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Map Update: Saudi-backed Forces Retreat From More Positions Under Pressure From Yemeni Resistance

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Forces loyal to the Saudi-led coaition continue their slow retreat under pressure from Ansar Allah (also known as the Houthis) and its allies in the province of Dhale.

Following the recent gains in the districts of Hisha and Azariq, Ansar Allah delivered a blow to coalition forces in the area of Beit Sharji, which  is located northwest of the coalition stronghold of Qatabah. In the event of success in this area, Ansar Allah and its allies will be able to capture the village of Qarin Fahd and advance further along the road toward Qatabah.

At the same time, Yemeni forces would  likely continue pressure coalition troops southwest of Qatabah. If the coalition air power contributes not enough effort to put an end to the Ansar Allah advance, it may appear that the Yemeni resistance will be able to lay siege on the town of Qatabah itself.

Map Update: Saudi-backed Forces Retreat From More Positions Under Pressure From Yemeni Resistance

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Go Houthi!

Promitheas Apollonious

someone with b*lls need to support this people with anti air defense systems

Jacob Wohl's Nose

don’t stop there… give them loads of drones, anti-tank guided weapons, igla, more precision-guided ballistic missiles… they’d capture saudi in 1 week lol

Promitheas Apollonious

it is best to free their own country first.


Israel would never let anyone capture Saudi Arabia. Who else would provide thousands of crazy terrorists to destabilise the Arab world?

Robert Campbell

Make those Saudi terrorist’s pay !!


Hmm, a slow retreat does not make for a rout. It means the Saudis are still enough of a control to command their forces to a new line of resistance. Which is a shame cause seeing the Saudis routed would give me a happy. I’m easily pleased. :D

S Melanson

The Houthis with minimal external support are showing elites that blockade and isolation cannot crush a ‘primitive’ people determined to defend their homeland. Unlike the Coalition’s dependency on external resources, the Houthi’s true strength comes from within.

By now, the Coalition should have come to the realization that having exceptional access to foreign fighters, support and tech with nearly unlimited purchasing power is not the recipe for victory, on the contrary, it has proven to be their nemesis.

The Coalition thought they could buy a dream army to secure victory. What the Coalition actually bought was Alice Coopers 1975 Album “Welcome to my Nightmare” on infinite repeat.


In all fairness, what we can learn from Yemen is that an ill equipped yet very determined force can defeat a bigger better armed force. Provided that force is composed of morons and being led by morons. And even though said morons can hire good professional military to do the fighting for them, once you get a taste of working with said morons you immediately lose all interest in risking your life for them. And in case any one is still wondering, by morons I mean the Saudis.

I once met a former RAF mechanic in a bar and we talked for a while. After his RAF days he spent a year working in Saudi Arabia servicing RSAF aircraft. He made good money working there and was offered more money by his company to work another year there and he said fuck this. I’m not spending another year with those fuckers. He absolutely loathed the Saudis.

S Melanson

See my edit in the comment you are replying to.

You can call me Al

They are defending their homeland / homes; being primitive means nothing in such a scenario; you and me would do the same.

S Melanson

see my edit in my comment regarding primitive

You can call me Al

Gotcha… understood, over and out for the night.

northerntruthseeker .


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