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MARCH 2025

Map Update: Progress Of Azerbaijani Advance In Karabakh And Failed Ceasefires

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Map Update: Progress Of Azerbaijani Advance In Karabakh And Failed Ceasefires

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The Azerbaijani military has been developing its advance on Armenian forces in the Nagorno-Karabakh region despite repeated international attempts to broker the ceasefire between the sides. The first ceasefire allegedly started on October 10 and failed on the same day. The second ceasefire, scheduled for October 18, ended in similar way. Then, the third attempt to reach a humanitarian ceasefire took place on October 30-31, but the war continues without a real pause.


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Arman Melkonyan

Let the Jews and the Turks exterminate the first Christian nation of the world.

What a wonderful God you are, Jesus Christ.

Help Allah slaughter your children.


Death to Turks

And Greece sitting in NATO letting the Turks bully them and invade their airspace while also occupying Cyprus is not helpful.

Arman Melkonyan

Of course it’s not.

What we call Greeks today are a bunch of hypocritical vermin who wanna sell property upwards of 250.000 euros to Turks so that they can get long-term European visas.

I’m ashamed to be associated with anything Greek at this time.

Death to Turks

Hopefully the far right movements of Greece can take power.

Arman Melkonyan

The traitorous Greek government is throwing them in jail instead of shooting down Turkish F-16s that violate Greek airspace everyday.

Greeks are only interested in Turkish tourists spending money in Greek hotels and restaurants.

We regressed a long way from the great Athenian civilization of the past.

Nenad Vojinovic

Armenians should have invested in defense in the last 30 years and not to rely solely on Russia. They should have diversified their ally list. Interests are changeable and economy driven. Armenia is a poor country and have nothing to offer in exchange. For losses you can only blame Armenian leadership.

Arman Melkonyan

Got it.

You can do anything for money.

Have a great life.


I doubt if you are from Armenia.

Arman Melkonyan

I never said I was.

Armenians are courageous but the way their leadership (mis)led them was disastrous.

Exposing men and materiel in the open like that was suicidal with terror drones flying overhead.

They should have hidden the tanks and kept the fighters in dispersed position, employing hit and run tactics and retreat toward the mountains in disciplined fashion while minimizing losses and preserving their fighting capability.

The Armenians lost so much for nothing.

I’m very sad and angry about that.

My condolences, Armenians.

You are now in God’s hands, as they say.

And fuck the Russians.


Jesus christ (peace on him) never has been God neither Son of God , he was a prophet human like Moses and his predecessors

Death to Turks

Shut up muslime

Porc Halal

Why, because this is what your shitty religion teaches you?!…Jesus Christ is the Son of God!…jesus from the satanist book called shitquran is a fictional (cartoon) character… and the criminal pedophile known as momo, is only a self-proclaimed prophet, meaning a false prophet, an illiterate, caravan robber, filthy worlord, master and slave trader, sex maniac, etc … and he died like a dog, poisoned by a jewish woman to whom the motherfucker killed her husband, children, parents and almost the entire tribe she belonged to…


That’s what the logical teaches no human could be God . And no one amongst prophets before never profess a god-human-son of god exists

Death to Turks

We will wipe our asses with the quran


Why is Greece not helping???


They can’t They are weak Crybabies

Death to Turks

Hundreds of Greek volunteers have went or are in process of going.

Great Khan

hahahahaha you funny…..

Death to Turks

Ho ho ho no no me stronk Ermeni ermeni hehehehehehe

Harry Smith

Hey, Greek. Do you realize now why Kremlin is not helping Armenia? ROFL! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5Kd0g4j_g0

Death to Turks

Armenian not Greek. Why such a hard time taking over Karabakh? One month and you have not even penetrated the mountains? There are only about 15000 Armenians currently fighting against 100,000 Azeri troops, NOT including Syrian mercenary terrorists and Turkish special forces, and not including your drones of course.

Our troops have such a limited amount of supplies and weapons, how are they killing so many of you and holding you back so much? What they’ve done so far is historical level of resistance.

Harry Smith

Buddy. I am Russian.

Death to Turks

Might as well be an azeri or turk or jew, no difference. Al the same side.

Arman Melkonyan

Obviously Greeks are not a righteous people.

And they are a cowed and stupid race.

I admit it.


Change icon in your Avatar … do not use my flag.

Arman Melkonyan

And you take the Turks’ and the Germans’ penes out of your mouth.

Death to Turks

They are not fairing as well as they proclaim, sorry. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7e67630e3dba8e3f4d61e06f6d2582ae2db4a638adb7488fb975171076706ea4.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5d5ffb74f457c774905048eb9051eafaea870109ca64763e21715289b0361591.jpg


So???? Of course there will be losses.

Death to Turks

Just to fail, just to send them to fail, look at them, invading my land and look at them now.


LOL. They are not failing, they have done their Job. They are part of the Aserbaidschan Army who already retook 1/3 of Karabagh. So even if all stays like today….one month ago it was Zero, today 1/3. And Armenia is loosing so much equipment and Soldiers… They are hugely weakend also for the future. This is in no way a fail. Just check all the known Analysts, they dont see this as fail.

Death to Turks

Even if all stays like today? It would be a colossal failure for Azerbaijan if all stays like today. To have gained empty abandoned land while Armenians have Stepanakert, Shushi, and Berdzor? While we control the useful areas? While you’ve all and Aliev have been saying all of it will be conquered? It would be a huge failure.


Fuzuli? Jabrail? Cities like Agdam etc. will follow. Armenian Army is literally castrated.

Death to Turks

Fuzuli jabrail? Uninhabited ghost towns lying in rubble? Congratulations bro. Armenian army is building up more and more. We’re waiting for you to continue your stupid advances to decimate more if your units then counteroffensive will begin.



Death to Turks

If today the war ended with the current areas under Armenian and Azeri , you would be satisfied and view it as a victory?


Of course… Before Zero, today 1/3 with Fuzuli, Jebrail etc. And Armenian Army literally castrated.

Death to Turks

Oh wow that’s hilarious that you would view it a success haha, low standards, that’s why you’ll lose.


I like it how Aserbaidschan looses right now :D

Death to Turks

I like it how Azerbaijan loses too. Why are you in Germany instead of Azerbaijan?


Because i am not a Azeri ;)

Death to Turks

Now you’re not? You say we and us like you’re one of them, you’re obviously totally invested in their terrorism, then you must be a turk scum.


In the video published on social media, the bodies of Armenian soldiers killed in Nagorno-Karabakh did not fit into the hospital morgues.

The corpses of the Armenian soldiers started to be kept in the basement of the hospital as there was no space left in the morgues. https://youtu.be/Onw1S1qiBLE

Death to Turks

Keep sending me more. My motivation increases. My dedication increases. My plans with my comrades for attacks on the Turks and Azeris increases. I want to see more. Send me more.


Coward Armenian Soldiers Surrender in Karabakh. hahahahaha! https://youtu.be/FAROAgIdfik

Death to Turks

More more more. So the retribution in the Azeri will be x100


Retribution of Sins for the Armenians Armenians Soldier Killed The By Azerbejian Army. https://youtu.be/cob0lElO4zM

Death to Turks

The uncensored version shows his regret in his face. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5d5ffb74f457c774905048eb9051eafaea870109ca64763e21715289b0361591.jpg https://youtu.be/_lu7YHp_VP8


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/39f9803ab33d1b5d48164e875537f540da1eff4b9d0cccbf20a0a78c681fa633.jpg This year, the use of Armenians in the treatment “Tank Biathlon” competition in Russia was taken as a booty by the Azerbaijani army.


Learn English properly before you start working in the Baku troll factory.


Maybe you can teach? kiss our ass first!!!

Death to Turks

Karabakh is Armenia https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c9435a59a701ce73516270ffef1dcbb86e2717ac5a75306040be7c982a1ec817.jpg


You were dreaming a lot. Speaking of Pasik’s daughter, your dreams were in vain.

Death to Turks

Govori suka, karabakh Armenia

Great Khan

Azeri BROTHER Stronk! he say long live Azerbaijan, Turkey and Pakistan…even wounded warrior more brave than Armeni terrorist rat….hahhahha


Arman Melkonyan

Armenians immediately must accuse and file charges of genocide against the extant Turkish Republic for preventing the descendants of the genocided Armenian ottoman citizens from returning to their ancestral lands; and demand and force the opening of Turkish deeds records and archives which establish Armenian ownership of real assets in Turkey, and evince material grievances suffered as a result of the genocide inflicted on them by the Turks and the Frankist Donmeh Jews.

Harry Smith

Lets imagine all you said is done. What’s next? Do you really think anyone in the World do care about Armenians? Are you seriously believe that any country in the World would confiscate Turkish property just to pay compensation for Armenians? Be realistic, dude.

Arman Melkonyan

I don’t care about a world that does not care.

I care about what is right.

The entire world is complicit in the genocide of the first Christian nation of the world, the Armenians, and thus must be called to carpet.

This is not about Turks and Armenians.

It’s about good versus evil.

And consequences.

Harry Smith

Well, good and evil differs from point of view. For Azeris, existence of Artsah is evil. For you Artsah is good. And vice versus: taking control over NK is good for Azeris and evil for you. Like I said before – nobody in the world cares about Armenians and their expectations.

Arman Melkonyan

Azeris and Turks are MUSLIMS and therefore are evil people by the objective standards of ISLAM.

THIS IS ISLAM as recorded in the holy book of Islam, the Qur’an:

Qur’an 22:19 “Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies.” 
Qur’an 3:28 “Muslims must not take the infidels as friends.” 
Qur’an 3:85 “Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.” 
Qur’an 5:33 “Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam.” 
Qur’an 8:12 “Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Koran.” 
Qur’an 8:60 “Muslims must muster ALL weapons to terrorize the infidels.” 
Qur’an 8:65 “The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them.” 
Qur’an 9:5 “When opportunity arises, Kill the infidels wherever you catch them.” 
Qur’an 9:28 “The infidels are unclean; do not let them into a mosque.” 
Qur’an 9:30 “The J-ws and the Christians are perverts; fight them.” 
Qur’an 9:123 “Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood.” 
Qur’an 47:4 “Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; Behead them when you catch them.”

Qur’an 3:54 “Allah is the greatest deceiver” – “Allahu khayru al-makireena”


Harry Smith

It is just your point of view. It is not an absolute truth. Everyone has private opinion and this opinion is not necessarily coincide with yours. Try to understand this simple rule.

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