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Map Update: COVID-19 Outbreak In European Union And U.K. As Of March 22, 2020

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Map Update: COVID-19 Outbreak In European Union And U.K. As Of March 22, 2020

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A closer look at the current situation with the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak across the European Union and in the United Kingdom.


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Italy numbers are outdated


a find for the jews if they can get rid of Iran since all individual countries will absorb the actual costs incurred when fighting the corona while the jews pretend they are, as usual, the harassed and persecuted victims in this charade they have set in motion, to get rid of Iran.

Hasbara Hunter

I MISS THE DATE OF THE FIRST CASE IN EACH COUNTRY ON THIS MAP…..then you can compare the Development in Countries & the way they handle & control the Situation….

Icarus Tanović

Do you think it is intentionaly spreaded around…

Hasbara Hunter

Personally I think it is developed in a Lab…either by USraHell or China…to wreck someone’s Economy….this is just a light form & a test-case for the Future..Martial Law…Lockdowns…Sheeple herded in the Direction the Elites want…Why did the Elites built their Million-Dollar Bunkers…for something similar like this is my guesstimate…a Hidden Agenda to get rid of 7 Billion People…

If it is Natural…then Nature is just setting the balance a bit…and again we can expect more of this to come in the future…Make sure you got a rifle & a Backpack with all your Gear stashed somewhere up for grabs….Anything can happen days to come…We can just guess what will happen

Icarus Tanović

7? Do you think that you are overestimating this…


No… it’s just the situation being manipulated to DeepState advantage.

Hasbara Hunter

Elites need only 500 million Servants for better control…we have got 7,6 Billion People at the moment…so 7.1 Billion people have to leave…one way or the other…according The Georgia Guide Stones…



Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lANyoV-Szos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J6zm6zgah0 Accidentally ‘got out’ but then other ‘countries’ used as ‘patsies’ in order to cover their assess from the Geopolitical ramifications. If the world ‘thinks’ the U.$. is responsible for this, then, all hell will break loose. Everything the MSM say and do about this from now on is ‘smoke screen.’ Covid-19 has been in Italy since December 2019.

John Wallace

I did give a website that has live updates and all sorts of country data info re this virus but it keeps on getting held back as suspected spam ??. try worldometers dot info then goto coronavirus page. Select country of interest and get all sorts of data some of which may help. I saw an article from the US which included poking fun at Iran and their numbers infected but I see now the US has shot way past Iran in a day or so.


Italy numbers are totally wrong. We have 53578 cases and 4825 deaths. We are riding at +6000 cases/day and 800 deaths/day.

John Wallace

Latest figures are 59100 with 5500 deaths and 5000 new cases. previous reply marked as spam ?? maybe because I gave the live update website ??.


https://twitter.com/andrewbostom/status/1241537942159536128?s=20 4

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