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MARCH 2025

Map Update: General Look At Military Situation In Syria

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This map, released by our friends from 24 Resistance Axis, provides a general look at the military situation in Syria on December 31, 2017. According to the map, the Damascus government is noow in control of 100,120.03 km² – 51.9% of Syria. The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces control 47,533.14 km², mostly in northern and eastern Syria – 24.6% of the country. Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and its allies control 20,852.18 km² – 10.8% of the country. The Turkish Armed Forces and Turkish proxies control 7,101 km² – 3,7% of Syria. ISIS still keeps official presence in about 16,109.4 km² – 8.4% of the country. However, the group has a large network of sleeper cells across Syria.

The Syrian military, backed by Iran and Russia, is now focused on liberating the Beit Jinn pocket in west of Damascus and the militant-held areas in southern Idlib and southern Aleppo. The situation also remains tense in the Eastern Ghouta region east of Damascus where Ahrar al-Sham and Jaish al-Islam resist to the Syrian Army.

Map Update: General Look At Military Situation In Syria

Click to see the full-size map

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Nigel Maund

The area held by the USand is SDF proxy army is untenable as the US is in Syria illegally and must be forced to leave as soon as possible by International diplomatic pressure. If they fail to comply then other solutions have to be applied?


The Syrians have recaptured much of the country by methodical, firepower laden, siege warfare tactics. The process is nearing completion against the US head-chopping, heart-eating rapers, which means that the Syrian economy will bounce back and increase Syrian military power qua its neighbours. Time is on the Syrians’ side and once the potential for a US head-chopping, heart-eating rapers to interfere has been contained, the situation for the Kurds and Turks will inevitable deteriorate. It might be worth the Syrians’ while to change tactics and undermine Kurdish control of the east back of the Euphrates or co-operate with them against the Turks.

Nigel Maund

Interesting options and time theoretically should be on Syria’s side. However, the US, Israel and SDF proxies will working flat out to destabilise the entire situation non stop. They will not leave Syria, Russia and iran any breathing space whatsoever. This is going to get nastier and more unstable as the US, KSA – Israel cabal gets more desperate to unhinge everything so that progress of any kind can be systematically derailed to buy them time and advantages.

Moussa Saab

Syria still has a lot of liberating to do


It will be all over after Idlib and Damascus. The terrorists in remaining pockets will eventually surrender as there is no win in sight any more. Idlib will open the eyes of many.

Hussein Ahmad

i think they should focus on clearing the few towns left controlled by ISIS in the east. it would free up a lot of manpower i think which they could use to defeat the greens around damascus quicker.


There are no towns under ISIS control in Deir ez Zor. ISIS still has a presence in eastern Homs / Deir ez Zor desert. Operations to clear this desert area had started but seem halted because there is no news or info available about that since ISIS recaptured a few towns two or three weeks ago. Many of the soldiers will most likely stay at this front in case the SDF does any thing stupid.


I can see why Iran and its local proxies would station holding forces along the Euphrates.

Imo those holding forces are necessary against infiltration by IS. SDF is highly unlikely to cross the river again, unless there would be an unlikely collapse of Iranians and their proxies south and west of the river.

As far as i know IS still holds the major part of a Palestinian city in the outskirts of Damascus and a pocket in the Southern parts of the Golan.

The north East will become a quiet region in 2018 if left alone. If not, an all out war is likely.

Idlib and the south are for me the wild cards for 2018.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well too bad for those in the Golan UNDOF will soon have the authority to take out those Terrorist forces in the Golan on both sides, with full support from the UN to do so. Keep your tired little dreams of the Kurdish terrorists being anything of credible forces.

The US can keep buying loyalty for only so long and then their house of cards will fall.

The Russians have set the the tempo for rules of engagement in the region ,which leaves the US feeling a little left out, ahh the poor wittle babies will be crying!


In fact the SDF areas are the only areas within Syria where there is a concerted effort to reconstruct, where the refugees are returning in large numbers.

East Aleppo has recemtly been reported upon. Hardly any reconstruction, massive arrests of civillians, hardly any refugees returning. Tabqah, liberated only in may 2017, has seen some 100k refugeers returning. Raqqah, liberated end of october, has seen almost 100k returning up till now. Dez city, under SAA control end of september 2017 with a large part never under IS control, saw 1.500 returning (report of SF), maybe now a few more.

Those are not tired dreams, those are hard and veryfiable facts.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

These are tired and same boring mantra , you don’t conduct any business in Syria and don’t go there first hand corruption on the US side is tired a boring same old business as usuaal. Have seen more being done by the Syrian govt than the US who is begging for the Syrians to pay for it, the running joke is the US should pay for it and the Haha is they will never pay for anything.

Most arrests that were witnessed happened in the US controlled regions against those protesting their presence.

The numbers you spout about the returning refugees are in Syrian Govt. control and many are still wary of going back home to regions under US-SDF control as they were the same oppressors many of them were and still are.

You spout about Tabqah which the US is funding for it’s military base , been there where were you, hiding in Holland when I paid a visit to Amsterdam recently keep your crying.

Dutch it gets boring seems you were one of the fools ho believed the protests being shown in Iran with 300k protesters only problem it was in Bahrain in 2011 barely 12k views about Bahraini people protesting the oppressive regime backed by the Saudis and the US along with Israel.

Wahh ! Wahh ! the Kurds are so good you make me sick for being such a stooge troll.

John Brown

What a liar you are Israeli national. How much reconstruction is there in Raqqa??? One example of many. Most of the reconstruction where people are returning is in Syria controlled by the legal, legitimate and UN recognized Syrian government with about 80% of the population. No way your racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire can hold onto eastern Syria without the full support of Turkey, especially with the gold backed Petro wan coming out to destroy the federal reserve Jewish dollar as the world reserve currency.

Can’t say yes proving you are a racist supremacist Jew or Shabbas Goy?? I have to say it this way to make it very clear so you have no wiggle room to equivocate etc.

Did god create Jews and non Jews as equals in the eyes of god and that Goyims are equal to Jews in the eyes of god in every way and Jews are not superior genetically, spiritually, not chosen and not better then Goyims in any way in gods eyes? and that all men are brothers in the eyes of god???

dutchnational will you admit Jewish racist supremacism is wrong and a great sin in the eyes of god? Will you admit the Talmud Torah and Kaballah are all wrong and in sin, a great sin against god, when they say that god did not create Jews and non Jews as equals in the eyes of god?

What is wrong or racist in saying Goyims are equal to Jews in the eyes of god?????????????? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg


I don’t know where you get your misinformation/propaganda from ? You should verify it before you consume it. Civilians are returning to Aleppo and other city’s in large numbers, that is verified fact.

leon mc pilibin

He is a Zionist troll,ignore the fucker.


nice to see that you didnt forget the area on top left of the map that turkey stole drom syria after ww2? i think?

Richard M

Just before, in 1939. During the same time period that Adolf, Stalin and Imperial Japan were attacking and seizing countries around the world.


Continuity or change? The west European slave empires and their extra-European settlers in the Americas, Africa and Asia had been doing the same since the C15th. It would be unfortunate to allow the successor states of the slave empires a false alibi, considering that their crimes against peace, crimes against humanity and war crimes haven’t ended.

Richard M

The map correctly shows that illegal Ottoman occupation is not only in north Aleppo Province, but also in so called Hatay. Let’s all look forward to the Ottoman savages being expelled with pockets full of broken teeth for souvenirs! :D

Graeme Rymill

The Syrian government controls about half the territory but more importantly about 60%-70% of the population.

Solomon Krupacek

how will feed them?


Buying abroad with Iranian money or, if they want to sell, from the kurds. They still have harvests larger than their consumption. Reports are buyers from Assad have started buying in Hassakah region.

Solomon Krupacek

yes, i see :))

already these revolt was a result of hunger in syria.


Russia donates grain to Syria. The last four years Russia has had record grain surpluses. No one is worried about food in government controlled areas.


I would say Assad holds 55 to 60%, let us say 60%, including the bloated city of Damascus of some 3 to 4 million.

Syrian Teenager

Assad controls 70.3% of the population.

leon mc pilibin

You mean the Capital City of Syria,You give yourself away with your snide remarks.Go troll somewhere else.


Khuwayn under control of HTS again ! Shit , shit !! Can someone confirmed it?


Shit shit? It’s just strategic retreating then bombing the shit out of them and they enter it again.


Hope you are right !

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

It’s easier to make enemy deplete their forces with simple tactics of retreat and coordinated artillery strikes to pressure your opponent. Application of this type of warfare can come with great success against the enemy as one of total victory with a demoralizing effect on the opponent.


I found it refeshing to see the honesty of the mapmakers, declaring the Azaz colony to be Turkish and not Syrian anymore. Illegal of course, but reflecting reality.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They also called they illegal occupation of Hatay the same an illegal force of Turks in the region. These Turks are too stupid to realize they are on the chopping block by the US and Israel when the shit hits the fan to blame it all on Turkey.


In this you could be correct,

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The US has even become a problem as they will soon find out how flighty those they back really are.Yemen is going to come soon a real heavy hotbed for political discussion as this BS distraction with Jerusalem is turning out to be. The US will be soon restricted along with Israel in regards to activities in the Jawlaan/Golan Heights to the detriment of their plans.

John Brown

dutchnational will you admit Jewish racist supremacism is wrong and a great sin in the eyes of god Will you admit the Talmud Torah and Kaballah are all wrong and in sin, a great sin against god, when they say that god did not create Jews and non Jews as equals in the eyes of god and that Goyims are equal to Jews in the eyes of god in every way and Jews are not superior genetically, spiritually, not chosen and not better then Goyims in any way in gods eyes? and that all men are brothers in the eyes of god???


Is this even english?


“Ibrahim Abu Thurayeh, who was wheelchair-bound and had no legs, was shot by Israeli security forces last Friday as he protested against President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital”

– UN condemns Israel’s ‘shocking and wanton’ killing of Palestinian amputee –




About 20 years ago, in Phoenix, Arizona, 7 Phoenix cops beat, and strangled a man to death for “assuming an aggressive stance.” That man was a double amputee in a wheel chair. America is under Talmudic occupation just like Palestine. The difference is that the vast majority of Americans are such livestock that they don’t understand it. Another difference is that the American cops walked away laughing, and still do, while the Israeli shooter may, perhaps, may be punished.


This is what most Americans think of Jews:

“Majority of Americans oppose moving embassy to Jerusalem …

According to a new poll conducted by the University of Maryland, The Middle East and Russia: American attitudes on Trump’s foreign policy, found that a strong majority of Americans (63 percent), including 44 percent of Republicans oppose moving the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.”


– Over 40% Of Americans Back Sanctions on Israel –


– overwhelming support from US public to allow UN establishment of Palestinian state –


– 81% of Americans Oppose “Aid” to Israel –



OK, Richard, but that’s not the subject. However, if Americans are so opposed to Israeli policy, and so supportive of the Palestinian cause why has this not been manifest in the political establishment in the U$. Could it be that Israel, the Jewish people, own America, and the Americans know it. Could it be that the U$ media is totally controlled by Jews. Could it be a selective poll. As far as I’m concerned it’s because Americans are too ignorant, and apathetic to care. I am an American, I live with Americans, and I know that Americans only care about what directly effects them.


You need to do a reality check or stop lying. I’d say the latter. My reply is completely on topic. You just don’t like the answer.

You wrote:

“The difference is that the vast majority of Americans are such livestock that they don’t understand it.”

Trump won the primaries on the anti Israel first, America First platform against Jew world order establishment candidates by previously unseen record landslides. And then won 85% of the land and counties in the election for the same reasons listed in the anti Jew polls that I posted that you’re objecting to. If Clinton didn’t win coastal population centers in Jewland NY & CA, it would have been a complete blowout.

And then Trump circular filed half of his campaign promises to keep from being impeached by the same Jews and their collaborators who fought him every step of the way during the election and then doubled down once he got in office. When Sessions threw him under the bus after he fired Comey and Jew Rosenstein hired witch hunter Mueller and Jew Sherman filed completely spurious impeachment articles. And the anti American Jew swamp slaves passed the unconstitutional Russian sanctions bill against Trump’s America First platform by 419 to 3 and 98 to 2 to show Trump just what Jew carpet crawlers and Zionist boot lickers they are.

Tony B.

It’s worse than that Richard. As a few of us kept trying to tell Americans during the “campaign,” Trump is and always has been a rich boy Rothschild prostitute. He was not supposed to win, it was Hillary’s turn (real votes don’t even count), but someone was determined to expose the Clinton Foundation child rape, child selling, child sacrifice to Satan cabal and that would have included the Rothschilds and the whole world wide cabal, running almost every country, would have been hanging from lamp posts. Trump was supposed to make the universally hated Hillary acceptable as the winner by using a “wild-eyed” conspiracy theorist campaign, as the cabal had fallen into believing their own propaganda about conspiracies. Americans were so happy to hear a candidate talk about what everyone knows but the media won’t mention that Trump got almost all the votes – you can bet on that. Few seem to note that there are about 350 million Americans who would have made a better president than either of those cabal prostitutes. That goes for just about every other elective office also as the cabal owns the parties so only prostitutes are allowed to “run” (actually be appointed) for office. Ah, the joys of living in a police state.


Trump got elected on America First, not his Jew nexus. Which a lot of people, myself included, had and have strong reservations about.

Tony B.

You miss the point. Trump didn’t get elected at all. No one did. No president has been elected in decades. Wake up!


America First got elected, Trump has dropped the ball on a lot of it. Whether he’ll get back on track depends on how well he does in dealing with the anti American Jew vermin subversives. And their deep state swamp slaves and collaborators.

Trump was a rarity with his courage and candor. And the Jew trash hated him for it and took swift revenge once he got it office to block his America First agenda every chance that they could. Their evil pedophile rape cult should be outlawed to create a Jew free planet and a better future for humanity

Tony B.

Get out of your academia shell and take a look at real Americans. You watch too much TV “news” and apparently believe it. Most of those stupidized college students learn about real life after they leave the phony cult of academia.

Tony B.

Your lie about “the vast majority of Americans” is wearing very thin. Even a good percentage of the brainwashed, Scofieldite “Christian zionists” are waking up. No one likes living in a police state, not even most Jews.


Are you a Jew pedophile rape cultist?


He is, definitely.


Richard is a complete blithering idiot?


Are you a complete blithering idiot?


Are you in denial of the truth?

Oral copulation with a minor is felony statutory rape. People receive life sentences for these crimes. These depraved blood sucking Jew perverts belong in jail:



Sometimes it’s hard to keep up with John, but he means well, and his heart is in the right place. It took me a while to catch his meaning, but for the most part he’s right.

John Brown

Can’t say yes proving you are a racist supremacist Jew or Shabbas Goy?? I have to say it this way to make it very clear so you have no wiggle room to equivocate etc.

Did god create Jews and non Jews as equals in the eyes of god and that Goyims are equal to Jews in the eyes of god in every way and Jews are not superior genetically, spiritually, not chosen and not better then Goyims in any way in gods eyes? and that all men are brothers in the eyes of god???

dutchnational will you admit Jewish racist supremacism is wrong and a great sin in the eyes of god? Will you admit the Talmud Torah and Kaballah are all wrong and in sin, a great sin against god, when they say that god did not create Jews and non Jews as equals in the eyes of god?

What is wrong or racist in saying Goyims are equal to Jews in the eyes of god?????????????? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg


You’re not going to get a straight answer from him because he’s a dishonest intellectual coward and Jew pedophile rape cult supporter for whom truth and morality are immaterial.


Have you noticed that ISIS has not been defeated, as Russia pretend ? Can you noticed that Syria is already divided between USA(SDF)-Russia(SAA) ?


Have you noticed that the Syrian government footprint grows every day as the Jew world order regime change footprint shrinks? Look at the map that I posted from a year ago compared to the current map.


The map you posted from a year ago doesn’t alter the fact that the U$ is effectively in control of 35 to 40 percent of Syria, and that I$I$ has been disbursed, but not defeated, and is being rearmed, retrained, and renamed. Russia may be baiting the U$ further into the conflict or Russia may have reasons to withdraw strategic assets from Syria, but this war is nowhere near over.


Syria is winning, the Jew world order is losing, I don’t see that changing.


I have no idea what you want to acheive saying such nonsense. About the jew world order yada yada. You are not fighting jews nor are you fighting Americans. Get this down in your head.

Your not fooling anyone except yourself. You are nothing more then American puppet. This is the sad truth


You’re a liar and an idiot.

John Brown

Part 2 Nor could America have been transformed into an Israeli slave-state, provider and war-fighter for Israel with an endless supply of American Soldiers to use as Israeli cannon-fodder in their quest to expand and create “greater Israel”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2ba743d3099a50a48552252e6612f90f6010badbb32239d63c34e24fa6f013ba.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/942928e4a2d7f53201f69fd469a245125e1da4dd5e27cae3a20a128041ee71d4.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f1524003ca53343e9fe2a1bebaa2d60329325dc88d3d29bc551dbc771fc32958.jpg Very few Americans know of this treasonous betrayal by all but one Member of Congress. This betrayal is a very serious, grievous violation of their Oath of Office and also American espionage laws and it constitutes Treason. Why do we know for certain this signing the AIPAC Loyalty Oath is Treason?

We know this for certain because Treason is the capital offense of betraying one’s country and aiding or abetting an enemy of one’s own country, people and one’s government. Yes, but isn’t Israel an important ally of America?

John Brown

part 3 No, quite the contrary. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b3388358879d49f26c655ba0eef38cb4b339280231c5d873b1f1c6eeff8d904b.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2fyROhUxcI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY The only reason the average American does not yet know this is because the Major Mass Media is controlled by six media moguls who answer to run Israeli linked large American investment house that works through Switzerland. Together these six media mogul who are all traitors have essentially created an illegal New Monopoly, a true News Cartel that does little more than feed the American public a continuing stream of USG propaganda, USG big lies and USG false-narratives.

It is our job at Veterans Today and the rest of the Alternative media of the Internet to get the truth out to everyone and expose this USG propaganda, these big USG lies and USG false-narratives. Soon unless stopped the Internet, which is the World’s New Gutenberg Press, will bust the Controlled Major Mass media (CMMM) and this truth will dissipate to every America. This will bring an end to the espionage done against America in America by AIPAC, the ADL, the SPLC and other Israeli-linked foreign espionage fronts.


John Brown

Part 4 Right now the traitors inside the beltway are meeting frequently and desperately trying to come up with a sneaky way to censor and restrict the Alternative media of the Internet. It is unlikely that the American people will allow this and such a move could result in a new American revolution fought in the street of America by millions or armed Americans against the USG and its stooges and Traitors. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY But there is another good reason to immediately suspend all aid, monetary and military to Israel. That is the fact that we know with 100% certainty the Israel has a large nuclear bomb arsenal and that such is a violation of American law and international agreements to support any nation that HAS NOT signed the nuclear Non-Proliferation Agreement, which Israel HAS NOT signed. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w

John Brown

and the UK as another example of the racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire. Part 1 the following video evidence in Britain again totally destroy the Anglo / Zionist empire world empire narrative. It’s just the global Zionist empire as it is official and the law Jews are legally superior with more rights than all others in Britain, including Anglos in what was once an Anglo country. The Anglo Zionist empire term is like calling apartheid South Africa the “Africans Boer / Zu Lu black / empire”. When one group totally dominates all others with superior legal rights to all the others enshrined under the law, such an argument is basically a joke. See good video examples of proof. Shouldn’t it be The Guardian, the BBC or The Daily Telegraph that look into these matters? Why aren’t they? Stop Everything You Do and Watch This!!! January 11, 2017 / Gilad Atzmon Al Jazeera Investigations – The Lobby EP 1-4 http://www.gilad.co.uk/writ… So that you learn how Israel and its Lobby are plotting against Britain and the Brits. So you learn about our treacherous MPs who are shamelessly serving a foreign state and its foreign interests. Ask yourself, how is it that the most important news about the institutional betrayal of our political system is delivered to us by a Qatar TV network? Shouln’t it be The Guardian, the BBC or The Daily Telegraph that look into these matters? Is it a coincidence? The Israeli Embassy told us that Shai Masot was a junior employee. Watch this video and judge for yourself, he seems to run the entire Labour Party. Britain must probe the activity of the Jewish Lobby and the Israeli Embassy immediately !!! And if you want to understand why this plot is embedded in Jewish culture just read this Full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUc0VoNYjyA The Lobby P1: https://youtu.be/ceCOhdgRBoc The Lobby P2: https://youtu.be/Vuk1EhkEctE The Lobby P3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3dn-VV3czc The Lobby P4: The Takedown https://youtu.be/pddH2sfNKNY https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg

John Brown

Part 2 See good video examples of proof. Shouldn’t it be The Guardian, the BBC or The Daily Telegraph that look into these matters? Why aren’t they? Stop Everything You Do and Watch This!!! January 11, 2017 / Gilad Atzmon Al Jazeera Investigations – The Lobby EP 1-4 http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/2017/1/11/stop-everything-you-do-and-watch-this So that you learn how Israel and its Lobby are plotting against Britain and the Brits. So you learn about our treacherous MPs who are shamelessly serving a foreign state and its foreign interests. Ask yourself, how is it that the most important news about the institutional betrayal of our political system is delivered to us by a Qatar TV network? Shouln’t it be The Guardian, the BBC or The Daily Telegraph that look into these matters? Is it a coincidence? The Israeli Embassy told us that Shai Masot was a junior employee. Watch this video and judge for yourself, he seems to run the entire Labour Party. Britain must probe the activity of the Jewish Lobby and the Israeli Embassy immediately !!! And if you want to understand why this plot is embedded in Jewish culture just read this. http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/2017/1/11/the-plot-against-britain Full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUc0VoNYjyA The Lobby P1: https://youtu.be/ceCOhdgRBoc The Lobby P2: https://youtu.be/Vuk1EhkEctE The Lobby P3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3dn-VV3czc The Lobby P4: The Takedown https://youtu.be/pddH2sfNKNY https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9f0fb6ae3ab8cf99bc7e11b4e52f821478c1219e3c7ad20eda4ce058baf6fdef.jpg

John Brown

Part 3 This Al Jazeria investigation has dealt a massive blow to the racist supremacist Zionist global empire and its propaganda by exposing it for what it is. Evil needs darkness and dies under the light of day and transparency. While watching part 2 you may want to ask yourself why the Jewish lobby and Israel are so influential within the Left and the Labour movement, is it really a coincidence? The Lobby P3: An Anti-Semitic Trope https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3dn-VV3czc Then you watch Part 3 you may want to ask yourself what is it that drives the Shabbos Goy within the labour party and beyond? Is it greed? Is it power seeking? What is it that pushes Brits to become servants of a foreign despotic state? Al Jazeera Investigations: The Lobby P4: The Takedown https://youtu.be/pddH2sfNKNY Full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUc0VoNYjyA When you watch this final episode you must ask yourself how is it possible that British media has remained silent? Would it also stay silent if Shai Masot was a Russian or an Iranian’s agent? Asking the above questions may suggest that you are at the footstep of the understanding of Jewish Power and its negative impact on our society. Full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUc0VoNYjyA The Lobby P1: https://youtu.be/ceCOhdgRBoc The Lobby P2: https://youtu.be/Vuk1EhkEctE The Lobby P3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3dn-VV3czc The Lobby P4: The Takedown https://youtu.be/pddH2sfNKNY What drives is it that drives the Shabbos Goy? if they are not a racist supremacist Jews? Is it greed? Is it power seeking? What is it that pushes people like to become servants of a foreign despotic state? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ad5ee0d0d5febec51af46f04527884ae1c81f7e20aab7b3cd93269ebf07c575a.jpg

John Brown

Part 4 Below great video confession explained in great detail by a racist supremacist Jew; of the racist, supremacist, Jewish, dictatorship;,global, slave, empire of the chosen, racially superior, master, Jewish race and why Jews are the chosen, racially superior, master, Jewish race to rule the world in a global, dictatorship, slave, empire. The following is a lecture by Rabbi David Bar-Hayim whose biography, and gently smiling face, you can find on Wikipedia. For our purposes, just the first paragraph will be enough. It says that Bar-Hayim is an “Israeli Orthodox rabbi who heads the Shilo Institute (Machon Shilo), a Jerusalem-based rabbinical court and institute of Jewish education dedicated to the Torah of Israel”. Not a lightweight by any means, and a man with established credentials.I strongly encourage you to take the time to carefully listen to his entire lecture (1h47m) to not only convince yourself that my chosen excerpts are not partial or taken out of context, but also to get an emotional “feel” for the man who not only is an articulate speaker who is clearly used to teaching, but who also conveys a coherent picture of a man who gave these topics a great deal of thought and who has to courage to call things by their names rather than to “remain silent” like so many of his “politically correct” colleges. See this link for the confession http://www.myvi.ru/watch/Why-are-the-Rabbis-Silent-about-Gaza_RMl1JJ_ftUy7fjzY7Ehgug2 Full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUc0VoNYjyA The Lobby P1: https://youtu.be/ceCOhdgRBoc The Lobby P2: https://youtu.be/Vuk1EhkEctE The Lobby P3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3dn-VV3czc The Lobby P4: The Takedown https://youtu.be/pddH2sfNKNY 7892fe78cad2c.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8c6bb81f8503e32d45effa246dbfedeb7dc94b83dc1f1dbc169691936f8b345b.jpg

John Brown

Part 5 Jewish Power is now British Law – It’s Official! The following laws recently passed in Britain again totally destroy the Anglo / Zionist empire world empire narrative. It’s just the global Zionist empire as it is official and the law, Jews are legally superior with more rights than all others in Britain, including Anglos in what was once an Anglo country. The Anglo Zionist empire term is like calling apartheid South Africa the “Africans Boer / Zu Lu black / empire”. When one group totally dominates all others with superior legal rights to all the others enshrined under the law, such an argument is basically a joke. http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/2016/12/13/jewish-power-is-now-british-law-its-official By Gilad Atzmon For years I have argued that Jewish power is the power to silence criticism of Jewish Power. Now, UK Prime Minister Theresa May has confirmed that my observation is spot on. PM May has decided to accept the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism and to integrate it into British law. According to the IHRA, “antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.” http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/2016/12/13/jewish-power-is-now-british-law-its-official https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2ba743d3099a50a48552252e6612f90f6010badbb32239d63c34e24fa6f013ba.jpg

John Brown

Part1a See former congress woman says USSA Congress forced to sign loyalty oath to Racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire Israel above their oaths to America, its Israel not America first. Its not an oath of loyalty to Britain above America. So its the Zionist empire not the Anglo Zionist empire. Congress forced to sign loyalty oath to Racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire Israel part 1 https://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/10/29/how-soon-can-we-get-aipac-owned-traitors-out-of-congress/ The only Member of the sitting US Congress we can document so far that has refused to sign the AIPAC Loyalty Oath to put Israel first even before America is Representative Walter Jones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY

John Brown

part1b Despite AIPAC’s efforts to get him un-elected he was re-elected Congress anyhow, unlike the great and fearless American Hero former US Representative Cynthia McKinney, a true American Patriot who tells the truth, the whole truth. part1b Despite AIPAC’s efforts to get him un-elected he was re-elected Congress anyhow, unlike the great and fearless American Hero former US Representative Cynthia McKinney, a true American Patriot who tells the truth, the whole truth. Representative McKinney refused to sign this AIPAC Loyalty Oath to put Israel first even over America, which of course would be a direct violation of the Oath of Office any Member of Congress takes upon being seated. Why is it such a serious matter to get these signers of the AIPAC Loyalty Oath out of Congress? The reason is obvious, without these Traitors who are sellouts to AIPAC and Israel, America could not have been transformed into a virtual province of Israel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY

Representative McKinney refused to sign this AIPAC Loyalty Oath to put Israel first even over America, which of course would be a direct violation of the Oath of Office any Member of Congress takes upon being seated. Why is it such a serious matter to get these signers of the AIPAC Loyalty Oath out of Congress? The reason is obvious, without these Traitors who are sellouts to AIPAC and Israel, America could not have been transformed into a virtual province of Israel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY

John Brown

Part 2 Nor could America have been transformed into an Israeli slave-state, provider and war-fighter for Israel with an endless supply of American Soldiers to use as Israeli cannon-fodder in their quest to expand and create “greater Israel”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2ba743d3099a50a48552252e6612f90f6010badbb32239d63c34e24fa6f013ba.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/942928e4a2d7f53201f69fd469a245125e1da4dd5e27cae3a20a128041ee71d4.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f1524003ca53343e9fe2a1bebaa2d60329325dc88d3d29bc551dbc771fc32958.jpg Very few Americans know of this treasonous betrayal by all but one Member of Congress. This betrayal is a very serious, grievous violation of their Oath of Office and also American espionage laws and it constitutes Treason. Why do we know for certain this signing the AIPAC Loyalty Oath is Treason? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY We know this for certain because Treason is the capital offense of betraying one’s country and aiding or abetting an enemy of one’s own country, people and one’s government. Yes, but isn’t Israel an important ally of America?

John Brown

part 3a No, quite the contrary. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b3388358879d49f26c655ba0eef38cb4b339280231c5d873b1f1c6eeff8d904b.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2fyROhUxcI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY The only reason the average American does not yet know this is because the Major Mass Media is controlled by six media moguls who answer to run Israeli linked large American investment house that works through Switzerland. Together these six media mogul who are all traitors have essentially created an illegal New Monopoly, a true News Cartel that does little more than feed the American public a continuing stream of USG propaganda, USG big lies and USG false-narratives.

John Brown

part 3b https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY

It is our job at Veterans Today and the rest of the Alternative media of the Internet to get the truth out to everyone and expose this USG propaganda, these big USG lies and USG false-narratives. Soon unless stopped the Internet, which is the World’s New Gutenberg Press, will bust the Controlled Major Mass media (CMMM) and this truth will dissipate to every America. This will bring an end to the espionage done against America in America by AIPAC, the ADL, the SPLC and other Israeli-linked foreign espionage fronts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w

John Brown

Part 4 Right now the traitors inside the beltway are meeting frequently and desperately trying to come up with a sneaky way to censor and restrict the Alternative media of the Internet. It is unlikely that the American people will allow this and such a move could result in a new American revolution fought in the street of America by millions or armed Americans against the USG and its stooges and Traitors. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY But there is another good reason to immediately suspend all aid, monetary and military to Israel. That is the fact that we know with 100% certainty the Israel has a large nuclear bomb arsenal and that such is a violation of American law and international agreements to support any nation that HAS NOT signed the nuclear Non-Proliferation Agreement, which Israel HAS NOT signed. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w End

John Brown

For the moment yes.

Icarus Tanović

Isis can’t cope with loses. They just can’t compensate that. They’re on the verge of total destruction. Just remember how powerful they were back in 2016.






Improved New Year!

guardianofretro .

Iran…..will be the next front for the next proxywar….

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