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MARCH 2025

Marine Le Pen Is On Course To Win First Round Of French Presidential Vote

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Voiceover by Harold Hoover

The Front National leader, Marine Le Pen, is on course to win the first round of voting in the French presidential election 2017, the Kantar-Sofres poll for Le Figaro revealed. However, mainstream media outlets and analysts state that Le Pen will likely lose in the second round voting as those from both left and right will unite against her.

Le Pen’s campaign has been boosted by the so-called “Brexit effect”, the ongoing detonation of the social and security situation in the EU, a scandal engulfing her conservative rival, Francois Fillon, who is accused of giving his wife a “fake job”, and Donald Trump’s success in the US presidential election 2016.

Earlier this month in the German city of Koblenz, speaking at a gathering of French, German, Italian, and Dutch right leaders, Le Pen
said that “2016 was the year the Anglo-Saxon world woke up. I am sure 2017 will be the year the people of continental Europe wake up,” implying that Brexit and the election of Trump were only a beginning.

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Trustin Judeau

Unfortunately all parties will gang up on her in the second round and she will probably lose


They have done that repeatedly in past elections – where there is conservative inclination in an non urban electorate, the Socialists refuse to run candidates, so that there is no division in mainstream centrist votes, and majority go to centre-right to create higher margin against third smaller party, the NF. It is a distortion of two party system, and political collusion, as one mainstream party opts out, to damage net votes of the outsider third party.

Pavel Pavlovich

Election of Trump is VERY bad news for European independance (which does not exist and if it would would possibly amount to Charlegmagne’s Empire reborn). So I hope election of Le Pen proves to be very bad news for US-Empire. Question is, is she in reality a phony?

Trustin Judeau

There is no independence in reality.My country was vassal of the Soviet Union and right now is American vassal.

Tyrant Fashister

so untrue…its the opposite…its the rebirth of Europe.


Hey southfront guys. The location of Koblenz was way of in the map. Koblenz lies in the north of Rhineland-Palatinate, not in the north of Rhineland-Westfalia. It’s a different prefecture.


Thank you for the feedback. We will check this.

Peter Franssen

I find a very strange that SouthFront supports Le Pen, who is a fascist. Yesterday, I saw an interview on RT with a leader of Alternative für Deutschland, a racist and extreme nationalist party. Russia and tens of millions foutght against nazi-Germany. Now, you are defending the same ideology as Hitler.

Trustin Judeau

What is the racist about AFD?

Peter Franssen

In 2015, the Alternative für Deutschland emerged as a radical right-wing force. Many parts of the party consider themselves the parliamentary arm of PEGIDA and organise Nazi-style marches themselves. Like the putchistes in Ukraine do. Last year, AFD-Party spokesperson Frauke Petry and head-honcho Beatrix von Storch called for refugees to be shot at the EU’s external border, before they could get to Germany. AfD stands for the nostalgia for the ideology of the Übermenschen. For me, it’s very strange that South Front who normaly defends a progressieve and anti-imperialist viewpoint, gives racists as Le Pen and AfD a platform for their poison.


Bla bla bla! Shut up you left wing lunatic. The time That you can call anyone a fascist to stop them is over. Your side is now the fascist party and the ones on the wrong side of history!


Take a look at bigger picture, rather than making ad hominen attacks and calling people labels like ‘fascist’. What is an ‘anti-imperialist viewpoint’ exactly, well consider following, by a NATO/GCC sponsored war, that has depopulated Syria and scattering them into Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey – who opened their frontiers and colluded in an en masse march into Europe, what is going on? Essentially a NATO/GCC colonial redrawing of ME map – Syrian territory was intended to be carved up and given away. NATO/EU expected ordinary Europeans, without any consulting, to just accept a mass demographic influx of foreign nationals from a Muslim culture and weighted heavily toward a mass imbalance of young males, who are most able to move unhindered. That mass movement quickly became a free-for-all – synched with earlier NATO destruction of Libya, that made it incapable of any border control, and as such the country now operates as major point of exit for organized open people smuggling from north Africa into Greece and Italy. The longstanding NATO war in Afghanistan also saw, large numbers of young men jump onto this mass movement exercise, traversing into Turkey and exiting amidst the Syrians – however many Afghans actually flew into Turkey first. The point being, European populations do not have to accept the disastrous consequences of their elite leadership’s unilateral decisions, that were made without mandate and in the case of the NATO war on Syria – largely illegally and in secret. Instead of accusing others of banal, binary, labels like ‘fascist’ and claiming yourself as ‘progressive’ and ‘anti imperialist’ – do some research about the broader narrative of why there is suddenly a mass movement of people occurring, and ask who benefits from it, because it is not a random set of events – it is direct consequence of NATO/GCC intervention and war. Whether you like it or not, leaders like Hollande and Merkel are up to their necks in creating all of this, and will only generate more of the same. Le Pen for all her faults, is far enough from the status quo to grasp the neo-colonial nature of the exercise – arguably far more ‘fascist’ in nature – and as a nationalist, objects to it, believing in traditional nation states and their sovereignty.

Tyrant Fashister

Go back to your transgender bathroom and dry your snowflake tears.

Trustin Judeau

He is strange.He has 2 comments.One from 3 years ago.I think he is some fraud


She is not racist but nationalist there is a big difference, unfortunately some racist group jumps up in the middle of her crowd but not her


Please , explain your definition of “fascism” . More or more people are accused to be “fascist”. And, you know the result ? Nobody take care anymore , to be fascist or not fascist. I am fascist ? OK . Marine is fascist ? ok . The same for the racism . AfD want to stop the migrants to come in Germany . I agree with it . I am racist ? ok


Southfront is fascist, wake up!!


And your argument is…?

Trustin Judeau

He thinks Le Pen is fascists and that you support her.

Gary Sellars

matt is an inbred idiot, wake up!!


The real racists are rabid left white hating liberals.


She will eventually win if not this time it will be some time in the future but her win or someone who will give french people a referendum will win one day 100%


Nobody of you losers seems to know that even if she wins she cannot do anything. Check out how many seats front national have in the National Assembly (2 seats out of 577). In the senate they have no seats, hahahahahahahah!!!!! A president that can not pass ANY law!!!!


Actually we are all losing at the moment with austerity in Europe! So the hahahahahahahah!!!!! is basically on us!


The austerity is the dumb rise of nationalism that will eventualy led to a new war in Europe, the only way we can survive is to make a true democratic republic of Europe with 50 regions that have all equal powers. But the people probably need another bloody war to realize it……

Trustin Judeau

In other news SA will become democracy.Your vision for the future of Europe will create more problems.


Without the war!


It is a mathematical certainty that the EU will fail(economically)…

The ones that made it to the exit door early will have a higher chance of getting thru with the least amount of damage…

Gary Sellars

“50 regions that have all equal powers”

Sounds like a receipe for political paralysis and ethnic seperatism.

Bring it on I say… Eurotrash bastards deserve it.

Rodney Loder

Comrade Stalin said about Hitler and Mussolini how could anybody compare me with them, we have only State Property they haven’t Nationalised a damm thing, not accurate quote, only from memory, but fundamentally that is the difference, also Russians would never allow far away foreigners emigrating to Russian Federation, that’s because they have got no historical connection, Le Pen has, and also has a liberal heritage to live up to, I can’t watch many videos, haven’t got the resources so I can’t really claim to know if my comment is relevant, just going by other comments.

Shlomo Vinishsky

Bonne chance!

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