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Map Update: Military Situation In Syrian Area Of Afrin On March 12, 2018

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Map Update: Military Situation In Syrian Area Of Afrin On March 12, 2018

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These maps provide a general look at the military situation in the Syrian area of Afrin on March 12. Over the past few days, the Turkish Armed Forces and the Free Syrian Army have captured a large area from the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) around the  city of Afrin. Now, Afrin is almost fully isolated from the government-held area in the province of Aleppo. MORE DETAILS

Map Update: Military Situation In Syrian Area Of Afrin On March 12, 2018

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Very soon the entire NW section will implode.


Oh boy, the Turks really went fast in Afrin. And without a “real” army, that is. Seems like the Kurds aren’t as strong as the MSM wanted us to believe. Once they leave Afrin, which they certainly will soon, the millions of refugees stuck at Turkey’s border can gradually start returning home and Arab presence can be restored. This would be good to happen both for Turkey and Syria. If this is postponed, it would mean Turkey isn’t so benign, and the Idlib situation might have to be resolved, which I think is becoming less of a priority for SAA right now. I just hope the transition of control of the area to Syria will be done smoothly. Turkey will have to show its intentions sooner or later.


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Turkey has been allowed to do this! Lets remember that FACT! Both the Sand Russia has allowed it! The US because they cant afford to loseTurkey as a NATO ally and because hey must listen tofurkey’s concerns! Russia because of tactical purposes! Turkey HAS used a REAL ARMY! Have u not heard of some of theirs specialf orces being killed? Have u not seen their F-15’s dropping bombs? Have u not seen theLeopard tanks in action? Why did u make this incorrect comment? Turkey does have in interest in Idlib but this will play out later! At the moment the common interests between turkey, Syria and Russia is that they are all opposed to US backed SDF controlled regions! his deals and agreements MUST be made! As for the Afrin pocket, there were no US forces there to protect them! It has a thin veil of Russian personnel in the region! They were NOTHING! he SAA could have done as good a job or even better! Your comment seems like a nice comment because I do fully back Syria and Russia but it just seems so incorrect and not truthful at all!


First of all, I never said the operation wasn’t allowed by Russia and the US for their separate reasons. I guess your issue is on the Turkish forces. This is not a clean military operation. It’s forward positions are manned by proxies without insignia and not true soldiers. No matter what support they get from the real Turkish army, they are still Jihadi mercenaries that have performed several atrocities in several battlefields before engaging the Kurds. This can’t be forgotten, as well as Turkey’s role in Syria’s destruction. We must take the later “enlightenment” of Turkey, because of common interest with other factions in the region, with extreme caution, because as I said, Turkey’s goals are not fully obvious yet.


I agree with your last reply 100%! Turkey’s goals are not fully realised and im sure are holding their cards clos eto their chest! However, these jihadis u speak of are merely expendable cannon fodder! But do we say the same about the NDF? Are they not similar? Im not talking about the vile acts committed by the AAsham forces! Im talking about their training and effectiveness! They would be no different to the NDF of the SAA! therefore they are still apart of their forces and m sure expendable! They do not enter on turkey’s ledger of KIA’s when reports are made to their nation! None the less they are fed by turkey, trained by turk, armed by turkey and fight for turkey! Therefore if they are as effective as the NDF (I would believe maybe more so) then they are the expendable militia for turkey! Why do we need to play with words here! They receive turkey’s intel! This makes them effective! They have 7 years of war experience! This makes them battle hardened! They are most likely paid by turkey as is the Turkish army! A spade is a spade! U know what I am saying?

Fehim İsa (Vanlı69)

Allah with us noone can stop us!!

Ishyrion Av

No one, indeed. And the 70 virgins are getting ready for each of you. The prophet is checking them personally, to be fit for his brave warriors.

Hulusi Akar

ok clam down jew

Ishyrion Av

Actually modern jews and turks are from the same family. So I’m sure they would give a hand to the prophet in checking the virgins too…

Hulusi Akar

Nah you look nothing like turks anymore. Your noses are bigger than your di cks

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Sounds like Turks are jealous !!

Ishyrion Av

Problem is how the Turks measure the d.k.s. of the Jews. I don’t want to picture this, is disgusting!


Someone should tell you that 13th Tribe by Arthur Koestler bas been debunked decades ago. You should read more instead of writing some miserable comments here or dreaming people measuring each others d1cks..

Fehim İsa (Vanlı69)

atleast our prophet is not b@stard of god lol lol lol

Ishyrion Av

no, he is a pedophile b@stard

jim crowland

We will have to wait to have the ottomans sent back to central Asia….

Ishyrion Av

Very soon.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Turks are Mongolian inbreds not sure if they are even wanted in the region, my people used to decapitate them for sport like many Muslim invaders.


I am rather sure that your people were one of the Ottoman dominions. Years go by but the inferiority complex and heartache still persists.


Looking at the developments nowadays seems to me that you pink a$$ wannabe crusaders , including the ones in Europe , will all have to look a new place to live.

That Guy

YPG should hand the Minnigh airbase to the SAA quickly before it is too late !!!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Tal Rifaat and Minnegh airbase already along with several towns in Syrian Government , SRG and NDF hands this will keep them from overreaching Turks and TFSA.

John Brown

The cowardly ISIS YPG terrorists kurds rapidly collapse and run away just like in Iraq. We can see now Kurdish fighting forces were a myth. ISIS would just hand over territory to their YPG brothers and join the YPG when ordered to, to make it look good all staged for propaganda


exactly. both made in Langley.


TurkIs control of the city of afrin will either create a total disaster, or a half disaster. Will turkey restrain FSA and create a local arab Government? maybe. Either way, it will be bad for the syrian kurds.

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