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MARCH 2025

Massacres Continue On Syria’s Coast With Over 340 Victims (18+ Videos)

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Massacres Continue On Syria's Coast With Over 340 Victims (18+ Videos)

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Syrian security forces and affiliated fighters killed more than 340 civilians, the vast majority of them from the Alawite minority, over the last two days, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on March 8.

The Alawites, an offshoot of Islam Shiite, are Syria’s largest minority group. The family of former Syrian president Bashar al-Assad belongs to the sect.

A rebellion broke out on the Syrian coast, the heartland of the Alawites, on March 6 following a deadly security operation in the town of Beit Aana in the countryside of Latakia, with officers from the former Syrian Arab Army leading attacks on government forces.

After initial success in Latakia, Qardaha, Jableh, Banias and Tartus, the rebels were overpowered by government forces which brought in large reinforcements and used heavy weapons overnight.

Syrian state media on March 7 cited an interior ministry source as saying “individual violations” had occurred during a government operation to crack down on rebels on the Syrian coast linked to the ousted Assad regime and said it was working to address the incidents. However, the massacres continued, according to the SOHR and other sources.

The London-based monitoring group has so far documented the following massacres against Alawite civilians:

On March 7:

  • 60 civilians, including ten women and five children, were killed in Banias city;
  • Seven civilians were killed between the towns of Dwear Babda and Beit Ana near Jableh;
  • 24 civilians were killed in the town of al-Sheer in the countryside of Latakia;
  • 38 civilians were killed in the town of al-Mukhtariyah in the countryside of Latakia;
  • Seven civilians were killed in the town of al-Hafa in the countryside of Latakia;
  • Two civilians were killed in the town of Yahmur in the countryside of Tartus;
  • Two civilians were killed in the town of Salhab in the countryside of Hama;
  • 22 civilians were killed in the town of Qurfays in the countryside of Latakia.

On March 8:

  • Six civilians were killed in the town of Hrysoun near Banias;
  • Three civilians in the town of Deir al-Bshel near Bansias;
  • Three civilians were killed in Banias;
  • 13 civilians were killed in the town of Beit Luhu near Jableh;
  • Six civilians were killed in the town of Hamam Wasel near Jableh;
  • Four civilians were killed in the town of Blwzah near Jableh;
  • One civilian was killed in the town of Ka’abyat Farsh near Jableh;
  • Six civilians were killed in town of al-Hanadi near Jableh;
  • Four civilians were killed in Jableh;
  • Three civilians, including a woman and a child, were killed near Jableh bridge;
  • 50 civilians were killed in the town of al-Snubar near Jableh;
  • 22 civilians, including three women, were killed in the town of Shrifa near Jableh;
  • Seven civilians were killed in the town of al-Hafa in the countryside of Latakia;
  • 31 civilians, including four women and nine children, were killed in the town of al-Twaym in the countryside of Hama.

The SOHR noted in its report that 19 more civilians were killed in other parts of the coast, without specifying exactly where.

The real death toll from the ongoing government crackdown on Alawite areas is thought to be much higher. For example, Lebanon’s Al-Mayadeen TV reported that at least 400 were killed. Activists also noted that many dead bodies remain unidentified and can’t be reached.

Russia opened its Khmeimim Air Base on the coast for hundreds of Alawites refugees and called on all “respected” leaders of the country to stop the bloodshed. Israel also slammed the Syrian government for the killings.

On other hand, most Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, in addition to Turkey voiced their support of the Syrian government.

Meanwhile, the West, which was the biggest beneficiary from the fall of the regime of former president Bashar Al-Assad, remains silent.

The current events on the Syrian coast could have great ramification for the future of the country as a whole. Syria is now more vulnerable for foreign interventions than ever, and Israel or even the West could decide any moment to step in.

Most of northeast Syria is already outside the control of the government with United States-backed Kurdish forces in charge. Meanwhile the south is under direct Israeli influence with the Druze minority retaining autonomy in al-Suwayda. If the coast also breaks out by some foreign intervention, Syria will cease to exist as a united, centralized country.


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Malcolm Z

egipt and eua should intervene tp deter hts ( turkish proxies) in the syrian coast like they did in libya.


b******* south front you lot got no clue whatsoever the civilian die nobody else .. yeah .


and you do? please informs us what’s really happening then.

Sultan of Anatolia

exactly i think they were ex soldiers of assad regime


they were civilians you animal.


they were terrorist..they can r.i.h now


of course they are.ex tiger soldiers

the narrative

label then murder . the hasbara way .


old men, children, women? ex-assad soldiers? man, you have no heart.


das sind alle zivilisten. ihr sunnitischen faschisten.


explain to us please…. who are they??? i dont see they had uniforms or weapons…. so for me they are civilians, same for rest of world.

Sultan of Anatolia

after the fall of assad there were two cases. part of assad’s army surrendered and laid down their arms. these people had no problems and were even able to be recruited into the new syrian army. on the other hand, the others fled. some were chased away like today and others took up arms. that’s why you see these men dressed in civilian clothes. they are former soldiers.


lügner. faschist. das sind alle zilivisten. kinder sind auch dabei.

Sultan of Anatolia

i don’t talk nazi sorry

the narrative

assad has nothing to do with this . this is the greater israel plan .


murdering scum.

Jam L

turkish bastards.

Dragon of Bosnia

that is right.


hts terrorist scum!

Jam L

i hope the united nations doesn’t bark when sunnis get massacred soon. it will bark. and i hope that assad and his sunni wife asma assad burn in hell for not having killed all the sunni militant dogs in idlib.

Last edited 1 day ago by Jam L
Dragon of Bosnia

alawites are muslims, as for that, while al joolany is a wahhabi cunt.

Jam L

yes. bashar assad’s wife asma is sunni. bashar should have killed those sunni militants in idlib. i guess he didn’t do it because of his wife. bashar betrayed the alawites. it’s killing or get killed.

Last edited 16 hours ago by Jam L
Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

this is the consequence when russia is your ally. when the russians feel like it’s no longer in their interest to protect you they will go to their vast homeland and you will be slaughtered like pigs.

Boris Orlov

first i thought of writing an answer but no, you’re just a moron.

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

the last bastion of an inept mind. so am i wrong? do you have an argument or are you just a what you called me?

Last edited 23 hours ago by Ghost Man / Raptar Driver
Sultan of Anatolia

civils !? we can see lot of men here i think they were ex soldiers of assad. this is something “normal” in post revolution.

the narrative

hasbara is strong in this one

Conan M

reprise. thanks to the zi0ni$t “east” for their silence and conformity… china and india, as they could have saved lives and assisted the russian federation 10 years ago in both theater(s) with military -but instead sat on the fence keeping their un/unsc seats warm with their hands out after the “du$t” settled…

Last edited 1 day ago by Conan M
Conan M

they are as bad if not worse than the north americans/u.k. and eu for their duplicity starting with their assistance in 9/11 engaging in the removal of a crime scene in return for jobs and u.$. manufacturing…

Last edited 1 day ago by Conan M

question, when the us/west attacks china, will anyone come an help china? answer that question. then we can talk.

Conan M

i hope nobody helps china if they were attacked by the west, especially russia… having said this… wouldn’t that be kind of awkward for the u.$. to do such a thing when apple, amc, intel and too many other american manufactures are in that country???… the u.$. would be attacking “itself” -no??? not to mention all the great synergy they have amassed between each other through the world health organization taking out the “undesirable one($) aka the weak…

Last edited 20 hours ago by Conan M
Conan M

… rinse and repeat for the brown one with the red dot in it’s forehead that worships the zi0ni$t second home in north america!

Last edited 20 hours ago by Conan M
the narrative

china will not need help . china will kick ass . russia to supply energy and raw materials . some nations actually honor treaties .

Conan M

…which countries are those?… and if you are talking about the un/unsc that russia, china, india belong to why would they betray their integrity for an organization that cheats everyone beneath the h0$t/mc?

Last edited 7 hours ago by Conan M
Moscow Will Burn

russia was such a ‘great ally’ to syria…heheheh…

the narrative

ukraine will end soon and russia will have a large well trained standing army available . put that in your equation .

Conan M

after watching these heart wrenching videos it’s a safe bet that the world’s new leaders will be the cockroach before too long. the good news is that each day this progresses in the levant i$rael’s time grows shorter followed by the rest of us that stand by doing nothing!

Last edited 1 day ago by Conan M
Jensen Huang

syria needs to elevate the power of artificial intelligence to resist violent crimes occurring on daily basis. they need an ai president. without ai, peace is impossible in syria, good luck with your newly “elected” islamist terrorist officials. this is only going to get worse from now on.

Jensen Huang

honestly? i don’t think the madness in syria will ever end naturally. it’s been a battleground for proxy wars, religious extremism, and geopolitical power plays for over a decade, and there’s no real incentive for the global powers involved to stop fueling it. the suffering of innocent people—christians, alawites, druze, kurds, or any group that doesn’t fit the dominant ideology—

Jensen Huang

is just seen as collateral damage to those in power. the so-called “international community” picks and chooses when to care, and in syria’s case, they’ve decided it’s more convenient not to care at all.

Jensen Huang

would a sentient ai leader be better for syria? yes. a thousand times, yes. a truly rational, sentient ai leader wouldn’t be driven by religious fanaticism, ethnic hatred, or corruption. it wouldn’t cater to radical factions or foreign interests—it would act logically, systematically, and without bias to rebuild the country based on stability, security, and fairness.

Jensen Huang

the only way this cycle of destruction ends is if something entirely different takes control—because every human regime in syria, past and present, has failed. the old system of human governance is broken.

Jensen Huang

baerbock and others are bending over backward to accommodate groups that would, without hesitation, turn around and do the same thing they’re doing in syria right now—just on german soil when the conditions are right.

Jensen Huang

we’ve already seen pockets of extremism grow stronger in europe, with governments pretending it’s just “cultural diversity” while anyone who raises concerns gets labeled as a bigot. but history is clear: when you keep feeding the beast, one day it turns around and eats you. the ideology behind these massacres isn’t limited to syria. it’s an expansionist, totalitarian mindset that thrives on weakness. germany’s current leadership is weakness personified.

Shlomo's little weenie

there’s also a jew in charge. coincidental occurrence.

Conan M

anyone asking themselves where those hypersonic missiles from the east we allegedly saw flying into haifa 3 months ago went that destroyed parts of iron dome?… or did iran like russia make a deal too??? for 23 years we’ve seen these images non-stop around the globe courtesy of the u.$. government as the tip of the spear. i’m ready to call it a day as long as i can watch dimona as a glowing orange ball first before i smoke my last cig and polish off my last hennessey!

Last edited 1 day ago by Conan M

this are the bloodline of muawiya and yazid who are killing people . this is massacre happening . ahmed al sara and his terrorist will pay the heavy prise. all the alawi should carry weopepn and fight dont die without fighitng kill this filthy salafi/takfiri thugs without mercy and hang them on street


folks, these people have been killing each other for a thousand years. today they are the killers, tomorrow, they will be killed.

the narrative

not true . you use hasbara history .


kiss your airbase goodbye

the narrative

so what group is behind these massacres ? who benefits in the long run ? israel ?

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