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Map Update: Syrian Army’s Gains In Southern Idlib Since August 1

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Map Update: Syrian Army's Gains In Southern Idlib Since August 1

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This map provides a general look at gains of the Syrian Army and its allies in northern Hama and southern Idlib in the period from August 1 to August 19. Militants’ defense in the area has been slowly collapsing. Now government forces are working to encircle the town of Khan Shaykhun, whic has been for a long time the key militant stronghold in southern Idlib.


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goe khan sheikun!


The Syrian government must issue order of no fly zone over entire Syria including North East part for all flying objects including UAV drones, reconnaissance UAV drones, fighter jets, helicopters etc. The Syrian forces should shotdown any violator’s flying objects.


It’s too early.


The moment Syria does that US sacrifices one of its own pilots to claim Syrian agresion against “peacekeeping/terrorists fighting US army” and strikes Syria hard. Syria has better options still….


Yes peace keeping forces without UNSC permission. LOL…

We have seen the US helicopter ISIS peace keeping terrorist forces and Al-Qaeda terrorist forces. Entire US presence in this world is illegal.


You did not see my irony in that part did you?


Yes on first instance.


Don’t worry Rob, be cool.


Yes let Turkish conveys to enter Idlib because green can easily burn with dry terrorists .

There is any reason with Turkey to send military conveys to Idlib or just to help dry terrorists to burn well.


Turks are blocked from Khan Sheikhun. So that operation will be undisturbed. And that they would support the Idlib Jihadists was clear for everyone.

But be cool. SAA used the old but good 1960s red army tactic. Meaning breaking into the strategic death of the enemy, then make our beloved pockets. Turks will be just avoided and encircled.

I would worry much more about the support we dont see in form of physical convoys: Intelligence, MANPADS, TOWs. That shit is much more dangerous than the trucks or tanks that the SAA and Russia can use their airforce on, or the new Jihadists cannon fodder.

Turkey already send 100s if not 1000s to HTS and allies, and they were of no use, and many even went back to afrin weeks ago.


For MANPAD I have mentioned in detail yesterday that Syria should not use unguided bombs for which pilot needs to bring fighter jet so low that MANPAD could target.

China offer Syria full support for any military hardware including kits that convert unguided bombs into guided bombs and for target pods.

If Syria use that then pilot can make precise targets from 30 km altitude.


You think that Syria still would use its outdated soviet hardware if they could have a – viable – alternative?? Syria is in ECONOMIC WAR! There is a fuel crisis raging the whole year, no money to rebuild, plus a shooting war in Idleb. Syria does the best she can, but she needs to do it the most cost effective way. They have been offeren APC kits, Night sights, still they dont have the means to use those high tech stuff on a broad scale. Plus, the plane that came down by rocket/MANPAD days ago was the first this year. Life is cheap in the middle east. Especially in Syria.

For the money “wasted” on smart bombs, Syria will use the money more effectively elsewhere. Everyday SAA troops die. A few dead pilots a year dont matter more to the SAA leadership than the 10000s of ground fighters that have a much higher need for better gear. Thats life. Its about the bigger picture, and what is most effectively spend. And not to waste money, while it is badly needed for many more troops elsewhere. The Jihaidsts have mostly better gear than SAA ground troops (Aside from Tiger Forces and 4th mech and Rep Guards that are elite), while the pilots where and still are relatively safe.


Just figure it out. Let see if pilot drop one unguided bomb on a residential area and kill a dozens so you know their relatives will stand against government and will become militants. Second with unguided bomb the target is not precise therefore for a target where one bomb needed pilot will use 4 or 5 to achieve goal. Each Syrian fighter jet carry 4 bombs and 4 missiles. Therefore, each trip is needed for each target but in case of guided bombs then one trip is needed for 4 targets. China will never ask for to pay cache for military equipments on the spot.


There is mourning in the following website on the Syrian and Russian forces gains.


Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

good site at first glance, how accurate has it been?

Gregory Louis

It’s pretty accurate it used to be owned independently at one point now they’re kinda biased but still accurate.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

will have a look for a while, may share it in a few weeks on other platforms. thanks for the link tho


It has been for years pro-“opposition”.

At least when i was blogging about the war till a year ago, they ALWAYS “reported” any bullshit Jihadists proganda, and needed sometimes multiple days to “confirm” SAA gains on the battlefield. Dont know about know, but beware.

Xoli Xoli

Erdogan dig about to be cut off completely and donated to his supporters .

Ray " Uncle Sam"

Thats why you cant trust Russia! They are allowing this! And soon the erdogan gangsters have s 400!

stupid is as stupid does

You are an idiot. Turks were parked on the road in broad day light with their column And if they did anything which opposes what was agreed before SAA could have bombed shit out of them by now. Here read before you talk more bullshit!

BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:20 P.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has begun storming the key hilltop of Tal Nimr, which is located north of Khan Sheikhoun and just west of the Hama-Idlib Highway. According to a military source in the Hama Governorate, the Syrian Army is trying to capture Tal Nimr in order to block the Turkish Army front entering Khan Sheikhoun. The source said that the Turkish troops had not entered Khan Sheikhoun; however, he did note that they are currently positioned north of the hilltop and will likely block any advance towards Ma’arat Al-Nu’man. While the Syrian Army does maintain fire control over the militant supply routes, they do not target the Turkish troops that use the roadways as part of the Astana Agreement. https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syrian-army-storms-strategic-hilltop-to-block-turkish-troops-from-khan-sheikhoun/

As of now, it appears Turkey will not interfere in the ongoing battle for Khan Sheikhoun, but should the Syrian Army push further north of the city, this could spark a potential conflict.

Ray " Uncle Sam"

Turkey is aiding terrorist end of the story that’s a fact

Disqus schrieb am Mo., 19. Aug. 2019, 14:40:

stupid is as stupid does

No shit Sherlock?! LOL!! That “secret” you have discovered is known from first day of war in Syria!


Ya, too late, they have already sprang north of Khan Sheikhoun. http://www.almasdanews.com Syrian Army scores new gains north of Khan Sheikhoun

klove and light

Breaking News…. Turkish armed Forces Pension fund is allowed to buy British Steel!!!!

Like i Always try to explain…. the bigger Picture Counts…….

now Turkey has Agreement for eastern syria with USA now Turkey is in direct Violation of Agreements regarding Idlib and sending massive Military to khan shaytun

and again….. for all Folks who tend to Forget very very quick…… it wass Putin who allowed Turkey to invade afrin……. it was Putin who made the bs deescaltion Agreement with erdogan and aloowing Turkey to build 12 Military bases in Idlib and it was Putin who sold the S-400 to TAF….

and if Folks would just USE their EYES and take a goooooood look at the map of syria August 2019, you will find syria is parttioned….. North by TAF a NATO member, east by US and in near future by TAF both NATO, south by USA NATO…. and west by satanic Israel(Golan)

And just to make SOME atleast use their god givin Brains.. the Million Dollar Question..

Who would be more difficult for SAA to fight

1. YPG kurds which have no tanks, no artillery , no airforce or

2. TAF. turkish armed Forces, a NATO member, tanks,airforce, artillery etc….

The sale of all things British continues at a remorseless pace News that Turkey’s military pension fund has reached a deal to buy embattled British Steel will come as a disappointment to supporters of British industry. The Turkish Armed Forces Assistance Fund (Oyak) says it plans to buy British Steel by the end of the year. British Steel employs 5,000 people, mostly at the Scunthorpe and Teeside steel works. The sale of British steel to an unusual foreign entity (Oyak) is in keeping with a long-term trend which began in the Thatcher era of the 1980s. Under Thatcher’s privatization scheme substantial parts of Britain’s critical infrastructure, notably the gas and electricity supply industry, were sold off to foreign investors. The sale of both public and private assets has continued apace since Thatcher departed the arena in November 1990. Dubbing it “the great British sell-off”, The Economist reported in March 2016 that the government had encouraged departments to find land and property to sell, with the aim of raising £5 billion by 2020. Meanwhile, the sale of private companies has been going on at a much larger scale. Writing in the Guardian in March 2015, the chair of the Big Innovation Centre, Will Hutton, revealed that in a ten-year period, 2005 to 2015, £440 billion worth of private companies were sold to foreign owners. Describing the “selling off” of Britain as a sign of “profound weakness”, Hutton lamented: “For centuries Britain, courtesy of empire and overseas expansion, enjoyed a phenomenal net surplus of assets; we owned more of the world than foreigners owned us”. It is difficult to ignore the logic inherent in Hutton’s insight. There does appear to be a direct link between Britain’s geopolitical decline and the selling off of British assets, both public and private, to foreign entities. The “selling-off” of Britain often works to the disadvantage of the people most directly affected by these decisions, namely the workers and their families. It has been reported that the prospective buyer of British Steel is planning to cut jobs as part of a “productivity drive”. But even the workers who get to keep their jobs are expected to face tough times ahead. The Guardian reported on August 16 that “Ataer Holding”, the subsidiary of Oyak which will take direct ownership of British Steel, has a poor labour rights record and was involved in a corruption scandal in 2012

stupid is as stupid does

“Breaking News…. Turkish armed Forces Pension fund is allowed to buy British Steel!!!!”

WTF ,?!?! I am surprised that you even know how to write you fucking shit for brains!

I am surprised that you didn’t join ISIS because similar totally retarded idiots like you are in their ranks. Are you sure that you are not -Ray ” Uncle Sam”- because you sound retarded in the same way?

You can call me Al

Trust me, block him, he is paid to be a distraction and take your time off the article.

stupid is as stupid does

Done. Thanks !

Icarus Tanović

Fucking Mahir Çagri.

You can call me Al

LOL, I had to look it up and ended up with:


Still laughing, WTF is it ?.

Icarus Tanović

Full Monty, Sheffield steel mill baby! He’s retarded prick.

Hasbara Hunter

I still have one question for you that remained unanswered up till now…perhaps you missed it

What is it with you & Putin?….Them Russians are doin’ an outstanding Job up till now…& thus Putin too for he is responsible for giving the executive orders… Is Putin Russia? Are the Russians Putin? Is the Russian Army Putin? Is Putin the Russian Army? Do you consider them Russians, Zionist Treacherous Pigs?

Icarus Tanović

Just ignore the hasbara troll.


putin, the dwarfmighty

Icarus Tanović

Shut the fuck up, Helene!


Helene is the unit of the beauty.

Icarus Tanović

Not bad, Helens used to be finiest people on the Earth, in the World. Nowadays they’re coliding around with some neighbouring minor punks. Wich is a pity.


There are some more gains, to more despair of the imbeciles, https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syrian-army-scores-new-gains-north-of-khan-sheikhoun/

It looks like someone is playing with the imbeciles nanosecond by nanosecond. History is like that, no?


Outstanding news!


Outstanding Russian and General staffs and outstanding fighters of and with the SAA.


The SAA outmanouvered the TAF in this front incredibly so! Now lets hope they can close the pocket fast


I think that the pocket is already almost closed, Suheil al-Hassan don’t play in service.


Last reported Turk convoy was forced to stop at Marr Hatta to the north on route M5. SAA should keep all incoming roads to Khan Shaykhun under interdiction fire. :)


Yes, it looks like Russia has stopped pleasing Erdogan at Idlib. I hope this continue up to the end.


YEAH!!! Almasdar writes the TURKS ARE BLOCKED!


Yes let Turkish conveys to enter Idlib because green can easily burn with dry terrorists.

There is any reason with Turkey to send military conveys to Idlib or just to help dry terrorists to burn well.


Why Turkey sending convoys in the open, a distraction?


They thought likely: 1. That SAA dont dare to attack 2. That SAA was not able to block them from reaching Khan Sheikhun

Well, they thought wrong. :) :) :) :)

Icarus Tanović

Actually it’s a Turkish way to throw some dust in the eyes, and to say, well, we tried to evacuated your headchopping Wahhabi pigs, but…well we were late.

stupid is as stupid does

They are protected with “Astana agreement”. As long as they respect all the rules of that agreement.

Simon Bernstein

Turkish Airforce and Army given orders to destroy regime units if attacked or encircled, or if regime enters khan sheykhoun


Well. they tried and failed. Sorry mister Infowar. Your puppet Erdogan is impotent. Just as his Jihadi minions. I assume logically you must be impotent too? To bad, being impotent wont help with your demographic problem in Israel. :)

Concrete Mike

Hey where are your turkish butt buddies now asshole??

Icarus Tanović

Now, turks are your friends…interesting…they haven’t been back in 2010.


trool jew!!!

Simon Bernstein

says the wannabe bodybuilder


As Jorge says, the latest information suggests that all terrorists inside and south of Khan Sheikun can only leave via minor roads, thus all their heavy equipment will be left behind. If the Turks are still at Morek they will soon be trapped. This is a MASSIVE defeat for the terrorists and those who support them, it is hard to see how the rest of Idlib can remain under terrorist rule for much longer given the depth of their defeat here.

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