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Map Update: Progress Of Azerbaijani Advance In Nagorno-Karabakh Ahead Of November 10 Ceasefire

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Map Update: Progress Of Azerbaijani Advance In Nagorno-Karabakh Ahead Of November 10 Ceasefire

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This map shows the progress of the Azerbaijani advance in the Nagorno-Karabakh region on November 8-9, just ahead of the permanent ceasefire implementation in the region.


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putin is a dog woof woof

Rhodium 10

Putin now have 2000 soldiers inside NK…Iran have said..” If Russia need support in NK we will provide it…


poor little turkish trolls were saying in 5 days azeris would have liberated the whole NK…guess what? NOT!! they will only get the south part with is actually out of NK…it is azeri land lost in the last war…NK stays with armenia


did you read the agreement moron?:))…azerbaycan is taking most of nk plus corridor to nakhchvan… https://southfront.org/chaos-in-yerevan-after-russian-backed-peace-agreement-signed-between-azerbaijan-and-armenia/ https://tass.com/world/1221753 https://twitter.com/Caucasuswar/status/1325936568704634882?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1325936568704634882%7Ctwgr%5Eshare_3&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fdisqus.com%2Fby%2Fdisqus_XuF1rs55pf%2F

Servet Köseoğlu

All around Greece, church bells are ringing in mourning, while flags are at half-mast due to epic fail of Armenian army…xD


they are sad and angry just like their armenian crybaby friends:)) https://twitter.com/Caucasuswar/status/1325967019687239680 https://twitter.com/Caucasuswar/status/1325975935758311427


you know that this is coming for edogan as well all all of his supporters…u better start leaving you country as fast as you can


Wild Soros monkeys rampage

Simon Ndiritu

So, Greek losers were expecting to win by doing nothing? Isn’t it funny?


they could buy one way ticket from athens to yerevan and join armenian ranks…however they preferred trolling online lol

Simon Ndiritu

True, better yet, the lazy thinking Greek government would have taken it as an opportunity to engage Turkey in a proxy war and arm and support Armenia. It would have raised stake for their negotiations in the eastern mediteranean and Northern Cyprus. However, they waited for the fruits to fall while Turkey went to pick them


and then you woke up?

Servet Köseoğlu

its not dumber than your statement..:)))get a reality check..and learn to face consequences of defeat like a man…its ok to be anti-turkish but dont ruin yourself..xD


u know i am right! the russians are deployed IN front of you army just to stop them from taking NK…hahaha so funny…and you are happy about it

Servet Köseoğlu

Turkey has nothing to do with N-k lands..its enough to press once to call button to call an elevator not 6-7 times..


Kremlin now: No Turkish soldiers in Nagorno-Karabakh! -chekmate !! (we all celebrate normally)

Servet Köseoğlu

Deployment Of Turkish soldiers to N-k is a fatal blow to Russia’s image not Turkey..and what will we gain by deploying soldiers to N-k?..nothing..


You will not gain anything anyway … time has begun to count down for Turkey. You just saved some time.


Did you come to Greece and did you see it ??? ha ha You have a lot of fun


no u idiot it says they stay as they are and the russians are deployed between them…ahhahaah


learn to read properly illiterate butthurt:))..you lost…


me? lol who is me…i am with none…i am just having fun with the turk tolls


you are just an imbecile who spammes nonsense lmao…now piss off…


lol turktroll got buthurt from my comment…i succeded again!! hahahaha


im having fun with you clown:))…keep entertaining us then…


cry more its ok…you lost NK while you were winning lol


No you lost … Kremlin now: No Turkish soldiers in Nagorno-Karabakh! -chekmate !! (we all celebrate normally)

Rhodium 10

Do you think that NK Armenians are going to leave from that areas that you have signed?…if pro western government continue in Armenia there will be somekind of guerrilla warfare in NK supported by west ( specially France) to undermine Russia-Azerbajan agreement…the borders with Armenia are too long…


look at what arayik harutyunyan said about recent situation of their army…”Everyone said that a temporary or final truce was inevitable. Otherwise, we would have lost all of Artsakh in a matter of days. There were no resources to continue fighting.” how many days can that imaginary guerrilla warfare withstand?…be realistic please..its over…

Rhodium 10

He said what Russians told him….without drones on air AZ is nothing and for Russia is too easy shot down them..they only have to put on flight some MIG29M armed with 6 air to air missile and from Armenian airspace and high alttitude shot down all of them!

Genghis Gobi

Righteous! After reading your commenting I thinker I must be go back to Azerbaijanistan from Nagorno Karabakhistan, so I begin retreating backward, but then I finding I among Azerbaijanistani soldiers in Shushabad and still in Nagorno Karabakhistan!

So you wrongeous.


yes u speak england very BEST!!

Genghis Gobi

I taughted English by Abu Abdulkafi Alhamdo in Idlibistan English Academic! He speaker best English in World as you gnawing if you read his last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last last tweets from Aleppo.

Антон С

Azeris won, but just a third of Karabah. It’s not total victory, but still a victory. Plus they will have the way to Nahichevan’. Defeat goes to Pashinyan, Washington (Soros) and partly Erdogan. Turkey will not expand its influence, AR and AZ will get resurrection of economical activity (AZ have to remove blockade from AR), Russia will grow own influence, stopped the war and send more troops to the region to prevent future conflict at list for several years and to stop foreign expansion. All sides are happy now.)


This is the text of the N-K cease-fire agreement. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9ff3478aaa889aa68c9fe354d3971cea5ff2dbfa0e5e52461e77dc1e62f04f15.jpg http://kremlin.ru/acts/news/64384

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