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Map Update: COVID-19 Outbreak In Greater Middle East As Of March 22, 2020

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Map Update: COVID-19 Outbreak In Greater Middle East As Of March 22, 2020

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A closer look at the current situation with the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak across the Middle East.


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Wayne Nicholson

Interesting that there are zero cases in Syria. Either no one travels there so there’s a fire break in Syria of they don’t have the means to diagnose Covid-19. If this gets into the refugee camps it’s going to get very ugly.


Hurry! Merkel should save all the refugees


Plenty of Iranians travel there. Most likely they have it already.


No evidence,fo you honestly believe god can’t destroy evil,no matter where,see! Syria ain’t pro lgbtq,other countrys chances are being ruled secretly by pro lgbtq affiliates,for example deep state iran,the more evil in the quagmire the more disease, Russia has the measure,media ain’t got the balls to admit it!


It is less interesting than intransparent and silly. Although the country lacks testing procedures and infrastructure, it is well known that there are cases in Syria. But the country is at war, so it is a question of national security to keep such information secret. The Spanish flu, for example, which caused 30-40 million deaths during the First World War, swept through Europe without anyone reporting or informing.

But I honestly like the statement of the Syrian Health Minister Nizar Wahbeh al-Yaziji: “Thank God, the Syrian army has cleansed many of the germs that were present on Syrian soil.”


You got no proof they have!


You got no proof they have not!


They have russian means.

Charles Homer

Here is an interesting analysis showing the link between pre-existing conditions and deaths from the current coronavirus


This research begs the question; is the global panic over the COVID-19 pandemic warranted when put into perspective against other common health conditions?


In Italy, for example, it can be seen from the characteristics of those who have died from the virus that people who are not over 70 and do not have two or three preexisting conditions will have little to fear.

What I am reading is also the central point of the link you have shared.


They with aids and other homosexual diseases or linked close with (not china,got hit) Will be the ones with the higher number of deaths,there patterns with governance me thinks based on this years policys,seens god is mercifull but only to a certain point!


Ok. Block user. Done.


the very high number of corona victims in Iran points directly at the illegal occupiers of palestine, or the jews, who have realised that the world isn’t prepared to undertake to fulfill the jews’ most ardent and prayed for wish, to start a devastating war against Iran and thereby obliterate the Iranian people. thus the corona virus let loose in Iran by the agents of the jews. these however fail to notice that the tide has turned and that it is in fact the world that wish to see the end of the jews since the sole thing the jews are providing to the world is war crimes, crimes against humanity and unrest and lies and murders and large scale thievery and the operation of the concentration camp gaza. what to save – nada, nothing, zilch-


In Russia the Dark Age never ends

Dick Von Dast'Ard

In the USA the Little Big Lies Age never ends.

Icarus Tanović

Bravo buddy.


Yee but at least they are rich and happy


What riches you demented flogged?

You can’t even run the turkish brothel,your fake riches means sht if anything ye shan’t take it with you,no secret most ukranians smarter trade with russians,derr!

rich you say you wish you were soros? Stealing from taxpayers to make you lie?

Grow up soros pigsht!



Tell that to italians you pathedic soros slut,seriously if russia did not protect east and south of ukraine,ye bandeira floggeds would have been on par with frances tolls(period) See facist russia,serbia,syria,greece all orthodox only one death from your soros/nazi flu Bottom line,you can respect salvation and live or rebuke it and die in vain,put ye lights on


Syria orthodox? Wow that’s a new one

Icarus Tanović

Not Jews, but Zionists.


Ah, I see Israel has joined the party. No wonder they have so quiet lately.


We are under quarantine for almost a week now, Bibi tries to keep his seat at all cost.


I read today that Netanyahu is proposing an 18-month term of office with a joint government together with Gantz who will take over after the 18 months. It is to be expected, I think, that after 18 months Gantz would not come to rule and Netanyahu would have formed his own majorities or there would be new elections.

Since the blue-whites will not accept the offer, what happens next in Israel?


Blue and White will try to take over the Knesset tomorrow, they have the majority to pass any law they want. Bibi cries for unity in order to make them not do it, Gantz hasn’t decided if he goes with Bibi or against him (like most of his party want). I personally think that if he joins Bibi then he will be politically finished, and ofcourse he won’t get the seat after 18 months because Bibi will call another elections and fuck him up. I hope he does the right thing, we want Bibi out. NOW.


Wont happen flogged,I never lied!


I think that Netanyahu can certainly make legitimate arguments for continuing his regency. Economically, Israel has not been in a bad way over the last 10 years, even if it has weakened recently. I also assume that he is convinced that he is doing the right things for Israel.*1 But what worries me is that his foreign policy is really disastrous for the Middle East, which is already a shambles because of American and Western foreign policy. This catastrophe is further exacerbated by the unconditional loyalty of the Trump administration and the American war party of Democrats and Republicans.

*1 But I have to do a lot of research to form an opinion, because the German media only provide limited information about Israel, and when they do, their reporting is only shallow and criticism is rarely formulated.


I was sent home on Tuesday morning. I go back Tuesday morning. I work in the agricultural industry. We have to keep the food coming. Take care of yourself Iron.


You too John take care, here it’s 945 confirmed cases already. I mean, Bibi decided to shut down the country on his own last Wednesday, there is no Parliament to even discuss it. The police is patroling the streets and force people to stay in their homes, except for supermarket and pharmacy workers. We are losing our democracy to a one single man, I hope we end this madness ASAP.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

If the so called “Antifa” developed a virus it probably would look something like coronavirus.


why don’t turkey send some moderate specialists to rescue those Muslim countries in danger, like they did to Libya ..LOL

Icarus Tanović

Just compare situation in KSA and Iran I think it tells us something.

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