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MARCH 2025

Maps: Military Situation In Deir Ezzor Countryside Following Syrian Army Advance On Maadan

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Maps: Military Situation In Deir Ezzor Countryside Following Syrian Army Advance On Maadan

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These map provides a general look in at the military situation in the countryside of Deir Ezzor city following the liberation of Maadan town and the nearby areas by Syrian government forces.

Earlier today, government forces, led by the Syrian Army Tiger Forces, liberated the town of Maadan and reached its counterparts deployed in the southern Raqqah countryside.

They also entered in the rest of the area southwest of Maadan from ISIS, according to pro-government sources. The area is repotedly empty and government forces are now working on removing IEDs there.

At the same time, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are pushing towards Jafra oil and gas fields east of Deir Ezzor city, on the eastern bank of the Euphrates.

Maps: Military Situation In Deir Ezzor Countryside Following Syrian Army Advance On Maadan

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Well… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3c595517f62e8b10c0aa8d8ebd93fc7b80c80e00482fa1bf3762b18ec1e0566d.png

Moussa Saab

SAA liberated Kushan already


Yes SAA can take small cities, but SDF oil fields. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/801ca8d09576af19e6a80d0250078ee1353dd1bf171d9653124861b21ad72941.png


it s not under the control of the SDF. Clashes are ongoing, the oil fields are not secured yet and there is still a chance for the SAA to poke in before its too late


If the SAA /Russians want to deny the oil fields to the SDF they can always air-drop AP mines. But then they have to clean them up later.


The SAA&Allies have a couple of days tops to organize 5,000 to 10,000 troops being flown in, Omar Sayjan being first port of call, either they do this or lose access to these fields and the others around it.

This is the crunch time, it is now or never


Reenforcements from Hama and Raqqa should arrive soon at the frontline


arriving is not good enough dude, they need to fly in the troops under enemy fire if need be, with 24hr air support targeting jihadis and flying in supplies.

I know this would be a massive undertaking, The Yanks&SDF will not hand the fields back ever.

In the adult film business it is called “The Money Shot”


This is not the Hollywood ‘Apocalypse Now ‘ either. In the real world airborne troops take a long time to train and defending large areas would be very vulnerable to attacks.

Stick to analysing your Porn Videos Aurelian. Your great experience there is needed far more than your ramblings here.


f$$k you, that clear enough for you, once those fields are gone their gone by the way YOU F$$K the Nazis took the Island of Crete with just airborne troops (Real Life)

You are better going back to feeling up puppies better suits your intellect


Best you continue reading the Tora and offering yourself to the Rabbi. It better suits your language Aurelian.

As an aside, the German paratroopers did indeed capture Crete with a highly trained and specialist force of soldiers. NOT a group of ordinary infantry that just hopped into an aircraft to be dropped directly into combat.

Its probably better that you look at one of your gay porn mags than embarrass yourself here.


It is the Torah you knob.

Troops are not trained to look pretty in a parade once a year, they are trained for combat. This is the Reason you train airborne troops MORON is for this sort of operation to hold and defend territory until a the main force force gets there.

The Russians would be the ones that would have to do the operation, once those oil gas fields are gone they are gone for good.

Best you get back to sodomizing the cats around your neighbourhood, it is the highlight of your day.


Do you mean the large sums of US tax dollars PAID by the US Military in order for their fat and fancy soldiers to ‘Bang the Drum’ at sporting events in displays of ‘Paid Patriotism’.

This is reminiscent of all past failing empires.


Exactly, but SAA-Russia armies have had a lot of time to stop SDF advance and DID NOTHING about it. I think this is a failure in tactic. If Syria looses its oils fields in Omar, a partition of its land will come sooner or later. Russia do not want to fight USA directly, that is why it was necessary to stop SDF, but now, IT IS TOO LATE.


It is a dire situation, anything can happen from now on. I truly hope the SAA is still able to stop this massive oil theft and get a hold of the plants that are supposedly under SDF control. They must not back down now, there is only one language these imperialist powers can understand, Every move that is taken now is game-changing, every little action counts. The imperialist plan is clear: they want an autonomous Kurdistan, a little wannabe Israel, a dysfunctional puppet state, even worse than the Kosovo. We should all be aware that the plan consists in nothing less than what we have witnessed in countries all over the world for decades. The SDF has been pursued to play the puppet role in this dirty game. They must be stoped right now with clear and decisive military actions.

Behold a Pale Horse

A few questions. 1. Turkey to the top, Syria to the left, Iraq to the right. How are the Kurds going to get this oil out of the country? I doubt Syria, Iraq or Turkey will want to help them. 2. How about the Russians are happy to let them take the oil wells? Everyone knows the Russians can send their police in at any time, just as they have done elsewhere, and take the fields back.


same question to isis, nobody cares who sells, if it’s half of the market price

Behold a Pale Horse

Cant run a country for long selling oil at half market share. Only works if your a group of terrorists with no need to build infrastructure.


Here is how: 1. In Iraq, the Kurdish regions where they waned to held referendum, they needed someone to buy the oil so they allowed rosneft to receive a stake of the share. Rosneft is a Russian state owned oil company. This way, they get the oil through the Russian company. Probably will do the same except with the US now.

2. Cut a deal with the government whereas Assad keeps the majority shares and they receive a minority share.

3. They won’t be allowed. Instead, Syria will turn to their allies and turkey to combat the Kurd state (even though they could do it own their own) and this way, the US will have to abandon Syria as Isis is defeated. Kurds will loose legitimacy and will have to surrender or face annihilation.


Again, how is rosneft going to get that oil out of that pretend country. If Iran, Iraq and Turkey close their borders and airspace it’s just another fully besieged Gaza strip. Unless Rosneft has access to space tankers or magical portals.


Rosneft has the support of the Russian government, In this case that is magic enough.


The Russian government doesn’t want this referendum either though. Nobody does, except those who live in Kurdish Cloud Cookoo land. Which is a similar place as those inhabited by what you often call the Assadophiles.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Rosneft has signed a similar deal with the Iraqi government, covering their bets. So that whatever happens, they will be the ones laughing all the way to the bank.


Option 3 is good as that would also drive the wedge between Turkey and the US NATO even deeper.


Annihilation and capitulation. The end.


Option 2, is already in place as far as some wells in Hassakah are concerned.

As SDF forces lack the expertise and money to redevelop oilfields, it stands to reason an agreement will be reached. If the same deal, 65% of revenue and all expenses go to Assad cronies and 35% of revenue to SDF forces for providing security and “ownership”.

Gary Sellars

“Assad cronies” aka the legitimate Syrian governments public revenues.

Way to show your twisted loyalities….

Bente Petersen

best comment THANK… I have also full faith in Russian command !!!!!


Thank you! I’ve been saying this for weeks and yet everybody keeps panicking. It’s like nobody can look at a map anymore and notice, hey, these Kurds don’t have a port, only hostile neighbors, how they hell will they export anything. Or import anything. Like guns.


I have been saying the same thing Barba :)

Michael Qiao

the thing is that there are US military bases in Turkey or Turkish military bases that has Presence of American troops in it


And what are they going to do if Turkey decides to blockade the KRG? Start a war against Turkey? A fellow NATO country? It would be the end of NATO.

Michael Qiao

Well, that is true per se, but that is if hey stay in NATO, the EU and US would most likely kick turkey out of NATO and the EU


Seems there are always willing hands. ISIS has never had any trouble selling oil to the SAA for instance

Graeme Rymill

The Kurds share the proceeds with the Syrian Government.


They didn’t liberate anything, Isis fled days ago. That tells you how bad the SAA troop quality is posted west of maadan, they were too scared to do recon.

How many more abandoned territories are not reclaimed because commanders aren’t pushing?

George King

Who says they didn’t do recon? We have had nothing in the way of pictures or video coming out of the supposed oil areas SDF have advanced into. Do you really believe that as important as the oil wells are the Russian special forces are not already in to give co-ordinates and live updates of the area and lay of the land?

Take another study of the maps for the past 6 months and if you don’t see the methodology being employed take another look. As Turkey is employed into the agreed non combatant areas to relieve the Syrian coalition for release into not only north east but further north reclaiming Syrian proper from all combatants and squatters for security and pacification.

There will be no bartering with SDF or any other non Syrian nation states or proxies for Syria’s Treasure, Commons or Inalienable Rights.


OUTSTANDING LAND GRAB BY SAA ! Seems that ISIS has evaporated in this area. Now their forces can concentrate on advancing east of Deir Ezzor city and the bridge head. GREAT NEWS :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fd9199ccb3d84152fc1466e80d2e450b602af628842894aa6f2c8ac3f6adaed3.png

DJ Double D

What do you mean by ‘outstanding land grab’? Since when is SAA grabbing other peoples land?SAA is liberating their land. Period.


Yeah right :/ ISIS controlled this area and SAA grabbed it back. And you want to argue semantics? Are you a college professor of language :DDDD Edited to “ADVANCE”, does this make you happy?

DJ Double D

But you just corrected yourself from ‘ outstanding land grab by SAA’ to ‘outstanding advance by SAA’. So you must have thought that I’m right.


A definition of grab is to take quickly, and this is exactly what the SAA forces did around Maadan. This discussion is starting to bore me. :D GO TIGERS GO (east to Jafra oil fields) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a3d2c0e48c9c1ee5bfdb12b30df04a9226016649f3d09fa6f16c6984267ec197.jpg

Pál Póli

The SAA needs to airdrop some troops close to the oil fields. If they don’t do that the Russians can still convince the SDF to back up a little or else…


Russia can not convince SDF (kurs, USA-puppets). Russia needs to convince USA, and that will never happen. If Syria loose oil fields in Omar…we can say that Syria-Hezbolah-Iran-Russia have lost the war, wining a lot of battles.

Solomon Krupacek



Main goal is achived though, ISIS, the main US proxy is annihilated, they have been growing it for years and were planning to expand all the way to Russia’s borders and eventually use it to attack Russia, like they did with Germany. Compared to that oil fields are a pocket change, which SDF won’t be able to use effectively anyway, they are ways and means to block and isolate them especially considering the fact that the whole neighbourhood hates US and Kurds, lol.

Solomon Krupacek

for syria is not poket change the loss of oil fields. this is question oflife and death.


You people don’t seem to understand what the Syrian Command is doing… They will not RACE with the mercenaries for oil fields simply because they exercise the belief that simply getting there 1st does not make anyone the owner of something. YPG mercenaries have no right to compete or “race” for those oilfields. They can get there as many days earlier as they fucking want. SAA will kill them in the end and just take the oilfields anyway. No rush (as rush would only make them have more casualties). They are not playing a game or “Oh I call shotgun on the oilfields they mine noww!! :D” They are only national army there, if the invaders think that racing to one part of the territory gives them a right of claim over it… they will be proven wrong.


If the SDF pincer is threatened and cut off, having the oil field will be meaningless. The Deir Ezzor bridgehead can deploy armor and mechanized units and maneuver around the SDF southern flank and take control of N7 and seal SDF positions. The whole maneuver would take 2-3 hours supported by gunships and Suk 25s along with the fighter escorts. A vertical deployment of several hundred paratroops meeting with the advancing armor along N7 will provide infantry cover for the mechanized unit.


The bridge head expansion has been slowed by ISIS putting up a fight for Khusham. And don’t forget about the air assets being diverted to N Hama to punish the HTS there. Coincidence in timing? I think not. But the next target will be Al Tabiyah village, opening up a route to Jafra oil field (or just continue SE towards the Omar fields?) GO TIGERS :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2d710672b7557a9673c3aaeaf356dd439480e47eb5d0a2fb8ce56d9e0f2c457d.jpg


My view is that SAA and allies should outflank the the southern part of SDF pincer and stop its southward deployment. That would be the line in the sand where SDF stops. Then, everything south of that will de under SAA and allies control, separating SDF from ISIS will make them weaker and easier to be dealt with.

aba opaco

what if SAA stops all operations in the east side of the Euphrates and let the kurds get nasty with ISIS focus in controlling all the west bank, and finally when the kurds get exhausted give them a decisive blow.


Kurds and ISIS work for the same master. ISIS is operating in conjunction with SDF, they allow SDF to advance freely towards Deirdre Ezzor, while offering stiff resistance to SAA and allies; they are two pawns US is using in the in the Middle East chess game with Russia.

aba opaco

So I think I was right, now that the Turks are attacking the kurds, they have to move the forces located in southeast syria to counter the Turks in the north. SAA now is relocating their forces in deir ezzor.


This should have been done days ago , how many hours does it take to weld a barge , there should be a minimum of twenty tanks on the eastern shore by now . And that’s just to expand the buffer zone safeguarding the airport . We are not being told why this illogical stop is happening .


I just read that self propelled PMM-2M ferries were air delivered in Latakia a couple of days ago; they should be in position to be deployed any time now. There is a video of it on AMN.


The SAA has to re arm and rest after the events of the last weeks. They do not have an inexhaustible supply of elite battle ready units in reserve. Have patience. Tired soldiers do not perform well.


Hope you are right..


Quite right. If it was any other terror group or band of thieves rather than the USA there would be no debate about who rightfully owns the oilfields. America will soon have to assess whether thousands of American dead and wounded are worth the price of PERHAPS stealing oilfields from Syria. The whole world realises and the UN as a whole realises that the US is ILLEGALLY in Syria. America today is wearing the wooden crown of the ‘overweight, boorish and overbearing’ bully of the world today.

Times are changing fast. Fat boy America is about to fall on her own petard.


As well , the turn on and off valve , is Al Bukamal , refocus on that with the PMU , if they can’t pipe it to Iraq , it can not be sold .

Daniel Castro

You can’t make a crime legal performing another crime.

Gary Sellars

I can see a repeat of the Russian attacks against terrorist oil tanker convoys… except this time they will be SDF not IS, and the Yankistanis will howl to the heavens…


I think the Yanks will rush to proclaim independent Kurdistan state that will include everything northeast from Euphrates river, and that way they will legalize their presence in Syria.

Michael Qiao

not really, the UN, Iraq, Turkey, and even the US I believe opposed this referendum. So if they persist, Kurdistan will be as good as a terrorist state

Daniel Castro

Just like Israel…

Michael Qiao

OY GEVALT the goyim knows, shut it down, bring in the good goys https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/79b49d39101ce7aeb9428cddfee8d3b152b0ad43f433b680bef9faac0c89af95.png

roger temple

No doubt the UN opposes the referendum as a matter of form, while the US does so as a lollipop for Turkey. Neither will do anything about it if the referendum goes through, though the US loves the idea of an independent Kurdistan, to make trouble for Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Turkey, their useful but unloved ally. Usual behaviour.

Daniel Castro

You can’t make a crime legal performing another crime.



Gary Sellars

Crimea, as an autonomous region of Ukraine, seceded from the union due to the foreign-backed violent ultra-nationalist putsch and subsequent repression of Russian-speaking minorities. They went to their people and the people said “YES”!

Wheres the “crime”?

Why should the West support the secession of Slovenia from Yugoslavia yet deny the secession of Crimea from Ukraine? Slovenia was the match that lit the Yugo secession wars (a clear example of US/EU formenting war for geopolitical gain), while Crimea was the result of ongoing Ultra-nationalist aggression, backed by US/EU.

Buddy, you truly are a fucking idiot.


No, he’s dutch.

Gary Sellars

Same thing. Never met a dutchman with a sense of humour. Dry, boring, irritating people…


And think very highly of themselves.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

The Dutch “leadership” stand behind their US masters, like obedient slaves. Same as the disgusting UK elite

Gary Sellars

The Dutch Safety Board happily played their allocated role as Torquemada-style inquisitor against Russia in the MH17 debacle. Allowing Ukropistan to be a member of teh investigative process and giving them a veto? Utterly disgraceful and demolishes any idea that the DSB investigation is anything other than a political beat-up and cover-up.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

What I found particularly disgusting was the fact that after crash, the Dutch authorities refused to collect the dead-bodies, THEIR own dead bodies, because asking the DPR/LPR for permission and safety assurances would imply their recognition. How barbaric is that? What would anyone think about letting their loved ones rot in the summer heat and be eaten by animals, just for political games? The Dutch authorities proved to be no better than animals that ate the corpses in Torez crash site. They were worse, much worse! Meanwhile, just to show how rotten the Dutch “elite” had become, the Malaysians visited the DPR/LPR and collected the black boxes. Do you remember that? That made me think. Why would the DPR/LPR release the black boxes if they brought down MH17?


Hi NeeNarian, yes, the Dutch politicians played a very nasty game. I remember how their prime minister, Frans Timmermans acted and “knew” all the answers before any investigation started. His anti-Russian behavior was rewarded later by a good job in the European commission. Holland suffered a lot from Russian counter-sanctions, but he does not care about that.

This is his vision: https://redice.tv/news/europe-must-accept-diversity-or-face-war-timmermans-in-eu-parlmt-no-more-nation-states


The name ‘Timmermans’ has a jewish look to it.

Michael DeStefano

So many indications of complicity in a cover up, it just doesn’t escape statistical probabilities.


And the head of the Australian Federal Police (Andrew Donahue) is totally against the Dutch Safety Board! The Australian police said the investigation is a fraud and its more likely the Aircraft was shot down from the air!


And the head of the Australian Federal Police investigation into MH17 (Andrew Donahue) is totally against the Dutch Safety Board!

The Australian police said the investigation is a fraud and its more likely the Aircraft was shot down from the air!!

Michael DeStefano

The Dutch are not all so brainwashed. I met two Dutch guys in Palanga (Lithuania) a few summers back on vacation and asked them (in English) who they thought was behind the MH17 shoot down. (mind you, they knew I was American). They both said ‘Ukraine’.



Samuel Boas

Don’t listen to that Dutchnational guy, he ist just a filthy ISIS loving troll.


Have pity on him Gary, he is Dutch.




You should ask Polonskaya the former prosecutor about this. See also legal referendum in Krim in early 90’s (ignored by Kiev). Results would be same as today.

Gary Sellars

Yes, there is SO much ignorance and arrogance rattling around in the heads of these NATO bots like douchenational. Appalling hypocrisy and double standards are the name of the game in HATOstani-land, and their legions of brain-washed internet stooges are too limited to comprehend it all.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

We all know that according to the US/EU/NATO gang the Russians have no right of self determination and should just accept the diktats of the “superior and civilized” West. Must have been a huge shock when Crimea was rescued from the US/EU/NATO gangster dirty paws right after the violent removal of ELECTED President Yanukovych. I suppose the descendants of the Dutchnationals who got whipped in the Eastern Front in WW2 did not learn their lesson, did they? The Russians are a FREE people. You do also realize that it is not in the EU “values” to remove ELECTED Presidents using Neo-Nazi thugs, don’t you?


Here is a little bit of history that the Dutch would like to erase :)

“Re: How many Dutch serve in the Waffen-SS Postby Rob – wssob2 » 12 Dec 2011, 06:46

Former W-SS senior commander Felix Steiner in his 1950’s books claimed there were “55,000” Dutch W-SS troops total.

Gerhard Hirschfeld in his book Nazi Rule and Dutch Collaboration: The Netherlands under German Occupation (Oxford: Berg, 1988), estimates 22-25,000 Dutch volunteers in the W-SS 1939-45.

Perry Pierik, in his book From Leningrad to Berlin analyzes the SS-FHA documents for Dutch W-SS volunteers from May 1942 to May 1944 and the total number of volunteers for that period is 20,000.”



Netherlands[edit] Total: 50,000[41] to 55,000[14]

SS Freiwilligen Legion Niederlande (1941): 2,559[42] SS-Freiwilligen-Standarte Nordwest[50] SS Volunteer Grenadier-Brigade Landstorm Nederland[50] 4th SS Volunteer Panzergrenadier Brigade Nederland[50] 23rd SS Volunteer Panzer Grenadier Division Nederland[50] 34th SS Volunteer Grenadier Division Landstorm Nederland[50]


Err…diversion much…from US military land grab in Syria?!

Len Zegelink

de tering voor je kontekruiper


Islamic State : Kurdish state isis genocide of Christians and Shiia Muslims Kurds genocide of Christian Armenians!

Israel steals and commits genocide of Palestinians! Kurds about to steal land and have already committed genocide!

USA doctrine Problem, reaction, solution

Plan A.

Create isis and Al-nusra have them and other proxy forces attack Assad regime (#pay trolls disguised as beta males from Europe to counter, “counter-narrative news sources”!) Later come and clean them up with Kurds create Kurdish state (pro USA and pro Israel) Begin a Kurdish revolt in Turkey and Iran! Attack Iran!

Plan B.

Create isis and Al-nusra have them and other proxy forces attack Assad regime (#pay trolls disguised as beta males from Europe to counter, “counter-narrative news sources”!) #RUSSIA INTERVENES!!! #Destroy isis in eastern Syria #Create a buffer between Iraq and Syrian borders create Kurdish state (pro USA and pro Israel) Begin a Kurdish revolt in Turkey and Iran! Attack Iran!

Gary Sellars

That would be a great way to earn the US the undying enmity of both Turkey and Iraq. A geopolitical own-goal.

The US already have the enmity of the Persians, so yeah, why not complete the trifecta, even if it bits them in the arse… stoopid Yanks.

Florian We

They will. The only way to “legalize” their presence is to be “invited” by the kurdish new state (which is illegal and so forth, we all know, but they will spread MASSIVE propaganda about surpressed kurds and so on). The key question is: What is Turkey doing ? Will the US consider a break with Turkey (even a “out of NATO” scenario) for syrian oil / “Kurdistan” ? I am really interested seeing the future answering this question.


Turkey is more worried about a civil war with its own Kurds I think.


. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d7d0098f2958171538b9db7bea74e97260ceed12657da71500e6ec9df401b1a0.png


I get that not all SAA have been trained by Russia, but it would be a good idea for Russian trained SAA units to be involved in liberating those oil fields, and then it will get interesting when those units go up against US trained SDF and the YPG fighters.


Well said, my friend! The post-Isis Syria. Can’t wait!

I wonder if Uncle Putin will share his popcorn with me!


The SAA will have an airforce backing them up. . .

And the US will not be able to fly there. They have no rights and no legality.

The S400’s will drive any US planes down and the Pansir’s will take them out at low altitude.


i agree… there is no urgent need for a race. finish the isis 1 st… and then negotiate with the SDF/YPG if no succeed… you can war again later after that


SDF is almost equal to ISIS-Daesh. Do not neglect SDF (kurds, USA-puppets).

Graeme Rymill

So rather than try and take the oilfields first and avoid conflict the Syrian Government and military want to let the SDF have the oilfields and take it by force from them at a later date?


They tried to avoid conflict. But then it became apparent that you can’t avoid conflict with a faction like SDF that is pushing for conflict!


I am not agree with this statement. If SDF (kurds, USA-puppets) get these oil fields, with the support of USA (since Russia-Syria will not fight USA), they will state there and steal this oil from Syria, that’s simple. Syria-Russia will not be able to do anything about that (they will not want to cause a WWIII). Then, a partition of Syria wil be negotiated. This will be a tragedy for Syria despite to have won a lot of battles.


100% agree with u! In fact there is no doubts that Turkish backed rebels supported by the Turkish military will enter SDF regions north of manbij! PMU is closing its gaps and the border will be sealed! Between turkey (who hates Kurds), Iraq, Syria and Iran (who will all have Kurdish regions bordering each other if this Kurdish state is created) will push all their forces against the Kurds! It will be a complete slaughter! The US will use its air power to counter this but HOW? It is Russia who has the Air defence shields on the ground! Russia can equalise the skies! Therefore the US will fly and attack SAA allied forces at their own peril! So it will come down to how many forces on the ground! Battle hardened forces of all neighbouring countries who can easily flow men and military resources into the battle field! Its just not possible! The US airbase will be squeezed out of Syria! So I agree! The pockets and the border will be quickly taken up and the oil fields will be left for another day! It will now be the SAA, Hezbollah, PMU, Iran army, Turkish rebels, Turkish army, Iranian forces and Russia forces vs HTS! USA cannot help HTS! So this idlib pocket will disappear very fast! The Kurds will need to take as much land as they can before they declare independence IN SYRIA! After the pockets are cleaned up, It will be US backed SDF and Peshmerga VS Russia and all nations in the region!

Behold a Pale Horse

I keep saying it. Putin is not spending all this money to let the US and its proxies control the resources in the country. The Russians will take what they want, when they want it.


The development over the last week make that HIGHLY DOUBTFUL. From the moment saa and allies crossed the river, the ruaf abandoned them in that sector, other than for PR purposes.

It appears that RF has decided to help prevent Syria from regaining its hydrocarbon resources, with hopes of leaving it dependent on RF for those same resources in the future.


Makes no sense, Syria would simply get them from Iran, which is much closer by geographically and politically. No worries all of that land will be retaken and the gypsy Kurds will be permanently kicked out of Syria


You seem to be rather ignorant as far as the news goes. The RuAF has been busy destroying the HTS trash in N Hama, a jihadist attack paid for by the CIA et al. The SAA bridge head will succeed despite these minor set backs.


Possible though facts on the ground show the bridgehead is not much of a success, at least until now.

It is even possible that once the bridgehead is secured, it will be pointless as enveloped by SDF forces, blocking them from going eastwards, a tactic used by SAA themselves east of Tabqah.

Gary Sellars

Alternatively it is the knife in the side of the SDF salient. Even if the SDF envelopes it, the SAA can build their forces for a blitzkreig at their time of choice. They are on the East shore already, and thats an enormous tactical advantage compared to being stuck on the West bank like the US and their SDF whores had intended.


Except for the namecalling, this could be correct. We will know in a week or so, right?

DJ Double D

BREAKING: General Suheil Hasan: ‘We’ll raise the Syrian flag over the whole of Raqqa, Hasaka, Ayn Al-Arab (Kobani), Afrin and Idlib’.

This is the best I have heard so far from him. It means SDF can kiss goodbye to their dreams.

Michael Qiao

don’t hold your breath

DJ Double D

But he never disappoints. He has cultivated this super hero culture and now his words must mean something.

Michael Qiao

I hope your right, I think that he should start with Omar

DJ Double D

I think the Kurds need some recognition for their statehood. I’m just afraid that the Americans will continue to push them in the wrong direction. Things like this aggressive expansion of their territory via land and resource grabbing will eventually be their own ‘undoing’.


The Kurds don’t want Syrian rule, Syria abandoned them to ISIS and when the Kurds bled alone to reclaim their towns, Syria comes back into the fold and wants all of its territory back?! Ridiculous. The SDF deserves its territory, deserves to keep it. The SAA don’t.

DJ Double D

But they went beyond the Kurdish proper. So in effect they are now grabbing other peoples land. If you take a look at the Kurdistan territory map from Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria, you will see how much extra land they have grabbed. By the way, I am not against the Kurds. I have a lot of Kurdish friends.


Everybody land grabs in the Middle East; Lebanon used to be Christian before the Muslims invaded, Jordanians are trying to claim that Israel is actually Palestine, it’s a crazy place but at least the Kurds don’t treat women like garbage, so they’re alright, preferrable.

Solomon Krupacek

damascus did not abandoned them.

Amirul Farhan

Well actually al hasakah and raqqa are not Kurdish land

ajay prasad

The rojava is a lost cause moment it went full retard serving US imperial interests.Such short sighted goals.

Gary Sellars

Fuck off idiot…. ain’t gonna happen.


abandon??? they nearly loose the war to the jihadist before iran come help them to stand the ground available while Obama was flying all over syria threatening invasion.then came the Russian helping to rebuild the morale and offensive capacity.


Boo hoo :( (just kidding)

DJ Double D

Battle of Raqqah:

25 SDF killed today in Raqqah, 19 on Deir Ezzor-Al Suwar highway. ISIS got angry that America is pulling their legs and not bringing the money as promised.

Solomon Krupacek

this is nothing. 1000x mor would be accurate :))

Manuel Flores Escobar

If SAA has crossed Eufrates river is to take oil fields…if SDF attacks that SAA troops… Russia has warned SDF that they counterattack!

Solomon Krupacek

you are dreaming. on their from actually asf+ usa are stronger than saa + russia



Daniel Castro

USA is strong, but the leadership is in chaos, they already face a standoff with DPRK, Trumps regime won’t have enough support to face russia in syria… USA is losing ground for taliban in afhganistan, do you think they can fight 5, 6 fronts at the same time?

Ukraine, Lybia, Syria, Afhganistan, Venezuela, East China Sea, DPRK, Philipines… all this while facing internal unrest.

The empire is being overwhelmed.

Solomon Krupacek

do you believe your own words?

Daniel Castro

Do you really believe they were going to achieve full spectrum dominance without facing resistence?

No empire has ever managed to rule the world, they thought they would achieve this, it was always a failed concept, USA broke its economy leading petrodollar into the edge of the abyss, then they created another concept of “chaos management”, another arrogant failed concept. Human beings managing chaos, what a dream… they achieved chaos alright, but in chaos they created a vacuum in power that is rapidly being filled by russia and china.

If you think otherwise you’re seriously not paying due attention to the geopolitical developments on the last years, western losses were huge, they’re fighting to keep some oilfields in syria while losing entire countries like Qatar and Philipines… forcing Venezuela into dropping the petrodollar even on the cost of self-starvation… one stupid policy after another!

While USA keep this aggressive stance they are going to lose, they might achieve some military vicotry here and there, but that is because they still have the strongest military forces and petrodollar, however those won’t last forever.

Gary Sellars

Well said, and 100% correct. Future historians will list 2001 as the start of the end for the Murican Empire, and future Muricans will curse the likes of Bush, Obongo, Clinton, Trump et al for their parts in corrupting and ruining their nation.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Last week Russia threat to destroy SDF in DZ with crusise missile attack!…and USA stopped his puppet and they now are not attackig SAA there!

Solomon Krupacek

IF they attack saa. this will not happen, only take land before SAA. russia is false.

Solomon Krupacek

SAA was always too slow. Also now is 1-2 steps behind SDF/yanks. so they already have lost east DEZ. they should take abu kamal. and after that we wil see, which secret agreement is between russia and usa.


No matter what happens, Yanks are big losers in ME. By playing independent Kurdistan card, they lost Turkey, and very likely Iraq in the future, with great chances that they will lose Kurdistan in the end, as it will be strangled surrounded by Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran. Putin can sit on the couch, make the popcorn and enjoy clusterf*** that Yanks got themselves into. Handing Turkey to Puting, second most powerful country in NATO, for Kurdistan – it baffles my mind.


When Israel’s national security is your number 1 foreign policy objective you get jewed like this. This is the price America will continue to pay as long as it tolerates being a colony of Global Zionism.

Gary Sellars

Ain’t it the truth? When the stupid corn-fed Muricans finally figure out what is really going on in their country, these Zio maggots had better pray that their control of the US political system is as strong as they believe, because if they lose the grip on power, they will face an almighty shit-storm of retribution from angry, pissed off Muricans.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.


Cracks have already appeared


Michael Qiao

I don’t think a bunch of neo nazis holding tiki torches considered a “crack”


those “bunch” of neo nazis represent a bigger movement. I never said they are a giant majority, I used the word “crack” for a reason. You never had neo-nazi marches in the US in the past. The Jews went on a massive online crackdown after this march which goes to show you how seriously they took the threat

Gary Sellars

Its always the same. The Jews work their insidious mischief to build their power and wealth and dominate the Goyim societies they live within via monetary corruption of the ruling elites, but eventually they become too self-assured and arrogant and believe that their control is unbreakable. Their innate hatred of gentiles overcomes them and they publicly revel in their mastery, only to have the commoners realise what is happening, and then the collapse begins.

That’s why our societies have such a plethora of groups guarding against ‘anti-semitism”. Its a repressive mechanism to identify and punish any who start to push back against Jewish control. Its a (vain) attempt to prevent re-occurrence of past power-reversals.


I am rather looking forward to another Pogrom. Its well overdue :)


I was of that opinion , until I read the clip about the 200,000 Israeli’s lined up to move into the newly declared “Kurdistan”. They just changed their plan on Greater Israel to include Turkey.

The disobedient “Sultan ” , could see his nation , ripped in half , with Israel owning half of the Black Sea .

Michael Qiao

they want greater Israel and their puppet Kurdistan


They are starting with Iraq to test the reaction, Syria will be next, but in Turkey – if they start it – it will be ten times worse then Syria. There are 20M Kurds in Turkey, and judging from the past, Turks will not have problem killing, and/or expelling as many of them as needed to protect their current borders. The only chance for US/Israel is to create internal rifts in Turkey and weaken it to the point when disintegration of the country will be possible. They are working hard on that, but sultan is a hard nut to break.


All those weapons flowing into Kurdish SDF , are for Kurds in Turkey , this is the expansion of the war the US has been looking for . Once the state of Kurdistan is declared , the war zone expands north . The Turkish army is large , but the Kurds , like the jihadist before them , have ” a dream to die for”. It might take five years , but when the Kurds expand their borders north , Turkey will be half its present size .

Graeme Rymill

The big loser is surely Syria and the Syrian people. Six years of war. Hundreds of thousands dead. Millions of refugees. Cities in ruins. Infrastructure destroyed. Industrial production, electricity generation, oil production, agricultural production all at low levels.

Victory has come at a very high price.


It has but the alternative was, mmmm, let me think. Ah, I know. The alternative was to live ( and die rather a lot) under the Black Flag of ISIS whilst the US/Israel uses their latest warlords to rape and pillage Syria.

Graeme Rymill

I am not telling the Syrian people that it wasn’t worth it. That is for them to decide in the years of reconstruction that lie ahead.

“To live ( and die rather a lot) under the Black Flag of ISIS”…this is.the same alternative the Kurds had when they chose to ally themselves with the US!


The only reason the Kurds allied with the US is greed and avarice. The Kurds prospects are in fact much worse now. The US will dump them as they do all their ‘allies’ in foreign lands.

Graeme Rymill

You only have to look at a September 2014 map of who held what territory in Syria to see that the Kurds were in a desperate situation with regard to ISIS. Self preservation is a marvelous motivator!


Except that we now know that the US/CIA/Israel are all heavily involved with ISIS. Such treachery as this usually comes from a Jewish mind.


Calm down people. Don’t miss the big picture. SDF has already messed up completely. It doesn’t matter where they get first, Omar or Albukamal, they will lose all of it. Their plan is a complete mess, totally disregarding reality. On top of that, making deals with Daesh was such a bad idea, a crime in fact. Strategically it would be tempting to let SDF “take” everything, driving Daesh out, completely ending US excuses to be in Syria and then start “negotiations”. If only it was that simple… But doubt not, the Kurds are already in a pickle they can’t handle.


I think you misread somewhere.

It was Assad making deals with IS. In Arslan last month and now in Hama. For details, see SF archives.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

The US/EU/NATO/GCC/Israel gang are invaders to Syria pretending to fight IS. All those poor desert camels killed by the 600 nation coalition was really sad, until the RuAF showed how to kick the IS butt. This vile and expansionist gang should leave now or there will be a rush to the escape helicopters later, on full HDTV. Which would you prefer?

Gary Sellars

Deals? You mean forcing AQ/IS to give up their grip on territory and spare the residents of more death and destruction, and avoid unnecessary SAA losses?

That sort of deal I can live with.

The US/GCC deals are of a very different nature… we’ll give you weapons and supplies if you attack the Syrian gov…

The 1st sort is legitimate war-fighting, the 2nd sort is illegal state terrorism.


SAA clearing the pocket west of the Euphrates. Well done and necessary.

SAA trying to advance out of the very small bridgehead on the east of the Euphrates with up till now little succes and on the verge of being surpassed by SDF in the direction of the east and with the risk of being cut of from the east the way SAA did east of Tabqah. Imo a strategic failure of the SAA.

They would have done smarter to take the whole southern/western part and could, by now, have been at or close to the Iraqi border. As the SDF lacks the capability to redevelop the Omar oil fields, they would likely have cooperated with Assad to redevelop the fields towards mutual benefits.

Their and his choice.

Soon SDF will be able to assist the SAA by redeploying many of its fighters out of the Raqqah front. Whether they will cooperate with Assad afterwards will partly be a resultant of Assads stance towards SDF.

Again, his choice.


You are way to confident, lol, the Kurds and US will be blocked from achiving their final goal, proxy puppet kurdistan and all that. Nobody likes you there. Their gains wont last long.


At least I can argue my points, which is more then most of the ranters here are able to.

As for confidence, look at the organisation the PYD and its allies have build, the restructured economy, the SDF military organisation, the liberated areas as of long before the US started supporting them as the only ones structurally fighting IS, being able to hold elections over their whole area etc.

There is reason for confidence.

Imo at some time Russia and the US will force a deal between Assad and the PYD. If not, it will be a long civil war which the SDF can and will win by not losing.


Don’t forget other players: Iraq and Turkey. Checkmate.


Yes. The only question is who is checkmate.


You have omitted one of the biggest players who works quietly in the background, but probably has the LARGEST influence……………….. IRAN.




Like i said, you put way too much confidence in SDF, alone they are nothing and will achive nothing. And secondly you overrated yourself, it might seem to you that you are bringing forward valid arguments but in reality that’s not the case. Restuctured economy, hardly, SDF are in a large debt and no have no way of repaying it, stealing some oil fields won’t make much of a difference, they will be blocked by other means in their attempt to use those gains to their advantage, they only way they can survive now is when the backers, will infuse them with big loans, and that’s gonna cost you :) , basically you are taking in another “child” in your home and have to feed it, it’s like those former sovjet countries , they were never able to function properly by themselves, they always require something extra, first it has been us, now they are feeding off your money, with kurds it much and much worse, at least those former sovjet countries have inherited some proper infrastructure, kurd have nothing, no money, no nothing, and we all have seen how the west provides for other countries, you’re only good for stealing resources and nothing else, the rest of your rant about elcetion is so insignificant that i won’t even bother to go into, it’s like saying, hey i can build a proper car now because i have read a book about it. About liberated areas, they haven’t liberated much until Russia has intervened , that’s when US started to pull out own hair on their butt in panic, cause they looked bad in comparisson, years of operation against isis and isis became bigger imho, that’s when they started to bomb Mosul in order to prove their superiority and score some points for hillary, before that, kurds stayed pretty much idle and didn’t do a lot.


What you describe can be said of Assad too in exact the same words. Replace SDF by Assad and US by Iran+Russia : bingo.

As for SDF not much liberating before Russian intervention, look at the map of 2012 and of mid 2015, when Russia intervened. YPG 2012 and YPG half 2015 as SDF only commenced late 2015. Huge, huge difference.


Yes, but i’m not the one claiming that Assad can achive a lot on his own, you on the contrary claim that SDF is a selsufficiant organization, which is totally untrue and that’s why i’ve said that you overestimate kurds by large margin.


It seems your ISIS friends have left abandoned their vehicles and ammo on west side of the river. So what’s left now? An SDF attack by infantry and humvees against SAA tanks and arty. “Oh please US coalition, we need some air support” I don’t think so. HAHAHAHAHA


So anyone not “loving” Assad is IS? Sorry pal, you have much to learn. Reading and understanding texts is the first item.


And why is it that the ISIS units always vanish north into the SDF/Kurd lines? This even happens in Iraq, not just Syria.


SDF is wondering the same but in southward direction towards SAA and elsewhere towards HTS/TFSA/AAS

Michael Qiao

now that I’ve looked more into this, the oil fields aren’t that important as one would think

1. They’re surrounded by hostile neighbors 2. They have no Access to the ocean, which means, they won’t have ports 3. US lost Turkey as an ally and Turkey is an member of EU now as well as NATO (though that can end) 4. once ISIS is gone, America has no excuses and thus no reason in Syria, remember they entered Syria illegally

DJ Double D

Reports coming that IS started a heavy counter attack towards Athriyah-Khanaser road few hours ago. Heavy fightings ongoing right now at the Wadi Al-Adhib axis at the Athriyah area.

Melotte 22

Move on ISIS, SDF is taking over as a new puppet in US sponsored regime change scenario in Syria. Dear Russia, let those kalibr missiles start raining on SDF filth.


On Markito0171 tweet, it is claimed that SDF took Khaslam (Khuslam), north(east) of the bridgehead instead. If correct, we will see tomorrow, the bridgehead has lost its point.

In a youtube movie there forces were shown to cross the river by rubber boat, no bridge in sight. This could explain the difficulties SAA has in advancing there. Not enough ferrying capacity. It is really strange that there are no pictures of the bridge to be found.


pontoon bridges, you idiot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNAV3_X362o

Gary Sellars

Its not polite to interrupt douchenational when he is busy reading from his bullshit NWO script… ;-)


I do not have any problems at all in receiving factual info.It betters my understanding, something of which many here cannot be accused.


Thank you for the info. A small question though. Is this towards Saqr Island or the other crossing? Or you have info about two bridges?

There must be two as the Saqr Island is, yes, an island.


Extra question. The movie does not show a bridge at all. It does show one piece of a bridge being put into the water. Not a bridge as such, which is a number of joint parts strectching from one bank to the other and passable by trucks, tanks etc.

The crossings that ARE in the movie are just some boats ferrying troops and materiel.

So, I am at his moment not really convinced there is a functioning ponton bridge, at least not by your info.

I really would appreciate, if they exist, an image of a functioning bridge there.


You should consider, that the SAA may not want to reveal to you, and their enemies …………….where and what they are using…………………..

Deo Cass

The most worrysome thing is the Zio/Nazi/US main objective behind this land, gas and oil theft. The US has already made a case for war against Russia. NATO’s military assets are in place on Russia’s borders to invade Russia. What’s holding them is the fact that Russia controls the energy tap of Europe and could close it if attacked. So basically the theft of Syrian land and resources on the Eastern banks of Deir Ezzur by the US tyranny is meant to remove this obstacle of Europe’s Russian energy dependence out of the way, thus freeing NATO’s hand to launch a massive aggression against Russia.


Sounds nice but you forget a few little details :

Israel can largely replace Russia as a gas supplier, aided in a few years by Cyprus and Egypt.

US now also has a surplus of gas which can be exported as LPG.

In twenty years, we will, all of us, hardly use any oil and gas anymore.

So the window for Russia is just that. 20 years or less.

Gary Sellars

Israel can replace Russia simply because of the “leviathan” field? You think?

Murican fracked LPG is expensive as it requires liquefaction, shipping and vaporization at the customers terminal, high capital investment and high ongoing operating and maintenance costs. Russian piped conventional gas is cheaper, better availability, and while pipelines are expensive to build, their maintenance costs are trifling.

O&G will be around for many decades to come, as long as the resource lasts. Oil is the feedstock for the entire chemical industry, all plastics and composites need oil as precursor for their constituents. Power generation industries are increasing their demand for gas at the expense of dirty coal and expensive oil, and neither nuclear or renewables will ever replace gas as a baseload energy source.

Those are facts, and Russia as a reliable cheap gas supplier to the EU has a solid future. Sorry if that bursts your little deluded Russophobe bubble…

….actually, truth be told, I’m not sorry at all.

John Brown

(Part 1) Racist supremacist Jews are doing everything they can to provoke the SAA, so Israel can order more of its slave American Goyims None of this matters for the kurds As I predicted when Turkey invades very soon the Kurds will be running to the SAA for protection begging for their lives but with their recent behavior in Deir Azur they have most likely already destroyed themselves. The SAA may protect some of the Kurdish civilians but probably want the SDF to be wiped out by Turkey for their treachery. So while the idiot greedy Kurdish leadership races to occupy oil fields far from their supply lines the SAA and the Turkish army will be making a pincer attack to occupy all the major Kurdish cities in Syria such as Al-Hasakah, Qamishli, Tell Tamer, Kobanî, etc. What will it matter what oil field they claim to have then when their government is dissolved. I suspect the Turkish army and the SAA will then surround the American bases in Syria. If the USSA tries to attack the Turkish army or the SAA under orders from their racist supremacist Israeli masters I expect their bases to be wiped out. Any further escalation by racist supremacist Israel will most likely be met by an all out attack on Israel by Hezboah and Turkey which Israel will never risk and will back down and then initiate some kind of propaganda offensive as it is better to have all of American Goyims die then one Jewish fingernail to be broken etc. As for the goyim…Zalman’s attitude (was): “Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.” …If every simple cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA. … If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value,” he explained. “There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life. — Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh in Jewish Week, the largest Jewish publication in the United States.

Not one superior Jewish cell will be put at risk for Syria or the Kurds. If every simple cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA. …


A well considered scenario, and it would be nice to see such a conclusion. Your eulogy about the Hebrew filth is accurate and is more and more being widely circulated as the Goyim awaken from their slumber……………..But one must point out that the Jew WAS chosen by a lesser god……………………….. namely Lucifer. They are nothing but a race of hatred-fueled psychopaths, and need to be treated as such.


Its deceiving to portray the SDF drive to the oilfields and beyond, as being contested by ISIS at every step. ISIS seems more interested in fighting the SAA and allies than the SDF even as they are being squeezed in.


If SDG’s get the oil fields of Omar, means that USA has gotten this oil. This rich area is enough for Kurds to build Kurdistan with the support of USA-Israel. It means then to fight SDF in this oil fields is the same as to fight USA directly since USD will protect SDF. This means that partition of Siria land will proceed in negotiation. I hope to be wrong here.

Mickey Dee

Nuttyhoohoo will decide who gets the oilfields.

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