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MARCH 2025

Massive Drone Attack On Russian Rear Regions On March 9, 2024 (Map Update)

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Massive Drone Attack On Russian Rear Regions On March 9, 2024 (Map Update)

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  • 4 Ukrainian UAVs were shot down in the Belgorod region;
  • 2 Ukrainian UAVs were shot down in the Kursk region;
  • 3 Ukrainian UAV were shot down in the Volgograd region;
  • 41 Ukrainian UAVs were shot down in the Rostov region.

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The Geopolitical Blogger

are these the terorist attacks the usa embassy warned about? idk, but what i do know is that ru should start to play hardball. it’s time.


well, the military chiefs of the occident in the frontier territory, now, need more than 30.000/month… you can account, no?


long time ago, but that’s arussian call. after all, they know what they are.doing… at.this point ukroland should cease to exist but that’s not the russian plan. if they achieve to become chechenia in one of the most loyal regions of the federation, in stead of the differences between slavs and chechenians in only 8 years i can imagine they can reconstruct the ties with the ukros, who are basically russian slavs with another name, even faster after the capitulation of kiev.


lol almost 50 crappy u.s drones destroyed. so cos to be an american taxpayer.


sucks* to be an american taxpayer.

Massa John

not even worth to mention it. tschassow jar is next…

_Tom Sawyer_

only the finest terrorists the global terrorcurrency us dollar can buy. our drones are flocking like the illegals through our southern border.

heil biden!

Kev not Kiev

omfg, tom, what a great idea. use fpv drone strikes on the illegal criminals on the mexican side, before they make it across. that will start a new narrative on the border that will surely trigger the communists in the white house.


russian offensive stalled again, donetsk will come under full russian control in 2029, we are witnessing a complete waste of manpower and equipment, don’t push a static front with only frontal assaults, russian generals and their government are indeed retarded


it’s true is it. the only retard is you. try to keep up with the latest developments at the front and take your head out of msm corporate ass that way you won’t write pure utter crap comments…capiche!


“it’s true” is it. the only retard is you. try to keep up with the latest developments at the front and take your head out of msm corporate ass that way you won’t write pure utter crap comments…capiche!

Kev not Kiev

tell that to the families of 700k dead ukronazis, and a million crippled… 40,000 pieces of burnt nazi er nato war equipment. oh reet, you don’t have a fukken clue what a war of attrition actually looks like cause your head is up your butt…


they’re not retarded they just move in long slow plans hoping to kill as many ukes and as few russians as possible.


can we stop calling those ukrainian drones? are there even ukrainians involved in the drone war at all? i am sure they are busy enough to fend of the russians in donbas so that the drone war is fully done by poles or brits.

Kev not Kiev

bingo. you sir, are correct. the ukrainians use fpvs well, but not a chance can they strike the russian rear without nato satillites and specialists.

tomsawyer saxon

we amerikunts become more desperate as russian victory now cannot be denied


we amerikunt desperate bribe tiny islands in pacific 7 billion$$$ to station lgbt amerikan military there


putin ,shoigu and gerasimov are high risk for russia.uav are launch from kazakstan,poland nd black sea nato warships.attack all launching point or else another russian warships will be sink.ukraine does not have satelite intellegence information.the current nato exercise launch all the uav.weall will die lies and nosense must stop.before their take you down like sadam and gadaffi.double face putin.


how does nato know that currently russia will be attack.putin you cause big russian military mens life with you should from the yard dont go outside military stupid strategy.call back general amagedon or wake up prigozin or handover to medvedev and take your useless two generals shoigu and gerasimov and go visit shoshi or stupid erdogan whom you so please to be in his good books.


medvedev is a pro western guy he allways was. he is just playing now the tough guy cause it will make him popular.

jens holm

a massive lego attack by lgbt in my nursing home

Kev not Kiev

nothing worse than stepping on lgbt lego in the middle of the night while trying to make it to the loo to change yer diaper at the nursing home.

gestapo mcstupid

lego staaks…

von stupenberg

we announce that my replacement as nato director of lgbt affairs will be jens holm

AM Hants

talking of the drone attacks on russia. over on the daily demon, they are saying about one of the oil production facilities in yamal, siberia being taken out. believing ukraine was behind it. however, siberia is over 2,700 miles from ukraine. so if the story is true, with hato exercises all around russia, who was involved in the story, if in fact it is true?

AM Hants

not long before the russian elections, so what false flags have hato got planned? no doubt the mainstream will go into full capacity hysteria up until then.


just imagine if the us would have gotten lucky with their coup attempts in belarus and kasakhsatan before the war. russia would be in an three front war while the west would just deliver weapons and intel to all three. but even with just one third of the plan working for the usa it still hurts russia at the expense of ukraine and europe. while the usa, china and india are just counting the money they earn and looking forward to devide the world without russia at the table.

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