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MARCH 2025

Map: Syrian Forces Prepare To Deliver Devastating Blow To ISIS In Southern Damascus

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The Syrian Arab Army, the National Defense Forces, Liwa al-Quds, the Palestinian Liberation Army and other pro-government factions are preparing to deliver a devastating blow to ISIS terrorists in southern Damascus. Recently, government troops have tightened the siege on the ISIS-held area of Yarmouk and have captured a number of important points around it. MORE DETAILS

Map: Syrian Forces Prepare To Deliver Devastating Blow To ISIS In Southern Damascus

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After full liberation of Syria all Muslim nations Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Russia, China and Pakistan will come together to liberate Palestine from illegal European migrants Israel by using their own weapons and army units. They will not stay calm until erect the Palestinian flag on Tel Aviv.

neil barron

Some day people like you will pay the ultimate price called death for perpetuating the lies of Satan. There is no cohesiveness in anything that touches reality in what you say because the burning of sulphur spewing from your anus clouds the real world in which you live. Another down vote for Satan.


Christians in israhell https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b61211b75024e611659990fc5dab91323edfbd91970b269c91b4dbaab639c368.jpg


1 million Arabs in Israel too. Anyway some kids with a spray can, big deal….


Yep kids with just a spray can sure sure



Very good stuff. Thank you.


These are little things I can help to spread truth for Palestinians, Christians , muslims , jews so on https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ab3e091f07bf188f5b9b5b7553bace97222e5c5709d0fe29d01954a5fcdf800e.jpg They’ve been living peacefully until Fake Khazar jews arrval

Boycott Divestments Sanction


We look at what the Israeli government actually does to form the opinion that they are rat like creatures.

Very few believe what the Israeli government says any more.

neil barron

This is a cesspool of lies and I have learned so much truth reading the news from over here that I also see in words the evil spewing from poisonous hands of Satanist. In regards to the pictures I’ve known for years there are factions in Israel that hate and despise Christians.

US-Navy Revert Shia

Mo, you are a Mixed bag of shit, Let me see Now, Turk-O Anglozi-O jew-O Khazarian Creepie Sinky Garbage……Long Live The Great Gen From Iran Who For The Last 16-Yrs Has Whipped All Of NATO [USG] [UK] France back 20-yrs & will led all men of GOD With The Shook Troops [HEZBOLLAH] [PMU] ISISraHELL Biggest [NIGHTMARE] Into HELL’AVIV Liberating Palestine https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e344916501dec382e77d2feac34db40c2929aed5f2d055c645dc2e0b8fec6e69.jpg


you dont need to advertise so fanatical how low level you are. We understood you with your first post.


A site you will likely enjoy is ‘ TheTruthSeeker.co.uk’ Neil


Can you perhaps explain this to me? Because I don’t really understand it…. this is the IDF right? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9a5fb92caba941a453c28b0ba94d39194f5326f9dcb219603d10d2dba5a50a05.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9b1f2a239ff17fe76d861827c8f1ab5c796af1ef53c07a9e2bc7100d5abee187.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0eba8bab9a9368ce26c7b05a57bffd32d0ba7abbde8bedcb1125561553fe4dbc.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/71d7a5e6f319b86d3410c6a0622e8215800255bcc8726a475e9fb39c660cf749.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3ef8164ffea28e2a9671e1ef7b0dba59b60b05693e55b51a77cbb8bc093739e4.jpg


Very good stuff. Thank you.


My Pleasure… Thank you too

Jim Prendergast


Oscar Silva Martinez

Is that the Arab word where the Spanish word OJALA comes from??


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taFM1rRDNGk https://israelpalestine.liveuamap.com/pics/2018/01/01/21591791_0.jpg https://i.dawn.com/large/2018/01/5a4a899d63e31.jpg

Israeli terrorists have kidnapped Ahed Tamimi and her parents at midnight by gunpoints. Nobody knows where Israel have kept them hostage. Each year Israel kidnap thousands of adults and small kids from the streets and hold them hostage. Many of them Israel kill in fake combats. The US and UK brutal regimes have invaded Palestine and have held all Palestinians hostage for last 100years. They support brutality and terrorism in the Middle East. If Vietnam can be freed from American regime army then Palestine can also be freed from US and UK. Israel should go back to their native countries.


Only in israhell https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e0683ed21ca3b441dcc9cae6334ae24196dd048d38b0ff6040adc9ef9dad0c3c.jpg


They Knesset thugs are truly disgusting Kahml.


FG There not thugs but terrorist. Fake Khazar Jews. “Chosen One” my ass https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/64a1a39f3240b65ffc4161c073d46a4fdb6e77ab956ef00442487b1bd7c9b8bf.jpg

You can call me Al

Interesting stuff, thanks.

Have a look at this and circulate around….http://markcurtis.info/uk-declassified-documents/

For Israel, obviously scroll own and press the page link. Please save this link as it is being continuously updated.


Thanks Al! Can I steal this ;)

You can call me Al

Of course, circulate as much as possible.


Great stuff, thank you.


interesting comment by AP,(Our AP?) in the Israel/Palestine section on terrorism. Unfortunately, info that I would also have a serious interest in is not yet available. “Soon to be posted”

You can call me Al

Sorry mate, but AP ?, help me out will you please !.

You can call me Al

Got it now, cheers.


Great stuff, thank you…..


In my opinion Bezalel Smotrich should have gotten a bullet, between the 2 eyes. That would have put him under the ground for the rest of Ahed Tamimi’s life.


what do you expect from a khazar.


There is no israel. and the khazars who occupy Palestine are coming mostly from ex-USSR, countries. The original israel of the bible was where the kurds are now in Iraq.


Kurdistan in Syria and Iraq is a conspiracy theory of UK. All Muslims should know this.

Michał Hunicz

Bashar The Lion Of Syria, the greatest military leader of the 21st century, the only one who with a humble support of Iran and Russia smashed the Zionist war machine.

Prince Teutonic

“Humble support”? Keep dreaming bud…


I echo Prince Teutonic, humble support? Greatest military leader of the 21st century? This guy was LOSING the war prior to the Russian intervention. That’s why the Russians intervened in the first place. He’s not a general, but a trained doctor who succeeded his father as el presidente for life in Syria, let the Arab Spring out of control and spiral into war in his country and now sits in his palace in Damascus while Moscow, Tehran and Ankara run the shots. And if he plays nice they will let him be el presidente for life for a little longer.

I know some of you like that he stands up to the West and stuff, but lets not make it any more then it really is. He’s as much in charge of this war as Churchill was after the USSR and US entered the war. As in not much at all.

Karo Dndlian

Barba_Papa yes but you must know how many country was in this war ? 10 or 20 or 50 you tell me . i will ask you 5000 people whit guns bombs rokets inter london or paris or any city in Us what you think they will do to take them out ? trow ross’s or ask the police to take them out or army will come and force them to go out just tell me . and about Russia if he didnt come to help he was next in list .wake up guys the master dont want us they want 50000000 people only in this planet . robots do what most people doing today and for most of us they dont need us anymore simple and basic


Well he and the Syrian population were fighting the nutter, the US, Saudi Arabia etc etc on their own


No, they pretty much had Russian, Iranian and Hezbollah support from the get go. Despite that he was unable to squash the unrest and then stop the insurgency from erupting into full scale war. It was only when defeat seemed inevitable that the Russians jumped with an active military presence and turned things around.

I’d say that the biggest problems for Assad were that he was not as ruthless as his father, trying to implement some reforms, letting the protests get out of hand. Some would argue that speaks for him, I do too. And on the other hand his principle means of fighting the insurgency, the SAA, was corrupt to the bone, as bad at fighting a war as the Saudi army, only existed as a series of personal fiefdoms for various generals to line their pockets. I daresay that with an actual competent military the Jihadis would not have gained ground as they did. Over the years a lot of inept deadweight was shed from the SAA, either through combat losses, or desertions, but even by 2015 the SAA was still incapable of winning the war. Therefore to call Assad the greatest military genius of the 21st century is both an insult to actual capable military commanders, but also speaks volume about how little people understand actual wars and how a military works.


Yeah, history says no.



Hezbollah involvement in the Syrian Civil War has been substantial since the beginning of armed insurgency phase of the Syrian Civil War, and turned into active support and troop deployment from 2012 onwards.


The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Syrian Arab Republic are close strategic allies, and Iran has provided significant support for the Syrian Government in the Syrian Civil War, including logistical, technical and financial support, as well as training and some combat troops.

Iran sees the survival of the Syrian government as being crucial to its regional interests. Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, was reported in September 2011 to be vocally in favor of the Syrian government.

When the uprising developed into the Syrian civil war, there were increasing reports of Iranian military support, and of Iranian training of NDF (National Defence Forces) both in Syria, and in Iran.

By December 2013 Iran was thought to have approximately 10,000 operatives in Syria.<<

Yup, Syria was really fighting all alone for all those years.

And nothing wrong that. I'm glad they helped Assad stop from being toppled by the West and their Jihadi pets, but lets not pretend Assad was another Churchill, fighting all alone against the might of the Third Reich. Because even Churchill received massive support from its various Commonwealth allies, and tacit support from the US.


It’s sad anyway you look at it. Poor Syria.


That, my friend, is 100% true.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Never rely on Wikipedia to give you honest information as it is subjective to only a handful of editors both very belligerent and put forth their own narrative.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There were no desertions just rumors started by the west to cover up the mass executions thousands were executed on the orders of UK,US and NATO Generals a sad and tragic now part of the history of western Imperialism. The problem was Assad had gutted the army by 2010 and left not many military leaders and soldiers many were administrative and not trained in fighting, he did this with assurances the west wouldn’t undermine the Syrian Government. The West promises could be put into tears at all failures to honor them,they would leave more oceans of water and we would be all underwater and drowned.

Most of the ground fighting has been done by the Syrian army and allies but air war is not going to win you anything in the long run. The experts had Assad defeating the terrorists in 2013 and if it wasn’t for the false flag chemical attack then all CIA programs were coming under scrutiny and being reduced or stopped , then Obama signed a secret executive order to ensure Timber Sycamore could still be funded. Things are never as easy as we believe them to be as there are more things that are still not known. Maybe one day it will all come out and we can start head hunting all those involved.


The fact is that Assad was in control of the war by 2014 – that’s according to most western observers and media. It took several false flags and “miraculous” creation of ISIL apparently out of thin air to reverse the situation and make the Russians intervene. Now I grant Assad is not a military genius and by local standards not even a political one – a harder man in his shoes would have drowned the Arab Spring protests in blood and crushed it in the matter of days. He did his best to reform the country politically, getting rid of his father’s henchman and to endear himself to the west all the while the west was plotting to take him down. He may have inherited the El Presidente chair, but he never acted as one – and that may be his biggest character flaw in a region were even so called “democracies” shoot their unarmed political opponents in the streets like dogs.


I think we can agree on this.


Looks like a sour grape who cannot accept the truth that He as president of Syria and he even though weak was able to withstand the might of the entire Nato /Arab rich states /Turkey is the truth.

I would say he is even a timid guys hardly a tyrant west tried soooo very hard to make to be one. No he will never be one but the FACT THAT he is able to hold Syria together with his tiny army and did most of the fighting aided by iran and tiny Hez speak volume.

For that he earned our respect as the Assad the Great … greater than the Spartans.

I challenge you , arm chair general to find another ARab leader that can survive so very long and actually is winning.

Churchill is nothing compared to Assad ….

Yes Russia air power was critical in as much as the stupid way the terrorists (with speciall forces trained by Western “experts”) loved tanks are armoured vehicles got clobbered by Russia air power.

The main fighting was still Syria’s SAA ..

So live with it even though you hate to admit the truth.


You make good sense Joe. President Assad is truly a man of his people. He cares for them and prefers to live amongst them.


Yeah, of course, typical. I make 999 posts in favor of Assad, the Russians and the Iranians, but I make 1 post where I go hang on a second, this is not the case and suddenly I’m an anti-Assad sour grape or an Israeli paid troll. Echo chamber much?


ok ok … you are sweet grapes .. LOL Cheers ..


You wrote, you love russia. Yesterday arrested 1600 people, whi protested against putins politics. many childrens, youngs. some of them were beaten. moreover, in togliatti arrested also 1 racoon. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

russian democracy is joke, russian human rights are joke. in russia is forbidden tor, vpn, etc. in russia was allowed to beat the wives. in russia is not forbidden the child porn. this is your dreamland, hollander???????


I like Russia, I wouldn’t go as far to say that I love Russia, only been there once, and that was just a changeover at Moscow airport. I admire Putin. Now do I think Russia is a democracy and Putin a democrat? Hell no! He’s an authoritarian leader of the traditional Russian kind. And Russia was probably at its most democratic under the Yeltsin years, as there was a lot more press freedom in Russia. But those were also the years of economic anarchy in Russia, oligarchs appropriating themselves the natural and industrial wealth of Russia and Yeltsin ordering the army to attack the democratically elected parliament.

Am I OUTRAGED that Putin unleashed his uniformed thugs on protesters? It’s not what I would have done. Let them have their little day while the rest of Russia ignores them. On the other hand I also think its terribly overblown by Western media eager for any sign of Russia falling out of love with Putin. Young students are always more radical, in Russia they just happen to be anti-Putin, whereas here in the West they’re screaming about LGBT rights, genderneutral toilets and perceived racism to the point that I WISH my government would sick its uniformed thugs on the annoying snots to make them shut up.

Are human rights in Russia a joke? It would appear that most Russians do not seem to attach the same value to them as we do. But then again we didn’t have to suffer the same economic and societal collapse that Russians did in the 90’s. I reckon that if my biggest worry had been do I still get paid tomorrow, will I ever get paid, or will my country still exist tomorrow, I’d worry about that a hell of a lot more then being able to say the president sucks. And how much freedoms do we have here in the West here either? My government wants to spy on me, labels my criticism as hate speech and generally just wants me to shut, pay my taxes and be a good drone, while it forcefeeds me lies on the news and labels anything alternative to that as fake news. I have to go on a pro-Russian news site that’s full of anti-semites to get some news on Syria that is at least more balanced and informative then I get back home. How sick is that?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yes they all protested without a permit for where they were and violated an old law of not protesting there , they deserve what they get. Go cry me a river Antipuke Troll. Trump and US government are controlled by Marxist-Zionists.


That is the problem. In democracy you dont need permit. Russia signed helsinki declaration, and manufestation is basic human right. Therefore (also) is dictatorship in russia.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Actually you do are you some kind of idiot or like I said some Anti-Fascist troll?

Everything requires a permit how do you think all you pink pussies walked in Washington D.C. or are you (real) special.


No, in Eu you dont need permit. You have only inform the authorities, when and where will be, but you dont need permit. In a,erica is semifascism. Never was democracy.



i think, he discussed some days ago the us police behaves.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Permit requirements may not be required on current news events but still informing of the route,and Nelvany had was a political rally so yes perimit is required even in the EU.


Vavalniy informed. Putin is murder, he kills politicians, journalists. and licks the ass of oligarchs.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Sounds like the US UK France when it comes to murdering politicians now let’s be honest there has only been hearsay evidence when facts prove this of western governments. The West has always licked the asses of Oligarchs and continue to moisten their tongues to do so.


But your out on bail already?


white terrorost, you suppress the aboroines. you are the jews of terra australis.

Richard M

Name another small nation that could fight alone against US, UK, France, Israel, Turks, Saudis and all the terrorist Orc mercenaries they could hire with their immense war machine budgets? Syria fought alone for four long years against the Globalist Empire that crushed Libya like a beer can under a semi-truck. That crushed Serbia killing thousands of civilians in a few short months. That overthrew Egypt’s President with just the threat of attack and blackmail.


Being able to barely cling on to life in a tiny slither of Syria does not make for being a military genius. A military genius would have crushed the uprising when it started, despite the foreign backers of the orcs. Because its not like they have much on the side of military genius either. Syria did not fight alone during that time. Iran and Hezbollah were there pretty soon after it started. As were Russian advisors and supplies. That’s probably why the decline was staved off for several years. But again, to call Assad the greatest military genius is an insult to actual military genius (genii for plural?). When this war started the SAA was utter shite and on par with being nominated for worst possible armies together the Iraqi army under Saddam and the Saudi army. It STILL was a shite army when the Russians intervened. That’s why almost three years late the war still isn’t over. People here constantly blame Putin for his pullouts before the job was finished, but even Putin can’t write a blank check for an indefinite massive Russian military deployment in Syria. It has to be paid for by the Russian people and they have to be onboard with it. Which they aren’t. At least not for the indefinite blank check part. He has to take that into account. It’s taken at least two years for the Russians to turn the Syrian army from Saudi levels of incompetence to somewhat decent. There comes a point when the SAA has to be able to do it themselves. Which frankly, is still far off. It’s getting there, slowly, but still not in the ball park.

Also the comparisons between Libya and Serbia are off as the ‘Empire’ actually bombed those countries directly, rather then just supply cash and prizes to Jihadis. Until the Khan Sheykhun ‘retaliation’ strike the ‘Empire’ did not officially bomb Syria and the SAA to support their rebels. Although there was that ‘incident’ near Deir Ezzor of course.

Richard M

Stalin was arguably an incompetent bungler , he had decimated his officer corps, much like Sultan Erdogan! Stalin’s armies were driven back hundreds of miles and his troop losses were in the millions, but he didn’t give up, and he got some help, and eventually he won. Stalin was a bastage, but a bastage is exactly what Russia needed in the 1940s…..George Washington’s troops were deserting and poorly fed and clothed, yet Washington didn’t give up and eventually he led the Army to victory.

So I don’t say Stalin, Washington or Assad were Gods. I just say they were the right man at the right place at the right time. Maybe The Empire hasn’t opened a full bombing campaign as they did in Libya and Serbia, but the amount of weaponry, training and arming invested in the vilest headchopping Orcs on the planet has been astronomical. So if Assad isn’t Sun Tsu, Genghis Khan, Patton, Napoleon, Timur and Grant rolled into one, that’s okay. He is trying to save Syria from an horrific fate. He might not be a Saint either, but it isn’t his job to be one. His job is to save his country. Which is more than can be said for NATO (Nazi Alliance of Terrorist Organizations) FUKUS (France UK US) and SHIT (Saudis Hashemites Israel Turks).

US-Navy Revert Shia

Look Assad is a Dentist. Assad never wanted the Job As Syrian Pres. The Great Gen. Leader of all Iran’s Military under the Hon. Sayed Ali Khamenei has been on the Ground In Syria Calling All Shots Never forget… If it comes down all of Syria Iraq Lebanon wil https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e344916501dec382e77d2feac34db40c2929aed5f2d055c645dc2e0b8fec6e69.jpg l back Iran In Any War GOD Forbid


Never trust Kurds. Kurds are a branch of Israel…….




‘ Ophthalmologist ‘ :)

Richard M

Easy for you to say!


Assad studied to be an eye doctor in London. Assad was never a “hands on” military commander. He was never allowed by his brother, who assumed the role. Assad trusted him and trusted Syrian generals. But Half of the generals betrayed their country for a bribe. No one heard from the brother again, rumor was he lost his legs in an assassination attempt and lost favor with the alawite oligarchy for botching the war.

Then the alawite oligarchs said do whatever it takes, and Assad gave Iran strategic command but some more officers defected. The Iranians were too weak and their technology limited. They were losing. Then Assad gave Russia strategic command. That’s when things changed. Russia cannot have stabilized the regime without Iranian forces, or the support of the majority of the Syrian people who still support the regime, but they gave Assad the operational ability to fight and win. And in the process, Russia got badly needed experience and battle tested new equipment. They learned to modernize their drones , air defenses, and ECM and command control. They had to learn how to fight vbieds, drone jamming, an enemy with mobile command centers, and a willingness to gas civilians and poison the water supply for millions of people. Basically, in the span of 2 years they learned everything the US learned in Iraq over 11 years. It was a rapid modernization experience the Russians needed to update their technology, showcase it and greatly improved their military exports.

Richard M

Don’t minimize SAA successes before the Russian intervention. Remember that Syria was facing one of the most powerful alliances in world history including NATO (Nazi Alliance of Terrorist Organizations) FUKUS (France UK US) and SHIT (Saudis Hashemites Israel Turks). Assad withstood that onslaught for 4 long years, comparable to Britain holding off the Nazis almost alone for one year.


Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and all other Muslim nations should send their TV news anchors and leaders to visit Palestine, Yemen and Syria to see the exact situation there. Its unfair to run the main stream media fake news on their TV channels and on social media. They should not ignore the Yemeni and Palestinian kids and the historic Aqsa Mosque. Israel are nothing they have no power if Palestinian can resist then why not they……

neil barron



For how long are you going to deny reality?


I will enjoy it when they done with them, to clean also the pocket next to it.

US-Navy Revert Shia

Thank The Greatest Gen. In the War for the last 16-yrs https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e344916501dec382e77d2feac34db40c2929aed5f2d055c645dc2e0b8fec6e69.jpg


No bus passes for Isis.


Just came across a tweet that Marat Musin has died. A REAL JOURNALIST, whom we’ll all miss. “His likes will not be seen again”. Would have expected SF to have posted an obit.


Serious? How? If it’s true, Rest In Peace Comrade. ..

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