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MARCH 2025

Map Update: Military Situation In Southern Syria Following Syrian Army’s Recent Advances Against ISIS

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies have cleared about 60% of the ISIS-held pocket in southern Syria. MORE HERE

Map Update: Military Situation In Southern Syria Following Syrian Army's Recent Advances Against ISIS

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Nicely done, next stop clean those cells of Daesh in the deserts and prepare a big invasion on that Idlibistan kill all those nasty Jihadi Terrorists.

King Tudor777

Exactly, no evacuation for ISIS and HTS!


Next cleaning region must be AL-Tanf (US-puppets terrorists). Idlib can be wait until finish to send terrorists of this area to this region. Russia aerospace force must continue being the key element of ground troops victories. We hope Russia continue given this strong support and protection to ground troops.


I am talking about directly hitting terrorist strongholds, hiring At-Tanf where there is an American bitches of soldiers will be direct attack on the US, and US will bomb etc etc. I thought that from Trump Putin Summit there would have been something about that area some talks for those terror dogs to be removed from there, but we have to see, but now as I am writing this, did you saw the new 4 terror groups in Idlib that are joining together with a force of 6000 HTS to attack 3 possible directions, Latakia, Homs and Aleppo, just watch the latest Video analysis on SF that will explain good. I know that for Damascus the Priority is HTS and Daesh in general, and the last stronghold of HTS is in IDLIB. So next attack with certainty of 80% would be there. At-Tanf needs to be politically resolved as same as northern-eastern Syria the Kurds.

Dr. Ronald Cutburth

The changing map eliminating the black of location of the evil ISIS reminds me of killing a cancer. I pray for the syrian army well being and success. Amen.


Haha a very tiny ISIS Caliphate left, soon to be vaporised


the problem is that all those areas liberated and pointed out to be red…are not complete under ssa…there are daesh everywhere operating and slaughtering Innocent civilians…same story happening at iraq…the bodies are stockpiling and i wonder how is ISIS getting ammunition..it will take a lot of months to establish full control…and if ssa and allies attack idlib now there will be isis harrasing them from the south.


I’ve been saying/thinking this for ages. People are so quick to assume they will be defeated but there must be hundreds of thousands still in hiding in both Syria and Iraq, planning attacks. They just appear to keep coming from nowhere with unlimited numbers and ammunition!


Not hundreds of thousands, maybe only a few thousand spread over Syria and Iraq. But you don’t need many to occasionally cause havoc. If you look at the European terrorist groups of the 70’s and 80’s those were only a handful of people too, but they were enough to occasionally cause problems. And even now in the West it takes only a dedicated loner to carry out a deadly attack. And unlike in the West Syria and Iraq are literally inundated with weapons and explosives that are easy to come by.


Syria needs a comando brigade in the desert.

Jim Prendergast

They have one: The ISIS Killers.


The ISIS Hunters. But their are a normal unity of infantry hunters, and I meant a special troup, with a special intelligence service, not only among the population but also using the drones and the russian satellites. I think the Tigers have already something like that, But it’s also necessary to close the air space there, and put the US. out of At Tanf.


The U.S. Does the Airlifting…their Choppers send ISIS & Other Headchoppers into Action…wherever they are needed


Thing is though, small scale terrorist attacks are way easier to counter and combat then full scale open warfare. When faced between running the risk of small ISIS cells carrying out attacks vs. running the risk of the Idlib headchoppers getting their act together and restarting open warfare I’d say the latter is a bigger priority.


As the others have also commented, killing civilians isn’t really that difficult, especially if you don’t mind getting hurt yourself. While the loyalty of, say, the tribes of Syria will continue to be mostly to themselves (as it has been for ages) I have good hopes that most Syrians have learnt a lesson about the jihadists. Informing the SAA about any remaining ISIS cells is a matter of survival, so hopefully there’s a lot of eyes and ears available to gradually stamp out the problem.

As for Iraq, an insufficient but necessary condition for some degree of peace there is to get the American invaders out out out of their country. This message should be delivered, well about now, and in a language which American knuckleheads *will* understand. Abadi doesn’t seem to be the man to do it.


Our Western Governments are Sending them…They will have some more False Flags in the West too… We got Plenty Of ISIS-Sleeper-Cells at the moment… it is only Waiting for the next Operation-Gladio…

King Tudor777

We have the same situation in Iraq and they need to do the same the Iraqi Army and the PMU have done, a lot of clearing operations, everywhere, multiple times. I think this is the only way to avoid their malign activities.


very very nice news youpie the quneitra city libered!!! :)


It seems that Isis is crumbling, which is good, hang the rest! These people are not worthy of any mercy or pity, they are cockroaches meant to be stomped. I second the brave Russian effort of recocilliation and that seems to be working fine. But kill the terrorists, including the White Helmets, we certainly do not want them in the west.


The West deserves to have them all back :)


Ok, we will take them back. Can you spare a batch of 9 millimeters ?


No problem. How many will you need ? Are you ok for plenty of ammo ?

Oscar Silva Martinez

Don’t send them to Mexico please, mmmmmmh on second thoughts, send some to fight the cartels so they can exterminate each other!!!

King Tudor777

Ok, but send them to the right places in the West, to their masters, we don’t want them here in South America


Many of their Zionist masters have bought houses and land in Argentina in recent years. Can some of the Wahabis go there ? :)


Great Going SAA…. Kick them Headchopping U.S.-Israeli-NATO Troops Out For Good….them Dirty Desert-Rats…take out any Vermin they left behind….


Hopefully, Daesh will be fully defeated in SW by this Tuesday, (last day of this month). And, God willing, SAA and allies can recover as much as possible from Idlib.

Joe Doe

Next should be ISIS packets, then Idlib, then Omar Oil fields if agreement is not reached with Kurds

King Tudor777

Full speed to the SAA! Do not forget the negotiations about Afrin and Al-Tanf.


I am not agree. I hope the next battle be Al-Tanaf (USA-terrorists) area.


Very good; be prepared for more zionist terrorist atrocities though.

Jim Prendergast

The Caliphate is moving to Canada.


Will they be training with the UKRO Nazis for service in Ukraine ?

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