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Maps: Activity Of NATO Reconnaissance Aircraft Over Ukrainian Border

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Maps: Activity Of NATO Reconnaissance Aircraft Over Ukrainian Border

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The activity of NATO and Swedish reconnaissance aircraft along the borders of Belarus, Ukraine, Crimea and the Kaliningrad region from May 19 to June 3 was shared by China3army.

Maps: Activity Of NATO Reconnaissance Aircraft Over Ukrainian Border

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Maps: Activity Of NATO Reconnaissance Aircraft Over Ukrainian Border

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G2 man

This is a cowardly NATO war on Russia and these spy planes are a legitimate target under rules of war and should be shot down.


So war starts in Europe so that the USA could Again profit from it, just like it profited from WWI and WWII?

No more wars in Europe.

G2 man

Well, tell that to the Anglo-Zionists who are deluded to think that they can do a Yugoslavia on Russia. As President Putin said, Russia has a lot of firepower. The British are bastards who have historically hated Russians and Slavs and are are now only fueling the conflict by supplying long range rockets that they are hoping will hit Russian cities, it that happens Russia will use tactical nukes and don’t take it as a boast. There is no way Russian people will any allow any government, Putin or not to attack Russia. These British scum and the American ignorant idiots they and Jews are manipulating don’t understand Russian psyche. If Russian goes down, the whole west will burn. Make no mistake about it. I think rational leaders like Macron and the some Germans understand the dire implications. Europeans need to wake up to the Anglo-Zionist agenda.

Rick Jefferson

Yes. Hit them and hit them hard!

Steve C.

Just try to miss me and my cats will you? We’ve done nothing to Russia ever.

I’m even on their side if they are indeed opposing the forces that have gutted my country culturally, morally, economically and spiritually…


From the looks of the overlays, no surveillance planes have flown into Ukranian air space. Are you seeing something I’m not?

Vlad the Imposter

You think it’s a good idea to fly NATO planes into a war zone where the enemy has air superiority? Before you answer both NATO and Russia have nuclear weapons.

Mary Dahl

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Last edited 2 years ago by Mary Dahl

Instead of shooting down those recce Planes, keep crying. More moskwa like ships are on the way to the bottom of the sea.

Rick Jefferson


Rick Jefferson

Yes. Exactly right.

Rick Jefferson

Yes! Shoot them down.


i thought that russia controlled everything in red, why so much gray in the red areas that russia controls in ukraine?


There are no Russian soldiers in every occupied village or town. No need for that. Ukraine can’t get there and civilians are pro-Russian

Last edited 2 years ago by good4u

Before Operation Z, 85% of Russian speaking Ukrainians wanted integration with Mother Russia, now the number is higher as most want and end to this conflict and peace. Ukraine is in stone age like Poland is becoming.

G2 man

The maps are out of date as Russian advance has been so rapid and now controls an area the size of Ireland and Wales. The whole region east on Dnipro will be Russian soon.


Ireland and Wales is 90,000 km2 and Russia controls more than 120,000 km2 of Ukraine, I know this map very detailed but if someone has better and updated regularly I am interested, thank you


G2 man

https://liveuamap.com/ is not bad. Actually Russia now controls over 180,000 sq kms and is pushing towards Odessa and will link up with Moldova in the next few weeks.

Massive Explosions again audible in Mykolaiv as Russian advance continues.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man

liveuamap is very Ukraine biased, while that google map seems more neutral and objective

Vlad the Imposter

I suspect these are areas with no Russian forces or areas not under Russian fire control but not Ukrainian either. Some of those grey areas are in parts of Lukansk that have been under LPR control since 2014.


Lol! Looking at the supplied, maps and flight path overlays, there have been a total of 0 over-flies of the Ukraine by any country’s recon aircraft. What is more interesting is that the world press is saying the Russians re no longer advancing but the cut-off Ukranian forces continue their push in the east. The fact that Russia isn’t disputing that a cut-off, almost out of ammunition, rag tag army unit is kicking its butt, is sad at best.


Maybe, but no one outside of America listens to CNN so this is why we are not familiar with the fake news in question.

Vlad the Imposter

The west can believe whatever they want but Russia controls the reality on the ground. I know it’s fun to watch the map turn increasingly red but why do the Russians have to move their forces over open ground when the Ukrainians keep sending their forces into range of Russian artillery?


Shoot the bastards down.

Lazy Gamer

Huh, China can even identify what type of object is flying. China is really paying attention to this conflict.

Steve C.

So can you or I. Flightradar.com is your friend in the sky…

Hans raus

You see triggered russobots? its very good sign that you are doing good job ^^ glory to nato and us/eu superiority

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans raus
No Bs

Eliminate the freemasons and all the wars on earth will suddenly disappear.


Theyy are going to direct the long range rockets sent by the US and UK. This makes these countries complicit and justiffuable targets for Russian strikes


Justifiable targets? Lol. Russia will never hit any NATO target.

Rick Jefferson

They will and should, the sooner the better.


Use some good jammers and lazer, the spy plane will loss control and fly richt in the war zone. Bey bey yankees. A swarm off remote controlled birds flying in the engines can do some nice free fall.


I hope to good that china and others are watching and the next time the US want’s to invade a country the same stuff will happen. Delivery off arms without limits. Satelite and Avacs real time date to target US soldiers. And special operatives killing US soldiers in foreign uniforms.

But then again the US will call it unlawfull and sanction or even declare war uppon them.

This all is allready a declaration off war from nato. The russians just descided to ignore it.


To me after Ukraine dersolves, these little traiter Baltic states will be on the chopping block.

Rick Jefferson

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