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MARCH 2025

Map Update: Turkish Forces And Free Syrian Army Control Strategic Bursaya Mount East Of Afrin

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On January 28, the Turkish Armed Forces and the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army captured the strategic mount of Bursaya from Kurdish YPG/YPJ forces in the Syrian area of Afrin. MORE DETAILS HERE

Map Update: Turkish Forces And Free Syrian Army Control Strategic Bursaya Mount East Of Afrin

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Christian Gains

FINALLY! A map that SHOWS the Mountain AND the troop movements…BUT! Is that city in the South AFRIN? I wouldn’t think so, but which City is it?


That city south is A’zaz turkey backed jihadi stronghold big city tho almost same as Afrin more or less.


It’s that big? Didn’t know that.


Around 40 to 50k, so rather small.


Israhell will fall, after they push US/NATO to escalate the conflict like the little dogs they are, against the Russian alliance in Syria. And after the US/NATO countries become radioactive shitholes…even parts of Russia & it’s allies. Israhell will hold the military and financial power just like the US did before it’s nuclear demise, but i don’t give them more than 50 years and im being really nice here, before their stupid government or whoever rules after that falls once & for all. THE RESISTANCE WILL PREVAIL, JUST LIKE GOOD TRIUMPHS OVER EVIL IN “THE END” !


And the relation between this stupid rant and the size of Azaz is ………..?

Jens Holm


Christian Gains

Since you KNOW I’m fairly ignorant, please bare with me if my questions seem stupid, but, IS IT GOOD for Turkey to be in there? Aren’t they trying to defy Asad & encroach on his Nation’s land? Is Edorgan trying to grab land? And, are the Peshmerga REALLY terrorists that have attacked Turkey? To be honest, I don’t trust Erdorgan…do you?

Mahmoud HAm

Erdogan cannot be trusted and he supported terrorists in Syria by various means. The Kurds are also cannot be trusted because they are traitors to their countries. They allied themselves with the US and Isarel. Both countries are evils and have evil plans for Syria. In the short run there is an interest for Syria to crush their alliance with the US but in the long run there will be confrontation with Turkey because Turkey also have plans to carve parts of Syria. The Kurds did disservice to themselves and to their country Syria by allying themselves with the DEVIL=USA.


this is the ASSadists.. @Gains:disqus

Christian Gains

Thank you for responding so honestly but also politely & giving the situation. I disagree with the Peshmerga being aligned with the U.S. Forces being bad…but, my reasoning is that MOST Peshmerga that I’e learned about, were Christians. But, again Mahmoud, I’m NOT WELL STUDIED or highly aware of the GENUINE situation, (here in the USA we don’t GET the GENUINE SITUATION)…Sooo, I DO appreciate your counsel…AND that of Xanatos! Between the 2 of you I’m “GETTING IT”!

I’ve lived & traveled in S. America for 12 yrs. & learned just how ignorant I was; so, I DO APPRECIATE learning the TRUE CONVICTIONS of those THERE! Learning from you both is VERY ENLIGHTENING & helpful for me to better grasp the GENUINE REALITIES there on the ground, so-to-speak. THANKS!


1-yes 2-it’s not ASSad’s land -it’s the SYrian peoples’ land of which there are 3million of as refugees in turkey. syria will be one, and the refugees will be resettled in their own nation. 3-no 4-peshmerga are in iraq and their biggest trade partner is Turkey. they are not considered terrorists. 5- it depends on which side you are on (just like any other party), or just ignorant..

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

We know which side you are on Turk.


I am on MY side. Who’s lap are you sitting on?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

I am on the side of peace and stability whom are you really for conflict and illegal invasions Article 51 is not applicable here. The US uses the same law from 2001 and once it is revisited and repealed so ends the illegal occupation. Turkey can be charged under the Charter as they are not exempt only US,France, UK, Russia and China everyone else is excluded. So kindly tell me which lap I sit in could it be for protection and defense of International laws, covents and sovereignty.Self interest is only for petulant little children, Germany and other nations should take their weapons back and I mean all of them.


1- and where does massacring people and creating millions of refugees fit in with the International Laws? and dont give me BS on how turkey supports jihadists. refugees fled ISIS AND ASSAD of which the first one is wahabist radicalists(Saudi+US) and other one is a ‘secular’ sociopath. 2- you are VERY ignorant.. turkey makes its own rifles, radars, f-16 flight software, etc. 25% of turkish weapons are imported. rest is locally produced. so what if they take their weapons back (which obviously they won’t). what if turkey produced all the weapons locally? and no country makes all their weapons alone 100% – not even US. Some parts of f-35 is manufactured in turkey.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That all falls on NATO and no one else so explain why are they all afraid of being charged. Refugees fled ISIS and the FSA then Turkish forces during Euphrates shield. Everything they get has a licence they have to pay not like they really make things for themselves. US like Turkey pays for licences even the US arms are licensed to another country. F-35 is flying garbage even those that have invested in it to date are not really wanting to purchase it. They may have to buy it because most of the west’s air fleets are aging.


1- there were 3million refugees in turkey much before Euphrates shield began. you know that. be a little honest. there is no way you can justify the mass killing. of the 500 thousand murdered civilians, ISIS killed 10% and the regime killed 90%. “When you are at the climax of polarization, the truth is seen as a betrayal”. I dont have to play that game – maybe you do.. 2- f35 might be crap or not- that was not the discussion. i was answering your comment about taking back weapons..

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Why can’t you accept your nation is to blame even those in the west know their governments are responsible. All your talk is just empty nonsense ISIS, TFSA,HTS, Al Qaeda are all Terrorist factions as Chinese envoy has stated the fight against terrorism in Syria is not over. The mass killings so far have been found to date to be committed by Islamic and Muslim Brotherhood fanatics backed by Turkey.

Hard facts of what has actually happened seems to be out of your Turkish Nations scope. The One of the most brutal regimes in the Middle East is Turkey and this is recognized in NATO you guys run in with Israel and KSA and UAE.

Funny how a explosion in the fuel tank from poor connection is now a IED attack ,lol. Turks love to lie about anything.

Christian Gains

O.K. Omar! Thank you too! I wasn’t too sure you’d give me insight that first post you wrote…but you too have helped me…As I said, I THOUGHT that the Peshmerga were NOT against Syriya, just against ISIS…I knew that they’re from N. Iraq. Thanks again Omar! I’m LEARNING!! Yes! I hope we can talk again…all 3 of you!


President Assad is elected by his people and his army comprises Muslims and other faiths in Syria. 1 Islam 1.1 Sunnis 1.2 Shi’a 1.2.1 Twelvers/Imamis 1.2.2 Ismailis (Seveners) 1.2.3 Alawis 2 Druzes 3 Christianity 4 Judaism 4.1 Syrian Jews 4.2 Israeli Jews 5 Yazidis 6 Hinduism

The terrorists fighting against him are all funded from the US and members of her coalition and are all Muslim fanatics, often high on drugs such as Captigon. Many of the terrorists are also foreign mercenaries and criminals .

Pave Way IV

Please – not Muslim fanatics, Florian. They are Saudi Wahhabi head-choppers, killer of Muslims.

Most of the 1.6 billion Muslims on earth don’t even consider the Saudi state religion of Wahhabism to be a legitimate form of Islam. Wahhabism was specifically usurped to preserve the al Saud monarchy as the supposed legitimate and eternal Custodians of the Two Holy Mosques (Mecca/Medina), despite the filthy rich, corrupt, psychopathic al Sauds being probably the least deserving of that title. They have always paranoid that the other Muslims – Sunni and Shia alike – will finally realize the hypocrisy of their rule and relieve them of the two Holy Cities (and subsequently hang the entire al Saud royalty from lamp posts, all 30,000 of them).

Part of their enduring hatred the al Saud monarchy has for Iran came about when Khomeini publicly pointed out that hypocrisy to all other Muslims and questioned the al Saud’s legitimacy as the holy city custodians. The al Sauds went full retard at that point and have been in full Iranian jihad mode ever since then (to the delight of the Israelis).


Thank you for your reply PZ1V. I agree that your description of “Saudi Wahhabi ” is more appropriate and I have edited my missive and with a Post Script I have acknowledged your most welcome critique .

Thank you PZ1V.


1) I don’t know you 2) this is bad , turkey is invading Syria. Pure aggression. 3) they are defying Syria, both Assad’s government and the native Syrians in afrin who are 70% Kurdish speaking Syrian alawites. These people will be treated very badly by turkey and FSA salafist. It will be ethnic cleansing. It will see 250,000 Kurds fleeing tho Aleppo as refugees. 4) erdogan wants a security zone, like Israel. Unlike Israel, we have no reason to believe they will annex it any time soon. The point is to isolate Kurdish militias in Syria from Kurdish peoples in turkey. 5) yes some peshmerga have attacked turkey. Peahmerga is a Kurdish word for soldiers. All Kurdish militias are peshmerga. But there are different Kurdish militias. The one in afrin had no connection to attacks in turkey.


which “some” peshmerga has ever attacked turkey? the nearest peshmerga is 100 km from the turkish border..


Let the kurds and the turko-FSA fight it out a bit and weaken themselves. Then the kurds will negotiate with the syrian government some kind of autonomy within the syrian state. And the eurocucks and the media that support the kurds will have to stop attacking Assad. The kurds in SDF will also figure out that they are being played by the americans.

Meanwhile the SAA push against Idlib and make settlements with towns around Syria.


If TSK and TFSA can hold the mountain, it will be the first real result they have within Afrin.

We will see how this develops.


carpet bombing to take over regions would be easier and faster, Surgical strikes, separating civilian and terrorist might be slower but much more humane.. some countries have the nerve to tell turks to “take precaution against civilians”, after carpet bombing Mosul and Raqqa -killing thousands of civilians – AND THEN GIVING FREE PASSAGE TO ISIS TO LEAVE the cities !!!

Jens Holm

There has been no carpetbombing of Raqqa at all unless You add lost carpets.


Maybe not carpet, and how is Bork? The US coalition also bombed Iraqi/PMU forces in Mosul. I doubt they care about civilian casualties. :(


Nobody cares about a dead soldier in the mud on a hill, the do care about civilian dead and little girls like bana alabed and bombed bakeries, kitten farms, bombed hospitals. The turk accomplish this by louring the kurds out of their towns into the hills and avoid a propaganda war against them.

The Turks battle strategy is copied from the SAA/Russia lure the enemy into a chosen killing zone by faking retreat etc, them bomb the shit out of them and avoid high casualties which you normally get in urban combat.

Bersaya Mount will taken and lost as long a kurd keep sending troops up there to their dead a never ending ping pong in which the Turkish air force does pong

Pál Póli

Arabs are the dambest soldiers in the world. They have no stragey at all… you can be happy for the demise of the kurds but then the turks will get your ass too… idiots


@curdistani reports SDF has already retaken at least half the mountain and are advancing.

Meanwhile the first western reporter, Fisk, arrived easily in Afrin and reports targeted attacks on civilians by TSK and TFSA. Makes turkish propaganda the lies we all know they are.

The start of ethnic cleansing?


The Kurds also love their propaganda. So it’s hard to know what is really going on, and some Afrin conflict maps being made by Turkish supporters by the looks of it. This is just like news from ISIS. :D

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