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Mass Protests In Iran Over Recent Aviation Disaster (Videos)

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Thousands of Iranians took to the streets of the country’s capital Tehran on January 11 eve to protest against the government, which had claimed responsibility for the downing of Ukrainian Airlines flight 752.

All 176 crew members and passengers of the flight PS752, 147 of whom were Iranians, were killed in the crash. Iran said that its air-defense force shot down the plane after mistaken it for a hostile target, taking full responsibility for the disaster.

The protests began with students gathering outside Tehran’s university to denounce the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Later, demonstrations spread in different parts of the city.

“Shame on you, Shame on you” some of the protestors shouted. “End your rule over the country.”

Reuters reported that in one of the protests people called on the country’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to step down, shouting “Commander-in-chief [Khamenei] resign, resign.”

Iran’s ecurity forces confronted the protestors in some areas. However, the demonstration remained peaceful for the most part with no injures being reported.

Earlier, head of the Aerospace Division of the IRGC, Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, accepted full responsibility for the incident, revealing that a communication failure and a wrong identification were behind the disaster.

Iran launched an inquire into the accident, with the country’s senior leaders promising that those responsible for it will be held accountable. These measures will likely de-escalate the tension in the country.

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Balázs Jávorszky

“Shame on you, Shame on you” some of the protestors shouted. “End your rule over the country.”

This looks so totally out of mood the reported mood in Iran it must’ve been organized by the usual suspects.


yep the disunited states of A, why miss an opportunity when it presents itself. at the end of the day, the downing of the airliner lies firmly at trump’s feet and he can’t escape that terrible burden of having caused the death of 176 people. wonder what mrs trump thinks about that (planning on how to lay her hands on the 80m$ bounty on her hubby’s head, no doubt).

Free man

From your comfortable armchair, thousands of miles from Iran, you seem to know better what is happening in Iran than hundreds of thousands of protesters on the streets of Iran. In case of crisis, blame the US. LOL.

Peter Jennings

From your comfortable armchair, thousands of miles from Iran, thousands of protestors became hundreds of thousands.

Free man

Take a look at the clips from dozens of demonstrations. In just one demonstration in Hafez Bridge, Tehran, attended tens of thousands of protesters.


So, why was the British Ambassador there? They are supposed to stay out of stuff like this. Ukrainian plane, ready made protestors, diplomats showing up, yeah right.

Free man

Does it matter why he was there? (You have the “Always blame the other guy” mentality) Perhaps this was another trap that the Iranians fell into. These jihadists don’t seem to miss a chance to fall into traps. They sometimes put traps to themselves.


Free Man, accidents happen all of the time, get over it.

Free man

Mistakes happen, right. But the false and foolish conduct of the mullahs regime triggered protests yesterday.


How about the false and foolish who brought you defective Boeing aircraft? Going to complain about them? How long did Boeing take to admit they put that shit into the air, after they knew it was screwed up for years?

Iran admitted it, they will make restitution and that is the end of it.

Free man

You seem to be looking for someone else to blame again. There isn’t one single passenger aircraft in the world that is resistant to missiles. Iranian protesters know exactly who is to blame. But you cannot understand and accept their grief and sorrow.


I am saying that it is over. are you going to travel to Iran and put flowers on the graves every year?

I get that you do not like the Iranian government, that is fine by me. I just won’t go with positions that are out of perspective. Have you ever had any direct contact with the results of what goes on over there? I have and I saw what it did to people; not pretty. None of it would have happened if we let Iran do what it wanted on 1950, as was their right.

Free man

“None of it would have happened if we let Iran do what it wanted on 1950, as was their right.” – You’re right. Most of my older relatives were born in Iran, the rest were born in Russia.


They wanted freedom and democracy and secularism but the religion hijacked the revolution and betrayed the population. The educated people want the religion hiding in their mosques but not in politics, they want stop the corruption and oppression. But untill now they where hunted down, jailed or hanged. It seems selecting out and killing the butcher was a good idea, nw only they have to take out his masters. Take the headchoppers out and the giant on mud feeds will fall because he is also hollow.


Who are the educated?


Those who can read………, people who think and not let an alliterate iman, mullah or an illusionair 1400 year old pedofiel tell them what is right.


Pfffft, so who is 1400 years old? Human beings don’t usually last that long.

Freedom, Democracy, are precious and have a very high price. The greatest price is daily vigilance and sacrifice in a great cause. You up for that one?

1950 is when this stuff started and it very clear to me who began this cycle of violence. You can have your opinion. You can post it in the open but, that doesn’t mean it is correct, it doesn’t mean it needs to be taken seriously.

God, a Creator, is a fact for me. How do you hide that?

A couple of things for you to chew on but, doubt you will. Take care out there Johan and strap in, it is getting very rough.


Swhere did you read that I do not believe there is a Real God?your are not only not reading but regarding your visionary profet you assume things not said. I believe in a God of love not a god who is dividing, cruel, discriminating, call ‘s on to kill who ever is not submissively to his dictates, who declares women not equal, force to convert, regulate child mariages and use a pedophile with up to 15 wives from the age of a toddler on, 4 know concubines and a lot sex slaves, who forcibly took the wive of his adopted sun ( she hated him for that till after his dead) , who during the last 9 years of his cruel live started 30 wars against peaceful neighbours, uncountable riots against villages and robbery of caravans passing by. There are other Gods around the globe who are all more peaceful and certainly not as cruel. Lets face it Islam is a bad and cruel imitation of christianity, not that christianity is what it should be but it is far better them islam. But as in the west educated people, self thinking people and people who reject to submission to a bad intolerant ideology , enlighten people will reject this abbreviation of all what is good. Not the manipulable farmers ore illetrate sycophants but free people like now are storming the mullah bastion for months and in the end they have the future


Never mind.


Why do you stay, go to that fairytale country they need more help from people like you. But of course you are one off those hero’s who talk about the wonderfull muslim goelagsbut rather give a leg to stay in the west where you are supported and free. Walk like you talk go help your countrie to build something up , to give them prosperity , freedom, equality, tolerance, and less demagogy and abuse and religious enforced tyranny. Or are you afraid and to lazy?




Yes, If Boeing are obliged to pay all the victims of their badly built aircraft , including the purchasers and operators of the death traps, bankruptcy would be the swift way to avoid justice.

After the liquid assets had been syphoned off by banks and management of course.

Jens Holm

The ususal excuses too.

100% lying 3 days for the whole Iranian people is organized by the Ayatollah being Mossad and CIA :)

USA did it, they shouted. Well USA only did the airplane. How can You ever write something like that.

Zionism = EVIL

Arsehole don’t spam every thread. No one can understand a word of your dumbass gibberish.

Shlomo Shekelstein

The “ususal” garbage from you.


Sounds like the same old colour-revolution shit again


That may be so, but the theocracy of Iran has much to blame for the plight of its hapless people. The regimes is incompetent, supported by the west as they put these clerics in power as a real democratic Iran would have been a true major power. Now Iran has a totally discredited inept regime that has looted billions from its people and staying in power only with US and UK support while carrying on a murderous charade. I am hoping the great Iranian nation will overthrow these corrupt mullahs and usher in a true inclusive secular democracy that brings prosperity and stability to Iran, a country with so much potential.


I’m not sure if a secular democracy is a model that works well anywhere in the middle east. Also, the secular “democracies” that I know of are anything but democratic, and they’re not secular either – mostly they’re some form of kabbalist, frankist or sabbatean dominated regime.

Zionism = EVIL

Why are some of the people having such a hard time accepting the fact that the mullah regime has been a unmitigated disaster for Iran. This time they really fucked up on the global scene and will have hard time usurping power or hanging on.

It is high time to stop apologizing for the sorry state of Iranian military leadership and accept the reality that the Iran’s military suffers from poor command and control, as years of illiterate mullah rule have taken its tool. Iran has been promoting uneducated religious cannon fodder into officer ranks based solely on loyalty to the theocratic regime. Every major nation tries to recruit educated and well screened applicants for military and civilian leadership positions, unfortunately in Iran it is not the case. The country also lacks an educated foreign and intelligence services and thus the inability to operate globally. This sad episode of military and political ineptitude has undermined the image Iran has cultivated as a military power and weakened it significantly both regionally an internationally. The regime will find it difficult to fool the angry and humiliated Iranian people in the future. Iranian’s are voting with their feet and escaping to west where the diaspora is now in excess of 5 million and most of the passengers who died in this tragedy were educated expat Iranians


So why do you hate Persia so much. USA is much worse and so are other countries like Saud or Israhell.

It is always easy to have a lot of answers after

none of us even know ALL the details… and we wont, USA and ISRAHELL who controls all backdoors to electronics could have played games who know we never will.

Let the people of Persia make the decisions about their country and we look after our own countries

SHOOT we already has satans USAJU poking its nose everywhere, do we need another person doing same???


Zionism = EVIL

On the contrary I have a lot of respect for Iran and the former Persia, but a religion based outdated Islamic theocracy is a disaster for the Persians or any nation, just look at the US evangelical murdering morons and Zionists . The mullahs are more pseudo “Islamic” than the Saudi Wahhabis.Putting women in chadors and telling outright lies to their own people, the mullahs are the worst enemies of Iran. It is time for a decent independent educated government. Why do think the western governments put the mullahs in power?


Could be a analyse about Turkey, idem ditto. A country ruled by a hallucinating Iman thinks he is the Mahdi 2024! claiming to have earned a diploma of a university that dit not excist . A joke but a deadly one and a disaster for everything he touch and for decenia to come, poor persians and poor Turks.

Free man

It seems that after the general’s assassination, Netanyahu wrote a script and planted it in the office of the Supreme jihady Dictator. The Supreme jihady dictator implemented the script and added the arrest of the British ambassador yesterday. Iranian protesters seem to be fed up with the stupid behavior of theirjihadist leaders.


But still they function better the religious dictatures and people are far more happy. They might protest, it is their right and freedom, but rarly they protest for an other sort off politic system in the muslim countries the want democracy. The secular countries are richer and live is more fun. And the best proof you muslims first dream and apparent task the moment when you know to crawl is getting as fast as possible in or damed westeren dreamlands. So a better proof off my right is not to find, i do not know people willingly go back we even have to force them to go back? Why? Because off that wonderful religion country and politic . Big smile.


The British Ambassador with bags of money to hand out.


Quite amazing what goes in those diplomatic bags


Being a friend of the great Iranian people and a northern neighbor, I thought I would refrain from commenting unless the dust has literally settled down over this tragic event. I am sad to say that I would agree with the demonstrators, the corrupt and incompetent clerical regime has to go as Iranians deserve much better.


THE DUST has not settled

Zionism = EVIL

You sound like a decent respectful person so I think in broader terms we both want a secular progressive government for Iran, an immensely rich and talented country. Following the 7th century failed tribal religion of the Arabs has nothing to do with the rich Persian culture that gave us epics like the Shahnameh, Hafez, Saadi, Khayyam and so on. Persians deserve better khanoom.


ACTUALLY WRONG.. I want every one to mind their own business, and stop meddling in other peoples business/countries How about I come to your house and completley demolish it because I think I can do better??? There would be a big hissy fit calling the lawmen, etc, and my opinion/education etc, does not give me or anyone else any reason to meddle…

MINDING ONES OWN BUSINESS is something the west has never learnt.

AND you really think USA will ?? what ???

DESTROY PERSIA LIKE IT DID TO everything they touch……

I completely disagree with you, but I respect that you have your own opinion, which is a GOD GIVEN right and I need to respect that also.. apologies, my horse bolted.


That is actually what he said.


While there is no doubt what you say is true, that is why there are 15 million Persians living in the south of France, and 5 million in California. The problem is the US/UK oil barons have had the knives out for Iran since the revolution. Changes in government structure are not possible under fire, survival is paramount. Regime change will mean an American controlled regime, the Persians know it. Vietnam and China evolved, so will Iran given time.


So U have no idea the USA/ISRAHELL has it Black ops in their fermenting unrest,just like the did in HK, Ukraine, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and the list goes on.. You may not like the government, [[[[ regimes is a word USA uses in wrong context – they should learn to speak English instead of American]]]] I may not like the governent, but I dont live their so leave them alone to sort out their own business,

it sound like you dont think the Iranian/Persian people have any sense or are incompetent WOW.

Zionism = EVIL

Again at they peril of inviting further gratuitous hasbara and assorted fuckwit trolls, the reality is the corrupt Akhoond regime has looted Iran, retarded its potential progress and made it a global pathetic laughing stock. When the shah was overthrown by a genuine revolution, the idea was to replace the corrupt Pahlavi monarchy with an inclusive progressive democratic government, instead the mullahs who numbered barely 10, 000 in Iran and mostly confined to Qom, hijacked the revolution with CIA and MI6 support and today the perverted mullahs are entrenched in Iran with over 6 million families directly associated with the Velayet e Faghi. The Iranian professional military or Artesh has been wiped and the mullahs and their religious villagers have become “officers”. The idiocy of the mullahs interfering in a military operation and not banning flights when they launched their dud missile attack after informing their Americunt masters is one of the worst crimes which has resulted in over 178 innocent civilians dead, mostly expat educated Iranians. It is time the mullah regime is brought down.


And to replace it with a new US backed Shah I suppose ? With the US ‘protecting the oil’ naturally :)

Zionism = EVIL

Not necessarily.


With an election administered by the US and vassals then , and a US bought and paid for candidate in another US rigged election ?


But highly likely. The US has wanted to plunder Iranian oil again for 40 years and today the US also wants to shut down one of the Chinese One Belt One Road routes to Europe and the Middle East.

Without more plunder the US economy will die. Unless of course the US ‘behaves like a normal nation’ and abandons their global protection racket that is strong armed by the US military and associated terrorist gangs.

The normal people of the US would also gain. The Zionist thieves not to much :)

Fog of War

” the idea was to replace the corrupt Pahlavi monarchy with an inclusive progressive democratic secular government ”

I agree with you, but name me one secular democratic government that hasn’t been taken over by the Zionist scum ?


You must show me the proof that America ore the cia helped the mullahs. America and Cia are far from being saints but such a stupidity I have never heard. It is and was totally against the Americans interest, the sectarian rulers ore the Sjah Ok but why would they ever have supported muslim clerics? Muslim clerics have no honour, no intelligence, no rule, no thing, and even the book they refer to is a match for everything that fits them but not you. It is one of those groundless middle eastern conspiracy’s; it does not stick and is never to proof but it sounds good for the stupid and they buy it regardless itns crap, they buy everything if the package say ; contra US Israel and Europe even shit.

Free man

KIEV (Reuters) – “The Ukrainian prosecutor general’s office said on Saturday it is investigating possible willful killing and aircraft destruction in its probe of the crash of a Ukrainian airliner in Iran.” The Ukrainians think that the mullahs regime deliberately murdered the passengers of the plane. This could explain the Iranians’ total denials in the beginning. So these authentic protesters are not wrong.


The “willful killing and aircraft destruction” might just as easily have occurred in Kiev. There are many ‘actors’ in Kiev, and not all with good intent.

Free man

“The “willful killing and aircraft destruction” might just as easily have occurred in Kiev.” – I agree. But it happened in Tehran. The Iranians fired two missiles at a plane departing Tehran, after all, an American missile could not be launched from Tehran.


Yes, the British, US, Mossad and Australian shit stirrers will all have been involved I am sure.

Chill Doctor

Could the Iranians have shot down the airliner in hopes of blaming America for it? When America did not do a counterstrike Iran was stuck with the blame for their actions.

Ivan Freely

Highly doubtful. High tensions all around. Iran have been under attack by the West for decades. All of a sudden, they find themselves on a knife’s edge towards an all-out war. Someone was bound to make a mistake sooner or later.

Chill Doctor

A mistake similar to the downing of Iran flight 655? Iran claimed 655 to be a war crime. Now the shoes on the other foot.


The only reason SAMs were on high alert is because of the threat of American air raids. The accident is a result of American aggression, as was the shootdown in the 80s.

Chill Doctor

America killed Iran’s beloved terrorist and murderer Soleimani. That was the real reason.


That was NOT the reason. It was the tragic and accidental result of the US murder of a Diplomatic Envoy, that increasingly looks a planned US outrage.

Chill Doctor

Not many would consider Soleimani an envoy given his history of terror. Iran shot down an airliner that had just taken off from their own airport. Are their operator’s really that incompetent? Or was it on purpose so they could try to blame America?


Learn a bit about Diplomatic Immunity and history before you peddle your stupidity here, Chill Doctor.

Take a handful of your chill pills and to the world a favour.




Ivan Freely

At least they accepted responsibility unlike someone else. Shit happens in a war. Next time the Iranian military should ground all flights until they’re certain there are no incoming threats.

Xoli Xoli

I agree with you.During this sensitive time and after retaliation anything was expected.Actually Iran needs to close down airspace and ground all planes and waterways to avoid casualties.

Xoli Xoli

Iran should allow peaceful protestors to Express them self.The Iranian government officials should play cool head and give apology to the nation. Which were given them unwavering supported during assassination of the greatest general.Remmember it is ordinary members who doesn’t understand or know how security measures work during alert full time. Besides that the nation is still under shock after assassination of their general by USANATO.

AM Hants

NED funded and controlled, no doubt.

Iranian Armed Forces Say They Inadvertently Shot Down The Ukrainian Plane – Updated…

‘… It is welcome that the Iranian forces come clean about the incident.

That is not a given in such cases.

After the USS Vincennes in 1988 had shot down Iran Air Flight 655 and killed 290 people, including many children, the U.S. government denied any culpability. George H. W. Bush, the vice president of the United States at the time, commented: “I will never apologize for the United States – I don’t care what the facts are… I’m not an apologize-for-America kind of guy.” Despite its “error” the crew was given medals and the captain was even awarded a Legion of Merit “for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service as commanding officer …”.

We can be assured by the statement of Iran’s president that the responsible Iranian officer will receive no such a reward:

Hassan Rouhani @HassanRouhani – 4:43 UTC · 11 Jan 2020 Armed Forces’ internal investigation has concluded that regrettably missiles fired due to human error caused the horrific crash of the Ukrainian plane & death of 176 innocent people. Investigations continue to identify & prosecute this great tragedy & unforgivable mistake. #PS752 The Islamic Republic of Iran deeply regrets this disastrous mistake.

My thoughts and prayers go to all the mourning families. I offer my sincerest condolences.

Let us also not forget that the root cause of the accident was an assassination campaign which the U.S. launched against foreign military commanders of a country with which it is not at war:…’


S Melanson

Yes, the root cause can be traced back to US actions, but I cannot understand why Iran did not close their air space. I paste below a comment I posted regarding Iran acceptance of responsibility – which I commend them for doing so. ————————— I find it puzzling the lack of discussion as to why commercial flights are flying out of Tehran shortly following the firing from Iranian soil a barrage of ballistic missiles at US military targets. All Iranian air space should have been designated a conflict zone in anticipation of US retaliation and thus order air space closed.

Iran could even close air space before the barrage, after all, Iran gave advanced warning of the attack to foreign governments – with the warning, shutting air space would not have compromised the operation and in fact, clear the air space to make it easier to identify foe.

Same argument applies regarding MH17 directed to fly over Donbas, an active conflict zone. If Ukraine believes Russia is allegedly supporting the separatists with military aid, well then reasonable to assume the separatists could obtain a Buk system from Russia, meaning commercial jets are vulnerable – the right thing to do is order air space be closed over the active conflict so long as fighting continues.

Then there is Damascus with commercial flights regularly flying in and out in the middle of a conflict zone. At many times battles were raging in the vicinity of Damascus and even in the capital’s suburbs and commercial traffic continued unabated. The accidental shooting down of the IL-20shows the dangers of operating in a conflict zone. The Israeli Air Force attempted to draw Syrian air defence fire in a way that would put at risk commercial flights out of Damascus. Syrian operators learned their lesson and did not take the bait.

It is fortunate that there have been so few incidents but still enough to make clear why commercial traffic has no place in active conflict zones. So it is strange the cavalier attitude when it comes to allowing commercial flights in the middle of conflict.


Ivan Freely

clear the air space to make it easier to identify foe.

You answered your own question. This is a tactic that applies to both sides. There are variants to this such as flying a warplane to hide in the commercial plane radar shadow.

S Melanson

I highly doubt Iran would use commercial jets for such a purpose, certainly not their own national carrier.

Ivan Freely

We don’t know what the operator was thinking. IIRC, the Iranian AD was decentralized for some reason. It’ll be interesting to see what Tehran will reveal to the public.

S Melanson

Agreed, let us see how this unfolds.

Zionism = EVIL

The more valid question is why did the mad mullahs not declare a NO FLY ZONE for all commercial flights?


I would imagine that the Iranian air defences were also subject to some sort of jamming if the USA or Israel had assets in the vicinity


I wondered about that, since Israel have previously flown F-35s over Teheran on some sort of ‘training’ mission. The missile operator might’ve had more justification to fire than we know. Sounds a lot like the incident where the Russian EW plane was shot down in Syria

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, no conspiracy theories needed here in this tragedy. It is simple case of basic level military ineptitude as poorly trained Tor1 crew mistook an airliner for a “cruise missile”.Iran has very poor quality soldiers manning AD systems in Iran-Iraq war more F-14A were downed by Iranian mistaken IFF than the Iraqis did. Some of Iran’s best F4E and F-5E fighter pilots lost their lives to their ground fire.

In 1980, Friendly Fire Was One of the Biggest Killers of Iranian Fighter Pilots Jumpy ground gunners shot up anything that flew overhead

The friendly-fire incident took its worst toll on Iranian F-4D/E and F-5E fighters and their pilots flying close-air-support missions over the crowded front line. On Sept. 21, 1980, Iranian forces shot down at least four friendly F-5Es.

The main contributor to blue-on-blue incidents was the lack of effective command and control. Add to this deadly mix the panic that had afflicted Islamic revolutionary guardsmen who, having received very little training, would shoot at anything that flew over their heads. Friend or foe.

The lack of coordination among different units responsible for management of Iranian air space eventually claimed the deputy commander of the Iranian air force Col. Abbas Babaei. He was shot down and killed by a guard-corps anti-aircraft-artillery unit while flying a routine forward-air-control sortie in the back seat of an F-5F in August 1987.

John Wallace

I agree flights should have been suspended temporarily but in hindsight it is so easy to see mistakes. I remember in Rhodesia after the terrorists shot down two planes out of the tourist resort Kariba they put heat deflectors on the engines and after takeoff flew in a close corkscrew pattern until the planes were out of reach. Flying back from South Africa at night they pulled all the blinds and turned all lights about 20 mins out , including external , and landed that way. An interesting experience .. I think there were other flights that left just before so the operator should have been well aware of those and flight paths. However it is

AM Hants

Seriously agree with your comment, but, owing to the fact Iran is going through so much at the moment, I have stayed mute. German relatives are taking Ukraine to court, owing to that precise reason. Iran have held their hands up, accepted responsibility and no doubt working on what happens next. RIP to those that lost their lives.

S Melanson

Well said.

AM Hants

Thank you.


One question when you apply maximum pressure on a country surrounded and infiltrated by US assets how can any normal behavior, not be weaponized?

Simple fact if the US were not out for blood, none would have flowed.

To me the MH-17 tells us that domestic airliners are fair game. Ask ourselves why would the Empire shoot her down? Look how they have used the event, it is literally the pivot their whole aggressive, completely illegal, policy towards Russia swings on. What did Russia gain?

I hate the false flag paradigm. Look what those bastards have done! snicker, snicker. True evil gloats while blaming the innocent. As psychopaths they lose no sleep and those who know categorically the truth are left to control themselves for fear of an inappropriate response that might release God knows what?

Still to me the longer there is relative calm the more people who have their eyes opened can pull together to save the world from Empire. I like Trump in that he tells some truth such as, we will destroy your cultural heritage. Did Hitler threaten that? A lot of countries see that, indeed, that has already happened to many long before Trumpster showed up. He brags about it publicly, as sure as all the rest snickered among their colleagues as their orders destroyed humanity.

So day by day Trump shows what the real plan is and all the rest put their heads together and make a new way.

Maybe they were so busy trying not to kill any Americans they forgot about their own.

Jens Holm

You are not correct. Americans always respect old things very much wherever they can.

Many emmigrated to USA because of all kinds of religions should be alloweed and respected even the strange ones.

You write as if Trump is the only living there. Thats very biased and You in the same moment also have forgotten, that a minister dared to carrect him right away.

You are very manipulative. Blame USA for whats true.

Maybee Trump meant new socalled culture like this:


Ricky Miller

You don’t know what you’re talking about. The U.S. doesn’t respect old things at all. We tear down buildings at the drop of a hat and the new NeoLiberal policies originating among and out of America’s elites are completely destroying society in any traditional sense, and have led to epidemics of hopelessness, homelessness, suicide by drug abuse, the complete economic destruction of entire communities. If you have access to NETFLIX you should watch some documentaries about American life. Start with one called Flint Town. The reasons behind the decay of urban America and the depth to which it has fallen is on full display.

Zionism = EVIL

But the fact remains that the Iranian mullahs are running an inept and corrupt regime and if the US wanted to it can exert some real pressure. The moth eaten Islamic Republic is fundamentally weak and vulnerable to internally driven changes. Forces that support U.S. objectives may emerge now again with Iranian street anger on the rise as the people feel humiliated and lied to


except for the apartheid regime that is looting the planet $6 million a day, no one is doing all that good.. The free money sure helps a lot.. and about lying.. I saw ads for some cheap baby incubators and slightly used Weapons of Mass Distractions in the NYT..

Jens Holm

Well, I have also been in Dubai when it was old.

Your political statements partly are correct but most buildings are not old as well as its a political thing to renew things in a way, which both make more buildings and incitament for it.

USA is built like that too and based on voting about it and its system. USA spend a lot of money for own buildings worth keeping. WORTH keeping.

We have many tourists here from many parts of the world. Here Americans are the less barbarian or vandaliser then most. Thats might be beacuse we actually has more old buildings and facilities WORTH keeping.

We also see Your elite pay a lot for rebuilding exact copies of buildings destroyed by WW2 and later on USSR in the whole Estern Europe. Thats from tiny rustic villages to big castles.

So You blur things a lot telling about USA like that. As too often, You also ignore most people in USA not even live like that, and Your belowed netflix and statistics say, that USA has more houses then ever having more facilities in rooms, showers, kitchens and like that. You also have to add other important facilities around them.

You also seemes to ignore, that so many every year emmigrate TO THERE and many only has their hands as a start. How many emmigrates to Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey. That indicate for me, they leave something worse even too many seemes to be erased.

So I see a permanent looser group, where many of them can get next level in housing, jobs all included, if they ADAPT, INTEGRATE, ASSIMILATE.

Respect for things are both ways. We wont move or kill Our many very good food pigs because some muslims come and want to build a mosque. Thats what I can see on Youtube too.

I am from Skandinavia. We hardly dont have poor as US have. We have. But Our system is like full scale Sanders and Warren. It works for us. Only 250.000 left Denmark to USA many years ago because we were able to create a lot of jobs and take in new almost infertile land added industrialitation.

Only few came back.

Finally Iallow me to add the many poor in USA mainly is a poor group semilar to many others. The only way to reduce that is to follow school, education, skills and hard work paid pr hour.

Great part of that lower class down do that. The parents not even try.

You recommend ITunes. Fine with me.

Even its a reality show serie, I will recommend You to see many Youtubes by Judge Judy. Here You see the lower class problems very well and why its there in a TV version of small claims court.

Many in the ME as well as the rest of the world lives below the lowest level in USA and in some countries the wast majority does.

And what happens in Syria. Well, they have thing to be kepts as they are or join Jihadisme in stead. A more modern struction for innovation and progress as SDF recomend is not even an option.

Here the rich part named Baathist dont share the oil and gas income with the rest. They also dont invest in needed jobs even the unimployment for men before the uprises were 50% for men and much higher for women. There hardly was any invstments from the rich because there was no incitament in the old Muhammed Economy structures as well as Syria not even has any structures for such things.

But where do the many soldiers come from. I am sure many of those soldiers actually has taken any job with a pay.

That goes for Iran as well. You have to have traditions and incitaments for changes. 327 million could not live in teepies and primitive houses, so they expand and try to make more buildings, nore jobs and new incomes and tax.


Is that why they built their bases on thousands of year old archaic sites? and paid ISIS smugglers to steal Syrian ancient treasures?

We now know there were hundreds of thousand year old native american cultures and civilizations.. can you show us a few preserved ones??


Don’t get here so much any more, you are very well spoken and a welcome addition. Yes the most astounding thing about how indigenous people are treated in North America is that it just keeps happening.

Lots of empty apologies but systemic racism by police is out of control. Every single casualty in Syria is blamed on Assad but Trrrump somehow has no control over his domestic body count and gets a pass. Trudy keeps screaming for justice while incarcerating 10 times as many natives as whites.

Do you like the new MAGA? Make America Go Away!

Jens Holm

Yes, there a many buildings in fx New Mexico.


Well they detained the british enovy for encouraging riots at the air port for a few minutes and its front page news.. If Iran prevented the Pilot from taking off we would sure hear about kidnapping and torture..


I think there is general issue of profits over safety in the airline industry when it comes to conflict zones. The airline industry handles weather conditions well in terms of safety, but not conflict zones, which are not taken seriously enough, as revenue must go on and costs from flight cancellations rerouting minimised. Cancellations and delays are expensive in terms of lost revenue and passenger compensation, hotel bills, etc to pay.

The whole Gulf region airline hubs are in very volatile zone packed with weaponery; US bases, Saudi SAMs, Yemen war, Iran tensions, militia groups. And yet there are adverts everyday from the Gulf airlines, and hundreds of flights per day via the Gulf hubs with never an interruption.

As the airline industry does not do it, due to profits prioritisation, it is up to the passengers before booking to evaluate the flight path and its security risks.

Xoli Xoli

I support your points if USANATO didn’t assisnated Iran General there wouldn’t have been any mistake like this.Russian musician crew jet were down by NATO.But up to know BBC and CNN, MSM has muted. Russian jet was down after leaving Egyp by USA CIA and M16 but up to know now apology. Israel uses Russian civilian plane to attack Syrian air defences and cause downing of Russian plane no complain of breaking news.USA shot down Indonesian jet and blame Russia and Ukraine rebels.

AM Hants

The Russian Military Choir and on Christmas Day, thanks for the reminder and RIP. Yet, same crowd screaming now, said nothing, and as you say, the same with the other disasters in war zones.

RIP to all and must admit, I have no desire to fly, until I see the passenger list.


Egypt was never a war zone.. we dont know who did it either.. But a good guess is the same critters yelling teach them how to take it up the arse..

AM Hants

Why does USS Liberty so come to mind and who was trying to blame Egypt for that?


I will never fly again, not on any plane the BOEING company has inserted the “uninteruptable auto Pilot ” on their planes [and maybe others] this allows the take over of the plane if terrorist hijack. Stupid USA could design door with lock inside.

This means all these planes can be controlled by USA/ now ISRAHELL, and bring a plane down. so Not for me anymore.

Also how did USA know to film at that time??? but God knows and the culprit will not escape justie

Blessings and RIP to all who have been victims of USA tyranny

AM Hants

With you with regards flying.


I think Boeing is having some trouble selling that idea to the travelling public atm


Me too, AM. Its a now very unpleasant experience and not one that is worth paying for.

AM Hants

I have not flown for a few years owing to finding it akin to economy rail travel in India. Nothing appeals unless into sado masichism. Used to love it, when comfort was a priority.

One of the reasons I am interested in Russian train journeys.


When I am not tied so much, its an intention of mine to visit Crimea by sea and land transport. I would like to visit Borodino again as well as other places of interest.

AM Hants

Ditto, I want to fly to Finland pick up the ferry to St Petersburg, which is the old P&O Bilbao, or was, spend some time in St Petersburg and then take the train to Crimea, back to St Petersburg and then get the train to Moscow, back to St Petersburg and then ferry back to Finland. Guess it would be easier to fly to Moscow, train to St Petersburg, train to Crimea, return to St Petersburg and then ferry to Finland. I want to do it as a special occasion, but, have to wait for that special occasion, which will sound rather awful if I voice it. However, serously fitting, all things considered. Another place I would love to visit, is Murmansk, fell in love with the views of the Aurorus Borealis on ‘Northern Lights, Polar Nights’.


St Petersburg is a good entry and departure point. Flights go there from Holland. I would rather find a sea route to St Petersberg. I spent a few days there with the Professor who last year chopped up his girlfriend whilst in a drunken rage. Two lives ruined over a foolish argument.

Murmansk has also been on my list of things to to, along with the Russian Far East

AM Hants

Helsinki to St Petersburg – if looking for a sea route. To be honest, think I would enjoy train and sea for the route. I seriously hate planes. Children loaded with e’s, tired and bored and then you have the drunks and that is before you have to make it to the airport 3 hours before the flight. Before finding yourself facing a Faulty Towers version of a ticket handler. Then you try to get to your seat, with fellow passengers with single digit IQs and hostesses with PMT. Eventually you land and walk miles to get your luggage and it normally ends up last on the conveyor belt. Before the queue for customs, with the drunks and hyper active kids, in full flow and that is if you have a good flight.

Do believe my favourite flight was back in the early 80s when Virgin first started flying to Miami. Had no problems flying, back then, enjoying both the flight and service and even airport experience.


As well as all the germs from the recycled are onboard aircraft as well. Its also more of an adventure by land and sea. Travel light and buy more clothes if needed. Local clothing blends in better anyway.

AM Hants

Forgot about the recycled air. Did used to like flying, until the 21st century. I am a female, and we have never heard of the concept of travelling light, haha. Even when I try, never achieve the target.

Ralph London

Visa for Russia is expensive, AM. treason madmayhem also got rid of the reciprocal health care with Russia in Jan 2016, I think. And WHY would you NOT be going to Donetsk while (from/to) in Crimea???

AM Hants

Must admit, I am glad they have such a Visa system. Sort of gives you a safety comfort zone blanket, to wrap up in. Although freedom of travel is nice, you have no idea what you are letting into your country and we are not all nice, own nation included.

Jens Holm

Fine with me You only can come here by bicycle or after swimming lessons.

You have chosen to be totally manipulated and misguided by Your own choise. Dont blame others for that.

More then 10.000 Boings are flying around the world every day. We all use them, because they are among the best. Putting in USA/Israel makes me laugh and cry. Manÿ others produce and use airplanes as well.

If anything should have a simple locker, it should be the missiles around Teheran airport. I am like John Wayne someone said. Maybee something went wrong in the translation.

Any child can see most airplanes already has a locker for the cocpit door.

Jens Holm

It was Trump doing that, and not even USA.

The rest of us are in Iraq to fight ISIS as well as helping the Bagdad army up to a reliable standard. We are not soldiers – so to speak. We take care of the advanced things the Iraqians cannot not yet. We also are importent techers on all levels.

We partly are against sanctions agains Iran as well.

But You narrowminded stupidist are not even allowed to see that.

Even I think its mot allowed killing those 2 generals, I feel fine about it. They both was systematic massmurderes for decades. Leaders actualy are Leaders of the agressions and use the rest of us as spendables. The same goes for Saddam and Gadaffy. I feel fine they died – allowed or not. Why should those go safe.

Maybee many here could learn by beekeeping. When I had many, I took away the Queens making agressive workers. By that my bees used their time for several extra kilos of honey i stead. I also could take the honey in no need of wearing gloves and using smoke or water at them.

“We dont have to leave as refuges to anywhere else and most years all has good jobs. You keep our homes in good shape even in hard times, and we know You take our honey for it, but we also give us 20 kilos of sugar for the winter in stead” :)

Xoli Xoli

We know and Iran even realised that there are good hearted people among USA warmongers.One day USA army will refused to take irrelevant just as their resigned immediately when USA warship carrier was jam by Russia and made obsolete totally defenseless.By the way thank you for caring.You remind of days when USA was working with Iran closely until war prostitutes made matters worse for oil purpose.

Putin Apologist

Good points but…

Iran’s military warned the Iraqis two hours (times and targets) before the retaliatory strikes. They should have warned, coordinated with, their internal civilian authorities too and closed their own airspace to commercial fights.

AM Hants

You would have thought so, but, sad for all concerned and the circumstances that led to it all in the first place. At least they have apologised, unlike many nations who have done similar. Although, the relatives and loved ones, will not think so. RIP to all the innocents who lost their lives.


Do you think the Iranian dictatorship has apologised for all the hundreds of Iranian civilian they recently shot during the protest over the massive fuel hike?


What hundreds, from your propaganda that lied about a chemical attack in Douma in 2018. Have you apologized for the millions killed in Korea, Vietnam, Latin America, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria.


US and its NATO vassals have killed over 20 million civilians since 1945.

Ricky Miller

Protests are one thing. Disorder and riots are another. Protesters across the West and among the Western cults in other parts of the world all operate from the same playbook. Protest, and if that doesn’t work, attack people, destroy property, prevent other people from moving around. It’s demented street “democracy” and the Iranian government and everybody else has the right and responsibility to put an end to it.


There is no doubt they were foreign agents, which is why the internet shut-down stopped the problem.


The communists did the same thing in Germany in the 1920s and 30s

Shlomo Shekelstein

Israeli slaughtering children every day, your american masters mass murdered millions of Iraqis, not to mention all other countries they bombed and destroyed, and you dare to talk about ‘murdered civilians’ you shameless and brainless inhuman pile of shit?



Weapons were smuggled to carry out random shootings of Iranian civilians. False flag terror at protests is standard ZOG procedure.


Don’t forget about TWA 800, govt never came clean about that either.


If I may? Two days following the disaster of Iranian Flight 655 being shot down the President of The United States apologized, yes?


“President Reagan said yesterday that he apologized to Iran on Sunday for the USS Vincennes’ shooting down of an Iranian passenger jet over the Persian Gulf that killed all 290 persons aboard and declared that reparations or compensation to the families of victims are ‘a matter that has to be discussed.'”


Yet gave a medal to the captain of the USS Vincennes.


Yes, the Skipper and another officer for their conduct during a firefight with several Iranian gunboats minutes before Flight 655 was accidentally fired on, an important detail now long forgotten.

At its root the tragic accident with the Iranian passenger flight was an electronic one. A mistake which the Skipper immediately reported up the chain. What’s called in the U.S. a “no BS assessment”. I’d say each man can hold their heads high.


He still got a medal, no excuses. If the Iranian commander got medal for his mistake maybe you got something to argue about, but its most likely he will punished, so your point is mute.


In Iran there will be one man punished in what’s likely a chain of errors. It’s called red meat, Mike.

No excuses. The Skipper was given a medal for conduct in the middle of a firefight. The same, I suspect, for the Skippers involved on the Iranian side that day.


He was given medal for stupidly shooting an airliners full of civilians its that simple.


Now you’re simply being petulant for the sake of it. What a shame.


And your being an apologist for you U.S. sugar daddy what a shame.


So why did the US captain get a medal for killing 14 christians in Syria? Or the air crew that killed over 40 diners at a restaurant in baghdad.. You talk right out of your bottom…


There was never a fire fight.. The boats wanted the US warship out of Iranian waters and were harassing it to leave. No way would boats with machine guns would fire on a destroyer unless they had a death wish. So lets not twist the truth.. The US ship refused to leave iranian waters and even went further ashore instead knowing Iran had nothing to force them to leave at the time..


I bet the idiot who shot down this plane won’t be getting any medals


Hey psycho, you know the Iranian government has stated that somebody is going to be punished for the fuck up. That is more then your country did to Flight 655, another trait of psych selective memory.


They should all do the honourable thing and spare the world further from their dangerous stupidity


Sure WMD’, the Maine, the Gulf Tonkin, yeah spare us the lying yourselves in to war psycho.

Ricky Miller

You should do the smart thing and close your mouth and read a book. Or really spread your imperial loving wings and read two. You could read about the slaughter of American Indian tribes, or about manipulating war with Mexico to steal half it’s territory. Or maybe about remembering the Maine and the wicked war to steal Spain’s colonies or the overthrow of the Queen of Hawaii and the theft of her territory. Or about the mass murdering put down of rebels on Luzon. Or the blind firing into Japanese cities to “open up” Japan for trade. Or the atomic bombings of civilian populations, or the million killed in Iraq in the UN Charter violating war to find weapons of mass destruction which didn’t exist. Really, I got a lot more but I think you need to go get a Library card.


Lol. Well said.


Speaking of selective memory. Be honest, you never before understood that the Vincennes was fired on by the Iranian navy at the time Flight 655 was tragically downed, right?


It doesn’t excuse the soot down, and it doesn’t excuse the medals.


No, it doesn’t excuse anything. Innocent people died.

You didn’t answer my question. You were never aware that the Vincennes was essentially in the middle of a firefight, no?


Ok then no medal should have been given period and there fore some officers should have been demoted period.


I believe you take that stand because you’re almost entirely unaware of what actually took place that day. You have a hate on which blinds the mind.

You still haven’t answered my question.


He can’t answer as he’s full.of rage and hate, unfortunately he’s representative of abot 98% of those who comment hear

They’re not happy unless something or someone is getting blown up or killed, preferably American or Israeli


Yeah unlike you who cant back up a single thing you say, as for blowing up Yanks or Israelis who cares, you scumbags are the worlds aggressors and victimizers. So cry me river there psycho bobby.


I’d Like to say you’re the only psycho here, but unfortunately you’re among your own kind


Nah you defend murderers, lie and justify your shithole country”s crimes and you can”t give me straight answers, plus your full racism is on display there. Yup psychopathic is what you are

Shlomo Shekelstein

boBitch, your “own kind” are feces in Tel Aviv’s sewers… go back there and stay there until you die, you won’t be missed :D


I’m beginning to see that.


Well it’s essentially a pro Russian/ Putin site used to create disinformation and encourage silly rather childish peope to,’ question more’ as they like to say on RT International, another Kremlin propaganda outfit


Sure like Iraq WMD’s, fake chemical attack in Douma, Gulf of Tonkin, Russiagate hoax that lead nowhere. Yeah regular America MSM is beacon of truth if your are delusional like yourself bobby.


Is this the Mike and Bob show? Bob is trying to turn you to the dark side, so stay strong.


No its the Mike cretin show, he’s very good at it


Cretin, rich coming from racist Yankee chicken hawk.




Oh thanks pzxftresithead, or whether, Mike loves another goose stepper


Can’t think of better insult there chicken hawk.


Forget you bob, I heard that! Flag spam: :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/13a2a669997878cbca9df9d1508baafc9382cc62c7bba04c23ef7f1984183643.png


There should be one for MAGA, ie Make America Go Away.


Hands of Syria

Great it’s left to an idiot Assad who’s family have destroyed the place, then blame Americans!

Ricky Miller

The United States did that by giving weapons to the Al-queida affiliate in Syria. Syria fought back, big surprise. That’s like saying George Washington destroyed the colonies for fighting the British. It’s demented to demonize a man who represents government institutions staffed by thousands, who decided collectively to fight back and defend their country. And who gives a shit what your ignorant opinion is? The Syrian government controls the coast, all the major cities and now has control of the largest hydroelectric power station and the reservoir that stores the vast reserves of Syria’s water supply. Time is on their side, I mean really, have you seen the total U.S. debt today? It came in fiscal 2019 at just under 1 trillion$. One year total; with deep deficits as far as the eye can see as projected by CBO and OMB. And this isn’t even a recession yet. Syrian regime change is a lost cause and every nickel thrown at it is a waste.

Ricky Miller

Says a man from a country who has military forces in dozens of countries. And who’s President says that he won’t withdrawal forces from a country, even when said state asks them to leave. And a country who on the down low gives vast quantities of weapons to Islamofascists. Your presence here is unwelcome, but you don’t care and neither does your kissing cousin from Israel. It’s a metaphor for everything wrong in the world. The U.S. forces it’s will on other people just like you invade this site, a place for people to come and lament the Empire. Your goal is to take that away from us and spread your dominant worldview that big stick big capitalism America is the best ever and we should all surrender to it’s worldview. Go away.


I can tell you I’m through with Mike. That one’s here only to entertain himself. Strange!


No your not, you silly little Zionist troll.


Its not strange

Frankly its terrifying as these people would back any anti imperial/ American/ Israeli bunch of murdering thugs

They’re not writing this crap for the hell of it!


Terrifying that you and your Zionist buddies are true believers in the death cult of imperialism and war.


“would back any anti imperial/ American/ Israeli bunch of murdering thugs” So back to the main issue: US coalition out of Iraq and Syria now ! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/49485dbfae4a375f6e43673e43b99aa5743d71642bd0c7d2ac24ee7ead098473.png


Watch out bob is going to call you a goose stepper, even though that’s what he is.


I thought the main issue had to do with Iranians protesting the downing of a civilian airliner?


So says the Israeli troll.


What is the root cause of this tragedy? Did you miss the news in the last 2 weeks?

Ricky Miller

Really, what is the population of Iran? A few Western oriented protesters who don’t know what life is really like in the United States and who really want to keep up with the Kardashians and buy a Ford Mustang the day after they get here on their way to Vegas. This time next week Iran will be governed the same way, and next month and next year and next decade. The secret is out, jokester. Life in the West is a sales job on tv and the Internet that doesn’t relate to reality. The vast majority of Iranians know that.


I think it wrong for you and yours to treat Iranians as cartoon characters.


A majority of Americans realise that as well now. :)

The US has and always been a magnet for Carpet Baggers and Charlatans.

Shlomo Shekelstein

Aww you are terrified now little crying bitch? Go back to Bibi’s butt you’re safe there :D

Ricky Miller

Go away


Your kind hospitality notwithstanding, I think I’ll stick around a while.

Shlomo Shekelstein

Oy vey!


As opposed CNN, MSNBC, Voice of America ect. yeah you Yanks don’t do lying propaganda, self deluded psycho.

Shlomo Shekelstein

Then stop spamming diarrhea from your filthy mouth and go watch CNN and other murican moronic MSM like a good, obedient braindead zombie you are. On your knees bitch and keep licking yankee rectums, at least you’ll have something to eat in your Romania lol


See what that you are peddling cheap excuses for your benefactor there troll farm.

Shlomo Shekelstein

You are full of shit, you pathetic, miserable little turd. Go back to Bibi’s anus and die there ?


I already did, no medal for people who shoot down civilian airplanes, its not my fault an Israeli like keeps making cheap excuses for you benefactor.


Good grief, kid.


I know it sucks that you have to cover for uncle sam.


Good grief, kid. Quit while your behind.


Well Israeli if you don’t like it leave.


Surely it should be Auntie Sam in these more ‘enlightened’ days :)

Bobby Twoshoes

“The Skipper may have a medal for that alone.” You mean like the Iron Crosses that were given for delivering messages? Sounds legit, the zio-American empire is the successor to the Third Reich after all.

Shlomo Shekelstein

There is no question you lame shiteater, you claimed something, then you agreed with yourself. Logical fallacy typical for hasbara trolls. Here’s an example: you of course know that IDFags are war criminals, mass murderers and genocidal scum, right?


May I ask your age or origin?

Shlomo Shekelstein

What’s next – my Facebook, pics? Go ask @bob – he’s lonely, desperate and always ready to obey. Although @The_Angry_Jew:disqus will be jealous probably…


So you’re what, 7 yrs old?


Medals in such circumstances are just a method to keep the officers quiet.


That is NONSENSE, even for a hasbarat!

Ricky Miller

The USS Vincennes was in a firefight with speedboats. A U.S. warship has a combat information center where air defense operators manage their functions independent of surface gunnery. The radars of that era could easily distinguish between a type A target such as F-4’s or F-14’s and a Type C target, such as an Airbus. There was an entire type of aircraft in between with radar cross sections vastly different from any legitimate target. The shootdown was either deliberate, a part of hybrid war, or was military malpractice and incompetence. The difference between the two events should be apparent. In one, a civilian airliner was downed by a country in the midst of a possible air defense emergency. In the other, a superpower’s warship was trying to lay down the letter of the law thousands of miles away from it’s own border, one in an endless series of Team America, World Police. Also, team America, bankrupting our country. Go away and haunt sites where people celebrate the empire. There are hundreds of them.


You’re saying that, as in the Vincennes, the Russian built radar and missiles in Iran should be competent and the downing of 655 was either deliberate, part of hybrid war, or was military malpractice and incompetence.

Should Iran have closed civilian air traffic?


Of course they should have, no one is arguing that. These protests however look contrived and “produced”, like a White Helmets video.


You may have noticed that Ricky didn’t want to answer the question – a great many individuals here haven’t wanted to answer the same question.

I’m not seeing anything contrived in the protests in Iran. Can you be more specific or is it more a matter of perception?


That’s a lie.. The US never even acknowledge they shot down a civilian air liner until Iran took them to court and the court was the one who said the US shot it down and even then they never admitted the mistake but gave the $400 mil as compensation without taking responsibility.

Zionism = EVIL

This Jew arsehole is telling usual hasbara lies. The Americunt murdering arseholes gave a medal to the bastard Will Rogers and Reagan invited him to the White House to give him a medal.

Zionism = EVIL

The liar Iranian mullahs have been conning the largely isolated and hybrid “educated” Iranians for over 40 years now, they showcase jerry rigged “weapons” at clownish military parades, do nothing as Zionists and Americunts kill their people and the most telling and disgraceful act in the downing of the ill-fated Ukrainian Boeing 737 was that a Russian Tor1 excellent AD system was misused. The mullahs have no confidence in the funny sounding third rate copies they produce. Even the few Americunt drones that have been downed near the Persian Gulf were brought down by the Russian Tor1. The S-300 luckily has not been used or the dumbass mullah military would have knocked off half the civilian traffic over the Persian Gulf. No wonder no one sells these illiterate fuckwits any serious weapons systems. What kind of a shithole shoots off missiles into empty buildings and not close its own airspace or protect its people? Even the most backward and poor African country like Somalia, Chad. Togo and Niger have more sensible and better trained military forces. It is good that thing that the Americunts want to keep the mullahs in power or it would be all over faster than Saddam’s hollow “one million” man army. I believe now there will be a lot of regional pressure on Iran as the veil of military ineptitude has been lifted. No wonder the Zionists bomb the hapless IRGC and their militias in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon at will. It is about to get much worse, unless someone with balls in the regular military takes over and wipes out the Akhoond arsewipes, which the Shah’s generals should have done 40 years ago.


It is wise though , I think, that the Iranian rank and file who operated the missiles are not punished , but instead given further training, as perhaps others would also benefit from as well in this fast moving world of air defence.

Punishing the rank and file for such an error under a time of great stress would only serve to demoralise the troops and THAT would only benifit the Great Satan.

Chill Doctor

Both airliners were shot down after an attack by Iran. Both times Iran did not stop commercial flights. Will they ever learn?

AM Hants

Attack by Iran – surely you have muddled your nations?

Chill Doctor

Surely not. You jest.

Jens Holm

Moon of Alabama normally is no reliable source at all. Maybee some KKK are Leaders for it.


Harry Smith

the UK ambassador Rob Macaire was arrested while he protested together with Iranian students. What a strange coincidence! [sarcasm]


It seems Ambassador Macaire attended a vigil for the victims of flight 655 but left when the vigil turned toward protesting.

Xoli Xoli

USA pilots provocative flights cause serious precaution and resulted in a human error. Which we call accident.

John Wallace

No one cried foul when ZIPRA terrorist purposely shot down a Rhodesian passenger jet in 1978 where a number survived the crash but were rounded up by another group on the ground and butchered. Joshua Nkomo even appeared on British TV gloating and laughing about it. A few months later another civilian plane was purposely shot down but as a church leader put it ” There is a deafening silence of condemnation “. This incident was an unfortunate accident as a direct result of Trumps bullshit pulling out of the nuclear deal , ramping up sanctions and pressure on Iran and murdering illegally the General while he was a protected person . No different to Hitler being the primary cause of all the deaths and destruction in the European theater. Unlike others Iran has admitted its mistake and start the investigation from that point rather than blaming some other country and obfuscating the investigation like Ukraine did and America did when they shot down the Iranian jet. Russia also shot down a Korean plane 007 but I can’t remember much of that offhand. I do remember flying Korean Airlines frequently after that hoping Russia didn’t shoot me down. That was a them mistaken an American spy flight with the airliner.


John, you’re grasping at straws


That better describes you zio boy.

John Wallace

The only straw I want to see is the one shoved up your arse and connected too an air compressor. Brainless dipstick.


Hahahahahaha that did actually make me laugh!


Because its true psycho.




You are one, a good old white supremacist chicken hawk Yankee psycho.

Ricky Miller

Nobody cares. Myocardial Infarction is what you deserve. Isn’t it time for your nightly trip to McDonald’s out there in Lubbock?

Shlomo Shekelstein

Yeah bitch, we already know you like to suck yankee dicks and lick israeli butts, you have no other purpose whatsoever you retarded little turd.

Prince Teutonic

Incompetent regime. Threatening to kill Americans but only managed to kill many own people. U.S. and Israel sees iran is weak and now that they smelled blood will strike soon. These clowns shouldn’t possess nuclear weapons…


More reasons to have nuclear weapons to keep Yankee clowns from sowing tension in the region.


Absolutely not!

On their current form they’d probably nuke themselves….but then maybe thats not such a bad ideal

I’m joking!


Nope they would nuke you just like they sent those missiles at your base. So again quit deluding yourself mindless American loud mouth.


I’ll prepare my tent then,hope they don’t miss,they could do some serious damage!


They blew up you drone hangars in Iraq, so there goes your pathetic boasting you bloated bag of American hot air.


You mean a tent!


You mean bloated gassy hot air coming out your mouth there Yank, must be that GM shit you idiots eat to much of.

Ricky Miller

And the drone underneath it.

Shlomo Shekelstein

*American base they abandoned like pussies and cowards leaving their equipment behind and ruuuuuun away lol. Like in Saigon, Lebanon and all over the world, they only know to slaughter defenseless civilians. And you’re just their whore and slave….


Does anybody remember the end of the Ceuscue regime?

Its a shame the same thing can’t happen to the mullah dictatorship

Ivan Freely

Everyone should remember the Fall of Rome. It’s happening right now like a slow moving train wreck.


Only if you substitute Tehran for Rome!


Delusional trolls are on the prowl.


Why do facts upset you so much?


Delusions from zio trolls like you upset me so much.


Well you need to grow up then, and stop indulging in propaganda fantasies


Nah you silly Israeli loving Yankee your the one with severe delusional issues back to your med there bobby boy.

Shlomo Shekelstein

You need to evolve, now you’re just a rectal bacteria from Bibi’s anus :D

Ricky Miller

Facts like the facts that the United States has violated the UN Charter over and over since 1991? And in those violations killed millions of people? Or the facts that they’re so scared of China’s rise that they are really freaking out and falling into madness? Like demanding protection rackett money from South Korea, who told them to get lost. Like failing to abide by a plutonium reprocessing treaty with Russia? Like destroying Libya under false pretenses and by using Islamists who turned around and killed their own ambassador? Facts like those?


That’s a sign in itself that the Zio-Trolls masters are ‘deeply deeply’ worried that shackled truth is leaking out of their controlled bubbles :)

Ivan Freely

Iran is hardly Rome. They don’t have 900+ military bases around the World constantly looking for a fight.


Neither did ancient Rome


Your just as deluded and disgusting as ancient Rome there Yankee animal.


Facts though!

Why can’t you deal with them?


What fact is that pill popper.


The fact your little brain is going into total meltdown


Your not giving much facts, just BS there pill popper.


You’re just angry

I understand your anger

It’s very disappointing when your idols fall in front of you

You need to go to bed,take a deep breath

Tomorrow will be better,still very tough for you,but you’ll get over it


If your so sure of yourself why troll here with no facts back up anything there Yankee boy.


This site doesn’t do facts

Its propaganda for the easily fooled


No facts again, your so informative.


Typing more crap.


Your little propaganda world is falling apart

There’s nothing you can do about it

You’re on the wrong side of history


Nah looking how they are reacting in your shitty congress to this whole incident since the stupid murder of Solemani, it looks like its your idols Trump who is falling there Yankee bo.


They’re burning photos of Solemani in Tehran!


Sure where is your proof in compared to the funeral attendance, nice facts there.


Already reply or typing I must be the one angering you.


No I’m bored,and obviously the usual suspects here have gone off to do more sensible things

I’ll have to persevere with you

Imagine if we were the only two people left in the world?

Could we ever get on?


Nah, you wouldn’t keep coming here if you wasn’t pissed off, your about as truthful to yourself as to facts.


I’m trying to bring you back from the dark side


Your post show you are of the dark side through and through you little pill popping psychopath.

Shlomo Shekelstein

Hahaha “Dark side” – that must be Bibi’s anus, that’s where you are you dumb little turd :D

Right side of the history? LOL Nothing right about the global terrorist organization -Isramerica, the true and only evil empire that you serve so obediently you pathetic bitch.

You dare to talk about propaganda? everything about American empire is just a big lie, their name, their ‘nation’, their symbols, their ‘democracy’, their media, their (anti)culture, their money… but there’s no point explaining to you, throwing peals before swine. That’s why I throw shit before you, that’s what you deserve, that’s what you are….

Ricky Miller

And American society is becoming just as sick and decadent. Not to mention fat. Beyond fat, obese. And the U.S. is the only major industrialized state where infant mortality is growing.


But no you’re right Iran isn’t Rome!

At least the Romans did useful stuff like build roads, the Brits built a global commercial empire, what exactly is it the Persian/ Iranian Revolutionary folks have done?


The Persians did build roads, canals, aqueducts, monuments while Rome was some out of the way town under the rule of the Etruscan’s, you idiotic ignoramus.


Yup a road to oblivion


Pathetic response to the fact that the Persian empire did roads centuries before the Romans. Don’t do history if you don’t really know it idiot.

Shlomo Shekelstein

Persian royal road, the most famous road of the ancient world you utterly imbecilic idiot… where was ‘murica back then? or your romanian cavemen? Eating goat turds. And you still do :D https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Road


The Persians also built hundreds, even thousands of miles of ancient underground water channel’s with gradient accuracy that would be difficult to achieve today.



Stopped the Yankees and the Brit for sucking their resources.


Nooooo they didn’t

Imperial Britain and Russia fleeced the Persian of his oil


Oh now, we are forgetting who assisted in the overthrow Mossadeq in 53 and then propped the Shaw regime for U.S. oil interest along with the British, so much for facts. Stick to BS as opposed to history there bobby.


Yes, the Brits were supplying the Shah at the time with the latest tanks and combat radios etc that had not even entered British Military service.

Ricky Miller

No. Washington DC. The slow motion withering away of America is well underway. You just can’t see it or you don’t want to admit it. I predict that Texas, New Mexico, and California will all be a part of Mexico by 2065, maybe earlier. Arizona will not be far behind. The Chinese will have to send an expeditionary force to what’s left of the brawling and fighting states in order to secure America’s nuclear weapons, AI’s, and nanotech. It’s inevitable.


Washington DC is the most hated city in the world, probably the most corrupt city in the world.


Shame that can’t happen to American military corporate constitutional dictatorship.


More likely to happen to the mullahs


In your own fantasies, pill popper.


They’ll probably blame Israel for that, like they always do. It’s nice to see not all the Iranians support the mullahs, perhaps there is still hope for them.


Oh the tough talking keyboard warrior is back to help his trolly friend, got little tired child smut today.


I like iron zion, hes a good guy

Mike you could be also

But you need to disinfect your brain first

Come on brother, join the right side, you know deep down its the right thing to do


Oh it’s mike? lol. Can’t even see his name, what didn’t he understand when I told him I’ve blocked him? hard to catch I guess.


Because you cant take zio boy, back to boasting how you are going to kill Palestinian women and children.


Turn the other cheek my friend!

Of course that’s until you have to put your fist into it!


I have 54 blocked people at the moment, people who disrespect me join my list.


Because you cant take it you make believe soldier.


I can’t block ’em its to irresistible


Try that bob, saved me alot of time dealing with them :)


Don’t worry brother i can keep this up for a loooong time, believe me!


No you can’t bobby boy.


Oh yeeeeeeeeeeeees i can


Can what spout BS.


All night,tomorrow, next day, hour’s and hour’s if you like

But remember this its facts, history, and a superior system I’m talking about, unlike you my old son, who will continue on your miserable path towards the dark side


You have spouted nothing that is even remotely facts, so don’t delude yourself any further.

Shlomo Shekelstein

Yeah I believe you can lick his asshole for a long, loooooong time lol. sucking and licking, the only thing you lame shiteater can do actually (apart from spamming worthless garbage)


Or you to dumb.


No you actually make me laugh!

When it gets really juicy we stick it up on the big screen so everyone can have a good laugh


What all you have put is you fact less opinions.

Ricky Miller

Too denotes measure. To is used in a totally different context.


If you cant take it then don’t dish it, you should change your name to Puddy Zion.


Ha ha ha, poor boy, he has no clue as to how many disrespect him by ignoring him. 54? Only? Ha ha ha. Thanks for the laugh!


He’s a good guy

Plus he’s on the right side of history

Unlike many


What side the one in your ass.


What’s the joke all about? I just save the effort on people like Mike for example, there is no point for the discussion. I don’t block people that have a different opinion but write normal comments.


You don’t make comments Puddy Zion you spout disinfo Israeli propaganda.


In a different time Mike would be a fully paid up card carrying goose stepper


Heh he just might, but please tell him to stop writing, he’s wasting his time on me :)


You still noticed I’m touched Puddy Zion.

Ricky Miller

You’re wasting your time here, nobody is suddenly going to start rooting against the world’s underdogs here among the contributing members of SF. Or, begin rooting for your war machine.


Nope, Yankees and Israelis like you have way more in common with said NAZI’s.


I really don’t think soooooooo


Your history bears that. Just ask the natives or the blacks you have enslaved, or the millions you have killed in you bombing runs as examples. Or the Palestinian ghettos the Israelis have made there, yeah you are today’s NAZI’s, facts boy facts.


And did Muslims not have a slave trade?


Yup the one that the West was happy in buying from them, also those barbaric Persians you claim they are. Where actually the first political entity to declare slavery illegal 2500 before our time, and guess who reintroduced it 250 years later, those wonderful Greeks that you racist worship so much. Plus you precious civilized Romans you claim had third of their population officially as slaves. So nice try in deflecting that one you two bit pile of racist trash.

Ricky Miller

I’m sure of it. The United States is the country attacking small states who have limited means of self defense, all in the effort to get complaint governments who’ll let U.S. corporations and investors take the lion’s share of the profits from any resource extraction, or any economic activity more broadly. Leaving the local inhabitants with the scraps, including substandard wages.


So now you only talk to Bob and Jacob, since most of your screen is blank? LOL


Hmm not exactly, I talk to you aswell :) Actually most of the guys here at SF are not blocked, so I still see alot of comments. I even have a discussion with my “enemies” like Issam who supports Hezbollah, but we don’t curse each other. Like I’ve said, keep it clean and I will give you the same treatment and show respect, curse me and it’s over.


Your full of it Puddy Zion, bwah I can’t take it and yet you claim your tough Israeli commando or something. I guess words hurt your mighty Zionist heart or lack of it.


Dam you Rusty_Zion ! Does that count?


I like it.



Supporting another dead beat goose stepper


Sure whatever, neo-Nazi. Projecting you racism of yourself on to others another trait of psychopath.


I heard that Bobby. USS Vincennes shooting down flight 655 with 290 aboard. And medals rewarded by US to officers on ship! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6846ea60562bd674708754bcbcfbd9a6bad1b4c6f8dc3e150b45f8c0eb092e4e.jpg


and what would happen, if they were done this 5 miles from Washington?



Ricky Miller

Fuck off then. War Pig. We don’t care if you read our comments or not. Just as long as your propaganda supporting Imperial tyranny is not left unchallenged.


I think my comments last night were a good deal more accurate than those useless stone age rockets the Iranian dictatorship has!

All of my comments a direct hit,bingo!

Just look at the bile,hatred,fear, and loathing, the disgusting neo Nazi language, a full exposure of the nihilistic mentality, what a bunch of murderous totalitarian idiots

And these vile people think they can create a new world order, from the authoritarian Putin regime, the failed Assad dictatorship, the failing religious dictatorship of iran, the failing Venezuelan dictatorship, and finally the authoritarian human rights abusing communist Chinese

Welcome to the multi – polar world, a toxic combination or retarded Nazis,communists,anti capitalist loser socialist idiots!

I rest my case

Stay strong Israel,USA, and UK, because the alternative will be infinitely worse for the world than anything Hitler could have dreamt of!


Yup bob, but we can’t change people’s minds and beliefs so don’t even try mate. Let them rot in their own hate, it doesn’t affect us whatsoever.


I agree, fortunately the demographics in Europe are against the idiot’s, otherwise i think we’d have a serious problem


He wants respect yet he treats others he disagrees with like shit, and when he cant take it he block them, some soldier like he claims he is.


How can anyone have respect for some sort of goose stepping trash like you?

Ricky Miller

Fuck off. Add me too. And go away to your Imperial loving war pig sites.


Sure if you ask for it, I added you.

Ricky Miller

Oh the relief. Please try and avoid killing any Palestinians today.


Fist in to what your own mouth.


Right side of what people who like to murder others who have done no harm to you. Sure I guess you Yanks and Israelis really deserve each other.

Shlomo Shekelstein

Yeah you like Iron, you like to suck israeli butts no need to repeat yourself we all know you’re just a dumb, masochist little whore and a slave.


I’ve tried to bring Mike onside, its apparently a little Putin trick!

Wink, wink


I am native to the Middle East and the European Jews are native to Europe at 100% European according to their own DNA. Why do you think the Arabs have an obligation towards the European Jews, a people who were completely unknown in the Middle East until they said they were “returning”? They had been leeching off our land for many decades. Have they not had enough of leeching?


Yup and European were totally unknown in South and central America before they landed there

So your point is?

Oh i know we’ll have ourselves a holocaust in South America, that’ll return it to its DNA pre European purity


Is there a territory in South America where the Ashkenazi has his own flag, bomber jets, bulldozers, his own police force, army, navy? You forget the Euroepan Jew fooled the Christian world when he claimed he was the Israelite “returning home” to a region inhabited by indigenous people where the white Jew looks completely out of place as the British did in Kenya. Jew hatred in the Middle East is above 95% but in Germany, France, Britain only 6%. Shouldn’t the fake Israelite get the hell away from Arab land?


Helen i take it you’re also one of the goose stepping brigade!

But according to the many conspiracy theories why would they need to have a flag planted in South America?

You’re obviously not keeping up!

As the people you hate so much apparently also own South America, along with the queen of England, good old Lizzy, she also owns everything!


How can they murder the indigenous people and getaway with it without their own country?


You mean like you Arab Imperialists?


shut up, bitch! go and fight against IL, do not spam here the comment sections!


Well, they don’t feel like it. Now do something about it. But do note their military with a couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles backing up their internationally recognized legal deed to be where they are. Again, don’t like it? Tough!

Shlomo Shekelstein

I guess her point is: you’re an a complete and utter imbecile with a single digit IQ, and your pathetic logical fallacies are below idiocy.


You can’t stop lying. ALL the DNA studies show some Mideast DNA markers on average age for Ashkenazi Jews. On average, these studies show it is about half. Have they been in Europe a long time. Yes. Are they considered a European resident people for a long time. Yes. Are they the same as Europeans genetically? No. That is why they can be differentiated genetically from Europeans. So again, stop lying.

Oh, as a Yemeni, what gives you any say about Palestine? The only connection you have to the Palestinians is that your DNA and culture is close to that of the Murdering imperialist Arabs who invaded and occupied the area.


It is differentiated from Europeans the same way Finland is differentiated from Norway. Do you see “Ashkenazi” is grouped with the Europeans? What you see below is from23andMe.

Middle Eastern

Algeria – Armenia – Azerbaijan Bahrain – Cyprus – Egypt – Georgia Iran – Iraq –Jordan – Kuwait Lebanon – Libya – Morocco Saudi Arabia – Syria – Tunisia Turkey – UAE – Uzbekistan – Yemen


Ashkenazi – Austria – Balkan – Belarus Belgium – Czech Republic – Denmark Estonia – Finland – France – Germany Hungary – Iberian – Iceland – Ireland Italian – Latvia – Lithuania – Luxembourg Netherlands – Norway – Poland – Russia Sardinian – Slovakia – Slovenia – Sweden Switzerland – Ukraine – United Kingdom





Have your little giggle butt you must know that: “Who laughs last, always laughs the most.”


Helen your like some sort of deranged Victorian

You know,straight out of the school of scientific racism


An American decrying about racism how rich, an American who supports a racist settler colony in Palestine decrying racism how rich.


I think you miss the point


Nope, your a racist keyboard typing pill popping warmongering chickenhawk, I got you in a nutshell.


Tell me, how long does it take you to polish you’re jack boots?


You should know, your the one who is spouting racist diatribes to countries you don’t like there psychopath.

Shlomo Shekelstein

You polish Bibi’s butthole with your tongue :D

Ricky Miller

Nobody cares about your points, Imperial scum.




Strange, how come 147 were Iranians bearing the fact that only 83 passengers were Iranians and 63 were Canadians. With the flight crew they are nowhere near 147.


The “Canadians” were according to reports, Iranians students that lived abroad and had dual nationalities.


Nobody care what you have to say Puddy Zion.


In other words, not the right sort of Iranians,ergo they deserved to die!

Thats how many here will see it


Like you and your psychotic little buddy Puddy Zion.


No just like the goose steppers actually

Oh, and that bunch of Putin fan boys who always blather about Russian white purity, which ultimately manifest itself in dangerous idiot s like Anders Breivik, who thought Putin was some sort of saviour from a highly successful liberal international order, very embarrassing for Putin, but there you go!


Pathetic two bit NAZI racist who was spouting ignoramus crap like the Persians have achieved nothing in history. Is now calling me or whoever disagrees with you a racist, man the Yankee ability for hypocrisy and self-delusion knows no bounds. That’s quite a talent you got there, self-victimization when you are the aggressor is true mark of psychopath. Like Puddy Zion you can dish it but you cant take it.


What have they achieved in the last hundred years?


Well the did’t kill 20 milllion people in foreign interventions in the last 75 years like cancer of country your from. Also your response is nice way to show you NAZI and white supremacist in all its putrid glory.


I’m not interested in what they haven’t done, but what they’ve achieved, you know how many world class corporations, universities, banks, scientific breakthrough etc, especially other the last forty years?


Well they had Universities a millennia before Harvard, same with banks and commerce, they where the leaders in science during the middle ages while most Europe was backwater, all this before the U.S even existed. So in a thousand years in the future what has the U.S, achieved, you see what stupid two bit racist question that is.


Yup, i forgot about that moon base they built

Oh and that big Persian temple on Mars

America is the worlds biggest economy, what more can i say?

Only come back Mike, step away from the abyss, the propaganda has obviously rotted your brain


Economy based on crooked finance great accomplishment you are history’s greatest crooks, a psycho like who has done his fair share of ripping people off would approve. I just listed the actual historical accomplishments the Persians have done, yet you pathetically blow me off with BS, about me saying they built bases in the moon or temples in Mars, so much for facts there scumbag.

Also you haven’t built any bases in the moon you can’t even get to orbit and you should be thanking Putin for sending your astronauts to the ISS, next time you celebrate sending a Tesla in to space.


Well actually we should thank Baikonur which is in Kazakhstan its from there that rockets are launched

Apparently the Russians don’t like the high rent they have to pay so decided to build their own facilities, however being Russian their own project is about ten years late due to our old friend Mr corruption


Oh cheap excuse your going on decade and you cant put anybody in orbit keep making cheap excuse you stupid American Nazi.


Facts dear boy


Well its a fact that you cant put astronauts in orbit, sorry but that’s the truth psycho.


It’d be an expensive thing to do, but it’s a shame we cant launch you into space

Preferably without a space suit!


Oh now you want me dead triggered you psycho, typical big talk from hot air Americans.

Shlomo Shekelstein

This ‘bob’ here said he’s not american, he is just some indoctrinated slave bitch who worships his masters and spam diarrhea from his filthy mouth for a few shekels per day.

Ricky Miller

The Russian rockets are made in Russia, then moved to Kazakhstan. All the operations are Russian. You’re little bait and switch is just stupid. Or, to prove your point you should call the Kazak Space Agency and ask about their prices for a trip to orbit? Or about rocket engines to help American cargo rockets take off.


Oh and to further show you racist allegiance, that friend of yours Puddy Zion has in the past made statements about killing women i and children in Palestine, so there is you text book psychotic racist that you buddies with. Yeah those facts speak for themselves you deluded scumbag.


No but what have the Persian/ Iranians done in the last hundred years?


They have done enough in the last several thousand years that having bad century is not going to mar what they have done as civilization. Let’s see what your mockery of civilization will be doing 2500 in future if it even exits by that time. Nice try with that one NAZI.

Shlomo Shekelstein

What they didn’t ‘achieve’ is to plunder and destroy half of the world like those criminal degenerates from WashingtonDC that you serve and worship so much. You lame, clueless, servile, utterly pathetic piece of shit. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ENbFdgBWkAAlp7H.jpg


canbadian iranians. yesterday i put in one comment the list of passengers.


Most, if not all of the ‘Canadians’ have Iranian names.


And ………… none other than Ukraine is involved in anther civilian aircraft flying into a war zone. I have seen this movie before. It sucks for the families of the deceased and I feel for them. I do not feel for the people in charge who had the audacity to allow this incident to develop in the first place; namely the airline and the flight planners.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

It’s almost as if this was set-up. Pilot gone rogue, why did he take off and fly as if everything was normal (no missiles flying to US air base just hours prior). Was he put up to this? Maybe the person who shot it down was instructed to do so by some party to tip the balance in their favor (away from Iran)?


He was VERY badly informed about the real danger… Like he was “put up to do” that almost. I don’t think that who shot it down…that was deliberate…

But than why airplane was taken for cruise missile if it was coming from Teheran direction?


The way I have seen things go down, is that even to this day, accidents happen. The Iranians admitted it. They are putting it under the bridge. Having done that, There is nothing anybody else can do. Within days or weeks, something much more serious will come down the pike. Any prolonged mouthing off, by the people who brought you Agent Orange, is not going matter.

War is very nasty stuff. That is why it is far better not to get anywhere near it. Always, always, people not involved in the decisions and direct actions are killed. The US Navy shot down an Iranian airliner in the gulf, with almost twice as many passengers and what did that amount to …….. an oooops, my bad. My take Burt.


and start with the murder of general soleimani to get the sequence right – the death of those 176 persons on board lies firmly at the feet of trump, pompeo and the rest of the corrupt criminals in washington dc.

Gary Sellars

These rats get to vote like everyone else. If they are an insignificant fraction of the electorate and not representative of the general public mood, thats hardly a concern for the gov. :-D

Assad must stay

Iran will get through this and will not let foreign forces take it down, and will do the right things in regard to the airliner crash. Iran always be victorious, they have God as their mightiest defender.


So, the protests turn back. The days of ayatollahs are counted….

The sum of the last days:

USA killed 1 iranian general and several officers.

In the response Iran did not kill anybody.

During funeral ceremony died 50+ iranians.

The iranian AD shot down plane with 160+ homeland or abroad iranians.

so, 0 : 200+

the iranians can think that allah likes america and not the mullahs. :O


USS Vincennes shooting down flight 655 with 290 aboard. And medals rewarded by US to officers on ship! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6846ea60562bd674708754bcbcfbd9a6bad1b4c6f8dc3e150b45f8c0eb092e4e.jpg

Daily Beatings

“I will never apologize for the United States — I don’t care what the facts are… I’m not an apologize-for-America kind of guy.” – George HW Bush


In the light of the latest admissions coming from the Iranian Gov the case is closed, never the less there are some few questions stil remaining, ifs and buts but they are never the less, not irrelevant per-see, but not vitale, and some people really dont understand the situation, regarding the chain of comand and the way this batterys are de-centralized, etc, to flight recongition systems, and the fact that Iran had just kicked the Imperial banana republic in their nutts and hard to, exposed things we couldnt belive and the level of defence, if any, to the Yankikes in Iraq, and expected an all out massive attack where even I was dead certain it was to come, the Iranians did it to, the surpirce is that it didnt materialise and of course that made the armed forces jumpy.

But to blame the officer in comand is not the issue, when the chain was down, the issue becomes more an Iranians one since somebody didnt do their plight, they have to be more synckonised and/or find ways of engagements that is more secure for the comoners when this kind of misstakes is more lightly to happen, but again, this was an chain of comand issue more than anything, and then we have the glouthers, as the saying goes, there is only one true scientific narrative and thats hidsight, and then we have those in the western aka 5 eyes that dont waist time in this tragic event to boulster further issues, but to me, the case is closed, Iran screwed it up, admitted it, and cant do anything more than apoligize and compensate where and to whom its obliged to do.

The political whores in the west, like the Canucks is more like voultures howering over this to make some cheep points and drools something about what else, is there more, deliberate ugh…., of course, if not, the plain would never have been downed, but again, the Iranians have admitted just that, and we can always be pissed but its to late, it was an misstake, there is not much more to debate other then to create meaningless spinnoffs to get some personal political points witch are totally irrelevant.

Its more like flodding an dead horse, you can continue beating ad infinitum but you wount get any more answers, all thoe I have some few questions, but they can wait, until we are presented more acurate informations.

Then we have Iranians them selfs, of cource the sactions have bitten and stil bites, for years, and that makes it hard to be an Iranian, and I understands the youths fustration, but again, this reality is been imposed upon you, never forget that, and in this situation, the grass looks always greener on the other side, and to me, it shows an ignorance of the rest of the world, and I dont think they are aware of what world we live in, and to base everything on materialism, is an dead end street, mentaly and physically. But then again, I hope the rulers, can and will take the anger and make corrections in their policys, regarding society and their to me a but to much focus on stickt morality as a something that have to be, and loosens the grip a bitt. I have even spoken to an Zoroastrian (one of the few genuine Iranians I have meet, a nice man), but my personal knowledge about Iran is limmited, close to nothing, but I have never the less an deepfelt respect and thru your history you have shown to be an highly intellectual people, and persistent, dont loose that, if you do, Iran will die, like my homeland have and is going thru as we speak due to the same imposed reality thru corruption and wars, etc to an economic policy witch is stangling us all, for the benefit of an elite.

Again, I usually dont bother to dive to deep into issues I usually only get second hand info about unless I go there my self, and/or talks to people from Iran, and certanly not Yankikes, since their perseption of the world is even bonkers acording to most of the europeans, they even wanted to bomb Sweden because of an violent ASSApe whom got arrested, yeah, beat that an Sweden where 2/3 of the native women are afraid of going outside their homes because of violence, did you know that, while you have dreams of an reality witch dont exsist, and stop watching TV, like Norwegians thinks americans looks like the people in Baywatch and thinks Star Wars are documentarys.

Again I must underline this, this isnt over, dont even think like that, we are dealing with the most muderous, evil and corrupt empire humanity have witnessed, millions killed, more millions wounder, even more millions displaced, ruined nations after nations all over the globe, and their dream of full specturm dominance will never end, until we do something about that, and now, they have paused, but never think they will stop, since they are people whom is depirved of trust and morale. Like the, we steal, lie and cheat Pompeous and while we are at it, why dont we talk about ISIS, the UssA Gov storm troops, even Insane MCain was pictured with them, and yet the Yankikes denies that, incl the White Helmet scums and now they are happy since their man in the WH Trumpstein wacked QS and ISIS is now celibrating, because the UssA have been their airforce for years, killing Iraqis and Syrians whom fight them.

Dunka, dunka (the sound of my headbanging the table)



That’s a lot of nothing in comparison to the US blowing up the top Islamist Iranian general and lots of other top Islamist officials at the cost of a few empty hungers and no casualties. And the only blood the Murdering Mullahs get is some 50 Iranians killed in a funereal stampede and the downing of an airliner killing mostly Iranian students.


Korean Air Lines Flight 007 was shot by a Russia Su-15 on 1 September 1983. All 269 passengers and crew aboard were killed.

Iran Air Flight 655 was shot down on 3 July 1988 by an SM-2MR surface-to-air missile fired from USS Vincennes, a guided-missile cruiser of the United States Navy. All 290 people on board were killed.

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) was a scheduled passenger flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur that was shot down on 17 July 2014 while flying over eastern Ukraine. All 283 passengers and 15 crew were killed.

Ukrainian passenger jet was shot down by Iran human error, killing all 176 people on board.


Seems masses of Iranian people care about their own leaders killing mostly other Iranian students, women and children. Those other disasters are not much on their minds. The best solution would be for the Iranian people to oust the Murdering Mullahs.

Shlomo Shekelstein

Retarded american mutants know everything about Iran, except to find it on the map lol


A new poll by Morning Consult and Politico showed that 77 percent of registered voters could not accurately locate Iran on a world map.



All the Islamist Iranians need to care about is can the US and Israeli missiles and planes find Iran if need be. Try to focus.


all us anti joke321 need to concentrate is on the singly most important issue and that us to have the illegal occupation of palestine by the squatters brought to an end – either they leave voluntarily of the’ll be dried wet stains in the palestinian sand, soon to disappear and thus never to be heard from again.

and joke 321 can be left flailing in the air, no traction and no future.


the kal flight 007 had a faulty gyro compass and had strayed well into soviet airspace which also was restricted as a military sensitive area.

J Roderet

The CIA/NED/Soros have deployed their minions into the streets yet again. This passenger plane never would have been mistakenly shot down had it not been for all the decades of Washington’s and the Zionist regime’s illegal wars, coups and meddling in the region. Honest protesters protest against that.

Shlomo Shekelstein

5th column.

Zionism = EVIL

Not really, the illiterate mullahs interfere in military ops and the IRGC “officers” are mostly village religious peasants with no idea how to run a complex AD operation and integration with civilian air traffic. Even the most primitive African nation would have closed the airspace if missiles were flying, albeit they did warn their Americunt masters 6 hours in advance so that no loss of life takes place, but killed their own people..


I agree for the “closed airspace” 100%. It was mistake. The rest I can’t comment since I don’t know those “officers” things in Iran. But also I still think it was 5th column. The CIA, MI6, Soros NED,type of demonstration.

Shlomo Shekelstein

Yep. Soleimani in Baghdad was another mistake. When you fight against ‘The Great Satan’ you cannot afford so many mistakes.


Well that is delicate. Soleimani in Baghdad was VERY BRAVE man, soldier who didn’t care. So somebody else should have cared for him and protect him better. Technically speaking it was not “mistake” but DELIBERATE taking of risque by Solemani. I agree with your conclusion.


you are one whining bastard, aren’t you.


5th column + friends & relatives of killed 5th column uses grief of some.. to their advantage….as simple as that.


just 1 death = brings more death ( tenth of death due to stampede and hundreds in aircraft shotdown and not even 1 enemy suffer casualties. how ironic.


“not even 1 enemy suffer casualties”

we don’t know that for sure do we?


Shame on you, Shame on you.. shame on the protestors at this time of hardship!!! Should be in the gulags for such sadistic behaviour.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Absolutely! I despise these types of people, reminds me of the Left here in the USA.


Agree with both of you, except for those who got somebody from airplane killed… as friend or member of the family. They can’t be blamed… I would be angry as well in their place. Of course 5th column uses that in their advantage.


What hardship Mr. Mullah Bot? Hardship itself is created by the corruption.


sure the hardship is caused by the disunited states of A (national debt 23000 billions) and the sanctions regime the greatest threat to world peace, trump, is behind. without that and without israel middle east would be a blissful and peaceful heaven on earth.

still awaiting the 80m$ bounty on trump’s head to work its miracle and that we soon will see trump on lit de parade, and melania setting off into the sunset counting the dosh.

AM Hants

Allegedly the UK Ambassador to Iran, was arrested for stirring up trouble and protests in Iran. For some reason the UK complained, but, since when was it the duty of Ambassadors to stir up unrest in the nation that is hosting them?

So NED. How many Ambassadors, besides Victoria Nuland and Anne Applebaum sit on the board of directors of the Government funded NGO, known as the NED? Don’t they work in parallet with Soros Open Society Foundation and specialise in regime change programmes?


more or less what happened in Syria in 2011 when the disunited states of A lodged a protest with syria’s foeign office after the american ambassador was hounded by a street mob (so they said) coming back from a meting with opposition leaders in syria. soon thereafter the whole thing set of and continues to this day (although I suspect we’ll see the end of the war in 2020 and the american meddling come to naught).

also remember the american consular worker (cia of course) being photographed in hong kong with some of the leaders of the demonstrations. maybe time for China start requiring visa for entrance to hong kong.

AM Hants

The standard Soros/NED script and of course, make sure they spend plenty on media disinformation agents, to flock to the comments sections of the media, where you can still post comments.


Use these groups to build a “home” for the development of leaders / followers and allow the movement of money. The people involved in these foundations and nonprofit organizations work to slowly infiltrate the government, working simultaneously in the government and for the foundations. That creates a shadow government structure in which individuals are a kind of double agents loyal to both their government position and Soros groups.


Use these foundations established in step 1 to steadily gain control of media companies and personalities of those media. That provides influence on the general population and helps to frame the necessary narratives in the future. The primary objective of controlling the means is to be able to FORMULATE AND PROVIDE NARRATIVES.


In this process, the objective is not so much to weaken the government but rather to weaken the government structures. The objective of this process is to make people doubt the credibility of government structures. This tends to include doubt about the credibility of law enforcement, the credibility of the rulers, and the credibility of the electoral process.


The cause or atmosphere of the crisis does not matter. All that matters is that the core of democracy, the credibility of the voting process, be questioned to the point of anger and frustration.


An electoral crisis leads directly to protests that increase until finally the government responds with force and with a change in the state of affairs.



Ambassador Macaire had been attending a vigil for the victims of the crash (much as you may do) and was arresting while returning to the embassy – a flagrant violation of international law.


Well Aaron neither US or Israel respect international law. How many UN resolutions against Israel now.


There we have it. There is no law.


if it’s out of the mouth of a perfide albion I guess I would take that with a pinch or two of salt. most likely there to incite violence and disappear before that actually erupted.


Yes, because everyone knows that no protest takes place inside the borders of any nation which competes with The U.S.. It’s just unheard of.


National Endowment for Destabilisation.

AM Hants

Perfect description


If I were Iranian and if I was opposed to the current regime, I would not want to demonstrate at this time when the general was butchered by the Americans, at a time when millions poured to the streets sobbing. At a time when the threats against Iran are announced on a daily basis. And if I were part of the opposition, the only way the US govt will like the opposition is if the opposition will be too friendly to the Western regimes, meaning, letting them exploit Iranian natural resources.

Zionism = EVIL

I am sorry to say that the average Iranian is at a breaking point with the corrupt mullahs and very violent overthrow will come if the mullahs don’t hand over power to an interim care-taker government of secular moderates like Bani Sadr perhaps. The lies, cowardice and deceit of the thieving Akhood scum is no longer acceptable. The missile chicken show and the downing of the Ukrainian airliner was the last straw. If they don’t go voluntarily a blood soaked civil is coming.

Mustafa Mehmet

Yes Mr Mulla you very right.


5th column taking advantage of grief of the victims (relatives, friends of the killed) for their own objectives

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