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Map Update: Turkey’s Operation Peace Spring In Northeastern Syria On October 12, 2019

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Map Update: Turkey's Operation Peace Spring In Northeastern Syria On October 12, 2019

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This map provides a general look at the current progress of Turkey’s Operation Peace Spring in northeastern Syria. Turkey-led forces have captured the  town of Ras al-Ayn, 18 villages and andvanced on the town of Tell Abyad.


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Zionism = EVIL

The map can’t keep up with Kurdish cowardly marathon runners. The Turks never thought it would be so easy and fast Kurd turd collapse.


I still hope a deal between the Kurds and the syrian government will be made.

You can call me Al

Not yet mate, let them lose a few thousand and an awful lot of machinery / heavy equipment first please.


Yeah, but more casualties among them also means more territory lost to Turkey and they won’t easily give that piece of land back the government.

Real Anti-Racist Action

It will be made, after the terrorist elements among the Kurds who do suicide bombings in Turkey are brought to justice and after the Kurds who conspire with IDF are brought to justice and after the Kurds apologize and pay reparations for genociding the Christians in the Armenian genocide and stealing Christian lands are brought to justice. Then there will be peace in the land.

Mehmet Karaca

That ship has sailed. They commit treason and tried to divide the Syria as a puppet country, Assad knows this. There will be no deal until they are weakened so badly


Why are you spamming these threads with this nonsense? It took the Turks 2 months to capture Afrin using 20,000 to 30,000 fighters, that’s just 1 city and only 20 miles of front. And they never did capture Tel Rifat. There are dozens of cities like them down to the M4 east of the river. That the SDF has been preparing to defend from a Turkish invasion for decades. Your blitzkrieg is fantasy.

Real Anti-Racist Action

The U.S. CIA-civilian-contractors did excellent jobs doing the bulk of the front line fighting for the Kurds back then. This time the Kurds actually have to fight. So this time the US has withdrawn it’s forces and now we get to see the honest truth if they can actually fight for real, or if they fight the same as their IDF cousins. (I have no personal opinion which it is, but I know we are going to all find out over the next 30 days)


The Kurds will fight and they’l be supported by the US. The Turks best bet is to partner with the Syrians and put a no fly zone in place over the NE to get the US out and the war over.


Live Syria conflict map, minute by minute: https://syria.liveuamap.com/

Murghi ka Darba.

keep telling yourself that sunshine, even if we agree with u, US itself is not unbreakable Afghanistan is a great example for it……Turkey is far superior then that, also if it deploys its own S400 batteries i highly doubt USAF will come near it.


The USAF isn’t going to bother the Turks. But the Kurds will be supplied by the US as long as it’s in Syria.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Well my opinion and your opinion do not matter. 30 days from now well tell the real story. If you are so confident in Kurdish fighters, then you don’t need to sound desperate in your comments attempts to make the rest of us fear the Kurdish power against Turkish security forces. They have to fight for themselves or once in their lives. Lets let nature takes its course and let nature be the teacher on which side has the stronger convictions. The best charactered side will win and the weaker character side will fully loose. (which ever one each may be time will tell in in a few months) That is always the best way to go.


If the Turks don’t get the Syrians involved. 30 days from now they’ll be in a quagmire with no end in sight just like they are in Afrin.


It took two months just to partially capture 20 miles of front in Afrin. There are 300 miles of front east of the river to capture. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c8/Afrin_frontlines_2018.gif

Real Anti-Racist Action

Well no emotions are needed. back then the US CIA-civilian-contractors were protecting and doing the fighting for the Kurds. This time the US will not be fighting their battles, so now the real test and real truth will present itself to us all in short order.


The Kurds have fought the Turks and Iraqis in Turkey and Iraq for decades. The idiot ZE predicting a cake walk is a liar and a moron. The Turks have got their hands full. They should form an alliance with the Syrian government coalition, stop supporting regime change terrorists throughout Syria, and open a two front offensive against the Kurds to get the war over sooner rather than later.

Murghi ka Darba.

”The Kurds have fought the Turks and Iraqis in Turkey and Iraq for decades.” let me add to this sentence at last part; UNSUCCESSFULLY!!!!!!!!! Turkey is too strong dude, its far too strong for these bunch of hillbillies.


They set up the KRG in Iraq and caused the Turks sufficient problems that they’re in neighboring Syria dealing with it. The Turks can clear the SDF down to the M4. But it’s going to be on ongoing quagmire if they don’t get the Syrians involved to police their own like they did before the war.

Mehmet Karaca

Yo are missing a point. If TAF leveled the cities like US did in Rakka, it wouldnt be 2 months may be in one week everything would be over. Also almost everyone said that in this very site ‘ terrain is mountainous and full of trees, it would be a vietnam for TAF’, so what happened. Kurds lost more than 5000 (TAF lost 34 and one tank) and there was no real resistance. I like your comments man but do not exaggerate the combat capabilities of Kurds. They are just hitting and running, mines, IEDs that is it. They cant defend, they cant fight. We are witnessing once again

Also one can not establish a country with committing treason or being a puppet from one arms to another, that is not the how the way it is.


It’s been almost a week since the invasion started and the Turks barely have a toehold over the border. They have a long way to go to clear 300 miles of it down to the M4 with a small fraction of the troop density per square mile of terrain captured compared to Afrin.

Over time given enough resources they can do it. But the Kurds can’t fight nonsense is coming from people who are either lying, ignorant or both.

Mehmet Karaca

There are a lot of reactions against this operation throughout the world and Turkish government has to take care of civilians. That is why it takes time, not the making of the Kurds.

Btw every fool who has basic military training and a rifle can shoot and inflict some casualties. That doesnt mean they can organize and actually fight. I dont say they are cowards, but not brave either. They are not fighting for their home country or families like Yemenis, the are fighting for their masters and ideology. It is a big difference


What do you call this? Kurdish majority areas. http://sahipkiran.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Kurdish-Majority-areas-in-Syria-.jpg

Mehmet Karaca

I dont know where did you get or how credible it is but in Afrin prior to war they were minority.


Can you disprove the map?

Mehmet Karaca

I dont have to. Everybody knows in this region there is no kurdish majority west of euphrates. Neither in Turkey, nor in Syria


If you want people to believe you you do. If that’s the case you shouldn’t have any trouble proving it. And the comments are about the current operation.

Mehmet Karaca

Thats not about proving, also you are not proving something with a map but without citation either. We are all commenting here and if you really believed all NE Syria, especially Afrin is their homeland, I would say no more. All I am trying to tell, YPG/PKK/SDF is a project. Entire world is against this op, do you think all this propaganda be for nothing, just for Kurds, fear of ISIS? Where is the world when it comes to Yemen? I mean they are not defending their homeland, they are fighting for someone else’s pleasure, thats why they are crying out loud, thats why they are going to lose


They’re going to lose because they’re out gunned and are Yinon plan Zionist traitors. The American people are sick of Israel, the Jews and their Zionist forever wars and vampiric stranglehold on the American political system.

The map is proof with or without citation. And there are numerous others showing similar demographics. You’ve made a lot of claims without proving them or disproving anything that I’ve written or linked to.

Do an image search for Kurdish majority areas and if you find one supporting your claims. Post it. I haven’t seen one and I’ve looked at several.

What Afrin does show is that it’s a quagmire and the current operation will be worse unless the Turks work with rather than against the Syrian government.

Mehmet Karaca

I am a Phd student man, if you want to prove something, (which i dont, just commenting here) without credible citation, it is not a proof. You dont have to prove btw, if you wanna believe so be it, dont make a big deal

On the other hand thats what i am talking about, it is all about Israel. There is only one nation who have enormous media power that can do all these whistle and blows. It is not about Kurds or their so called homeland, they are promised something. All their disappointment came out of it.

They are sending messages to their masters, if you dont come and save me, I would go to Russians. You cant win this way you know, just look at Saudis, on the contrary Afghans or Yemenis. It is not about weapons. In the end all that matters what you are fighting for, that changes everything. Again, they cannot fight because they are not fighting for their homelands.


Is your PhD in jurisprudence? I’m guessing not. Because the evidence that I’ve provided is judicial quality.

If you look at that map and say that the Kurds aren’t fighting for their homeland in the Kurd majority areas and close to them. Then you lack common sense, rational deduction, and military analytical skills.

Argue with this guy and all of the other similar map sources:



When you can provide judicial quality proof proving your points or disproving mine I’ll look at. Until that happens you’re the intellectual wannabe with the creditability deficit who is unable or unwilling to prove their points. When the available evidence provided disproves them.

I’m an hereditary English speaker from the language’s inception with political adviser credentials at the head of state level. I also have nbc and restricted area security clearances and access.

Mehmet Karaca

Calm down man, take it easy and no need to fire. I am a Phd student, not have degree yet :)). I dont understand why do you make a big deal out of it. We are just talking, perhaps the same thing, just little differences.

Your proof seems legit but from 2014. I said prior to war, in 2014 civil war was already on the way. Anyway, i wont talk about this Kurdish population or your proofs any more because you are apparently take this personally. SDF and PKK is the same thing, we all know it. Please dont say to me they are fighting for their homeland or Kurdish people, they killed Kurds more than anybody else in Turkey.


When people’s lives are on the line, including my own, I take it seriously.

Exactly who and what do you think the Kurd political and military organizations are fighting for if not their homeland and the Kurd ethnic populations that reside there who the Turks are planning on ethnically cleansing with their demographic engineering terrorist invasion in violation of the Geneva Convention?

Do you know what that is and what it says?

Mehmet Karaca

What makes you think Turks cleansing ethnically in that region I dont know. More than 15 million of Kurds living in Turkey. But SDF/PKK has never given peace to kurdish people who dont agree with them. They take as traitor and killing, robbing, exiling etc. You talk about Geneve Convention but forgot to mention about terrorism. Lets come to Demographic engineering, PKK is the champion of that. How do I know, I am a Kurdish too, believe it or not. Me and my family had to flee our homelands because of their threats when I was a child. We were on the line, they were threatening my father to killing us. I expect you will take it seriously too Do you really believe they fight for homeland in Turkey? More than 40000 people have died here. We dont want them here, we may have some problems obviously but we love our entire country and dont want any violence. Thats why they called us traitor, just for this. In Syria, it is different story. They are serving their US and Israeli masters. They are nothing more than a pair of tongs In Syria, or whores in Turkey who are used by almost everybody. Now I take it personally too


Two wrongs don’t make a right. You’re well aware that the bulk of the Turkish invasion force are ethnic cleansing jihadist terrorist mercenaries.

“Ethnic cleansing

After the Turkish-led forces had captured Afrin District (Afrin Canton) in early 2018, they began to implement a resettlement policy by moving their mostly Arab fighters[43] and refugees from southern Syria[44] into the empty homes that belonged to displaced locals.[45] The previous owners, most of them Kurds or Yazidis, were often prevented from returning to Afrin.[43][44] Though some Kurdish militias of the TFSA and the Turkish-backed civilian councils opposed these resettlement policies, most TFSA units fully supported them.[44] Refugees from Eastern Ghouta, Damascus, said that they were part of “an organised demographic change” which was supposed to replace the Kurdish population of Afrin with an Arab majority.”

– Turkish occupation of northern Syria –


The PKK is one facet of Kurdish nationalism. The SDF and it’s political affiliates are another, the KRG in Iraq is another. Who incidentally openly sponsor and domicile the PKK.

The Turks have a right to go after the PKK and it’s affiliates. They don’t have a right to violate the Geneva convention in the process. That makes them no different than the Zionists.

The SDF and it’s political wing are the government in SDF held areas. They are on the receiving end of an ethnic cleansing campaign by a Turkish jihadist terrorist invasion force made up of war criminals. Your average SDF soldier and most of the commanders are fighting for their homeland and ethnic group to prevent this. Even if their leadership wear Jew shoe polish on their tongues. And are misusing the SDF to wage a regime change terror war against Syria. We have the same thing in the US.

The Jews rape 1,000 children worldwide every week with their blood sucking “circumcision” ritual. Judaism needs to be outlawed as a criminal organization and former Jews assimilated into Jew free societies to create a Jew free planet that will be much better for everyone.

Mehmet Karaca

I think we are getting somewhere. There are a lot of fractions in FSA, controlling them is not easy. Some of actions are extremely violent which I and most of our citizens object and condemned but that doesnt make entire organization become terrorist. On the other hand, in SDF there are some patriots, may be good guys who live and fight for their homelands and families. Believe me we dont want them dead, I pray for them to leave their arms, flee or surrender to Turkish army. But head of SDF/PKK, it is a completely different story, their purpose and agenda is determined by foreign powers.They tried to divide Syria on behalf of Israel. If they didnt affiliate with PKK and avoid these actions, this op wouldnt take place, like Barzani, in Iraq.


All military organizations have law enforcement components to deal with criminals. The 10s of thousands of name and uniform changing Turkish supported ethnic cleansing terror jihadists in Idlib and on the border east of the river are fully supported by the Turkish government and the Turkish government is responsible for and highly complicit in their crimes. Not only is it not prosecuting these war criminals. It’s arming and paying them to commit these crimes against Syria. Trying to white wash their crimes by saying that there are a few bad apples is a huge blame shifting cop out.

The SDF/PKK and KRG/PKK nexus is the exact same thing as what the Turks are doing with their NSA terrorist sock puppets. The Turks are the Zionist’s Yinon plan partners against Syria the same as the Kurds are the Zionist’s Yinon plan partners against Turkey, Iran, Syria and Iraq.

The solution is to for regional governments to stop supporting the Zionist axis of terror Yinon plan forever war machinations. And to form a regional coalition armed with nuclear weapons to implement all of the resolutions that the Jews have been in chronic scofflaw violation of for Israel’s entire crime ridden existence.

To clear the baby rapers out of the occupied territories, return the displaced Palestinians to their homeland, and hold a referendum voting Israel out of existence and outlawing Judaism so that they go extinct.






1 week? That’s absurd.

Mehmet Karaca

In an all out war, believe me it is not


Really? Describe your battle plan for achieving that in enough detail to see if it’s credible. 300 miles of border down to the M4.

Mehmet Karaca

Come on man i said 1 week for Afrin op, noone is saying 311 km (not miles btw) of cleaning operation lasts one week. But is not of the SDF


The comment that you replied is about the current operation.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Kurds fight just like their cousins the Israeli’s. They are great at bombing civilians, but cowards in fighting solders. http://www.jcfk.org/images/newsroom/170918jpost.jpg


Why are you a fascist?


Look at the map of Kurdish majority areas. The area in the far northeast bordering Iraqi Kurdistan is almost certainly heavily fortified and defended. It will take the Turks months at the minimum to capture all of the territory along their southern border down to the M4. And it could take much longer depending on what type of support the SDF receives from the US and Iraqi Kurds. Which will probably be significant.



The Turks should enter into an alliance with the Syrian government coalition and open a two front advance against the SDF. With the Syrian government coalition pushing north east across the river and the Turks pushing south to the M4. That will make the Turks job must easier. And wind the war down much quicker.

You can call me Al

Now that is more like it SF, thank you.

After reading about the ongoing stories about Turkey taking over here and there and there etc., I thought they invasion region would be a lot greater than it is – that will also explain why they have been met with such little resistance.

So as these battles only assist Syria, let the bigger battles commence; maximum military losses all around please.

PS God forgive me.


Southfront is a DS cointel op.

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