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MARCH 2025

Map Update: Positions Of Russian Military Police And Syrian Army Near Manbij

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This map provides a general look at positions of the Russian Military Police and the Syrian Republican Guard in the area of the Syrian city of Manbij.

Map Update: Positions Of Russian Military Police And Syrian Army Near Manbij

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lol…… all bs… lol hilarious…so russia has troops in between the TAF and SDF……..????r they protecting TAF from SDF or SDF from TAF???? Either way u see it….obvious pure bs for the 99% sheep!!! Putin follows orders just as trump may and the others………..

Jens Holm

Well, actually its between FSAs and MMC having some Coalision guards here and there.


Whatever I say some moron will twist my words. So this asylum is the best place for crackpot 777 and other lunatics like him to express their madness and conspiracy paranoia and spit on who else but Russia.


Maybe Damascus learned a lesson after they botched Afrin. It makes no sense to giveaway more of their country. This should give Erdogran something to think about. And why is the US still in Manbij?


It was not Damascus giveaway at all but Kurd giveaway. SAA didn’t have enough troupes nearby (they were engaged in combat elsewhere) but they could brought them if they only could reach agreement with Kurds. And Kurds on top of everything have explicitly refused to make compromise with that territory They have refused any offer from SAA for protection in exchange for shared authority (later on) in the Afrin region. Few pick-ups with local pro-SAA militia later on was just symbolic and of no military importance

Kurds have also refused directly Russian offer for protection in Afrin in the same context. They were just too confident (stupid) convinced that they do not need Russia and SAA.


The YPG had enough fighters what they lacked was air support. Russia and the SAA have enough planes to have made a token presence. Also the canton is no longer just Kurds many Syrian Arab refugees moved into Afrin during the war. The Kurd are no longer the majority. Damascus has shown that after 7 years they are still clueless as to the problems in areas outside of Damascus and how to resolve them. The YPG had kept Afrin from being controlled by ISIS but this point was lost on Damascus. In their mind it was better to give the canton to Turkey.


You didn’t read properly my comment! Condition of “protection” was to accept fully contingent of SAA army troupes with tanks, rocket launchers and heavy artillery not just few pick-up trucks with handful of local pro-SAA militia men. Assad wanted BACK administration of Afrin in exchange for guaranteed protection to the Kurds!

Maybe you think that Assad and Russians are stupid to give air support without having SAA control distributed in region?!?…. When Kurds have REFUSED SAA troupes on the ground in Afrin Russians have refused them air support an answer on their refusal.. So full responsibility for losing territory to the Turks goes with the Kurds only. They were STUPID enough to think that they can resist alone!

Jens Holm

You seemes to forget, that Assad demanded all YPG+J closed and the Damaskus joke structure resettled giving only the Afrins a kind of maybee somewhere in the maybee future.

I think Russia simply given up seeing those 2 stubbern ones and thinking. We dont nedd problems there and we might even control “Our part” better, if Afrin is anything else then Assads.


The Kurds foolish went for ww1 style battlefield en became quite cocky, a lot bunkers, trenches, the spend years making them the where overrun within weeks which nobody expected to be so fast. There wasn’t time to react by Russia or Syria both had reached there max capability at the time fighting on different fields.


Bloody armatures that what they were.. They thought that rag tag Jihad chicken thieves they fought against to be formidable opponent. And they were convinced that Turks are hardly any better. Once they got Turk regular army with air power support facing them they s*it their pants immediately. If they reacted right way from the start Russia and SAA would be able to help them and situation today would be much better


amateurs, the fortification certainly are, building so form of medieval castles thinking it would stop a bunker buster type of ordnance.



Thanks for video Yeah they’ve been watching too many WW2 old movies or even better Robin Hood movies where they saw ” medieval castles” their secret weapon! ;-))))))

Jens Holm

Thay didnt want that help at all. They wished/wanted real local independency for local matters.

If You are hungry and a forced muslim UNHCR should send You our pigs as help. UNHCR could try that and might make peace doing like that – couldnt they :)

Jens Holm

That makes no sense at all. Russians took the airforce shield away. Until then they could keep anything named as FSA, ISIS and whatever 100% out and remain safe.

Thats well done having so many enemies. The same goes for the rest incl. the Aleppo City enclave.

And YES russians by purpose did nothing and the Coalition never has been supporter of the Sfrin YPGs as we saw it when they from both sides tryed to take Al Bab.

Xoli Xoli

There is no use to protect traitors in Manbij because Erdogan wants to attack them.Just go and patrol in Idlip which is a terrorist’s harbouring zone.Of cause if Turkey attacks it will use HTS in Idlib to attack Manbij.


Next port of call for the Russians, to clear up another disaster in Venezuela, created by the usual suspects.Oil Oil,Oil.


I would be deeply dissapointed with Russia if they send any of their regular troops there. 400 Russian “Vagner” mercenaries (in US double speak language “contractors”) have arrived to Venezuela. Russian support there is above all related to Russian investments (in oil, gold and credit for Russian weapons ) Just like China they support Venezuela for the same reason – money Venezuela owes to them

Russia above all doesn’t want to lose their money so they will help Maduro

Jens Holm

I agree. If they send some its like others do and for protecting vital installations. Here it could be the few still working oil productions.

You can call me Al

Dumping US Petro-$, US Petro-$, US Petro-$.

Jens Holm

If so USSR will dump too. They are so depended in oil and gas prices.

You seeemes to know to little. Venezuala hardly export any oil of several reasons for years. Maduras has helped that very much(too). Very much it also unfortunatly is full of sulphur and unpopular.

My best advice is to invest in windmills, solarpower plants and energy saving by innovating old things.

That might dump the Petro dollar and reduce Middle East to sand and some dades for Christmas.


This is a very nice development.

Jens Holm

I dont see that. For whome, if I may ask.

I only see a collapse as well as I see none regainers for it.


For the Syrian Government.

Jens Holm

OK, I am sure Da´maskus do like to get things for free, the Syrish pound hardly is worth 10 grammes. Tks.



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