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MARCH 2025

Map Update: Us Troops’ Deplyoment In The Middle East

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Map Update: Us Troops' Deplyoment In The Middle East

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The map above provides a genearl look at the military presence of the United States in the Middle East.


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Sasan Jamshidi

Djibouti ??

Ceasar Polar

China is in Djibouti as well, they have around 10000 soldiers in there and it is the biggest military base of China outside of its mainland. That is why the 4000 in Djibouti, the French are there too, Somali and Djibouti have a lot of Ressources that the West wants to syphon.


“The Chinese-built Ethiopia-Djibouti standard gauge railway on Tuesday received acclaim for driving Ethiopia’s import-export endeavors as it leveraged the growing transportation needs of the country” https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/df44257500688a45034e83ab49edeefdd9b72a6b78b1342333ce8dc149a0a7ab.jpg .

Ceasar Polar

It is also part of the Belt and Road initiative. Connecting the East and West through new routes and passages.


You will need someone to connect your left brain to your right side after I’ll blow your head off. Come over here.

Ceasar Polar

Hahahhaa you are just the funniest of all trolls. You dont know how hard you will get hit and when you will get hit and from where you will get hit. All that is for sure, is you will be evicted from Occupied Palestine and be back to where you come from. In Europe. And Occupied Palestine will be called Palestine again. Mark my words.

Hasbara Hunter

Roughly 55.000 LBGTQI-Rainbowwarriors that lack Stamina…whooOO Scaryyy…..Piss off out of the Middle East U.S….or send some extra Body bags…the choice is Yours…

Ceasar Polar

What a waste of Public funds. What does the average american is benefiting from this ? Higher gas prices ? Higher taxes ? More austerity measures ? More money for the MIC which have stronger grip on politics ? When will BurgerLand finally wake up from its self-induced coma-state ?


Yankae ite domum.

klove and light

the “average” american is busy snorting cocaine, watching ballgames and drinking booze.

as far as public funds is concearned…..THEFT!!!! they steal the iraqi oil, syrian oil etc… american pricks Always make sure that the nations they occupy also pay for their shit…ie..Japan,germany etc… or they steal their resorces..ie. iraq, syria,… but that should not come as a surprise…its in the american genes to steal….starting off from the Indian nations, to mexico , Cuba , puerto rico, Hawaii etc…. the list gos on and on…..were as the biggest Theft in human history was the opeartion paperclip…. as World War II was entering its final stages, American and British organizations teamed up to scour occupied Germany for as much military, scientific and technological development research as they could uncover. Trailing behind Allied combat troops, groups such as the Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee (CIOS) began confiscating war-related documents and materials and interrogating scientists as German research facilities were seized by Allied forces. One enlightening discovery—recovered from a toilet at Bonn University—was the Osenberg List: a catalogue of scientists and engineers that had been put to work for the Third Reich. In a covert affair originally dubbed Operation Overcast but later renamed Operation Paperclip, roughly 1,600 of these German scientists (along with their families) were brought to the United States to work on America’s behalf during the Cold War. The program was run by the newly-formed Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), whose goal was to harness German intellectual resources to help develop America’s arsenal of rockets and other biological and chemical weapons, and to ensure such coveted information did not fall into the hands of the Soviet Union. Although he officially sanctioned the operation, President Harry Truman forbade the agency from recruiting any Nazi members or active Nazi supporters. Nevertheless, officials within the JIOA and Office of Strategic Services (OSS)—the forerunner to the CIA—bypassed this directive by eliminating or whitewashing incriminating evidence of possible war crimes from the scientists’ records, believing their intelligence to be crucial to the country’s postwar efforts.

One of the most well-known recruits was Werner von Braun, the technical director at the Peenemunde Army Research Center in Germany who was instrumental in developing the lethal V-2 rocket that devastated England during the war. Von Braun and other rocket scientists were brought to Fort Bliss, Texas, and White Sands Proving Grounds, New Mexico, as “War Department Special Employees” to assist the U.S. Army with rocket experimentation. Von Braun later became director of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center and the chief architect of the Saturn V launch vehicle, which eventually propelled two dozen American astronauts to the Moon.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i dont know but i hope soon

klove and light

iraq number is not correct……….5000 is wayyyyyyy toooooo low…….and dont Forget the 16000 “employees” of the embassy in Bagdad……anyway here is the News from FARS NEWS AGENCY concearningh US troop numbers in iraq.

TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior Iraqi lawmaker blasted the US for not pulling out its troops from Iraq, and underlined that the number of American forces in the Arab country has considerably increased. “A large number of forces and military equipment have been sent to Ain al-Assad without any permission from the Iraqi government, noting that the number of American forces in Iraq has exceeded 50,000,” Member of Iraqi Parliament’s Security and Defense Committee Karim al-Mohammadawi told the Arabic-language al-Ma’aloumeh news website. The Iraqi lawmaker reiterated that the US plans to turn Ain al-Assad airbase in al-Anbar province into a key center for its air force in Iraq. He noted that the US wants to turn Ain al-Assad airbase which is a regional base for operations and command into a central airbase for its fighter jets. Al-Mohammadawi said that Washington does not care about Iraq’s opposition to using the country’s soil to target the neighboring states. In relevant remarks on Wednesday, a member of Iraq’s Al-Anbar Provincial Council said that Washington has plans to set up military bases and increase its troops in Western Iraq. The US is currently engaged in setting up several new military bases in the Western section of al-Anbar province, told al-Ma’aloumeh news website. He noted that the number of the US troops to be deployed in these military bases is not known yet. In a relevant development on Saturday, media reports said that Washington has plans to set up military bases and increasing its troops in Iraq, adding the US is currently engaged in expanding its Ain al-Assad military base in al-Anbar province. The US troops stationed in US’ Ain al-Assad air base in Heet city to West of al-Anbar province have already started operations to expand the air base, the al-Ma’aloumeh news website quoted a battlefield source of Hashd al-Sha’abi forces as saying. It noted that the operations to expand Ain al-Assad air base has taken place concurrent with arrival of US military vehicles and equipment to the base, and said that the expansion of Ain al-Assad will include some major sectors of airport to the South of the base. Meantime, the Saudi Okaz newspaper quoted some Iraqi parliamentary sources as saying that Washington intends to increase the number of its troops in Iraq. It said Washington has informed Baghdad that it is going to set a new military base for its new troops, and added that the Iraqi government has not responded to the US request yet. A senior commander of Hashd al-Shaabi (Iraqi popular forces) had also in January warned of the US moves to set up military bases in Saladin province. “Some reports have been released about establishment of new US bases in al-Anbar and Saladin provinces which is a violation of Iraq’s national sovereignty,” Qassim Muslih, the commander of Hashd al-Shaabi forces in al-Anbar province was quoted by the Arabic-language al-Mayadeen news channels as saying. He underscored the necessity for the US forces to leave Iraq, and said, “We are capable of supporting and protecting our land and borders and there is no need for the deployment of foreign forces.”

klove and light

here is another FARS NEWS AGENCY article About US troop numbers in iraq…

TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior member of the Iraqi parliament’s Security and Defense Commission said that fresh troops have arrived at the US base in Erbil in the Iraqi Kurdistan region without Baghdad’s prior knowledge. “Fresh US combat forces have arrived at the Erbil base at an agreement with the Iraqi Kurdistan region’s government and not the Federal government or the defense ministry of Iraq,” Karim al-Mohammadawi told the Arabic-language al-Ma’aloumeh news website on Monday. He added that Erbil has not informed the Federal government of the number of US forces and the number of military equipment in the region. Al-Mohammadawi described the base in Erbil as one of the largest in Iraq, and accused the US of helping terrorists through the same base. “Washington uses the base as a command center in the region and Iraq,” he added, elaborating on the significance of the military center. He added that over 50,000 American forces are stationed in Iraq, based on remarks by the US congress officials, and said most of these forces are deployed in Ein al-Assad airbase in al-Anbar and at the base in Erbil. A former Iraqi legislator disclosed last week that the US had established 17 military bases in Iraq and deployed F35 fighter jets in Ein al-Assad airbase in the Western parts of al-Anbar province. Al-Ma’aloumeh quoted Mohammad al-Dayeni as saying that Washington had set up 17 military bases in Iraq. He added that the US had also deployed Spirit (stealth) fighter jets in Ein al-Assad, adding that the F-35 fighters which had earlier been stationed in the airbase fly on a daily basis to spy on Iran. Al-Dayeni said that the US forces had specified 63,000 targets in and outside Iraq for attacks, including the positions of Hashd al-Shaabi (Iraqi popular forces). Meantime, a prominent Iraqi political expert revealed late last month that Washington continued to increase the number of its troops in Iraq, warning of the US plots to make aggression against the neighboring states. Sabah al-Akili told al-Ma’aloumeh that the number of US forces had increased in Iraq despite the general demand by the Iraqi people for their withdrawal. He added that the US forces’ attacks on Iraqi security forces indicated that they were combat forces and were not deployed for advising or training purposes. Al-Akili underlined that expansion of Ein al-Assad airbase, extension of its runway and deployment of Patriot missile systems at the base showed that Washington intended to stay in Iraq for the long-run, specially given the reports that the US planned to use Iraq as a platform to attack the neighboring states and was, thus, sending more forces to its bases in Iraq.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

how many in afghanistan? hopefully all will be 0

Simon Bernstein

Lovely Map! USA will forever remain in the Mid-East to preserve territorial integrity, defend freedoms, and protect our allies Israel and Saudi Arabia! Israel must never be allowed to fall! And Saudi Arabia’s oil fields must never fall into Iranian hands!


Amen brother.

Ceasar Polar

You know Hell is a real thing. And ZioNazis are the fuel that is used to burn hell.

Ceasar Polar

They come in packs now. More of them zioNazi trolls are invading.

Pave Way IV

We’ve had around 120 soldiers permanently stationed at our now permanent U.S. base (announced in 2017) in Israel somewhere around the Dimona Radar Facility. US troops had been ‘temporarily’ deployed there for the last decade manning our AN/TPY-2 long-range X-band radar on Mt. Keren. Israel wanted the US to sell (=give) them one since they had nothing comparable. The US knew the Israelis would take it apart and steal the design, so then-president Obama only agreed to stationing an exclusively US-manned radar facility there. I guess to protect Dimona’s non-existent nuclear weapons production from Iranian missile attack.

The US also built two large bases supposedly used for Israeli paratrooper training, but they were really built as fully-stocked forward bases when it’s time to deploy US soldiers to Israel. Shhhh – it’s a secret. I mean the purpose of the bases. We already know that “…US soldiers should be prepared to die for Israel.” That was a statement by one of our top treasonous Air Force Air Defense generals.


Why are pretending to be a fake Israeli spreading fake news? are you that jealous? rofl. Israelis love the U.S and we’re happy they come over here for exercises with the IDF, we don’t need a fake troll to lie to the other readers.

Pave Way IV

Damn… you saw right through my clever ruse! What gave me away?

Ceasar Polar

Lol, this is exactly what zioNazi-scum troll would say. So they sent the troll squad supervisor as i can see. Good to see zioNazi-scums panicking. Panick more. Hezbollah will kick your ass.


13 years and still waiting, Nasrallah still hides in his bunker from the mighty IDF.

Ceasar Polar

And yet you cant find him. God bless the Shovels what it can accomplish with courageous hearts of resistance. The iOF is a gang of diapers military. Cant win a war on air power alone. Hezbollah’s ground forces and UNDERGROUND forces are way superior to your diapers gang of eu-fags.


Sure buddy, sure :-)

Ceasar Polar

Saw what Yemen and the Brave houthis accomplished ? Why does zioNazis-scums persist to think that their “weapon superiority” is what will help them win wars? Stupid egoistic beings. Only wants to fight when they think they will win it for sure. Where in Reality, it is not weapons that makes it, but the man on the field and their willingness to DIE, for the common cause. Low-cost, easy to make technology is now available to raise a resistance that is capable of giving a considerable blow to its technologically “superior” opponent. ZioNazi-scum diapers military would flee the battlefield if they knew what was waiting for them. Times have changed. ZioNazi-scum have done too much damages to world peace.


Admin you should update the readers about our bombings in Gaza right now vs terrorist targets, it’s all over the Israeli media.

Ceasar Polar

They are called RESISTANTS. Not terrorists. You are doing exactly how the Nazis used to call their enemies, terrorists. I remember the video where the IOF bombed 3 children playing soccer on the beach of Gaza. On live TV. Are you proud of that ? Do you call those kids terrorists too ?

Liberal guy

He is a modern Nazi pal

Ceasar Polar

Of course he is. Thus the ZioNazi tag on his face.


a couple of issues that will decide the future of israel – the first is that trump is seriously unwilling to further engage the entirely unhinged states of A in the middle east and that is despite the son in law,prime scum jared kushner, and the corollary is that Iran will continue to expand its sphere of influence and marginalizing israel more and more and the second is that the neighbouring states are all now well primed to do something finally very determinative about israel, such as terminating the squatters illegal occupation of palestine, the jordan valley and the golan heights and that spells doom for the squatters who just will have to find another home. won’t be easy but they can always try the unhinged states for green cards ot some such place, africa,like lloyd-george tried to palm off on herzel a hundred years ago. but sure as a klucking bell, the squatters occupation of palestine is doomed!!!!!

Debunking Arrogance

This is exactly why the US will not start a war with Iran. See how American forces are conveniently stationed for precision missile strike. What a rich target list for Iran. How I wish they would start a war with Iran now. But they are too smart for that. A US Iran war is the end of America’s presence in the middle east. This is what will happen: The US attacks Iran. Iran retaliates with precision strikes against US forces in Afghanistan, Iraq Turkey and other Middle East countries. Taliban overruns the US-backed Afghan forces and seizes power. The PMU overruns American forces in Iraq. Iran hits Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, U.A.E, Kuwait, and Jordan. The regimes of these countries collapse in the ensuing chaos due to the destruction of infrastructure, oil and gas facilities, airfields, and a couple other targets. The world realizes America can’t win conventionally. The US contemplates using nukes. The US homeland is beyond reach of Iranian missiles. But Israel sits right across from Iran. If the US nukes Iran, Israel will be obliterated by thousands of Iran’s conventional missiles. This is guaranteed because Israel is just too small to absorbs more than a hundred-thousand 2000KG payloads. Hezbollah alone has 130 thousand missiles and rockets. So 100% the US will not use nukes. Plus Iran will now openly build nukes, and the world won’t blame them. This is why there isn’t going to be a war with Iran. Or rather, a war initiated by the US or Israel. If there will be a war with Iran, that fight will be started by Iran not America.

Debunking Arrogance

Imagine America’s position if its puppet regimes collapse. Will the US deploy forces to fight massive anti-regime movements in these countries? Will they openly enter Muslim lands and try to suppress the revolution? This will open a new front aside from the current one with Iran. Imagine the number of American soldiers that will be required to defeat Iran and suppress the revolutions in neighboring countries. This is clearly beyond America’s power except if they decide to use nukes against all the countries involved, thereby sacrificing Israel. Israel is America’s greatest weakness.

Should the US make the mistake of intervening to reinstall these collapsing regimes, there will be an influx of Muslim fighters across the middle East, especially shiites, to defend the holy land. Forces will move in from Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc to fight in defense of Mecca and Madinah.

No. The US won’t attempt an intervention to save the collapsing regimes. So what happens after that?

Debunking Arrogance

Well, what happens is that the US will be purged from the Middle East. Iran will be severely damaged, but regime will survive as the people would have rallied around them as a result of America’s attack. This time, a nuclear armed Iran will emerge. New regimes will replace the puppets, but certainly anti-American regimes, because those who overthrew the regime will take power. Israel will find itself facing the entire middle east Muslim community. then what happens? Israel commits suicide by preempting a nuclear strike? Not likely. A new middle east will be born, and a powerful Muslim world will begin to emerge. Beyond this, I haven’t the slightest Idea what will happen.

Debunking Arrogance

American power is in decline to all that can see. The reason for this decline is the rapid technological advances of the world. The US no longer has a monopoly of precision strike capability. Air power does no longer offer unfair advantages due to the presence of precision cruise and ballistic missile. These missiles are comparatively cheap, but can destroy the logistics that are critical to any air operation. For, example, Iran has only to carpet bomb the airfields, flight decks, and control towers to cripple the US air force. Even Diego Garcia is within range. This threat to air power is what has weakened the US. If any one disputes my analysis, let him ask for proof. I will provide links to lots of sources by American research think-tanks to convince them beyond any doubt.

Debunking Arrogance

Let the US pick a real fight with Iran or North Korea and emerge victorious, then I will be convinced that America is the indisputable WORLD SUPER POWER.

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