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MARCH 2025

Maps: Situation In Doklam Plateau, China-India Border Standoff

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These maps provide a general look at the situation at the Chinese-Indian border with special attention to the Doklam Plateau area where the current China-India standoff is ongoing. (MORE INFO HERE)

Maps: Situation In Doklam Plateau, China-India Border Standoff

Click to see the full-size map

Maps: Situation In Doklam Plateau, China-India Border Standoff

Click to see the full-size map

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China is only barking.. no use

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

India is always acting the injured pup , they are not much better than a US lapdog in this theater of the dimwitted.

Al Khan

Its like an inferiority complex too often one finds in dot heads


Hijaby worthless words often one hears coming from perverted snipped musthafas.


India has protected Bhutan for hundreds of years , as it has no army , only Buddhist temples . likewise Nepal . While I don’t like Modi’s , surrender to American banking interests , I am very surprised at this Chinese action . Maybe just a reaction to American South China Sea and N. Korean actions .

Moussa Saab

Why would China want to expand its influence in this area? Especially next to a power like India, all thy are getting is mountains.

Al Khan

D.oklam has been Chinese territory for decades and it should be taken by them. India has no busniess poking its nose for it will not be pleasant for Bhutan also a controlled State by India. Its like India has been poking its nose in South Nepal that will also create problems for Indians living in Nepal towards Indian border. It should be for the these countries to sort out with China and not by India as it is also poking its nose in Afghanistan and Iran also. They are simply thinking they are big power and will suffer if pushing their agenda with help from atrocious and untrustworthy USA

Solomon Krupacek

hang yourself, Li Kud

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Quit being a bully and suggesting such things , you should hang your head in shame by advocating suicide , that is a reprehensible act and should neither be supported or condoned.

Solomon Krupacek

china shall accept borders. if will play imperialistic games, will finish like japan in ww2

Al Khan

That’s your wish by most western twisted ass-holes like at helm in USA

Solomon Krupacek

you are big russia fan. the next target for china is siberia.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That’s your reply , that’s very imperialistic and anrcho-fascist reply. The US will accept that it has no place nor does imperialistic India by controlling Bhutan and Nepal they can find themselves very alone in the future with this empire nonsense.


What Doklam is a Chinese territory ?? if you don’t know about a topic then no need to write s##t after snuffing grass.

Khalid peer

correction to the editor. on the second map, that is not the karakorum passas shown in yellow . the karakorum pass is on the border near pakistan…..

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