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MARCH 2025

Map Udpate: Military Situation In Aleppo City

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On February 22, the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) handed over its checkpoints in the neighborhoods of Ein Tal, Hellok, Bustan Basha and nearby areas to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). Reports also appeared that the SAA had entered into the YPG-held neighborhood of Sheikh Maqsoud as well as the  YPG-held part of the Youth housing area – the situation there remains unclear.

Map Udpate: Military Situation In Aleppo City

Click to see the full-size map

A map of Aleppo according to the versino that the entire area had been handed over to the SAA:

Map Udpate: Military Situation In Aleppo City

Click to see the full-size map

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Samantha Green



Samantha Green (yeah right) do you advocate abortion for jews too?

Samantha Green

Of course, however the vast majority of jewish women already have them.

Boris Kazlov

You should have been aborted by your mother.


and how would you know that unless you’re a hasbara troll?


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Feudalism Victory

Its good no one knows whats going. Loose lips sink ships.


Great feudalism, you were right and I was wrong: the Turks are still betting hard in the partition of Syria.

Feudalism Victory

Conspiring with israel too in a dual partition. Look for turkish betrayal against iran next.

Smith Ricky

Perfect its time for YPG/pkk to hand over all gains.

Bill Wilson

What gains? The YPG simply retook territory that was abandoned by the SAA due to a lack of manpower.

Smith Ricky

I said all of their gains

Joe Doe

I hope YPG and SAA in Aleppo area handed over to SAA will work out well for them. YPG and PKK should also work with SAA to hand over to SAA Manbij and all the area west of the Euphrates river, as this part was promised to Erdagon by americans.

Feudalism Victory

With proper respect for Syrias kurdish minority. Arab only nationalism cant be a good enough basis.


Assad should do, what told him russians: begin to discuss with kurds. And allow them kurdish schools, kurdish language in offices. No Syriana ARAB republic, only Syrian Republic. Finish with panarab nationalism. Assads politics is one of the real reasons of insurgencies in Syria.

Feudalism Victory



“Assad politics is one of the real reasons of insurgencies in Syria”. Wrong, if this would be the case, then, one would have insurgency in Mexico, Honduras, Brasil, Thailandia, etc…. The real reason is the feeding ($$$) done by Israel-USA-NATO with the help of Turkey(NATO)-Qatar-Jorda-Saudis, providing mercenaries and weapons.


Of course, the clan of assads is same victim amd murderes like Saddam or Gaddafi. For me is acceptable for single one reason: kills jihadists.

But Assad is stupid dictator, does not allow to breath the population. He is responsible for economical crises, his father and he also did noithing for syrian economy.


Well, you really have not idea of the big number of stupid leaders there are around the world, and only where Israel-USA-NATO decide to have war (insurgency) there is insurgency.


Ridiculous statement


This is another issue.

There were 3 reasons of insurgency: a) rising population, declining economy. for this is responsible the syrian establishment. nobody else. did nothing

b) climate changes, loss of agricultural soil assads governments had to suppress the damages. did nothing.

the people were not satisfied, wanted changes. also kurds, assyrians, etrc. needed more freedom and be accepted as non arabs. ceme domonstrations, assad stupidly shot in the mass, and came the revolt.

c) of course, the enemies of syria sent mines, jihadists, etc. this c az not assads fault, but all before yes.

af he would manage a+b, c would not happen.

Boris Kazlov

Sure, blame Al-Assad, who has overwhelming support and adoration from Syrians, for the war on terror he is waging in his country, typical CIA-Mossad narrative.


I blame everybody, who does not do his job!

Boris Kazlov

You are a stupid AIPAC troll, the opposite is true, Syria was a prosperous country and peaceful, tolerant of all religions and ethnicities, modern and secular, until USAIPAC decided to mess with it.


In mexico, there is the Zapatista movement. The indiginous people in Brasil have almost been wiped out, the remaining people are marginalized completely! In the favela’s it looks like a war zone though sometimes. In the south of Thailand there is an ongoing insurgency for decades. In the recent past there have been insurgencies in the north. What do you mean with etc.?


yes the vermin separatists kurds out the city alep bravo!!

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