing external support like USA first.


Penso che se i cinesi decidessero di invadere Taiwan sceglierebbero la strada della saturazione delle difese aeree


Taiwan would be obliterated by China’s airforce BEFORE they could attack the Chinese mainland in any significant numbers, all air defence and missile platforms will be the first to be taken out along with Taiwan airforce after that China can land wherever they want and take Taiwan before any real resistance happens. =Z=


Taiwan had best negotiate with China. If they don’t, they will be worse off than Ukraine is going to be because the Chinese will not be as merciful as the Russians are being towards Ukraine. Taiwan will be devastated if this goes to full scale war.

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