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Map: Syrian Democratic Forces’ Gains in Manbij Countryside Over Past Few Days

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The map below depicts the recent gains of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces in Manbij countryside in Syria’s province of Aleppo.

Map: Syrian Democratic Forces' Gains in Manbij Countryside Over Past Few Days

Click to see the full-size map

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Tom Johnson

After the local militia “stands up” the Kurds can move on.

Jens Holm

Dont think so at all. I so Erdogan will be named as a Saint by the Pope of Rome and get Nobels Peace Price and 144 upstairs.

No, Erdogan and AKP has higher goals and will not help any Kurds at all. My best gues – gues which could make sense – was to open Aleppo from east and cut all SAA north of Aleppo.

But are there troops enough. Do he dare to give air support or give those Jarablus defeaters artillery/heayvy stuff. We will see.

That would give Assads and the russsians a really knock-knock wake up.


Moving towards Raqqa?

Piet Saman

No, they need to widen their southern bufferzone to prevend counterattacks from daesh on their supplylines. They also need to take it to open a southern front towards Al Bab.

Jens Holm

Agree with Piet Saman. Hope YPK has learned a leasson too. Dont try to come close to the Turkish border. They dont accept the bordergate to the rest af Syria terrotory should be controlled and taxed by any kurds with connection to Afrin -(or Aleppo).

Its also main terrotory claimed from Syria by Ataturk and the reason for enenmyship to Assad. All the Aleppo province is – Thats why Turks support anybody else than Assads and help them.

By several reasons they dont like ISIS anymore.

Lets see whats the Turk supported will do. Well first they will crush anything ISIS from the borderline to the KDP/YPK line. But after.

They could open Aleppo from east if ISIS is almost gone. They could take kurds territory west of eufrat and even more.

But the PKK could change politics very much too and be more like YPK or even the rest of kurds incl. Iraqian ones.

Its very important to some Kurds to understand it not good to have violent enemies united all the way around – I think.

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