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MARCH 2025

Map Update: Government Forces Eliminate ISIS Terrorists In Northeastern Hama

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA)  and its allies crashed the ISIS defense in the northeastern Hama, according to pro-government sources. ISIS terrorists had retreated from the most of the pocket. MORE DETAILS

Map Update: Government Forces Eliminate ISIS Terrorists In Northeastern Hama

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Rüdiger Preiss

Well done :)! Who’s next?


Military sources reported earlier that after this pocket is cleansed, focus will be shifted towards eastern Deir ezzor pocket and they will try to expell ISIS members to the other side of the euprahtes river into kurdish front. This way, with the pocket in Northeast Hama liberated and the large pocket in eastern Deir ezzor, the SAA will have freed up more than 20-30k troops. They will be deployed to Ghouta region and Idlib.


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King Tudor777

It’d be great! Clean the ISIS pocket in Deir ez Zor and Homs, but the focus shouldn’t be Ghouta after ISIS, should be only Idlib, let’s wait and see the Turkish progress in Afrin and if they’re really going to build “observation posts” in Idlib and if they will clash with HTS or not(I doubt this idea). If they built, the focus should be the Southern Idlib and Northern Hama front, if they didn’t, should be the Aleppo-Idlib axis, as they’ve already been doing. And about Ghouta, that place is a damn swamp maze, it’s the jihadists strongest, most entrenched and most well-defended place in Syria, keep sporadic clashes, secure the Armored Base there and stop! The SAA doesn’t need to lose more men there, only the Tigers and the RuAF can solve that problem. After Idlib, Rastan pocket and Dara’a. God bless the SAA and its allies!


SAA must not wait for the IF ! this is a war, and SAA must be a step forward.

King Tudor777

But the agreement of Russia, Turkey and Iran will be respected by Russia, and the SAA relies heavily on Russia.


They will swim to the other side or will this be another page of operation flying carpet?

And before they swim, SAA will let them pass through the west side of the SAA held western banks of the river?


Sorry but if you want to be just like the Americans, you may as well go over to their side, and get McDonalds and Xbox Live in the bargain. One of the most annoying assumptions on the pro-Russian side is “Yanks R stoopid LOL”. Chase these guys across the Euphrates and Uncle Sam will await them with open arms, change their uniforms and flags as many times as is needed, and in a short while you’ll be facing them again: retrained, re-armed, and with US air cover.

You want to do some good for Syria, then kill them and be done with it.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The other side of Deir ez zoir city is their you idiot start learning geography , this was accepted as the trade zone by the SDF, but not the US neither was their ISIS”DMC” proxies too happy about the SDF deal giving oil and gas fields to Syria in exchange for medical support and allowing convoys thru, called negotiation you idiot! Well previously destroying the bridge last week had nothing to do with the actions currently , right go tell it on the mountain with your BS.

Illegal invaders have no right to self defense other than the right to be legally killed in that region, with no repercussions at all. SDF might decide to give the whole entire Northern region to the Syrian government then what will happen. US can’t do much as they are being told to leave Iraq altogether now they are the only ones being asked, so can you get that one you CIA Stooge !!


You may be barking up the wrong tree. Neither you or me are CIA stooges. I was merely making a point that chasing jihadists from A to B to C is prolonging the war needlessly for the loyalists. Getting this angry is interfering with both your reading and writing.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Wasn’t getting angry just being complimentary towards your continual ignorance and arrogance.


Abu Dali has been lost to militants; road to Abu Duhor AB has been cut by the militants. ruaf appears completely useless in Idlib…

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They need to get the M5 and the other highway under control as these are the most important trade routes within the country. They need to deal with those ISIS forces that broke thru the pocket linking up with more ISIS forces who attacked from the west flank in Idlib. ISIS has many forces within the TFSA/FSA/HTS/TIP etc. so they will take over Afrin as this is it’s goal from the beginning. Turkey like Israel will have an ISIS gang in the region looks like they are prepping for an invasion into Syria again this time drawing in International forces illegally again.

Rüdiger Preiss

Sounds about right


Retreated? Where 2?

King Tudor777

Suruj, their only stronghold there.

Joe Doe

SAA should put all effort to liberate Idlib, as is more hostile to SAA. I would not touch Deir ezzor pocket yet


Exactly, and at the same time, SAA will be able to block Turkey, for any further ambition.


So all IS have now left for Idlib through SAA lines in the North West of the pocket?


seems like Isis rats allready have been “transferred” to Idlibistan and are fighting their scumbrothers @ the mo

King Tudor777

I read reports in AMN about fierce battles there, west of Suruj, but probably the SAA showed unnecessary weakness again as it did in October allowing ISIS to flee from the Uqayrbat pocket in Eastern Hama and creating the Suruj pocket. I doubt that there was a fierce battle west of Suruj and the SAA let its flank exposed(the Tigers are the best in Syria, it wouldn’t happen). It’s more likely they let the terrorists escape one more time to make them fight the HTS terrorists. The SAA shouldn’t let it happen. It needs to sweep from the Earth as fast as it’s possible. I support the SAA, but these evacuations and escapes are not good. ISIS and HTS don’t need to be evacuated, they must be exterminated!


According to Fort Russ , ISIS broke through SAA lines and are now engaged against HTS west of Abu Duhor …, more likely recruiting .


“I support the SAA, but these evacuations and escapes are not good. ISIS and HTS don’t need to be evacuated, they must be exterminated!”

But the best manner of extermination is ALWAYS jihadi-on-jihadi.


The complete and utter impotence of ruaf is once again plain for everyone to witness. Abu Dali has been lost to militants, and road to Abu Duhor has been cut by the militants; for the 2nd time since Jan. ruaf has a long way to go & a massive gap to fill to even be considered at par with their counterparts.


yes glory saa and allies!!!


Great news, this is the way to do it, fast, strong, bravery, without mercy and none deal with terrorists. There many pocket to be eliminated, do it in the same way. Thanks to Russia aroespace force for its big support and help in this matter. I hope that this can even be improved. Russia must be prepared for another USA-Israel air attack to Syria forces.

northerntruthseeker .

Congratulations to the SAA on this outstanding success!

Just one more victory by good over evil!

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