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Map Update: Military Situation In Eastern Ghotua As Militants’ Resistance Declines

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This map provides a general look at the military situation in the Damascus subrub of Eastern Ghouta. Over the last few days, Syrian government forces have reached a withdrawal agreement with Ahrar al-Sham in Harasta (it’s underway), a withdrawal agreement with Faylaq al-Rahman and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham in Zamalka, Irbin, Ayn Tarma, Hazzah and Jobar (it’s expected to be implemented on March 24) and forced Jaish al-Islam to release 3,500 prisoners in Douma.

The Syrian Arab Army and its allies are clearly dominating in the battle for Eastern Ghouta. According to local sources and pro-government experts, a full control over the region could be gained by government forces in the near future.

Map Update: Military Situation In Eastern Ghotua As Militants' Resistance Declines

Click to see the full-size map

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It’s a pity that they have to let the bastards live is all I have to say but I realize the dilemma .The alternative means more civilian killed.


Nicki must be so depressed now at the UN


Her boss was fired over Twitter after she threatened to bomb Russians participating in the ghouta offensive. She’s been quiet ever since.

HighLord Gaz

Thats what happens with rabid attack dogs…. their master pulls their chain and confines them to the kennel.


Google giving every one 98 dollars per-hour to do easy tasks from home .. Labor for few hours & enjoy more time together with your own relatives .. Any person can do this limited offer!!!last Tuesday I bought a brand new Mitsubishi Evo after I been making $14252 last six weeks .it’s actually nicest-job but you could now not forgive yourself if you do not test it.!he291a:↠↠↠ http://GoogleToolsOnlineJobsAtHome/get/pay/98$/h… ♥♥d♥♥q♥♥h♥♥♥y♥♥♥n♥♥v♥♥♥u♥♥♥c♥c♥♥g♥♥s♥m♥♥t♥♥q♥♥♥h♥♥p♥m♥♥z♥♥n♥♥♥q♥♥♥w♥♥♥f♥♥q♥♥♥d♥♥♥k:!ww741v:hzy


Right- cos you didn’t notice John Bolton being appointed ‘minister for war’ in Trump’s cabinet? Lord, most people on our side are so thick- the mentality of football hooligans cheering their team regardless.

Putin’s generals only held off British, American and French strikes on Syria by promising WW3. What a great situation THAT is.

While the Deep State salivates at the prospect of humiliating Putin in Syria, that is but an irrelevant sideshow. Syria is ruined, set back decades, so the jews are fully content. The real deal is the almost here Iran War. And no Russian general will defend Iran with threats about WW3.

John Bolton, the embassy move to jerusalem, and Trump leaving the Iran nuclear treaty in May. Not things Kremlin mouthpiece Southfront is going to highlight. Putin hasn’t the first clue what to do next, so his outlets will guide the simple-minded away from all the real issues.

Putin, by his pathetic APPEASING, has groomed the Deep State to be vastly more malicious than it dared think it could be at this stage. The Deep State needs Russia for but one thing. To be the other party to a nuclear war. And Putin’s certainly good for that one thing.


‘…most people on our side are so thick…’

Err, hang on, you are a repeat anti-Putin troll on a Russian based Geo-strategic and foreign affairs website. You only represent your own ‘side’ – the aggressively anti-Putinista’s of this world. And you even managed to throw in a sly insult (‘thick’) toward those opposed to ongoing US interventionist aggression. Troll it on.

Cedric Hunter


Jostein B

She is a clovn who believes everything they tell her and go furter with it to the UN.


As long as she gets her AIPAC funded Annual Bonus she will perk up soon enough – she is a mouth for hire.

Murtadha Mustafa

what are named Opposition in REAL they are PAID Terrorist and no one must be alive. SAA must kill them all. Syria cannot accept betrayers KHAWANEH in ARABIC.? Who has pritipated in Killing SAA & Poor Cilivians must not be safe passage. KILL THEM ALL they are the TERRORIST of WAHABI SAUDIA DAESH ISIS REGIME ?

Moussa Saab

In Arabic we call the opposition SHARMOOTAS, which is whores since they fight for whoever pays most


I hate the opposition, but I like whores.


Without paying.

Микайл Кносалов



Have patience Murtadha, they will die soon enough and in location where it will be easier to dispose of them as well as saving the lives and homes of hundreds of thousands of civilians in Ghouta.

In addition to that these criminal gangs will do what all gangs do. They will fight and kill each other in Idlib in ‘turf’ wars. :)

That is a big bonus.


Exactly. They should be killed, but in the right place that minimizes further deaths of civilians and SAA troops.

But They will never be defeated until their pay masters are dealt with. The only reason the world has been successful going to war in Syria is because Syria could not fight back.

Saudis, Turks, Americans, French, Israelis, Tunisians, al Qaida, Isis, British, qataris, Emiratis, Jordanians, Danes, Canadians, Dutch , Belgians, and a half dozen other NATO entities all committed acts of war on Syria and destroyed the country.

Syria could not fight back against this collective international gang rape of a defenseless third world nation . The whole globe seemingly went Attila on the tiny non threatening nation of Syria. They will have to explain to their children how they got sucked into this wanton barbarism .

Hopefully, we are reaching a stage where these state sponsors of terrorism realize they have a total loss on their investment, with no hope of installing a puppet in Damascus. maybe they’ll stop payment. Then these terrorists will be destroyed once and for all.

HighLord Gaz

We can’t destroy them all. We need some kept alive as zoo exhibits.

Микайл Кносалов

agreed, cannot al low them to leave alive


excellentes news!! will be great victory!!


Guys, it’s all finnished in Harasta, it’s fully under Syrian Army control:



Would be great if South Damascus is next and every single terrorist there gets slaughtered


No, that’s what they did for the Washington barbarians, we’re better than them.


Today, “ISIS attack” in France. I didn’t know that there were friendly soccer matchs taoday.

I can tell that the dots are fucking connected.

Did you have notice that ISIS attacks Europe always just before friendly soccer games ?


ISIS terrorists were working for France, UK and Washington but they have not helped ISIS just they used them to slaughter the civilians in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. ISIS have no religion similar to migrants Israel. Just they used Islam for taking lands similar to Israel that using Jewish religion.


I think that ISIS is a USA, UK and israel creation meant to invade and occupy others countries. ISIS is just like Al Qaeda. Al Baghdadi is Ben Laden, puppets that the west uses as scapegoat to make their dirty jobs without being seen as bad.

France is like Germany. They are only useful idiots as well.

If you look at. ISIS is created like a brand. The west created the brand and they needed to sell it to the sheeple. The terrorists attacks are the advertisings. These attacks always appeared just before soccer games so that the west can make tribute to the victims and sell their products just like advertisings that you see before soccer games !!! It can’t be an hazard. If someone verify, I’m sure with 95% chance that ISIS attacks Europe just before soccer games.

Also, the so-called Amaq agency is the spokesperson of ISIS just like every brand as one.

There are too much evidences. By now, I’m just more and more confident about my theory. Everything happenning strenghten the theory.


Yes, this is true.


Yes and no you guys are technically correct but your just reaching to hard!!! Per say..ISIS IS a creation but not in they same way Al Qaida was . Isis like most the radical extremist terror groups in Syria ISIS was indirectly created. Remember they’re .A branch of AL Qaida in Iraq that splintered who rapidly grew really fast and powerful .American didnt forsee this . America supplies massive weapons to so called “modern groups” like FSA knowing full well the weapons Will definitely end up in islamist hands because to them regime change and foreign policy trumps the immorality of funding terror groups. So even tho its indirect support its also still direct support because they know the weapons are going and use terrorists as pawns. We also insist and send weapons more directly thru SAUDIS and U.A.E. to save face. When ISIS invaded IRAQ that was not part American plan .That was blowback .Contrary to some beliefs we dont send weaopons directly too ISIS WE GO Thru 2nd and 3rd parties


Look the match France-Columbia. They made a tribute to the “dead” people in the “terrorist ISIS” attack just before the game as expected !!!

If someone can verify, I ‘m pretty sure that so-called ISIS terrorist attack in Europe always comes just before Europe friendly soccer so that they can made “tribute” and reach more people !!!

The dots are fucking connected.


I don’t see any dots, I see a retard pounding away at the keyboard spouting off nonsense.


As I told since the beginning, the so-called “terrorists ISIS” attacks in Europe are advertising for the west product called ISIS that the west want to sell you !!!


Did Germany make a tribute to the “dead of ISIS attack” before the game ?


The one who explains everything is the winner.

Samuel Boas

Point of your comment is?


If you explains what happens, you are the most likely to be right. So, you win the prize of life, the greatest prize ever.


Not actual anymore:



And, I think that there is a high chance that Putin is a zionists. The russian site RT always fall into the so-called ISIS terrorist attacks only repeating the west narrative and making advertising for the brand ISIS just like the west.

It smells very bad.

Personnaly, I don’t trust Putin and will not rely on him.


WTF you talking about ?!!!

RT, and Sputnik for that matter, are the only 2 non western narrative / propaganda sites and TV/RADIO on the frkg web !

Your troll name says it all I guess !

Promitheas Apollonious

dont give him attention, he is missing his dosage and by now, he is hallucinating.


The one who explains everything is the winner in the great game of life !!!!


Who told you that zionists are only westeners ????


I dont give a sh&* about the zionists, you wrote :

”The russian site RT always fall into the so-called ISIS terrorist attacks only repeating the west narrative and making advertising for the brand ISIS just like the west.”

You must have never watched RT …!

Where do you get your wages pal ? Let me guess the US Pentagon ?


It’s the opposite. RT is always the first to make “breaking news” when a false flag ISIS attacks happen in Europe. After that, they repeat like parrots what the west leaders say word by word whithout any form of investigation whatsoever or even interrogation. So, RT is only CNN for Russians. What a deception for most people !!!

I find it hilarious. I told you that you will not stop being deceived by Trump and Putin.




I never liked Familiy Guy.


Family guy never liked you either pal! Its for people that DO have a brain … You go back to watching the Cardashians or Survivor or whatever you zombies watch !


I don’t watch TV.


hahahaha yeah right … So you admit all that about RT and CNN was baloney you made up cause you had nothing else to do and you thought ‘hey lets troll around see what happens” ….


Rt has a website.


Fine, give us an example then of RT’s site where they ‘copy western propaganda’ .


They copy everything related on ISIS, 9/11, Al qaeda, holohoax, ….


Could you be any more vague about it please …! Is it baloney …is it pastrami…is it turkey sandwich… nobody knows for sure…


It’s accurate.


Just ignore him, Serious is just a retard/ or a possible troll who just says provocative things to rile people up.

Plus, based on his spelling/grammar and poor writing form, “Serious” is probably no more than a teenager. Literally, don’t even bother taking him “seriously”.

Samuel Boas

Got proof for that?


Well, a lot of evidences show that Putin seems to be a zionist. I’m not 100% sure about him but there is a tendancy that he is one of them.

Personnaly, I will not trust him. I don’t trust RT either. RT seems to be a CNN for Russia.


1. You sound foolish ignorant and full of yourself if not shit bruh!!! 2. Illuminati is not even what they call themselves and you watch ro many youtube videos lol. 3 putin is not what you call “illuminati” he is against the NWO and western powers .He is there obstacle rite now and causing problems for USA NATO and the elitists and you bashing him shows all of us who know whats going on that yur are really a troll like bro said. 4 RT I one of the few counter weights to western controlled MSM and false narrative being fed to the masses . Rt is alternative news source that tells truth smh. Pro russian propaganda yes but it tells truth . and what the fuk fake ISIS attack did Putin stage??? Plz stop the trolling and lies bro. N no theres Nothin about what your saying about soccer false flags and ISIS THAT is factual nor matters lol


Serious doesnt know what he is talking about. He never has, he never will. He’s only sitting spouting off random incoherent thoughts that enter his scrambled pathetic excuse of a brain.


Latest map update of East Ghouta after Harasta declared under Syrian Army control



Didn’t Putin make a false flag attack in Russia blaming ISIS ??? XD.

He thought that he will have support for the west but the west ignored this attack. XD.


You are just full of it ! Aren’t you !


First, people laught at me. Second, they try to fight me. Third, I win.


You d wish ! You are good at coping quotes from the web though, I ll give you that!


Where did I copy that ISIS targets Europe always just before soccer games ????

I do not copy. I think. If you don’t have a better theory, don’t understand why going after the one who have one.


I was talking about your last quote about ‘first the second and the last’ that you copied of the web…and you know it. What baloney theory about football games you on about now ? You trying to change the subject ? I m going after the trolls like you not after any theory … You must really think the people reading these lines must be naive or something…


There is a correlation between ISIS attacks in Europe and soccer football. Verify by yourselfs. I’m confident that ISIS attacks in Europe are made just before soccer game. Then they made tribute before soccer games so that it reaches more people just like advertising.

They created ISIS like a brand. Now, they are selling you the protect. And your lovely RT is part in the business.

You are owned. So, don’t go after me for telling the truth. You are angry because you trusted wrong people. So, go after you not after me.


More baloney sandwiches please …keep them coming …


You are making yourself ridiculous. You can’t say that someone is wrong only by telling “it’s false”.

Don’t fight the truth, you can’t win.


You keep repeating the same smear propaganda against Russia…and you accuse me of calling you out on it !!! What frkg truth you talking about ? You are either the biggest victim of the main stream media of the west or you are working undercover (not doing a great job obviously) for them !

Just stop it pal, everybody has got you figured out here… go watch a movie or something and then tell us if you liked it.


I’m sorry, I’m with the truth. If Russia does shit, I don’t buy and I don’t follow. It’s too important.

Those who are doing a shit job are the ones who are making the false flags. They are so badly designed.


You say ‘I m with the truth’ just like some others say ‘Alah Ouakbar’ … I wonder why …


The one who say “Allah ouakbar” doesn’t think and follow the terrorist Abraham. I follow nobody.


And yet you sound like you do follow …your agenda…


What agenda ?

OK. Suppose I’m working for someone. For who ? USA ? israel ? Russia ??


…Those who are trying to spead fake news… …Trying to mix it all up, half trues with full lies… …the Illuminati…


The illuminati say the same things as CNN and RT. If you find an illuminati saying that Al Baghdadi is a CIA agent, show me !!! XD.


RT has claimed on various videos , documentaries and programs that the twin towers was an inside job. CNN hasnt.

Thats just an example. I cant believe you are comparing RT with CNN … Its like comparing crystal clear spring water with Sewage !


Give him a break. Sucking skinless sausage gives him uncontrollable hallucinations.


There is no correlation or any evidence for that correlation. It’s just something you came up with in your head. I tried “verifying” this bullshit idea of yours and nothing has come up. Of course, that’s to be expected. Considering nothing you’ve ever contributed or theorized has ever been meticulously thought through.


You can’t see it because you are a piece of shit.


There are soccer games in europe almost every day. There’s no “connection” there idiot. You’re just making retarded bullshit up in your head.

Again, no wonder you’re a pathetic failure at life.


Of course, there are friendly soccer games every day !!! XD.

Piece of shit.



USuk-Euro nazis allegedly captured in E Ghouta.


Thank you for the link. If confirmed this is very good news and explains the hysteria of the British Government. NATO troops being involved with proof is a very great disaster for Britain and the US Coalition of Terror.

Rüdiger Preiss

Unfortunately this won’t make any difference, whether true or not. It will be dismissed and the sheeple will carry on believing what the MSM feeds them


I am not so sure.

This link was kindly posted by Attrition earlier.


If confirmed, it also confirms my belief that the Terror gangs would betray their NATO advisers in order to save themselves.

Good News Indeed if confirmed and it would explain the British Government Hysteria, as the many decent soldiers and officers in the British Army will be furious that NATO is supporting Wahabi Terrorism and the US Coalition of Terror.


I’m not convinced that there are any decent people there. Those career military people have bought into the BS


Is that RT or CNN ??? XD. I don’t buy shit sorry. American or russian shit, it’s still shit !!!



you dont buy shit because your can’t afford anything, shit or not. You are a useless piece of trash who has never and will never achieve anything in this life.


The swamp is deeper than you thought. Russia and USA differences is like the Dem and the Rep. Both are owned.




Why are you answering with videos ? You can’t express what you think ? Oh yes, you can’t think. XD


Dont you know that a picture sometimes is better than a 1000 words …? I though you knew your internet quotes !


A picture is better when you have an idea to express to begin with. Otherwise, it’s more like trolling.


If its an answer to a comment coming from a troll to begin with, its ok.


Calling someone a troll is relative.


Kitty is shocked that you compare Russia and US :D


haha Dont explain it to him… I m trying to make him use his head…just in case its a matter of brain cells gone wrong…


You know, Dems and reps also are shocked when you compare one with the other. XD.


Generally, when the west make a false flag, you will have 3-4 days of propagenda. Then, they will tell you everything about the “terrorist” who surely was one of their puppet and have died in Syria. Then some moment later, they will tell you about the arrest of accomplices.

RT will follow the exact same modus operandi.


Satisfy yourself. When I found this correlation between ISIS attack in Europe and soccer, I was so happy. XD.


You should apply to interpol I heard they are hiring …you could be the next Sherlock Holmes !


I do it for fun. Don’t work for the terrorists.


Your life is for you. You don’t have time to buy other people shit. The ones who sell you shit don’t give a fuck about you.


Are you on the booze ? On the waky baky ? Maybe go back to copy pasting web quotes … Or call it a night even better.


Advices. And, even, I’m OK if people don’t trust me. I really don’t care. I can’t be right on everything. So, it’s better not to believe me. About Putin, I’m not sure. I’m still digging. About other things, I’m pretty confident.


This actually was your least worse comment today …WD! Here is a couple of educational videos that might help you … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJcgdMl7ejk https://youtu.be/jK8fAUlqbow?t=3


I don’t like family guy.


Yeah ..somewhow i still remember you saying that last time…and then I said something like…what was it …Family guy dont like you either… That however doesnt mean you cant learn a thing or two from watching it… Trust me its way better than watching CNN !


I don’t like watching what I don’t like. I prefer the alien in American Dad. XD.


You dont like potato …you like patato…ok…each to their own…

Nedzad Ramovic



The US economy lives on war and fear of war. The country is an international bully. With or without Trump. Maybe Trump wanted to do his own thing and maybe they dont let him but the result is the same. Spread fear, spread false and smear propaganda, accuse Russia for everything bad that you do and on the way sell weapons and protection to countries like South Korea and Japan … Keep the American economy running…keep printing green toilet paper $ while robbing other countries out of their wealth … Thats the American dream and God bless Amerika…!


You believe me or not, it has absolutely no importance because the importance is not there. Karma or truth don’t care if you love them or not.

It’s like nobel gases. Nobel gases don’t react. You put Neon with oxygen, there is nothing.


Karma ? Are you from India or Tibet or something ? And what is nobel gases ? Is it what happens to your colon once you receive the info that you just won a Nobel prize ? ????


Karma is a wonder. I don’t think I’m talking about the same karma as Indians or whatever. I have my own opinion of what karma is. I call it karma.

Nobel gases are nobel atoms. They don’t react with others atoms.


Noble …is the word… anyway…

Goodnight to you and to all.

I m going to watch …family guy now…hehehe

Meanwhile you can keep ‘informing’ everyone about the ‘truth’…???

After all..”The Truth Is Still Out There”…



I’m a fanboy of X-files. I’m annoyed that some episodes are polluted by propagenda.

Two things which don’t work on most movies : propagenda and positive discrimination.


Thats Hollywood for you. Nobody is perfect … Keep watching x-files … you are on a good road … ! 12th cycle is likely Chris Carter said… GN


Hollywood is a propagenda tool. I filter the movies. Most of them are only propagenda. Some are masterpieces. Some are great but have little propagenda in them.

You can’t create a masterpiece with propaganda or positive discrimination because karma doesn’t allow it.

HighLord Gaz

SAA are wiping their arses with jihadi beards…. a little touch of luxury.

HighLord Gaz

Who was the total fuckwit in this forum who claimed the SAA would make no impact, and that the terror maggots would be able to hold East ghouta for 2 years?

Would the lowlife jihadi-terror groupie pls make himself known?


If I recall correctly, it was that piece of shit named “Mountains”. He’s the one always praising how “resilient” these headchopping jihadists are. He did the same during Aleppo.

He recently claimed that “several hundred SAA” were dying daily and that all SAA reinforcements from Hama were already dead, and that the jihadist headchopper in east ghouta would all fight to the death and persevere for months. Delusional masturbation of course, but what can you expect?

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