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Map Update: Advances Of Turkish-led Forces In Southern Idlib

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Map Update: Advances Of Turkish-led Forces In Southern Idlib

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This map provides a general look at the recent gains by Turkish-led forces in southern Idlib. The Turkish Army and its al-Qaeda-linked allies have retaken several villages from the Syrian army and beiseged the town of Kafr Nabul, which the Syrians had recently liberated from al-Qaeda.


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Art Best


The Turks could not have known the location of Syrian generals without Putin and the Russians BETRAYING their Syrian allies and giving their coordinates to the Turks.

The Israelis and the Americans could not have hit high-ranking Iranian and Hezbollah officers without Putin and the Russians BETRAYING their allies and giving their coordinates to their enemies.

Syrians have only two choices: Die and lose the war AFTER firing their remaining SCUDs and long-range rockets to Ankara and other lucrative Israeli and Turkish targets; or die and lose the war WITHOUT getting some retribution and exposing the Russians for the Zionist traitors that they are.

Russians are truly PERVERTED creatures.

Russians collaborate with the Turks and the Jews even after the Turks and the Israelis openly murder Russian officers and gloat about it.


At least opt for an honorable death or defeat by exposing Putin and the Russians as being the most insidious enemies of all Christian and civilized peoples.

What have you got to lose?

namulit emperor

Fuck off, troll!


No, Putin isnt giving us any intel, we are just very effective and efficient military. Syrian army without Russia is childs play for us.

Brother Ma

Who says?


you are bunch of incest fuck ,while being proud to be nazi scum.. in 2020?? bravooo!!!

Porc Halal

More like a bunch of useless cavemen…without military support from USA and NATO they worth nothing…

Concrete Mike

Efficient at supporting jabhat al.nusrah, a worldwide banned terrorist organization!

Your a fucking orc ! Get out of syria filthy invaders! Stop doing the bidding of Israel , treasonous scum!


Warning: national identifier in the handle – probable team Tel Aviv.

Brother Ma

Really ? This is your logic? Well yes ,it could be true or the Natoists had observation teams and /or Intel or simply paid off some lackeys somewhere. It happens in all armies ,in all wars all the time.

Lone Ranger

Hasbarat Nr.4… Hope you guys have enough troll left to meddle in U.S. elections… It seems whole IDF unit is here ,:_)


it’s crazy way too obvious


Yeah, South Front seems to be infected with a plague of trolls at the moment. Normally troll bitches would be almost non-existent on a weekend. Erdogan must have increased weekend pay-rates to treble time….


The locations of the HQ’s etc were given to the turks to prevent mistakes.. The dog used it to bomb them instead just like when he shot down the russian su24..

klove and light

SPOT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Art Best = klove and light.

Unbelievable how full of shit you are, you miserable zionist piece of shit and pathetic provocateur, with all your idiotic accounts.

“Christian and civilized people”? You braindead cretin, Syrians are not even christians (*very few) what christian and civilized people, Merkel, Macron, Trump, they are not ‘insidious enemies’ huh you imbecilic dumb shiteater?

Russians saved Syria so many times, now they have to fight instead of them, because pathetic arab cunts run away every time they see a terrorists? Disorganized, undisciplined, cowardly tribals, like their Saudi cousins. Not even Iranians are eager to die instead of Syrians anymore, other people had to defend Syria while they’re partying in Damascus or just running away to Germany… Fuck them, and fuck you! Why don’t you go to fight for Syria, instead of spamming diarrhea from your filthy mouth? No? You sick, cowardly, perverted, pathetic pile of excrement.Honorable death? You don’t know what honor means, go drown yourself in a toilet. ASAP.


Fuck Putin and Fuck Russia.. You are back stabbed Syria.. fuck you..

Black Waters

Spreading propaganda? GTFO

Lone Ranger

Hi Hasbarat ;) You guys will have to try harder… Amateurs… you are?


go to idlib and wear suicide west. bye ????

Lone Ranger

I think you are mixing me up with your al nusra(HTS) buddies :)


my hts buddies? you are fckn illiterate! I’m pro Assad dumb fck.

Ricky Miller

I feel your pain. It’s a sad day and a watershed moment in world politics. Russia, for all it’s bluster and growing defense capabilities, is not going to stand up to bullying powers preying on their neighbors. It’s one of those moments in history where doors open and doors close. People are slow to recognize it but lying, brazenly violating the UN Charter and even employing terrorists to do it, is now acceptable in world affairs. And Russia has elected to stand down in the face of it.


Saddest thing that 1/3 of world is dumb and brainwashed,1/3 doesnt care, and we who do care are minority..


How the fuck is russian fault that pathetic arab cunts from SAA can’t defend one shitty village for 24 hours? 90% of SAA is virtually worthless, disorganized rabble like all arab armies that run away when they see an enemy, abandoning their tanks ffs. They had a few months to take Idlib and their failed, now they can’t even defend… even the Kurds resisted more than SAA with all their heavy equipment, tanks and shit… people that can’t defend itself doesn’t deserve to be defended.


How? By not ignoring them,and giving them a hand..Their plains are capable of downing turdish drones? arent they?


Giving them a hand? How exactly, by bombing turkish jihadi puppets every day? You don’t need airplanes to attack turkish drones, Syria has a decent air-defense capable of downing tudish drones. Even Haftar in Libya destroyed a few.


lol..obvious you didnt read latest articles..SAA wasn’t even able to use their defense systems.. And yes we all know that they weren’t capable to fight even islamist alone, what did you except adding turdkey to that situation .. If you wanna stand by us,stand fully not part time only when suits you..


Getting all emotional and having a mental breakdown online, you act like some screeching girl. Get a grip, lol


you have really strong mind when you calling this mental breakdown.. And you spelled your nick wrong.it’s Moron


SAA/Iran/Russias offensive in Idlib turned out to be a dissaster for them.I bet this will be studied in the future as one of the biggest military blunders of all times.

Joe Doe

I have to agree. This was biggest military blunder for many reasons, SAA did not took seriously Erdogan treat and did not prepare for Turkey offencive. Furthermore, Russia failed close Air Space over Idib and fald to protect SAA. I mean cut supply routes and bomb Turkey troops. Russia in Syria play very limited role. In other hand, if USA will be Assad or Syria protector Turkey military will be bomb to inhalation. Putin is weak, that is why puts other Russia allies at risk. Russia betrayed China during Korean war. Russia doing same to Syria. Putin pleasing policies at the expense of Syria

Lone Ranger

+25Shekels Shlomo…



Lone Ranger

Oy gevalt ;)

Lone Ranger

Your dead isis buddies tell a different story. :)


LOL you pathetic ziotrolls are below idiocy… no one gives a fck about some irrelevant skirmish and a few dirty villages in the middle of nowhere in the war that last forever, no one will even remember this in two days… no one actually cares about it today except you professional trolls and turkish idiots.


Incredible. Ok they could not completly secure all that terrain but then again they have the air to their own disposal. They could have destroyed all the terrorist supplier lines by now. I could accept it if it was a tactic to make the enemy vulnerable because of its logistic exposure but this is shameful for Syrians and Russians.

Joe Doe

It’s very obvious Putin and Russia continue play good guy at the expense of Syria. Lates has been shown that Russia allowed Turkey fly its drone over Syria and and make direct attack on SAA. Furthemore, Putin is directly responsible invading Turkey to Syria with his disastres Astana peace. War in Syria will continue because Putin is weak and Russia playing double game and SYria paying the price. I would not be supported, if SAA morale and will to fight is down do to Putin and Russia pleasing policies and poor protector. I can guarantee, if USA will be Assad/Syria protector, Turkey troops will be bomb to inhalation, until they run from Syria. Putin has no balls to protect anyone. Therefore, this is warning to other nation leaders to thinks twice before become Russia allies. Put simply, Russia could betrayed you. Just look Russia history, how Stalin (Russia) betrayed China in the Korean war. The same was in Vietnam.


Close quarter combat taking place in Sanamayn at the moment. Without drone support Turkish militants will get to test their skills.

Lone Ranger

Turkisis will fall.



You should care about the south first….

Lone Ranger

Its war… Nontheless the goodguys will win ;)


Had intended posting this Excellent expose of what really happened on 27/Feb: The Fact of the Matter “What exactly transpired on Feb. 27? At around 5 p.m., a Turkish mechanized infantry battalion, comprised of about 400 soldiers, became the target of an airstrike on a road between al- Bara and Balyun, some 5 kilometers (3 miles) north of Kafr Nabl in southern Idlib. According to local sources contacted by Al-Monitor, two Russian Sukhoi Su-34 and two Syrian Su-22 fighter jets had launched intensive bombings of Turkey-backed Syrian National Army (SNA) targets in southern Idlib at around 11 a.m. that day. The same jets hit the Turkish convoy in coordinated action, the sources said. A first, a relatively lighter strike by the Su-22s forced the convoy to stop, after which the pounding intensified, forcing the soldiers to take shelter in several roadside buildings. What followed next was likely the dropping of KAB-1500L bombs — a variation of advanced laser-guided bunker buster bombs capable of penetrating to depths of up to 20 meters (65 feet) — by the Russian jets. Two of the buildings collapsed in the attack, leaving the Turkish soldiers under the rubble.”

This incident was a signal to Turkey that its escapades have to end.

“Throughout the last weeks Turkey had used large armed drones to attack the Syrian army. The Turkish troops in Idelb governorate had additionally used man portable air defense missiles (MANPADs) against Syrian helicopters and Russian bombers. Enough was enough. Turkey does not have permission to use drones within the Syrian airspace. On Wednesday Syria’s air defense destroyed one of them. To use manpads against Russian planes is an act of war. The Russian strike was a reminder to the Turks that it is quite able to wage one. Russia denied that its planes had launched the attack and Turkey accused Syria of doing it. But these statements are designed to deescalate and to allow for continued peaceful relations between Russia and Turkey. Both sides know very well what really had happened. There is still Erdogan’s threat to launch a full sized attack on the Syrian army on March 1. He threatened to push it back to the old Sochi memorandum ceasefire lines. Russia has moved two frigates into the Mediterranean Sea which are armed with cruise missiles.These will be used if Turkey really attempts to implement its idiotic plan. NATO and the U.S. have both rejected getting involved in the Idleb affair. Turkey is on its own and Erdogan will have to be careful. He is not only losing in Syria but also in Libya and he can not risk to further upsetting Russia because the Turkish economy depends on it.” https://www.moonofalabama.org/2020/02/syria-deadly-bombstrike-warns-turkey-to-end-its-escapades.html#more

Lone Ranger

Turkroaches are crying and raging ;)

Lazy Gamer

Can also apply in traffic. If there is something slowing or stopping you down, there is a low chance that there is something about to go down. lol

klove and light

u sure are a ridiculous motherfucking Zionist cock sucking Putin Lover…this is YOUR sentence from above

“Russia denied that its planes had launched the attack and Turkey accused Syria of doing it. But these statements are designed to deescalate and to allow for continued peaceful relations between Russia and Turkey. Both sides know very well what really had happened.”

watch less Zionist fucking Hollywood movies u fucking Zionist Putin Lover cock sucking motherfucker


You are the cocksucker here you retarded degenerate piece of shit…


You are a Bigger fukin eejit than I ever thought you were. Here is the quoted text you dunce, try reading it again: “Russia denied that its planes had launched the attack and Turkey accused Syria of doing it. But these statements are designed to deescalate and to allow for continued peaceful relations between Russia and Turkey. Both sides know very well what really had happened.”


The fact is that the Syrian Arab advance have stoped, Syrians lost land recently liberated , people were killed and millions worth of ammunition spend for nothing. Who is responsible for this miscalculation and why Lavrov’s and Putin’s triumphal declaration that ” Syria has the right liberate every single land back and terrorists will be eliminated once and for all” ? Because here somebody has changed his mind along the way, this is clear and very difficult to explain to the Syrian Army and people of this country !!!


that’s why I’m saying fck Russia! I felt sick last few days watching that scum kill our guys .From fckn Air! A I R !! fck sake!


Settle down, Francis.

If it weren’t for Russia, all of Syria would have been a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Globohomo FUKUS alliance by no later than 2016


When I gonna need Moron’s opinion I will talk to my dog.. But he is smarter than you.


“The fact is that the Syrian Arab advance have stoped” what ‘fact’, no one (politically) stopped SAA advance, they are simply incompetent to actually take a few villages without serious air support (and they have more soldiers, artillery, tanks). They had 2-3 months to take Idlib, and they failed. Now they can’t even defend properly. They lost a key city in 2 hours, a few days ago FFS. That’s pathetic. “Syria has the right liberate every single land back and terrorists will be eliminated once and for all” Yes they do. Syrians, not Russians, it’s Syria and it should be defend by Syrians. They undoubtedly have the right, but they don’t have courage to do so. If their country depend solely on russian (and iranian) support, they shouldn’t even have country. As Che Guevara said: ‘I am not a liberator. Liberators do not exist. The people liberate themselves.’


For a certain mindset, the successes are all Russia’s doing while the failures are solely the Syrians’. It was Putin who invited the 2nd army in NATO into Idlib–nobody else.


Like Geroman said: The next 5 days will decide the next 5 years. -All depends on Ru and Sy being able to control airspace in Idlib and shoot down any drones (RuAf now used their planes in AFRIn for the first time, good sign) -Cutting M4 will end Saraqib operation of Turkey, as M4 from Hatay is their main supply line -Russia NEEDS to win in Idlib and both end Jihadis safe haven, AND put Erdogan in his place. Otherwise: 1. Russia can not sustain their presence in Latakkia 2. Will look humiliated and weak, loose all prestige and power that has been build in last years in MENA, and will have a Vietnam like humiliation

So the next days are CRITICAL. For Syria, but also Iran, Hezbollah and Russia. It is existential.

Lone Ranger

Syria wont fall. Putin will use nukes if he has to, if anybody says otherwise just look at his track record since 1999. ;) Turkroaches picked thr fight with the wrong guy. Hasbarats will cry and rage :_) No more Greater Israel Project for you…


Yeah, sure, Putin will use nukes. LOL. You are getting even more delusional. Putins track record shows the opposite, he is the last statemen that would use nukes. If you would have the first clue about military affairs and what you are talking about, you would know the nuclear dotrine of the Russian federation, that governs exactly the usage of nuclear weapon. A small hint: Defending Syria or any partner nation is not in it. Russia is not the US. Only when Russian homeland is threatend with a nuclear attack and retaliating against it, they wil be used. But dream on and live in your delusion.

Lone Ranger

I guess we will find out soon…


Yeah, i can not wait for WW3, that is garantueed to happen, when Russia directly attacks a NATO member on their own soil. NATO article 5 is garantueed then, and opposed to Turkey being attacked in Idlib, this garantuees a war with NATO, even when Russia only strikes Turkey on their soil with conventional/non nuke weapons. *sigh*

Lone Ranger

Where did I say striking Turkey in Turkey? A few small tactical nukes in Idlib and Turkisis and Erdofuck will crawl back to their ottoman fuckhole ;)



Lone Ranger

Is that you? Very handsome…

Concrete Mike

Ahh look ! The one who thinks is better than all of us is out.

Guess what? That qat chewing motherfucker is beating your saudi chums with advisors hard! And hes coming for you next!

You laugh.at his appearance but inside you fear them.


That must be your boyfriend from al qaeda… at least he is more semitic than you israeli mutants.

Lone Ranger

By the way I dont think Trump would move a finger for Erdofuck, especially in election year.


But do you think that Putin is so stupid to directly attack Turkey on their own soil?

klove and light

they are denying reality……..hoping for “good” Aliens on planet mars and “bad” Aliens from the Orion System……..that is what happens after decades of booze d rinking, Cocain snorting and weed smoking



Lone Ranger

The counter was at 50 yesterday too. It would be more funny if you would inflate the number exponentially every day. ;) Was a gratis tip…


I think you just lost some airplanes. :)

Lone Ranger

I doubt since Im not Syrian, Shlomo. Until its not confirmed its only Mossad news. And you lost a few hundred isis trolls again…

Ricky Miller

Probably realistic, except for the fact that Vladimir Putin doesn’t have a cell phone. The most fun calls home will be from Russian service personnel home to family, with both sides wondering wtf they’ve been doing in Syria if the endgame all along was to let HTS party in towns and villages all across Northern Syria. This will be a source of growing shame inside Russia and United Russia is earning extinction as a name brand in Russian retail politics.

Ricky Miller

Wow. You are delusional. Russia isn’t going to nuke anyone. Right now, this morning, Russia did nothing while Turkish F-16’s shot down Syrian aircraft. The two Admiral Grigorovich class frigates each have eight missiles aboard available for attack missions. So, not enough to dent the current ongoing Turkish-Jihadi offensive. If Vladimir Putin wanted to stop this before it started he could have, with a single sentence. Even now, one strong Russian assault directly against Turkish forces inside Syria could throw NATO into panicked disunity and all but halt Turkey’s actions. He doesn’t do it. I threw my “Mr. President” Vladimir Putin T-shirt in the trash this morning. History and his place in it are passing him by, and this blemish will taint his record. But, it’s the people of Syria who will pay the worst price. It’s all sad, especially for Russian service personnel who have to either sit there and watch the mugging in action, or fly band-aid strikes against terrorist formations only, leaving the actual culprits in this tragedy unmolested.

Lone Ranger

Cool story… but Russia can fire Cruise missiles even from the black sea. Aside from that those ships have Reserve missiles that can be reloaded as well. Russia is waiting trying to deescalate, but make no mistake, Syria wont fall. You can think Im delusional, I even count on that ;)

Ricky Miller

Syria probably won’t fall in it’s entirety but so what? HTS and Turkish gangs are still going to occupy a huge part of Northern Syria and the games won’t stop with the upcoming cease-fire, just like they didn’t with the last one. Having Northern Syria without Aleppo is like having an otherwise healthy body without a heart. Turkey wants it and will continue to employ these cynical games until they get it. If the Kremlin wanted to stop this they would have by now. They’ve made a willful decision after analysis that they don’t want to fight a war for Syria. Without a military coup inside Russia, which the Russian public simply isn’t going to go along with, or without a Turkish mistake of epic proportions Russia is going to let nature run it’s course. Anything different would have happened during the Nayrab clash, it didn’t and most probably won’t.

Lone Ranger

Aleppo is under SAA control. Idlib is rather small. SAA is used to casulties Turkey isnt. It will be very costly for Turkey, Erdofuck barely survived the last coup, so I wouldnt rub my tiny hands if I were a hasbarat just yet…;) We will se what happens in a weak…

Ricky Miller

The missile cells on these warships have to be reloaded in port. They are not the cylinder SAM systems utilized on Russian warships but in fact are vertical launch cells. The base at Tartous is small, and I’m not sure that the frigates wouldn’t have to return home to reload. If they were utilized to approach and threaten Turkey’s illegal drilling operations in Cypriot waters that might cool some Turkish heels in Idlib but sixteen cruise missiles would only escalate the situation without providing any military knockout blow. Great ships but try and avoid thinking of them as super-weapons. They’re not.

Lone Ranger

Except if they are nuke tipped, than they are ;)

Ricky Miller

Why would the Kremlin elect to go that far when they won’t even target Turkish artillery positions or shoot down Turkish aircraft? Hell, Russia won’t even cancel or withhold gas or gas transit. I understand your sentiment but events are not moving toward confrontation in Syria but toward appeasing Erdogan’s boldness. It’s simply a fact, established by what hasn’t happened in the last 72 hours. It sucks, but better to wrestle with the truth than to live with hopes that don’t exist.

Lone Ranger

Russia won’t let Syra fall. They are waiting too see what happens, that simple, they can strike Turkey anytime they want, even from inside Russia. If Syria falls civs will be genocided, than comes Iran, guess who comes next… Russia isn’t dumb, neither are Syrians. Don’t bee too surprised… Bye.


People of Syria should defend Syria, instead of running away and hoping that someone else will fight instead of them.

John Brown

Totally wrong. Turkey, Russia, Syria, China and Iran are playing the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship, perfectly.

Russia can stop the Turkish advance any time they want to by pulling the plug on the Turkish economy as Russia is Turkey’s number 1 trading partner with China an at number 2. Turkey gets their oil to fuel their military vehicles from Iran and Russia.

Erdogan will be sending many millions of Covid virus refugees to Europe at the request of China in retaliation for Israel ordering its USSA slaves to release it in China, and this will be to bring down and over throw the the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship, occupation governments there. I bet we will see the zio collaborators, Merkel, Makaroni etc flee for their lives to the USSA or Israel. World war is breaking out started by Israel and its lord its lord Satan with their biological warfare attack on China.

Erdogan did go along with the overthrow of Syria until the Zio death squads came for him. All those in Turkey who still support the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship, will now lose all credibility when they don’t come to Turkeys aid which will solidify Erdogan’s rule .

I heard the same argument when Putin went to Israel, he was a sell out etc. Than a month later Syria makes huge gains against Israeli ISIS and Al Cia Da Israel. Actions count, in war words are just propaganda to throw off the enemy. Facts:

If Erdogan goes against Russia it will give Israel the opportunity to implement the Yinon plan on Turkey, which they tried to do just over 4 years ago but Putin saved Erdogan and his families etc lives. Erdogan and all his relatives and friends will be murdered by Mossad death squads, Turkey will be turned into one big Raqqa, bombed to bits and then broken up, with Israel getting Western Turkey along the Med, the Kurds will get central southern Turkey, Armenians Eastern Turkey, half the Turkish population will be killed and the rest will be forced to flee to Germany. Turkey as a state and people will cease to exist forever, and Erdogan would go down in history as the worst Turkish leader in history.

Erdogan is buying time until the S-400s and the pipelines from Russia are all operational, as Turkey is vulnerable to economic sanctions and air attack until then. Erdogan has to pretend to be neutral until the gas pipelines and the S-400s are all fully operational as Turkey is still vulnerable to Zio economic sanctions and attack until all these systems are finished and ready to battle against the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship.

Turkey is getting transit fees in the billions from Russia from the oil adn gas pipelines and China is investing tens of billions in Turkey and hundreds of billions in Iran. Turkey will be exporting gas from the gas fields off the coast of Cyprus and Palestine making those billions, not Israel! You lose again! Well does money count? Do people care about money? Do they want to be rich? Does money matter? Maybe in your fantasy world no one wants to be rich or get paid. Putin is fighting fire with oil literally. I bet Erdogan like Trump Macarnoni etc., a ll have the money counting machines and that they all want to get paid!!!!!!! Show them them the money!!!!! Interesting perspective. I wonder if any of it is correct?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Krag-4DDkqI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBS0OWGUidc Turks will be bringing those bags of money to the bank, a non Jewish bank and they won’t be using zio dollars and they will be buying gold. Turkey is getting transit fees in the billions from Russia from the oil and gas pipelines and China is investing tens of billions in Turkey and hundreds of billions in Iran. Turkey will be exporting gas from the gas fields off the coast of Cyprus and Palestine making those billions, not Israel! You lose again! Turks will be bringing those bags of money to the bank, a non Jewish bank and they won’t be using zio dollars and they will be buying gold. Well does money count? Do people care about money? Do they want to be rich? Does money matter? Maybe in your fantasy world no one wants to be rich or get paid. Well does money count? Do people care about money? Do they want to be rich? Does money matter? Maybe in your fantasy world no one wants to be rich or get paid.

Putin is fighting fire with oil literally.

I bet Erdogan like Trump Macarnoni etc., a ll have the money counting machines and that they all want to get paid!!!!!!! Show them them the money!!!!!


breaking 24 mins ago the terrorists downed a sukhoi 24 near saraqib (apart from the trurkish uav)…the russkies better bring it on enough already


1 downed, 1 damaged it could escape. F-16 ambushed them probably by using EW to blind Syrian AD Radars.


klove and light

lolololol “Russia bring it on” hahahahahaah reality denying……what atremendous pathetic ridiculous comment……and probably you are hoping to get a visit from Aliens of the Orion System.. or was it Andromeda System???

Zionist brainwashed Hollywood movie watching idiot comment..

are you also hoping of a Comeback of iron mike tyson???

klove and light

lollllllllllllllllllllll so where are the Zionist cock sucking Putin Lovers now????????????????? and now you even have tremendous idotic Posts of Zionist cock sucking Putin Lovers that are writing About “Putin using nukes against taf”


u (99%) Folks here are ridiculous pathetic idiots of enormous proportions………

the truth is Right infront of you and you Folks Keep denying the fucking OBVIOUS

Putin is a treacherous Zionist pig. he gave erdogan the green light to invade and occupy AFRIN he gave erdogan the green light per Agreement to invade and occupy idlib he gave erdogan the green light peer Agreement to invade and occupy North east syria

Putin is a treacherous Zionist pig!!!! and 99% here are Zionist cock sucking Putin lovers




Russia has stepped up air raid on idlib


Ricky Miller

Nope. Just some symbolic and marginal strikes. Nothing that would cause the offensive to sit up and take notice. The Turkish-Jihadi attack is just growing more brazen.


we are turk. let the world fear us.

Concrete Mike

Shut the fuck up terrorist supporter!.

Smell your fingers, they smell because your hands have been up al.nusrah’s ass for 8 years!

No one fears you and we all hate you now! We.know your a violent fascist minority and dont represent the turkish people.

Fascist working to the benefit of the other fascist, ISRAEL.



Constellation 2023

You kill one Turk and Turks will kill 10 of its enemies. Turkey can take on the world just as it did a century ago. Russia will not learn its lesson and will attack Turkey. WWIII will be caused by dirty Russian barbaric bears.


Said a turkish dirty barbarian shiteater… Russia did not learn its lesson? What lesson, how to crush your turko-mongoloid barbarian hordes again and again? They defeated you turkish bitches so many times…. the only reason why TurDs still exist is because the west save you pathetic bitches again and again, Russians were near Constantinople twice. Third time’s a charm!

Samuel Vanguard

TAF is preparing for a full assault of SAA positions SAA should be prepared for a long war with Turkey it’s part of the globalist plan to crash the Global System to usher in NWO.


yea always something beneath the surface


There is one problem with the Russia. They rarely loose wars, and never lose wars without spreading rivers of blood (friendly and foe). Russia definitely has the capacity to escalate this conflict furthermore and they will do so, if they do not see an opportunity for a compromise with Turkey. These tactical gains of Turkey will mean very little if Russia decides to escalate this conflict furthermore. Once Russia becomes dedicated for a war, it probably will not stop until the problem is completely solved.


Not happening. It’s clear Putin already concluded likely defeat if they go to war, or a costly victory at best. He’s chosen to wimp out.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Turkey losing wars on two fronts.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Intrigued how the Turkish observation posts surrounded by SAA haven’t been destroyed and the occupiers captured, unless all is not quite what it seems.


Yeah, that’s simply unbelievable… deep inside syrian territory and completely surrounded, they should be annihilated. For whatever reason SAA doesn’t even attack them.

Jim Bim

Russians retreat makes military no sense, loosing so much gain and momentum….. unless its a betrayal. Today another Turkish convoy crossed the border……without being stopped.

You can call me Al

The only thing I can think of is to bring the vermin out in the open away from the built up areas; other than that I am as lost as you…. something is playing out andI do not think I like it.

Jim Bim

I agree.

George King

Al, there is something to what you suspect I am sure. Why would one use and expend forces and supply on attacking an enemy’s strength when the ratio of needed and expended is always in the favor of urban warfare holding familiar ground when one can draw them out or as we have seen so many other times bait and draw them into and close the encirclement of a cauldron ie killing field that requires less loss of men and material/s.

“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near”. This has been abbreviated to its most basic form and condensed into the English modern proverb: “All warfare is based on deception”.

Of note, according to some authors, the strategy of deception from The Art of War was studied and widely used by the KGB: “I will force the enemy to take our strength for weakness, and our weakness for strength, and thus will turn his strength into weakness”.

It was also effectively used in Vietnam in the defeat of French and then US forces.


Historians will marks this as the turning point, the beginning of the end for Putin’s administration. So much for leaving behind an historical legacy of reviving Russia. Putin will now shrink to insignificance and fade away. The only way out is a decapitation strike on Erdogan.

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