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- Wagner fighters completely captured the city of Bakhmt
- On May 25, the Wagner fighters would begin to withdraw its units for rest and retraining and positions in Bakhmut will be transferred to units of the Russian Armed Forces, according to Prigozhin, head of Wagner PMC
- Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue near Berkhovsky water reservoir
- Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue south of Ivanivske
- Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue near Khromove
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deci zona administrativa bahmut e in intregime eliberata. nu spuneti nimanui. vestul nu trebuie sa stie. ne vedem la reni! mihaela lui mirciulica ” dragostea mea” va asteapta cu paine si sare si ” o floare de nu ma uita”
usa are yet to be kicked out of syria though. they occupy and steal oil.
they are suffering losses though. amazing how vehicles burn and based get hit without warning yet not even a single injury? then there are a spike of incidents in the us and ocross the world where soldiers die or suffer injury? also remember any contractor or private military operators aren’t counted. such was the instance during the iraq invasion.
por eso la data real da 700 mil muertos en las fuerzas armadas globalistas de ukrania y la otan
lo de siria es un crimen de guerra de los wasp
klasse! bachmut heißt nun wieder artjomowsk….!
peter pan just arrive to moscow with the news. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
good job 👍👏greetings from poland
congrats! now avdievka and seversk should be liberated.
wagnerovci dokončili svoju úlohu, oslobodili mesto bachmut spod nadvlády banderovských fašistov!!! tento deň sa stane významným dňom v histórii tohto mesta!!! boj trval údajne 224 dní a bojovalo sa o každý dom a každú ulicu. podľa môjho odhadu banderovský fašisti stratili pri okupácii mesta bachmut jednu celú armádu. to znamená cca 120 000 mužov!!!
the filthy, treasonous israel-first neocon warmongering aipac slaves in the us government, in the intel and in the us military are in full denial mode. they have wasted over 100 billion of our tax dollars for zelenskyy and have nothing to show for.
where are the wagner terrorists going now? they haven’t cut off any supply lines west of bakhmut. since it’s just a phony capture the entire ukrainian army has all the roads completely blocked. the wagner terrorists are trapped in bakhmut. nowhere to go. this should be fun to see.
sure man, hence zelensky begging for aid..that’s how great your nazifriends are doing… i do have to admit though, it is fun to see..casualty 9/1 in russian advantage..(nine oekies for every single russian)..guess who was trapped in bakhmut..(hint, it wasnt the russians) but keep on dreaming, boy…
glad to see zelensky is sharing his cocaine stash with you.
the world’s greatest army laughs at your pathetic murmurings’!
whenever wagner turns over territory to the russian army, the russian army retreats…
¡¡¡ felicitaciones !!!
to odesa! slava rússia!
watch the dumb ukronazis start bakhmut offensive on may 26 thinking that the wagners have left !!lmao !!
glória a mãe rússia, viva os wagners e os chechenos de kadirov!
whattabout donbass? what about that?? when will our slavic brothers in donbass be liberated??? just asking since 10 years ago.
you and cop been doing 69?
felicitaciones ahora solo falta liberar el donbass y toda ucrania de la plaga nazi de la otan y aniquilar las fuerzas armadas globalistas de la otan nazi en ucrania
el punto es que rusia debera destruir las fuerzas armadas globalistas en ucrania y anexarse ese pais entero o no tendra paz por la estrategia anglosajona de guerras eternas y lo dijo claro biden y ni trump podra parar nada
zelensky’s cue to surrender, but will he…
great job, wagner’s chased ukraine’s out of bahkmut just throwing rocks at them as they had no ammo left