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MARCH 2025

Margarita Simonyan Offered To Exchange Whelan, Kara-Murza And Gershkovich For Assange

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Margarita Simonyan Offered To Exchange Whelan, Kara-Murza And Gershkovich For Assange

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Editor-in-chief of Russia Today Margarita Simonyan invited US authorities to exchange three prisoners in Russia for founder of WikiLeaks Julian Assange.

The prisoners in question are spy and former U.S. Marine Paul Nicholas Whelan, American journalist Evan Gershkovich and opposition journalist Vladimir Kara-Murza who, in addition to Russian citizenship, has British citizenship and a residence permit in the United States.

Margarita Simonyan wrote in her telegram channel:

“Swap Whelan, Kara-Murza and Gershkovich for Assange. They won’t exchange him for less than three. Save one useful life at the cost of three destructive ones,” Simonyan wrote.

Margarita Simonyan Offered To Exchange Whelan, Kara-Murza And Gershkovich For Assange

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Paul Whelan was detained in December 2018 in Moscow. In June 2020, the Moscow City Court found him guilty of espionage and sentenced him to 16 years. The trial was held behind closed doors, the materials were classified as “Top Secret”. Washington failed to exchange him for Victor Bout and preferred to release a lesbian drug addicted basketball player, an icon of modern “bloomy Western garden”.

Margarita Simonyan Offered To Exchange Whelan, Kara-Murza And Gershkovich For Assange

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Journalist Evan Gershkovich from The Wall Street Journal was detained in Yekaterinburg at the end of March. He was accused of espionage. On the instructions of the United States, Gershkovich collected information about one of the enterprises of the military-industrial complex in the Russian Sverdlovsk region. Of course, Washington considers his arrest illegal.

Margarita Simonyan Offered To Exchange Whelan, Kara-Murza And Gershkovich For Assange

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Vladimir Kara-Murza Jr. started his career as a liberal journalist and activist of various liberal democratic parties. For example, in the 2000s and early 2010s, he headed the Washington bureau of RTVI. Vladimir Kara-Murza maintained a close relationship with the fugitive oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky and was the deputy head of Open Russia. Since the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, he became one of the mouthpieces of anti-Russian propaganda in the West. Using his contacts in the American and British elites, he called on the British to escalate the sanction policy against Russia, lying about the results of the western policy. At the same time, he was used to establish links between the Russian opposition and their “patrons” abroad. After many years of anti-Russian activity, he finally found himself behind bars.

On April 17, Kara-Murza was sentenced to 25 years in a strict regime colony for “state treason, participation in the activities of an undesirable organization and spreading fakes about the army”. The court also imposed a fine of 400 thousand rubles and banned him from engaging in journalistic activities for seven years after his release.

Simonyan’s suggestion seemed to be surprising. However, this has a chance of becoming another historic swap between Moscow and Washington.

It was welcomed by Kara-Murza’s lawyer.

“I don’t mean the idea of Simonyan, but the idea of exchange itself and thereby saving lives. … In general, the idea of the exchange is correct, justified and has a historical background,” the ;awyer said.

The Wall Street Journal earlier reported citing a senior White House official that the U.S. is open to creative solutions to reach a deal, both for Mr. Whelan and Mr. Gershkovich.


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Bullshit! These traitors & 5th column should be exterminated. Putin should have used this war a pretext to finally purge CIA/MI6 owned rats from Russia once and for all. Russia is crawling with these vermin. Instead they are literally laughing at pathetic Russian courts knowing they will be released soon. They arrested that cunt Trepina twice in February and instantly let her go. NATO ambassadors in Russia openly supporting these criminals and terrorists, yesterday they organized a party for this Kara murza or whatever his shit name is. And Russia tolerate this again and again. Try this in America. Say something against the court, you’ll be sentenced to additional 1000 years in Rikers Island. Imagine the Russian ambassador going to NY court to support Trump or something?! They would expel him in 2 seconds. Yet Russia didn’t even break diplomatic relations with UK, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia… why the fuck you need diplomacy with Pooland and Lolthuania???

Last edited 1 year ago by Alex

Russia is not going to stop slow diplomatic game as long they not attacked, we most of us hate this because we want NATO nazis to be finished and we want freedom in every country. Russia is only slow because they waiting to be attacked to react, for reason to save its country and russians and rest of the world if possible, their priority is peace not wars. But things are brawling to come, Finland and not sure is it Poland they have barb wire boarder fence with Russia. NATO is planning to attack Russia, this barb wire boarders smell as bloody war.


LOL. NATO is not “Nazis” you fool….. NATO is JEWS.


Kara-Murza was deputy head of Open Russia. Open for Western plunder.

olaf b

I would like to see Assange free but 3 for 1 is not a good trade. Reminds me of that exchange 300 Azovites &foreign mercs for 50 Russians &Medvedchuk


Yes but Assange’s leaked documents and Assange’s life in exchange worth much more. He has intel resources that is not easy to get by many journalists, not even by spy agents.


They’ll never let Assange free


I think same, sad but it is true. Assange is nazis last escape plan. This is why I give options nobody dares to start to finish nazis ( in my other comments you can read ).


Odakle si ? Realno je srpska rec.


Pa jeste, i Gordana je srpsko ime :)

Nas iz Srbije ima najvise na svakom proruskom sajtu, ostatak Evrope kleci i sluzi zlocincima kao 1941.


I nama u Srbiji namecu nacisticke stavove. Ne razumem zasto je narod suzdrzan puno. Mislim razumem : gubitak posla, plate … cini da ljudi cute i trpe.

Ali si u pravu u Srbiji ima puno nas koji podrzavamo Rusiju, medjutim vlast je kolebljiva i pokusava taj stav da iskoreni u Srbiji. Cutanje naroda govori da nacisticka propaganda lomi stav srba. Generalno mislim kada ovo kazem. Da bi srbi imali stav i drzavu moramo se ujediniti, nacisti su nas podelili od kako su nas bombardovali.


Tacno. Vlast je korumpirana, narod zatupljen, mediji kontrolisani, okruzeni smo neprijateljima sa svih strana, a Rusija je daleko i oslabljena kao retko kada u istoriji. Znali su da im se rat sprema, od 2014. znali su da je neizbezan, a opet su u sve ovo usli konfuzno, slabo, nepripremljeno… ni u Rusiji nisu u stanju da se obracunaju sa izdajnicima, i ko zna sta ce biti sa ovim ratom, kako je krenulo sve je moguce. Ako zaista dozvole da izgube onda su propali. A i mi sa njima. Evropa je vec izgubljena odavno, mada od njih nikad nista nisam ni ocekivao. Indoktrinirane mase idiota koje bespogovorno sluze Vasingtonu, pa i na svoju stetu.


Ne znam da li je Rusija nepripremljena za ovaj rat ako bude sirih razmera. Znam da diplomatski pokusavaju i dalje sve da rese, ali sa nacistima iz Amerike nema diplomatije. Sigurna sam da rusi ne zure u rat kao sto je WW3 jer moze doci do nuklearnog rata.

Za sve drugo sto si rekao u potpunosti cu se sloziti sa tobom. Srbija je okupirana nacistima. Ali me nervira to sto srbi cute.


Ako si zainteresovan za odlazak u Rusiju i rusko drzavljanstvo, imas na yt kanalu kod Dejana Berica vise informacija o tome.


I think those 3 are spent forces, they served their purpose but with Julian Assange free, living in St Petersburg or Moscow, aided by Snowden can be a destructive force for the West, particularly the US. I am sure, Julian has a lot more shit to spread if he’s allowed to.


I am not sure what USA would ask in return Assange to be released, not sure would they accept any prisoner swap. I think Assange is worth something else that UK and USA would let him go and prisoner swap is not one of options, it would be if USA’s and UK’s agents captured in Russia would worth as Obama or Clintons, so Russia has to figure out how to help Assange. If Russia captures Soros this woud be ideal prisoner swap for Assange. USA is lunatic they could request russian wealth and lands abroad, or russian businesses abroad as one part of the deal. We were lied what Nesara and Gesara stands for, its deeper from what we were told, with evil agenda behind it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gordana

Maybe we should think in a way nazi USA is thinking to understand perfect swap for Assange. We need criminal master minds to figure it out.

What I am sure is they want Putin out, but Putin is just part of chain in Russia with many Putins waiting if he would be gone. USA is not capable to break spirit of russian chain. If USA would infiltrate russian politics and military that would bring Russia down, but history repeats and Russia is going to win, could Assange survive that long I don’t know.

What we all really need to do, is to break countries boarders, create human chain liberating Assange, I see only this as his escape from prison cell.


Hm, we are seeing truth coming out, truth that nazis fear, war crimes and they fear court trials. If this could be pushed in USA, this could be one of options american war criminals and british war criminals would agree to free Assange in exchange court trials not to happen. This is a win win for Assange’s freedom.

And arrests of war criminals not going to start if civilians don’t start to round them up with house arrests.

WW3 nazis fear if pushed too fast, because militarily they are not prepared yet, this is why they rounding up Russia and soon China with hybrid wars. WW3 as suggestion for Assange’s freedom could be good escape plan if ASAP starts so nazis would back down. But Russia does not have nazi brain to do it in that way, they would really need to be angered for such move.

USA and UK must be shaken as countries in different ways so they feel as third world poor countries, this could be one of ways to help Assange to be freed.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gordana

USA is not “Nazi” you fool. It’s the Jewnited States of Israel. Wake up and smell the coffee. You really believe that Jewkraine is Nazis…..??? You are being played like a balalaika.


You paid troll need history lesson : https://www.rt.com/russia/574532-stalin-against-jews-doctors-case/


Russia as a government would request only russian captives, for now. In article RT’s editor in chief suggested exchange for Assange’s freedom, maybe suggestion came from russian government, or Margarita Simonyan has connections in russian government to arrange this exchange. USA is not going to accept it.


Tak to nie je dobrá výmena!!! I keď by som si prial aby Assange bol na slobode. Assangeho totižto zavliekli do USA násilím a to je podľa medzinárodného práva neprípustné. VB nemal žiadne právo vydať Assangeho!!! Vo VB nespáchal žiaden trestný čin ani voči VB a ani voči USA!!!

Washington DCorruption

Scumbags in Washington not going to exchange a captured lion for three worthless rats.


Only one course for all these parasites; Death by hanging, as even a firing squad bestows some honour on the executed.

Last edited 1 year ago by J M

why didnt assange go to russia in the first place


Was he offered asylum in Russia ? As I remember only Equador offered it.


From when has a Russian journalist (propagandist) become spokesperson for the Kremlin? Perhaps this illustrates that the bond between Russia’s political leadership and RT are even closer than we thought….


RT always worked for russian government.

tom sawyer

I will trade jens homo for mulatto lgbt


Super-clever awesome idea!!!!!

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