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Map Update: Military Situation In Syrian Area Of Afrin On March 5, 2018

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On March 5, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister and government spokesman Bekir Bozdag said almost a half of the area that Operation Olive Branch aims in Afrin had been captured by Turkish forces.

“In Operation Olive Branch, so far 112 villages, 30 critical positions, and a total of 142 spots have been taken under control,” he said.

This map provides a general look at the military situation in the Syrian area of Afrin. The Turkish Army and Turkish-backed militant groups have further advanced north and northwest of the YPG-held city of Afrin. However, they have not been able to capture even a close to a half othe YPG-held area in northeastern Syria. This allows to suggest two explanatinos of Bozdag’s statement:

  • Turksih forces are not aiming to capture the city of Afrin;
  • Bozdag has some own “secret” vision of the situation in Afrin.
Map Update: Military Situation In Syrian Area Of Afrin On March 5, 2018

Click to see the full-size map

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Michał Hunicz

Please upload YOUR OWN map of the Eastern Ghouta!

Michał Hunicz

They also captured almost entire reversoir and Sharran.


Kurds Afrin are told to hand over the Afrin canton to Turkey FSA but without letting it fall over to SAA however their leadership doubt such move will benefit the Kurds (especially themselves) since if they conceded it will doubtful if such concession will be the last asked from them by their main backer USA.


Turkey doesn’t need to take Afrin city. Just have to take the countryside and besiege the city.


3 millions syrian refugees in Turkey.

These people will return in Syria even if kurds and americans don’t want to.

Hulusi Akar

Outdated map

here is the current map https://syria.liveuamap.com

Btw fix your text, wtf. Control your article before posting it.

Fehim İsa (Vanlı69)

they have bh about ob op


That map is biased for the terrorists…

Hulusi Akar

https://twitter.com/acemal71 Here you go, visual proof. twitter.com/op_shield updated map https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DXikl9fX0AEkmsj.jpg:large


Nah dude: https://syriancivilwarmap.com/

Hulusi Akar

That dude is pro pkk and unreliable. On /r/swc nobody takes him serious.

Hulusi Akar

And btw its the same map, but he updates it late so he doesnt make his pkk followers angry.


Turkistan will occupy Afrin like Israhell.does.in.Golan. Thats unaccepteble


Not the same. Turkey will not flood Afrin with turks like israel is doing in golan and kurds are doing in SDF held regions.

The problem is that Russia let this happen. Russia never did something to recover golan heights.


occupying = occupying. So still the same.


Not the same as Turkey doesn’t colonize these areas with turks like do israel.

Ice Icegold

Turkey is doing that for centurys now! Occupying and colonize. They did it to Armenians and Greeks.

Joe Dirt

Serious trying to be Serious lol

You can call me Al

It wont happen.


Assad and Russia must recover every inches of Syria including golan height if they want to have a future in Syria. Otherwise, Syrians will join Erdogan and Turkey. And Erdogan is most susceptible to try something to recover Golan height.

Assad is too weak.


Maybe they should start with Hatay

Fred Dozer

This is a tough situation for Russia. They are more than capable of winning in Syria, but have a handicap called NATO countries. They cannot use their S-400 to take out every NATO plane within 100-3000 miles. NATO has enough weapons in the Middle East to fight a world war. Putin is walking on eggshells for the world, not to go up in smoke. The USA are not afraid to destroy the world. The have used Nuke in the past and talk about mass murder of entire nations. If Russia sets up a no-fly zone, America will call his hand ! Then what ?


It is tough now because before, Russia did nothing to strengthen Syria army and to recover golan heights. It’s only a consequence.

Like you let fakebook spreading in your country and then you complain that CIA use fakebook to make trouble in your country. If you anticipate and forbid Fakebook since the beginning and create your own social media, you have no problem. of course, the west will call you a “dictator” but who cares if you do your thing ?

Fred Dozer

Nothing is private in USA. Every form of communication is watched. They know who, is not buying fake news. To many of us to come after, I hope.


USA is like China. They say China monitors people as if USA doesn’t. XD. That’s why I always laught. As if USA will let a shia pro-Iran or a pro-Russia or a pro-China or a pro-Venezuela be US president. So, why Iran or China or russia will allow this ??? XD.

Why Iran should have a pro-israel president whereas israel can’t have a shia president ??? XD.

So, USA is not far from nazism, China, …. The separation is only in people heads.

Fred Dozer

Trump got elected on being pro-Russia and ending Middle-East wars. So you know most USA people want peace. However after getting elected, Trump met the boss, looked in the mirror and seen, Bush, Hillary, McCain etc..


I don’t believe in the US election. I think that the us american circus election show is rigged from the beginning to the end.

Fred Dozer

Money can buy love and a election.


The us circus election is rigged first by design, second by money and now is plain and simple rigged by designating the winner with fake percent.


The ‘turkmen’ in Syria co-ordinated the hunt and murder of the Russian pilots when Turkey lured the undefended Russian jet into a trap and shot it down. Yet today Putin has given the greenlight for the SAME turkmen butchers in Syria to hunt down and murder all kurdish alphas.

Your ‘hero’ Putin kneeling at Erdogan’s feet, and gifted Turkey with their dream of the last 50 years- the official right to hunt kurds in Syria.

How did the Deep State arrange this? One false coup in Turkey (another 9/11 scale false flag) and Putin rushed to comfort the ‘wounded suitor’ Erdogan. “Boo, hoo” cried Erdogan (sniggering into his handkerchief), “my NATO and EU ‘lovers’ have betrayed me- will you become my new love dearest Putin?”

Southfront pushes a Kremlin approved narrative- so shock over the Turkish invasion of Syria is completely missing. Assad strongly condemned it at first, but Putin firmly slapped him down. Now from the coverage here, you’d think a turkish invasion was a ‘good’ thing.

Too many of you here cannot think for yourselves. You want others to do the thinking for you. And this weakness is exploited. You are a fool if you think such exploitation ‘safe’ if it is only done by a ‘side’ you approve of. Picking a side should NEVER mean you can then deactivate your critical thinking.

Turkish invasions of Syria set an International Precedent that America and Israel can follow. And they will.


It’s the opposite. Turkey is following the precedent invasions of Syria by USA (SDF) and israel (Golan heights).

The difference is that Turkey is not powerful as USA and can be delt with in the futur and Erdogan wants to solve the kurd problem before kurds do in Turkey what they did in Syria. And, Putin doesn’t want to bother his friend netahyanu about Golan. And, USA can’t be delt with if there is no alliance to expell them.

So, Assad and Erdogan must ally and Putin must protect them. But, Putin is reluctant to bother his buddy netanyahu and his “western partners”.


The so called Kurd problem is a false flag and false excuse used by terrorist state Turkistan and gives them no right what so ever to invade Syria and commit large scale murder


Erdogan is not Assad. he will not wait for kurds to create a country and in 20 years, try to do in Turkey what they did in Syria.

kurds have no right to take arab city Mandjib, Raqqah and Deir Ezzor and kill the inhabitants by theiur terrorist american partners .


That doesnt justify the Turkish crimes. Besides, the Kurds had to defend themselves in the first place against the murder and rape committed by IS and supported by Turkistan. Like in Kobani and Sinjar. They needed the help from the US and the US exploited that and user the Kurds for their own evil agenda.


They didn’t need the help of the US. They needed the help of Syria and Assad. But, they chose US to grab lands of Syrians because they are bad people in the first place.

And in Afrin, YPG benefited from SAA withdraw to take over the place.

So pplease, don’t tell me bullshit. Afrin was SAA, YPG choose to take advantage of the war to fight SAA. Now, they are alone and Turkey is finish them off. they can only complain about themselfs.


At that time Assad was loosing and could not help the Kurds. Again, Turkistan has no right what so ever to invade Syria and murder Kurds.


kurds have no right to invade Mandjib, Raqqah and DZ and murder Arabs and Assyrians.


The Turks are preventing another KRG, which is indisputably what Jewmerica and the Zionazis are trying to put in place. To build a Jew friendly super state to be used to Balkanise and asset strip Turkey, Iran, Russia and China. Using war, ethnic cleansing and land theft. Just like the Jews did in Palestine.

Smith Ricky


Joe Dirt

It’s so cute of you to think a city is owned by a racial group of people! Has history taught you anything?

You can call me Al

Are you serious about responding to “serious”. Come on, really !!!


Yep. Where u disagree bro

Ice Icegold

Now you’re talking bro!


Set a precedent for the US and Israel to invade at will?! Have you slept through the past several decades?


Well said

John Whitehot

watch clones discuss among themselves.

Smith Ricky

Kuurds are beeing hunted due to the betrayal of the Russian and the Syrian government, therefore they shall die with no mercy.


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Ever notice how this inflammatory disinfo peddler never debates their false narrative to try to justify their stupidity when their lies are called out. Or provides links to support their twisted nonsense.



kurd problem is not a “so called kurd problem”. If Assad delt with the kurd problem earlier, he will not have let half of his country stolen by kurds.


What Kurd problem ‘earlier’


Assad should have given independence to kurds north east before they betray him. I have never understand why Syrians care about kurds as kurds don’t feel themselfs as Syrians and don’t care about Syrians.

It’s like in Iraq. Why the fick Arabs don’t take their independence from kurds ? Something I can’t understand.

John Whitehot

the article makes two interesting suggestions but doesn’t elaborate on them. Probably the author doesn’t want to speculate too much.


well in spite of the big loses FSA has (who cares they are expendable) and some Turkish ones (given the ‘fame’ Kurds had as great fighters) the assault is going well i think for Turkey….main goals achieved already :Turkey showed everyone, including USA, that they dont care about anyones opinion, ally or other. Afrin will eventually fall. WHat remains to be seen is how far will Erdis arrogance go fter that?will he assault Syrian troops openly (has done that already thou ), will he assault Us troops that are together with the Kurds on the east parts of Syria?he wants to clear Turkish borders from YPG. Us has let him play his game in AFrin but will they put a brake on him after that?Where is Russia in all this?Turkeys ally and Syrias as well.

Omer Cayirli

“given the ‘fame’ Kurds had as great fighters”!!! You gotta be kiddding. They are “great fighters” against civilians. They know very well how to kill babies and women as it has been the case in SE Turkey for years. However, when they face with a decent force against them they just run away. It has been the case in Turkey, in Kirkuk and now in Afrin. They always run away. Also they are like lap dogs. Barking a lot when sitting on the laps of a supposedly trusted partner but when it comes to action,,,


well the Turkish forces have their share of destroying many villages in the east. you accuse PKK of killing babies and women…..you mean by bombings in populated areas ,terrorist attacks?

Omer Cayirli

You need to display some emphaty boy. US is in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria etc. for what? So called terrorist threat against US. Killing hundreds of thousands of people in the region. And you are blaming Turkey? You gotta be kidding.


wait a minute here…..if, for example, US kills civilians that means that Turkey has the same right?

Omer Cayirli

No. If we were not keen on keeping civilians out of harms way we would have finished Operation Olive Branch in couple of days. Look what happened in Raqqa. City is literaly inhabitable. Then look at Al-Bab, Azez. You will see the difference in the approach of Turkey and U.S. But this does not mean that we are going to offer a meal to the guys shooting at us. We will do that only after they accept the defeat.


i was not talking about SYria. I was talking about villages with majority of Kurdish population in Turkey. they are vanishing from the map……

Omer Cayirli

I’m not an AKP or Erdoğan supporter. However, those Kurds you mention in SE Turkey, most of them are fierce Erdoğan supporters. They are the reason why Erdoğan has been able to obtain such a large representation in the parliament. In addition, be careful to make a distinction between Kurds and the PKK. They are not the same. That’s also true for Syrian Kurds and the YPG. There are millions of Kurds scattered around Turkey and a significant portion of them are quite wealthy, hate PKK, support Erdoğan and government on the fight against PKK and affiliates.


supporting Erdo is not a good thing…..!!!


This territory tray turkey grabs will never be returned to Syria again.

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