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MARCH 2025

Massacre In Syria: Israeli Airstrikes Leave Entire Family Dead (Photos)

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The recent Israeli airstrikes on Syria’s Hama have claimed the lives of an entire family, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported on January 22.

The airstrikes, which took place in the early morning, were launched from the skies of the northern Lebanese province of Tripoli. Israeli warplanes fired several missiles at targets in Hama. The Syrian military said that most of the hostile missiles were intercepted.

Nevertheless, at least one of the Israeli missiles hit the heavily populated district of Kazo in the western outskirts of Hama city.

“The Israeli air aggression that targeted Hama governorate at dawn today resulted in the death of a family of a father, mother and two children, and the wounding of four others, including a woman, two children and an elderly woman,” the SANA said in a press release.

According to the state-run agency, three houses were also destroyed as a result of the Israeli airstrikes. Meanwhile, local sources in Hama revealed that the victims were all internally displaced civilians.

Massacre In Syria: Israeli Airstrikes Leave Entire Family Dead (Photos)

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Massacre In Syria: Israeli Airstrikes Leave Entire Family Dead (Photos)

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Massacre In Syria: Israeli Airstrikes Leave Entire Family Dead (Photos)

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Massacre In Syria: Israeli Airstrikes Leave Entire Family Dead (Photos)

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Massacre In Syria: Israeli Airstrikes Leave Entire Family Dead (Photos)

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Massacre In Syria: Israeli Airstrikes Leave Entire Family Dead (Photos)

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Massacre In Syria: Israeli Airstrikes Leave Entire Family Dead (Photos)

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Massacre In Syria: Israeli Airstrikes Leave Entire Family Dead (Photos)

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Massacre In Syria: Israeli Airstrikes Leave Entire Family Dead (Photos)

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Massacre In Syria: Israeli Airstrikes Leave Entire Family Dead (Photos)

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Massacre In Syria: Israeli Airstrikes Leave Entire Family Dead (Photos)

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Massacre In Syria: Israeli Airstrikes Leave Entire Family Dead (Photos)

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Massacre In Syria: Israeli Airstrikes Leave Entire Family Dead (Photos)

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Massacre In Syria: Israeli Airstrikes Leave Entire Family Dead (Photos)

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Massacre In Syria: Israeli Airstrikes Leave Entire Family Dead (Photos)

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The Israeli Defense Forces, which rarely announces its attacks on Syria, has not commented on the matter yet. Tel Aviv usually ignores reports of civilian casualties.

The main target of the Israeli airstrikes on Hama is yet to be identified. On December 25, a series of Israeli strikes hit a large Syrian military research center in the western countryside of the generate.


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millions more of innocent will die if evil in men continues!


Zionism is the worst type of evil and needs to be eradicated before some semblance of humanity can be restored.


fine and let us examine our self also, this is a christian quote

Ashok Varma

Yes you should as Christians are even more cowardly and have killed millions. Just ask us Indians. The pig Churchill caused a famine that killed 10 million Indians during WW2 as our grain and rice fed the British imperialist racist swine.


You wouldn’t have electricity now if whites didn’t exist.

Fog of War

They did have Prana though. Which is much more useful.

Jens Holm

More then 90% are muslims killing muslims. For a start all those could go home sit on their hands or drink tea. It could be done today.

Your “Churchill killing” is right here.


But facts like that of course dont bother someone like You. Did You ancisters speak japanese or what:

Jens Holm

Dont offend the pigs.


i didn’t knew Churchill was Jesus

Jens Holm

I agree. We do much better with many things here in sekular Denmark, but we have to remember to clean, trow old stuff out and renew too.

Syria dont have that system at all.

Jens Holm

I dont think zionist are the worst. A minimum might be AMONG the worst kind.

There is not a single sign for people like You can restore anything. Often thats not even possible. You devellop nothing or to the worse.

I have lined it up many times as well as I didnt invent, whats it all about. It even to be found on Youtubes. UN has it.


Zionism is one if the political faction of the jews, like hassidians, maccabees, pharisee from the bible but it’s not as bad as Marxism.


Marxism was toxic and a Jew creation. Who do you think Karl Marx was? only the dumbed Russian serfs could fall for it.

Jens Holm

I will remind You Jews has develloped many things, because they from birth are raised as developpers.

It was the ultimative weapon against liberalisme, kapitalisme and fx Tzarisme in Europe fx as many years before by Adam Smidt, where it was a good things most people was poor, so they worked for almost nothing and You should not care.

Of course it was toxic. The wrong people took it and by that it was out of hand for the people, which had its needs.

Most people seemes to know Karl Marx better then You – And Engels, which made it possible and Stalinisme. HOW THE FLOOCK CAN YOU INSINUATE HE SUPPORT SOMETHING LIKE THAT

He wrote most jews are not zionists at all and You seemes not even allowed to know that.


Well, they suffered a lot for their decision.

Jens Holm

Thats right. People like Assads should have been removed many years ago.


When will the Axis or Resistance respond to these evil vermin?


Russia is also liable as they protect the Zionists. This is deliberate terrorism against civilians. Zionist scum need to be hit whatever the costs.

Jens Holm

You still dont get Russians and Americans has been in the same permanent positions in decades and accept it.

My old printer is nin better shape then You.


you troll filth


He has point. Russia is a failed state and corrupt to the core. Navalny is its best hope.


f*** you neo nazi c**t!


Democrat to be exact. Mind your P’s and Q’s.


f*** you neo nazi NATO c**t!


Russia has more Nazis and skinheads than the entire west.


f*** you *hore mother

The Objective

Because Russia refuses to fight your self-made Shiite sectarian wars? You think everyone is so foolish not to understand your entire gameplan. You Shiites militants have always lived like rats throughout history. You constantly hide your identities and true motives to deceive others into trusting you. But your agendas are quite different than what you openly profess. Russia is far more advanced than Iran in terms of intelligence. So, you really thought that you could fool them into fighting your wars?

Just Me

You are a Wahhabi IDIOT licking US ass.

The Objective

And you are a Shiite devil supporting cowards that only know how to murder civilians. For all your bluster, you guys open dodge every single fight with the Israelis even as they assassinate your leaders. Cowards.

Just Me

You are also a liar and predicting Iran’s end for years now. You are a joke.

Emad Irani

cry me a riverrrr idiot

Just Me

This poor idiot is obsessed with Iran.lol




no your not ,your just 4th reicht/soros/pink divison,buttered boy. fake heart piece o craap

The Objective

He’s making no points. Can you tell me the reason that Israel keeps bombing Syria? If you don’t know, then know today that Iran is the cause. It has only to leave Syria for Israel to stay away. Russia is trying to stop this relentless Israeli bombing of Syria, but Iran’s stubborn presence is making Putin’s job much harder. It seems to me that Russia will prefer Turkey to Iran.

Jens Holm

Yes, its a power balance. Its about the same thing for Iraq. Too much Iranian influience makes USA reasons for stay.



Saso Mange

It’s interesting how Western media focus on Navalny who is peripheral shit, he is not relevant in Russia. But they fail to protect Assange.

You have zero right to call anyone to be failed state or corrupt because West is the epicenter of all immorality and corruption in this world. “nicija nije do zore gorila” ;)

erwin vercauteren


Rhodium 10

What can do Russia?..its SAA that is an incompetent army!…we have seen when Turkish retaliate…TB2 drones were flying over Idlib attacking Syrian troops while SAA took 2 days to deploy air defense and one day more to send MIG 29 to Shayrat base in order to protect Aleppo airspace from Drones!


What kind of junk air defence systems does Russia have? Armenia suffered the same fate. NATO can walk to Moscow and Russia could not detect them..

Rhodium 10

NK had old SA-8 which are ineffective vs Drones.. Armenia only sent 1 TORM2 to Martuni…thats system shot down 2 TB2 and 10 Harop….AZ forces only could destroyed it when was hide in a Grain!…that House have been damage as consecuence of Israeli cruise missile intercepted by a Pantsir!…its not problem of Russian air defense,,,it is a problem of crew, training, organization, coordination, profesionalism…SAA lack all that!…

Just Me

Not an expert, but Russian weapons in Arab hands have been a disaster.

Rhodium 10

Every modern tech weapons under hands of Arab armies are useless….do you remember Saudi Ai defense in Aramco?…

Just Me

Arabs have uneducated emotional populations and that is why they have ruled by others. Their golden age was under the Ottomans.


there was no golden age under the ottomans you uneducated imbecile


us weapons more like it.


any weapon arabs are just bad at wageing modern wars dosent matter if they use US Russian or European made weapons they are all the same A.K.A they cant fight for shit.



like that


i am sorry what? No not even close dont blame a weapons perormance or lach their of on how good it is most weapons perform badly cuz of bad operators a good example is the Patriot SAM in S.Arabia.


He is not into reasoning but into trolling and gaining support through badmouthing with no proves. Sleazy slime.

Rhodium 10

Sorry dont try to excuse….we have seen How israel destroy a Pantsir parked in Mezzez while the crew was outside…talking, smoking cigarrets and meanwhile Israel launching airstrikes….we have seen ( many times) how terrorist kill dozens of SAA soldiers who was joined on the top of a roof during battles knowing that terrorist use ATGM…

The Objective

SAA is not at war with Israel. Iran is.

Just Me

WRONG, Syria and Lebanon have technically been in a state of war with Israel since 1948, after the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and the Arab-Israeli war that ensued that year.

Rhodium 10

SAA is not at war vs Israel…are you telling jokes?…there are many Hezbollah& IRGC bases in Lebanon..why Israel dont attack them?…Israel only has a mandate it is to undermine SAA and show Assad as a weak leader!

Fog of War

Syria has been at war with Israhell for decades, get you facts straight.

The Objective

My facts are straight. I know about Syria-Israel wars in the past, and I’m aware of the Golan Heights issue. But these are more of disagreements on the status of the golan heights – whether Israel gets to keep it after annexation or not. But surely, Israel was’t bombing Syria because of that.

Fog of War

No Mr. objective. They are still in an actual, legal, military state of war. That had never stopped, it only halted into a stalemate and ceasefire. Just like in North Korea.

The Objective

You used the word “ceasefire” The question is, since when did this ceasefire come into effect? Has the ceasefire broken then? Why does Syria not retaliate if they are in a state of war? Why do the Israelis always try to avoid hitting the SAA in all their airstrikes?

Your claim is theoretical, not practical. There is NO hot war between Syria and Israel at present. If I’m wrong about this, then enlighten me.

The Objective

Iran takes much of the blame. It’s because of Iran that Israel keeps bombing Syria.

Just Me

Iran has just a few advisors in Syria, Russia has thousands of troops and dozens of aircraft. Get your FACTS right.

Jens Holm

Both are highly incorrect.


so its because of america why we will wipe israel out


clock is ticking



Ashok Varma

This is a clear war crime and sheer spite. Also reflects very poorly on Russia and Iran.


Russia is owned by the Jew oligarchs and Putin is corrupt to the core. His Jew masters have bought him with a $1 billion mansion.




The Objective

It reflects poorly on Iran. While Israel is also brutal on enemy civilians, Iran takes the blame for EVERY Israeli bombing in Syria. Iran should go fight the Israelis as it always threatened. Why is Iran hiding behind Syrian civilians? If you can pick a fight with the Israelis, then you fight it without dragging others in.




Syrians were better off if they joined Turkey, Assad is a disaster and Russia is a weak manipulator of Syria, its last vestige as a foreign base. Iranians are not in a position to assist Syria as their military is very weak and they lack leadership. Syrians are really playing Russian roulette with whatever is left of their country. Russia has a history of defeat and abandonment, Afghanistan and Cuba are vivid and recent examples. In any case, US will be putting Russia in a box soon.



Damien C

Israel doing what Israel does best … Murdering kids


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c780eb78b18dd78dc4d15b43818de5307eef96c49ce9933c8acf908c3a610eb2.jpg Zionist cowardly scum.

Alekai Mordechai

Trump’s parting gifts to Syrians.


US policies and Zionist influence over all corrupt politicians has emboldened the Zionists, they are basically cowards who strut on western support.

Jens Holm

Any corruption map made by any in the whole world, says the ones You support is much more corrupt then fx Israel and USA. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/aef499ef8d5b21da31b52b2f7a654b24de4c4e79504a0b6556716393e71a1092.jpg

Saso Mange

And who made that map? OF course some western apologist.

People of the world knew about bilateral unions well before US and Israel existed. You have zero right whatsoever to preach about humanity. Corruption and lobbies are most lucrative capitalistic export product!

Jens Holm

I actually wrote “Any corruption map”

Yes we know things aabout bilateral. USA fx did its best not to be involved in WW1. It also did its beast not to be involved in WW2.

So the difference now is they support and even run organisations, which is more or less world wide as weell as not isolating themself.

You have no right to deny me to preach for this and that. I just told the main difference from the Trump/Putin version and Bidens/Obamas/Clintons. You even can go back to fx Regan.

And yes in money we might be the biggest, thats because we make them by schools, education, skills, hard work and reward. As I reacall it corruption is counted in %.

It makes no sense very poor countries has no corruption.

Do You work here for Prins Putin https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a9e41f09347b2d24452109b9a1b06301626d712c55747441a0d8fd359131f309.jpg ?


Yeah I’m sure that’s about as accurate as those BS “freedom index” reports ranking global media freedom. Somehow, Russia is “unfree” but America is “free” despite massive MSM and social media censorship running rampant.


Russian media can cover pretty much any topic western MSM would refuse to touch for political reasons (e.g. Hunter Biden, BLM’s racism), and they don’t give a one-sided portrayal of the social situation in the USA either. You also don’t get arrested for saying something un-PC on social media like you can in the UK e.g. ‘Transwomen aren’t women’.

But yeah, tell me again how the west is ‘free and non-corrupt’.

Jens Holm

You have hopes. The israelians look and behave more and more like arabs too.


Our whole system is corrupted by AIPAC and the Zionist lobby. It makes no difference.

Jens Holm

I dont know where You live, but all maps show, where cleaning should be a must. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65c23018f2869b07145b88485e3f2d217d24cc1865b66d6c4f61ab863b5cb615.png

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Well for starters the U.S. political system is pay per play. (ditto Eu) So the colour for America should be a number 10, Aubergine/Eggplant. (i.e v.dark purple)

Jens Holm

Maybee You stupidist should read whats behind those colors. Much like You are a little child.

The different maps made by different countries and organisations says almost same thing.

Your “Well for starters the U.S. political system is pay per play” only says nothing. As a minimum You should bring Russia has low corruption.

Wikki says it too:

Corruption in Russia is perceived to be a significant problem, impacting all aspects of administration, law enforcement, healthcare, and education. The phenomenon of corruption is strongly established in the historical model of public governance in Russia and attributed to the general weakness of rule of law in Russia.

In 2019, according to the Corruption Perceptions Index reported by Transparency International, Russia ranked in 137th out of 180 countries, and is the most corrupt European nation.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Jens, If you can’t understand that lobbying and political donation isn’t the passing of money from one money interest to another (the basis of U.S. politics) and along with insider trading, isn’t what is termed ‘corruption’ in the rest of the world, then you have truly got blinkers on a blind pair of eyes.

Jens Holm

You just dont understand a supercapitalistic systems somehow has to be financed too.

Thats why they have so many taxreturns by all kinds of supports. And YES, of course You has the right to support Your own private oppinion but in a legal way – thats fx no black money.

Their “PARLE” is like mine. In the same way, We talk, dispute debate and by that we often find bgetter solutions then Putin versus Navaljev or Krasnodjarsk.

I actually has linked to Wikki right here, where its told, that the Russians and Tzaristic rudimentary taxsystems dont makes enough money for the state – for most things.

That makes low paided public emplyed and even low paid politicians. By that they by tradition take in money by corruption instead. So corruption even can be needed to make things work at all.

I think I know what Your insider trading is. I AGREE. The USA laws try to punish it as hard as they can. Their R.I.S. more fiered then their Riffle organisation.

…And You can write about, but You often cant for many countries, because they have less registrations and less medies with journalist and thats a very big differense to Your belowed ones.

Ypu harm the worst by denying Russia as start hardly can finance itself because they have no money and income control and often hardly in private property as well.

USA do a lot and Your explanations about it it shit based on You compare, what cannot be compared.

You do find a lot of corruption in USA, but they certainly is not in the top. And You do find a lot of hidden money transfer because You have a GDP of 63.000 pr capita a year. Russia has 10.000. And they actually also are 330 mio.

Tax-return is not corruption if its made by legal subtraction in stead of taxing in a different way instead.

I can compare even You dont like it. 1) Americans pay for most of their hospitals and healtcare by themself and/or by private insurrence.

2) Denmark pays almost all that by raised tax as equalizer and

3) The Russain version for the poor mainly are bad paid doctors hardly having a museum for equipment. Even the doctors look like butchers and obducents and has to be paid extra.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Jens you grammar is of someone with severe literacy problems, so your comprehension of what corruption actually is also highly questionable.


How the hell could someone not rank Ukraine among the deepest purple colour? The Russian government at least gets things done, Ukraine can’t do anything these days.

Jens Holm

You not even are able to do factschecking Yourself.

To make factchecking You get this link:


It shows Russia and Ukraine are in the same level. Are You happy about that same level, then send big smile.

I also as extra service send You the “easy to find” maps as link https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=corruption+map+2020&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=TClvPlBHK4ZZ1M%252CIYzfRoCZhln5CM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTAq8z4EYUz2yYuyW67Q5n-IdzfYQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjt_Zq-wbHuAhXnh4sKHcz9BZUQ9QF6BAgEEAE&biw=1280&bih=631#imgrc=TClvPlBHK4ZZ1M

Jens Holm

And off course, those Israelians are the cowards. I can compare and see may in the region are more spendable then sheep because they are raised and behave like that. The only difference is, You dont eat them even small children seemes to taste well and could be a good way of contraseption.

Nothing is done to avoid what hjappens with children too.

If thats succes, whats fiasco.

Jens Holm

IT would be nice only they do like that.

Just Me

Very sickening Zionist cowardice.

Jens Holm

And You eat them.

Proud Hindu

Whats new? Muslims in general die everyday fighting each other.If US or israel accidently kill some muslim civilians why so much fuss?

Alekai Mordechai

Is this the best you got?

You know what’s not new? a dead beat rotten hindu’s hidden blood lust.

Innocent women and children are killed. And you as usual showing your usual color.

Muslims die everyday to fight the evil and its henchmen, Usrael and Soodies. Which “Proud Hindus” like you would like togo Soodi Arabia as a toilet cleaners.

There is no such thing as “accidents” when precision weapons are used.

Proud Hindu

Lol should i dig into christianity now ?

Alekai Mordechai

Please do, because I won’t be the one insult others in the name of Christianity.

Again it doesn’t take much to show empathy and sympathize with any war victims.

Be human first then be proud of your non-existent empire.

Proud Hindu

But i enjoy desert rats,christian and chinese asshole deaths.We indians have a lot of population and dont go on invading other lands.The invader will eventually lose whoever they migjt be-muslims ,christians or chinese.an invaders defeat is humuliating always.thats karma

Alekai Mordechai

No one’s invading your crap hole land.

Ironic, a country which talks unhealthy amount of “Akand Bharat” is getting a reverse uno card.

You indians are weak, but talk big.

Ashok Varma

Then why not come and invade us and find out. Already kicked you racist garbage out once.

Alekai Mordechai

Find out??

One tap of sanction; most of your military will be running out of spare parts and ammos.

Lets be serious here Varma.

India is one of the poorest nation in the world. Even younger countries in the regions are making strides.

Chill no one’s invading anyone.

Proud Hindu

Tell ur evangelical filth to stay In the usa and ill tell my friends to stay in india.All christian,muslims and chinese deserve extermination.Your filthy ideologies have destroyed the world

Alekai Mordechai

You indians are dozen a dime.

You’re whinging now.

Get better.

Proud Hindu

Loool.Seems like you are a troubled redneck as your white population is declining and will soon get extinct lool.

Alekai Mordechai

Says the guy who proly oggles on white girls.

How’s you face whitening going rajesh?

Proud Hindu

Lool indians are idiots in that case.White women look ugly without makeup.

Alekai Mordechai


And yet you folks can’t keep you pants up when you see even a fugly one.

Proud Hindu

But my question is who was the dad of your imaginary god aka jesus?Some say it was joseph lool.

Jens Holm

Its very much about expectations. You expect camouflage and sometimes forget how ugly You are Yorself as well.

Ypu probatly has not even seen Your own wife – Ever:)

Jens Holm

Im no expert, but its very mujch about whats allowed and how You are raised.

I think it also is about what You are used to. Some keep the same level as Im polite drinking 2 cups of coffe. But others says more more and as far out as possible.

Its the same for gambling and alcohol. Some are one way and others are not.

Proud Hindu

Church has collapsed now lol.Pope francis is busy enjoying porn

Alekai Mordechai

Indians are the biggest porn addict in the world. FACT

First deal with fire in your hospitals and medicine plants.


They are disgusting.

Ashok Varma

No need to be racist, the Jews brought pornography to India.

Jens Holm

They Jews invented KamaSutra too:)


You DESERVE IT so much that your butt buddy whom you love sooo much is true white supremacist RACIST P I G ! “No need to be racist, the Jews brought……”

Yeah KISS his supremacist RACIST AS$ you AS$HOLE !!!

Jens Holm

Porn to me is like anything else. Its very good, if You need it and You can choose.

Im inspired by You and make a try perno. Last time I looked at Indian women, there were too may fat and hairy ones. Some few was very nice.

If it was about clothe, I would see indian women more often.

Fog of War

Does your wrist hurt ?


Nov I see, you re RACIST neo-NAZI p i g!!

So brown people are “so ugly and smelly“?! that : “makes one throw up “?!! You are true white supremacist RACIST PIG !!

Proud Hindu

Are u talking about China?A chinese asshole commited suicide in hospital.A police offiver in the US died in combat as well.Seems like US and China are competing with each other -who will collapse first lol.

Alekai Mordechai

5 “indian assholes” burnt alive in fake medicine facility in Pune yesterday.

Reflect quite well how poor indian infrastructures are eh?

If they compete indians are the one who will outperform them in a whim.

Ashok Varma

India has been around for thousands of years, when you barbarians were eating each other. Read a history book.

Alekai Mordechai

Oh please, its the brits who made you indians a civilized bunch.

Social cohesion is not your forte.

Now, go look for gora masters as usual.

While you at it, don’t be too enamored my fare skins.

Jens Holm

Haha .Funny reading. They have invented a lot of things in India most of the world use…

Im busy. I go back to my chess program.

Alekai Mordechai

Varma boy, I replied to that proud gandu for his idiotic whinging.

Stay out of it.

Jens Holm

Thats no excuse.

Proud Hindu

Are you talking about the bible belt in america?You evangelical christian assholes deserve whatever the blacks are doing to you lol.Hope they finish off your kind soon.

Alekai Mordechai

You are seriously blabbering about shit that is beyond your pay grade little man.

You talk as if I am a white.

Dude, even a black knows how shitty you people treat others with dark complexion.

I feel like I am talking to a depraved mirror.

Alekai Mordechai

Blacks won’t keep you indians in one piece either.

Never seen indian ladies running to a black man for better life is it?

Evangelical a**holes gave modi a lot of kahuna you know.


They are trying to do the same with fake orthodoxy piece of sht of bidens!

Fog of War

Cant really disagree with this conclusion. The Christian Church is collapsing along with the ZioWest. For the same reasons I might add.


You are dealing with a desperate attention seeking troll. Best ignore.

Alekai Mordechai

People wanna learn Yoga from these f#$%s.


Hindus are filthier than rats. India is a complete shithole.

Alekai Mordechai

And western liberals like to go to that crap hole for enlightenment. Why??

I had a fresh view of indians and hindus in general.

Internet at first didn’t bother me at first with their “disturbing lack of empathy” and their proclivity to persecuting the weak.

Latter going to india made things quite clear.

The country was successful in hiding its prejudice and dirty underbelly of caste-ism, abject lack of honesty.

It takes one to tango, and oh boy I learned a lot from these people.

These people are shameless.

The moment you give them VISA these folks are gonna run away from that crap hole.

Proud Hindu

Rawafid getting killed by sunnis lol.

Jens Holm

Acually Yoga is one of the few kinds of meditations, which actually works. Its also very good, because You can make Your own program in Your own level and even in very small spaces.

Im a sekular, but Yoga do work for brains as well as bodies.

Ashok Varma

He is a low class fool.

Proud Hindu

Was jesus a bastard child?

Jens Holm

Its a matter of created faith.

In diect translation here, we more or less read, she was virfin, but its the same as unmarried.

But we also see his father was there and took care of both of them.

I have defended several bastards. They never decided to be made and if needed should be helped extra.

I do feel exact thing for other minorities. Unless they harm others a pedofiles or rapist, they has to be included and be their own persons as they are.


Married under the eyes of god,which is alot better than swastika incestry (period)

Jens Holm

Thats right. Men in India hunt women to keep them down. They even are proud and feel strong doing it in rapegroups.

It seemes Hindus there are much worse then any muslim.


open up cia demented fkfestive pandora box for the buttered boys to relish in damnation. though they don’t realise their masters will destroy their lifes in being so damn stupid n all!


As anyone with even half a brain knows that these strikes against women and children by Zionist criminal cowards emboldened by Russia, are deliberately killing the women and children of Syria. So far 233 women and children have died and 1500 wounded. It is time Assad grow a pair and stand up to Russia. The Arabs to have some self-respect as Jews are killing them every day with impunity. This is disgusting.



Where Russia does that?! Tell me where and when is Russia emboldening Israel to kill Syrians?!!! you mean this: “Russia will not allow Syria to be arena for Israel-Iran conflict,” says Lavrov You filthy badmouthed troll! Russia will neither permit to Iran nor to Israel to use Syria for their war games on peril of Syrian population! This bull**** has to stop finally! I am sure that President Assad thinks 100% the same! He also doesn’t support escalating conflict with Jews now in these difficult times! Now .f.*.*.*. you NATO or Shia or Sunni supporter (whichever you are)!


When Lavrov says that it’s pretty clear whom he stays with and the reasons, well known.


Lavrov is a corrupt punch and Judy show and his master’s voice.


shut up you NATO c u n t !!

The Objective

this is an indirect rebuke of Iran. By this statement, Russia separates itself from Iran in Syria.


accurate! warning to Iran not to go too far (also)

Emad Irani

hahaha “shia supporter” biggest joke. Assads Brother (Mahir Assad) the commander of 4th division knew already Russia is not in Syria for helping, but for gaining international image. Many SAA commanders don’t trust Russia sadly

Just Me

Russia had the same problem in Warsaw Pact and Afghanistan, they all hated Russians and still do. Why do think Poland, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia and even Belarus dislike Russia?


Because you are Muslim who hates Russians (when being Christians) and for not fighting YOUR war against Jews !

Go fight Jews yourself filthy coward !

Emad Irani

they are delusional, they think if you criticize them you are an islamist extremist with full of hate against Christianity. Nevertheless that many Hezbollah fighters are christian. They have the same thinking like American sadly, most of the “world powers” cannot get on with the truth because of their arrogance


More respect for alpha males than any beggoten pack homosexual wannabes,on the cvia /soros take(period) HARDEN THE FK UP GOI!

Johnny B. Allan

You are truly waking upto the reality bro. These Russians have truly invaded Syria and have taken over the Gas and Oil rights in syria don’t be fool this game is over 1000 years old. What the Russians are doing and Assad is blind to it but they have no idea what they got themselves into. Lets assume everyone exits but Russia won’t exit they will drill Syria dry such is the deals Assad made with them. He made deals with the wrong guys at the wrong time

The Objective

Soleimani was the one who came up withe idea of inviting Russia into Syria. He wanted protection for the Shiite terrorists infesting Syria, and Russia did give that protection by its mere presence in Syria. You now turn around to insult Russia because they don’t want Syria to become another Iranian satellite country. Oh, you wanted the Russians to just sit around and watch Iran redesign Syria in its terror image?

Emad Irani

if they want to stop Iran they are late, US couldn’t stop Iran in Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon. Russia cannot stop Iran in Syria. It is a game between regional powers and others countries will be kicked out soon or later. Many key positions in Syria are filled with pro Iran Syrian experts and politician let alone SAA commanders who don’t trust Russia after their S300 story and their balance of power story

The Objective

The U.S did stop Iran’s project in Iraq. At the height of this struggle between America and Iran in Iraq, the U.S openly and brutally murdered Iran’s grand architect who oversaw military actions across the Middle East. Since the, Iran’s grip over Iraq has continued to weaken. We can see that by the increasing friction between the government and Iran’s Shiite militias – like the reinstatement of the Anti-terror commander whom Adel Abdul Mahdi sacked on Iran’s request. We also see the arrest of pro-Iran militias and militia leaders. These actions were unthinkable during Adel Abdul Mahdi and Soleimani’s reign. Iran is currently only struggling to regain what it lost in Iraq. Its militias are under intensifying scrutiny by Iraqi locals. The U.S demonstrated that it rules Iraq when it successfully deterred any fatal attack by Iranian proxies for months even after killing their top leaders and many militants.


f*** off NATO pig! Russia gave tons of weapons to Syria! That is not for free!

Jens Holm

Pigs are exelent swminers and under the right conditions cleaner andsmall better then most https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f1cf4767ec3ac2a5034d755c741ce227b4cda65a5aece7e8afcf627f08f06fa4.jpg



Jens Holm

Thats a very blindfolded version. Number one is Assads are not even owners of the whole thing and by that assads only can seel tjheir parts of it.

Assads do pay for what they get from Russia, and thats a lot. So they pay back with oil. Its normal here unless its by United Nations and like that.

Emad Irani

Assad is wise, like his brother. That is why Mahir Assad is not interested in Russian troops around his 4th Division. They know Russia is playing games like Israel and US. Russia is not as strong as US in middle east. They can only rely on Iran and Syria, Iran has more culture and religious influence in Syria and between the Syrian ppl. The only way Russia can hold his position in Syria is to extend and lengthen the war, after that they will be kicked out


You are dividing country with your Syrian puppets and you will regret that because they represent MINORITY in Syria!!

You make empty threats… Iran is only 3rd rate military power, only regional power !

Emad Irani

same bullshit we are hearing for decades, is it a dick challenge who has the biggest dick? I said 100 times there is no Sunni Shia, Iran has support from Sunni, Druze, Christian, Alevi etc. because we don’t care about religion. We only care about geopolitics in general. High ranking SAA guys don’t Russia and you know why…

And pls don’t talk about ranking, US failed in Vietnam, Soviets failed in Afghanistan. Iran has the power to control 5 wars in 5 different countries. Lately we also had a breakthrough in terms of nuclear devices and long years ago ICBM…


You are LIAR !!! Only Shia militias fight on your side . And without them you are not much of adversary, because you can’t even fight Israel let alone stronger country! That story; “you care about Palestinians Sunni ARABS is Also FALSE!!!

Emad Irani

hahah are you hacked by the Iron Zion or the other Hasbara guy? Same bullshit, for this delusional you will lose your position in Syria. I said already 90% of SAA and Syrian intelligence are Sunnis with good connection to Quds Forces. The times of Shia Sunni is over, only Pro Zionist or Anti Zionist, Pro Imperialist or Anti Imperialist

We have balls to confront US Israel Saudi Satania at the same time not only against weak ones like Ukraine, Georgia, Chechen fighters

Here this guy a Christian Hashd al Shaabi commander fighting against Zionist on behalf of Resistance Axis


keep blabbing your mouth Israel is here NEVER attacked by Iran and have KILLED SO MANY IMPORTANT IRANIANS …so far not even blip from IRAN !!! So better shut up!

Emad Irani

cry me riverrr killing people will not change system or path. Those “important Iranians” were public figures not high value people designing nuclear warheads or ICBM. US killed 100s Russian in Deir ez Zour at the end no response from a 1st world power. Like I said at least you should have balls to confronts Zionist but the Zionst is sitting right in Moscow ;) now get the hell out of our region before we make it hell for you


NOT “100s” more like 10+ and those were professional mercenaries they DO NOT COUNT and are PAID for fighting (if they get killed it is their problem) you ignorant twat! You have lost MAJOR, BEST SCIENTISTS killed by Jews and NOTHING have happened you COWARDS !

Emad Irani

ok means Russian fighting for money there, makes the shit not better. Beside that indeed it happened, Israeli minister turns out to be Iranian spy for a decade at least. And not to forget the 2013 and the 2016 nuclear testing in North Korea with Iranian scientist there. Means deterrence is established. I said already, those people were public figure known to International Organistions such as IAEA that is why they got killed, our mistakes to let them talk with these corrupt guys. But will not happen again. Soon you will see Iran ICBM testing


Russians fight for Russia not for Iran and some fight for money too you retard.

“deterrence is established” “deterrence”?!? ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,hhha you pathetic clown ! you can block Jew and US nukes with your arse only when they hit you from safe distance! “deterrence” block my a$$!

Emad Irani

I don’t care about your ass u can serve it to your father maybe Russian AIDS statistic will decrease one day


Iran is would be power using old Soviet tech bought from N. Korea( who got it from China who COPIED from Ukraine)


Iran is NOTHING compered to Russia!


Learn to read brittanica,brefore sproutin out you cia/lgbt nonesense here CCCP = mission accomplished = communist leader reinstated, cia fknuts!

Emad Irani

no time for bs

Jim Allen

You are bullshit personified.




Why don’t you admit you are inferior to russians,chinese and the turks buttered boy,with your lgbtq god your saviour,save it for the mardi gras!


Boy are you one deluded boy. The US, Turkey, France and GB had no legitmacy to enter the country they destabilized, so according to international law these criminal regimes are illegal in that country.


Russia is not in Syria for helping Iran but Syria to win and FINISH this war! Syria is having DIFFERENT interests than Iran ! They need PEACE!! Syria is not Shia majority population either! This is not in China’s interest either, they need peace also (after 10 YEARS of war) to rebuild the country! It is NOT in Syria’s interest that Iran uses Syria as war outpost and new front against Israel !!! President Assad is also against Syria being hostage to Iran because he is President of all Syrians!

Russia doesn’t need Iran or Iranian trust ! You are invited to Syria as guests to help only and not to take over the country!

Emad Irani

you are not aware because you don’t know that Israel attacked Syria even before the war. It is not about Shia or Sunni, 90% of SAA and Syrian government are sunnis, Hezbollah has Sunni and Christian fighters and so on… ITS NOT ABOUT SUNNI OR SHIA get this pls Middle East expert!!

Beside that Russia is interested in balance not peace. Syrian government followed Russian advice not to respond against Israhell because Russia has connection to Israel and it is fearing an all out war against Israel. Israel is not attacking Iran since Iran has only advisors on Syrian soil, they are directly attacking SAA and Syrian infrastructure.

Iran pulled all his forces out of Syria to show SAA that Israel is attacking Syria itself. Like I said, many SAA officers and commanders realized that now this is why they don’t trust Russia anymore, soon or later Russia will be kicked out of Syria


It is about Syrians to DECIDE not Iran!!! NO Russian help for Iranian objectives!

Jens Holm

They never has for decades.

Emad Irani

Like I said only way to stop Israel is deterrence, and Syrian commanders know that thanks to Iran. That is why they don’t trust Russia anymore. Deterrence is needed but with Russia in Syria not possible, Russia will be kicked out and taste the same faith US tasted in Iraq 2011


“to stop Israel “FROM IRAN not from Syria!!!

Emad Irani

oh my god you are an Idiot or something??? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Outside_the_Box this fucking operation was 5 Years before the war, before Iran entered Syria. ISRAEL IS SYRIA’s ENEMY FOR DECADES BEFORE EVEN THE ISLAMIC REVOLUTION TOOK PLACE IN IRAN



Iran is imposing their game to Russia and Syria and pushing them into new war!!

Jens Holm

There is no Syria. Attacking israel will be old people on bicycle.

Emad Irani

best joke Bro this is why they cannot even use S300 to defend themselves, Russia screwed with Syria, Russia played Syria right in the hands of Iran, like US did with Iraq

Jens Holm

More like the rat let the mice have fun and think they are dancers. If its too muich, the Rat is not smiling anymore.


Iran 3rd rate power…enough said

Emad Irani

no arguments anymore nice try hahaha if a 3rd rate power can control many groups and countries in the region, it is awful for 1st rate powers who cannot even control their border countries (Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan..)


I will not even start to argue because you are VERY far from being match to Russia

Emad Irani

you will see with Biden as the new government who seeks Georgia to join NATO :)


Give it up you are inferior beings compared to heterosexual,russians,chineses,even turks,admit it


REALLY BUTTERED BOY? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7397838a39adcb2028e218ed681e0397745bcaedcfd59d75434d12ebea342b0e.jpg

Harden the fk up stooges!

Emad Irani

hahaha all the Uighur stories was crap? Nice try but changes nothing Iran China 400 billion agreement beside that military cooperation between Iran China North Korea



Jens Holm

A very good version. I agree in most of it.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I haven’t seen very many anti Russian protests in Syria, just one or two from isolated groups and factions, but during the last 12 months there’s been several dozen anti Iran/Hezbollah protests in Darra alone, and in Aleppo and southern Deir ez Zor back in 2018 there was more than just anti Iranian protests, there were a few pitched battles against Iranian backed forces. I read Syrian news all the time and they say most Syrians are pro Russian, the pro Government groups and the opposition groups in the south both favor Russia over Iran, but the telling difference is who do the Syrians hate the most, if you ask that question only a very few answer Russia, but most of them will tell you they hate Iran, and Hezbollah, and some of the NDF militias.

Jens Holm

I will go to the doctor. I agree with You again:) Your fist name is Covid” or something…


f*** o f f !!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I had to give him an upvote but I choked when I did it. He’s even more charming than you are Jens when he disagrees with someone.

Jens Holm

You never know. My behind also is nicer then my face.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You didn’t have to admit that, now we all know.


look in the mirror, your behind is your face!!!

Jens Holm

In Samoa it wpuld be correct.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

As much as I hate to do it I have to give you an upvote, because now you’re thinking like a Russian or an average Syrian citizen.


I hate to do it I have to give you DOWN vote…I couldn’t resist sorry!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I wear them like badges of honor so don’t be sorry, you just keep thinking and commenting the way you are now and I’ll be giving you plenty more upvotes in the future, because the truth always gets an upvote from me, and that’s even if I intensely dislike the commenter I’m upvoting.


I AM FLATTERED if you dislike me…I must have some human quality after all



Diana Cornwell

Maybe you can tell me? Why don’t the Russians prevent these Israeli strikes? Syrians are their allies, aren’t they?


Seems to me ya f/kn slav … Syria is being used … with a bombing here and a bombing there … here a bomb … there a bomb … everywhere a bomb bomb … LMAO

Putin’s in over his neck in sh Xt …

Coronavirus / Navalny embarrassment / economic woes /


Is a 2nd Russian collapse gonna happen?

Jens Holm

Haha. When they start installing bars in this:) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a9e41f09347b2d24452109b9a1b06301626d712c55747441a0d8fd359131f309.jpg

Look at the big door. Russia soon wil produce the biggest car in the whole world and hode Armatas in them. Russia also has the biggest dwarfs.

Jens Holm

The agreement is killing Iranians and helpers(which is Syrian soldiers and Hesbollah) is fine. So its by proxy.

But as we see mistakes or small needed or uneeded deviations like this are made.

Israeliens are not bombwasters by purpose.

Jens Holm

Israelians are not that ineffective. If they deliberately killled women and children, which You have paid for and maybee made Your own children Yourself – or some of them, 10.000 ofg the were killed every year.

As a minimum, it makes sense to compare with how many soldiers, which was killed.

As I see it too many women and children also seemes to be used as human shields for ammunition too. .


You lgbtq nazi masters using kids as hiuman shields speaksa,alot about your failures to comply to the law of the land,either way the more you complain,the farther freedom eludes you problematic cia/soros trolls,it will be you they come after first not the truth(period) YOU HAVE ALL BE WARNED,HARDEN THE FK UP OR DIE IN VAIN,FREEDOM FKRZS!

Diana Cornwell

I’m trying to understand you boys. So you’re a Jew?


Hardly … it’s something of a mystery

Discerning the mooslims from the slavs

You catch a glimmer every now and then … mostly punks though



Jens Holm

You have no number of killed non civilians or depots for miltary equipment. Maybee You never learned to relate anything. If not You are excused.

If Israelians really wanted to kill civilians, they are very effective and already would have killed all in fx Syria apart from the ones living in tunnels. .

Just Me

By any standard of decency, this is too much, killing unarmed refugees. Jews are worse than sub-humans.

The Objective

But who were the Jews coming after? Those would be the real subhumans hiding like rats inside Syrian and endangering the Syrian population. Why would those rats not come out in the open to fight their wars? Why do they always look for somewhere to hide and stay low even though they bark more than any other dog? It’s a wonder.

Saso Mange

Wait so you say that Israel is protecting Syria by killing Syrian civilians? Go fuck yourself you sick kiddo.


I see you are out on day release again,i hope your ward orderly isn’t far away.

Alekai Mordechai

Seems to me SANA might’ve used stock photos from some previously damaged buildings.

Facts need to established before settling and expressing anger to this tragedy.

Ashok Varma

You are a typical evangelical Zionist.

Jens Holm

I agree with him, More verification too often is needed. Too much propaganda.

Alekai Mordechai

With all due respect, the building has multiple holes, which might suggest those came from 30mm cannons or 14.5 mm gun damage sustained previously.

IAF’s campaigns in Syria is falling short. Most of its strikes are blunt and lost its credibility.

But striking a family’s home doesn’t add up either.

Alekai Mordechai

Half of your kind loves us!!

Without zionist weapons your india is a dead meat.


Shia apologist


mordechai, can it be more jewish – nah don’t think so – yet another one whose existential outlook is in the late stage of descent. hohoho

Alekai Mordechai

We are doing just fine.

Its just the Soleimanis who are usually swatted to the late stage of their perennial decent for last 20 years.


nazi vermin like you are beyond redemption …

Jens Holm

MIlitary forces and others things should have their correct names. If there were no other important target its no Israelien “defence”.

I hope for details. Nice peictures but bad times. As Varma says: It could be oure propganda as well.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Not seeing the Syrian Air Force (SyAAF) respond to such attacks, so what is the point of it?

Jens Holm

Russia decide, what the SAF is for.


The Syrian Air Force?

Google: operation mole cricket 19

Let me know …

Dick Von Dast'Ard

So you think Israeli Air Force doesn’t need to launch it’s attacks from Lebanese air space then?

At the very least the SyAAF should be in the air at times of such attacks, at Mach airspeeds and firing salvo’s of medium range air-air missiles at the enemy strike aircraft.


They’re afraid … they’ll be embarrassed … destroyed and unable to replace their planes


When the agony for the poor Syrian people will end? I think all foreign powers should withdraw and leave these people alone

Jens Holm

There will be no change untill Assads are gone or he is only Emir of Latakia.

I might support You. Assads get free weapons from Russia and soldiers from Iran and Hesbollah. They never was rulers of much ikf not.

They not even are today. Maps are fictive in this. Many areas hardly has 24/7 military control. So what about some kind of life for the producing class. Its close to none.


I have been saying the same thing for years, Alawite state on the cost under Russian protectorate as possible compromise

Jens Holm

I dont see this is not about religion at all and includes the powerbalance inside Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel and for that matter Jordan and certainly Iraq as well.

Iran is there too. USA too and partly Nato as helpers for Bagdads .


Truthful ???


Russia will will withdraw and leave gladly. But 2 military bases (and troupes sufficient to protect them) stay because Russia has regular contracts for those (with Assad’s signatures on them).


Israel is not on Syrian territory with troops … the IDF possesses the Golan and will not leave it



Me&Myself None

It will stop only when our corrupt western governments stop funneling our taxpayers money as welfare payments to the colonizers of Palestine.


Look people, the deceitful jews. You can very easily spot them on this website if you pay attention. First, they will try to act “Mild” and say things like “All foreign powers should withdraw”. But what they really mean by this, by bunching everyone in the same basket, is to spread mistrust and propaganda against the friendly Russian army, not the other ACTUAL invaders like USA and Turkey.

Secondly, you will often see them mention Zionism and Russia in the same sentence, pretending to be haters of Zionism when in reality they are themselves Zionists. Once again attempting to sow mistrust and discord.

Learn these 2 basic tenets and will spot these fucking Zionist piece of shits every time. Don’t let them go unnoticed or spread doubt in your mind.

-Your friendly Southfront Gestapo

Potato Man

Fuking Zion cry like the Satanic whores and say why no-one fuking wants to see them live… What fuking goes around comes around fukers.

Jens Holm

fuck zion satanic whores fuckikng fucking fukers https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6fb3f8bee8fb0c353166687621a05e25ce3300e2f44c1fdc5c6fd6833aad167b.png

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Is that salt or mold growing on those chips, if it’s salt they look delicious, crispy and brown just the way I like them, but if it’s mold I’ll let someone else eat them for dinner. I hope it’s not a picture you took in your own kitchen Jens.

Jens Holm

Its an old picture. I could be mold.

We grow many potatos here, but we never put them in oil. We use salt and species.


I just made a Prime Rib Roast myself … 1.34 kg


Cuz they’re SUPERMEN compared to the vile Iranian slugs …

They’ll BURY Iran should it come to direct War … hello?

The Future is About to …

Willing Conscience (The Truths

This is terrible news, I’d hoped the Israeli attacks would’ve stopped their attacks but obviously they still want to keep up pressure on Iran, and now an innocent family have lost their lives, very sad indeed. But I did check the photo of the damaged house and I’m not sure it was a missile strike, it looked more like damage from an intercepted missile, but in the end it doesn’t really matter what caused the damage, innocent Syrians still died for something they want no part of, so I blame Israel and Iran equally, and Assad as well to a certain extent [listen to the Russians stupid]. SAA alert levels have been decreased just recently according to official statements, so obviously Israeli airstrikes don’t constitute a real threat to Syria as far as alert levels go, which is more than a little strange, I’d think Israeli airstrikes would result in higher alertness levels, go figure.


Israel isn’t targeting Syria or Syrian assets … that’s why …. hello?

Unless they attack Israeli assets / planes

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You know that, I know that, and both the Syrians and Russians know that, but most of the people reading SF don’t know it yet, the paid for Iranian trolls are trying their hardest to confuse the rest of their fellow readers and stop them realizing the truth, but subtle comments like the one I just made serve the purpose of forcing some of them to think for themselves, hopefully.



Me&Myself None

Russia, Putin keep saying that they are in Syria to fight terrorism, ok, then how is what the colonizers of Palestine are doing to Syrians not classified as terrorism?


Brain washed fool …

as a Muslim you’ll need to save yourself …


Me&Myself None

I am not a Muslim, or middle eastern, and nor do I adhere to any religion, however I am a westerner who are sick and tired seeing our governments wasting our taxpayers money as welfare payments to the colonizers of Palestine.


Spare me … you’re a martian … cool


All while the Zionist loving Russian government sits and watches.


Why? Any opinion on that subject?


Sock puppet


STFU …. I wasn’t talking to you


You were talking to yourself lol


Because most world leaders are deceived into thinking the “Jews” are God’s chosen and are afraid to go against them. That is the root of it.


So … they ‘think’ Jews are ‘God’s chosen’ because that’s what the Holy Bible says … is that it?

OR … they KNOW Jews have been subject to discrimination in Christian countries and Muslim lands … ALL the years since 300 ACE for Christians and since 650 ACE in the lands of Islam?

Either way … anti-Judaism EXISTS and it now encompasses anti-Zionism

IMHO … eh?



Israel was God’s chosen people NOT the Jews. And God made his covenant with Israel who ended up losing that covenant due to stiff necked disobedience. That is why we have a New Covenant. Also the promises of the New Covenant are Spiritual just as the Kingdom is for those who are part of Spiritual Israel. The physical that you see now is a deception.

Many people have been subject to discrimination for many different reasons, whether just or unjust. The “Jews” bring most of their problems on themselves.

Zionism stems from Talmudic Judaism which is anti God and anti Scripture and I oppose both.


God doesn’t renege on promises made …. Jews = Israel

There is no ‘new covenant’ … GOD never said those words … hello?

Christianity and Christians have been THE source of anti-Judaism in the World … (along with Islam) due to SUPERSESSIONISM … hello?

Zionism = Nationalism for the Jewish People …



God did not renege, Israel and ultimately the Jews did. The New Covenant was prophesied and it happened because of that. The Old Covenant was effectively ended with the death of Yahshua whose shed blood simultaneously enacted the New Covenant.

Yes there is a New Covenant and it was prophesied from God’s own proclamation. Jer_31:31 Behold, the days come, saith Yahwh, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Heb_8:8 For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith Yahwh, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:

True Jews and true Christians are the same thing and that is Spiritual Israel to whom the promise is made and kept. So your claim that Christians are the source of anti-Judaism is deceptive at best and outright false at worse. It is the false Jews who bring persecution on all Jews by their actions.

Zionism=Talmudic Judaism which is a deception and an attempt by fake Jews elevate themselves above everyone else, despite their continued disobedience, to rebuild what was taken from them by God Himself. Zionists are racists.

Only those who worship Him in righteousness and truth are part of His Israel. Your Israel is the synagogue of Satan.


BS …. Christianity is a shitstain … sold to the pagan world … using the ‘ancient’ Bible to get some credibility

YOU needed the Holy Bible and the Prophets to say it was ‘foretold’ … lol

YOU said: House of Judah … House of Israel

That means … Jews …. hello?

Otherwise it would have said: Christians … hello?

Jews didn’t elevate themselves … they DIDN’T DISAPPEAR and became Christianity /Christians nemesis and Christians poured out their wrath on Jews / Judaism ever since

anti-Judaism is what Christians / Christianity traded in since ~ 300 ACE

The Jewish People are sovereign … that’s a miracle … NO ONE indigenous people have done that in the history of mankind … it’s a miracle … hello?

The Future is About to Land ….


Talmudic judaism is the synagogue of Satan. Plain and simple. You don’t even believe in Scripture.

You said “God never said new covenant” and I proved you wrong from Scripture. You are wrong about everything and you obviously follow your father who is the master of lies and deceit.

Psa 86:9 All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee, O Yahwh; and shall glorify thy name.

But what does He say of you Jews? Isa 65:2-5 I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people, which walketh in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts; A people that provoketh me to anger continually to my face; that sacrificeth in gardens, and burneth incense upon altars of brick; Which remain among the graves, and lodge in the monuments, which eat swine’s flesh, and broth of abominable things is in their vessels; Which say, Stand by thyself, come not near to me; FOR I AM HOLIER THAN THOU. These are a smoke in my nose, a fire that burneth all the day.

Yep, that sounds like you alright.


Christianity is a confection made up out of whole cloth … hello?

You proved Christian teachings based on the JEWISH BIBLE? LMAO

CHRISTIANITY is bs … the Kingdom is at hand?



You don’t even know what Christianity is. Which is not surprising.

Yes the kingdom is at hand and the destruction of “your” fake Israel.

Jer 7:34 Then will I cause to cease from the cities of Judah, and from the streets of Jerusalem, the voice of mirth, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride: for the land shall be desolate.


A Christian shithead spouting from the Jewish Bible? lol

Jeremiah talking about Jerusalem?

Have you seen pics of Jerusalem lately? lol



The Kingdom is at hand? ROTFL


I don’t worry about what a student of the Synagogue of Satan has to say.

You have and continue to reject God and you think you are something special. You don’t even know Scripture. Your demeanor and language speak volumes about you.

You are so ignorant that you don’t even know what destruction is coming means. Look at Jerusalem afterwards and then perhaps you will know and repent. But then again you will probably continue in sin and rejection of God and receive your just reward.

But I will not be laughing. How can one laugh at a stupid creature that is destroying himself through ignorance.

Jer_17:23 But they obeyed not, neither inclined their ear, but made their neck stiff, that they might not hear, nor receive instruction.


Jeremiah predicting … 17:23 ?

I put that back on christians … eh?

Exponentially … eh?

A f/kn goy


That verse is talking about you. The entire Old Testament is about the Jews stiff necked rebellion against God. And nothing has changed today. You lost that covenant and now you fully reject the New Covenant.

The coming Kingdom is not for sinners nor those who think it is theirs because of birthright. It is for those who believe and turn to righteousness. A true Israelite knows this and is obedient to God.

But there is still time for you to repent and be saved. Otherwise you will be out there with all the other goy.


The miracle of the creation of Israel is showing God still is looking over his shoulder on the Jewish People … hello?

There are other miracles if you wanna open your eyes as well … eh?

As Leonard Cohen sang:

“When they said repent, repent I wonder know what they meant”



The creation of today’s Israel is no miracle. It was planned and carried out by Zionists through lies, deceit, theft and murder. God is not going to give a bunch of stiff necked sinners back something that He took away for being stiff necked sinners.

And again, I’m not surprised you don’t know what repent means since you have no love of God nor His Law as is born out from your history which is cataloged in Scripture.


God doesn’t renege on a promise … otherwise the miracle of the rebirth of Israel COULD NEVER have happened … hello?

As for the lies/deceit/theft/murder? That’s just BS … ya f/kn Jew Hater

The Great Powers granted the lands between the River and the Sea for a Homeland for the Jewish People … Mission Accomplished

Those attempting to harm the Jewish People will be destroyed … full stop


Like I said He did not renege. A covenant is in effect until the death of one of the testators. He Himself became flesh and died even though it was the Jews, and Israel, that continued to break that physical covenant. He did that out of love and mercy which is a fact that most people don’t recognize. And in doing so He gave an avenue of repentance and forgiveness of sins for all.

That Jerusalem is not the promise. The new Jerusalem is and it will not be a Jew only city. It is for all who accept His Covenant. Sinning rebellious Jews are just the same as sinning rebellious Gentiles.


Stop … don’t make me laugh

You can’t expect me to accept Jesus dying and coming back bs … that’s just pagan shite as are the gospels … hello?

You believe the miracle birth bs … the walking on water bs … the feeding with a loaf bs … go ahead

Jesus is a total fabrication … his life / death is unknown … his mission shrouded in unknowns



Yet He was prophesied by the very Scripture that you can’t decide whether you believe or not.

No wait, you said you “don’t believe in God.” So why are you arguing in the first place? I know why, you are a non believing jew who wants what is promised by God whom you admittedly don’t believe in. TYPICAL.


Not prophesied … made to fit the shoe … by clever Jews who became the first followers … hello?

Without Saul / Paul there would be no Christians / Christianity … the original church in the Holy Land disappeared … hello?

Paul’s preaching fell on deaf ears with Jews but pagans accepted the bs … hook line and sinker … eh?

God’s promise ? Achieved in the miracle of the Jewish State … hello?

You can wait for the Kingdom of God … still unseen … pmsl

Jesus REALLY REALLY believed it was ‘here’ because the ROMAN OCCUPATION was so onerous … can you spell … oops?

Paul believed it was almost here and it would come in his lifetime … the goyim didn’t need to circumcise or eat kosher … that could wait … the Kingdom was ‘at hand’ … still waiting … eh?

“But the enemy I see, wears a cloak of decency All non-believers and men-stealers talking in the name of religion”

“They talk about a life of brotherly love Show me someone who knows how to live it”

Bob Dylan

He’s a prophet … you’re a goy


No, prophesied.

There were plenty of true Jews who followed Christ even before Paul started his ministry. And they were and the Gentile converts were persecuted by the fake Jews who were in bed with Rome and who also demanded Christ’s crucifixion. The early true Christians/Jews suffered just as was prophesied.

God’s promise is yet to be fulfilled. The apostate state of Israel today is a deception of the highest order that was born out of planning and subversion by the Zionist elite.

It was there as prophesied and the first resurrection occurred with the destruction that is well known in 70AD. So Christ and Paul were right. What did you expect, some Hollywood fantasy version.

I’m not surprised that you worship Bob Dylan since you have neither decency nor brotherly love.

Bob Dylan was nothing and now he is dirt. And I am not a nation/goy, I am a person. LOL.


You’re a f/kn goy

Jesus’s brother … James the Just was stoned to death in Jerusalem ~ 40 ACE … he was the leader of the ‘Jesus cult’ … Paul had to deal with him after preaching to goyim at Ephesus and eating ‘traif’ with the uncircumcised … eh?

See the psychic on Ave A or called ‘California Psychics’ online … pmsl

F/k off goy


More stupidity. Neither Paul nor any of the Apostles ever ate unclean. You are just posting false christian teachings that you are so ignorant that you have fallen for.

But the fact is that most all Christians had been persecuted even unto death by the time the first resurrection happened. This also was prophesied. James, Stephen and the others had no delusions of anything different.

Now tell me more about what miracles the God, which you admittedly DON’T BELIEVE IN, is doing. And how those people who occupy stolen land today are entitled to it by the God that you admittedly DON’T BELIEVE IN.

You don’t like the truth then take your own advise. Goy. LOL


When Paul met with James and the leaders of the Jesus cult in Jerusalem … Acts 11:3 he had to justify eating with them … ‘the unclean’

YOU haven’t mentioned YOUR affiliation …. you’re not a Catholic but not a Protestant? lol

You don’t like the truth … eh?

Your dead Jew … worshipped as a god? That’s simply pagan bs


Paul did not eat unclean. It was the Jews who deemed Gentiles unclean and would not eat with them by their own tradition. Yahshua himself ate with “sinners” and the synagogue of Satan lambasted Him for that too. The synagogue of Satan was just the same then as it is now.

There is only one head and that is Christ. We don’t have to go through some pope, priest, imam or rabbi to be heard by the head of God’s church.

I love and always seek the truth. You have provided nothing but lies and hatred. It is you who reject the truth and sadly your salvation in the process.

There is one God and He is ELOHIM not El. You don’t understand Scripture nor the nature of God. Christ is the son of God and all has been put under him until the fulfillment. I worship Yahwh ELOHIM through Christ’s example and righteousness. If you were interested in righteousness you would not be like you are now. You should seriously consider repenting of your un-Godly ways.


Were you present? How do you know whether he ate or drank with them? Besides if he ONLY ate kosher … Why don’t YOU? Why don’t Christians? Eating without making the blessings is against Jewish tradition … it’s NOT biblical … it’s practical and discussed in the Talmud


So you are a Jew for Jesus? feh

“When they said repent, repent I wonder what they meant”

Leonard Cohen … he’s a prophet I follow



I don’t eat “kosher”, I eat Scripturally clean. Kosher means some rabbi has blessed it and I don’t need some rabbi’s blessing to know what Scripture says is clean and unclean. It’s all right there in Leviticus.

I am not a Jew. I am a true Israelite.

And again I’m not surprised that you don’t know what repent means. Perhaps you should look it up. Or just continue to live in sinful rebellion against God. Your choice.


I don’t need YOU to tell me how great Yahoshua is /was … he’s a dead Jew who never left a written word of his beliefs to posterity … hello?

Those words written about him were contained in the Gospels which are NOT history but evangelical works used to bring in converts … hello?

I have Yom Kippur … YOU can look it up … hello?


Everyone I know who believes in Yahshua keeps His Day of Atonement along with Passover Memorial, Unleavened, Feast of Weeks, Trumpets and Tabernacles. Seven High Day Sabbaths plus His weekly Sabbath which are a sign between Him and us, as is His Commandments.

Christ did not institute a new religion. Hello?

Talmudic Jews and Roman Catholics are the ones who try to institute false religion and false doctrines.


Save it for the minyan …


The minyan has nothing to do with Scriptural truth.


‘Forgive them … for they know not what they do’


The Jews didn’t lose the covenant … the miracle of Israel’s birth is a sign … hello?

As Leonard Cohen sang:

“When they said repent, repent I wonder what they meant”



No, the Israel today is a product of the planning of men. The world Zionist convention of 1897 is proof of that. That fact and what has happened since then makes the protocols of the elders of zion seem legitimate. Nothing but pure Godless evil.

I’m not surprised that you don’t know what repent means. Scripture is full of examples of your refusal to repent. That is why you lost that covenant.

Israel today is a satanic deception.


I don’t believe in God … or rather I’m skeptical

BUT … the Holy Bible is a book outlining the Jewish People’s encounter with God … it recounts the wandering … the places … the Kings et al

Those took place between the River and the Sea … the Roman occupation and Wars … ended in ~135 ACE … and in 1948 … the State was reconstituted … full stop

Am I going too fast for YOU? pmsl


The Holy Bible is an account of God’s covenant and examples of obedience and disobedience for ALL people. The New Testament does not outline a new religion, it only clarifies and strengthens God’s word and gives everyone a chance at repentance and acceptance.

It is totally voluntary. Neither the Old nor New Testaments calls for forced acceptance.


Spare me … Christians / Christianity made Jewish life precarious … since the Jews did not accept the bs

Forced conversion / outright murder / ghettoizing / steal ? et al

F/k christians / christianity … ?


That was Catholicism not Christianity. They were just as treacherous as the Jews who killed the prophets. They were not forcing the New Covenant but their own mysticism and paganism.

As far as the Jews not accepting goes, the Jewish leaders didn’t accept God’s Covenant in the first place. In Christ time they were doing the same thing as the Catholics.

Take your filth somewhere else.


Spare me … Luther was a f/kn anti-Judaism Hater … who believed the German Jews would follow his ‘new christianity and when they didn’t … Luther wrote against them … too

Take YOUR filth somewhere else … ya f/kn goy


What does Luther have to do with anything. I’m not Lutheran. But apparently he was correct to speak against the Jews as well as the Catholics.


He lead the Protestant Reformation … if you anti-Catholic and a christian then you’re some sort of Protestant


LOL. That is just ignorance talking. Anyone who reads and studies Scripture knows what the Catholics are. Luther actually did something he didn’t intend to do but it got out of hand.


So … you’re neither Catholic or Protestant … lol

You’re a f/kn muslim … a believer in an illiterate warlord …. pmsl

IMHO … you’re a loser


Insults are what stupid people resort to when they have no factual argument.

Go away Jew Goy.


Got it after YOU said: Yehoshua



I never said Yehoshua. It’s Yahshua which is short for Yahoshua. YAHWH’S SALVATION.

Psa_118:14 Yahwh is my strength and song, and is become my salvation.


Jews for Jesus … got it

Like I said before …


There was never a Jew named jesus. got it?


FUCK OFF Jew. You aren`t fooling anyone with this “hey guys look i said zionists, im on your side! Hate the Russians!”


Boy are you a retard. Russia supports the Zionist state and that is a fact. Idiot.


No its not a “fact”. Pull your head out of your jewish handler’s ass you insipid bacteria. Russia has been a friend of Syria since the very start, THAT is a fact and obvious to anyone with at least 1 functioning brain cell. Your Zionist plans failed thanks in large part to them. Keep your russophobia away from this website, dumb goy


Russia is not in Syria to protect them from Israel which is absolutely obvious. They are their to secure their own interests.

The fact that you call me a “goy” just goes to show your ignorance. I am not a nation(goy) I am a person. The fact that you try to use it as an insult makes you the Zionist troll.


Russia’s interests are in stability in the region. In which angle do you read alliance with Zionists in that? Actually you dont, you know exactly what I’m talking about, but you’re deliberately saying the opposite to undermine their imagine online. The pass time of hasbarat trolls.


Apparently you don’t understand that the Russian government recognizes and supports Israel. They are not enemies.


Sure, they could say that Israel is illegitimate and declare war on them and its allies. But what would that do in the grand scheme of regional stability, which is their stated interest? You dont always need conflict to overcome enemies, and although Russia acts friendly on the diplomatic stage with them, as they do with Turkey infact, in reality they are absolutely enemies. Think about that my goy


Declare war? You are such a liberal.

Putin has put his yarmulke on his head and bowed to the Jewish state of Israel on many occasions.

And again if you think goy is an insult then you only prove what you really are.


Now it’s become the porn topic? I’m outta here,stay safe:


Cry to Iran and Hezbollah that put you at risk, not our fault.


The IDF is only doing what it was formed to do, and that is to terrorise non jewish civilians in the vain hope that the civilians will kneel before the israel.

The problem is that as every IDF warcrime passes, so does the visceral hatred toward zionists everywhere increase.


What do you know about war? I saw with my own eyes civilians tied to a booby trapped IED in Gaza, in order for them to blow up on IDF forces. So shut the fuck up, I have lost friends who gave up their lives to save Palestinians, from your Hamas monsters.


Nice imaginary fantasies


To you and the rest of the idiots here, Hamas are some kind of heroes. I saw exactly what they did in Gaza, once they even filled a dead horse with explosives anything to hit us. You need to be happy you don’t have to deal with scums like that, otherwise they would have eaten you alive. Rest assured that when we change our leadership and we get a greenlight to enter, we will teach those piece of shits another lesson like in 2014, Gazans would only thank us for that.


No one here likes Hamas. They’re the same breed of takfiri terrorist scum as the Wahhabis are. What we dont like is the blatant double standard of Israel when it promotes sectarian violence abroad and SJW transgender prostitute propaganda.

Diana Cornwell

@You military types,

Why are Putin and the Russians allowing their allies the Syrians to be killed this way?

Don’t the Russians have all those sophisticated missiles and planes that can prevent this?

No-one ever talks about this conundrum where I am. You people here are supposed to know, right?


because you are FALSE ACCOUNT, that’s why!

Diana Cornwell

Sorry, I shouldn’t have addressed one such as you below. I don’t want to hear anything further from one such as you. Go away please.


nah you just feck off to greener pastures beyond and don’t show your ugly face here again. a service to to this particular interest group.

Diana Cornwell

So this is a strictly Russian/Iranian space on the web where you are free to hate and insult everybody else? You Russians and Iranians are despicable. And you’re only telling lies to yourselves: Russians are in bed with the Turks. They are betraying Iranians, Armenians and Syrians now. The Russians will stab in the back the Turks soon enough. I was watching on European TV how Putin betrayed his own Russian sailors and murdered them by refusing British help to save the Russian servicemen stuck in that sunken Russian nuclear submarine. You people are awful.


Exactly … these louts are holding their dicks and can’t answer YOU …





tzatz thtzatzt is that you? :)

Servet Köseoğlu

No,reminds me Arman Melkonyan reloaded..xD


No … but nice try


Oh great, another one of those crusaders showing up online after she found ‘The Truth’ on some Facebook meme page or some shit.

Listen, you aren`t fooling anyone. Most users here have been around for years, we know this war inside out. So here`s a friendly advice. Save yourself some time, go take care of you familly, or go wank elsewhere, because every bit of deceitful trash you`ll post here will be ineffective, guaranteed.


Agreed … why allow this?

The invincible S-300 or S-400 or S-500 are toys compared to Israeli technology … hello?


Always funny to watch you psycho talk to your own sock puppet. Disturbing.


Talking to yourself again? F/k off

Diana Cornwell

Thanks for saying something without resorting to personal attacks like those others.

So you are suggesting Putin and the Russians actually fired their missiles in anger against the Israeli jets but they are incapable of hitting them? Or are you saying that Russians do not use them because they know that they are ineffective against Israeli technology? Lastly, are the Russians on better terms with Israel than they are with Iran and Syria? Thanks for clarifying.


Russians aren’t manning the anti-missile systems …. SAA recruits are … that would be my understanding … these recruits are poorly trained and poor motivated … they see Syria is a sinking ship

Israel has technology to jam / get around the anti-missile systems

Russia wants Assad or any pliable leader in place to keep their ‘winnings secure’ …

Israel is determined to fight Iranian entrenchment … attacks are ongoing

Russia sits between these two poles … not liking Iranian entrenchment but not willing to stop them AND Israeli attacks on Iranian positions as long as Assad / Russia are not harmed

It’s a mess …. since Syria is a failed state

Diana Cornwell

Thanks for the response. But you haven’t explained whether the Russians could shoot down Israeli jets if they wanted to. What’s your opinion on that? Are the Russians missiles manned by Russian operators capable of scoring hits on Israeli or US/NATO jets? Are the Russians afraid that even their latest stuff is ineffective against Israeli tech? They don’t want the world to find that out perhaps?


Russia ‘could’ BUT Russia isn’t at war with Israel … full stop

Russians aren’t after Israelis or Americans … that’s OBVIOUSLY a ‘red line’ for Israel and the Americans

Russian tech is cheaper … and American / Israeli technology can overcome it … that’s my ‘take’

Of course, Russian tech just as Israeli tech can be defeated … BUT SAA troops are inferior in every ‘metric’ to American and Israeli troops

Diana Cornwell

Agreed. There is only mutual respect and cooperation between Russians and Israelis, and Americans even. Racially, culturally and pragmatically speaking, it couldn’t be otherwise. Despite the nonsensical ‘antisemitism’ discrepancy, there isn’t much “Semitic” about you guys who are descended from a certain tribe from the southern parts of today’s Ukraine.


Jews aren’t descended from a certain tribe from southern parts of today’s Ukraine … eh?

Semitic is a language group … btw

Diana Cornwell

Well, most of those who call themselves Jews today do not have much Semitic blood. The Arabs do. Most of you guys are Eastern European stock. Khazarians, I believe that’s what they call you. Look at yourself in the mirror: do you look like an Arab or a so-called Palestinian? Isn’t it a fact that the overwhelming majority of today’s Israeli population migrated there from Europe?


Jews look like what they look like … hello?

Jews are Black / Brown / White et al

More than 50% of Israelis are Mizrachi … so what?

We’re a Brotherhood / Sisterhood of Jews …. full stop


Diana Cornwell

That’s what I was referring to.


No … YOU were referring to Jews being Khazars … a preposterous idea

Me&Myself None

Because Putin is a puppet of the zionist regime.


The New Normal:

Israel = Massacre

in the news.

Saso Mange

If this happened in Tel Aviv whole world would cry crocodile tears. Such hypocrisy and enormous double standards. I wont shed a tear if Israeli civilians start suffering because they have no ear for what Israel does to its surrounding countries and occupied people. I pray for Syria to find strength and retaliate for this terrorist attack. IDF is first state sponsored terror army. It’s legacy are Irgun, Hagana and other terror groups. We can see that entity which was made by terror knows only of terror. Zionist scumbags murdering children is all they can and when Hezbollah attacks them they cry like they are most innocent ppl in this world. Death to zionism!


Laughable …. Syria would be destroyed if they retaliate … hello?

This ain’t about children … this is about Islamic supremacism … hello?

The adults is Syria / Iran / Lebanon / Gaza are in charge … hiding behind children … f/k them


Syria isn`t Islamic Supremacism, its a secular country. Get your shit straight you fucking semite parasite. This website is immune to hasbarat fuckery, so you might as well go spread your filth somewhere else.


Syria was … it’s a failed state

It’s a warlord entity … Assad rules very little

SouthFront is / was an echo chamber for slavs & shia scum

Enjoy your punk dreams

Jim Allen

Syria had the second highest standard of living in the Middle East, (that’s higher than the fake State of Israel, you putz) until The Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal directed US Coalition to give Syria “Freedom.” A prosperous, well educated, modern, low-unemployment, secular country. With a freely elected President that is loved by the people. Far from a “failed State,” further from having an “evil dictator.” There is no Civil War, Western intelligence(?) (LOL contradiction in terms) created their own pet enemies to fight their never ending war of….er, on I mean, terror. al CIAeda, and ISIS. Thoughtfully providing a number of fake titles, with fake flags of fake terrorist organisations to change to as needed to give the fake illusion of more pet enemies US military must “defeat” as a pretense to invade countries to perform “regime change,” installing a Western friendly puppet Government to oversee the theft of the countries resources. You poor stupid slob, your whole existence is fake as fuck. Your life is pretending to be something you’re not, some things you’ve never been, and can never be. It’s that you Zionist Khazar Atheists, actually pretend you’re God’s chosen one’s, when it’s impossible for you to be. What God would have those that have no God be His chosen ones ? God didn’t designate Godless arrogant sociopaths, and lunatics the authority to rule over his children. As Royalty, or Demi-Gods, you’re equals, and that’s at best. There is one species of human beings on earth, and so far as is known, the universe. Your ethnicity is unremarkable, ordinary, shallow, and superficial. Your greatest accomplishment is to have made yourselves the second most hated people on earth, and the regional terrorist organization, and supporter of terrorism. You’re toxic, and should have a Government warning placard affixed.


BS … a hate screed

Assad was / is / will continue to be a vile leader of the Assad Crime Family … his rule is maintained by ‘thought’ control / an effective police state grip on a servile population

What began as ‘popular protests’ for change in 2011 morphed into a full scale war … Assad’s repression / violent reprisals led to more and more jihad

Blame Israel? lol

Blame Jews? lol

Whatever YOU are … you’re the f/kn enemy … I need you DEAD … full stop

Lone Ranger

Well said. Hear hear.

Joakim Normen

Why does SouthFront refer to Israhelli Occupation Forces as Israeli Defense Forces? Say it like it is!


Israel Defence Forces … say it correctly slug


The simple truth is:

Israel’s IAF attacked ONLY IRGC / Shia Brigades positions in Hama … and hit everyone of their targets

The 4 Syrians killed were NOT targeted by the IAF …. hello?

Had the IAF sought to kill civilians in Hama … 100’s or 1000’s would have died … hello?

The weaponry used are GPS accurate … the deaths are the result of inept SAA recruits using anti-missile weaponry they have no idea on how to use effectively … full stop

Israel ain’t going away … they’re here to stay

There is only one way forward … accept Israel and make full peace on its terms or continue to resist and die in ever greater numbers …

The Big one is approaching …

The Future is About to Land …


Good goy. Your shekels are waiting in the mail box.


goy … I’m flattered


So whats new? and what is anyone going to do about it?


And fat gullible Americans worry about a fake virus while watching ‘friends’ using American weapons wage unnecessary wars. Under American law if a person helps with a murder they are just as guilty as the perp. So how is this different?

Jens Holm

Thats only partly correct and not for each and everyone, but they are more strict then we are in Denmark.

They use conspirity just as many in Islam blame the whole family for a crime done by one person. In Islam its often graduated too. Here we fx find the socalled “HONOR” traume version with revenge too.

The guilt here is defined for and against which side You are.


It was a Syrian missile which hit their house and killed them, so much for being neutral huh SF?

Jens Holm

Some link is a must for an assumpsion for that.


Free Man posted it.

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