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MARCH 2025

Map Update: Military Situation In Eastern Ghouta Following Liberation Of Madiera

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On March 11, the Syrian Arab Army, the Tiger Forces, the Republican Guard and their allie sachieved another important success in the battle for Eastern Ghouta. Government forces liberated the key town of Madiera and spilt the militant-held area into separated parts. MORE DETAILS

Map Update: Military Situation In Eastern Ghouta Following Liberation Of Madiera

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Igor Dano

you zensor. why?

Joe Doe

SAA should go for Harasta first, because is smaller. When Harasta will be clear, this should free some SAA units and deploy to another front, could be Duma or other area

Ray Douglas

No, they should go for the softest. The terrorists in Duma may surrender first and save lives of the civilians and SAA soldiers who also have families waiting for them to return home safe.

Jone Liu

They should hit Harasta or Douma next Western Ghouta should be the last area targeted.

Joe Dokes

When will this be finished so government forces can go to Afrin?

Ray Douglas

Securing the southern border with Iraq, Jordan and Israel is more important now. Then the eastern oil fields and the large ISIS in the desert. Then rescue the government areas in Al Hasakah and other areas.

Joe Dokes

Iraq, Jordan and Israel are not grabbing Syrian lands. That is THE most important thing NOW.


I wouldn’t be so sure about Israel not grabbing Syrian lands. They already grabbed the Golan and are now seeking to create their own Jihadi filled bufferzone along the Golan. And will probably do anything to prevent this area from returning to the control of Damascus.


Assad-Iran-hizbollah leaving the Golan terrorists for last – They will use them as an excuse to retake the Golan. But first things first-to stabilise the rest of Syria.

Ray Douglas

Have a look at the map Joe. A lot of the military supplies and reinforcements are coming from there. If the border can be sealed and the yanks driven out that would be a tremendous help. I think Russia can deal with Turkey in time. We are on the same side just want Syria to be free and peaceful.

Joe Dokes

The only way for Assad to win over the Kurds is to show he can protect them from Turkey. If he defeats them in Afrin then yanks who have betrayed the Kurds will be going obsolete. It is the most expedient way to deal with the two biggest problems he faces. What Israel is doing is just a side show.


Syria can’t be saved because Syrians are against Syria.


The first defense of a country is his people. When you have sunnis that fight agianst their country, kurds as well, Assad weak, there is nothing you can do.


Syrians collaborating with USA,others collaborating with France, others with Turkey, others with israel, others with Saudi arabia, Russia collaborating with USA.

What do you want to do ???


USA is using Russia and China as a tool to continue their global monopoly. Russia and China always agree to put sanctions on countries when USA is asking for.

USA used Russia to weakened Europe. Then, countries that were under russian influence has gone under USA influence and USA is usng “russian threat” to maintain their domination on Europe. NATO is weak and Europe are chicken for USA and Russia.

The same way holds for the middle east. When sa,ctions have to be put in some countries in the middle east, Russia and China always vote for.

Just like NK sanctions. Russia and China let NK alone and so Kim was forced to negociate with USA.

Daniel Castro

Kim has a ICBM armed with a fusion bomb, that battle is over and USA lost it. It will be a cold day in hell before DPRK gives away their nukes, this negotiation is only to save Trumpo’s face.


BS. Why do Kim want to save Trump face ? XD.

Daniel Castro

No, Trumpo wants to save his face, it’s all a theater and in the end business as usual.


No. Why do Kim want to save Trump face ? It’s not logical.

Daniel Castro

To lift sanctions of course, but he won’t be giving up on nukes.

Of course it was Trumpo who offered this alternative under the table.

You seem to have a problem understanding logics…

And I still want to know your country.


It’s false. The deal is that sanctions will not be lifted until Kim gave his nukes. But, is KIM too stupid to give his nukes and think that sanctions will be lifted ??? XD.

Daniel Castro

So, it is all theater as they won’t give up on anything.

Tudor Miron

What a pile of BS :)

Ray Douglas

There is a UN non-proliferation treaty which forbade all countries to obtain nuclear weapons other that the current countries who already have them. China and Russia were bound by this agreement to support it. Russia is trapped by the Rothschild’s banking cabal but will soon, if not already, defeat this cabal. Why do you think that there are sanctions on Russia at the minute? Its to try and weaken it. Both Russia and China have prevented the US from attacking North Korea which is a new phenomenon considering the attack on Libya and the murder of Qaddafi. Have patience, the end is near for the USA.


Russia and China prevented USA to attack NK ??? XD. I laugh. The cost of this “help” was the starvation of North Koreans and the collapse of NK economy. Oh what a deal !!! XD.

UN was created after WW2. And you basically agree with me. USA, China and Russia have shared the world and forbid others countries to defend themselfs by forbiding them to build nuclear weapons and chemical weapons. So, others countries became weak and easy target for USA who can easily bully them and then invade them.

Ray Douglas

You are a lost cause. bye.


Nice arguments.


Also, Russia and China, as useful idiots for USA will be dealt with during the gran finale. USA is using Russia and China to made others countries weak and invade them one by one. China and Russia only watch the show pretending to help the weak countries. Russia and China want to join the west gang and be part of the global domination. But, the globalists will never shared with Russia. They will destroy Russia one day. They will be eager to give a little room for China as China is only about economy and Chinese are good cheap slaves for western corporations.

Valery Grigoryev

Just compare the current military map of Syria and the one of two years ago, and you will see how Russia “is just pretending to help the weak countries”. While there always be not more than few dozens of Russian aircrafts and few hundreds of Russian ground forces in Syria simultaneously.


USA are the idiots – they are finished in the Middle East. Iran is the new kingmaker.Putin is the great Chess master. Israel has maybe 5-7 years left.


Sorry, I have to get serious here.There many times and you just haven’t a fucking clue what you are talking about.


It’s the opposite. So many time I have been right about my predictions.

But, I when did you predict something that had happened ? Never. XD


This time, I’m going one step further. You are one serious Muppet. Cop-on to yourself for fuck sake. These threads are not about your predictions nor anybody else’s. They are about our hopes and fears for the triumph of what is better over what is worse. Most of us here hope for an SAA victory, over the proxies of the Yanks, the Izzies, the Turks, the Saudi’s and the rest. There are a number of trolls, shills and muppets who do what they do, most of us are wise to them. And that’s as good as it gets….


You change the game whenever you want. XD

First, you tell me “There are many occasions when you just haven’t a fucking clue what you are talking about.”. I answer that I made several predictions that were right after. So, I don’t think I’m totally wrong..

Now, you say “These threads are not about your predictions nor anybody else’s”.

It’s called contradictions.

Yes, you want SAA to win without taking into account why they are in this position and if SAA can resist and recover Syria.

SAA have suffered enormous damage. And it’s because of people like you that can anticipate shit or bet the wrong horse.


So… you are a Phrophet now?! Didnt we already have someone here who calls himself Prophet of “Put God of choice in here” already? You Predict, most of us do not. Are you Drinking or are you kinda a bit overenergetic, make some workout(gets your energy flowing in other regions too), do something, search for another hobby you like, but dont spill random Bullcrap and call yourself the Predicioner. You dont even Predict anything “really” you just talk about inter-politics nobody will even hear about if he didnt stand right to the people themself. Its just GOSSIP! Yeah and in the end you get a smily face too here: XD Feeling better?! Get your daily emotion on the interwebs?


What prophet ?? XD. Prophets don’t predict, prophets make propagenda. I did predict several facts that happened because I use facts not fairy tales.


Serious is a piece of shit and has a highly inflated sense of self worth. A typical teenager banging away at the keyboard thinking that he matters. Don’t worry about him.


Tell us what will happen. Russia and China will save the world from USA dictatorship ??? XD.

Ask, Libya. Why didn’t Russia or China use their vetoe ??? Ask, NK.

Global dictatorship is in progress.


I consider your comments as misleading.


While Russia and China supplies all NK needs and ignores sanctions


False. China and Russia respect the sanctions. This deal was awful and shows that Russia and China can’t be trusted. Basically they have chosen to starve NK instead of dealing with USA. And moreover, if China doesn’t respect the deal, USA have a legal excuse to attack China as well.


Have to say the map gets better looking by the day. Unfortunately, I realise it has been extremely tough so far and probably cost many good SAA soldiers and their allies, precious lives. Lives that can never be replaced to their loved ones, lives that were taken by Yankee megalomaniacs who did every dirty deed to get their corruption planted in Syria but in the end failed because those brave and undaunted men stood up and said “over my dead body”. Farewell; for your likes will not be seen again.


This a war !! it is not a picnic, how many life do you think costed to Russia the annihilation of the German fascism ? Of course, one must expect that many Syria soldier die, but they knew that the future of their country worth more than their life. The same for the people of Iran-Hezbolah-Russia.

Michelle Ricoy

What does a country mean? What is it worth? and why? no country is worth my life, and definitely no army fights for a good reason except in defence.

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Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Good then you are easy to control seems you have been trained to be a slave already.

Syrian Army fights for it’s families survival and to keep them free from Sectarian criminals imported by the NATO as they are trying to prevent further terrorism and sectarian violence by those who have no loyalty to society or the community.


Where do you live? Are you safe? Are you free to speak your language and practice your religion?

Well some fuckers died for that.


You know nothing. This war was started by the saudis, israelis, and quatar… obama played along for a little while then switched to the kurds…

HighLord Gaz

None of those countries would have dared support and fund Wahhabi jihadist terror groups if they didn’t know the US was in their corner.

Wahhabi fighting Murica – evil terrorists… Wahhabi fighting muricas enemies – democratic freedom fighters…

KSA, Ziostan and Qatar (and Turkey) needed the US to acknowledge they were supporting the 2nd grouping…


I didn’t say the US government didn’t support the terrorists…

… I said they don’t anymore with the exception of the kurds… and there is plenty of evidence for this.

Please try to keep up…

Ray Douglas

Rubbish. The US is supporting their terrorist plants in Ghouta by trying to get a UN resolution passed for a cease fire so as to get their agents out. Sorry, their head choppers.


Rubbish? You sound like another one of her royal majesties peons that are running around spouting propaganda from the single source living in a office in the UK… With no facts to back it up either… I got a list for ya of all the evidence, but knowing that it doesn’t matter to you and I am not going to expend one lick of energy to change your tunnel vision mind, I will not post it here. Buh Bye peon…


War is war. Better to be winning the losing!

Kell McBanned

Awesome :D


Excellent work of SAA. Step ba step to full liberation of Syria…Great Syria…bravoo…

chris chuba

Rebel defenses are collapsing, the SAA better hurry up and launch their Sarin nerve gas attacks before they run out of room otherwise they might hit their own troops. It makes perfect sense to me that Assad always uses poison gas when his troops are on the cusp of victory, it’s not as if the rebels have anything to gain by faking such an event.


sure – funny how those wmd chemical warfare accusations start flying as soon as Israeli-saudi-yankee terrorists start losing.

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