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Map Update: Military Situation In Eastern Ghouta On March 14, 2018

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Syrian government forces have consolidated their recent gains against militants in Eastern Ghouta and launched a series of new attacks against Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (Jabhat al-Nusra), Jaish al-Islam and their allies.

On March 14, the Syrian Arab Army, the Tiger Forces and other pro-government factions entered Jisreen capturing many buildings inside it, reached the vicinity of Hamouriyah and entered the industrial area south of Douma. MORE DETAILS

Map Update: Military Situation In Eastern Ghouta On March 14, 2018

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Harasta is still probably conected with underground tunnesl with other two pockets


Well with Douma anyway, it would be more problematic heading south


That is a good possibility I agree.

Eskandar Black

maybe so, but for how long?



Bjorn Metaal

Hi bud not so fast.


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Bramley Hawthorne

Thanks ‘Joanne’ but I am not interested in personal gain and see it as a waste of life. I use my time to help organise so that we can build a better world for all not just for idle, stupid people to get more toys.

Michał Hunicz

Great news, maybe achieve something special tommorow for 7th anivversary of that war?

Bjorn Metaal

You sea this war as a good thing? no I don’t it all started in Daraa the cradle of the revolution people marched into the streets the then not so good assad government (Wich has changed) and opend fire on them. Soldiers who didn’t want to murder their own turned Thierry weapons around and started fighting the SAA and five months later you had an large number of armed opposition who wanted assad dead. And then came salt into the real revolution it died because Al nusra and friends who raised their flags over those of the real revolutionaires FSA who died along with their hopes for revolution. This what happened to the real uprising my dude.

Jonathan Murray

You read that story in media did you. Fake revolution created for the media by French and UK PR companies. FSA never even existed.

Bjorn Metaal

Yes it did was only a test of what proxy forces of the west where capable of really nothing so they gave ISIS a call for stronger proxies.


Your are deluded.



Never saw this and this should be seen by many many other people, too.


even if the sunnis worldwide see this confession video…they will not convinced. atleast for some after little time they will forget again in favour of majority opinion influenced by ustaz.


Al-jazeera spread this bullshit too. If you think some small boys started this war you are just an idiot, who thinks wars start from the inside of a country. Well maby you want us to know how the Lybian war started too?! Im very curious how they explain this in the MSM-propaganda Media.

Bjorn Metaal

The thing is maybe you are right about the beginning my mistake. But thing about the FSA I just told hoe they were murdered not by assad but by terrorists they were just to weak for the west they neddne stronger proxies.


Well its a Clusterfuck, many factions means many Sponsors (Countrys, Buisinessmen ect.) and they all fight many different reasons. But in all of all they fight to destroy the Country. Dont let you fool from the man Behind the Curtain. Like Sheakspear said: The whole World, is a Stage. Dosent matter if he was real or just a aka. name.


Yes, of course, the real revolution of the oppressed people against the hated tyrant. Missing music in the background and group dance to round up a real musical. Turn off the TV, you see that it’s poisoning you.

javid soltani

what you talking about , it started in dara and almost one or two years before that the cia weapons was already in Syria , then they started protests in dara then the terrorist themselves shot the protesters and then blamed it on saa man . in their protests they they were acusing iran and Russia for helping asad while there was no Iranian or Russian or any shia militias , whoever thinks asad killing hes own ppl or shooting protesters , they are ither stupids or terrorists traitors the slave of cia and zios


Okay then, name one real “rebel group” that is not working with Nusra or ISIS? I dare you, just one. If you are able to do that, then you are right but until then, stop feeding into the propaganda!

David Pryce

Ha ha

Daniel Castro

“then not so good assad government (Wich has changed) and opend fire on them. Soldiers who didn’t want to murder their own turned Thierry weapons around and started fighting the SAA”

And then it was christmas and Santa came to give me his presents, he wa even dressed full red like in the coca-cola ads, he went down our unexistent chimney right i nthe middle of Brazil summer, 40º Celsius and there he was in winter clothing…

Yeah… this is in fact more true than your story….


daniel, daniel, better if you focus on chenges in brasil. bjorn (ursinho) wrote the whole truth. read the long article from indian ambassador, who was in that time in syria. he is pro syrian. i read official materials for our government. this is not msms article, but facts. and the essence is very close to bjorns comment. but find in google the article from indian ambassador. it is really good.

Daniel Castro

Don’t worry abou Brazil, we’re stuck on a no way out political standoff, as our country is very stable we will be slowly boiling for the next decade or so, the future is uncertain and there is no solution in sight, left, right, up and down, no way out.

India is aligned with the zionists, enough said.

Mustaffa Ashaa

The Qatari Foreign Minister in along interview outlined how KSA -Qatar -Turkey and the then ruling Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood planned and executed the “Uprising” and how the transported some 35 000 Egyptians-Libyans-Tunisian-Saudis and others via Turkey. The demonstration in Syria was peaceful and maybe legitimate but it was groups of Syrian and Jordanian Salafis who opened fire on both demonstrators and police and army. the FSA started six months after Daraa. Get your fact right. The films of “atrocities” were “manufactured” at Al Jazeera. A long article appeared in Der Spiegel proved that the films of murdered children were fake.

javid soltani

do you know when exactly the Syrian war started ? I know in 2011 but what day what months?


3 kids around 12-13 years old painted on some random walls in daraa ”Doctor it’s your turn next” refering to Assad.

The Tyrant went fully retarded. He kidnapped the Kids for weeks and tortured them. While also beating up their parents even later killing their families.

The whole started because of a tyrant who became childish and an actully playful kids who were into wall graffeti

Mustaffa Ashaa

You are a poor victim of Wahabi propaganda and completely brain-washed by Al Jazzera, (that is if you have any brain).. The truth were finally revealed by the previous Foreign Minister of Qatar, Hamad Al Thany in being astonished by Saudis accusing Qatar of supporting terrorism, He said: [I met prince Faisal, (the Saudi FM) who told me he was very pleased with Qatar and GCC successful efforts in Libya and the KSA is planning to remove “Assad Regime” Using Syrian and other Egyptian Mujahideens. He asked to use Qatar’s influence with President Mursi of Egypt to mobilise the Muslim Brotherhood to support the planned uprising.] The interview is on the youtubeand last for 37 min. or Google it “Syria/Qatar millions and the wahabi Saudi Blood”


You believe in that shit. I mean you really believe that. This war started by accident because Assad freak’ed out due to the kids graffeti’s. He overreacted in a bad moment of already other uprising in the arab world and that incident was what happened to kick this thing off

Miguel Redondo

Off topic We have expected a false flag chemical attack in Syria blaming Assad , inspite we have now a false flag chemical attack in Salisbury , England , blaming the russians. The Anglo-zios are gone crazy. I have seen the UNSC Meeting , absolutely vomitive.

Promitheas Apollonious

Y m2. What a bunch of wangos this brits are.


They where ALLWAYS enemys against reason and stability.

Icarus Tanović

Thats right, mate.


Proof positive that insanity is contagious, the US has been saying ” the Russian did it ” for so long now T. May has caught it.

Bramley Hawthorne

It’s the only weapon Theresa May and the Tories have left to stave off the growing Labour vote.


No- you are very much ON TOPIC. Only a fool thought the Deep State would allow Russia to have a successful World Cup. But now we know the Deep State is going far further than simply sabotaging another sporting event.

Putin is only doing East Ghouta now cos he has given up all hope of a united Syria- for the longest time Putin forced Assad to recognise the ‘rebels’ of that region as the rightful ‘opposition’, just as Britain, America, France and Germany demanded.

Now Putin’s ‘idealism’ is but ashes in his mouth, and the Deep State is turning up the pressure to ’11’. And why ‘nerve gas’. Cos the UK is going to use a false-flag gassing incident in Syria as an excuse to execute the long planned british/french/american blitz of that nation. And they will say “as Putin did in the UK, so he does in Syria”.

You can call me Al

You really are an ignorant prick.

Mustaffa Ashaa

What a load of BS !! … Believing your nonsensical “analysis” is like believing Dolly Parton is going soon for a boob job !! Had you kept your analysis secret for two weeks, you could have deserved the title of “April fool” for this year.


Have kinda lost track of Jobar, are the al Rahman brigade still the main terrorist group there? Or have HTS superseded them there?

Promitheas Apollonious

Does it matter ? Same shit different name to my opinion.


Kurds got greedy, now they burn.


Wrong post Alex. (Not taking sides)


me neither, just an observation Edit:oops


Then please say: Off Topic :)


wrong topic , sorry


Yesterday, I was talking about the fact that Russia and China must have asked Security Council to kick out USA from UN. Now, just read that today :

“On Wednesday, Labor MP Chris Leslie addressed May on the issue of reforming the UN Security Council in order to limit Russia’s rights within the body during a parliament session. Leslie argued that Russia was “increasingly looking like a rogue state,” adding that “we must now begin to talk about reform” of the UNSC. “Russia can’t be allowed to simply sit pretty, thumbing its nose to the rest of the world community and feeling that it’s immune from the rule of law internationally,” Leslie said. May responded by saying that Leslie was not the only one to stress the need for changes within the UNSC, promising that “this is something that we will look at.””

So, my idea was exactly the good thing to do. But, Russia and China are so desesperate to join the west gang and have betrayed to world with letting the west made UN a dictatorship for the 5 permanent members even if nobody give them these right to represent others nations interests.


“On Tuesday, the UK announced the expulsion of 23 Russian diplomats and suspension of high-level diplomatic contacts with Moscow as part of new sanctions against Russia. Britain said that it was also going to freeze Russian assets in case there’s proof that they are being used to compromise the UK’s security. “Legally Britain has the right to do this because state assets don’t possess diplomatic immunity,” Kalashnikov said, urging Russia to withdraw its funds from the UK and “invest in itself.””

And when Europe sanctioned Russia, Russia was still providing Europe with gas and oil. XD.

Don’t be delusional, the saviors are not Russia and China. You are on your own. Hopefully, I will die young.


Something off-topic: does anyone remember a time when the so-called “revolutiun” was still fresh and Homs was dubbed “capitol of the revolutiun” by rebels?

Concrete Mike

Yes i remember. It was early 2012 for me. I was driving to a national park with the wife. I remember saying to her that after a little study, Assad was the better of 2 evils.

Funny fact at the time; I was also working for lafarge. As soon as anu safety issues worlwide occured , all plants would get these safety dispatches. Im early 2012 there were many incidents in a cement plant in Syria. I never thought about that until this winter. Looking at it, it was al nusra that was running that plant. This was a new plant built in 2010. This clearly shows collusion between lafarge and the Orcs.

Im glad I dont work for that evil entity and chose not to use Lafarge cements or construction products ever again


And, the funny part is that Russia by not invading Ukraine and not overarming Syria, will be a very target easy because, Russia has lost lots of fertil lands of Ukraine and if Russia loose Syria, the gulf states will provide Europe with oil and gaz by passing through Syria, Turkey and Ukraine !!!

After that, Europe will stop buy oil and gas in Russia. Russia economy will collapse and no consequence for Europe.

Checkmate. Game over. Bye bye.


China will always buy Russian oil & gas – dont forget that $400 billion dollar gas deal they signed. Fertile lands of Ukraine you said – Russia has plenty of prime agricultural land it is essentially self sufficient


And even worse, when Iran will fall, Europe will have plenty of gas nad oil coming from Iran.

Checkmate. Game over. Bye bye.

That’s the price of being stupid.

francisco torres

Hope that the SAA destroy soon all this CIA mercenaries!!!

Tudor Miron

You may find this video interesting. https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syrian-army-ambushes-group-of-militants-in-northern-homs-video/ Listen at the 0:49 very carefully :D It means that hitting Syrian forces in Eastern Gouta very much means hitting Russian servicemen.


so, secretly is there the russian army. what a surprize! i am not against them, but against politic, that you deny everything. also the sun on heaven. you ar the need to lie in blood. how many rubels was your last salary form FSB?

Tudor Miron

Better don’t open your mouth or we can easily see your forked tongue.


According to opposition sources, the SAA captured Hamouriyah!

Icarus Tanović

GREAT! Lets show head chopper Amrican honeys that we can blast them in Daraa too! Lets go ahead!


The Anglo/Zios are going mad. False flag operations in England and Ghouta. An Anglo/Zio false flag operation must be responded with double attacks on the theirl Qaeda terrorists until total annihilation.

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