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MARCH 2025

Map Update: Military Situation In Syrian Area Of Afrin On March 1

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Map Update: Military Situation In Syrian Area Of Afrin On March 1

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In Afrin, the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) have captured the villages of Sinnarah and Anqalah from the Kurdish YPG.

Meanwhile, the media wing of the YPG has released a video showing clashes in the area of Rajo.

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The US brutal regime is holding Syrian land and Syrian nation as hostage in the North, South and East of Syria, according to international law this is a war crime for which US regime is compulsory accountable.

US regime have conscripted militants from Syrian nation as SDF, YPG and using them in combat operations against Syrian army to control and keep hostage the Syrian nation which is further a heinous crime of this century. US regime needs international pressure to end occupation of Syrian land.


re: “US … regime is holding Syrian land and Syrian nation as hostage”

Yes. And the legal action against the U.$. should have been lodged in the ICC (even though it is corrupt) and the various international bodies a long time ago. Actually trying to get something done is ‘next to impossible’ but the precedent is what matters. There HAS to be a paper trail. The legal case MUST be commenced.

There are too many countries in the world that have suffered from U.$. invasions, election meddling, economic terrorism, slander, hate speech, incitement to hatred etc. etc etc (according to John Pilger 178).

The legal process MUST be started, for the sake of every one who has been targeted via the “U.$. War OF Terrorism.” And it is a War OF Terrorism. The documentation of American crimes against humanity needs to be commenced.

re: “US regime have conscripted militants…”

Yes! And there is mountains of documentation to prove this. Witness testimonies, financial paper trails, video footage, international White House comment; it is all on record. The evidence is concise and the voluminous. This evidence needs collated into the official documentation process.

The U.$. has perpetrated and Unprovoked Act of Aggression against a country that has never threatened or harmed U.$. interests. This is an international War Crime. The legal precedent has already been set with many ‘Balkan examples.’ The legal process MUST be started.

Whether the U.$. complies is irrelevant. It needs to be collated ON RECORD. The process must be started so that the accomplices can also be labelled. The world community will be put on notice. Aggressor Nations will be labelled as such. And future diplomatic, trade and economic interactions will take into account the actions of the accused and modify their actions accordingly.

Case in point: South Africa just broke of diplomatic ties with IsraHell in protest at the blatant violations of international law and human rights of the Palestinian people by th state of IsraHell.

The precedent needs to be set.

The process must be started.

It is time to act. Commence the paper trail. Collate the evidence. Let the world see what is happening so that future historians have the matter on record. The saying ‘The Victor Writes the Pages of History’ no longer applies. Every country has to start it’s own history. Otherwise the ZioMedia will erase the atrocities that are committed in its name.


Well explained.


kurds and arab sunnis are making sure that Turkey and USA invade Syria. So, face the truth. The problems are the sunnis and kurds.


The US bases in Syria are illegal and serve for the US occupation on Syrian land. The Syria and Russia should retaliate with S-400 when any fighter plane violate the Syrian aerospace and eliminate any illegal base in Syria by use of Iskander missiles because US arming and training terrorists in these bases.

Frank Behrens

Yeah, Rob, and there is nothing what YOU can do about it (oh,, perhaps try some pc-game or tabletop game were you can simulate your ideas of bombing )..that, or start your own missles from your garden …c`mon, show some balls :).


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DaLaGHdCQK0 Watch here how Zionist America, UK and Israel justifying their invasion, brutality by their propaganda Media and making our world a fire hell. They are not so many in numbers. They are so scaring from death that one cannot imagine because they know the conclusion of their own crimes. They are hiding behind terrorists and then proclaim that they are anti-terrorists.


Try to convince sunnis and kurds. Good luck.

Frank Behrens

I recommend a good hair cut, shave (probably shower) and some hours of sleep….might help against that…look of a mad scientist (oh, and a nice tin-foil-hat of cause)…but the birdy is nice :)


That is not an argument. Your comment shows that you can’t give a valid counter-argument so you chose to deviate the subect to the look of the guy which is totally irrelevant. This guy can be 2 meters tall or 1 meter or 500 kilos or have big beard, it doesn’t invalidate what he said.

Why are afraid of the truth ?

Frank Behrens

I don´t have to comment seriously every nonsense someone (sic !) on his youtube video makes..face it, suck it up. (and non-of that is new..heard about such arguments before). You might be right about his appearance (or non-appearance in this case ^^) but a quick check about that guy is enough (did you?) , especially his political views (funny thing is…I wonder if such an right-wing nut like Rob here is aware of that ^^) is …for me. (and I meet enough of that ilk in my studenthood ) Truth? Which (and who´s) truth should I am afraid of?

Oh, and my advices on personal body and mind hygiene still stands…


What are his politic views ?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The young man is a Social-Communist but provided a neutral viewpoint without raising to many political views from a Social-Communist.


He can be social-communist, national-socialist, liberal, capitalist, buddhists, sunnis, jew, catholic or whatever if someone can’t make a valid counter-argument, he means that there is high probability that he is right.

I never understood why people confound what is said with who said it.

Frank Behrens

the young man isn`t just a communist…he is a defender, inter alia, of the north corean regime. All in all he smells (sic) like a hard -core stalinist. Sure, why should we pay attention to someones political background …weather it be a Nazi, pedophile (jewish) baby raper cultist (my favourite) or hard-core jihadist….as long as they support my views and reassure my views, I am of cause fine with them and their arguments .

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

He still makes a valid argument , personally there is only one known Rocketman to actually order the use of Missile Strikes currently. I support DPRK’s right to self defense and any other country for that matter.

When you talk about Jewish people which ones do you talk about the Ashkenazi or Sephardic converts or the higher DNA concentration Palestinians or are you making stupid irrelevant statements to deflect.

Just a heads up no one should support views contrary to peace and liberty and freedom of oppression , that’s just against Mankind and it’s pursuit of enlightenment and higher state of existence.

Frank Behrens

No he doesn`t…see? You CLAIM that he has made a valid argument…while I CLAIM that he did not. You support self-defence ? Fine,me too..especially against oppressive, dictatorical and corrupt (selfish) governments. You believe in international laws as well?

Your talk about the dna and ancestry of Israels and their neighbors I don`t understand.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

He does just because he doesn’t support your views means jack shit, besides why are you so butthurt and indignant. Your reason why you support Israel as they have failed to implement the original two state solution while making false assertions they would comply with it as long as they were given control is such a job of disinformation and vile deceit. The only dictatorial governments have been installed by the west and why are you trying to objectify Syrian Legitimate government and not the non compliant Israel whom acts more as a tyrant organization than anything else. Have yet to see the US,UK and France along with Israel, NATO and GCC states to comply with international law and try to find an instance they did without the threat of mutual destruction.

Then you understand less about much as Israel is not a land but the name given God and if you knew this you wouldn’t be so naive and ignorant. Today DNA is self evident of and can verify whom your ancestry and region of the world your from , 80% of Israel Org. have nothing in common with the people of biblical times in the region as DNA has proven that, they are nothing more than converts.

Frank Behrens

we can do this a long time , ever repeating:, if you choose to behave childish: He doesn`t , just because he does support your views means jack shit, besides why are you so butthurt and indignant ? I support Israel ? Now where is THAT coming from (well, in truth we are Hasbara Trolls..or so I was told here often ).. I haven´t even mentioned Israel here. (funny enough, I critiziced the politics of Israel often and will do so in the future if neccessary.). The guy was blathering about western media and Syria while using the usual (stupid) anti-semtic rethorics. And what have the DNA of the modern Israelis /Arabs to do with the guys speech? (did he mentioned it?)

And sorry…your hole text is hard to read and thus I cannot understand all about it .

Frank Behrens

“Then you understand less about much as Israel is not a land but the name given God and if you knew this you wouldn’t be so naive and ignorant. Today DNA is self evident of and can verify whom your ancestry and region of the world your from , 80% of Israel Org. have nothing in common with the people of biblical times in the region as DNA has proven that, they are nothing more than converts” So? What´s your point ? And what has that to do with the mentioned video?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Simple it has to do with your attitude and feeling you have been offended and draw other extraneous unrelated points in your comments and getting all offended about it.

Frank Behrens

Errr, what do you mean exactly? Where was I drawing extraneous unrelated points ? Offended ? Where did I got offended ? I get offended sometimes if people behave stupid, childish and very unreasonable… and yes, my foult, I sometimes answer in a same way..

Frank Behrens

hm, I am pretty sure you can find that out (easily and fast—I needed about a minute) for yourself (after all—we shouldn`t believe someone just that easily…shouldn`t we? And thus should try to figure it out for ourselves…shouldn`t we ?) . If you still need help I am of cause willing to help those who aren´t that I-net affine…well, small hint I gave already…another one?


I don’t need help from an ill person !!!

Frank Behrens

exactly, who does. ..?


The stupid ones.

Frank Behrens

them? well, let them do as they want…what´s that to you or me?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Frank Behrens is just a tool who adds nothing to an argument but uses claims with no real verification through more sources than one.

Frank Behrens

if Mr. Woolpuller, master of verifications, says that…it must be true…mustn`t it.


Nice job, good library and bird!

Pave Way IV

Erdogan has always hinted around at taking Aleppo – the logic of why it’s Turkeys escapes me at the moment, but he had some reason. And just like the US-led Kurdish attempt to stretch to the Mediterranean from the east for pipelines, the Turks have plenty of incentive to do just the opposite: stretch their land-theft from the west, through Aleppo, and across to the Euphrates.

Erdogan’s sons could use the skim from transport fees, and Turkey wants to deny Syria a pipeline/Mediterranean export route. No idea if Erdogan could get away with that, but he seems pretty enthusiastic about owning all the gas or oil pipelines heading from the Middle East to Europe. That’s the only commonality I can see in his actions so far.

R PLobo

The Turks at best are in a stalemate – Afrin is right on the border and a small area that could have been easily over run if there was no resistance. Regardless there is no way the Turks will go up against the SAA. Any attack on the SAA will immediately bring in the Russian air force and SAM defense against the Turks. The Turks are using rabble for the push against the Kurds – mercs militerized police etc. Clearly they are not serious and will sooner than later roll back across the border when the SAA eliminates the zionist head choppers from the border. The YPG made a big mistake – as usual signing up with the anglo/zionists – now it will be up to the SAA to secure the border against the Ottoman hacks.


I don’t think Erdogan is serious about taking Afrin city – or Manbij. He seems to use the Trump style of negotiation; state the aim as the worst case scenario for the other side (“i’m going to cancel NAFTA!”) then establish that as the starting point of haggling.

From his own point of view, things seem to be going pretty well – this action is domestically very popular, he has a buffer zone that connects Aleppo to Idlib, YPG will probably lose control of Afrin, Manbij and Aleppo to Syria so they can forget any serious notion about carving up Syria and the US, whoses plans there have always been at odds with Turkeys interests, is more or less demoted to observer.

What is plan to see once again is whatever you give the Kurds (and contrary to this idea the US owes the Kurds, the Kurds were able to take back their own lands from ISIS and expand hugely into other ISIS occupied areas because of US support) – they always overplay their hand and lose it. They love playing the victim but they are mostly victims of their own greedy incompetence.

US policy in the region since and including the invasion of Iraq hasnt been much better.

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