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Map Update: Military Situation In Yemen On May 28, 2018

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This map provides a general look at the military situation in southwestern Yemen. The Saudi-led coalition and its proxies are developing advance along the western Yemeni coast. Recently, Saudi-backed forces have captured the areas of al-Mashra’i, al-Tilaf, al-Mashiyakhi, al-Jah al-A’la, al-Jah al-Asfal and al-Zuhr and have almost captured the districts of al-Tuhayat, al-Durayhimi and al-Garrahi. MORE HERE

Map Update: Military Situation In Yemen On May 28, 2018

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The SA majority politicians are illiterate. They have no sense that what they are doing with Yemen, Palestine, Syria and Afghanistan etc.

The SA economy is near to collapse. If SA win from Houthis by loosing their economy mobility cycle, so then this will be a winning point for Houthis and loosing point for SA.

If SA loose their economy mobility cycle then they will set on their asses and then there is no chance for them to emerge again and then in SA another party will raise to take power of SA in their own hands.

While Houthis are Yemeni Muslims consists of mostly Shia and Sunni and they have chance to emerge again any time soon.

Wise Gandalf

The SA economy is near to collapse.

Not anymore. The oild price is high.


Each military hardware that SA use in Yemen war, SA buy from US and UK on triple cost. Each soldier that die for SA takes SA revenue. SA has already paid more than US$500 billion to US and how much SA have given under the table to US that is hidden, this is because of Israeli advisors. Governments does not run like this.

Wise Gandalf

SA buy from US and UK on triple cost.



In case you haven’t noticed, regardless of whether you agree with him or not, he just likes to spout off random blurts of speculation. Rarely does Rob post any sort of response to anyone with any sort of detailed evidence or citations. He just comes up with some speculation, or goes on some tirade, copy pastes a lot of posts hundreds of times across different articles, and then moves on. There is no “triple cost”. This guy is just making stuff up to make himself feel better, or makes speculations to try and sound coherent.

His writing style definitely gives away his fairly low IQ. To think you can get any sort of intellectual response from him I think would be naive.

Wise Gandalf

Thanks for answer. Have a nice day!


You’re welcome. Stay wise. :)

Wise Gandalf



Which you are not, hamster brain.


He didn’t give you one.


What have you contributed, and no its true similar weapons system from the West are much more expensive.







That’s why it cost the Saudi idiots triple or more per price, they are just as much gouged for weapons as the U.S. government. Something your low IQ probably doesn’t get.


Yeah they all do including the UK and the US, that’s called the industrial military complex, ie letting private for profit interest make your weapons by contracts. That they can jack up for three to five times more then its worth. That’s why Western and especially American weapons system these days come late and over budget, compared to similar weapons system from Russia or China, whom defense industries are controlled by their governments.


It’s still going to be wasted on this campaign especially if they try to occupy the country.

You can call me Al

Not good, not good at all.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Without Russia intervening like in threatening sanctions against Saudi Arabia, then the people of Yemen will fall as the White Russians did. They will be conquered first, then de-populated. Then replaced with other people more adherent to the (((system))) https://holodomorinfo.com/


Sanctions only work for the USA because of the US dollar. The US is backing KSA, it’s a sort of consolation prize, for not getting big chunks of Syria.

But there will be no depopulation, they are all Arabs.

Wars are about money, Yemen has huge untapped oil and GAS reserves, KSA want that gas and the US wants to makes sure it is sold in US dollars and American oil companies get a cut.

All wars are about money, including WWI and WWII.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i wonder if there was any houthi resistance in the places they “captured”, as saudis are pretty shit fighters


saudi army is fighting and winning against people hiding inside mountains and caves, russia fought afghan with scorched earth tactic for 10 years and lost you idiot

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Haha complete and total bullshit loser


So instead of arguing the point you call me a loser lol thank you, you’ve just prove my point

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

What’s the point? U think saudis are good fighters? Lmao please


what studies have been done to prove what your arguing ? or it just make you feel good to believe even though it’s not real lol

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Just look at the pics and videos of saudi shit soldiers getting manhandled and murdered by houthis HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!!!


What studies or links have you shown to prove that point wahhabi idiot.


Three years and hundreds of billions in weapons and this is you got to show for it in a conventional war, oh and the Russians where done the conventional war and occupied Afghanistan in a matter of days. You stupid Saudis are still struggling along a thin coast.


Sticking to the coast keeps them in range of naval supply and artillery, and denies the Houthis any foreign support of any kind. As soon as the encirclement is done the war will be decided, even though the majority of the killing will be in the inevitable occupations and purges and repressions. With the caustic rule of Hadi returning as the Saudi proxy government.

Salahudin Ghafoor

Smaug is nearest to the reality !

The Houthies are losing and if Houdida is taken the miltary hardware from Iran will be curtailed. As a yemeni I do not expect the Houthies to give up. They will demand a high price for ceasing fire and if one goes by the history ,they willl retain most thier hardware! They cannot be trusted unles there are wise heads in thier establishment who would favour taking part in a Unity government and again they who really caused the War and if could be persuaded to take some ministerial posts. Iran should not be involved . Iam hopeful that peace will to return to our miserable and poor country which saw continous warfare since the Imam was overthroen in the 60’s. There is alot of hate mail against Saudi Arabia in your pages!! But people are entitled to thier opinions.The Syrian writer does not feel any responsibiity for the huge number of Syrian immigrants now in Europe?Why hate SA? If Saudi Arabia and UAE etc didnt help ,we will be a province of the Persia!



Why don’t you wahhabis go fuck yourselves, and yes I proudly hate a fake group of Muslims, who have since Ibn Wahhab have done nothing but murder at the behest of the West and Zionism other Muslims. You and your salafist scum are evil incarnate, and blaming Iran is your cheap and pathetic excuse for your misrule and destruction of Yemen.


God I hate Saudi’s like you even more the Israeli’s, you are scum, cowards and two faced hypocrites.

Salahudin Ghafoor

Sad comment .

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Keep dreaming Saudi.


Hearing Houthi sympathizers cry here is music to my ears ?? Long live the Arabian Peninsula, and death to the Persians!!


Music to my ears will be dead Saudi’s as they try to occupy to no avail and get ground by long term war, to bad little wahhabi scumbag like wont join so that you can go back to Riyadh in body bag.


Smaug and the rest of his armchair Jihadi Iranianphobes are coming out of the woodwork on this article.

The Farney Fontenoy

Time to send in Karl…

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