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MARCH 2025

Map Update: Government Forces Prepare For Further Push Into Southern Idlib

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Map Update: Government Forces Prepare For Further Push Into Southern Idlib

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After the liberation of Rasm al-Ward, Istablat, Soruj and Ajaz, the Syrian Army and its allies retook all the villages that Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and other radical groups captured in the framework of their advance launched on November 30.

Now, according to pro-government sources, the Syrian Army is preparing for a further push into southern Idlib in order to neutralize the terrorist threat in the region.

Pro-militant sources claim that multiple Russian and Syrian airstrikes hit positions of “opposition forces” near Maarat al-Numan. This town remains the main militant stronghold in the area and is an apparent target of any upcoming Syrian Army operation in the region.

The analysis below was released in September:


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Assad should order a heavy push until it reach the next turkish observation post


who tf downvote my comment, show your face you pussy ass fags

Concrete Mike

The rat below i bet.


Let us hope that this advance does not be stopped by Russia, trying to please again Erdogan (NATO member).

Free man

The SAA’s advances are thanks only to the help from Russia. While the Iranians are taking over the border with Iraq for their own interests only.

Chris Gr

Iran is not against Turkey that’s why.

Free man

So that’s their excuse. Russia is fighting against the jihadists not against Turkey.


It is not “excuse” That’s how things work out sometime in this life…Turk and Iranian interests at the moment converge much more than Russo – Turk interests. Relations between 3 “allays” Russia, Assad and Iran are not always going the same direction. They should focus on the objectives that unite them to win that war faster.

Chris Gr

Yeah because Russia have many Turkic nations and if they go to war with Turkey they will start an insurgency inside.


You must be Greek to jump so readily on such conclusion.

Turkic nations that “will start an insurgency inside” like who for example?!

Chris Gr


Tudor Miron

That was a funny one :) Which Tatars exactly – Crimean or from Tatarstan?

Chris Gr


Tudor Miron

Keep dreaming.

Chris Gr

I don’t say that I will support this insurgency. I will be against it.


I am sure that if somebody have told you 15 years ago that Ukrainians will start aggression against their compatriots and deliberately kill ethnic Russians in Ukraine you would also laugh and call it impossible .

And with the reason. In those days it was impossible to imagine similar situation also.

Tudor Miron

You are wrong about that situation in Ukraine being percepted as impossible 15 years ago. At list not for those who know history. Historically Western influence on Slavic world was channeled through Poland and Lithuania. Current lands of Ukraine were subjected to it the most. Romanov’s were installed by Poles. Khrushchev and Brezhnev came from Ukraine (main figures of coup de tat that took 40 years to succeed). Above is an oversimplification but it shows that for many – that was expected. And Yes, Crimean Tatars are very close to Turks but Kazan Tatars are way less so. It is complicated indeed but claiming that in the case of hypothetical war with Turkey Tatars will start insurgency like if they can’t wait to start one and only look for a little reason is nothing other than lunacy. Claming that Russia doesn’t strike Turkey (to defend PKK! ) because Russia afraid od its own citizens is even funnier.


OK maybe I went too far…Maybe “impossible” was too strong word. But surely civil war in Ukraine was very hard to imagine in those days. Proof is Russian gov. that has invested mountain of money and lost (billions of $$$ ) based on the misjudgment on situation in Ukraine.

Tatars were just his bad argument so I don’t see point in commenting…

Jens Holm

Here I have asked many times for voting about those Russian provinces added Ukraine.

Danes did that with succes after WW1 with Germany and it did make peace and understanding. Both minorities are supported by their second country.

By that we now and then also share ambulance, police and firebrigades. Danes and germans pendle everyday for jobs. No problems.

But when I ask here, there is not even a NO WAY.

I see Crimea as it was a part of a trade. Of course its Russian, but they should compensate that trade by giving Ukranians at least something.


One must have dialog 1st. to have you reasonable suggestion on the agenda. The West (US above all) and NATO are hidden aggressors ( also behind the Maidan coup ). They must first stop using Ukraine against Russia as weapon (stop supporting neo-NAZI’s) and things will fall in place easily.

Since Ukrainians and Russians are the same people the confrontation is based only on Western support of neo-NAZI’s there. Ukraine (like it or not) depends totally on Russian energy and exports on the Russian market. They can’t survive without Russia and West is just giving LIP SERVICE support today and demands Ukraine NAZI’s to keep barking on Russia.

Europeans & US were total hypocrites steering away Ukraine through their extreme right movement and dangling carrot of EU membership only to use Ukraine against Russia.

Now when they have totally failed state there… They try to file the bill to Russia to prop up pro Nazi inclined regime ( while still spoiling Ukraine out of their resources themselves ) That is VERY IMMORAL neocolonialist approach ! There is total hypocrisy and double standards on the West regarding communist past also… When it is convenient for them they cheery pick, refer to communist legacy (Yugoslavia; Ukraine) as starting points and when it is not convenient they use the same substance as anti communist propaganda (Hong Kong)

Chris Gr

NATO killed 6 to 8 million Ukrainians in the Holodomor? Nope!


Your accusation is distorted Western-NATO propaganda stunt. Truth is much more nuanced (unless you are George Bush of course – than it is black and white)

Also Stalin was Georgian ( Lenin and many of those who ruled USSR were not ethnic Russians ) Ethnic Russians themselves were also victims (like Ukrainians) in millions to the

Bolshevik-Communist rule in USSR. Ukrainians and Russians are the SAME PEOPLE with the same ethnic roots. Ukraine is cradle of the Russian nation!!! All of you that cry crocodile tears about Ukraine do that only to attack Russia.

But really deep down all of you don’t give flying f*ck about Ukraine.

So stop talking that Cold War BULLSHIT meme propaganda to me please! It takes only some retard from US to believe in such crap today.

Chris Gr

Not Cold War and you are right they are the same nation. I believe that Bush was right to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. And Putin helped Bush in Afghanistan.


I can’t even comment this because it is more than distorted ! Bush invasion of Iraq was the biggest blunder, mistake in the known history of this world ever.

Only total idiot (or totally corrupt guy ) could have done such stupid move! He has ruined future of his own country with his presidency and that invasion. That guy is TOTAL MORON. Similar goes for the Afghanistan. All that has speed up the total collapse of the US world dominance.

Chris Gr

Afghanistan was run by the Taliban. Did you support the Taliban? Russia also supported the invasion. India also.


I support ever ruling party that doesn’t impose her dominance by force. Taliban had support of majority of the population. Heroin cultivation was destroyed and order to the country restored under Taliban. And when US invasion has arrived Heroin production has augmented from ZERO to 1000% in one year only! US army (Pentagon) and CIA are the biggest smugglers of the heroin in the world today! They use Albanian Mafia to distribute heroin from Afghanistan to the “Camp Bondstill”- Kosovo to transfer it to the rest of the Europe to sell it.

Chris Gr

Do you support the Taliban?


Comparing to US invaders and their Afghan puppets almost anybody is better no doubt about that.

Chris Gr

Then HTS is also okay, since they have the same ideology.


You compare incomparable…. apples and oranges!

Your logic is extremely simplistic and you deliberately neglect and twist all the facts! Assad is democratically elected president and SAA is in her own right to defend country from foreign jihad mercenaries invasion (sponsored by the neocolonialist West and many Muslim countries as well)

Taliban’s are Afghan citizens that are fighting war against US invaders and their Afghan puppet regime in Kabul. Those are the radical basic differences on the endless list of differences!

Chris Gr

Taliban are jihadists mercenaries. Taliban also fight in Idlib against Assad. Taliban and HTS are allies. It is simple actually.


‘”Taliban are jihadists mercenaries.” Paid by whom?! Who told you that nonsense?! Where did you get that rubbish information? They are Afghans! If there are some Pashtuns from Pakistan border area helping their tribal compatriots that doesn’t make every Pashtun a Pakistani .

Huge majority of Taliban are Afghans defending their country so leave Syria out of that ! There were also Shiite Muslims from Afghanistan fighting on the Iranian side! But that doesn’t make them “Taliban” but simple mercenaries !

Those Taliban who follow the Jihad or sectarian conflicts are minority and do NOT represent Taliban . Now lave me alone please because I had enough of all that rubbish for today.

Chris Gr

Yeah , Afghans, hahaha. Even Chechen jihadists fight to support Taliban.


How many hundreds of thousands of civilians did Americans kill in Afghanistan in 18 year of the occupation of Afghanistan? How could possibly Taliban be as bad as HTS and directly compared to them?!? I didn’t ever hear of any beheading by Taliban of Afghan civil population?!! How can they be “equal” to the fanatical FOREIGN mercenaries HTS when they fight for the freedom of their country?!? Shame on you for even saying that ! You are bringing up again just more NATO bullshit propaganda…

Chris Gr

Taliban have been beheading and flaying people, are you serious? Taliban is Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, HTS is Al Qaeda in Syria, ISIS is Al Qaeda in Iraq.


Your comment makes me puke literally. Can’t be further from the truth than it is already

Chris Gr

You support AQ in Afghanistan not me.

Concrete Mike

Poppy productionne was eradicated, at least the taliban had that right.

Now the market is flooded with cheap opiates, as a direct result of afghan invasion and western pharmaceutical companies moving in. I call bullshit!

Chris Gr

So you support the Taliban?

Tudor Miron

I like many of your comments. While I disagree on some nuances but I like your honest and factual approach. As for this Chris Gr. creature – for me it’s time to block it. His mental diarrhea is insulting to common sense.


I”m starting to understand why you don’t like him. Don’t know why he is stuck on me so much since I disagree with him most of the time…and he even have had up-voted majority of what I have been saying. No clue why… Also I don’t see that as compliment any longer concerning total absurdity of some of his latest comments …

Sounded like NATO propaganda on the steroids. Maybe he is just bot playing around, pretending… Can’t believe that person can be so one dimensional…simple minded…

Tudor Miron

That’s why I blocked him – can’t believe that this is a case of honest while disinformed person. It looks more like deliberate BS spreading :)

Karen Bartlett

Invasion of other nations is illegal under international law. How can an action be “right” if it’s illegal? Iraq and Afghanistan never lifted a hand against the US, and the US had it’s eye on Iraq for years before they invaded. It had nothing to do with 9/11, because Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, nor did Afghanistan.They were innocent.

Chris Gr

Turks, Arabs, Iranians, Syrians, Kurds and many Iraqis were happy that the brutal dictator Saddam was overthrown. In my opinion, Bush should have invaded Saudi Arabia also but he didn’t do it because of the Saudi lobby.

Concrete Mike

Thats a stupid argument. Get it through your thick head, invasion and regime change is NOT the solution. Unipolar world is over, deal with it.

Chris Gr

Iraq’s regime was brutal and problematic. lol

Concrete Mike

Yes it was, its what one would expect, being a cia pawn and all.

Remember the Iraq Iran war? Where Saddam was encouraged by the usa and soviet to invade iran.

Tudor Miron

Here’s a good video on that matter https://youtu.be/Kd6vR1J0_6A

Concrete Mike

You are a fool if you think the 2003 iraq invasion was a good move.

I stayed quiet so far but enough is enough.

You are a fucking morron, Iraq was a disaster for the world and your country especially.

The 2008 financial crash is a direct consequence of iraq, and you being a greek should recognize that.

But as thenfucking idiot you have shown, you would rather blame the bolsheviks andnrussians for all of europe’s ills when its vlearly the anglo zionists.

Your a morron.

Get educated before coming back.

Chris Gr

Hey, Assad helped US invade Iraq. Short memories?


Current problem in Ukraine is with the attenuated OUN elements (the black and reds) from West Ukraine following the the Austrian model of UA nationalism (anti-Russian, these are the types who cooperate with NATO in Ukraine). This is really instituted in 19th Century following the Polish Partition of the 18th (Galicia esp.).

The “Polish Channeling” is more accurately related to the CATHOLIC Church and its subversive activities (Uniates, not the Poiles as such, there are also Orthodox Poles).

Jens Holm

Yes, those lines are very visible. As usual religion make those lines. As I reacal it there are 3 kinds in Ukraine. There also is an “Old Russian ortodox”.

Hard to be Popes nowerdays:)


Orthodoxy is not “old” but authentic church. It is the papacy and Vatican who separated from the rest of the church (not opposite) in those days when Western Catholic church was very weak and Orthodox church very powerful.

Today Vatican accuses Orthodox church for historic schism which is totally FALSE.


Yes the “CATHOLIC Church” and great powers rivalries are the main ingredients of the confrontation. So it is implant against Russia that is the last bastion to conquer the Euro-Asian continent (and whole planet) for the Vatican and the West

Chris Gr

This is not true. Only Old Calentarists and Stalinists believe this. Russia, from the ancient times, has been an ally of the West.


Believe whatever you want. History is full up to the brim with examples that can prove you totally wrong. Learn bit better European history and true motives behind all the wars directed against Russia. Whenever strong, Russia was major competition to the biggest European powers. And they didn’t want to have Russia as rival (goes for US as well ) And that is exactly where Vatican’s , Germanic, Anglo-Saxon objectives and interests converge. To subjugate and exploit (colonize ) Russia.

Chris Gr

Nope, in Napoleon’s wars and in WW1 they were allies.

Karen Bartlett

But that was a century and more ago. Since WWII there was the Cold War and now there is another cold war, with sanctions and surrounding of Russia by NATO and US bases in Poland and Romania, etc.

Chris Gr

Maybe Russia should join NATO also.


“Allies” of convenience maybe, but never more than that. “Allay” is just the word.. Even Stalin ( that was despised and hated by them ) was their “allay” !

They would 100 times more prefer Hitler to Stalin if they could only choose their enemies. So why not using help from Russia just to dominate immanent threat against some other European power? They were using Russia only not seeing them as equal. European powers never saw Russia or Russian as an equals. (It is still valid today) They have always looked upon Russia with disdain as would be “European power” and would be part of the “European civilization”. So Russian’s were always seen as 2nd class citizens just like East Europeans in general. But unlike East Europeans Russia was often very powerful nation thus feared and envied even hated by European “aristocracy”. And for Vatican Russia was always only major Orthodox obstacle to world dominance.

Chris Gr

How about others? Like Danes, Swedes, Finns, Estonians, etc … were they part of Europe?


I don’t know enough about all that to talk what has happened in the past… From today’s perspective it is clear even to the blind that they are all considered superior to the Russia and Russians. (Everybody in Europe is considered above the Russians today except Serbs ) Western Scandinavians are definitely much more appreciated than the rest of East Europeans, specially Slav population. Also Scandinavians in general are class apart. They are kind of equal to “Old Europe” but not completely and they have Viking thing going on among them…. It is almost like those ex-Vikings are a nation apart in the EU with their own mentality culture and tradition. “Old Europe” has 2 principal parts. Anglo-Saxon world and Franco-Germanic core with satellite countries – a catholic “Roman Empire” of the “Charlemagne” Charles the Great.

Chris Gr

That happened because of Soviet Union. Many people want to bring Serbia into the EU.


Many people in Greece maybe yes, but not the people in the rest of the EU. On the West only NATO really wants Serbia in EU (for obvious self-explanatory reasons) But Serbia will reject the West at the end… and they will be punished (again) with further separatism and even civil war (and Western “peace” forces (occupation) in Serbia) There is also war between Turkey and Greece coming every day closer….

Balkans will be in flames once again. We all should repent for our sins before it is too late.

Chris Gr

The hatred that Polish, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Croatian, etc … people have is not anti-Russian or anti-Orthodox but anti-Stalinist/anti-Bolshevist.

Chris Gr

I smell Stalinism and anti-Western hysteria. Many Poles, Ukrainians, Lithuanians and patriotic and European Russians and many other nations martyred because of the Sabbatean-Frankist inbreds under the name of “communism” who were paid by the Sabbatean Ashkenazi banker Jacob Schiff and other mafia leaders. In Germany, they helped Hitler to gain power because their fear were the German monarchists and the conservatives. A German conservative state would ally with Europe and Bolshevism in Russia would end. And also their plans would end. Now their plans for the West are to destroy European Christian civilization through ultra-liberal styles of life and illegal immigration.

Russia helped SAA and SDF. In my opinion, dead wrong. Russia should have helped Aramaic, Lebanese, Kurdish (not-PKK), Assyrian Christian organizations and also the Armenians. Only the Armenian part was done. And partly the Aramean because they supported the radical SSNP while they should have supported the moderate and pro-European Aramaic Democratic Organization. The Assyrians are enclosed in Qamishly and they are facing both PKK terrorism and Turkish aggression. The other good thing is that they are trying to bring peace between several factions.

If after the defeat of HTS and MB Russia continues to support Ba’athists and PKK then they will lose. They should find other moderate forces to accomodate.

Tudor Miron

“Russia helped SAA and SDF” – Russia did help SAA but it didn’t help SDF in any other way than creating conditions that help Kurds get back to their senses. Stalinism – what do you actually know about Stalinism? anti-western hysteria… what exactly is hysterical in my post? Your conclusions and deductions reveal that you kind of started scratching the surface of things but suffer of “kaleidoscopic vision” and that leads you to illusory and twisted conclusions.

Chris Gr

Russia helped SDF a lot and that’s why SDF thanked them. You are always blaming the West for everything. Evo Morales helped drug traffickers and made election fraud just like Maduro. Anez was elected from the Bolivian people not from US or Spain. Surface of things? Maybe if I go deeper I will find that many of the leaders you admire are mentally deranged people.

Tudor Miron

You’re funny creature :) “Evo Morales helped drug traffickers and made elections fraud just like Maduro”(c) – are your really that stupid to believe in it yourself or do you hope that other’s are that stupid to buy into your repeating of empty MSM allegations? I always blame the west – that’s partly true but at the same time this is oversimplification. This little video may help you understand the roots of modern western civilization that dominates our planet. https://youtu.be/5bWq-KyZ8uA Russia helped SDF a lot – lets start here :) Would you tell us exactly how and why Russia helped SDF – same SDF that was created, financed and armed by UK/US when their little ISIS adventure failed. Created in order to establish a quasi state occupying huge part of Syrian territory.

Chris Gr

What type of government do you want? When you support the psychopaths then what do you want me to say? Congratulations? Modern cultural marxism has nothing to do with the West. Or with Europe in general. Coca cultivators all support Evo Morales. Also, these supposed socialist dictators also helped Pablo Escobar to ship his drugs into the US. Venezuela’s dictators also supported the narcoterrorist FARC in Colombia. Russia didn’t want to create a quasi state. However, if SDF had lost the battle for northeastern Syria things for Assad would have been very difficult and he may have lost Aleppo to HTS/ISIS. So Assad’s survival was dependent on SDF.

Tudor Miron

Enough of your mental diarrhea :) At the start I was thinking that you’re simply disinformed but honest person. But after reading more of your posts I refuse to believe that such stupidity is possible. It looks more like an attempt of deliberate disinformation. Anyway, your posts are insulting for common sense – time for you to get blocked.

Chris Gr

KGB detected. lol

Jens Holm

I have been reading a lot about Ukrainiens and I have know that hate and hostility by Ukrainians since before WW1, after WW1, during WW2 and afterwards as well.

So I not as surpriced as You and others are.

Things are not forgotten in generations unless a change is very visible. And You have to include graves and flowers.


You obviously don’t know enough about Ukraine…(me neither but still..) WW1, WW2 are just cherry picking and pro Western (anti-Russian) interpretation of history of Ukraine.

Ukraine is cradle of the Russian nation and you try to jump to conclusion just through WW1, and WW2 ?!?

How silly indeed. Whole story is much more complex..


Yes of course…who else but Tatars. But than they are already labeled as traitors from WW2.

Wouldn’t that another betrayal be too much for them this time? What would be the purpose of such “insurgency”?!? To serve readily Turk interests even for the price of their own self destruction?! Because with their new betrayal against Russia they would not be displaced but annihilated this time.

I honestly hope that they are not that stupid for their own good.

Chris Gr

The US will also support them. Also, Ukrainians, Polish, Georgians, etc …


Making the list of the Russian enemies doesn’t make you giving me logical argument “WHY” would Tatars become suicidal to promote only Turk interests? What would bi in all that for them to gain?! What would be the purpose, motive, objective of such extremely dangerous act? Tatar’s started fighting on the NAZI German side while Germany was clear winner against USSR. Turkey can’t ever be clear winner like that against Russia.

Chris Gr

When the Pandora’s box opens there will be no why.


I was asking you for the (logical) good argument so that we can have debate.

Chris Gr

We cannot know for sure. Turkey has many friends and many enemies. So it is easy for the Pandora’s box to be opened.

Jens Holm

Turkey has less and less friends. I see no box at all.

Chris Gr

In the MENA yes but still they have many friends.

Jens Holm

I dint see that imaginaere box at all. So many are against anything like that.

Chris Gr

Well the world is complicated.

Jens Holm

Not at all. USA and EU has their hands full after the declining USSR neocolonialisme from Berlin to north of Afghanistan.

Chris Gr

EU is moving away from US and gets closer to Russia.


What you call Turkic people or “Tatars” today are Tatars that are loyal to their homeland. At least most of them are loyal to Russia and proudly say Russia is their homeland, they are Russian citizens. You need to update your information and visit Russia occasionally. And if you look at it from a religious standpoint, you know our Military Police who are currently in Syria, most of them are Muslims who came from the Chehnya.

Chris Gr

Chechens are not Turkic.

Jens Holm

It seemes some are not learned that in their country schools at all. It semes Turks has learned those tatars/bulgars are very close cousins to Turks and like them too.


Who told you about that? Fairy tales, comics? Oh maybe from 1 or 2 Tatars who fled to another country because they were disappointed in Russia? Or maybe from sources that are clearly hostile to Russians who are spreading lies so that people hate Russia? Oh so you study it only at school? Here, in addition to studying at school, we also learn directly from experience, we live here, we know very well our own country, we directly experience it. We certainly know better than you about Crimean Tatars and other minority tribes in Russia, it’s true that they are closer to Turkey, but not all of them are like that. And their numbers are few and have little effect if they want to make a revolt against Russia. I noticed that you are self-righteous and always feel that you are absolutely right and always look down on other people here, do you think you are the source of knowledge? Listen carefully you mad girl from … a small insignificant country … Denmark right? I almost forgot where it was … Next time, you should need to be more careful before you distort the facts.

Chris Gr

HTS were a few thousands jihadists back in 2011. And then they were joined by tens of thousands of jihadists. The same with the Turks may be done in Kazan and Crimea.

Concrete Mike

And how long do you think these forces will survive versus russian army? You are talking about inside russia!!!

Your nuts.

Chris Gr

Non conventional warfare.

Jens Holm

I have seen those stories about Tatars many times here and are well ortiented about false or truht about them. – My source here are Turks only or maybee a Serb or two.

You live in the old days. I doesnt matter if I am dane, European or Japanese.

You can build up a knowledge level during many years. I have ever since before I was examnined in school an did well. Actually it started long time before, where I begged for more empty matchboxes, so I could make WW2 wars against Wesr and the Nazis. they even got clay towers on witch matchsticks. At that time it was only about BANG BANG and Americans and Britts always won after hard and heroic fighting.

But here 40 years after I dont read by imagination, but have been reading Wikipedia and manyother sources about it.

Its like learning to play piano and more difficult then driving any car. If You can read, what You see, and do, You can play or so to speak be a good driver in all kinds of traffic and weather.

So Yes, I am very well oriented for things about things about many things here, where I are able to get the same information as You do apart from, I have to have things in English or in “translate” English.

I dont understand arabic or Turkish at all, but I do have direct acces by internet to many TV channels from the Region(and a big screen) for it.

Let me write it again: I have not told anything about Tatars making any uprise, but facts are Your belowed Russia has expelled them from Crimera at least twice and all of the ones still allive are not allowed to go back to the part, which is not Russian dominated.

So true, they for good reasons still could be angry in next and next generation. I dont see that. I have written that too.

And Yes, I actually do have my own oppinions about a lot of things about, whats written here. Thats based well, so You get my text as “based on facts, I think its like this and that” and should be.

I things from DEnmark can be used. I have proposed solutions for both Eastern never Ukraine and Crimea never Ukraine as well. NO REACTION FROM ANY HERE.

Denmark and Germany voted about our biorderline just after WW1 and we found the best border according to language and nationality.

Since then we have had good relations among each other. Both nationalities has minority support and many cross jobs-home very day. They also mor or less share firebrigades and hospitals – When criminals try to cross the border fast the police are allowed to them in equal right until the danish and german police can take over and even semi-arrest those polices.

We do have danish schools in Germany, churhes, childcarecenter and are allowed to celabrate Germans lost WW2(no hip hip but memorial ceremonies, flowers and gathrings with coffee and tea and like that).

I also have seen Crimera being an Ukranian part as trade, when USSR collapsed. So Russia taking and getting it for the future must be compensated. It could be gas, money or empty agraable land.

Let me remind You, that Tatars didnt join Russia at all. The figthed for centuries until they were defeated and once upon a time ago was part of the Ottomans just and many other parts of the now collapse Neocolnialistic empire. I have only seen the opposite of respect of this from the Russian Leaders.

I also know a lot about the Kazan Bulgars and the last battles there as well as the many Turks, which left Bulgaria, Roumania, Greece and Yugoslavia.

You might not understand it. But debate about things in a sober way is about collaecting facts about it and THEN make Your own OPPION.

You might not like mine, but as Dane little dot, I see myself more neutral in most matters, then most are here.

by and most other things, and by that get all dayly updating down to moving fighterlines meters day for day.

Tudor Miron

Out of your delusional comments, this one is a winner so far :)

Chris Gr

Nope. That’s why Russia is afraid to strike Turkey.

Tudor Miron


Chris Gr

Okay then go to war with Turkey in order to protect Assad and PKK.

Tudor Miron

That’s the difference between Greek and Russian mentality :) You don’t strike because you’re afraid. If you could you would but your fear doesn’t allow. That’s why Greece is a crypto colony. You can’t even comprehend Russia’s stance. It’s simply out of your capacity. Sorry for being rude but your childish comments do not give me much choice.

Chris Gr

Turkey and SNA want to swallow up SAA and SDF. Will Russia defend SAA and SDF? Or are they afraid to do so in order not to have further problems? I haven’t seen a childish comment of mine.

Jens Holm

I see none in this string as well, even I disagree a lot.

We partly might see it in the same way.

Russians likes a reduced and less complicated Syria for bases and like that.

They dont care about the rest apart from being paid back in oil for weapon and food.

By that they has accepted the rest of the problems there was a job dor USA also loving a reduced Assad.

Both might like Assads and SDFs as a very loose unifications, where SDfs could do their experiments as they wish and might change Syria in the long run.

Both Assads(or replacers) and SDFs in that context will be helped to make no space for Jihadisme incl. ISIS and Iraq included.

I am sure Russia do like USA and we outbalance the Iranians in Iraq as well.

USA by that would have had several strong Microbases as planned, in stead of few very big ones like Incirlik.

And by that Turks should keeptheir line or deascalate some, because there would br no PKK attacks from Syria.

…But then came Trump.

Chris Gr

Exactly. Russia don’t want an Assadi Syria but a federal one.

Karen Bartlett

Russia doesn’t care what kind of government Syria has, they believe it’s the decision of the Syrian people. I.e., they believe in the right of Syria or any other country to its own sovereignty. Russia isn’t the US and isn’t looking for “influence” in Syria or for a payback in oil or anything else (that is rather how the US thinks). Russia is trying to stop the advance of terrorism, period.

Chris Gr

Yeah but Russia doesnt finish HTS on Idlib and they are listening to Erdogan. And that’s why I have said that Russia is afraid to hit Turkey because of an impending insurgency by Turkic peoples.

Jens Holm

Almost as biased as anything can be. If true Russia has removd or reduced Assads many years ago kind of semilar to USA but in a less hostile way.

You semes to forget baserights for Russians has been much better at the sea as well as in the inland.


I don’t think you are really “sorry for being rude”. It is difficult for a Greek to be Russian and vice verse…

Tudor Miron

There’s no pleasure in being rude. It is unpleasant for me. Other than the case of open enemies , trying to avoid it. This is why I typed sorry.

Karen Bartlett

“Crypto colony” is a term invented by an American anthropologist, Michael Herzfeld, in 2002. It means a country isn’t an actual colony but is financially dependent on countries which are world “powers”. I don’t think we need to give credence to some label applied by some anthropologist (who knows where his loyalties lie?), who made a name for himself by inventing a label. Labels can be very harmful. Anyway, it would have nothing to do with the “mentality” of the people of the country if it were true, which is debatable. It would have to do with the position of the “super power” (the US) after WWII and how it was able to financially dominate the world (and not just one or two countries) because it didn’t suffer as much financially, having not fought the war on its own territory. Further, Greece was aggressively loaned money by US banks recently, which knew the exorbitant payments and interest would be too much for the country to keep up with. This caused the financial crisis in Greece. The banks were sharks and everybody forgets that, except, I bet, Greece.

Jens Holm

I use “Neocolonialisme”. It might be same thing.

You are right about Greece. Greece became very split up during WW2 and was it even before that war.

In the end there was a very well organized and armed Communist. I reme,ber the movie “Zorba the Greek” by Zirtaki.

USA and Britts had to connect Greece to the rest of Europe and USA also wanted the relative strong Turkey. By that balnce the Greeks got a lot of stuff as well as money in.

Here its correct mainly americans did it and not only Marshall help. But You are very incorrect about the purpose for those investments. Those were made to give back money.

As we see so many has lost so much money investing in Greece hoping they could make some Onassis there instead of the one in Argentina.

We se the same quagmire now. So dont bias USA more then things are.

Instead You should see how well the USA investments has been in other parts of Europe making us equal in GDP to USA from being poorer rhen ever after WW2 and some of us as starving rats.

So You are kind of right. Overinvestments dont solve everything, if the traditions are not for them. The money are given to people doing nothing. I dont see that as part of the americn culture at all. They do have expectations for something else just like EU.


It’s funny how everybody is trying to make Russia fight somebody else’s wars all the time.

Some want Russia to attack Israel, other to attack Turkey, other to defend Iran against US, to help Venezuela, Bolivia.. Or to liberate Syria to please Assad and his bunch.

Russia is not US that prints $$$ endless dollars out of nothing, backed by nothing for endless wars and military spending. Even if Russia would prefer or even need to kick some butt sometime Russia can’t afford to start new war because of her economic limits.

Chris Gr

The only way for Assad to get all of Syria back is to kick out Turkey and the SNA. Can he do it alone? Nope. Assad needs a Russo-Turkish war.

Ali Alsaaidi

No that’s not right ,turkey now occupy 10 procent of syria and no oil Wells , they should attack us and kurdish forces to get the oil fields back russia can deal with turkey easy but the us is more difficult

Jens Holm

USA do as they please. Some other President then TRump never would have allowed Turks getting into the SDF area. Never.

I am sure there will be raining more then cat and dogs if any attack american policy and possitions there.

As dane my threat will be, we only send pigs as food by UN and UNICF from all of us to all of You – And marry Christmas too.

Chris Gr

SDF has made a deal with Assad while SNA hates him.


Russia and Assad would never permit Turk occupation replace

US-Kurd occupation. Syria is not viable state, half occupied, deprived of gas&oil resources.

US are growing weaker every year…Sooner or later US will leave by themselves.


It has never crossed your mind that you are looking things upside down?! The fact and the core of the problem is that Assad does NOT have full support of his own people ! Right or wrong but majority of the Syrians have escaped the war. They have rejected the war. Thus rejected both sides (Assad and Jihadists) and even renounced their own country Syria in the process. SAA is shadow of itself of what it used to be long time ago.

No country should ever “liberate” other country for the benefit of the certain population of that same country.Russians can’t be bigger Syrians than Syrians themselves !

ONLY SYRIANS CAN LIBERATE SYRIA if it is done by foreigners It is called occupation!

Jens Holm

To him 10 millions Syrians not in their homes as well as 550.000 dead ones are Assad supporters :(

And as you write, the Jihadists are aginst Assads and SDFs wish for needed and sober changes.


Assad must make compromise with moderate Sunni opposition. Sunni are majority and they must have decisive influence in the country. Those extremists who committed war atrocities against population must be punished.

That is only possible safe way for Syria development. That’s all common sense I think…

Karen Bartlett

The “moderate rebels” are head-choppers as much as the Wahhabist extremists. They have committed atrocities against Syrian civilians as well. And they generally get subsumed under the Wahhabist factions. The weapons which the US sent to the “moderate rebels” ended up in the hands of the jihadists. How? And Assad has already given a break to “moderate rebels” who were captured by the SAA. They have been put to work rebuilding the infrastructure of cities and towns damaged in the war. Eva K. Bartlett on YouTube has video footage of this. She is an independent journalist who has traveled to Syria several times to interview civilians.


Who ever is “head-chopper” (against civilian’s or army prisoners) must be punished as war criminal and executed according to Assad’s laws (Assad presidency should be transition period until the next elections) All other “rebels” should be subject to amnesty and national reunification and pacification of the country.

There is no alternative but to give “break to “moderate rebels” and seek COMPROMISE ! All foreign mercenaries supporting “jihad” should be killed.

There is no alternative to Assad as well as transition to whatever Syrian’s chose (even more of Assad if majority wants )

“Moderate rebels” are important part of the Sunni population in Syria. Those who didn’t commit the crime should go back to normal life again. All others should go to prison or executed for their crimes.

Jens Holm

You dont write much about why people there has become Jihadist.

In few words the base is the ones, which are not afraid to die as so many has in the hands of Assads.

The afrais ones are the 10 million passive ones being not in theor homes.

The only altenatives are the secons choise Kurds by SDF. Not even that compromise is alllowed. Russia sold Afrin for nothing even it also was a safezone of its best.

Jens Holm

I dont see that.

This is not about religion at all but socialstructures where the productivity is very low even You have the cheepest available hands, You can get.

There are no structures for the needed improvements at all, and You also are not even allowed to implement any of that even being told have in limited versions as well as seing the results, where more people are created jobs, create jobs themselves and work better and harder, because they are rewarded for it.

Your socalled safe way is a no go and totally unrealistic. If it has made sence it had included all Sunnis long time ago.

“Arab” is same thing. First 30% are not even arabs. Why are they excluded??? It seemes to me women are excluded too even they are 50% of the population.

Making a socalled Majority Rule by comprimized Sunnis jumping up and down, when Assads say so is far out and totally unrealistic.

Only SDFs know their version of know how. If anything should be done, it would be Counsils, Counties, Villayets whatever BUT having 50% of all power as well as income tax in and out.

That tax should never reach Damaskus as well as local parlaments elected often should use it in very good and effective ways, because they know local things better.

That also anytime would reduce Your famous corruption rates because the max money control is 50% in Damaskus and much smaller in local parlaments.

You say Assads by that shold remain and even say, theyrepresent Syria. They dont.

If so 10 million Syrians had supported Assads by several 100.000 well motivaed soldiers as well as a lot of money and even money from empty pockets.

And asked those many, where 5 millions are not even in Syria, mainly tell, that Syria is a NO GO anymore ever.

And here I see the illusion again. Its wong its about Jihadisme as well as SDFs. The main reason is knowing Assads and the Baathists well for many years.

And dont talk about safety here. Assads are the reason for armed opposition, because an unarmed electing something else or better was not even an option.


“Making a socalled Majority Rule by comprimized Sunnis” Whatever… I hate to waste my time with people who intend to twist the reality to fit their narrative, agenda… There is no alternative to democracy. Every-bodies support must be put to the test including of those that rotten neocolonialist of the West have supported against Assad.

There is no viable alternative to voting and free elections monitored by international community. And if those elected Sunnis will be called “compromised” by people like you afterwards I really couldn’t care less. As long as they get majority vote of Syrian population.

Yes, Assad must stay in power till than (till elections) because he was democratically elected. He must also participate in elections because he also has support in Syria.

Western neocolonialists and their Syrian stooges can’t be trusted at all because they have already tried to grab the power by using jihad lunatic mercenaries. So Assad must stay for now…

But if even elections bring up extremists to power than there is no future for Syria at all.

Chris Gr

Elections are bullshit. Always the most populists and the best liars win. Iraq wasn’t saved with elections. Lebanon, Egypt, Algeria, Sudan also. We need constitutional monarchies and federalization.

Chris Gr

Most Syrians were part of the moderate opposition. They didn’t like the jihadists. Turkish and Saudi regime brought many jihadists in Syria from MENA countries. Syrian Arameans are a progressive people, these ideologies were brought in Syria from Najd (Jaysh al Islam), from Kuwait (Ahrar al Sham), from Qatar (Faylaq ar Rahman) and from Anbar (Al Nusra).


OK thanks. The question is always what to do in such impossible situation! Russian answer is kill the hard core extremists and make peace with all others (Chechen solution) Chechnya is today proud prosperous member of Russian Federation..

I agree with Russian solution not with Assad’s. Assad can’t exterminate every Sunni that holds the gun against SAA and keep Iran in Syria and have the peace and prosperity and unity of Syria! He is not Sunni and Sunni are majority.

Karen Bartlett

The war in Syria is not a “Sunni against Shia” war, as is promoted by Western media. It is not a religious war at all. The demonstrations in Dara’a in 2011 were infiltrated by snipers who shot both protesters and police. Then armed jihadists flooded into the country-they are all Wahhabists (extremist and fundamentalist form of Sunni Muslim taught by Saudi Arabia) who share the same ideology and who hate other Sunnis and Shias equally, along with Christians. They consider them to all be infidels and will kill other Sunni as quickly as they will Shia or Christians. The Syrian people before the war had no trouble with each other in terms of religion. They all got along. It is the Wahhabi terrorists who are killing Syrian civilians. Of course the Wahhabists are supported not only by Saudi Arabia and other countries mentioned by Chris Gr but are also supported/trained/armed by the US government.


Only free election in pacified Syria can give true and impartial answer to your claims (your guessing).

Situation have changed… War has lasted for so many years and huge number of Syrians do not support Assad (some give lip service maybe, at the best) Today majority of Syrians is outside of Syria (not behind Assad serving in SAA), not taking anybodies interests in this war, but their own as priority.

They all should vote and decide about Syria’s future.


I really am not supporter of jihad lunatics and mercenaries and I don’t understand why are you treating me like I am one?! I know that many among them are horrible criminals no need to convince me about that. I know who did what in Syria and why.

I agree with all except the fact that you prefer to ignore the huge laps of the time that has passed since pre-war (secular) period …and total change of the situation in Syria today. Huge number of the Syrian population is living outside of the Syria now and they might have changed their point of view regarding many things ( including Assad ) Syria that have existed before the war doesn’t exist any more. Maybe now is much more divided than it was in peace time…

Many crimes have been committed (by the Sunni in majority of the cases ) and bad blood might have been created.

And if I were you I would not be so sure that sectarian divide between Sunni and Shiite still doesn’t exist at all….Like nothing has happened really and everything is still fine and dandy. It seams in your preference to secular Assad you have chosen to close your eyes on reality and facts about the horrible crimes , atrocities against the non Sunni part of the population. So that you can say: nothing has changed Assad ans secular Syria are still the only way possible. I personally believe that for example those Syrian Christians in majority will never return in Syria again

There was suffering of innocent on all sides including the suffering of the innocent Sunni civilians Under the SAA army bombardments and grudge they can have against Assad if they lost members of their family in those…. etc, etc. War leaves deep wounds and scars that remind victims about the crimes committed against them.

Karen Bartlett

Syria invited Russia to help fight the jihadists. In that case it’s not occupation. The US is occupying Syria b/c they weren’t invited into the country.


So Russian’s should act as proxy Shiite force to subjugate Sunni majority to the small Shiite minority?!! And how is that “not ” foreign occupation?!?

If foreign country actively fights (with troops on the ground) against local Sunni Syrian population to “liberate” that country (Idlib) Than that “liberation” is actually occupation of parts of the Syria controlled-populated by the Sunni majority for the interest of the Syrian Shiite minority. Since when Russians or anybody have right to go invade the house of some Syrian Sunni family (in Idlib) with weapons to impose Assad or any other ruler to them?! They would be foreign invaders when they do that . Just like US are foreign invaders in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo and many other places. Or Israel and Turkey and Kurd’s are now in Syria also “invaders” of the Syrian Arab lands…

Jens Holm

For a 3 liner its quite sober, but for the real world its not.

The real question should be why USA, Russia, Turks and many others has felt that need.

I can only see its because Syria having Baathists not even has been treating their own population by needed devellopments well.

A see a country as a place including people into almost same agenda.

And You are wrong about those Jihadists. Those grow rapidly because they for good reasons was anti-Damaskus. They grew because it was the only well known structure as alternative. As You also see a more upfated one by PYD/YPG/SDF is a no go for Ankara, Damaskus, Bagdad and Teheran.

USA for good and also bead reasont meant a FSA could take over, but that oppositionas replacers systematicly was made weak by Assads and the Baathist.

I think too many as You are occupied in Your heads. It solvs nothing and armed Assad take back most of the artificial private property country named as Syria. I also see some local decissions are worse then none and corruption by Assads – by Russians too.

If I decided, I would let Idlib and a little more become an own autonome having its own dark as well as giving the SDF parts apart from Raqqa and DEZ allowence to make its own light.

The best would be the whole Syria into parts in Emirate rule or making modern and advanced structures fr the whole country. I see not of that.

I see the winners killing every day and the loosers killing back.

I see 10 milion not in their homes. I dont see 550.000 because they are burried under ground.

I see many hundres 1000 or millions harmed for life having lost a leg or much more then that.


I know all that. Russia is “invited” only to help in fight against terrorism.

No country can “invite” other country to completly subjugate her own population for the interests of those in charge of the country specially when those who are suppose to be subjugated are part of the majority of the population. Jihad is unfortunately integral part of Islamic teachings and can often be ill interpreted. Russia is only helping to superusers extremists in Syria while trying to preserve good relations with the Sunni population and I believe that is very vise thing to do.


Russia is world power not Assad’s personal army. Future is so bright for Russia (and Asia in general) at the moment and so dark for the West. Only idiot leader would start war against Turkey (or anybody else) now when the things are promising for the future. Collapsing countries like US & UK need world war ( to get rid of their debt ), not Russia !

Putin is not idiot. He will not start any war unless Russia attacked… Only suicidal country would attack Russia.

Chris Gr

Of course Putin is not an idiot. But he cannot support Assad/PKK and Turkey at the same time.


Putin only supports UNITED peaceful Syria free of all terrorists and without occupational forces (Turk and US-Kurd forces included ). Free of Israel in Golan (and Iranian presence in Syria should end as well). That would help wider regional compromise to make return peace in Syria. Putin never supported PKK and he never will . He always have advised Kurd’s to seek agreement with Assad. Armed Kurd’s can only be part of SAA after agreement with Damascus and not U.S. proxy occupational army of the Syrian ARAB land… If there is resolution in UN that supports restitution of Golan to Syria check if Russia will vote for that or not. I deeply believe they will vote for liberation of Golan against Israeli interests despite usual anti-Russia biased meme.

Chris Gr

Syria is Aramaic land. Those that advocate for pan-Arabism are also an occupational force. If Iranian, Lebanese, Iraqi and Afghan Shia militias leave Assad may lose Deir-Ez-Zor and the border with Lebanon.

Balázs Jávorszky

It’s funny how everybody is trying to make Russia fight somebody else’s wars all the time.

Please don’t be delusional. It’s Russia’s war too. They slowly realized that at last. The US plan was something like Syria, then Iran, and then Central Asia, and then Russia. This was finally stopped in Syria (hopefully), and Russia at last stopped appeasing the US, suing for some kind of detente.


Why ” delusional”?!? And on top you go in lecturing on the wrong premise… Maybe you have big problem with English language. Or you didn’t read what you’ve just quoted ?! There is huge difference between words “fight somebody else’s wars” and HELPING some country to get rid of the extremists (what is Russia actually doing)

No it is not Russia’s war ! Russia is not in Syria to promote Iran’s geo-strategic interests or to force upon the Syrians Assad’s rule for eternity either… Who will be president is up to Syrians to decide. Russia’s only objective is to help Syria prevent Jihad terrorists (thus the Western world) to win in Syria. Russia is not there to replace Syrians in their own war for liberating their own country. With Syria or without CIA and US will start war in Central Asia either way.

Balázs Jávorszky

Maybe you have big problem with English language.

How about you?

some country to get rid of the extremists (what is Russia actually doing)

This is a war, not just a small scale police operation. Again, please don’t be delusional. Immediately after destroying Libya, Syria was meant to be the dress rehearsal by the West for Iran, Central Asia and the Caucasus, eventually targeting Russia itself (and China from Uyguria). Of course the Russian leadership tries to play it down and present it as not really more than a police operation, with common goals with the USA and Turkey, but everyone knows how and why ISIS and Nusra and all that shit came into existence.

Who will be president is up to Syrians to decide.

Syria was kinda the first (and, apart from perhaps Venezuela recently, the only) example in a few decades when a regime change operation was successfully stopped (ie. the West couldn’t change the president) with active Russian help. The question of Assad and eternal rule is a bullshit problem at the moment. During war, strong leadership is a must, and you can be sure the Russians do their best to prop up Assad (while talking anything else for international and domestic consumption). And yes, it’s up to Syrians to decide, but without externally organized and armed bands roaming the country. Perhaps sometime in the future.

Jens Holm

There We go again. As western and well oriented dane, I hardly see any of that at all.

I see You dont understand vital parts of the world.

Your Syrian version is outragious. Try this:

In peace You have to be a strong man systematicly killing all opposition. You forget, thats the reason for the uprises there incl. SDFs for more local selfrule. …………….

No, thats far out. In peace You unite all by including them making progress for all, make jobs for them and make it possible for them to create jobs, so they are almost united agains enemies.

You seemes to forget the base for the fightings in Syria are possible are Assads and systematic mismanegement for decades and has split up Syria as a private property vdry semilar to USSR by Cremling and Communists or not.

Its exact same kind of totalitarisme supported by exact the same kind of people. Putin only has a nicer suit and is not seen with a winchester on a balcony.


Balázs Jávorszky

As a Westener and well oriented Hungarian, I have to tell you your understanding of the vital parts of the world is a quite cartoonish.

Jens Holm

Sober commant to his construtions.


Appeasing the USA is suicidal.

Jens Holm

The last 4 lines are not correct at all. Russia has nothing to take apart they seemes to drink less vodka.

And Yes central Asia certainly need devellopments and wants too. The collapsed Russian cant even devellop itself. Therefore many others then USA give it a try. As a minimum rhose new states has oil and gas to make those changes.

I see Turks and Europe wiishing those areas better connected to the rest of the world.

I also see China being a kind of close by making a kind of plan named “Silk road”.

But of course the Dwarfs supporting Russia remaining in the old days so see many others are there as well.

None want to attack Russians But we dont wish the Russian Neocolonialisme back for Asia as well as Eastern Europe inclusibe Caucasus.

Jens Holm

Yes, those people forget they are not commanders of the Russian forces and Russia has its own agenda as well as limitations.

Concrete Mike

Wellnm fuckjng duh, article 5 dude, its a fucken trap cant you see it?

Chris Gr

What is article 5?

Concrete Mike

Its a clause in nato that says an attack on one country means an attack on all.

When article 5 is called upon, some serious consequences follow.


So you see no possibility of the rising of the Volga Bulgars?

Jens Holm

Kazan is not like that at all.

Jens Holm

Russia do have many small minorities and ISIS as well. They have to be carefull in some matters.

Caucasus is old Osman land as well.


Russia is not pro-Assad but pro-Syria. And that is only good approach. Ramzan Kadyrov and his father used to fight against Russian army and today he is the leader of Chechnya. That was very vise decision by Putin.

But for people like you it is hard to comprehend that for one it takes brains to make good decision.

Sunni are majority in Syria. There is no future for Syria without Assad making peace and sharing power with moderate Sunni. Iran , Turkey, Israel must not stay in Syria. Russia should stick only to their bases and US-NATO should get the hell out of Syria! All those (false) Jihad mercenaries should be killed !

End of the story.

Chris Gr

That’s right actually. Assad has no power in Syria. Jihadists are always playing the Assad card in order to justify their killings. Ba’athism is dead. Syria is now a liberal democratic country and has many factions united against HTS/ISIS/SNA. Even the secular Southern Front, who was supported by moderate Sunni governments like Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, Kuwait, etc … and also US, France, Norway, UK, etc … are inside the Syrian army as 5th Corps and are backed by Russia in order to fight HTS/ISIS/SNA. Those that say that Assad is ruling Syria fall in the trap of the jihadists.


True free elections would be right answer on everything ( once peace returns ). I personally have hunch that multi-party Syria is inevitable future of Syria.

Just question of time. Assad is only ideal as the best peaceful transition to something like that.

Chris Gr

Personnaly, I want constitutional monarchies and federalization. Liberal democracy is just another failed system but at least it is not murderous and totalitarian.


“Erdogan (NATO member)” ?!? Are you insinuating that Russia is helping “NATO”?!


Well, let us be more formal. Turkey IS A NATO MEMBER, any question about this ?, next Trueky-Russia have economical and commercila agreements, doubts ? Turkey bought from Russia the S-400 and will buy the Su-57, mayby soon Russial willl build a nuclear power in Turkey, and the gas pipe line will certainly is about to operated in Turkey land. That is, Russia is helping NATO, my friend. It is not an insinuation, it is a STATEMENT.


“Russia is helping NATO”

Unfortunately …it is a wrong”STATEMENT”. I don’t see any problem in Russia SELLING their goods and services to everybody. It is called TRADE and that’s how all countries create income and have prosperous society. If it is for money, than it is definitely not “help” like you claim it to be! All NATO countries have TRADE with Russia including US. They always did. Why wouldn’t Russia “build a nuclear power plants”, sell gas, or sell them weapons?! They’ve sold S-300 and lots of BMP’s to Greece or repairing and upgrading MIG’s and choppers to East European countries and hardly was anybody even mentioning that. Today Western MSM propaganda is making tragedy like sky is falling because of S-400 sale. If CIA tried to remove Erdogan from the power with that coup, it is normal that he doesn’t trust US any more and looks for alternatives.


All Syria will be of the Syrians! Zionists, go die in Amerika!

Jacob Wohl

The Butcher Regime will fail epicly. The moderate rebels of Idlib will drive them to Damascus without help from the Russkies and Mullahs

Concrete Mike

Fat chance tony.

Better bring your benchpress to help em out.

Your pecs will scare away the mighty russians wont they??

Jacob Wohl

you’re darn right they would. anything can scare the russkies away. just ask the PMC girls at Conoco how fast they ran after 400 of them got blown to smithereens by USAF gunships


the butcher regime? Assad it’s the best for Syria as it was Gadaffi for Lybia and Sadam for Iraq, look how this countries are doing now with their “democracy” and “rights”, think twice before you speak

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