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Map Update: Military Situation In Syria And Iraq On October 20, 2018

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This map provides a general look at the military situation in Syria and Iraq on October 20, 2018. The key remaining hot points in Syria are the Euphrates Valley, the province of Idlib and the al-Safa pocket. In Iraq the situation is more stable. However, multiple ISIS cells still operate across the country. They pose a significant security threat to the areas liberated from ISIS near the Syrian-Iraqi border, near and inside the city of Mosul and even to the capital of Baghdad.

Map Update: Military Situation In Syria And Iraq On October 20, 2018

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It is incredible that SAA continue having strong problem in Al-Safa.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

the daesh there are probably being resupplied from al-tanf


sure not

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Hey solomon lmao

Jens Holm

You are jailed, if You accept facts not made by Your masters.

Tanf id americansand semi FSA only. They fight against ISIS and Damaskus.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)


Jens Holm

What did You learn in school today, dear little boy of mine. NOTHING after several years of war. You are NOTHING.

Allah has to use microscopeto find Your good sides at all.

Papo Machete

oh please you bunch of hypocrites ,i would have some respect if u were really protecting “your” land from the invaders but you ppl destroy your land and kill your fellow citizens/muslims for some cents on the dollar ,Is a FACT only the resupply lane from the ZIONAZIS is what keep therm alive

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

YOU are nothing, i am amazing :)))


but according to today russian statement, ISIS is completely eliminated in Syria…

Jens Holm

Well, as many others, You should take that statement as a relative.

I see it as ISIS never can win silently are loosing = takes time maybee many years.


It looks a brutal place to attack, especially with Infantry. There are also the hostages to consider.

al quaida

Yes that looks like tailor made terrain for the defender. So many nooks and crannies, caves and trenches. Ironically, this is a situation where chemical weapons probably would be most effective, other than the hostages of course but I’m not sure they’re even in there with ISIS.


Obviously they are there, if they are being freed in Suweida, and the Syrians don’t use chemical weapons.

Mustafa Mehmet

Syr don’t use chemical . who’s gone believe that?assads Profession to use chemicals and barrels bombs on civilian

Jens Holm

They do.


The question here is: who is and who isn’t an miserable liar, and the answer will be written in the History books of the futur, perhaps together with the case of Iraq (the arms that didn’t existed).

al quaida

“Syrians don’t use chemical weapons.” That’s why I said ironically. Because all the other times they’ve been accused of using them they wouldn’t have been very effective anyway. As for the hostages, I thought ISIS had released footage of them being in a house somewhere?


Yes, they had released, was a deceiving footage, that fooled many people. The photos could had be taken even in a druse settlement, when they made the attack.

Jens Holm

Its about having a choise or not. Its prestige as well. Only the infantary cn hit something, if they are good enough being very well organized.

Ypu might hit there with RPGs and up if You are observant.

Jens Holm

If it was SDFs/Kurds You would write in big letters, they both are friends with CIA drinking tea.

Bill Wilson

ISIS has been there for years so could’ve used that remote area as a storage depot for their fighters and smugglers.


The Israel and ISIS days are numbered that is why they have disparately increased attacks on medeastern dwellers.

Washington and England have also endorsed them that sorry defend yourself and don’t involved us because they have already trapped in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine and Libya etc and now searching for streets to flee from these countries. Economy collapsed and pressure build up on poor nations of US and England.


I see still large areas under ISIS control.

Only rusian liars see something else:



i don’t understand you seem to blame Russia for isis still existing in Syria what kind of twisted logic are you using.


Its the logic of a Kike Kisser . :)


do not come out from yourself :)


i blame russians for lies

Hisham Saber

Jewish twisted lying logic. Its part of their religion, and ethics, to lie. They even have the Kol Nidre to cover up themselves from their inherent lies/lying. They are a bitter, miserable people.


howdy, zionist?

Jens Holm

He is a muslim, because he cant handle many pots and pans :)

Jens Holm

Its written in the Holyu Choran twice, You can lie. I does not say You have all the time, as You do right now :)

Let me see a long list of never liars.

Jens Holm

Its more like contested both ways. Its very difficult making 100% 24 hours.


It’s difficult to tell the ISIS fighters from the American special forces fighters. If Russia was to kill Americans by mistake, all Americans would wail and cry. Nobody in Russia can stand the noise of wailing Americans, so they leave them alone.

Tim Hadfield

The only thing you can do with terrorists is to wipe them out. Agreements are useless.

Jens Holm

Thats not correct. You can repatriate many, if You wish.

Many supporters are kind of spontane and made to know better. You cant just kil all like that.

Should the winners of WW2 have killed all Japanese and Nazis. I dont think so.

So I partly agree only.

Tim Hadfield

The Yankee dollar can always find some more terrorists – they know the chances of being killed are low, and the money, big, so …


The USAid, has just announced a $ 300 million in aid for Iraqi Christians. To be distributed by the Knights of Columbus. So not only is it ten years late, but is being distributed by the Catholics, the Christian sect with a vested interest in eliminating earlier Christians with heretical Bibles and beliefs. Naturally they wouldn’t think of giving Syrian Christians anything.

Jens Holm

“Who are THEY”.

It was a hope the Iraqians throwing out USA and Co could be almost themselves handling things. But they and we were asked back.

You seemes to be delayed in memory as well as knowledge level.

Why dont You metion the Russian Catholic church just have aborted the Ukrainian ones. Those friends of Yours are in the same skizma level.

Knights of Columbus is private donations collected among themselves, not a Goverment thing at all.


“But they and we were asked back”.

‘THEY’ is the USA, same folks who invaded Iraq sixteen years ago. But your only kidding yourself if you think they ever left, or were ‘asked’ back.

The Orthodox Eastern Church and the Roman Catholic Church, have been separated for hundreds of years.

Knights of Columbus are a Roman Catholic NGO, you did get one almost right.

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