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Map Update: M4 Buffer Zone Agreed By Russia And Turkey In Greater Idlib

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Map Update: M4 Buffer Zone Agreed By Russia And Turkey In Greater Idlib

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This map provides a general look at the M4 buffer zone agreed by Russia and Turkey in the framework of the March 5 ceasefire deal on Idlib. According to the deal, the buffer zone should be cleared from radicas and joint Russian-Turkish patrols should be launched in the area. The problem is that the town of Jisr al-Shughur and its countryside are controlled by the Turkistan Islamic Party, an al-Qaeda affilated terrorist group. Therefore, al-Qaeda members should disappear from the area somehow, or a military action to implement the deal is needed. MORE HERE


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klove and light

unbelievable ridiculous…….anybody without secere brain Damage KNOWS this is pure bs……we are Talking About the worst head Choppers, who just 3 days ago tortured abd beheaded several SAA men.

Putin is a fucking treacherous Zionist pig!!!

I sure hope that during a patrolm, russian memebers get kidnapped and beheaded infront of live TV …….wanna known treacherous Zionist pig Putin excuses then…..the russian Military should hang Putin, burn the fuck, and send 50% of his ashes to erdogan and 50% to bibi


You really are clueless, if Putin was a Zionist then he would of never of supported Assad. A weak Syria is a weaker Iran. Stop talking crap. Putin would rather use diplomacy than war. He methods have been successful so far. Without him there would be no Syria.


Russia needs a base in the Mediterranean. No one will give it to him…Except Syria. If Assad is gone. He won’t be able to keep the base. He needs to have a friendly government in Syria.

Ray " Uncle Sam"

BS The USA has a track record in Syria for regime change! In the past it happened too! Any future syrian president will turn to russia to avoid that from happening! Assad learnd a hard lesson! his military status was in the stone ages before russia stepped in!


Not true. There are also few other candidate countries but not as good as Syria (location)

This is the most convenient location for them. It is not coincidence that USSR had also base in Tartus. East Mediterranean (Middle East) is very important for Russia.(not to go now into the details)


“won’t be able to keep the base”

That is total rubbish! Russia has regular contrasts for those 2 military bases ratified by Syrian government and signed by Assad as well. Even if (hypothetically) somebody else becomes President in the future instead of Assad…He doesn’t have right to negate or annul those perfectly valid contracts!


Have you heard about the Iran nuclear deal? If anything, a western puppet in Syria can inherit US attitude towards international binding contracts.


You are talking as if somebody else will decide about destiny of Syria and not Assad and Syrians. Who effing cares about : “US attitude towards international binding contracts”?!? No “puppet” in 5 or maybe even 10 year time will be in position to change anything after so many years of Assad’s rule. Assad can make binding constitutional changes to even more solidify that. USA have given plenty of lessons to many countries in last 2 decades! But those tricks doesn’t work any more because Western duplicity is wildly known now and everybody is ready for their back stabbing !


How to you say Guantanamo in Russian?



Ray " Uncle Sam"

He knows Turkey wont obey the deal and they said fighting terror will go on! So nothing changes! Its a PR stunt! for the people!

opet ja

This deal makes damage to Syria. In stead of liberating whole Idlib in just few more weeks, Putin stopped SAA advance and gave time to terrorists to rearm and fortify. Because of Putin business with Erdo, Syria must pay a price. Russia is in Syria for more than 4 years and war still goes on with one third of Syrian territory without control of Syrian government.


This strategy worked before. Look at how much territory the SAA gained after the 2018 Sochi Agreement violation. After the inevitable terrorist violation of this latest agreement, the SAA will be well-rested for another successful campaign — this time going after Idlib.


We are too emotional about this. But blame it on the Syrians. They should have at least 7-10k more soldiers committed to this. And a better preparation. They had 1 year an a half to do it. If I was the SAA I would have known that it’s a matter of time before Putin appeases Erdogan and the west. Better planning, non stop assault, day and night like in eastern Ghouta. They would have finished the job before Turkey had the time to maneuver. They should have waited also a month and a half ate least until Turkey commits more terrorists to Libya.


because you think russia diden’t plan with syrian hahaha


“Planing” is one thing and reality and every day problems to execute “planing” is totally another reality… so don’t be a smart ass. Syria and Russia are on the same side.

It is war shit happens and with so many enemies Syria must have set backs from time to time.


i was replying to Wegan everybody now in syria that the global strategy it’s drawn by russia and validated by syrian so if they choose to start the operation and to stop assault is a common choose betwen russia and syria and from my opinion the outcom it’s pretty good even if the one shoot strategy of drone attack used by turkish made his little effect on the ground for a liitle time


OK I agree with your point of view.

So it was misunderstanding


They did, but they should have been prudent. Russia always makes back deals that hurt its allies when they most need them. The air space was closed to Turkey and the SAA had a very good run and seemed unstoppable. Once Russia opened the airspace to Turkey, the SAA lost 50% of its gains and the morale of the troops collapsed once they knew of the betrayal. They didn’t want to talk about it, but now, the troops know. They have a strong partner who can help a lot but can also cause catastrophic damages. They will be more prudent next time and will rely more on Hezbollah and Iran. I would say, they learned a very good lesson. It is war after all.

Ray " Uncle Sam"

The fight against terror will go one! Its just a Photo OP the ceasefire! Next stop M4 Highway! You realy missed the last agreements and the outcome of Putins way! Take a look at the map from 2014 and now!

Ja Šo

People are stupid, but you are clerly retarded troll.. Your constant antiPutin retorics is very obvious.. Putin is the sole and only reason Syria, stil exists today as a state.. Putin is the only reason that milions of syrians is alive today and Putin is the only reason syrians are actuely getin their country back today! Your trash talk wont change that! One only needs to look at maps trom 5 years Ago and from today and use a few neurons in his brain..

Horace Lacondeta

Maybe you should find yourself another occupation than strategy and geoplitics. It doesn’t suit you very well. Try embroidery or gardening, its very relaxing.


Or knocking head against the wall maybe (no danger to damage brain cause nothing there). That would make nice echo in his ears…

Astrid Watanabe

Humor, yep! Almost always appropriate.

Lone Ranger

Putin is playing chess while you play checkers…

Saif Imam

Calm down. You are over reacting.


Putin-is-a-fucking-treacherous-Zionist-pig is here, been looking for you dude


Ariha looks to be the key junction on M 4, would imagine it’s the first objective. Godspeed and protect SAA.

Free man

1. Like I wrote here a few weeks ago. Erdogan’s goal was a new agreement with Russia. 2. The killing of the 30+ Turkish soldiers forced Erdogan to aggressively attack the SAA. 3. The ceasefire is a huge achievement for Assad. Additional weeks of war in Idlib would endanger Assad’s rule all over Syria.


you don’t know syria if Assad don’t get back idlib this will endeger him Allouite chose to trust him to the battle, send their child into the battle but not to step back

Free man

This agreement will be violated very soon and will be the ceiling for the next agreement. As the Sochi Agreement was the ceiling for this agreement ( This agreement is better for Assad than the previous agreement).


The Russians killed the 30+ soldiers of Turkey… And it’s only because they were embedded with terrorists HTS. This was calculated and ochestrated by the treacherous Erdogan and his military leaders..to escalate and get new agreement with Putin, and they got it…. Now should we keep the WAHABEASTS in Idlib for good? Idlibstan home for the global headchoppers! That will be a good tourist country for Free Man to visit… Exterminate the Headchppers for good or better send them to NATO countries and israhell

Free man

1. Your reaction is very emotional. Putin and Assad don’t act emotionally. 2. This agreement will be violated soon and will be the ceiling for the next agreement. As the Sochi Agreement was the ceiling for this agreement. 3. Europeans do not seem ready to accept more Syrian immigrants. Israel never did.


Agree with all except for:

There will be no “next agreement”. If this one doesn’t work that will be very bad news for both terrorists and Turds. Syria will be free of terrorism and their supporters.

You can call me Al

No ceasefire Syria & Russia, they will only man up, arm up and get food and water supplies; HIT THEM NOW.

Saif Imam

Ceasefire won’t last very long. Just wait and see.

jhon malakiat

ceasefire wont last long. both russia and syria know fully this off course.

so this agreement is good for syria. Russia and syria can take area in this agreement with force as usual in case terorist rats reject the agrement. and turkey have obligation to not involved at all.

if turkey help terrorist, it is mean both russia and syria have all reason to attack Turkey.

good job russia.


Thanks for making some common sense it is refreshing for change.

I am already tired of this (In attack !!) brigade that has nothing else to offer as an option but making war 24/7 and nuking everybody on top of that.


I wish it is that simple Even SAA needs to “man up, arm up and get food and water supplies” If you can’t read from their few set backs around Saraqib that SAA lacks good quality motivated fighters instead those SAA reservists than I don’t know how to explain to you anything. There are not enough good fighters like Tirgers and Hezb at the moment Al. They can’t be everywhere and fight 6, 7 days in row without pause

They have nobody good enough to replace them !

So we must be realistic with the facts on the ground if not than there is no point having any debate.

Saif Imam

@yep, correct. Also not enough Trained crew to operate Air Defense Systems like Pantsir.


Or should we say ” not enough” of many things. SAA is worn out after 10 years of war and this situation is understandable They MUST find the way to preserve core of Tiger forces because they can train and rebuild powerful army after this war.

Saif Imam

Yes in a way you can say that, If you consider boots on the Ground, Assad has got a Battle Hardened Army now who’s fighting for the past 11 years. Resupply, Re-enforcement & rest those are much needed, Agreed on that point.

Lone Ranger

Turkroaches lost. Plain and simple. The only question is who will kill the rest of the headchoppers…

Saif Imam

Headchoppers have cactus up in their ass. Just wait, they’ll break the ceasefire. Then the finishing touch comes with boom.


I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to send Russian forces patrolling along the M4, HTS & TIP would probably try to ambush them, regardless of the Turk’s presence.


If HTS and others are smart, they will leave the Russians alone


The thing is, they are not….they never were.


They are grown ups, professional soldiers, that’s part of their profession to have some ambush attacks (by those terrorist rats) from time to time. Brakes monotony of every day patrolling…


“Breaks monotony of every day patrolling…” I like your sense of humour. ?


Thanks. Life is not easy and one must take problems with certain sense of humor… it helps…

bouncer dogsly

This was always going to be the state of play. A ceasefire in place and the buffer zone pushes the terrorists back another 12 miles. Little by little Idlib is being taken back. For Turkey the main issue is what does it do with an estimated 20,000 plus crazed Jihadis. Anybody who believes this is about “Humanitarianism” is a complete fool. Politics doesn’t care on iota about people – but that message has to be put out to pacify the stupid people, who always swallow it, despite the glaring evidence to the contrary. Russia is going softly softly. It has to. THE ONLY WAY TO JUDGE REAL INTENTIONS, IS BY JUDGING ACTIONS. THE NEWS MEDIA WILL TELL YOU ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, BECAUSE THEY KNOW NOTHING. THEY ARE TALKING HEADS, WITH ALL THEIR EMPTY SHALLOW “EXPERTS” The nation that looks come out the worst in Syria will be Israel. Israel thought Assad was going go within six months of the start of the fake war. It was then their intention to break Syria up. It would have become a failed state, and Israel would have invaded in the West to take make more land, and the whole issue of the Golan Heights would have disappeared, and Israel would have claimed it invaded for security and ‘Humanitarian” reasons. It would have been another US Neocon regime change and Zionist victory. And they have moved on to Iran, then on to the Muslim belly of the Russian Caucauses and up the restless muslims there. The it would have the Muslim areas of China. The penny didn’t fully drop with Russia, until Libya. Russia had voted for a no-fly zone in Libya, and had no idea the real intentions of Sarkosy, Cameron and Obama was to remove Ghaddafi- hence afterwards Russia said, “It would not fall for that one again.” Russia had thought the West had learned its lesson in Iraq. Reducing Iraq to a failed state, was not a mistake. IT WAS THE PLAN. One US general who was put in charge resigned stating, “The chaos in Iraq had been deliberately generated to cause deliberate chaos to break Iraq up. But again the West and Israel failed, because so stupidly, the served Iraq up on plate to Iran. You see Bush and Blair, and in fact the Zionists, just did not look at the basics. That Iraq was over 60% Shia. Such a mistake astounded me. I knew what was going happen. I really did wonder, what fools were running the West – read Colin Powell’s biography to find out what went on – It is an incredibly story of stupidity, and General Colin Powell, despite what you may think of, totally argued against the Iraq invasion for all the reasons I have just given. Bumbling baffoons had taken over the white house and of course the Zionists and Evangelical Zionists. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the US saw its unipolar moment of conquering the world. The US was ransacking Russia of its riches and intended to break it up. BUT THEN SOMETHING CHANGE. That was Vladimere Putin – he came in like a storm, and threw out the carpetbaggers, and at breakneck speed built Russia back up at such speed that the West didn’t see it coming. Putin now know what is going on. The West actually thought it could conquer the world with its Satanic sexually deviant values. The intention is to use Muslim fake terror to spread across the world, and actually use on their own nation state people to conquer them too. Those who run the West, and I am not talking about the political theatre. Those who run the West are tarns national Elites who have interest in THE NATION STATE. They care nothing about the US, UK or European people. The intention, and it still is, is to push Muslims into Europe and cause a civil war with Christians and so enact social change. It’s a long story but it is about ZIONISM. The plan is hundreds of years old and the script has been played out many times to get to the place we are at now. Basically ONE MAN has stopped this. THAT MAN IS VLADIMRE PUTIN. He is an incredible historian and he knows exactly what is going on. The West wanted him to invade Ukraine, but unlike Hitler who fell for invading Poland, Putin played an absolute blinder, and “Invaded but didn’t invade” He knows the West want him to go to war with Turkey, so both become weakened. Putin will not fall for it. Note Putin refused to go to Turkey for these talks. Why? Assassination was a real possibility, that’s why. “ARCHDUKE FERDINAND scenario” Russia and Iran cannot betray Syria, because both countries knew, this mad Neocon plan had to be stopped in Syria because both know their countries would be next. The US, UK, EU, Turkey, and the Gulf States were all orchestrated by Israel into this regime change business. But it has been stopped in Syria, the others have ran off and left Turkey holding the baby. It has been a total loss for all of them. The EU got refugee blowback and spent billions, the UK also got refugee blowback but a lesser extent, but they too spent a couple of billion. Turkey has been left to cope with 3.5 million refugees and a worse Kurdish problem. But Israel most of all has come out of this the worst. Hezbollah has come out of this ten times stronger and not destroyed as Israel planned. Syria now has over 200,000 battle hardened Shia spiritually motivated fighters on its side and Iran is building missile bases in Syria. This is why the only thing Israel can do is try and use the US to keep the war going as long as possible. Because when this war eventually settles, the Shia are going to want to settle scores as it know it is Israel that has caused all this trouble. So think before you take a poke at Putin. Putin is in Syria not for the Syrians but because he know Russia is on the regime change list, same with Iran and to a lesser extent Chian, which has special forces in Syria to kill the Ughers which it does not want to see back. THE WEST HAS BEEN STOPPED AND THE PARTY NOW MOVES TO TURKEY AND EUROPE WILL SEE MASSIVE BLOWBACK. AS FOR ERDOGAN, HE HAS BEEN AN INCREDIBLE NAIVE FOOL FOR EVER GETTING INVOLVED AND HE FEELS BETRAYED BY HIS ONE TIME FAIR WEATHER FRIENDS WHO HAVE RAN OFF. TURKEY WILL GIVE EUROPE A REFUGEE CRISIS. BUT IN ALL THIS REMEMBER THIS. ZIONISTS ARE THE AGENTS OF CHAOS AND MORE THAN ANY OTHER, THE ZIONISTS HATE WHITE EUROPEAN CHRISTIANS AND EUROPE IS ABOUT TO FIND THAT OUT. BECAUSE ISRAEL IS NO ONE’S FRIEND BUT ITS OWN. THE ONLY WAY ISRAEL CAN KEEP THE SHIA OF THEIR BACKS IS NOW BY DESTABLISING TURKEY TO FURTHER MAKE SHIA FIGHT SUNNI. BUT EVEN THE SUNNI ARE WAKING UP TO THIS.


I am in agreement with 90% of what you wrote…We have open minded people like you in the west…thank God. The second things is for you to try and tell your people that muslims are not your enemy.

bouncer dogsly


George King

Aye it is the common enemy, “NO CHOICE BUT TO FIGHT” with the emphasis being on who to fight or eliminate from power and influence.

This is true that it is a transnational criminal cabal and that is the common enemy, not a particular nation. Addressing your original comment (the second one in CAPS) is usually ignored as shouting, but I did take the time to read it because of the first comment.

“This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector.” — Plato “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” –Marcus Tullius Cicero 42B.C.


“ DESTABLISING TURKEY TO FURTHER MAKE SHIA FIGHT SUNNI” This doesn’t make sens to me, could you explain it little bit? In simple short explanation if possible.

I couldn’t read the rest sorry, too long to read.

bouncer dogsly

To Israel, it thinks the failure in Syria does not matter that much. Israel thinks it will simply move on to keep the inter-muslim conflict going by moving on Turkey with its dark games. The ultimate target is the destbalisation of Christian Europe and Israel intend to use the Muslims as a battering ram against Europe. many Israeli Orthordox Rabbis actually make the most rapid speeches against Christian Europe and one influential Rabbi makes it plane. “We will pay Europe back for the years they have persecuted us. We are going to push millions of Muslims into Europe and they will kill you” This type rhetoric is quite usual in Israel but of course you will not see it on Western media because the Zionist run most Western media. If you want to what is going on the one of the most amazing ten part documentaries is “Europa. Europe’s Final Battle” You will not see this documentary on Western media and it continually gets taken down off youtube. Once you start watching this 12 hour documentary every question will be answered. I have just tried to get you the link off Bitchute but even bitchute have taken it down. This is the general link. https://www.google.co.uk/search?sxsrf=ALeKk00nEandiWU3EiXakOQMv3vDKVlbAQ%3A1583490475617&source=hp&ei=qyViXuukI8zQaKfuu5AK&q=Europa+the+final+battle&oq=Europa+the+final+battle&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l2j0i22i30l8.1982.12483..14060…3.0..0.78.1508.24……0….1..gws-wiz…..10..35i362i39j0i131j35i39j0i10.WK-rpPY16Cc&ved=0ahUKEwirprXa0YXoAhVMKBoKHSf3DqIQ4dUDCAg&uact=5 UNDERSTAND THIS THESE WARS HAVE STAMPEDED MUSLIMS INTO WESTERN EUROPE – THAT IS PART OF THE ZIONIST PLAN. THE MSULIM TERROR YOU SEE I EUROPE IS FALSE FLAG TERROR. YES ITS STUPID “MUSLIMS” DOING THE TERROR. BUT IN MANY INSTANCES IT IS MOSSAD AND OTHER WESTERN AGENCIES CONTROLLING THEM. FOR EUROPE THE TERROR TO COME HAS JUST STARTED. THIS BATTLE HAS ONLY JUST STARTED. THE REAL FAR RIGHT KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING ON BUT THERE ARE FAKE FAR RIGHT LIKE TOMMY ROBINSON WHO ZIONIST FUNDED AND ALSO FAKE MUSLIMS LIKE ANJEM CHOWDARY BOTH IN THE UK AND BOTH KNOW TO BE ZIONIST FUNDED. THEY ARE STIRRING MUSLIM V CHRISTIAN IN EUROPE, AND THERE IS NOT A DAMN THING THAT CAN BE DONE TO STOP IT. BUT WATCH ALL 12 PARTS OF THIS DOCUMENTARY AND YOU WILL BE MUCH MORE AWAKE.


It is not that only Jews make plans and execute them.

I find your theory too stretched up, to be true. You give far too much credit and capabilities to the Israel. If all that true they would be a winners by now.

I doubt that they are as capable as you try to present them

And your stitched up explanation doesn’t make much sense in general and doesn’t hold from all angels. Danger for Europe was always in betrayal of their own elites.

In short:

Basically if one is not capable to say it in few words, every complicated theory is false for one or another reason. I wish you good day.

bouncer dogsly

We shall see. Time will tell.

jhon malakiat

what he said about israel jews is including all politicias in USA and Europe that fully support jews israel’s agenda.


That is lower level I think. But on the top above them are super rich

Super rich “Jews” or others doesn’t support Judaism or Israel or any other religion and doesn’t consider themselves belonging to any religion (apart from maybe Talmudic Cabal and Satanism).

Super rich of different ethnic origins and religions are belong to exactly the same elite tribe above religions, nations all others in general. They are the kings of the kings. And apart from occasional obscenity and evil they only support their insatiable hunger to power only not Israel or anything else. Armagedon that is heading towards EU-rope (and globally) is of super rich elites making. So that they can become even more rich and powerful.

Blaming only one religion for all evils of this world is meant for distracting the enemy (us) and turning them to fight one another to be more easily controlled and hurdled in desired direction. Bottom line, we are all meant to become slaves and them absolute Masters.That is my two cents.

bouncer dogsly

Israel is not a nation, it is a gangster state, and the ordinary Jews that live there are as brainwashed as the rest of the SLEEPING world. None of the elite supporters of Israel live there. Israel is to be no more than the HQ of a world crime syndicate. They chose Palestine because of the symbolic nature of Jerusalem to be the News world order capital and the relationship and history the country and Jerusalem has to all 3 judaic based religions. Israel will fail even Henry Kissinger states that, “Israel will not exist in 10 years” https://www.inquisitr.com/349213/henry-kissinger-predicts-in-10-years-there-will-be-no-more-israel/ The greatest victims of Zionism are the Jewish people.

Astrid Watanabe

Not every theory or story can be told in ‘a few words’ like a scientific formula. It might even take whole book from which a reader can intuit a truth. But then, that is an art. Considering that, bouncer dogsly did very well. And you miss out not reading a short paragraph, making premature assumptions about it, skimming the surface.

Saint Russ

Sublime, that’s it. A very good and defined synthesis.

Dimitris Parganas

Always happy to see more people seeking for the bigger pictures in conflicts. Greetings from Greece.

bouncer dogsly

Hello my friend. Those of us wide awake know this chaos will move into Europe. because it was planned long ago. The EU now is finished, all the trends are against it. It will go down down in smoke just like its ugly sister the USSR and all cheer led by the Zionists.


You wrote a brilliant analysis which i could not stop reading till i finished. Just please leave my country, the Soviet Union, alone. You know nothing there. Stop talking about things you know nothing about. Stick to what you know and be a star.

Astrid Watanabe

“…my country the Soviet Union….” You sorted that out very nicely. Over my lifetime I learned 2 sides about the Soviet Union, strangely, both true. Come to think of, many things are like that.


Whatever the “other side” is, you said “…it’s ugly sister the USSR”. You represented only one side, at best. There was not a thing in common between the Soviet Union and the still-born, CIA man-made EU.


Absolutely excellent narrative of events, strategy and end goals. Well said.

Astrid Watanabe

Lots of details I did not know. Thank you very much.


Can SAA advance until reaching the buffer zone at the south of M4? that’s my question valid answers: yes/no


The agreement was signed by all parties and must be kept. My short answer is NOT.

BUTTTT SAA can send a couple of rockets into the buffer zone and blame the militants. In this case my long answer will be YES. lol

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Sorry but it’s yes and no, if the SAA attack terrorist that are occupying the territory they can possibly advance and take over the area, but they can’t do it to any territory the moderate opposition control.


For Assad, the primary aim of the ILIB war was to free M4 and M5.

M4 has been taken without a fight.

A quote from Sun Tzu:

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting”.


sun tzu was a cock

learn from dzenghis khan

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Turks have the M4 and the SAA has the M5, they’re the ones who didn’t have to fight for it, or at least fight for the highway junction near Saraqib, they already controlled all the rest of it.


M4 is highway and not a single bedroom. Syrians want its usability. Russians and Turkish patrol will a flow from AleppoM4 to join the M5. That’s all Assad wants.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The highway is under Turkish control not SAA control, and the Turks and Russians are patrolling it to stop military infractions, not facilitate smooth traffic flow, you’re a moron.


Sorry to disappoint you. M4 is safe


Willing Conscience (The Truths

They’re actually on the M5 which goes right through Saraqib, not the M4 which bypasses Saraqib at a junction and then goes to Idlib city, you simpleton, no SAA soldiers can use the M4, or any pro Assad civilians either. They don’t look like Arabs, more like Turkmen or Syriacs, not that that’s important.


You don’t read, do you? Of course , why should they start using the M4 now if the joint patrol only starts around 15th of March?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The SAA won’t use the M4 at all, and the Russians are patrolling it to keep the Turks and rebels safe, not the SAA.


You got it wrong.


Willing Conscience (The Truths

Almasdar are usually a good source of info but in this case they’ve got it wrong. They’re telling us the highway that travels from Saraqib to Idlib city [the biggest remaining rebel stronghold], and then on through Jisr ash Shugur [the Uighur terrorist stronghold 6,000 fighters], and then on to Latakia where all the Chechen terrorists operate, is going to be made safe for travel, LOL, and the Russians and Turkish patrols are going to keep people safe, NOT in a pigs eye they can’t. There’s 98 km of highway that runs through rebel held territory, how many Russian and Turkish patrols will be needed to patrol it effectively, are there enough Russians? This story from Al Masdar is just a propaganda story you failed to read or understand properly, you’ve superimposed your desired reality on the words of the story and only interpreted them the way you wanted to, but I’ll give you my interpretation of the same story using the known facts to understand it, this is their claim you linked,

“From the moment the announcement of the liberation of the M-4 road that links between Latakia and Aleppo with a length of 98 km between Latakia and Saraqib, we immediately gave instructions to the Road Transport Corporation to start removing the dirt bands from this road and prepare to open it and rehabilitate it as quickly as possible.” The Syrian Minister added: “Today we started from Latakia towards Kafriya with a length of 28 km (total length of 98 km), and the work will continue behind our heroic army and receive it for this road, so that it will be directly opened and launch a large economic movement between the port of Latakia and Aleppo Industrial City.”

So the Government told the Syrian Road Transport Corporation to remove 28 km of dirt berms from the Highway between Latakia and Kafriya. But he rebels haven’t allowed the Government run Road Transport Corporation to operate in their territory since they’ve occupied it, they have their own people to for that, and just like the White Helmets look after search and rescue operations for the rebels, the rebel equivalent of the Road Transport Corporation do the same in rebel held territory, but now the Government run Road Transport Corporation can go into rebel held territory and go about business as usual, mmmm. I hope the anti Assad civilians don’t mind, or the moderate opposition, but I wonder what all those Uighurs and Chechens that live around Jisr ash Shugur will think when they see government controlled Road Transport Corporation people removing dirt berms. Dirt berms are just mounds of dirt placed over roads to make them inaccessible. Kariya is located north east of Idlib city near the M 45 highway that runs north from Idlib city into Turkey, and it’s nowhere near the M4 or M5 highways, it’s a vital supply road for Turkey and the rebels, and the last thing the rebels would want to do is build dirt berms across that vital road, so I don’t think the Road Transport Corporation will be removing berms from this location at all, and that’s because there weren’t any there in the first place. But on our side of the highway we had heaps of berms built, and they were built to stop the rebels advancing down the highway straight to the Russian naval port just 45 km away from their positions, the Russians didn’t want them rolling down a well maintained highway to the naval port if they ever tried, so had the berms built to slow them down, they’re the only berms the Road Transport Corporation will be removing, a 28 km stretch of the highway that starts at the rebels border and comes back towards the naval port, so if the rebels have any berms built on their side of the highway, the rebel equivalent of the Road Transport Corporation will be removing them, not government Road Transport Corporation. Don’t you think the rebel would be afraid that Assad was sending in spies to ascertain rebel positions and numbers as well as other vital intel, that’s something the rebels and the Turks would never allow, the Road Transport Corporation would be as welcome as a case of the coronavirus. And as to, “launch a large economic movement between the port of Latakia and Aleppo Industrial City” I suspect the only traffic using the M4 highway will be the rebels, Turks and Russians, and the Russians will be the only ones using the full stretch of the M4, and most of the stuff they’ll be moving will be Russian men and equipment, I can’t imagine civilians or traders wanting to use a highway that travelled through the terrorist stronghold of Jisr ash Shugur, they couldn’t even use the highway between Iraq and Syria that was fully under government control, Isis fighters made it too dangerous, but somehow it’s going to be safe even though the rebels control most of the M4 that only the Russians and Turks will be patrolling. Can you imagine a Turkish patrol that came across a bunch of Uighurs who’d just masaccered a bus load of civilians, would they be locking them up and taking them to court, mmm, you know they’ve just been fighting alongside the Uighurs and Chechens and other terrorists, happily killing SAA soldiers and Syrian civilians in the process, but now they’re going to become policemen and make the highway safe for everyone to use. Please explain what ‘Kafriya’ has to do with the reopening of the M4 highway, that’s on Turkey’s most vital road link into Idlib, so why is it even mentioned at all in this story. But if you look at where this town called Kafriyah is, it’s about 15 km away from the rebel held part of the M4 on our side of the frontlines, this is the only place the government run Road Transport Corporation will be dismantling any berms across the highway. Kafriyah or Kafriya, very similar aren’t they, but ones of them’s in rebel held territory and the others in government held territory, perhaps if I’m being generous I’d say the author of the story got confused and that’s why it seems so misleading to anyone who has any idea what’s really going on, but I’m not in a generous mood at all, it’s just pure and simple mindless propaganda, one simple little thing like misspelling a towns name can so very easily confuse the story. We aren’t dismantling barricades on their side of the highway, we’re doing it on our own side, and we’re not allowed into their territory, only the Russians are, SAA soldiers don’t take bus trips from Aleppo to Idlib, that photo you linked was actually just a photo of a SAA soldier traveling from Aleppo to Saraqib on the M5 highway.


Just chill until the traffic begins to flow.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Here’s a story from SANA,

“Lattakia, SANA- Lattakia governorate on Tuesday started to remove barricades at the entrance of Lattakia- Aleppo International Highway, paving the way for putting it into service again. Lattakia Governor, Ibrahim al-Salem, said in a press statement that the acts of rehabilitation reached to nearly 40 km from Lattakia entrance, adding that nearly 7km remained inside the administrative borders of the province. Director of Technical Services, Wael al-Jerdi, pointed out that reopening the highway represents the army ‘s victories in Idleb, affirming that this road is the most important axis which links Lattakia with Idleb.”

https://sana.sy/en/?p=187900 …….

Do you know what they’re saying with this part of the comment,

“”Lattakia, SANA- Lattakia governorate on Tuesday started to remove barricades at the entrance of Lattakia- Aleppo International Highway, paving the way for putting it into service again”

They’re not being specific are they when they say “paving the way for putting it into service again”, do they mean for us or for the rebels, and if they do mean for us does it actually mean we get the use of the whole highway or just the 70 km of it on our side of the frontlines. They don’t say specifically do they. And here’s the truth about who’s removing the dirt berms from where,

“adding that nearly 7km remained inside the administrative borders of the province.”

The administered part of the province is administered by the opposition, that’s what they mean, the rebels are supposed to dismantle 7 km of berms on their side and we dismantle 40 km of berms in our side. That’s the official Syrian government news website saying it. And when they say this at the end,

“Director of Technical Services, Wael al-Jerdi, pointed out that reopening the highway represents the army‘s victories in Idleb, affirming that this road is the most important axis which links Lattakia with Idleb.”

What does that comment really mean, they say the the SAA won a victory in Idlib, ok that’s true, and they also say the M4 is one of the most vital highways in Syria, ok that’s also true, but they don’t say much else do they, they say nothing about our side being able to use the M4 in rebel held territory, that’s just left unqualified or explained, and they do it for the simple reason that many people will misunderstand what they’re being told and do what you’ve done, created your own version of reality to fit the pieces of the puzzle you subconsciencly noticed missing, but they were the wrong pieces of the puzzle, the KNOWN facts made them the wrong pieces as I tried to point out, and you still don’t believe me.

But OK I’ll chill out and wait and see, no use arguing about it when we’ll all find out the truth in 4 days time anyway.


Wrong analysis.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Are you a bit of a retard are you, you gave me a dislike for pointing out you were totally wrong, Assad hasn’t secured the M4 at all, the Turks did, and you quote Sun Tzu, lol, if you can’t understand a simple news story how the hell can you understand anything as complex as the Art of War, you’re a simpleton.


Bouncer d, well, half of this coment is Ok and the rest bullshit, period, the truth is, the west is stil in charge, ISISrael/Jews have them all by their balls, Iraqis, well, they had an moment and that one have evaporated into thin air, Hezb and others are local, and we have left is fragmented/balkanaised, and we are stil there, nothing have changed, despite the rethoric, and now comes this, with the Turds, uh… this deal was an victory for erDOGan, and the agreement is more like an Swiss chees than anything else, and I bet this ceasefire will be broken within this day, because why on earth would the Happy head chopping, of course, moderats even bother to read anything, onther than wipe their asses with whatever doc. they get, they mean jack shit, and the same scums are an part and is by now fully integrated into the Turds army, whom can tell the difference, and in that, lies the problem, they can just ignore it, and if SAA shoots back, Truds can say that it was hitt, and Russia will wash their hands and look the other way, etc as before, and then the entire deal is flushed down the drain, the only looser in this is Syria.

WW2 giberish, I leave that not because I can write about it, but I guess since you are “russian” you will not tolerate nor like what I have to say, incl Leningrad and Stalingrad, etc, etc, and whatever “history” claimed happened, its not sutable to drag that in now, because the reality have changed, and we talk about 2020, now, chapice why dont we talk about Attila the Hun or even further back to Alxesander, yeah, the black plauge, or when something wiped out the Dinosaurs, to day as we speak, starvation/poverty alone kills more humans/children every year that all wars combined did/do, every f…. year, and yet nobody cares, but screams on top of their lungs, or whats left of it, about an flu. Nobody cares, not even the AGW scums, to the total fake left and the rightwinged, aka the Friends of ISISrael, I have never in my lifetime read so much utter bullshit that I do to day, jesus its packed, the MSM is going into hyper drive, from Corona(scam) to the AGW(scam) and the raw hate propaganda against China, Russia, Iran and NK, by some uh…. “obscure” reason.

The only language an Turd undestands is power, nothing else than power, raw power, unly when the Turd undestand that you can deal much damage, and fight back, will they be somewhat a tiny bit reliable, otherwise, forget it, to much drug, oil and guns into this war, by the erDOGans and the Turd elite and they will not let that cash cow slip that easily, like think Afganistan will be free, nice pipe dream, but thats it. And in Syria/Ibdil, Russia failed. This deal is nonsense, and thats it, worth nothing. God, how naive some people are, an Turd is an Turd, its in their nature to be scums, since the days on the central caucasian plains, and the only good thing to do, since the Khazars (azkheNazis, aka the fake “jews”) and the Turds/Kurds are the same, should be hunted down and hanged, every one of them until there is nobody left, and then we will have peace, the scums never change, once an scumbag, always an scumbag.


Astrid Watanabe

Peace to you too. I am not sure of anything, but I always enjoy your rants, with it’s unique creative spelling and choice vocabulary. Obviously, you speak from the heart, which I believe is always in the right place, because it tells the truth about you, a human.

Bobby Twoshoes

10 days should be enough to consolidate the recent gains. This is a best possible outcome from my perspective, the immediate payoff is that this is Turkey officially ceding claim to the recent gains of the SAA. When the term expires and the conditions are inevitably not met the SAA has the same clear and legal mandate to take the M4 as they did the M5 just without the year of indulging Erdogan’s megalomania. I think M4 and Jisr al Shugur in government hands in a few months is a foregone conclusion.

After that if Erdogan is even still around he better think long and hard about his next move, I don’t think he’ll play the high stakes game this time with Hatay in the pot. Russia called his bluff and the safe money is getting back to murdering Kurds again knowing their “allies” are flaky.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

4 months is pretty optimistic, 4 years might be a more appropriate number.

Joe Doe

Turkey and militans will not comply with this agreement. Turkey and militans will use the time for resupply and rearm and fortify their front line. when they ready militans will attack SAA first, than Turkey army will follow. I hope Russia resupply Syria with modern weapons, specially the MIG-29 and SU-30, S-400 and attack helicopters. SYria needs modern Air Defence System. One unit of the S-300 is not enough


Very nice to see that southern chipped off green in Idlib just waiting to be liberated. :D :D


In itself this buffer zone would normally “weaken” terrorist presence and threat. But knowing Erdogan, he will just probably dress them with Turkish uniforms…


“Operation Spring Failure” – ROFL!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, no 6 km buffer near Saraqib, 6 meters maybe, LOL. All the dark areas can be legally attacked because all those areas are occupied by the designated terrorists, but with the buffer area in effect it means most of the terrorists are now out of SAA reach, but not the ones in north Hama and southern Idlib, they are within reach. So unless that thick orange line on the map is some sort of a de escalation zone we can’t attack or cross, we won’t be able to go after them, but since the SAA are still happily belting the hell out of that isolated group with artillery, I can only assume they are fair game and still legal targets, which hopefully means so is the territory they’re occupying.

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