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MARCH 2025

Map Update: French Military Presence In Northern Syria

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Turkey’s Anadolu Agency released a map showing alleged locations of French miltiary facilities in northern Syria. After the announcement of the US decision to withdraw troops from the war-torn country, France stressed that it is not going to withdraw its own troops. So, Ankara sees the French military presence in the area as one of the obstacles en route to undrmining influence of Kurdish armed groups in this part of Syria.


Map Update: French Military Presence In Northern Syria

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Zionism = EVIL

Let’s face it, the froggies are mere puppets of the Americunts and Zionist scum and can not last in Syria or anywhere without Americunts masters support. The froggy cowards are the most vulnerable to casualties and their own country is burning thanks to little midget Macron’s Goldman Sachs destruction of French economy. If the the resistance forces kill a dozen froggies, they are gone for good.

viktor ziv

Let us give a credit to French people in giving us civil revolution at the end of the 18th century. Indeed revolution ate its own children Robespierre, Danton and Marat. Mercenaries from France will be dealt by Syrians eventually, hopefully another revolution will rise in France cleaning corrupted politicians. The main question remains, is it right time for it?

Zionism = EVIL

The French are a little people with delusions of grandeur, the little midget Napoleon invaded Russia too and got his ass kicked at Borodino. Macron is another cowardly midget who thinks that France is a major power while its deadbeat economy is collapsing. France has some of the worst poverty in Europe and the froggies under their Americunt masters pressure canceled the 3 Mistral Helicopter carrier deal with Russia.

viktor ziv

You have my credit for the post. All written is TRUE, however just applying the change comes from inside and urging French people to do the same as over 200 years ago. Wish You all the best in New Year! Viktor

Brother Ma

Yes Americant vassals and sadly nothing more. Now degaulle was a frenchman with balls. Told all those “allies” to go to hell!

Hasbara Hunter

We need a Bloody Revolution in Europe…. Scum vs. the Elites…give it some time to Grow….the fun is just Starting

viktor ziv

Thumb UP, mate! As Alexander The Great said: “I’m not afraid of horde led by sheep, I’m afraid of sheep horde led by wolf.” Wish You great 2019. also wish Martin Luher Kings dream will come true, eventually…


He also said, are I not Alexander, I would be Demosthenes!

viktor ziv

Demosthenes was great orator. If You allow me to draw parallel between Alexander and Ivan the Terrible. I don’t uderstand why Ivan was the Terrible, he became tzar underaged, yup, his mother had infuence back then, his father was assasinated, but he sent possible oponents to conquer siberia instead ploting against him. Anyway, thx for bringing Demosthenes up. Good health and luck in year to come. :)


Yes, that was when Demosthenes asked him to stand aside as he was blocking the sun…

You too…will re-copy calendar RU Army 2019 (copy and [aste should bring it up)


Hasbara Hunter

Best wishes….thanks for the calendar…:)

viktor ziv

Bolshoye spasibo, friend. I hope this will remain as detterent only!

Brother Ma

No friends . It was Diogenis the Cynic. Born and raised in Sinope in Pontus in what was once Greece as was all of Turkey till the Moslem/Turks invaded it and renamed it Turkey! Ironically Erdogan was born very close to Sinope. Yet not too ironic. His greatgrandfather was a great freedomfighter against the Turks till they were forcefully converted in probably the last great wave of forced conversions of Christians before early 1900s.

Brother Ma

P.s Demosthenes hated Alexander the Great but both were heroes to me!


yes..my bad

Hasbara Hunter

May it become a Great year for You and your Relatives too….many good things happened this year….very promising…..


The French have been afflicted by their ghastly revolution ever since.

It was the right time 25 years ago! :-)

viktor ziv

Thanks for kind reply, just hope it is never to late. Good wishes to You, mate.


The French fought valiantly in both wars. In the second, they were outflanked making resistance suicidal. European nations made the best of German occupation. Initially, the Germans were even liked by some of the French. Germans as a group were not the monsters they have been portrayed as and the French are not the cowards. It is easy to think one would have faded into the woods with a bayonet clenched between our teeth to resist the Germans but few have a taste for such a life, esp. as the Germans were not reluctant to use severe reprisals. French communists were murderous swine after the war given to executing political enemies not collaborators. Eisenhower’s treatment of German POWs was despicable and his and British execution of Operation Keelhaul showed them to be monsters not lovable saints.

War is a terrible thing and what people do should be told without resort to facile generalizations or lies.

Hasbara Hunter

The Alliance of SATAN is SHITTIN’ THEIR PANTS….Chickenshit….


Calendar might come in handy then,…


Dick Von Dast'Ard

Hostile illegal combatants and I’d treat them as such.

Hasbara Hunter

Nothing….One-Size-Fits-All-Body-Bags…just send a couple extra….


More than hundreds French intruders and encroachers with YPG costumes have been sent to hell. Not only French but also British and Americans. As they sow so shall they reap.


How many French soldiers died in 2018?


If none did, what does that tell me?


no rothschild slaves you ARE going to get the fck out of there!!! because i know your hand in that chem attack in aleppo of late busted slaves!!!get the fck out if not well…watch

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