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Map Update: Military Situation In Northern Syria Prior To US-Turkish Ceasefire Agreement

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Map Update: Military Situation In Northern Syria Prior To US-Turkish Ceasefire Agreement

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Late on October 17, the US and Turkey reached a 120-hour long ceasefire agreement in northeastern Syria. According to the agreement, Turkey will halt its Operation Peace Spring to allow Kurdish forces to withdraw from a 32km-deep zone. If this is done, Ankara’s operation will not be resumed.

The situation is developing.


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Sasan Jamshidi

So its realized how US-RUSSIA-TURKEY coalition against kurds have been coordinated. All world powers allied against a discriminated people, even when those powers where enemies with each other, Kurdish subject made them temporary allies !!! Nice world we live in .. devils victorious ..

Rüdiger Preiss

I don’t really feel like shedding a tear for the traitorous Kurds; Should have worked with the SAA like most of the Druze and Christians have.

northerntruthseeker .

Really???? And you are talking about the Kurds here, right? The same Kurds that did those crime against humanity horrific murders of innocent Syrian civilians over a year ago as part of their sickening ethnic cleansing campaign of evil? Those same Kurds?

You really do need a reality check here… The Kurds are NOT innocent by a long shot….


WTF are you talking about ? The ethnic cleansing aka Genocide is Turkey’s ‘best’ trait !

Everybody knows that! Genocide against Armenians, Pontic Greeks, Assyrians, Bulgarians and Kurds. All made by Turkey !

Lelouch Vi Britannia

if all made, why are you still living? It means it didnt happen. Bunch of lies from Turkey haters.


Do you know what genocide means dumb ass ? It doesnt have to be the entire race to the last person dead to be a genocide ! Its amazing how fkn dumb people are these days…!

Jens Holm

3,5 million refugees in Turkey is no genoside. They are just on vacation forever – or what…

Jens Holm

Things are its as they are. Most things are done by Turks and not YPG in Syria.

Mustafa Mehmet

Well said bravo

Mustafa Mehmet

How come you still around Greek Cockroaches….

Jens Holm

WTF are Yu talking about and compard to whay.

I hard ly see any etnic cleansing. Almost all refugees in Turkey apart from the ones made by Turks from Afrin and Azas are years before YPG+J -later SDF became somthing.

Ypu have no memorycard.

None says Kurds are innocent but as usual it only Kurds You blame. They didnt uprise as well, som buzz of.


kurds are gross


Dressing animals with human cloths is gross ! You shouldnt be allowed to have pets.

Lelouch Vi Britannia

no, its against terrorists not Kurds. There are kurds in Turkish army adn National Syrian Army.

Ceasar Polar

Historically the Kurds are considered gypsies from Turkey, irak, iran, they have no origins in Syria. Thus their israeli support, they literally are squatters in Syrian Territory. Now most of them hold Syrian passports, thus they are Syrians. No excuse to form their own country. Rejoin SAA and stop the fight for the best of Syria.

Hide Behind

Wait a sec, slow down horsee slow down, is something missing here, like where and what horses did Turkey and US get the grazing rights for one hell of long border and “only 32 kilometers deep”? It is not Kurds land, Turkey, US,( Trump and Pence), and Russia to give away, it is Syrian lands! To hell with the Kurds, they are but opportunist and dug own graves , let them crawl Into them. It may save loyal Syrian soldiers lives and give Assad a chance at rebuilding what their Kurd and US terrorist groups destroyed of Syrian infrastructure, and finish killing off some remaing ISIS and other remnants of terrorist, but where the heck is Syria Representation at the discussion table? Sorry folks am old school, if a group stabbed my people in the back I damn sure would never turn my back to them unless they were in their graves. There has not been any real signs of Vmailnremorse from Kurds towards SYrian people, and in future alligator smiles will not be worthy of trust. If allowed back into Syrian Government bodies they will do same as Kurds do in Iraq, work against government and protect just Kurdish concerns. Does Syria dare to even ask what Trump and Pence meant when talking of never leaving twoblarge bases in Kurdish/US held areas? US has permanent military in Iraq moves thousands of troop and supplies through Iraq whenever it wants, 1000+ just evacuated Turkys land claim and are now stationed Vmail in Iraq with many on way to Saudi Arabia and Israel/ US joint military base in Israel. US still controls a Vmail very large chunk of land at two bases within Syria Jordan border area and the no one can fly but US NATO fly zone in Northern Syria. A question: Just where will the almost 3 millions of Syrian run always now living in Turkey be sent to? Lay odds they will not be sent anywhere within that long andb32 kilometer buffer Zone. Kurds don’t want them around being as they helped drive them into Turkey, so who will clothe feed and shelter them. Maybe Assad can beg for charity from UN and those NGO’s Vmail that helped destroy Syrian unity They are not far away there are over 60,000 non Kurds of various NGO, contract Security, foreign advisors, I am quite sure Vmailntheynwill help, just bend over.


Putin is probably going negotiate some type of Adana agreement settlement.


That may be the next step. A pause in fighting has a plus side for Syria. 1. No more Turrkish airstrikes. 2. NSA stops moving forward. 3. SAA has been given more time to move into NE Syria with greater force.



AMN is reporting the SDF blocked the SAA and Russians in Raqqah.

Right now with only 40 miles of the border and M4 controlled by the Turks and 260 miles controlled by the SAA to varying degrees. If the SDF is disbanded and replaced by the SAA in the non Turk areas of the safe zone in accordance with some type of Adana format.

That leaves the Kurds in a weak position to cause trouble. Which is why there’s a high risk that they’re going to foot drag and double deal for the entire process.

But the Syrians are way far ahead so far. And are going from strength to strength. But they have uncooperative subversive parties in both the Kurds and the Turks to deal with. So they have to have Syrian government coalition support for a while to make sure that things turn out alright.


Not sure about that AMN report. If it is about a section of Raqqah, that can wait for now. SDF needs to be integrated with the SAA, Syria has a manpower shortage, are not in good position to just go in and control NE Syria on there own.


The Kurds are just going to stab them in the back. They’re better off with Hez and PMU.


But NE Syria is mostly Sunni Muslim, that would cause problems. :)


So were the rest of the areas where they were deployed. Why would it be any different this time?


My first thought is: Daesh resurgence.


Bus loads of them are coming in from Abu Kamal according to SLM. They fought admirably in Syria so far. I’d trust them before the Kurds.

The ISIS stock puppets will cause trouble. But not as much as the Kurds. ISIS’s days of fielding large formations and holding significant territory in Syria are likely over.

They’re more of a CIA/Mossad front to give the US a fig leaf excuse to continue causing problems in Syria, Iraq and wherever else they need a terrorist bogeyman false flag justification for Zionist hegemony games.


I read about PMU crossing the border and was surprised by that. Appears Iraq is very concerned about Daesh getting loose from the holding areas and crossing the border. I assume they are taking over positions along the river and border area, allowing SAA units to move north.


I don’t think that the PMU has any great love for the Kurds. It wouldn’t surprise me to see them east of the river. And for that matter. The PMU, SAA and IRG and or Afghan militia on the Iraq side of the Iraq Syria border as part of the oil field and other east of the river recovery operations. As part of a two front advance.


Richard, you fail to see the picture as it is now happening. Iraq is trying to calm down the situation in NE Syria. PMU follows orders given. They are not an independent force out to destroy Kurds or the SDF.


The objective is expanding the Syrian government footprint east of the river. The obstacle is the Kurds, not ISIS. The PMU, if the report is accurate, are there to help with the Kurd problem. ISIS is a has been relegated to the trash can of history.

The Kurds are a cohesive multi division strength well trained and equipped army fighting for their homeland that makes ISIS look like girl scouts. They sand bagged the ISIS fight for months to drag the war out so that the US would have an excuse to stay.

If you think ISIS is the problem you’re very mistaken


I hear you bitching non stop. Oh the evil Kurds, Oh the evil Kurds. And you do care about the main priority of Syria taking back it’s territory in the NE. RichardD, What the f#ck is wrong with your brain?


He has good reasons to bitch about the Kurds, where the hell have you been these past few years? ISIS were a difficult foe on the battlefield but they were never the bigger problem strategically. Kurds are the zionists favorite proxies in their balkanization game. Its really not complicated to understand.

P.S When you hurl your personal attacks at Richard at the mere mention of kurds you sound like a hasbara troll btw…


That’s because he is one.


The priority is that SAA takes back NE Syria. I really don’t give a shit about his personal hatred of SDF and the Kurds. Only idiots paint everything in black and white. :)


Then explain how the ISIS has berns are the problem and not the Zionist Kurds.


You’re an embarrassment.


I threw your case out of court due to stupidity of your post and non evidence. And you know it. Smell you latter. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/13a2a669997878cbca9df9d1508baafc9382cc62c7bba04c23ef7f1984183643.png


You made a fool out of yourself and decided not to make a bigger fool out of yourself when you dodged the question of how ISIS which holds no territory east of the river is the problem compared to the Kurds who hold 90% of it. Down from 98%.


And yet they (Daesh) keep recruiting and attacking? And now escaping!


They’re not keeping the SAA out of the NE, the Kyrds are


I see a problem with that plan.

Syria needs the forces to resume an idlib offensive.

The militias in idlib have been moved by turkey to the north, to aid the Turkish Miltary invasion against Kurds. Idlib is now weak, and Syria needs to recover the cities of idlib and jisr al shagour.

Before grabbing land in the northeast, they need to secure their northwest.

Yes , you can do both, but idlib is a higher priority and deserves the focus of the SAA.

If Syria gets involved in fighting the Turks, in manbij or kobane, they will be pushed back. But if they take idlib, they’ll be able to keep up.


But Idlib can wait, that front line is static now. It takes a lot more SAA force to launch an offensive there, as opposed to securing a huge amount of Syrian territory in the NE cheaply. This is my thinking. :)

Ceasar Polar

Tiger Force division is taking care of Idlib, the SAA have many other divisions that they can send NE.


I m pretty sure Erdocunt will have his way and will semi annex entire Northern Syria. SAA might be permitted to take back Idlib. Taking back Omar oil fields will not be permitted by US.

Ceasar Polar

I dont think so. It is only some bargaining chips to have some credibility in front of EU-Fags/Americunts/Russians. No inch of Syria will be annexed by erdocunt, too risky, Turkey cant allow severe sanctions as their economy rely on foreign investments, and their debt is 70% in foreign currencies. Imagine the Lira getting hit again it will hurt the whole Turkish economy costing ErdoCunt a lot of voters/support.


now that the deep state has managed to get a 5 day ceasefire into play,turkey should watch those nukes sitting in incirlik like a hawk or the yanks will relieve the turks of those nukes, while the turks are looking elsewhere. and turkey will need those nukes in the showdown with israel when the situation in syria is settled to the satisfaction of turkey, iran, iraq and syria and hezbollah and russia. once that is the case, israel should be next on the agenda.

Ceasar Polar

That is if they succeed in moving them from incirlik.

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