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MARCH 2025

Mass Grave In Mariupol. Who May Buried There And Why

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Mass Grave In Mariupol. Who May Buried There And Why

An official representative of the DPR said at an urgent briefing on the morning of 16 March that information had been received from various sources that another falsification had been carried out by the Ukrainian leadership in the city of Mariupol.

This time, the office of the Ukrainian President set the task for the Ukrainian armed forces’ command to discredit the actions of the Russian forces by showing the Western public the mass graves of civilians allegedly killed as a result of artillery shelling and air strikes during the Russian military operation.

To this end, between 6 and 11 March, engineering works were carried out on the territory of the old city cemetery in Mariupol to construct a trench more than two metres deep and more than 100 metres long. It was envisaged to bury the remains of Ukrainian servicemen and nationalists who had died in the fighting as evidence of mass civilian deaths.

According to the scenario, servicemen of the 72nd Centre for Information and Psychological Operations of the AFU Special Operations Forces carried out staged photo and video shooting of the “Brotherhood Tomb” with a total of up to 1,300 victims.

The fabricated by the Ukrainian side material was distributed to the Western media.

Information about the provocation was apparently received from prisoners of war and civilians.

It is also possible that a similar scenario could be implemented in other Ukrainian cities, where civilians are being forcibly detained by militants of the Ukrainian military and nationalist units.


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Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Im batshit crazy. I will throw everyone under the bus. Am I the best President or what 😈💯

jens holm

We mzst souply rotten fish in vinegar to the ukiea. With moldy corn bread. It gives strength. After my sex change surgery it kept me aluve, that and the hormones injections.

jens holm

I don’t feel so gut. I think I need a nap.

Yamil Perez

Russian propaganda. Those civs deserved it. We must destroy them all. If you are pro Ruski you deserve to be shot.

Yamil Perez

Slava Ukraini.


You clown


Clowns everywhere.


Kiev = Clown-town run by US Consulate since 2014 coup. They picked a literal TV entertainer/clown Zelensky for President to show their contempt for Ukrainians.

Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGardens
NATO on your bitch ass

Pfft look at your dog shit nations… I’ll wait to hear how you’re better than us? Crickets…


Slava Zelensky-Cocaine party bunker! Snuff it up Ze-boy!


Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGardens
Hunter Bidenz

Yo, it’s Hunter Biden on the line, can I gets some of that gooooood sheeeet!


yelping dogs of war and death


Good russian is dead russian you say:)


What that Zion did to poor fuks like “him”?


more desperate and pathetic—-you lose taco taco


are you on drugs?


You dirty worm

Yamil Perez

After we take Moscow the rest of the World will be cleansed.

the end

You should definitely seek a job in Hollywood.


he should seek a Jab from Kevorkian

NATO on your bitch ass

You should seek one in a decent nation if you make over 250k I’ll shut up, and I don’t mean pebbles I mean rubbles or Pesos sweatheart


No need to take,nuke it to ashes that shit-hole.


You should really stop these pills, it will not end well for you.

Hungary Guy

Boooooooring. PsyOp just as: last 2 Years of CONvid HOAX PLANdemic -dummies in hospitals -body bags carried by little girls with one arm -Romanian gypsies smoking/ moving inside body bags loaded onto a truck -same old footage of ICU being shown on every TV Brainwashing Channel

Smarten up, sheeple… https://imgur.com/a/WDjMGXz




= you


This entire battle is basically the same as what happened in Syria.


Let’s see…same tactics, same lies from the west, same terrorist trainers, same western weapons, same western SFs, fake news, Nazi/terrorist flee to Israel, the same suppliers, all the same denials, same Zionists behind it…I’d say that you’re pretty much right.

Porc halal

And, ghioarlo, how do you know they are not Hungarian gypsies?! … after all , they made up up to almost 40% from hungay population …

There are two pictures from two different sources…one is an chouvinistic hungarian fake news social-media doubios sorce probably filled with hate against Romanians (no wonder) , claiming that the instance was taken from a Romanian town and, one source is probably from an english speaking online news paper which is claiming that the instance was taken from a crematory in Dublin, Ireland … at least , be smarter than other filo-american ukie nazis, and check twice before posting any garbage here…


The globalist gang of Soros, Gates and Rostchild are moving on with global reset after the Plandemic chapter. They achieved what was the goal for chapter 1, infertility, sterilization with hidroxid graphite and other jab toxins, killing another millions as ‘collateral damage’, placing the whole world into a state of faked emergency to kill all human rights on spot, and now, when 70-80% sheep/monkey-peoples where injected world-wide it’s time to go on to the next level.

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Im still not famous enough. I want to start WWIII and earn my place in history books Most patriotic best President ever 😈💯🍷


… and you’re still a kike.

garbage collector

and a faggot

Peppe il Sicario

Somehow, when I see that Jew Lizard Zelensky, my instinctive desire is to put his head against a curb and stomp on it until it looks like raspberry ice cream.


So you are in Azov Nazi battalion?

Hunter Bidenz

Nah, it’s just nobody can take this ass-wipe Zelensly seriously (see link). This is why Putin does not take Zelensky remotely seriously as the real power in Ukraine – hint – real control comes from the US Consulate.


Last edited 2 years ago by Hunter Bidenz
Muhammad your Prophet

Really? You mean the crappy Russian state propaganda is now suggesting that aliens came from outer space and murdered those people instead of the Russian artillery? Jesus, Putin the terrorist cockroach must really be that desperate to cook that one up.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

How fucked in the head do you have to be to keep making excuses for Azov? They’ve proven their hatred for the people of marioupol by using them as human shields and shooting anyone trying to flee, ISIS and nusra tactics

Muhammad your Prophet

Putin the terrorist cockroach just proved his hate for humanity so I’m not sure if anything will beat that, Scooby. Go eat a cheeseburger.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

Go back to watching the scooby doo and the Hong Kong phooey scooby

Muhammad your Prophet

Look at this, Scooby. We just found another Putin cockroach who dreams about sucking Putin’s cock. How many more of these faggots do they have around here?

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

Your obsessed with cocks scooby


Yep, it certainly seems so. Maybe he’s just a Phallus worshiper. Reminds me of our old rooster…every damn morning…any cock’ll do, any cock’ll do.

Last edited 2 years ago by zman
Muhammad your Prophet

I don’t know. You tell me, Scooby. There’s a long line around here begging to suck Putin’s cock just to be sent back to Russia. Because it doesn’t look good at all for the Russian cockroach president.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Hunter Biden Knows

Yamil Scooby Perez seems to want in with Zelensky and his Asov bodyguard ‘favorites’ in the party bunker.


Hunter Bidenz

It’s just you, Scooby, and your bunker bitch Zelensky:


Sloppy Joe

Yamil, you know Joos can’t eat cheeseburgers. Meat and dairy together. Non kosher Yamil!


She is paid to comment to keep her rank in the trans-amerika army.

Muhammad your Prophet

Cheeseburger like every other Putin cockroach around here thinks I’m a CIA. Right, Scooby?

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

CIA, FBI, FDA… a spook is a spook… spook.


How embarrassing, omg. Thanks obama/Biden

Hunter Bidenz

Nah, this coke addled fag called Zelensky ordered it:



Last edited 2 years ago by Hunter Bidenz
Against the West

The Ukro-Nazi scum must be destroyed.


Retrieve all the bodies of the Terrorists and lay them out on the tarmac beneath the ‘Welcome to Mariupol’ sign. Then make post cards and send them to Mainstream Media in the West.


And add the caption: “I came, I saw, I died!”.

Add the Whitehouse to the post card sender list.


Hilarious. Bunch of Slavs on both sides controlled by Billionaire Jew Oligarchs. Both sides throw people in jail for telling the truth about Commie Jew Holocaust Lies…


Not all THAT funny. How entrenched they are in RF, I really can’t say, but that is the situation throughout the west. Unfortunately true about jailing people. Funny how almost every country in the world, save a very few do not allow so-called anti-semitism…other wise known as the truth. You can talk shit about Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and any one else…but not ‘Jews’. Which is kinda strange, the vast majority of western Khazarians not being semites at all. When it comes to real semites like the Yemeni, who is attacking them? Those that pass anti-semitism laws. My what a fucked up situation.

Last edited 2 years ago by zman

Truth, laid bare…


When I first saw this video a few days ago, it rang the Western Bullshit bell that rang so many times in Syria with the UK controlled White Helmets’ very amateur dramatic cretins.

In the Mass Grave video the actors dumping the bags are all wearing clean new clothes in a muddy war zone. It’s apparent to me that the actors have been given the clean bodybags for the Western propaganda Photo Shoot.

In REAL situations of mass graves around the globe, the dead were dumped with or without clothes and the exhumation of mass graves proves that.


Gee, Florian, they can’t think of everything. There’s a war on you know. They have to get it done, right or not. No fear, though…I heard the WHs were on the way. They have the experience to get it right. Or not.


Just to see that 4 meter long un-anatomical black body bag and get the revelation. The syphilitic NATO nazis and the little homo joker Ze just can’t do something the right way. Faking things is theirs way of life. Even theirs rat-like cocaine low-life is a constant faked lie.


More obvious is the shape the bodies are in. These are supposed to be victims of artillery and air strikes. If so the bodies would be a mess. They would be in pieces, crumpled, their hair filthy, etc. The clothing on these bodies are clean and in one piece instead of filthy, torn, ripped. The black shoe they concentrated on the sole is not even dirty. The shoe is clean, not torn up, it practically still has its shine.


These bodies are all in one piece. Unheard of if died by artillery and air strikes.


Why does both Russia & Ukraine have Holocaust Denial Laws? Why does both Russia & Ukraine have Anti Semite Laws? Low IQ Slavs are too stupid to see that Billionaire Jew Oligarchs control them all.

Universal Order

The West ain’t much different. The world went to shit after WWII.


100% agree. Look at all the low IQ Anglos that fall for the 9/11 Lies done by Mossad/CIA. Low IQ idiots join the military and fight for Jew Oligarchs across the world.


I saw this on our shit sorosist TV media days ago and It was a very poorly staged propaganda…Only to see those ‘workers’ pushing the 4 meter long un-anatomical black bag by non ethical standards kicking it with the shoes and it’s really a low sponsored nazi scenario clip.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil

When you are dealing with jews, you are dealing with the scum of the earth…they will do ANYTHING, no matter how disgusting and underhanded it may be, to accomplish their objectives. This is a well known fact…they are behind most of the problems we see today. So, all Putin would have to do is spill the beans and tell everything he knows about the jews and their dirty tricks; by doing that he would not only bring an end to this conflict, but prevent many others for ever taking place in the future. He won’t do that, though, because he is under jewish control…President Putin, like all Western leaders, is most likely surrounded by jews who monitor and control his every movement.

Universal Order

That’s why there is no political solution. Read SIEGE by James Mason, only via covert operations can the surveillance state be weakened enough for an organized revolution to be feasable.


Exactly! There is no political solution, now, after the christians have been backstabbing us for generations! Thanks to the backstabbing christian scum, we are now completely f***ed! Good luck with your clandestine operations, I have zero confidence that you’ll be successful. As for me, I’ll continue to destroy the christian church, bit-by-bit, by whatever means necessary, ’til it has been obliterated…causing as much anguish and humiliation as possible to them in the process!

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

All religions must be eradicated. The world does not need so many illiterates. Will only be war and chaos if worship is allowed to continue.


Same type of operation used in Kosovo to call 75 dead KLA fighters “genocide”.


We indicated last week that Azovists were being buried by the thousands. Those aren’t civilians


The majority of people in Mariupol despise the USSAN Zionazi regime and want out of the poisoned rump entity aka Ukropland. Why would their Russian brothers kill the people of Mariupol? It is now a part of Mother Russia. Live with it…so called Ukraine is dead and buried. Any of the bitches howling for Russian blood remember what their Nazi heroes did in 2014 in the trade union building? Go check the videos and see who the psychopaths are. When the Ukrop Azov filth is rounded up and starts to sing then the world will know how evil these scum are and the Natostan mutant retard filth backing them from the safety of the EUSSR sewer Brussels and Washing town. Get ready for the war tribunals when Ukrop land is divided and pacified.

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Is not environmentally friendly to bury the bodies in plastic bags.


One just has to look at the details of the video. These are suppose to be victims of artillery and air strikes. Yet the bodies are whole,no signs of any explosive forces on them. The clothes are clean, not torn, or ripped. Bodies killed by such means would be in pieces, crumpled, broken bones, faces and heads deformed Their clothes would be practically torn completely off, dirty, ripped. These bodies clothes are pretty clean. No dirt, rips on the clothing, nothing. That black shoe they focused on. Its sole was not even dirty. It was clean, no sign of dirt or use, practically still has its shine to it.

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

These bodies are from refugees who were killed as deserters.


Evil walks the earth.


expected from primitive amerikant nazzzis

NATO on your bitch ass

Ok russia


@:45, one of the bodies has a bag over his head. He was executed. Autopsies will tell what really happened to them.

Last edited 2 years ago by rmarbertin8
Iron Doom

Is there any explanation as to why Russia has fared so poorly and taken so long to take over Ukraine considering they are only next door ? The whole of Iraq was taken over in the same time. Afghanistan probably less. Asking China for help seems a bit strange….

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