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MARCH 2025

‘Mass Stabbing’ At Jewish Hannukah Celebration In New York, At Least 5 Injured

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

At least 5 people have been stabbed after a black male entered Rabbi Rottenburg’s Shul, located in the Forshay neighborhood in Monsey, New York, and pulled out a machete.

'Mass Stabbing' At Jewish Hannukah Celebration In New York, At Least 5 Injured

Notably, today is the last day of Hannukah.

'Mass Stabbing' At Jewish Hannukah Celebration In New York, At Least 5 Injured

As VosIzNeias.com reports, the alleged assailant pulled off the cover and stabbed at least 5 people. One of the victims was stabbed in the chest. Two of the victims of the attack were taken into hospital as critical.

One of the victims was stabbed at least 6 times.

The fifth/least severe case had a cut in his hand.

The perpetrator then ran out and escaped in a vehicle. His plates were spotted before he left (HPT-5757 per the person who saw it and we confirmed it with him directly – a Gray Nissan Sentra), and the police are currently searching for him.

Videos of the stabbing attack began disseminating on social media.

Motti Seligson, director of media for Chabad.org, told The Jerusalem Post that the congregants, Hassidim, were gathered for a Hanukkah party and confirmed the preliminary details of the event.

The Orthodox Jewish Public Affairs Council said five people, all Hasidic, were transported to local hospitals with stab wounds.

OJPAC also noted that “the perp’s face was partially covered with a scarf but skin showed him to be an African American.”

New York Attorney General Letitia James tweeted support for the Jewish community shortly after the reported attack.

“There is zero tolerance for acts of hate of any kind and we will continue to monitor this horrific situation,” the tweet read in part.

“We are closely monitoring the reports of multiple people stabbed at a synagogue in Monsey, NY (Rockland County),” a representative of the New York City Police Department Counterterrorism Bureau tweeted.

Hatzalah emergency response team is on scene and victims have been transferred to the hospital.

As JPost.com notes, this is the second stabbing attack in Monsey in the last two months.

In November, a man jumped out of his car in stabbed a father on his way to synagogue, gauging his eye.

In the last week, a spate of antisemitic crimes has swept the city.

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‘Mass shootings of unarmed Palestinians, including medics and young children, in Gaza by the Israeli Defence Forces every Friday for several years now.’

Whoops, sorry, wrong thread :)

Marcus Porcius Cato

Ceterum censeo Israelinem esse delendam.

Karen Bartlett

This is how Zionism causes Anti-Semitism. People equate all Jews with Zionism. It is simply not true that all Jews are Zionists. Many are not, and in fact support Palestinians while regarding Israel as a terrorist State.


As OUR old saying goes…When there are two Jews, there will be three opinions. Almost all Jews who support the Palestinians as you do are secular and they think the ultra-Orthodox are looney toons. Try to get the basics correct.


Ita, Israel, igne comburetis.

Karen Bartlett

Well, Florian, these are not Zionists or Israel-supporters who were stabbed.


They don’t want to be “educated” or hear the truth.

Ultra-Orthodox Jews are against Zionism and existence of Israel. Simply because for them this Israel is false; “man maid” and not created by Messiah personally after his arrival . They believe in Jewish Messiah arrival on Old Testament prophecies. ( Simply because they have dismissed the Christ ). They believe Messiah is suppose to create New Israel not UK or Zionists.

They also reject serving in Israeli army or to take the weapons.

Karen Bartlett

Yes. Ok, they reject Jesus Christ as the Messiah. It doesn’t mean God doesn’t love them. They are waiting for the Messiah, i.e. they have faith that Messiah will come. The bible says all will recognize Him when He returns. Personally I believe the Ultra-Orthodox Jews will be the “remnant” of Jews who will be saved.


You got me ALL wrong girl. They are my brothers and sisters! “Since those who believe in Father believe in Son also. And those who accept Father they will accept the Son” Brothers and sisters in God the Father.

Karen Bartlett

Thank you for saying this! That’s a burden lifted from my heart.


I am starting to sincerely respect you for standing for the Truth. Those who speak the Truth stand with Christ and are children of the Light. And those who oppose the Truth will stay in darkness.

Karen Bartlett

I try to inform myself the best I can. Some people are merely uninformed. (We are fed so much propaganda in the US). But some people are full of hate and don’t seem to mind what damage this hatred will do to their own soul.We must stand for the Truth of God, because the “[Holy Spirit] will guide you into all truth”, Hatred is not part of that truth- God is Love.


Amen to that. Only “hatred” that should exist is hatred of everything that comes from evil.

Karen Bartlett

Amen. Teach us Your way, Lord. (I think you are Orthodox.)


Yes sister I am, proud Slavic Orthodox.


I am not religious, yet I agree with your principals 100%.


Being religious or not, that is not the most important. The most important thing in life in my opinion is that one is good person. Person with good heart. If one is not good person one can pray or pretend to “believe” as much as one wants that doesn’t change much.


Since that is NOT written in the Old Testament, NO Ultra-Orthodox Jews of any persuasion believe that. There is NO Son. But yes, we all are God’s children.


Only a very small fringe group of Ultra Orthodox are as extreme as you claim. The folk attacked in NY are Chabad. While they didn’t support the creation of the secular state of Israel, they sure support Israel today. And those in Israel are increasingly joining the IDF. Try to keep up.


Wrong as usual. These folk maybe ideologically non-Zionist politically, but they sure support Israel as Eretz Israel and a refuge for Jews. And they are not the very tiny looney toon ultra-Orthodox group who actively support the Palestinians. Actually, overwhelmingly, the Jews who do that are secular. Try to get the basic correct before spouting your fallacies.

Fleecing Rabbi

Zionist scum are enemies of humanity, especially Goyim and hide behind lardass dumbass brainwashed US trailer trash to destroy the world. They are setting out to make sure that the world hates all the Jews again for their greed, evil and sheer capacity to do the devils work. Epstein, Nethanyahu, Weinstein, Madoff et.al are just the few repulsive faces of Zionist evil and worst of the Jew cabal.

Saso Mange

Well said Mr.


And here I was thinking how hard it is to stab someone with a machete.


I have a military machete by my bed, and its definately a slashing weapon. :)

Its a stab in the dark to suggest anything else, I agree.

Hasbara Hunter

Custer had it comin’


I didn’t know Custer was an Islamist Hamas Palestinian. Thanks for the info…

Hasbara Hunter

He was an AngloZioNazi….


Funnily enough, that’s exactly what the Bandera thugs did in the Ukraine oblast during the late 30’s and 40’s, and again during the current troubles in Ukraine. With the modern addition of spraying builders foam filler in the vaginas of ethnic Russian female prisoners.

The ASOV battalion did this in Mariupol.


You were there, Igor? Or just another of your Vodka induced delusional wet dreams?


Damn, he does sound like one of your Islamist friends. Palestinian Hamas is the ideological twin of ISIS.

Hasbara Hunter

You are one Dumb Fuckn Cunt…and a Deceiving…Distracting…Lying Don of a ZioNazi Bitch…ISIS is the MOSSAD & CIA…Your Master SatanYahoo loves ISIS…here check this shit…

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/26bf92c2a572c64d81f7d4295db845caf0b2a1829afb7d9b7a8ead296e3f4944.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0dbf79706fd6ef75b7c410c074998d5858942f654189ee70a4f9b4c8d583f307.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ba614364eeb356c0bf6a0cbc4cfade623cc35ce5c5ec09211eb9981557ba10be.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dcb15970b96b891eb78b6c7597d801cd3dca2a5d3a1381d9875cd49a96afa2df.jpg

Hasbara Hunter

Happy Chanoeka….

Karen Bartlett

Beneath you, sir.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Absolutely no way now Trump could refuse to be part of an Israeli aggression against Iran now.

Karen Bartlett

Trump will probably ignore this because these were not Zionist friends of his.


Exactly! Orthodox Jews are of little influence in Israel let alone in US.

Karen Bartlett

That’s ok. It will all be known in the final analysis.


Depends which ones you’re talking about. Ivanka is Orthodox. The swing political parties in Israel are Orthodox. Try to get the basics correct before spouting your ignorance along with your arrogant ignorant buddy, Karen.

Monte George

I read somewhere that the Kushners are of the Chabad (Lubavich) persuasion. Do you have other info on this?


Yes and no. They belong to an Orthodox congregation whose Rabbi is Chabad and they and their families have generously supported Chabad institutions and activities. But they sure don’t practice the austerity or ware the gob associated with the Chabad movement, etc.


You’re ignorantly wrong as usual. Go check the Israeli news sites, including the Right-Wing ones, and especially note the statements of the Israeli Prez and Bibi. As an aside, you should check out the view of that small minority of extreme Orthodox on what should be done with your beloved Palestinians. Oh, and what the area of an all Jewish Eretz Israel should be under God’s law and promise.


Videos of the stabbing attack began disseminating on social media.

It’s good to have, and use, video equipment in situations such as this. It would have been even better if someone had a firearm ready at hand to send the attacker into the next world.


Can not have guns in liberal/Bolshevik New York state anymore. Not kosher to be seen a pro gun enthusiast. You just have to be a defenseless victim the way the Bolsheviks want you to be and ready to die in the name of the multiculturalism.

Marcus Porcius Cato

And not to worry. The perpetrator was extremely careful to keep the number of of his targets tightly within the annualized Jewish percentage of aggravated assault victims. This was therefore highly commendable in its multicultural and proportional constraint.

Karen Bartlett

Sir, Ultra-Orthodox Jews weren’t involved in the Bolshevik revolution. Only atheistic or non-religious Jews were Bolsheviks.

Marcus Porcius Cato

We have no doubt that your tribe will quickly create an exemption from gun control laws. After all, why shouldn’t you be allowed to turn New York into the West Bank?

Karen Bartlett

Ultra-Orthodox Jews such as Hasidim don’t believe in violence.

Patrick McVeigh

youre are fucking delusional. They dont do violence because they are cowards but have no problems having others do the violence for them. you’re a stupid goyhim. in nyc area these hasidic fuck little boys and hire hitmen all the time. its like amish who hire the “English ” to drive them around. The hasidic being the sick fucks they are think they are still holy if they let others do the murdering for them


Damn, take your meds already!


It wasn’t a stabbing attack, it was a circumcision gone wrong.

Marcus Porcius Cato

Will someone find his passport and documentation of his poor performance at the Upper East Side Mohel Shul for Superior Circumcision?

Karen Bartlett

Lord have mercy. Did not see this on the “news”, probably because they’re not reporting it. Hasidic Jews are Anti-Zionist, by the way. All Ultra-Orthodox Jews who follow their religion are Anti-Zionist because the old Rabbis at the time the State of Israel was founded were against Zionism. It goes against the prophecies that Israel would be established only AFTER the Messiah comes (returns). It is forbidden under the Torah for a national state “for Jews” to be established by military means. Actual religious Jews accept their exile as punishment from God and depend on Him only to establish Israel. https://youtu.be/lm6_HU60usA?t=72 and https://youtu.be/B6vQSJmXNQY?t=3 There are lots of videos about Anti-Zionist Jews on YouTube. They are from Jews who actually follow Judaism. Look up Rabbi David Weiss, Rabbi David Feldman (Naturei Katura) and Rabbi Yakov Shapiro (True Torah Jews).

Lord have mercy. I pray the five victims will recover. Lord comfort their families.


Everything truth. Thank you for speaking the truth KB ! God bless you girl.

Karen Bartlett

Thank you, and God bless you, too.


Most all Orthodox Jews, as most all Jews support Israel as the Jewish National Homeland, the same as most folk with Irish ancestors support the Republic of Ireland as the Irish National Homeland. The Jews attacked were not of the very small minority who hold the views you state. And it’s ripe if you to wish them well since you constantly wish the Jewish State I’ll and seem to support most all the vile anti-Semites in this site.


It could well be a zionist funded False Flag attack I suppose. It wouldn’t be the first.


Anything is possible. It’s even possible that you aren’t a raving looney toon.


So, a black supremicist did that?


Seems that way. Looks like Farrahkan and Putz Putin get their way again.

Azriel Herskowitz

More antisemitism proving that it is on the rise. The people on this website fuel this antisemitic behavior.

Karen Bartlett

Actually, Zionism fuels Anti-Semitism because people blame all Jews for Zionism, when many Jews are opposed to Zionism.


He is Zionist.


Any excuse for anti-Semitism it seems.


You are a valid reason for it, Jake.


Thanks for proving my point.

Patrick McVeigh

youre fucking delusional. 99% of jews are zionist. quit your bullshit. being jewish is like being a trump supporter , both are cults.


Now that is quite the contradictory gobbledygook. Not 99% but most all Jews are Zionist as most all Irish are Irish Republicans. And nothing cult-like at all.


Putin made the remarks just days after Warsaw had pushed a resolution in the European Parliament in September over the Soviet Union’s role in the World War. The resolution that was adopted at the parliament claimed that the 1939 non-aggression pact between Moscow and Berlin had “paved the way for the outbreak of the Second World War. ———————————————————————– “The Ambassador in Poland replied, and then wrote it down in his cable to the Polish Foreign Minister: ‘I told Hitler that, if he does, we will erect a magnificent monument to him in Warsaw’,” the President quoted from the archive data, before turning somewhat emotional.

Putin quote; ————— He was a bastard, an anti-Semitic pig, there’s no other way of saying it. He fully agreed with Hitler in his anti-Semitic sentiments and, moreover, promised him he’d erect a monument in Warsaw to his abuse of the Jewish people. […]

“It is these people who negotiated with Hitler back in the day, it is this sort of people that demolish monuments commemorating Red Army soldiers, who liberated European countries and peoples from the Nazis,” the President concluded. “They are their followers.”

Karen Bartlett

I watched that episode of RT News as well. Mr. :Putin is a good Orthodox Christian, not a hater. And he always has all the facts and the history right there as proof of his statements.


Sure. Top officials of the KGB all were such nice Orthodox Christians. And we all know that Putz Putin the Poisoner would never hurt a soul. Cut back in your Vodka ration, Igor. It is pickling your brain.


Well KB you are promoted into “Igor”…


Jew bashing is cover up! It is attempt of removing any responsibility from NAZI’s The true objective and hidden agenda that stands behind all this is, to declare USSR as only “evil” instigator of WW2. They are white washing the NAZI Germany and distorting the history to put all the blame on USSR and Stalin and through them on Orthodox Russia as well ! Because NATO West wants to attack Russia ! NATO = NAZI Just bring it on NATO-NAZI pigs !!!

Karen Bartlett



We don’t want to attack Putz Putin’s Russia, Igor. We just want to bankrupt you so your now thankfully dead Russian Soviet Empire won’t be too lonely in the dustbin of history. After Traitor Trump there will be the Putz to deal with.


I am ready for NAZI pigs like you. All Igors are ready…. There was nothing that I have liked about you personally from the 1st comment that I saw. And I wasn’t wrong. German NAZI army was the best army ever, yet they were ruining away like rabbits from Russians so will you also. Bring it on. We will eat you alive!


Bring on what, Igor? The only Russians I see are those by the thousands getting out of Russia to move to my lovely California. You remaining Putz Putin the Poisoner aficionados will simply be dealt with by bankrupting the RF once Traitor Trump is gone. Stock up on your Vodka. There maybe little left for your ration soon.


i don’t think that the attacker was interested in whether the people were zionists, or ultra-orthodox or semites or not semites. the attacker surely wasn’t anti-semitic because i don’t believe there were any semites in the synagogue. he could have been a mossad setup because bibi is in need of more murikan whatever. or it could be a case of what comes around goes around.


With that piece of silly sophomoric tripe, you should just keep passing on through but faster. And you might want to learn a bit more English. In our language, anti-Semite means anti-Jewish. Check any standard English dictionary.


jackoff123 as stupid as you’ve ever been. the semitic jew in ghettoland is on the lowest rung of society. the khazarians you represent are turkish nomads commonly called israelis. they are the anti-semites.

i could care less what your dictionary tells you.


Not my dictionary but all those of the English language, Igor. Don’t they have any in Moscow? So if you use OUR language, anti-Semite means anti-Jewish, period. And note that most all DNA studies and tests have long debunked the Khazah myth. Try to keep up.


still stupid. you buy that crap like you buy matzoh. so here is your everyday european-spawned non-semitic being that is a jew by proper birth. he has been relabled a semite. and it’s in all the dictionaries so it must be true. lol his roots are in the turkish nomadic peoples but no he is a semite. his roots are in centuries of german tradition or whatever. there is no multi-culty here.

no he stands naked before one as a semite. and wonders why people don’t see him as part of their society. he knows he is not a semite but he is told he is. tell me how intelligent that is. tell me how your own people are not bending your mind.

i’ve never heard of anything so stupid. and everybody sucks it up. how pitiful, how tragic. how stupid. if you are proud to be a semite, jackoff123, have at it, you idiot.


your non-khazarian myth is total BS. try to keep up.

“The newest DNA science finding is from Dr. Eran Elhaik (“a Jew”) and associates at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. In research accepted December 5, 2012 and published by the Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, it was found that the “Khazarian Hypothesis” is scientifically correct.

What exactly is the “Khazarian Hypothesis?” Simply stated, it holds that the Jewry genome is a mosaic of ancestries which rise primarily out of the Khazars.

Jews are Khazars, not Israelites.

The “Jews” of America, Europe, and Israel are descendants not of Father Abraham but of King Bulan and the people of ancient Khazaria. Khazaria was an amalgam of Turkic clans who once lived in the Caucasus (Southern Russia) in the early centuries CE. These Turkic peoples were pagans who converted to Judaism in the eighth century. As converts, they called themselves “Jews,” but none of their blood comes from Israel.

Geneticists report that less than 2% of “Jews” living in Israel are actually Israelites. Later, the “Jews” (Khazars) emigrated, settling in Russia, Hungary,

Poland, Germany, and elsewhere in Europe. As “Jews,” the Khazars then

left the European nations in 1948 and settled the fledgling, new nation of Israel.

The people of Israel are not the seed, nor the ancestors, of Abraham. They call themselves “Jews,” but in fact, DNA science shows them to be Khazars. They say they are “Jew,” but they are not.

“There are no blood or family connections among the Jews,” said Dr. Elhaik in an interview with Haaretz, Israel’s daily newspaper. “The various groups of Jews in the world today do not share a common genetic origin. Their genome is largely Khazar.”



Guess Putz Putin the Poisoner’s investment in anti-Semitism and creating Black/Jewish conflict in US is paying off. However, when Traitor Trump is gone there will be payback and hopefully the Putz’s RF will be made to go the way of the Glorious Russian Soviet Empire.


Jake, its high time you did the right thing and immolate yourself quietly. You could even be in the history books one day :)


You first, then I’ll think about it. In the meantime, the US has just blown up several of your Islamist friends’ sites in Iraq and Syria. Lots more Iranians on the way home in body bags, well, what’s left of then.


long before that israel will be a memory in the world and the squatters wet stains in the desert or pushing up daisies, israel and the israelis deserve no mercy when it comes to the final days of israel!

Tommy Jensen

Black refused a new loan.




somehow, I can’t say I’m sorry to hear of things like this since I think they have earned it directly or indirectly and as the saying goes – what goes around comes around!

there is a saying in Poland which goes something like this – the jews always tell you what they have endured and suffered but they never tell you why,

The Farney Fontenoy

Anton ‘Tony’ Wallace, was a black man who was 1 of 2 people shot dead by a white dude in a church in Texas yesterday, any other day this would be international news-but barely anyone is talking about it, remember black man; you might rank above the white man, but if the white man is also a jew, you will always come second.

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